Page 1: Index to Articles in Volume II



ortion in Cows, Epizootic 37 " Epizootic 97

dominal Section Performed on a Bitch, G. E. Moffet 259 :inomyces, Morphology of the; Crookshank 279 :inomycosis, J. M'Fadyean . 1

" in a Foal, Successful Treatment of a Case of; Klemm 357 " in the Horse, A Case of; Baranski . 162

lyloid Disease in the Lower Animals, J. M'Fadyean 318 :hrax, The Diagnosis of. . .. 338 -iseptics in Veterinary Surgery, G. Sims Woodhead 126

teria, Relationship of Putrefactive to Parasitic; Hueppe and Wood 358 ck-Quarter, A Case of; James Ritchie 156

;arean Section in a Bitch, Mathis . 277 Iker of the Horse's Foot, Treatment of; Bermbach 67 diac Tonics, R. Stockman 243 tration of the Mare, Cadiot 60 " of Cryptorchids, Ostermann 1 15

tIe, The Dishorning of . J 43 The Action of Pilocarpin on . 160

ulitis in Horses, Multiple Infectious; Dieckerhoff. 69 Ifticting Professional Evidence regarding the Carcase of a Cow 335 rosive Sublimate in Suppurative Arthritis, Intra-articular Injections of; Mauri 65

htheria, The Bacillus of; Roux and Yersin 278 :omycosis Equi, J. M'Fadyean 350 omatosis in the Domesticated Animals, Bollinger 360

inococcus Cysts in the Liver of the Horse, J. M'Fadyean 347 " "of a Cow, John Roberts 157

ocarditis in a Bullock, A Case of Acute; J. M'Fadyean 348 mata in Veterinary Practice, Glycerine; Schindelka 158 'opium Operation, A Simple; Berlin 272 ine Purpura Hremorrhagica, The Treatment of . 344 'in Injection in the Treatment of Chronic Synovitis 271 ,sion of the Uterus in a Mare, H. G. Rodgers . . 355 ,ted Uterus by Means of the Elastic Ligature, Ablation of the; Moreau. 56 action of the Molar Teeth of the Horse, Thomassen 226

V Degeneration in Foals, Albrecht . . . . 273 , On Certain Pathological Conditions occurring in; A. Edington 235 vygram Prize Competition . .. 290 or Tendons in Foals, Congenital Contracture of the; Ehrle 57 ture, Two Cases of; T. Gilchrist 52

Page 2: Index to Articles in Volume II


Fracture of the Os Suffraginis, A Case of; R. C. Irving

Glanders, Diagnosis of; Straus " Protective Inoculation against; Strans " Susceptibility of the Cat to; Lissizin " Transmission of, to the Rabbit and Goat, Mesnard " Bacteriological examination of the Submaxillary Lymphatic Glands in .

Goitre in Animals, Two Cases of Exophthalmic " in the Horse, Extirpation of; N eyraud

Grouse Disease; Klein

Hremoglobinuria Equi " in Horses, Two Cases of; J. A. Hawke

Human Typhoid, A Bovine Source for the Contagion of

Infection of a Poultry-yard by a Phthisical Man, Durieux Influenza Fever, Two Outbreaks of; J. Malcolm

" of the Horse, J. M'Fadyean " and Infectious Pleuro-pneumonia, Distinctions between Equine; Cadeac

Inspection of Meat Interesting Surgical Case, A. Baird Intra-tracheal Injection of Saline Solution in Weakness of the Heart,

Motz Itch Disease of the Ox, A Peculiar; Strebel .

Laryngo-pharyngitis in the Horse, Treatment of; J elkmann

Mammitis in Cows, Infectious Catarrhal; Hess and Borgeaud Meat Inspection at the Berlin Abattoir

" Poisoning, A Case of . Micro-organism of the Dog, ANew Pathogenic; Rabe Milk Supply in Denmark, Sanitary Control of; G. Sims Woodhead Milk and Scarlatina . Muscular Spasm, A Case of Intermittent; F. T. Harvey

" Lesions in the Horse, Thomas Walley

iii PAGE



43 245

288 141



66 71 59 75

296 35

IS5 218, 291

Necrosis of the Scapula of a Horse, A Case of Total; F. Barling 352 New Pathogenic Organism of the Fowl, Klein 161

