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  • 8/12/2019 inder mba




    On Study on Marketing Strategies Related toStudy on Marketing Strategies Related toMutual Fund at Karvy stock broking ltd.Mutual Fund at Karvy stock broking ltd.

    A Training report submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of



    Submitted by:

    Inderjeet Kaur

    MBA 3 rd Sem

    UI : !3"#$"!"%



  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    (Re !"#$ !%e #&n! '" !& !"&n )

    I de&lare that the summer training proje&t report submitted to my &ollege BABA 'A(I

    )*++A,-. In partial fulfillment for the degree of ba&helor of business administration on

    / Study on Marketing Strategies Related to Mutual Fund at Karvy stockStudy on Marketing Strategies Related to Mutual Fund at Karvy stockbroking ltd.broking ltd.

    KA(012 is a result of my o n or4 under &ontinuous guidan&e and 4ind &o5operation

    of our &ollege fa&ulty member. I ha6e not submitted this training report to any other

    uni6ersity for the a ard of degree.

    I7 -(8--T KAU(

    MBA 3 rd S-M

    UI : !3"#$"!"%


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    I ha6e prepared this proje&t ith the help of the many persons or4ing in

    the organi9ation. I &olle&ted primary data from the personnel department but se&ondary

    and supporting data as pro6ided by many others. A proje&t or4 is ne6er the or4 of a

    one person rather it is a &ombination of ideas; suggestions; 6ie s < &ontribution

    in6ol6ing 6arious fol4s.

    I ant to than4 se6eral people for their professional assistan&e. They de6oted their

    pre&ious time and rendered generous support for my resear&h and riting. I also ant to

    than4 all the person of the personnel department ho ga6e their full support in

    &ompleting my proje&t. All the persons mentioned abo6e not only helped me but also

    pro6ided guidan&e for &ompleting the proje&t by their 6ast e=perien&e and professional



  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    A'' e "e ."!e /! e "# /n


    NO1 ->-)UTI0- SUMMA(1 #2 )?A@T-( !

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    DU-STI*77AI(- Eit shd be in the endF


    6 BIB+*,(A@?1 Espelling mista4eF #

  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    E7ECUTI8E SUMMAR9( %$ %/ en:! ;en!"&ne' ; ! /. # n')

    The &ommen&ement of -5Trading and emat has transformed the &apital mar4et in India.

    Gith the help of emat and Trading a&&ount; buying and selling of shares has be&ome a

    mu&h faster and e6en pro&ess than trading ith the assistan&e of physi&al bro4er. It

    pro6ides for the assimilation of ban4; bro4er; sto&4 e=&hange and epository

    @arti&ipants. This helps to get rid of the painsta4ing pro&edure of in6esting in sto&4

    e=&hange. Today; if one ants to in6est in sto&4 mar4et; he has to &onta&t a bro4er on

    phone or meet him personally to pla&e order. A bro4er generally gi6es su&h importan&e

    and additional ser6i&e only to high net orth &ustomers. But the introdu&tion of internet

    trading; e6en a &ommon or a small in6estor gets an opportunity to a6ail the ser6i&e at an

    affordable pri&e hi&h is mu&h lesser than hat is &harged by a physi&al bro4er o6er the

    phone. *nline trading has gi6en &ustomer a real time a&&ess to a&&ount information; sto&4

    quotes elaborated mar4et resear&h and intera&ti6e trading. The prerequisites of internet

    trading are a &omputer; a modem and a telephone &onne&tion; registration ith bro4er; a

    ban4 a&&ount and depository a&&ount. The introdu&tion of depository ser6i&e is

    &onsidered as the beginning of the trading of sto&4s H&li&4. This means that you &anarrange deli6ery of s&rips sold anytime; any here to anyone by &li&4 of a mouse.

    emateriali9ation fa&ilities to 4eep the se&urities in ele&troni& form instead of paper

    form. It offers more ad6antageous than the physi&al &ertifi&ate form. espite the

    ad6antages of emateriali9ation; the a areness le6els among the in6estors relating to

    emat a&&ount is not adequate be&ause of numerous reasons.


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    KA(01 is a premier integrated finan&ial ser6i&es pro6ider; and ran4ed among the topfi6e in the &ountry in all its business segments; ser6i&es o6er "C million indi6idual

    in6estors in 6arious &apa&ities; and pro6ides in6estor ser6i&es to o6er 3CC &orporates;

    &omprising the ho s ho of )orporate India. KA(01 &o6ers the entire spe&trum of

    finan&ial ser6i&es su&h as Sto&4 bro4ing; epository @arti&ipants; istribution of

    finan&ial produ&ts li4e mutual funds; bonds; fi=ed deposit; Mer&hant Ban4ing & "!& $ L!'

    (NSDL) /n' Cen! /. Se "!"e De>& "!& $ L!' (CSDL) in !JJ . Kar6y set standards

    enabling further &omfort to the in6estor by promoting paperless trading a&ross the

    &ountry and emerged as the !&> 3 De>& "!& $ P/ !" ">/n! in the &ountry in terms of

    &ustomer ser6i&ed.

