Page 1: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

~ W ^ l r e r —P f lr t ia l Clea.ring T o n i g h t , C o ld e r

liTPacific C

K»rtHed the PacHle occn iod»r Sof »n orange life ra « , Ijopi

bi f t rrom' the df*d,»fier three w Icrcf-pimrTJtunJtnr-frtyin'^Bpar

uvdnadJj- 430 mile* oorthwesi o( Joltrom Ihe

nirrt vXoiir{of« Ttiere *m no explanatloi

TJiiiUbilnj revived hnpei iM on«.ro iboud » mUliary »lr tracuport acn’lce

! i PwlJlfj'*"- J- All nine »er« officially

“S e ’n lt »a* ilghled 400 miles of iti w ;j'y inerW r-«“w«t-mftei~the-M'ATS“ l L BriUih freljhler Clune Park arrived on •ticre dicn today u id .^8*n *«eeplne the t

SCM fiearchmulen circled th e aren 11 other planei left Hldtom air /orce bfise HI the hunt,al darn.^ stai vere calm with tlve>foot sweiu. * jjijHlht vUiWlliy waa unllmlud..

Sukamo to Co Malaysia Oppi.BANGKOK, Thailand, Jan . 23 IfPh3 of Indonesia vowed contlnuc'd ho* ij'sia todny only a few houra a f t e r .

Kennedy won a thrce«nation aff, i9trArd.peacc.Jndoncfiia nnd Iklalaya hii'i,liooHn}nifong-theip-Born eo-faord« hilippines in axonfercncc of fo re ign IOT}'. A)l three nations jjsked ThaiJa ttse-fire.

MilliUoa efforta n-hen Kennedy K a f C f w to Buijlrak after concluding lib vlUi Sukamo in Jolurta. "p v Tien Sutanio went tKTore on | j 0 g r idoseslu Touih rally and pro- lilmed tbit h it Uland nation o a conllBue lU drlr# to cruih 3 0 1 1 3 tliTjla unless that BrltUh- Ided. sntl-conununUt federt- WASHIN a -B chinBed-to *ult m d o * ffovcnaneni su'i tults. If ' day th a t t: r>-n>rfy.nwf if»>nnTVnv fnr by form cr IkivUb'nulofflelali and v lth O. Baker I . & isb a m d o n bnwd In In IM t to 3;ubeut Asia. HU next stop 10C3. la o ta r tetfl he U to review Lorln H . Ub BiUth officials the h l^ > clal of U » ^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice.

- ■ - “ committee

’r o g r e s s o f “ X S u, , 0 lo c o n n ee tj

a v i c C e n t e r

M y c N o t e d ^ 3 1TTie.-MCond subscription sales pnm fiHW sg'ofuircinrsnai^ —rn e-co m i rtaa-Contentlon Center exccu- vneU ier he It eamalitee was held a t fi:30 employes h =. Thunday In the ounpoljn idiiuirten.All »U leam j-nporled-O ie a s and amounts of the sub* D rcn iun rtpUOMiecured since the Mon- l« t« t flnar 1 itport meeting The report n b . 1, 10« titartlWOO In-TjtWTUbscrlp- F i^ ^ rr il tx ; w aal ratsed-the-aunpalyn X oaa .aww ud loui 10 tMjOOO. Thursday's ^W•. «»»<«■« KwwtMflbers are: olen O. tUoi. Robert M. nctse..Jaclc■ lennder. m d M. Pratler, E.■ Howa, Acme Manufacturing ,-------epwy.lnc.. Paul .Taber, J r , T i r f a m . WM Wilson, BnU Bordewlck. J L ^ C l l H aK ttH nrt»n,K arlli.-B l«tlc. —.j. -

la M ^ * ’w^uejU6nii'reBBr<i- r X O U J4 lueii»n~oj the audliorlum. t « ®hm«iHKr_cxeeuUve-com- | - | n - F ?kejuJoW .nimra(lBy_Ihere * ' reaions why It U • « ,a< »htn irtie lo ptircha« » ait« a t thU

W the price paid for a piece property now, could very well t “ ‘ "

-liiorlum has » jr tn i deal to ? lit JinancUl «ucce.M. the S ^ if ill ^ cm c c r - s m . r ! . c . i », “ 'Sj,3j)

' f e w T u r m p U

Jtisl AfricaSMtloni. Ke'nya’ Jan. 23 m h o?S !ao* ’'

In East n e x t week.

i s 3 5 “"."iWSEsrys; ar f

r i n r “’■‘^URftnda — WASHTT h e « c “ rl

“oas In *or~-Drllljh I mtsstuii ss■^r Dtf w! ance of *

0 re- Vork stocl « r » M ^ “0 '' "■ ly on the

"'“fnuuoni concrete trtbu ted '•mark*

tnito.?5 by the Afrl- floor tnvd ‘ -PWtd Uie Arab- clalUts In

‘r - o a '^ ” !!™™enl of'Zantl- corr>onitjo ----- ......................................... M otera,-..

? g -er------------- ------------------- ----------^ T h e , M a g ic J

^ i l ^ f h t c d ■ c Ocean. Hppt n t p iShCA ■till fc.icHlc occnn .1,100 m l l e t w u t o T ^ ^ ^ ^ H raH, hopinc It carried on< man

r three weeks afloat.r t> m '^ B p a n n '» p o iT f( IT « ln i-U iT p ^ ^ ^ K ? >’w i,p r Johnston Uland. A man

not drop marker* ot any kind, explanation.’ft.1t one .man'survived from the m sen ’ice Globemaster losl over officially pronounced dead yes- U)e main area searched e-M-ATS-C!0bemasler'*Wu~1ml.'' arrived on the«9ceaiiM«o tiours . rplng Ihe waters WlUi iU'seArch>

I th e area before ctayllrht. whUe orce bfise In Hawaii In lime to

ot swelU.,*nicre was lllUa wind.

