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India’s Location

India’s northern border starts on the southern edge of the continent of Asia. The Himalaya is a mountain system which blocks off India from the rest of Asia. This makes India a subcontinent.

India’s Climate

India’s climate, or usual weather, has monsoons, or strong winds. The winter monsoon blows in cold, dry air from the mountains. The summer monsoon brings warm, wet air from the Arabian Sea. Summer monsoons bring the rainy season.

Language Family

Around 1900 B.C., the people of the Indus Valley began to leave their cities. Soon, people called the Aryans began settling the river valley.

The Aryans came from central Asia. They were nomads, so they traveled around to find food for their herds of cattle. The Aryans were not a single race or a tribe. They were a group of people who spoke similar languages. This language family was called Indo-European


The early Aryans did not write things down when they were nomads. When they became farmers, they developed a written language called Sanskrit. Using Sanskrit, they wrote down sales and trade information.


They also wrote down songs, stories, poems, and prayers in sacred books called the Vedas.


The Aryans lived in groups, each ruled by a raja, or prince. Rajas often fought with each other over treasure and cattle.


In the Aryan society, social groups developed. They became the caste system.

A person was born into one caste and could never change to any other. The caste system had rules for almost every part of life, including marriage, work, and friendships.

The many different castes in Indian society were grouped into four classes called varnas.

Brahmins- who were priests. Kshatriyas, the warriors. They ran

the government and the army. Vaisyas, or “common” people.”

They were farmers, craftspeople, and merchants.

Sudras. They were lower-class workers and servants who had few rights. Most Indians were Sudras.

One group was too low to be part of the caste system—known as the Harijan or the untouchables.

India Vocabulary

Harappa and Mohenjo Daro– large cities along the Indus River. These cities were apart of the Harappan Civilization which was the first civilization in India

Aryan– this group of people arrived in the Indus Valley who became a dominant group in India after the Harappan Civilization.

Sanskrit—written and spoken language of the Aryans. It is no longer spoken today but it is the root language of many South Asia languages.

Vedas—collection of Aryan poems, hymns, myths, religious writings and rituals that were written by Aryan priests. Much of what we know about the Aryan civilization is from the Vedas.

India Vocabulary

Caste System– divided Indian society into groups based on a person’s birth, wealth and occupation.

Varnas—social divisions in Aryan society.

Hinduism– largest religion in India today. Created by the blending of the Vedas and other religions texts.

Major beliefs of Hinduism:

◦ A universal spirit called the Brahman created the universe and everything in it. Everything in the world is apart of the Brahman

◦ Every person has a soul that will eventually join the Brahman

◦ People’s souls are reincarnated (reborn) many times before they can join the Brahman

◦ A person’s karma (the effects that good or bad actions have on a person’s soul)affects how he or she will be reincarnated.

Three Major Hindu Gods:◦ Brahma—the Creator

◦ Siva—the Destroyer

◦ Vishnu– the Preserver

Brahma: the Creator. Four heads symbolize the four Vedas

Siva: the Destroyer is usually shown with four arms and three eyes.

•Vishnu: the Preserver is usually shown with four arms carrying a conch shell, a mace and a discuss to symbolize his power and greatness.

India Vocabulary

Sidhartha– prince in northern India who felt like something was missing; he began to ask questions about the meaning of life. He traveled across India looking for answers. Throughout his journey he would fast (go without eating) and mediate (focusing his mind on spiritual ideas). Eventually he became enlightened with during on his mediation session he realized three things about human suffering. They are:

Wanting what we like but do not have Wanting to keep what we like and already have Not wanting what we dislike but have

This realization allowed Sidhartha to be called “Buddha (Enlightened One)”

Buddhism– the religion based on the teaching of Buddha

India Vocabulary

Four Noble Truths– Guiding principles for Buddhism◦ 1.) Suffering and unhappiness is apart of human life. No one can

escape it◦ 2.) Suffering comes from our desires for pleasure and material

goods. People cause their own misery because they want things they cannot have.

◦ 3.) People can overcome their desires and ignorance and reach nirvana (state of perfect peace). Reaching nirvana would free a person’s soul from suffering and from the need for further reincarnation.

◦ 4.) People can overcome ignorance and desire by following an eightfold path that leads to wisdom, enlightenment and salvation.

Eightfold Path– ideas to follow in order to reach nirvana. They are: right thought, right intent, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration.

India Vocabulary

Mauryan Empire– Empire that is credited with

unifying India. Their armies used mercenaries (hired soldiers).

Asoka—Mauryan emperor who converted to Buddhism.

Once he converted he worked hard to spread the Buddhist teachings. He sent missionaries around Asia. Through his efforts Buddhism became one of Asia’s major religions.

India Vocabulary

Gupta Empire– Empire created 500 years after the

Mauryan Empire. The Gupta Empire reunited India again. Their leaders promoted Hinduism.