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ISSN No : 2230-7850

International MultidisciplinaryResearch Journal

Indian Streams

Research Journal

Executive EditorAshok Yakkaldevi


Vol 4 Issue 4 May 2014

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Page 3: Indian Streams Research Journal - Amazon S3 Streams Research Journal ISSN 2230-7850 Volume-4 | Issue-4 | May-2014 Available online at OPTIMIZATION OF WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPE NETWORK

Indian Streams Research Journal ISSN 2230-7850Volume-4 | Issue-4 | May-2014Available online at


Abstract:-Water is the most essential commodity required to maintain life. Water supplies in general and water distribution networks in particular have been a part of the modern living. Out of the total expenditure incurred on different facilities of water supply system, the expenditure incurred on the distribution network is maximum. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the water distribution network. Optimization involves the tradeoff between the performance and cost of the network. There are several approaches for optimization of water distribution network. Many researchers have applied genetic algorithm for the optimization of water distribution networks which has proven to be efficient over the traditional optimization techniques.

Genetic algorithm search begins with a set of potential solutions and changing them during several iterations. The Genetic Algorithm tends to converge on the most 'fit' solutions. The process begins with a set of potential solutions or chromosomes (usually in the form of bit strings of binary numbers) that are randomly generated or selected. The entire set of these chromosomes comprises a population. The chromosomes evolve during several iterations or generations. New generations (offspring) are generated using the crossover and mutation techniques. Crossover involves splitting two chromosomes and then combining or exchanging randomly selected bits of one chromosome with the other in a pair. Mutation involves flipping a single bit of a chromosome. The chromosomes are then evaluated using a certain fitness criteria and the best ones are kept while others are discarded. This process repeats until one chromosome has the best fitness and thus taken as the best solution of the problem.

In the present paper, the genetic algorithm model was developed in to find out optimum cost of the water distributing network. The applicability of the developed genetic algorithm model is discussed in this paper with a case study on water distribution network of Jaragnagar area of Kolhapur city, Maharashtra.

Keywords:-Water distribution network, pipe network analysis, Genetic algorithm.


Next to air, water is the most essential commodity required to maintain life. The present uses of water are varied and may be classified as domestic, public, commercial and industrial. Water is provided to many communities through water distribution pipe networks. Thus, water distribution networks have been a part of the modern living. Out of the total expenditure incurred on different facilities of water supply system, the expenditure incurred on the distribution network is maximum. Therefore, it is necessary to design the water distribution network properly and optimize the water distribution network.

Several researchers have reported conventional algorithms for optimizing the cost through the application of mathematical techniques, such as linear, non-linear or dynamic programming. The major limitations of these techniques are rigidity, difficulties in representing the heterogeneous systems and their computational in-efficiency when number of variables


Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 4 | May 2014 | Online & Print

1 2V.P. Patil and S.D. Gorantiwar

1Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Department of Farm Structures and Electrification, Dr.A.S. College of Agril.Engg.,Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidhyapeeth,Rahuri, Dist: Ahmednagar (MS)

2Professor of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Department of IDE, Dr.A.S. College of Agril.Engg.,Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidhyapeeth,Rahuri, Dist: Ahmednagar (MS)


Page 4: Indian Streams Research Journal - Amazon S3 Streams Research Journal ISSN 2230-7850 Volume-4 | Issue-4 | May-2014 Available online at OPTIMIZATION OF WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPE NETWORK