Continue )pposition sS r

* ^ B lthard V. K. 23 fff)= P rc3 ldcn t.S ukar- -nuc'd hO B tility toword M a. fl PS a f t e r A tty . Gen. Robert \\ 'D o ii t i o n a g r e e m e n t on s te p a !♦

ic^^ l u E A h u ^f f o r e iR n m ih is tc r B in F e b - lfi iu ’'.pr^pw a T h a i la n d to m o n ito r th e • nuclear /w

^ con be an

Baker.Wealth B " s i ” DescriLedto . I S i i .r i . ■j to be clcsf! 5 e n a t e Group

WASHINOTON, Jan. 2J MV-A 1 Johnson’s rovcnanent-auditor t«uned ‘to : '• lo barlay th a t the net worth claimed : ^rom nnll')v form cr senate aide -Robert have them.J. Baker increased from tU .O sTn Johnsonn IM t to |3,lM,9ae on Feb, 1, POsol so tl.063. 1 force the

L orln H . D rennan. J r , an offU H llai of th# Boremment account. } n s ofOce. told the senaU) rule* 3om m ltlee th a t the flinires were □ isnrapxi;hown In ffnancfai itafement# g emmcjK. n U edby-Sakerw llhT arlom baakj Ra ^ n n e c U o n wlUUoan a p p U c | g X m du

Baker, 35 .» /onner senate p m R — i i '. jn i-»oy. rtslffned.tinder fire Oct. 1 ^ , rom b b *lfl,«00-a-year post ofecret&r? to the ■enale's Demo- O L / U U U rftUo-m iJorlty. .-T lie to iiuu lltee b InTcsUgatlnif i n I / \ iwhether h e o r any other senate JL**mployes have engosd In ouUlde -xirT* 1lUKlncM deallnRB thn t conflicts l l / i t l H f fIth the ir official duUes or In- ” l U U v'.plved_olher_lmpn>prtoHeji,_____ whliD rennan testified that Baker's roads across i

i tc s l finftnclal statement, dated of Maitlc Va: "eb. 1. 1003, and filed wllh the week h a d j !tatem lty-Feden>l-Sartng»-ana momlng ond s .oaa-aM oclatlon-ln-BalUm orc. injr wcather-w M .. shou'ed thn t Bnker clnlmed SchooU a t r eal e sU te ns»tl» vorlh M t.K t Shoshone and nd stockholdlnwi In U com- in *e«lon nfter ionics w orth *1,563,630. nesday because

--------------- . . . . . ' . no t able lo get

Demos Plan "'St..;. . _ , . enpyleJamlly,


WASHINOTON, Jsn, 23 m - -n.g jioodenp louse Democratic leaders todsy i,y a four-r cheduled house debate on n iroad pew civil rlfthU bill to jnic becai U rt a week from tomorrow in _](,», to lOpes of passlnft the hotly dU- mRhway ci lutcd-m coaure-before Lincolns „ j- i ,i .in _ :a 3 . Jrthday . op^n hlRhway

Their formal announcement, summit. The c rh/cfi WM concurred la by with some ol «bUeAn-Leadep-Oharles-A.-Hal* .^ .r e p o r t e d ^ eck. le ft open the question of ReinscKjw nnd w hen they expect to get jjonh Fork stc h e bill ofct or Ihe rules commit- thnt'hiiCB which controU the flow of op^npd ThutmcKlxlatlon' to 'th e 'flo o r,----------- ■clear'up'

T he rules croup, headed by where a snow i ^ep. Howard W. Smith, D , Va,. over the in__n cd tn t opponent

3^B UtrewRh n wlmesa llsTwlilcR drl'fung was" :ould- keep the 'henrlnRs going who U a cou ror m any more.days. uild Blaine"sm ith hn.i .laid only Uwl lie *-as" «-orklng

Hopes to wind up .the henrings Springs road next week. , tvt

Speaker John W. McCorrasck u ked tw o days ago thai Ihe T ? . J „ n

rtfusedrzTodtty’arBnnwincerafn *“' “r , ; r r o ,u iby McCormack and DemocraUcLeader Carl Albert, Okla, r»UedUie question ot whether Smllhnow Ll. willing to cooperale. See sc n o m -

S E C Says S p e ^ l i sA s s a s s i n a t i o n G a u

-W A aH m O T O N rJO . » I" -T he Mcurltlc j and exchange com- “j ^ - u i n misstoii saw luduv ihe perform- — ance of speclalUU on llie New »«H1.Vork stock exchange varied wide- ly on th e day Presltlcnl Kennedy Te.ephone a» was assoMlndted. and some con- pnns;. trtbu ted - to th i dUorflerllnesj bf mm?the m arke t,- - — “'" '“ L |ha »

lr r» -rep o r t on 'rsun :ey of the role pinyed by sjwciillsts floor tnvders, ,ihe SEC «U<I »!*■ “ . „ talwi c lallils In Rich stocki a.i Radio . >oorrxinitjon of Ajneriea.,General „Motera, -. Poluv ld • *od , Sperry "

— ^ ^ -------

B ,^ C - Y * l I e y - N e w 8p ® p e r D e j i f a le tU o

■. T ^ m -E A I ,L S rJ

AULK TOAST U >lell.-M.-J bicago, m anner of Ihe American Dairy auocUl odderldie, Bmllhfleld, Utah, Aioerlcin'dairy Icbard V. Kelm, who waa elected Wednuday lo Ui

_________ _______________ * »

B a n T a l k ^ D a i r \GENEVA, Jan . 23 -W— |,

T ha Soviet U nloiTM t(no=":r '-y ^ -------day “the Wesl must s c ra iT / “ W Its .proponed mulUlateml y X V C V f J . J nuclear /wee be/we there •' • ^can be any aereemcni to Joe P r itjil, ]

t h e Idn^T O e'sov ie t dLiammmcnt m e e tin p _ n t th negotiator, S e m y o n K . '■ ree lec tc d , n re Twrapkln, lold newsmen, i) C . J l . Cnrlaon,“Ihe mulUlnleral force has ^ -----------------------to be clesrtd awoy" belore K ^ ^ ^ ^ East nnd Wesl can rcnch fl ( P O C \ ( i nn ngrtem est on President 1Johnson’s propa-ml Tues- fj ^ . "day lo bar nuclear weiipons-r: - T r ^ ---------------/rom nnilons ihfti d o n r j" hovothem . L I U ll l

Joliiuoii worded' hU pro- ,j posol so that Ihe nuclcftr' ll A tc n ta l iv e force the United SU tes ) p a ssed b y th i h as proposed for Uie N orlh ' pn iinJv rlprlf AUaStlo TVeoty o rpm Jia- 1 i f r ’iUon would bo cxcmpL s a id th e 19G4

•nmropkin snld hi* trov- J te n to tiv e ly , se emrncDi was A t-u d y litf f 4 Jra I y e a r . Lnn

S r S ' t a ' . ” " 'Vhich w a s t e.......................... r b e en nd d e d i

t im o th ia yea

' c h o o I O p f e u s S S ^ “ .1 v ri f ro m 6 5 - c mt r i tw n s -a r^ SrETS”!