Notes on Some Interesting Cases, Thomas Walley 148 " of - " " J. M'Fadyean 253

Old Horse, A Very, J. M'Fadyean Open Joints, Treatment of j C. H. Flynn Ovariotomy of Cows, Ostertag

Parturition by the Anus in a Mare, W. A. Macgregor Pericarditis, Traumatic, and its accompanying Morbid Processes;

Bongartz Pilocarpin, Action of, on Cattle j Feser Pleuro-pneumonia, in Germany, Experiments regarding j Schutz

" " Experiments in Queensland regarding Preventive

" " " " " "

Inoculation in Bovine . Experiments in Queensland The Eradication of, from Holland j Butel and its Prevention, James M'Cali


30 9 160


Page 3: Index to Articles in Volume II



Pleuro-pneumonia of the Ox, Experimental Researches regarding the Virus of Contagious; S. Arloing. 305

Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinorum, Roth . 267 Purpura Hremorrhagica of the Horse, E. Zschokke 21

Quarter-ill, Preventive Inoculation for 264 Quittor, The Treatment of; Mauri 165

Rabies, Does recovery even take place in? Hcegyes . 359 " in the Horse, Beurnier and Bocquet 70 " The Diagnosis of, before and after Death; Nocard 240

Resorcin in Veterinary Practice, Ehrhardt 269 Reviews-

" Annual of The Universal Medical Sciences" (C. E. ~ajous) 345 "Bacteriologische und Pathologisch-Histologische Ubungen"

(Th. Kitt) . . 346 "Die Analyse der Milch" (Dr Emil Pfeiffer) 147 "Meat Inspection" (Walley) . 347 "Neuerungen und Erfindungen auf dem Gebiete der Huf-

beschlages und der Behandlung der Hufkrankheiten" QKuhn) .. 346

., The Physiology of the Domestic Animals" (Robert Meade Smith) . . . .. 146

"The Tropical Diseases of the Horse" (R. W. Burke) 147 "Veterinary Medicines" (Finlay Dun) 345

Roaring, The Surgical Treatment of . 341

Sheep-pox, Natural Immunity of Breton Sheep with regard to; Nocard . . 56

Skin Disease in the Horse, A Case of j F. T. Harvey 354 Slaughter-Houses, The Abolition of Private . 342 Snake-bite, The Treatment of j Freihner 283 Spleen in Infectious Maladies, The Role of the j Bardach 362 Sporadic Croupous Pneumonia in a Cow, Utz 61 Swine-Fever, Natural Transmission of, to the Sheep j Galtier 166 Syphilis, The Inoculation of, to the Horse j Lesin 275

Tetanus, The Equine Origin of 250 Trichina Spiralis, Examination of Flesh for the j Hertwig 356 Tubercular Disease of the Wall of the Heart of a Cow, Extensive;

J. M'Fadyean 349 " Mastitis in the Cow, J. M'Fadyean 119 " Meat in Foreign Cities, Methods of dealing with. 289

Tuberculosis, Arloing 199 " Second Congress for the Study of 290 " in Animals, On the Diagnosis of j M. P. Cagny 30 " in Calves, Two Cases of; Malvoz and Brouwier 163 " in the Cat, Two Cases of; Nocard 159 " in Poultry, R. F. Shillingford . 262 " Equine 42 " A Case of Equine; T. C. Bowie 55 " "" H. Olver 258 " in the Reptilia, Sibley . 266 " Meat Cases at Glasgow . 138 " in Saxony, Statistics regarding Bovine 286 " What is meant by General? 247

Page 4: Index to Articles in Volume II



Tuberculosis, The Prophylaxis of 276 " of the Horse 349 " Human and Bovine 364

Tuberculous Carcases at Glasgow, Important Trial regarding 180

" Cow, New Pathogenic Bacillus isolated from a; Courmont . 287

" Cows, Effect of Dilution on Milk of; Bollinger. 357 Tumours in the Horse, Three Cases of Enormous; W. Limont 50

Uterus of a Cat, Ablation of the Prolapsed; T. W. Rogers 263

Vaccination and Immunity, Anti-charbon; Gamaleia 79 Veterinary College Prize and Pass List, Edinburgh Royal 195

" " " " Glasgow 197 Virus in Tubercles and Tubercle Nodules, The Occurrence of the;

Perroncito 63


Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society 82 Midland Counties Veterinary Medical Association 84 International Veterinary Congress, Paris 369