    *ffering a ide trading platform ith a dual membership at both 7S + and ) S+; e

    are a po erful medium for trading and settlement of demateriali9ed shares. Ge ha6e

    established li6e @Ms; Internet a&&ess to a&&ounts and an easier transa&tion pro&ess in

    order to offer more &on6enien&e to indi6idual and &orporate in6estors. A team of

    professional and the latest te&hnologi&al e=pertise allo&ated e=&lusi6ely to our demat

    di6ision in&luding te&hnologi&al enhan&ements li4e S@-- 5e; ma4e our response timequi&4 and our deli6ery impe&&able. A ide national net or4 ma4es our effi&ien&ies

    a&&essible to all.


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    UTI MUTU+ 'U7 :

    To be the most @referred Mutual 'und.

    O ;" "&n " !& ;/?e UTI M ! /. F n'@

    P The most trusted brand; admired by all sta4eholders.

    P The largest and most effi&ient money manager ith global presen&e.

    P The best in &lass &ustomer ser6i&e pro6ider.

    P The most preferred employer.

    P The most inno6ati6e and best ealth &reator.

  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    A e! n'e M/n/ e;en!

    UTIAM) presently manages a &orpus of o6er (s. $%;J% )roresQ as on 3Cth 8une "CCJ

    Esour&e: .amfiindia.&om F. UTI Mutual 'und has a tra&4 re&ord of managing a6ariety of s&hemes &atering to the needs of e6ery &lass of &iti9ens. It has a nation ide

    net or4 &onsisting !! UTI 'inan&ial )entres EU')sF and UTI International offi&es in

    +ondon; ubai and Bahrain. Gith a 6ie to rea&h to &ommon in6estors at distri&t le6el;

    ! satellite offi&e ha6e also been opened.

    UTIAM) has a ell5qualified; professional fund management team; hi&h has been

    fully empo ered to manage funds ith greater effi&ien&y and a&&ountability in the sole

    interest of the unit holders. The fund managers are ably supported by a strong in5house

    se&urities resear&h department. To ensure in6estorsL interests; a ris4 management

    department is also in operation.


    UTIM' has &onsistently reset and upgraded transparen&y standards. All the bran&hes;

    U')s and registrar offi&es are &onne&ted on a robust IT net or4 to ensure &ost5effe&ti6e

    qui&4 and effi&ient ser6i&e. All these ha6e e6ol6ed UTIM' to position as a dynami&;

    responsi6e; restru&tured; effi&ient and transparent entity; fully &ompliant ith S-BI


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    e e" e' =$ UTI M ! /. F n'

    UTI M' )7B) A ard "CCJ... more

    UTI Mutual 'und s eeps I)(A mutual fund A ard "CCJ...

    UTI M' ins the Best ebt 'und ?ouse A ard...

    ,olden @ea&o&4 Inno6ati6e @rodu&tNSer6i&e A ard5"CC ...

    +oyalty A ards 5 "CCJ...

    +ipper 'und A ardsCJ5UTI Mahila Unit5# yrs...

    +ipper 'und A ardsCJ5UTI Mahila Unit53 yrs...

    (eaderLs igest Trusted Brand "CC ...

    +ipper 'und A ards 5 ,ulf "CC ...

    Top @erforming Infrastru&ture 'und 5 In&ome...

    Brand loyalty A ards "CC ...

    'our I)(A % Star ,old A ard...

    'our I)(A # Star A ard...

    I)(A Mutual 'und A ard "CC%...

    +ipper 'und A ards "CC%...

    )(ISI+5)7B)5T0! 5Mutual 'und of the year A ard "CC%...

    I)(A Mutual 'und A ard "CC$...

    +ipper 'und A ards...

    )7B) India Mutual 'und of the 1ear A ard...

    UTI 7ifty Inde= 'und ins ,old at I)(A *nline...

    UTI ynami& -quity 'und ins Sil6er at I)(A *nline...


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    In e !;en! P%".& &>%$UTI Mutual 'undLs in6estment philosophy is to deli6er &onsistent and stable returns in

    the medium to long term ith a fairly lo er 6olatility of fund returns &ompared to the

    broad mar4et. It belie6es in ha6ing a balan&ed and ell5di6ersified portfolio for all the

    funds and a rigorous in5house resear&h based approa&h to all its in6estments. It is

    &ommitted to adopt and maintain good fund management pra&ti&es and a pro&ess based

    in6estment management.

    UTI Mutual 'und follo s an in6estment approa&h of gi6ing as equal an importan&e to

    asset allo&ation and se&toral allo&ation; as is gi6en to se&urity sele&tion hile managing

    any fund. It &ombines top5do n and bottom5up approa&hes to enable the

    portfoliosNfunds to adapt to different mar4et &onditions so as to pre6ent missing an

    in6estment opportunity.

    In terms of its funds performan&e; UTI Mutual 'und aims to &onsistently remain in the

    top quartile 6is5R56is the funds in the peer group.