^ Ihe 1«7 moy be

^mds Stop K'i'Sai';tf lnd ;.-w h ld ,-have_cloB ged ds across ihe ndrUlcm p a rt . „ •Magic Volley most o f Uie The tcntotlve

rk h a d stopped Thursday *<0.583, for Uie c, mlng ond sunsJilne ond c lea r- lrlcl.court..ftu^t< wcaUier-was r e p o r t ^ . - - ' ‘

chooU a t Richfield, Pnlrflcld. fM.’ M »pr Uie 0 ahone and Dietrich were back *21,150 f or Uie U «Alon nfter being closed W ed- collector's departt day bccause sehool buses were “ )5 able 10 get.Uirough Uie drU t- * 2 0 ^

roods. coroner: 1■hlldrcn of Uie Robert Hood- lyleJomlly, and Garry Brown* ogenis oiiice.

a- high school student, were Budgel for Ui< 'able' loT efto nichfleld'acliM l mlM loners-iriet- n,inf 1I.'« fm .T '.n .tn i*jU ep of th e .p e a ^ es from Richfield nnd roods court, »n,MO; g 'Uielr“ liorne4“ «tm ~w ere 'n o t elections— *38,000wed,___________:____________ tlPjM®,__________he Hoodenpyle ranch' U reach- The budget fo: by a four-mlle road from the U H5.M1; revnli In hlRliwoy, Richfield baiM noxious weed erat ■e laic Uiey waited for county poor lund, w ploa-s to c lear.the routes, ty hosplUJ. »1,6» llghway crews worked nU cultural fnlr, Ml,

in highway 03 ovcr Oolena wni b# opnslderef nmlt. The cold caused trouble commissioners F h some 0/ the laaelilneo’, J t the eommUslon'i

ack Relnsch.' who operates *-------rth Fork store, aald It was ex* 1 > „ - 1 T t f r i 't ;lcd thnt'highway 93 would be T a r i “ l T l U l

» “d c J i^ u ^ o v cr 'U te “ aummtt C o i n m i t t «ere a snow slide o t Camp creek . . r j ' • t over Uie Solmon river Jildc [ y i n n Q A V II blocks irafUc. ^ ■ — r rnl(^-~cas~>«nt to Carey where •B0is s ,- J an. 23 ftlng' waa"rei5oHcd7 iieinscn.'T cnniles—bnt'-o] ,0 Ll 0 couniy commtoloner. racing committeeII Blaine counly equipment olher go a t. orgs ^ W r k ln g on Ihe W«tnn mutue>. p r o ^ rings road Thuraday. “ o'-'* ”! Ml llfls a l Sun ^.Valley were . I t will be Uie crating Thmnday. They were of Uie rcjuUlory cn “w ir

r^"r -icnl'o'Rlgbi* auto' :it flldes. '■ . fommlUee *1JJ »tM .'sun-.Valles. touL inclies. of-drafUaB.-niles-a J SCtlOOt orENS, r h . Col « for Ihe horse rad

^ l i s t P e rfo rm a n c e C aused Som e Disc

md bought’ heavny and thU orders'on Uie Tl* i a cuiihlonlng effect on prlCM, change ond also Al ihc_oU'er exueme. the SEC In the stocks ass M~ ^ l a i m .y ^ B n d l ln g ~ III? •TI ie-HKt; it t l i r v i of Korvetie. Intem oUonal Uie re.iponslbUlly >rphone and Telegraph com- a fair and order m- and American Motors sold Uic commission bjVsntlal quanUlles of stock more wmprehens mojt Immediately a Jter the study lost year s <.« of iha.assa.i.ilnallon. obrlous llmll^.on:™ ,; .n c r . iM n .M « iu u r , . “ g " “ mfd to the m«rket ond boi^fht ty^deri nxk on balance only o /te rjir icc i exchanges w h ^ t d declined,” the report said. own aeeounu on 1

match buy ond mU uehaasea.

• • - - . i

Pirated to Serrin*-«n< l-P rom oH ng-ll

^ L S r J D A H O ..T H T r R a n A Y . JA N

* v r A j

a >lell.-M.-J—From bercer... _UoU.or.Fome.j lalry ossocUllon: Sue A nn night which hti ■lean' dairy prineea*. ond aasocUllon eei Inudoy lo lb» Idaho D airy (Tlmes-Newa j

» » » » _________* *

lairymen E1 1 feorganize^DC, Pritjil, F ru itln n d , w aa clected to*

itinp 'n t the Rofferaon hotel. O ther n ected, nre A. H . Jn g e ls , Buhl, presic il. Corlson, Caldwell, trc iiau rer; nnd 1

2,668,885 BuS 'ro p o s e d b v C cL tentative b u d g e t fo r T w in Falls co BCd by the co un ty commission, H ar n ty c le rk , announced T hursdoy morn i th e 19G4 b u d g e t f o r T \vin Falls co Latively, se t a t ?2;668,855, compared 3'car. Lnncaster s a id tb o budjrct wil

r than la s t becaufte o f th e added el ch w as increased, a n d th e zoning budjn added for- th e f i r s t - ...........B th ia year. L anca.sterlained th e cu rrcn t cx-DC l e v y was low ered t ?»1» „n - G B - c e n t s ^ T c r ^ ^Next year, Lnncaster noied, T T .

Iei7 moy be lowered wioUier | J | J ( J j ( 0 1 _cenla. TTiU decrease In the U poAsibte because of the BOISE. Jon.

rase In assessed vnluoUons period for con yeor^ •' and congrwsloiie tcntotlve budget'Includes ho— May J-T- 83 for Uie c le r t of Uie dU- w u n t r Candida .c6urU.ftudltocjind_«x«rtML s u t e A rno i^ 036-for-ihe-Bher«f’*-ofilM ; sl ^ m w ~ - »B for U18 oasessor's office: The 19B3 It 00 for Uie treosurer ond tox Idaho s prlm n rtor-s department: 120,274 for ellmmatlnff « r irosecutlng a ttorney^ office; Ing Ior o pre-pt 80 for prrtxite court; « ,J00 to trlm Uwriuff he coroner: »?0.460 for Janl- /o r aUle ond

4ie l lot U » eoonl!'