is more. Also, many conventional optimization techniques result in a local optimum which is dependent on the starting point in the search process. Hence, there is a need to develop appropriate optimization technique which would be applicable for pipe distribution network. Genetic algorithms (GA) are nature based stochastic computational techniques. The major advantages of these algorithms are their broad applicability, flexibility and their ability to find optimal or near optimal solutions with relatively modest computational requirements. Genetic algorithms, pioneered by Holland (1975), have proven useful in a variety of search and optimization problems in engineering, science and commerce (Goldberg, 1989). Simpson (1994) presented a methodology for optimizing pipe networks using genetic algorithms. They found that the genetic algorithm technique finds the global optimum in relatively few evaluations compared to the size of the search space. Chen (1997) investigated the improvement in conventional genetic algorithms for the task of irrigation optimization by introducing two cross over approaches: sequence crossover and homo-crossover for the Shijing Irrigation Networks which is located in China. Gupta (1998) developed the methodology based on genetic algorithm for lower cost design of new and augmentation of existing water distribution networks. Dandy developed an improved GA formulation for pipe network optimization. The case study results indicated that the improved GA performs significantly better than the simple GA. Wardlaw and Sharif (1999) demonstrated that GAs provide robust and acceptable solutions to the four-reservoir deterministic finite-horizon problem, and can reproduce the known global optimum. Stewart developed special purpose genetic algorithm for the class of spatial planning problems in which different land uses have to be allocated across a geographical region, subject to a variety of constraints and conflicting management objectives. Ting-chao et al.(2005) developed macroscopic nodal pressure model and the model of relationship between supply flow and water source head by using genetic algorithm. Thus, the GAs have wide applications in obtaining the optimum solutions in water related problems.


Genetic algorithms are a stochastic heuristic search method whose mechanisms are based upon simplification of evolutionary processes observed in nature as proposed by in Darwin's theory of evolution. Genetic algorithms operate on a population of solutions rather than a single solution. Since, they operate on more than one solution at once; genetic algorithms are typically good at both the exploration and exploitation of the search space.

Genetic algorithm search begins with a set of potential solutions and changing them during several iterations. The Genetic algorithm hopes to converge on the most 'fit' solution. The process begins with a set of potential solutions or chromosomes (usually in the form of bit strings of binary numbers) that are randomly generated or selected. The entire set of these chromosomes comprises a population. The chromosomes evolve during several iterations or generations. New generations (offspring) are generated using the crossover and mutation techniques. Crossover involves splitting two chromosomes and then combining randomly selected bits of one chromosome with the other in a pair. Mutation involves flipping a single bit of a chromosome. The chromosomes are then evaluated using a certain fitness criteria and the best ones are kept while others are discarded. This process repeats until one chromosome has the best fitness and thus taken as the best solution of the problem. This process is illustrated in the Figure 1 below.

Optimization Of Water Distribution Pipe Network By Genetic Algorithm

2Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 4 | May 2014

Initialize the population

Select individuals for mating

Mate individuals to produce off spring

Mutate offspring

Insert offspring into population

Evaluate the population for



No Are stooping criteria satisfied?


Page 5: Indian Streams Research Journal - Amazon S3 Streams Research Journal ISSN 2230-7850 Volume-4 | Issue-4 | May-2014 Available online at OPTIMIZATION OF WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPE NETWORK


Fig 1. Flowchart for optimization by GA


The genetic algorithm model was developed in to find out optimum cost of the water distributing sub-network of Jaragnagar area of Kolhapur city(Figure 2). The data of this sub-network are presented in Tables 1 to 3 and the network is presented in the Figure 2. Nodal details are given in Table 4.This network consists of 15 pipes and 12 nodes. Constraint on minimum nodal pressure is 10m. Water is supplied through a over head water tank of 15m height at node No.1. The coefficient of roughness for the pipes is 0.005. The population size of the solutions used for the GA based algorithm is 20. The pipe diameters are the decision variables and form the bits of the string. They have been generated randomly within the range 0.05 to 0.5m. The pipe details of the best solutions obtained through GA technique are presented in Table 5.

Table 1.The pipe network details for loop '0’

Table 2. The pipe network details for loop '1' and '2’

Table 3.The pipe network details for loop '3'

3Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 4 | May 2014



Pipe No. Peak Flow


Length of the


Loop. No. Pipe No. Peak Flow


Length of the



1- 2 92.52 160


3 -1 0 31.5

2 -10 3.618 31.5

10 -3 3.618 150.5



Pipe No. Peak Flow


Length of the


Loop. No. Pipe No. Peak Flow


Length of the



2 - 4 179.952 65


5 - 6 15.894 77

4 - 5 17.952 30 6 -7 15.894 31

5 - 9 1.674 35 7- 8 0 21

9 -10 0.384 30 8 - 9 0.84 65

10 -2 3.618 31.5 9 - 5 1.674 35



Pipe No. Peak Flow


Length of the




Pipe No. Peak Flow


Length of




9-8 0.840 65


12 -11 0 56

8 -7 0 21 11- 3 0 168

7- 12 15.894 378 3 - 10 3.618 130.5

10 - 9 0.384 30

Optimization Of Water Distribution Pipe Network By Genetic Algorithm

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Table 4. Node elevations for the pipe network