    ! st 'eb "CC3


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    S>&n &

    Three leading publi& se&tor ban4s Ban4 of Baroda; @unjab 7ational Ban4 and State

    Ban4 of India and +ife Insuran&e )orporation of India E+I)F; the largest publi& finan&ial

    in6estment institution and life insurer in India are the sponsors of UTI Mutual 'und.

    B/n? B/ &'/@-

    Ban4 of Baroda is a &ommer&ial ban4 performing a&ti6ities in terms of Ban4ing

    )ompanies EA&quisition and Transfer of Underta4ings A&t !J%CF under hi&h the

    Underta4ing of the Ban4 as ta4en o6er by the )entral ,o6ernment. uring the period

    sin&e in&eption; it has al ays maintained its pra&ti&e of sound 6alue based ban4ing to

    emerge as one of the premier publi& se&tor Ban4s of the &ountry today. It has a tra&4re&ord of uninterrupted profits sin&e in&eption in !JC . The finan&ial strength of the Ban4

    and its long tradition of effi&ient &ustomer ser6i&e are dra n substantially from the

    e=tensi6e rea&h of its "%3" strong bran&h net or4 Eas of 3!.C3."CC%F &o6ering almost

    e6ery State and Union Territory in the )ountry. The Ban4 is also one of the fe Indian

    Ban4s ith a formidable presen&e o6erseas ith C bran&hes. Thus; the total bran&h

    net or4 is ";%%" as at 3!.C3."CC%.

    L"#e In /n e C& >& /!"&n In'"/

    +ife Insuran&e )orporation of India E+I)F is amongst the largest insuran&e &ompanies in

    the orld; ith "C bran&hes and ha6ing a 'und si9e of (s.5#;$C; C$.33 &rore.

    P n /= N/!"&n/. B/n?

    @unjab 7ational Ban4 is a &ommer&ial ban4 performing a&ti6ities in terms of Ban4ing

    )ompanies EA&quisition and Transfer of Underta4ings A&t !J%CF under hi&h the

    Underta4ing of the Ban4 as ta4en o6er by the )entral ,o6ernment. The main obje&t of

    the ban4 under the said A&t is as belo :5 An a&t to pro6ide for the a&quisition and transfer

    of the underta4ing of &ertain ban4ing &ompanies; ha6ing regard to their si9e; resour&es

    &o6erage and organisation; in order to further to &ontrol the heights of the e&onomy; to

    meet progressi6ely and ser6e better; the needs of the de6elopment of the e&onomy and to


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    promote the elfare of the people; in &onformity ith the poli&y of the State to ards

    se&uring the prin&iples laid do n in &lause EbF and E&F of Arti&le 3J of the )onstitution of

    India and for matter &onne&ted there ith or in&idental therein. As on 3!.C3."CC% @unjab

    7ational Ban4 has #3J domesti& offi&es in&luding "! e=tension &ounters; " subsidiaries

    and a deposit si9e of (s.!; 3J; $C &rores.

    S!/!e B/n? In'"/@

    The State Ban4 of India is the largest publi& se&tor ban4 in India ith J#!% bran&hes in

    India and 3 offi&es in 3" &ountries orld ide. In addition to this; SBI also has "!


    The sponsors are not responsible nor liable for any loss resulting from the operation ofthe s&heme beyond the &ontribution of an amount of (s.!C;CCCN5 made by them to ards

    setting up of the Mutual 'und.


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    UTI Asset Management )o. +td. EUTIAM)F is a &ompany in&orporated under The

    )ompanies A&t; !J#$.

    The paid up &apital of UTIAM) has been subs&ribed equally by four sponsors: State Ban4 of

    India; +ife Insuran&e )orporation of India; Ban4 of Baroda and @unjab 7ational Ban4.

    UTIAM); apart from managing the s&hemes of UTI Mutual 'und; also manages the s&hemes

    transferredNmigrated from the erst hile Unit Trust of India; in a&&ordan&e ith the pro6isions

    of the In6estment Management Agreement; the Trust eed; the S-BI EMutual 'undsF

    (egulations and the obje&ti6es of the s&hemes.

    UTIAM) has also entered into a ser6i&e agreement ith the Administrator of the Spe&ified

    Underta4ing of the Unit Trust of India ESUUTIF to pro6ide them ith ba&4 offi&e support for

    S = "'"/ "e

    UTI (etirement Solutions +td. EUTI(S+F; is a !CC subsidiary of UTIAM) hi&h as

    in&orporated in e&ember; "CC% and started operations .e.f. Mar&h; "CC . UTI(S+ has been

    set up to &arry out the operations as a @ension 'und Manager under the 7e @ension

    System set up by @ension 'und (egulatory and e6elopment Authority E@'( AF.

    UTI(S+ as initially appointed by the 7@S to manage the pension funds of the go6ernment

    employees. In Mar&h; "CCJ; the )ompany has also been appointed by 7@S for management

    of pension funds for non5go6ernment employees.