>us weed eradlcoUon, JGO.WO. “ ^ jty poor lund, $221,400: couri-MPIUJ ,l,M8.M0, and agrl-irol fnlr. Ml,300. • ,eguo-propoicd-m inU L -Iiudsel .xhat-U-Moy-1-1be opnsldered by the counly wiin»nis sole nlAsloners Feb, 10, during « q;eommUiJon's /Infll budgel ,jMiJonlagjneeUM______________ bc-up-to.eoch.c■ —- i-------------------- it.1 o*-n Tiomlno

linmittee Meets- • , *T> ■ about the mldi;tnday in Boise-2,v“2v,”SiISE,-Jan. 23-(r»----- Idoho’a ehoow-rcpreieiiiless-but'-'opUmlstle—h o « two-eon*ressiomg committee will have an- The canflldacj' go a t. organizing n pa ri- one week underlel. proirmml for the Oem )bw comparesa l a Botie meetins Monday, period under thwill be liie'sccond .le.vUon ——-—le rcjuUlory bdord since It V J p f P q j»lMd Itself o m onlh ogo. ’ , , mHtee-aemberlLelgh^c ^

alUee *1JJ s ta r t Uie ta.-* o t .33 m - Como laB.-rules_ftnd-:.itgulallon.i; guerrtlla.i_aUMi He horse racing program. dUirlcl capltol

lance. A f te r “ f 'D i s o r d e r _ g ^ - «s on the floor of th e ex- were driven ofl ge ond also oct as dealers nir force planes.le stocks assigned to them. , , -------:—e-SKt; m a r siHKlnllsU -B^ - ttg B T -< M •MponslbUlly of malntnlnln* . WASHJNOTO lr and orderly mnrkel, buU-’Prowllng Ond commission noted th a t o slon fUhlng boi comprehensive gorem m enl coasUlne ore ad

r lost year snld Uicre were tcn-ilohs. This • lUS llm lli.on th e ‘spcflo iu is’ slon of a sped, y to prevent severe swings that-warned thi ock prices 'panslon cf the Ecr traders ore members of create -iurlher I inges w h ^ tra d e /o r their cry resources ont accounts wT tbe floor o f the problems betwe uigea. Stotet ond R tw l

m oting 'the Grow th o f-N in » ^4 rrlsa t^


l.o r .F o m e^ ea o o sL « a i:o .p rtIu d e to k ^ n q It which htghUghted thg Mcend-dsy of the Idi leUlloQ convenUon being held in Twin Fi ses-Newa photo)

* » » » . _________


ected to * th e bonrd of directors’ cxeci aocifttion-^^orflday n t -tho - gr-o u p ^ . O ther m em bers of tho executive c ihl, p re sid en t; Robert D avis,,K una, v e r; nnd I^eonard Mnnwarlng, Idaho F ---------- ", Darreli Kerbj

Sudget ™”f £ T Gountv s s S“ r " T -----------,; ; .— s i n eiMT Mgrldlt

Falls copnty, hns been „ j. pjnmi lion, H arold Lancaster, m ,,' generoi n iay m orning . Lancaster American Dairy Falls co u n ty hns been ‘»e feature spei

:bhipan>d to $2,264,S62 . Sjdffct will be more th is #j Amertcan u added election budget, m m berger si ning b u dget, which has Hike Production

■ —- consumption in 1 I * I . ^ I'M Increosed I

a n d i d a t e ’ s

J i n ^ e r i o d - g ^ a d e r l i i i e d ; S g g)ISE, Jon . 23 t ^ T h e filing m commenUn id for condldotes for sUte j,a urged dniryi =5® ™ = ™ ^ In M«. „ s i i ; r i i n ! . v• May J-T— o p p lle r-o lso -to in j y,ey u s j - t t r candidates, SecreUry of products.i_ Arnold Wlllloms empha. ^ i , r l n s l n g _ o

,e ie63**legisiotore^leidMd o's p rlh o ry elecUon low,■nallnff 0 i v n o lt tmt prorld- S o j lor 0 pre-prtm ory convenUon r *

>Ul« ond congressIonU ot-

e p r tm a ^ dal* ww shifted “" P ” '’" '

chosen in Uie primary elec-

t_w ni!am s_M ld_U lA LA >: f l y i U u t y L ^!h the prlmory ia nol until producUon we4 candldotes /o r all couniy p jop,j miereste(

:s and for th e s ta te legUla- gu j ^n n Ooddmust /n e ;th e ir nominating jj^ ry,Ions in county d e ^ ' otHcM g^e lold of herig Uie regular /lllng period, option of dairy

to oil county clerks co^m ^ DAIRVME: le election lonts ond i t witl . '

LlU on_Iorm i_fprl..»ngre8.1 condldatea now ore being -j-v •irtd, Wllllama sold, and they K i | c c | nbe available In hU office t t U S a i U I Uie middle Of February, -j-k . • T u te offlees. nrv a t stake In l - ' o | i f v I rear's election b u t Idoho will *** * 'J * le-rcpreieataUvea from lU -mOSCOW.-Joiwttresslonol-dlsir lffts, p ^ ie r -p id e i -o ie canflldBcy filing period of u av m a today li .eek under Uie new primary of ^ lo-day compares w l* n ,30-day union In « d under th e old law. Moscow publicly

~ T Z ----------• •, with Red China,et Cong Raid 3tQ£t£apitaL= sgye..i100N,.SoutlL.VlAJlom.Jah. among-IorsTgh' t - Communist V lrt Cong t j „ . . tIla.i_flUockcd the_lsolated some of the. cl capltol of Nam Con on munist parlies h lu peninsulo from two n d n ,n[o x^o focllo ’, sinking o Bovemment par jxiih disputing » o l ond k llllne Ilx defend- ” ;n:„uniri id ^

Jury source* oald Uie’Vlet , in esUmated botullon { 5 w ,^ ,,-V > u b

beslc«cd Uie village for lhan » mln^teo befoWlhey

yce plones._________ ,

f i j ' n r f A i 'q r i Tf i u t n 'i wiih SnviiSHJNOTON. Jan . 23' (tre — six-year period.kUng ond ravenous’* Rus* _/Uhlng b o a u o ft Uie BS. T r Q C r l P line ore adding lo cold worms. This w a i the conclu- . j T IJgof a spedol senate report lo x ^w am ed-thot contlnued ex- J '* :? ----------on of Uie Soviet fleet would ly O J .............• 'iurlher ho roc" with tlih-........ ■ lUttnU sources ond odd to cold war....... • . - "»ogi6 sms between tha United - J j o f ..............londRiiKtk 1963----------

[ r r i « a l r i .I d a h o . C o o n l le s ..... .......................

