Download ppt - Infection Control

  • Infection ControlWanda Opland Health Careers Instructor


  • ObjectivesDefine, pronounce, and spell the key termsDifferentiate between antisepsis, disinfection, and sterilizationDemonstrate aseptic hand washingDemonstrate how to don and remove an isolation mask, gloves, and gownIdentify the five ways microorganisms are spread of infection

  • Define OSHA and explain the agencys role in safetyList conditions which enhance growth of microorganisms

  • MicroorganismsOrganisms which can only be seen by a microscopeTo LiveWarm temperaturemoisturedarkness

  • Anaerobicmicroorganisms which live in an environment without oxygenAerobic microorganisms which needs oxygen to live

  • Nonpathogenica microorganism that does not cause diseasePathogenica microorganism which is disease producing

  • Pathogenic MicroorganismsBacteriacan be treated with antibioticsVirusessmaller than bacteriacannot be treated with bacteria

  • Pathogenic MicroorganismsProtozoalarger than virus, grow within host cellFungilow form of plant life, includes mold & yeast

  • Pathogen and diseaseToxinssome microorganisms produce poisons (toxins) that affect the body

  • How Microorganisms SpreadDirect Contacttransmitted directly from one person to anotherIndirect contacttransferred from one object to another

  • How Microorganisms SpreadAirbornecarried in the airOral routeenters body through water, food dirty handsInsects and Pestspicked up on insects and pests and transferred

  • Signs and SymptomsGeneralizedinvolves the entire bodyLocalizedinvolves a single site

  • AsepsisAsepsisfree from or keeping away disease producing microorganismsMedical Asepsisto destroy the environment that allows pathogens to live, breed, and spreadAseptic techniquemethods used to make the environment, worker, and as germ free as possible

  • Aseptic Techniques to prevent spread of diseaseCross infectioncaused by infecting the patient with a new microorganism from another patient or health care workerReinfectioninfection with the same microorganism that caused the original illness

  • Aseptic Techniques to prevent spread of diseaseSelf-innoculationinfection by the patients own organismsAn illness passing from the patient to the health care worker or from worker to patient

  • Aseptic TechniqueEmployees to be neat and cleanProper handling of all equipmentUse sterile procedure when necessary

  • Aseptic TechniqueUse proper cleaning solutionsBacteriostatic solutions: slow or stops the growth of microorganismsBactericidal solutions: Kills microorganismsHand washingUniversal precautions

  • Universal PrecautionsPrecautions that protect the patient/client, co-workers, and community from infectionUniversal Precautions

  • Universal PrecautionsUniversal Precautions TechniquesWear gloves whentouching bloodtouching mucous membranesperforming veinipuncturetouching body fluids of any kind

  • Body Fluidsvaginal fluids or semencerebrospinal fluidpleural fluid (fluid around lung)pericardial fluid (fluid around heart)synovial fluid (fluid in the joints)amniotic fluid (fluid around the fetus)placenta tissuesaliva with blood in it

  • Wash hands after glove removalProtect clothing with apron or gown when splashing of blood or body fluids is possibleDiscard needles or other sharps in puncture-resistant container Do not recap needles or work with needles before disposalWaste and soild linen must be handled with care

  • Controlling the spread of infectionsSterilizemake free from all living organismsDisinfectionprocess of freeing from microorganisms by physical or chemical meansAutoclavessterilizers which use steam underpressure to kill all organisms

  • Isolation PrecautionsIsolationcondition of having limited contact with othersProtective Isolationguarding workers and visitors from dangerReverse Isolationguarding the patient from danger

  • Types of IsolationRespiratory Isolationprotection from airborne dropletsSkin and wound Isolationprotection from open wounds, skin drainage

  • Types of IsolationEnteric Isolationsolid body wastesStrict Isolationcomplete protectionBlood and body fluids