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    (elian&e Mutual 'und E(M'F is one of IndiaLs leading Mutual 'unds; ith Assets Under Management EAUMF of (s. J3;#3" &rore EAUM as on "Jth 'eb C F and an in6estor base

    of o6er $#.%3 +a4hs. (elian&e Mutual 'und; a part of the (elian&e 5 Anil hirubhai

    Ambani ,roup; is one of the fastest gro ing mutual funds in the &ountry. (M' offers

    in6estors a ell5rounded portfolio of produ&ts to meet 6arying in6estor requirements and

    has presen&e in !!# &ities a&ross the &ountry. (elian&e Mutual 'und &onstantly endea6ors

    to laun&h inno6ati6e produ&ts and &ustomer ser6i&e initiati6es to in&rease 6alue to

    in6estors. (elian&e Mutual 'und s&hemes are managed by (elian&e )apital Asset

    Management +imited.; a subsidiary of (elian&e )apital +imited; hi&h holds J3.3% of

    the paid5up &apital of ()AM; the balan&e paid up &apital being held by minority

    shareholders. (elian&e )apital +td. is one of IndiaLs leading and fastest gro ing pri6ate

    se&tor finan&ial ser6i&es &ompanies; and ran4s among the top 3 pri6ate se&tor finan&ial

    ser6i&es and ban4ing &ompanies; in terms of net orth. (elian&e )apital +td. has interests

    in asset management; life and general insuran&e; pri6ate equity and proprietary

    in6estments; sto&4 bro4ing and other finan&ial ser6i&es.


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    I)I)I @rudential mutual fund is a joint 6enture bet een I)I)I Ban4; a premier finan&ial

    po erhouse; and prudential pl&; a leading international finan&ial ser6i&es groupheadquartered in the United Kingdom. I)I)I @rudential as amongst the first pri6ate

    se&tor insuran&e &ompanies to begin operations in e&ember "CCC after re&ei6ing

    appro6al from Insuran&e (egulatory e6elopment Authority EI( AF.

    I)I)I @rudential s &apital base stands at (s. "C."$ billion ith I)I)I Ban4 and @rudential

    pl& holding % and "$ sta4e respe&ti6ely. 'or the past fi6e years; I)I)I

    @rudential has retained its position as the 7o. ! pri6ate life insuran&e in the &ountry;

    ith the ide range of fle=ible produ&ts that meet the needs of the Indian &ustomer ate6ery step in life. In the first quarter of finan&ial year "CC$5C% e ha6e &ross the ne

    milestone of insuring the li6es of more than ".# million poli&e holders. Today our

    nation5 ide team &omprises of o6er # C offi&es; o6er "3 CCC ad6isors and "" ban4

    assuran&e partners.

    This rating is determined after a thorough e6olution of &ompanyLs finan&ial pro&esses;

    ris4 management frame or4; produ&t mi=; mar4et share; et&. *6er the past fi6e years

  • 8/12/2019 inder mba




    A Mutual 'und is a body &orporate registered ith S-BI ESe&urities -=&hange Board of

    IndiaF that pools money from indi6idualsN&orporate in6estors and in6ests the same in a

    6ariety of different finan&ial instruments or se&urities su&h as equity shares; ,o6ernment

    se&urities; Bonds; debentures et&. Mutual funds &an thus be &onsidered as finan&ial

    intermediaries in the in6estment business that &olle&t funds from the publi& and in6est on

    behalf of the in6estors. Mutual funds issue units to the in6estors. The appre&iation of the

    portfolio or se&urities in hi&h the mutual fund has in6ested the money leads to an

    appre&iation in the 6alue of the units held by in6estors. The in6estment obje&ti6es outlined

    by a Mutual 'und in its prospe&tus are binding on the Mutual 'und s&heme. The

    in6estment obje&ti6es spe&ify the &lass of se&urities a Mutual 'und &an in6est in. Mutual

    'unds in6est in 6arious asset &lasses li4e equity; bonds; debentures; &ommer&ial paper and

    go6ernment se&urities. The s&hemes offered by mutual funds 6ary from fund to fund. Some

    are pure equity s&hemes others are a mi= of equity and bonds. In6estors are also gi6en the

    option of getting di6idends; hi&h are de&lared periodi&ally by the mutual fund; or to parti&ipate only in the &apital appre&iation of the s&heme.



  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    M ! /. # n' / e ./ "#"e' "n !%e #&..& "n ;/nne @

    (/) On !%e =/ " O= e !" e

    E "!$ F n' G & !% F n'

    'unds that in6est in equity shares are &alled equity funds. They &arry the prin&ipal

    obje&ti6e of &apital appre&iation of the in6estment o6er the medium to long5term. They

    are best suited for in6estors ho are see4ing &apital appre&iation. There are different

    types of equity funds su&h as i6ersified funds; Se&tor spe&ifi& funds and Inde= based


    D" e "#"e' # n'

    These funds in6est in &ompanies spread a&ross se&tors. These funds are generally meant

    for ris45a6erse in6estors ho ant a di6ersified portfolio a&ross se&tors.