Fig 2. Network map


The genetic algorithm model developed in was used to find out optimum cost of the water distributing sub-network of Jaragnagar area of Kolhapur city, Maharashtra. Sensitivity analysis was performed by varying generation number, cross-over probability and mutation probability as below.

Generation numbers: 500 - 1000Cross-over probability: 0.5 - 0.8Mutation probability: 0.008 - 0.03

The developed model was run for this network using these parameters.The results of the sensitivity analysis are presented in Figures 6 to 8.

Fig 3. The variation of the average costs of the network over generations for different crossover probabilities for mutation probability 0.008

4Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 4 | May 2014





Node No. Elevation (m) Node No. Elevation (m)

1. 593.00 6 583.34 11 596.55

2. 591.30 7 584.57 12 597.59

3. 593.46 8 589.50

4. 589.30 9 589.80

5. 589.21 10 590.60

1 2







1 7











Optimization Of Water Distribution Pipe Network By Genetic Algorithm

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Fig 4. The variation of the average costs of the network over generations for different crossover probabilities for mutation probability 0.01

Fig 5. The variation of the average costs the network over generations different crossover for mutation probability 0.03

Fig 6. The average costs vs GA iterations for Cross over probability 0.08 and mutation probability 0.008

It was observed that the optimum solution is obtained for cross over probability of 0.08 and mutation probability

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Optimization Of Water Distribution Pipe Network By Genetic Algorithm

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0.008. Therefore, this combination was tested for the 1000 iterations of GA. The time required to converge the genetic algorithm model after 1000th iterations was 01.07 hrs. After 1000th generation the optimum solution obtained is presented in Table 5. It was also observed that the model generates desired results for the other sub-networks of the Jaragnagar area of Kolhapur city. It was also observed from the results shown in figures that the average cost decreases as cross over probability increases. The average cost also decreases with the mutation probability.

Table 1 Optimal solution


The genetic algorithm model developed in generates the optimum cost of the water distribution network of the Jaragnagar area of Kolhapur city for cross over probability of 0.08 and mutation probability 0.008. The model can also be used to find the optimal pipe network for other distribution networks.


1.Chen Y.M.(1997) Management of water resources using improved genetic algorithms, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,18: 117-1272.Dandy G. C.,.Simpson, A. R and Murphy L. J. (1996) , An improved genetic algorithm for pipe network optimization, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 32(2): 449-458.3.Goldberg D.E. (1989) Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning. Addison-Westley Press. 4.Gupta I., Gupta A. and Khanna, P. (1999) Genetic algorithm for optimization of water distribution systems. Environment, Modelling and Software 14437-446 5.Holland J. H. (1992) Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems (2nd edn.) Univ. of Michigan Press. 6.Stewart T.J. and Janssen, R. (2004) A genetic algorithm approach to multiobjective land use planning, Computers and Operations Research, 31: 2293-23137.Ting-chao YU and Zhang, Tu-giao (2005) Optimal operation of water supply systems with tanks based on genetic algorithms, Journal of Zhejiang University Science 2005,6A(8): 886-893.8.Wardlaw R. and Sharif M.(1999) Evaluation of genetic algorithms for optimal reservoir system operation. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 125 (1) 25-33.

6Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 4 | Issue 4 | May 2014

Optimum Cost(Rs.)



0.06, 0.08, 0.105, 0.12, 0.15, 0.17, 0.205, 0.225, 0.08, 0.075, 0.075, 0.075, 0.075,

0.205, 0.075, 0.075, 0.085, 0.19, 0.085, 0.105, 0.225

Optimization Of Water Distribution Pipe Network By Genetic Algorithm

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