WASH1NGT( declared its wil iasa fe ty free operations. The

H U T ; shortly a f te r PH p -

pc ac c 'C tim in jM t

Filer Mi Blood (;

^ ^ ■ r G e t r 6 9FILER. Jan. 23

lU 7S-pli)t'quota t o 'o ^ n q n e t Wednesday WednesdAy during of the Idaho D(ilrymen's Ihe Amerlcnn l>gl Twin FalU (hU week, were 13 donors am

m aking,0 tolal o:•t___ ^ ________________ Do t o d 4 - r - ---------________ __ ____ . . M r t Eleonw D<

o r s a n d ^ S S— T T Dr. UiUier C, Tl

P P T i T P f n P r ocllvlUes and 'v t •■"■■ V 'X V Harvey A ll

,rs’ cxecuyVC commit- ''

icutive com m ittee, a il mond R e t c h e r K una, vice-president; Tiieener. Mrs. u

■].l,;ho Falls, .lircclor ell K erby, Lenore, and wiiiiom r i 0 1 d Agee, M eridian, cobb, Mrs. irena elecled new d irec to rs Clinton Dougher

lie board T hursday d t *”“ %d i r c d o r » ^ b Y i " « » 8 c i S V “ T « Sng. Members reelected are »nd Mrs Larry ,n. Dovls and William

---------- :------ l.r, .'.I:iWllU.mJ; Framberger, Oilcogo. Jam es Glass worl

generol manager of Uie t<en. Mra. A. B. lean Dairy o.isoclotlon, was juice. ' saiure speaker a t n dinner Ernest Tajtener ng Wednesday night. Some Reed.'Xooi ersons attended the banquet Q e,« ahaff loade Tiertean Legloo holL moblJe- equJpmen mberger spoke on ‘’How to ond Paul Pallersi Production," He sold, “Milk erected the streei mption tn the United SU tes Mrs. .Elmer Pi ncroosed 13 billion pounds clialrman for UieIWO." ------------------------

mberger ouUlned five main f - ^I to help Increase dairy » ' l « O T | / lOtlon,—T h«y-oro-advertU . ■ X - X . d ’X L I miiroved public Image. Im- .d producU ond- new iocas, T j V T ■“ ned Image aa dairym en and H » | 1 * ng. foreign m arkeu. X . ( 4 /X .L .commenUng on odvcrlUlng. p . p i c Tnn rged.dnirymtn_to..bc_more J " " ;i??iiruieT)-pe"or'navermf: tIon-^of-R ed-( hey uso- to -promobe- dairy Chnuvcl, a Fm

ing, informed 1brlnslng_o«t po ln ts_ toJm - n . ,. ---------- , . . .r th e -p u B n d -lfn iso rrn im - r su ted . •‘Changing and Tue.Hdny. Tho irlng Uie image of our prod- .Charles de Gn n Uie people’s mind aUo Mil E as te rn polfcj milk producUon." C h 0 u V 0 ! Fdeclared dolrymen-shouW r V ® ‘j - Y

ve Uielr image ond olso hnvO perhaps I VB Uie dolry Industry’s In F a r E n s t

Chnuvcl. 66, is

» m S ; K M r ^ i ? 2 i r

S . ' S S i h ^ r s i f ^ i u *°'ito the people abroad.- . . * “ ^1

Ann Goddcridge, Americon De Gaulle, soui, was Introduced, ably would go In

old of her port In the pro- on hU move lowi n of dairy product*. Miss when lie mceU U •rid g e .-fro m -S m lU iflc ld . —They _cipect_:

iu.1t ended 0 tour of the w hat amounts to ftAlRVMEN. Pace 2. Col S m ent on policy, t

' _________ »Lon lo' French In

i t r o ~ B a x i k s -• • matlc offensive fo

I S S i a i n C i “vSnesd'’/y !

I l ’ f v Hift Gaulle's ofith a t he has aceei

3CO W .-Jan.-23.m -C ubftn tion to make an er-Pldel-OasUo-Toturoedao lMcr_thia_ la loday In secrecy o t the may visit olher I r a 10-day vUlt to the So- areas.Jnlon In which he bocked *---------------

■“ A n t i - G u e i

'pubhc'lwcklng in his We- D r i v e i n ^/.‘Sfat wlUi Peking by \ T - - ^

R S r .I ih - » l ! » ia t in t= ia n . i

on t^uerT lllo M ' ift_or the. worlds 80 .com- week-oa.-thc. Ion t ponies have become split ajuault tn mllltor two factions siding with appeors to be.fUzU disputing powers In Uie m nitory sources si unlst ideological dUpuie. The sources a JO'S support /or the'Sovlct VleUiomese.goven m was made known In 0 10 commimUl Vii Sovlet-Cuban communique. rlUos klUed ond S3 .communique- gote-de tolls |b&.coordlnated.ol ew trade pact under which p m T a st Friday.. has pledged to h iy 2 i U ieclaim wos nol

donars worth of Cuban The oixroUon b

r ^ i c D e a t h sId a h o BOSTON. Jan. :

AA . A Nelson A. Rocke/*6 4 --------..................... 6 _ the Johnson adnO J............... ..............— Rlve-PwuimaTine;

M o sl. V o ir., /

' 9 ' __ /

^ * F in a l 1 1 ^ ' E d itio n

~ - •• TEN

.S . W illiT0 C o n t in it e t a m i a ^S n iN G T O N , Ju n . 23 ( U P l ) - T h e U n it cd i t s w illingness to d n y ,to r e su m e a id :m nm if th o R o v e rn m eii t th e re g u a ra i n n d freedom o f U .S . pcrH oiincl involvi

io n s . T he s ta te d e p a r tm e n t announceni a f t e r P re .iid c n t J o h n s o n c o n fe rre d foi

t th e W h ile H o u se w i th a Hpecinl f lv c tT m m iss to rf -an d -a rran g o m e n U -w o ro -m ---------------------------------- o d a y f o r th e f i

er Misses ' K1ark“ ;,Memben Of the In

»od Quota,voiced optimum abo

f e ~ 6 9 ' P n i t S ~ meeting w lth J^ M C "I can assure you I

It. Jan. 23-FUer mUsed of the President wu pint quota by six plnU couraglng one.” Ch idAy during a drawing In rloue Telrra-ParU t< ericnn Legion hall. There as he emerged Iron ; donors and Uiree rejecta. House.,0 to u r of 88 plnU do* Press Secretory Pll-------------------- said Uie President (E iS iM -b iK lo iirA clrlan » e e » " r “ V 'W i? ! nd-Loren-Droke-r«eH-ed helpful and report

.U , . r c . m ^ p y n . T y ln S H t y r j H !

es and was osiUled by Uiai we stood , reod larvey A l le n and Mrs,M , . ICCI “SS 5 m p S , .

m re Mrn. Ho:' ShnrUv after. It w» R e i c h e r t . Mrs, Alfred

'• s - r i o i : ? s ; “ « h » k “ iS brm i t o . R«dc. M n. 1.T

s ; DaT»;»1 Dougherty, Mrs. u iie •» um ■ 101 ond Mrs. Rex Loncaster. f u U m ^ t 5s t t MUton Hanson wns In _