    Se !& # n'

    These funds in6est primarily in equity shares of &ompanies in a parti&ular business se&tor

    or industry. These funds are targeted at in6estors ho are bullish or fan&y the prospe&ts of

    parti&ular se&tor funds.

    T/ S/ "n F n'

    These funds offer ta= benefits to in6estors under the In&ome Ta= A&t. *pportunities

    pro6ided under this s&heme are in the form of ta= rebates under the In&ome Ta= a&t.

    De=! In &;e F n'

    These funds in6est predominantly in high5rated fi=ed5in&ome5bearing instruments li4e

    bonds; debentures; go6ernment se&urities; &ommer&ial paper and other money mar4et


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    instruments. They are best suited for the medium to long5term in6estors ho are a6erse to

    ris4 and see4 &apital preser6ation. They pro6ide a regular in&ome to the in6estor.

    G".! F n'

    These funds in6est in )entral and State ,o6ernment se&urities. Sin&e they are

    ,o6ernment ba&4ed bonds they gi6e a se&ured return and also ensure safety of the

    prin&ipal amount. They are best suited for the medium to long5term in6estors ho are

    a6erse to ris4.

    =) On !%e =/ " F.e "="."!$

    O>en-en'e' F n'

    These funds do not ha6e a fi=ed date of redemption. ,enerally they are open for

    subs&ription and redemption throughout the year. Their pri&es are lin4ed to the daily net

    asset 6alue E7A0F. 'rom the in6estors perspe&ti6e; they are mu&h more liquid than

    &losed5ended funds.

    C.& e-en'e' F n'

    These funds are open initially for entry during the Initial @ubli& *ffering EI@*F and

    thereafter &losed for entry as ell as e=it. These funds ha6e a fi=ed date of redemption.

    *ne of the &hara&teristi&s of the &lose5ended s&hemes is that they are generally traded at a

    dis&ount to 7A0 but the dis&ount narro s as maturity nears. These funds are open for

    subs&ription only on&e and &an be redeemed only on the fi=ed date of redemption. The

    units of these funds are listed on sto&4 e=&hanges E ith &ertain e=&eptionsF; are tradable

    and the subs&ribers to the fund ould be able to e=it from the fund at any time through

    the se&ondary mar4et.

    D"##e en! "n e !;en! >./n !%/! M ! /. F n' #e

    The term Lin6estment plansL generally refers to the ser6i&es that the funds pro6ide to

    in6estors offering different ays to in6est or rein6est.The different in6estment plans are


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    an important &onsideration in the in6estment de&ision; be&ause they determine the

    fle=ibility a6ailable to the in6estor. Some of the in6estment plans offered by mutual funds

    in India are:

    G & !% P./n /n' D" "'en' P./n

    A gro th plan is a plan under a s&heme herein the returns from in6estments are

    rein6ested and 6ery fe in&ome distributions; if any; are made. The in6estor thus only

    reali9es &apital appre&iation on the in6estment. Under the di6idend plan; in&ome is

    distributed from time to time. This plan is ideal to those in6estors requiring regular


    A >e SEBI Re ./!"&n &n M ! /. F n' , /n "n e !& " en!"!.e' !&@

    !. (e&ei6e Unit &ertifi&ates or statements of a&&ounts &onfirming your title ithin $

    ee4s from the date your request for a unit &ertifi&ate is re&ei6ed by the Mutual 'und.

    ". (e&ei6e information about the in6estment poli&ies; in6estment obje&ti6es; finan&ial

    position and general affairs of the s&heme.

    3. (e&ei6e di6idend ithin " days of their de&laration and re&ei6e the redemption or

    repur&hase pro&eeds ithin !C days from the date of redemption or repur&hase.

    . The trustees shall be bound to ma4e su&h dis&losures to the unit holders as are essential

    in order to 4eep them informed about any information; hi&h may ha6e an ad6erse

    bearing on their in6estments.

    #. %# of the unit holders ith the prior appro6al of S-BI &an terminate the AM) of the




  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    Mutua . 'unds offer se6eral benefits to an in6estor that unmat&hed by the other

    in6estment options. The major benefits are good post5ta= returns and reasonable safety;

    the other benefits in in6esting in Mutual 'unds are


    Mutual 'unds employ the ser6i&es of e=perien&ed and s4illed professionals and dedi&ated

    in6estment resear&h team. The hole team analyses the performan&e and balan&e sheet of

    &ompanies and sele&ts them to a&hie6e the obje&ti6es of the s&heme.


    Mutual 'unds ha6e the potential to pro6ide a higher return to an in6estor than any

    other option o6er a reasonable period of time.


    Mutual 'unds in6est in a number of &ompanies a&ross a ide &ross se&tion of industries

    and se&tors.

    LI UIDIT9@

    The in6estor &an get the money promptly at the net asset 6alue related pri&es from theMutual 'unds open5ended s&hemes. In &lose5ended s&hemes; the units &an be sold on a

    sto&4 e=&hange at the pre6ailing mar4et pri&e.


    Mutual 'unds ha6e to dis&lose their holdings; in6estment pattern and the ne&essary

    information before all in6estors under a regulation frame or4.



  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    In6estment in Mutual 'unds offers a lot of fle=ibility ith features of s&hemes su&h as

    regular in6estment plan; regular ithdra al plans and di6idend rein6estment plans

    enabling systemati& in6estment or ithdra al of funds.


    All Mutual 'unds are registered ith S-BI; and S-BI a&ts a at&hdog; so the Mutual

    'unds are ell regulated



    Mutual funds are li4e many other in6estments ithout a guaranteed return. There is

    al ays the possibility that the 6alue of your mutual fund ill depre&iate. Unli4e fi=ed5

    in&ome produ&ts; su&h as bonds and Treasury bills; mutual funds e=perien&e pri&e

    flu&tuations along ith the sto&4s that ma4e up the fund.


    Although di6ersifi&ation is one of the 4eys to su&&essful in6esting; many mutual fund

    in6estors tend to o6er di6ersify. The idea of di6ersifi&ation is to redu&e the ris4s

    asso&iated ith holding a single se&urity o6er di6ersifi&ation Ealso 4no n as

    di orsifi&ation F o&&urs hen in6estors a&quire many funds that are highly related and so

    don t get the ris4 redu&ing benefits of di6ersifi&ation.


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    Mutual funds pool money from thousands of in6estors; so e6eryday in6estors are putting

    money into the fund as ell as ithdra ing in6estments. To maintain liquidity and the

    &apa&ity to a&&ommodate ithdra als; funds typi&ally ha6e to 4eep a large portion of

    their portfolio as &ash. ?a6ing ample &ash is great for liquidity; but money sitting around

    as &ash is not or4ing for you and thus is not 6ery ad6antageous.


    In mutual funds the fees are &lassified into t o &ategories: shareholder fees and annual

    fund5operating fees.

    The shareholder fees; in the forms of loads and redemption fees are paid dire&tly by

    shareholders pur&hasing or selling the funds. The annual fund operating fees are &harged

    as an annual per&entage 5 usually ranging from !53 . These fees are assessed to mutualfund in6estors regardless of the performan&e of the fund. Ghen the fund doesn t ma4e

    money these fees only magnify losses.


    The misleading ad6ertisements of different funds &an guide in6estors do n the rong

    path. Some funds may be in&orre&tly labeled as gro th funds; hile others are &lassified

    as small5&ap or in&ome.


    Another disad6antage of mutual funds is the diffi&ulty they pose for in6estors interested

    in resear&hing and e6aluating the different funds. Unli4e sto&4s; mutual funds do not

    offer in6estors the opportunity to &ompare the @N- ratio; sales gro th; earnings per share;


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba




    i6idend re&ei6ed from a domesti& &ompany and in&ome distributed by UTI5I or any M';

    to its unit holders has been made ta=5free from !. .C3 on ards. ?o e6er; di6idend

    de&lared; distributed or paid by su&h sour&es shall be &harged a distribution ta= of

    H!$.JJ# flat. This distribution ta= is in addition to the normal in&ome ta= payable by



    )apital gains are generated through the sale of sto&4s; bonds and other in6estments;

    hi&h ha6e appre&iated in 6alue; from the fundLs portfolio. There are no &apital grain ta=

    on M' and sto&4 mar4et. Ghile ST), are subje&t to Ta=H!C e6en traded through

    sto&4 e=&hange and se&urity from sto&4 e=&hange and se&urity from a&tion ta= has been

    paid. Unquated sharesN M' are subje&t to ta= at normal rate of ta=.


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    The Internal (e6enue Ser6i&e might depend upon the nature of your mutual fund

    in6estment. ,enerally; most in&ome generated from a mutual fund a&&ount; ith the

    e=&eption of ta=5e=empt money mar4et or muni&ipal bond funds; is subje&t to federal

    ta=es as ordinary in&ome or &apital gains

    +EALTH TA7@

    Under se& "E!FEeF of Gealth ta= A&t it is not treated as an asset. Therefore this is

    e=empted from ta= liability.

    GIFT TA7@

    Mutual 'und may be gi6en as a gift and no ta= is appli&able by doner or donee


    7o T S is required to be dedu&ted from &apital gain at the time of redemption in &ase of

    mutual fund.

    TA7 BENEFITS ON IN8ESTMENT IN MUTUAL FUND@E!F !CC In&ome Ta= -=emption on all Mutual 'und di6idends.

    E"F )apital ,ains ta= to be lo er of

    !C on the &apital gains ithout fa&toring inde=ation benefits and

    "C on the &apital gains after fa&toring inde=ation benefits.

    E3F *pen5end funds ith equity e=posure of more than #C are e=empt of di6idend ta=

    for a period of 3 years from !JJJ5"CCC.


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  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    The spe&ifi& obje&ti6e &an be enumerated as follo ing5

    !. To study the mar4eting strategies related to Mutual 'und at Kar6y Sto&4 Bro4ing


    ". T& /n/.$ e !%e en! trends of Mutual 'unds in the Indian Mar4et.