• or-serving w f r ^ m e n u S l ^ g the S Irs. Larry Schaeter. Mra. ^■kree Mrs. H. N.s. WliUam Yooer ana Mrs. the lata PnGlass worked In Uie n e d y . ond Ponom vira. A. B. Leeper oerred Roberto F. ChloA 3

on ogreemeni betw s t I3 ittner, Don Andrews, president^ tho t ^ed .'X o iire n ileed ond friendly naUont 0: ^ a :t f loaded ond unloaded treoly provUlona «• equJpfflWt. EWli F ttlU tu ltr BaUstteUrT U »ul Patterson pointed ond parties, orranjemer I the street banner. m o d r to permit bol.Elmer Parrott U loco] dUcuss Uiese points

ian~fof Uifl'dflve............. faetion.* ..............

e a n c e ’s - P l a n s J i

3,r ij]a s t R e p o r t !R i S . J n n . 23 (/P)— F r a n c e w ill n n n o um D f~ R cd~ C H ina-carly n c x fc-T veek a ria 1 I 'd , a F a r E a s t s p e c ia l i s t , a s a m b a ss a d n fo rm ed so u rce s s n ld to d n y . T h o sourc< )r-m A l-A nnouncom enH >>^bA bly-w iH =b8rIny . T h o s ta g e w ill t h e n bo s e t f o r c s d e G nullo to e x p o u n d h is R e d C h ir r n polfcy a t h i s n o w s c o n fe re n c e Ji u V 0 1 FY ance _w puld _______

f '? " a S f rS ,Y M - ¥ ¥ </e l. 66, is a c a ree r. J ip - . ^ I I w i th s c rv ice r e a c h in g l j C l C l ) r a t

j y T --------------- r?eklng would be reopened X I I l l l l C l * k.

“ “™ 5S; ™'SP«

'• French IntwiUons In. the Tlie J . A. Clowson ove toward LoUn Ameri- oompony was low b:

-— jjrojeerwltJnrW dTrtftulle stepped up Ws dlplo- OOO. The new VM-K Offensive for'FVench'Idflu; m rw iU 'tM 'locB trt* broad by opening 0 nsw boulevord , across 1 Wednesday In SouUi Amer- pork.

T he dinner also v 3aulle's office onnounced late Mrs. Ei-ongellnc 3 hns accepted an invlta- le ft about *180,000 tn make an official vUIt to for Uie YM-YWCA

inif r Ihli w ar. He atio Chrtstlon center In ' Alt olher Latln-Amertcon ~T O hef Im turcs o f

" will Indude dUplo; u _ - ! ------------------ plans for Uie YM-^

;i-Guerrilla-", , Bert U rson wlU 1

ve in V iet ceremtmlea. . . ..

lu ri. Jaii. A TniJOT i- fc ' I fU l 'WTlllo drive hfllJed lost K o m b T J I T La.-thc. lotsest.htU conler m military hUtory now

ilobe.fUiUngout,relU ble M ortln U lh e r Kin r sources sold todov. shrugged otf the. souroes oald U ie-South 'acse BOvemment claimed possengen oboord m im iil. VW c ™ K t r - l“ i;"Ued ond S3 captured since * eoU. KUnatttLolr..a« Friday. Bul Uiey sold Im wos no t confUmed.)I>eroUon began when Uio ^

ang stronghold • « milesa t o t Soieon bomb th m t .^ Authorities M i tiSRT. EYES PANAMA N.O,- o to o r t h o lt« :X>N. Jan. 23 a n - Gov. corryinc Kln» u I t A. Rocke/eller has urged U»« nmwoy ft«r ti hnson admlnlsUaUon - to apent.U irte houn.oeuuimaTinercased' p o rtiu - ‘ Dtmcombe,- JtXX. e in Uie cpeniioa 0/ tiia Ut'* e m e tn lu id tl

conol. But. be sold no a report from oa ona should b* 'm odt to woman tho t there

io h o u d Cbe plona.

inal * I Ition - I


l i n g •in u eA id

-The United S ta te s 1aume aid progrumB _ •: ere guaran tees the'n d involved in tho « nmouncem ent cam s iferred for min-♦pecial five-m em ber ’1 l4)-woro-mad«-lator^— :||for th e f i r s t -d ir e c t Iham anian d iplom at- II in alm ost a week. I !rs of the InterAmerican (I mmlMlon, set up by the ll lion of Amerlcnn Slotes, I pllmUm about Uie proa* 11 a Mm em rnt. ftflw th»lf 11 with Johnson. II assure you the opprooch i Tesldent was o moot en.-* 1 g one.” Chairman En." IicraiParUJpld.fl,W »men___ 1merged from the wtuio. ||

Secretory Pierre Sollnger President described the I

- u —T xnh' co re ia l-o n d ------and reported the com. • I

had expressed “Uielr de .-------eason the problem out.* lie House aide sold John-____

stood reody lo dfacUil------tUrs a/fecUnir Uie rela.

between the United nd Ponomo."T after. It waa a n n o u n ^ . ]

Stotes ond. Panom o — h Bunker ond Uiffiiel J. -would meet la te r today • .

notio sources sol'd Uie I BUtes ond Ponom o hod J to iise 0 1902 t7S ..pan . i lement es th e basis /o r o I't .to discussions olmed o t ___'{ the Impasse, vas o communique Isned g 0 conference, here be- he late President Ken- md Ponomo President I F. ChloA I t referred to '

em ent between, th e two m Uiot “when two.

naUont a re bound by provUlona which ore ao t \lU lteta7 to oae o f Ote orrongementa should be ■

> permit boUi notions to UiesB. points 0/ dlosota*

IS i n :

) o r t e d “II announce recognl- e ^ aria narfie= 'Jeftn= -' am bassador to P ek-- •

Eho sources reported r - w i l k b o u n a d u -n iiX l— B se t fo r P residen t Red C hina nnd Far.

ference J a n . 31. In

t W C S ’s ^ Te b r a t i o i r

i n e F S e tonsld E. Walker, preal- the Idaho Stole unlver* be tii6 4 ee tu rcd .sp c ak c c_ _ VM-yWCA. cdebroUon

0 be held a t 7 p jn . FM.Ihe EpUcopal Church ot

x» l YM.YWCA will bengthe-progresson-fc-new------for Twin FtOls.A. Clowson construcUon

’ was low bidder on th? rranrWdTrfTitwtftr»wfr>------1 new -yM-YWCA build-ba 'locBtcd-wt-jaizobeth------d . across from Joyeee

Inner also will honor the •- . Ei-ongellne W hite, who It *180,000 In 0 tru st fund • YM-YWCA to build 0

n center In Twin Falls.—TcalurcTorth'TeVeniriif-----lude d U p l^ lng of Uie r Uie YM-YWCA build- (leal entertoinm ent. and t tlie Y“ reports,.Arson WlU be moster o( lea. . . .........................

i b J - h r e a t - , — -NTA. Jon. 23 tcni — Dr. , UiUier King, J r , today >1 off Ui». bomb Uireat layed him and Ifl oUier OT oboord a Piedmont plane la st n igh t oa'*'jusl caU.’