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  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    Re e/ % De " n@

    The sample as sele&ted of them ho are the &ustomersN6isitors of Kar6y Sto&4 Bro4ing

    +td; Mall (oad Bathinda; irrespe&ti6e of them being in6estors of not or a6ailing the

    ser6i&es of not. It as also &olle&ted through personal 6isits to persons; by formal and

    informal tal4s and through filling up the questionnaire prepared. The data has been

    analy9ed by using mathemati&alNStatisti&al tool.

    De ">!" e Re e/ % : It is that type of resear&h hi&h &an e=plain hat had

    happened and hat is happening

    D/!/ C&..e !"&n

    P ";/ $ D/!/

    @rimary data are those; hi&h are &olle&ted a fresh and for the first time; and thus happen

    to be original in &hara&ter. It is the ba&4bone of any study. In this proje&t; ata is

    &olle&ted through a questionnaire.

    Se &n'/ $ D/!/

    Se&ondary data are those hi&h ha6e already been &olle&ted by someone else and hi&h

    ha6e already been passed through the statisti&al pro&ess. Se&ondary sour&es are boo4s;

    internet; maga9ines et&.


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    S/;>."n De " n

    ata has been presented ith the help of bar graph; pi&ture &harts; line graph et&.

    S/;>."n Un"!@ Bathinda

    S/;>."n S" e : The sample of my proje&t is limited to !CC people only. *ut of hi&h

    only %# people had in6ested in Mutual 'und. *ther "# people did not ha6e in6ested in

    Mutual 'und.V?o u 4ne this in starting

    LIMITATIONS OF THE STUD9 +ead pro6ided me as not suffi&ient.

    ue to pau&ity of time; sample si9e limited up to !"CEit as !CC in last para F

    respondents only.

    Most of the in6estors did not respond ell < might ha6e replied in&orre&tly.

    it as diffi&ult to fi= appointment ith &lients due to their tight s&hedule.

    The reliability of data &olle&ted and analy9ed depends upon the sour&es of data.

    Some in6estors did not ant to re6eals fa&t figures of their earnings and


    The lead pro6ided me as limited to Bathinda only. It as not enough for my

    summer training Topi&.


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    1 +%" % In &;e = / ?e! =e ! 'e "=e $& /nn /. "n &;e

    In &;e (R "n ./?%) N& Re >&n'en!Up to *ne %! to ".# 3C".# to # #W# !T&!/. 100

    De ">!"&n@

    Majority of the in6estors &omes under the in&ome ".# to # la4h.

    About ! respondents &ome under the in&ome more than # la4h.

    +east % respondents &ome under the in&ome up to ! la4h.


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    2 H& ; % !&!/. "ne!;en! '& $& "n e! "n ; ! /. # n'

    In e !;en! ("n ) N ;=e e >&n'en!X!C 3$

    !C5"C 3!"C5 C "3W C !CT&!/. 100

    De ">!"&n@

    3$ of the respondents in6est less than !C in mutual fund out of their total

    in6estment &ompare to 3! ho in6est their !C5"C E@ut here6er requiredF of

    their total in6estment.

    "3 respondents in6est "C5 C of their total in6estment here as respondent

    greater than C in6est of their total in6estment in mutual fund.


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    +%"% !%e #&..&"n !$>e M!/. Fn' '& $& "ne ! "n

    T$>e M ! /. F n' N ;=e e >&n'en!*pen -nded 3J)lose -nded !CBoth #!T&!/. 100

    De ">!"&n@

    *pen ended s&hemes &onstitute 3J of the total respondents. Ghere as only !C

    &onstitute &lose ended s&hemes.Both open ended and &lose ended &onstitute about half of the respondent E#!F.


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    5 +%/! " $& >e#eene "ne!;en! /;&n !%e #&..&"n %e;e

    S %e;e N ;=e e >&n'en!-quity !ebt !JSe&toral "J*thers !!T&!/. 100

    De ">!"&n@

    -quity s&hemes are the most preferred E !F; then se&toral s&hemes E"JF.

    ebt s&hemes &onstitute !J and others &onstitute only !!.

  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    +%"% !%e #&..& "n &;>/n$: (M ! /. F n') '"' $& ;/?e ;/ "; ;

    "n e !;en! "n

    C&;>/n"e N ;=e Re >&n'en!(elian&e "

    I)I)I @rudential C$+I) 3$Kar6y "!*thers !3T&!/. 100

    De ">!"&n@

    (elian&e mutual fund is idely e=pe&ted Ese&ond positionC just sfter +I) hi&h

    &onstitute 3$ of the respondents. Kar6y on 3 rd E"!F.

    I)I)I @rudential is least popular Eonly $F.

    *thers mutual funds &onstitute !3 of the respondents .


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    4 D& $& !%"n? !%/! !%e >e#&;/ne M ! /. F n' C&;>/n$ e##e! !%e "!e"/


    O>"n"&n N ;=e Re >&n'en!1es C

    7o !")anLt Say CT&!/. 100

    De ">!"&n@

    Ma=imum of the respondents E CF thin4 that the performan&e of Mutual 'und)ompany effe&t the &riteria of in6estment hereas !" donLt belie6e so.

    are unable to say anything.


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    6 D& $& !%"n? !%/! ;/n'/!& $ >e ;/nen! / & n! n ;=e (PAN) e##e ! !%e

    "n e !;en!

    O>"n"&n N ;=e e >&n'en!1es %%

    7o !)anLt Say C#T&!/. 100

    De ">!"&n@

    %% of the respondents thin4 that mandatory @A7 effe&t the in6estment. *n the other hand;! donLt belie6e so.

    # are unable to say anything.

  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    10 D& $& !%"n? !%/! M ! /. F n' In e !;en! " P "!/=.e

    O>"n"&n N ;=e e >&n'en!1es %#

    7o "#

    De ">!"&n@

    %# of the respondent says yes mutual 'und In6estment is profitable

    "# says no


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba




  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    !F Majority of the respondent e met ere Male in the age group of 3C5 C yrs.

    "F More than $# of the in6estor in6est only about "C E@ut F of their total in6estment

    in Mutual fund.

    3F Majority of in6estors ha6e in6ested in +I) E ho u 4no this F; as perhaps itLs

    oldest and reliable trust.

    F Amongst the pri6ate player; Kar6y Mutual fund is rapidly be&oming popular

    among in6estors.

    #F @eople in6est in Mutual 'und @rimarily for &apital gro th and se&ondarily for ta=

    benefits l iquidity.$F Majority of the in6estors opt for equity s&hemes.

    %F *pen ended s&hemes ha6e more preferen&e to &lose ended s&hemes

    F Add more findings


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    !F There is a large s&ope of Mutual 'unds to in6est in espe&ially in suburban area.

    "F There is need to ha6e more promotional a&ti6ities from the 6ery grass root le6el

    su&h as installing &anopy; ad6ertising through print < ele&troni& med i&.

    3F @eople in6est their sa6ings in a trust not in a &ompany. So in6estors trust should be

    maintained and de6eloped by deli6ering best ser6i&es and after safe ser6i&es; 6alue

    added ser6i&es and after sale ser6i&es.

    F The obje&ti6e of the in6estment for mutual fund should be &apital gro th and fund

    should be in6ested in equities.#F -quity s&hemes of Mutual 'und are the most preferred amongst in6estors as they

    gi6e high returns o6er the other s&hemes.

    $F *pen ended s&heme is highly preferred amongst &ustomers as there may be reasons

    for redemption of unit at any period of time.

    %F @erforman&e of mutual should be fo&used on by pro6iding ne&essary fa&ts figures;

    a ard < other a&hie6ement of the trust.

    F In6estors got their e=pe&ted returns from the in6estment they ha6e ma4e already

    and thus it iden the s&ope of in6estment further.

    +%e e " &n . "&n


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    1 +%" % In &;e = / ?e! =e ! 'e "=e $& /nn /. "n &;e

    In &;e (R "n ./?%)Up to *ne! to ".#".# to #W#

    2 H& ; % !&!/. "ne!;en! '& $& "n e! "n ; ! /. # n'

    In e !;en! ("n )X!C!C5"C"C5 CW C

    3 +%/! " !%e P ";/ $ &= e !" e $& "n e !;en!

    O= e !" eTa= benefits)apital appre&iationi6idend+iquidity

    +%"% !%e #&..&"n !$>e M!/. Fn' '& $& "ne ! "n

    T$>e M ! /. F n'*pen -nded)lose -ndedBoth5 +%/! " $& >e#eene "ne!;en! /;&n !%e #&..&"n %e;e

    S %e;e-quityebtSe&toral*thers

    +%"% !%e #&..&"n AMC:S (M ! /. F n') '"' $& ;/?e ;/ "; ;

    "n e !;en! "n


  • 8/12/2019 inder mba


    AMC:S (M ! /. F n')(elian&eI)I)I @rudential+I)Kar6y


    4 D& $& !%"n? !%/! !%e >e#&;/ne AMC e##e! !%e "!e"/ Ine!;en!


    7o)anLt Say

    A e $& /!" #$ "!% !%e e! n & $& > e en! "n e !;en!

    ?ighly SatisfiedSatisfiedUnsatisfied?ighly Unsatisfied

    6 D& $& !%"n? !%/! ;/n'/!& $ >e ;/nen! / & n! n ;=e (PAN) e##e ! !%e

    "n e !;en!

    1es 7o)anLt Say10D& $& !%"n? !%/! M ! /. F n' In e !;en! " P "!/=.e


    O>"n"&n N ;=e e >&n'en!1es %#

    7o "#

  • 8/12/2019 inder mba




  • 8/12/2019 inder mba



    (A'' '/!e /n' '/!e ,> n& ne >/>e )





    7-GS @A@-( E-)*7*MI) TIM-S; BUSI7-SS G*(+ ; TIM-S *' I7 IAF

  • 8/12/2019 inder mba