«U iem lnt««rnUon 1 ^ - id here early l5da>'ob6ut u r s behind aciieduM ond eted by o smoU group lU Southern OirUtlon lip—eonfereoce^H q-op— — olm ood uarttf/Jed by U» n o t.nues » t tb * .AaherUls,' rport bolted th e plooe K tn r M lt..toxled onto way ftir tsk » .o tf and ree hours oearchbiB U.nbe, NXJ. ■couDtyrmw:-------c tn lu id ttoey ne tSm S

from a a tmldesU/Ied ■ • h o t there w as » bomb Mplona.

Page 2: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

• T h u r id # y ,J f ln .2 3 .1 9 6 4 .2 Twin Falll rim w -N em

U. S., Canada “IIL

Leaders Eye S

- WASHINOTON. J m . a CTO— * *PTMtfl*nt—JobnfO O -M id-PrJiM —

----- S t o l to n Z i l c r i r P H r t o n - n i T e —M rted to to ' lo he«d off tJ A - ' CanK llin frIeUOM b f devtloplnf ^ A new economic B^den ru le » gortrn Uw eomple* reUtion# 'be* ^

“ tw een'm e Iwo'cmmtilCT.— ...... ^Tlwy *nnounoed In A commu- r ;

- nlquB jeiUpJ»y »ft*f two (U ri of ■ talfci tha t Uity were K ttlifg up s "

»ofltlnE kroup ”» t [ i

dffvlalntf a new u t ot rconomle ^ princlplet ^ which to fulde eeo-nuiiUA lelAUuiisr--------------------- - ~

• • - -The—W>t -.wovld be - to • avoid y - tv./-niuihni In which

- -BliwdwrvMmpBCl on the o ther. ®TIIB united 8Uil«» »nd C»nad«, “with the W jiesl bllatcnil trade Jy) In tJie ttoria and with IntrlcaleJy jnterwoTfn econnmlw, are c*pe-clBllr ' “ulnerable lo auch devtl- "opmenlA____________ ^ JJJ;

Sid Races at ; Soldier Ai-ea | Are Planned |

PAUUTELD.; JWI.-. 23 — Four M|i ■ feci of wow i t the top and l l t r«

------Teerxc-the>iodie-«n*lhe-8oldUr-MountAln Ski area are refwtled [;« by ac«n nw t«n»on, one o l the ow ntn . TliBW ta PlenFy e t «ood ch

' packed powdered mow trom ch------ft^-enow -w h lch -t elt-th U-we t t . y ;

Blmpla doTOhlU elalom racef. Co wlU» about 16 B»te*. wUl be held "J SatordBf. iccordlnf to -D o ra n j>,

------Oluer. one of the *U .initructot». PjiThs raeci will bo for beginner*

------ ftnd-loW'int«nnedlat«.Aklenjind (uprimarily for member# of tho » il h* Khool whieii h u been conducted

------ the l u t th w WWfa By

Other »kl«r» In beglnnen }J .bracltet Wll be allowed’to par* ilclpate. One hundred pin* will Al bft preMnttd ta the m lo u a win- «r ner*. “

Cluer ila le j about 200 clilld itn « . havB been a ttendlnj the achool. ce, 'I wllh tour busload* comlns trom

Twin Pall*. OIU trccn Duhl and one from OoodUJB. Aboul 60 of the children are In the JnKrroe- Pf dUte da**, most of Ihetn h a r in i gj* lakeh leuont la tt year. u

Cluer (Ute* th a t the me«* wlU «<; besln around lO:SO fcjn. SaUirday ^ or a* *oon a t all the^buae* a ri jtf

' der 'the eupcrrblon of the certl- tied akl patrol. • . ^ a %

More race* a rt belnc planned ^ to r lh e more adnneed akkra . nu One WlU be the OUon «up race no and the oUter wlU be th e Goldler g ; Mountain Taoe..Tlm» fo r-(1mm x* «IU be tnnounoed later. ]|>

I t ie pubUo U tnilted to watch P. tha raoos. H ie )ode» lunchroom u L -a n d (he equlpcnent ren ta l ahop ' ' « U lb e cp e n .Ilo a d ia re v o o d an d

are kept jdowed to i h e . area, m FrcatenioD lafd. to

• r - h<

— J 3 a ^ c 3 3 U i^ -

Funerals w______ 2 IL E R ^B ennce«_rw _Fcne*l-------M oU ee-wlU-bft-held-at-a.p. m. , J

Friday In White morluary chapel *“-------by-U ie-B ev:-D r^c-M lkelrW nal “^ ___rltw_ylU_b* held In the lO O P ^

cemeterr. fU a . '

DDELEV-Tuneral terrloe* for 2? Mr*. C lati tiOTlRa Crltchfleld ^

____^wllLbfl.hela at,Jj)fl» ,.pyiday_ln “tho Burley LDS t in t ward chapel ” by Bishop Ralph RaunuiM n. la a t rites will be hetd a t the Oakley ceoeUry. PrJenda may ^ call &t. the-McCuUoch tuneral f f

— homer-n inm ay-and r r l d a r -u ntn “ 3 • Ume of t ^ c e s .

OOODINO— Puneml aerrlee* ' for Samuel R edlndon wUl be held a t 2 p jn ; Priday to the “ Thompson funeral chapel by the ^

------- R e rr-H a r tid —Hake,—O h rb llan “church pastor. U * t rite* will ba » conducted a t Elmwood cemetery. Friend* may call a t th e chapel

- . Thursday and until tim e o t eer- ° \ ...... vieb-PrldBy. ContrlljuUon»-«re "

suttECsted to the Christian church buUdlnj fund In care c t Qeorse

■------------------- ------- SCA STLEPORD -Puneral eer* ,

—— ttees-for-Aaron-Oonlerman-wW bo held Bt 2 p.m. Priday In the

I Castleford BaptUt church by the I Iter. Harrey Budcr, Concludlns I ' T lt« held'’a t the Buhl "

cemetery. Prlends may catl a t rT the Albertson-Dlckard c h a p ^ -

-----------B 0 R I« ¥ —Punet*U ervloe*-lwJohn DavU Larson will be held

. . a l 2 p jn . Monday In th e Burley LDS first ward chapel- by bishop Richard nolj-oak. S tar ward. F l- 1 nal rites wlU be conducted a t K i Pleasant View cemetery. Friends M)

"I may call a l the McCuIloch fu* 0< I , neml -hPinB Sunday afternoon « i

j— " 1Itne.pi scmecs. ! ‘

Burley Man Hurt “ When Car Upsets s

. m rPERT, Jan . M -R o n a ld J. •’n ~ P « V rB u rle j% w u n u te fl- ln - ta jr

condlUon today a t C a a la Me*

juries recelm l tn a one-cnr acci­dent one mile w est 'o f Pau l on

• s u te highway 3S a t 6:30 a jn . to- 5^- -- fljiy. _ • • M:

■^Bheriffe-ofncer*- »a ld -P o w y- j gw u headed west when lhe l»S3

I Oldsmobile he was drlTlng slid off the roAd and struck a tree.I t waa not deteftnlnerf Jf pcwy • « * thrown out or had coUen S?) out, bu t whea officen arrlred he ”

------w a*. lyln«- unconscious oa the “I- ground.

' . Harper Hunsaker, Paul farm­er, heard t i » crath u he w u do-

. Ing hU choret. and noittled Ute .aherUf* office.

_____ Poeey. ha* a fraiuired I f s and J a- othisr -undetermined lnjuries^> Mi

N ew * W e a th e r, T e ihMAOIC VAIXEt—Tartly iSmAT wli

e r t r b lgb tr Taltoya taday. F*»tW e**

^ h ighi ll 'M . tow* - 1 U - I S . Owtlort e « » n a e r wJU. prtdpltaUen. T e « p « t w ---------M a t T .F.-w«athtr-bttrtaa’.w lU i.n .p c i

-^Jm e • ■ ^ • ■--W Y W Q P B lg-A N D -W E ^l ’ The enUro «pp*r a ir low ptw aure ir

complex surface *Wnn ly a tr a e j n ^ i Ujo Bockle*. RUln| prtMuree and drle in to tbe Pacific Korthwni a n d th e nor snow flurrlee are about a t an end «

_ r „ DecfM itn'i cl«idin*M wlll b e -ta -o rd e r : tog U»e next 24 lo M houra with v m h ^ DayUme lempertturee will undei

‘ * r e ^ B * M u>e 20* .(0 mid M*. due U

r u M ui i p ^WOTlc Cama* prairie can expect mlnl

i n i e r l d g ^ higher-------77 Will Oe * liun^ l**d-a» a |nfw PftCiiK *

thVWa*hlnBton and DriUsh C o l ^ ^

S i k s s t s s

‘ I n ^ e a of new snow. _______


ja SL":7^=!! --Is ;d g = jj I E

i S i i p i S L i L - ieported ---------------------------- I* , j n,ii*'oUrt^wn. ft C .----- «f «

!! R S*_we«k. ..............- ; ; V, ___, race*. o------------ J» }'tw held l i M '‘I 'VDoran

ructoo . nyigth-------------- . . . . . . --------a .^ ./glnnei* ’• {»siS-Ano ciiiiiitdn ~ V I Itho »kl H*'"* •„----‘ i l Jihm.

ii____ _ K*uM cur — »* »» „ 5 “ t

na will Alaaka and Hawaii. W edneadarhtth* J i* win- e r ^ le. n a ^ an ^ B KWM’rt

hiMnm Bemldjl and IntemaUonal Fall*. Minn

Alaska. IlawaU and


' m .u « J - t i r i J Z S i G.tanned i ^ k*ktera. K m ~ » *» 7,-

l l i■ " x * ~ '■ !' rchroom jdato r tm , « '» •**

S d ‘K d NORTH TDAHO-MoeUr cloudy wit

* • s s t ^ W o u T______ boUi day* 30-48, low* tonight lS-30.

^ - M a g ie -V a l le y ^J M a g i c V a l l e y J t t e m o r i a l G

-PCHMl -Mr».-Ola«noe-Mmfc-JCL,-Oifc . M r l-P- *"• Ur*. n ittn M U tter- Robe:

L ih ._M t4 ..D ocild -ltockw orth '. o < ^• .S ? ,* M ark Fataah. Mr*. U m om y O - head,■ BrienrM M-JohnBeeftl»d..Prne*t

MUler. Mr*. Lom Mitchell. O ta n ti r r n r , OstCThout-Roger ep rlg8* .-M i» .-------

We*Jey DobK. Mr*. Rodney t SmlUi and M n. DOnald Samuel- j j B son.-all-Twin-r>ai*; Joyce.B iTr - j v . no tte and ivan Bacon, both H an- J J Q *en: Ray Walden and Mr*. Merl ^ W « d ^ both PUer;-Nancy Rob- g i )

h in?^d DoweU. Bur-iS i loy;jn»om aa a-Sapp,.K im berly. - BO

jy ,; MTi. H c T ^ t J ^ e r . Oakley. W IIJ

___Mrs. ArUJur Biuder and *<m. meeU?in ^ M r^ wrniam O. Bomer. ^ Uib * J r Coleman. Busan Nye. u r r y Da-

*5f ▼!«. Aaron Veeera, Mr*. ErnestEricaon. Arthur DUlne. Mr*, niitte

^ luym ond Neale and Ray D. y , j w»J<Jenr»U-PllerrM n.-Cari-Pe- Ur*on. Castleford: Clyde Berry ^ and Frank KeUy. boUi Duhl. and „

------ O w go-Skrufllanrt. Kimberly._______

Daughter* were bom to Mr. •''J* ‘‘." 'T i” ahd“ M«.— B iy-Sm lthr-^V elU :1" S® N et.: Mr. and Mra, ArUjur Hen- hy r r Eden: Mr. and Mr*. Donald • »

Kackworth. Mr. and Mr*. Donald M l ! Samuelson and Mr. and Mr*.

Rodney Smith, all Twin FalU. T - oJ ^ a son to Mr. and Mrs. We*- t i d

■ ^ ley Pobb*. Twin-FaUs.___________ ^

C a s s i a M e m o r i a l ^iU io p AJ»I1U<1 i * ? , « L n - m ™. n « l . 8imw.ll M n s n r t ; « ^ lied a t Kinney, Mr*. Gerald Hale and ¥^ 3 Prlend* Mr*. B-erett Pope, all Burley: Mn ch fu- a w t n Ilewef. end Rob- canUi em oon " L E j m e . M a h ^ __________ Kivcn

Nrc- ^ ^

V A' dauBhUr to 'M r. 'in d Mta. spe D ollar Holmes. Burley. . u u i I

s e t s s t B e n c d i c t ’8 . J e r o m e land.n*jd J. Adnllled Paltn -fa ir -O a ll-M u lU n U .-J ire ro e ^ a n d V erll la Me- M »- OrvUle Harley. Wendell. e rt V

ir acci^ ~M n-“ Joh rrM u fn rrrM rsr-H rr» ^ iT ? •au] m an Kulm i n l Mrs. Ronald pert 1 i jn . to- Claar and dsuhgter. all Jerom e: cor

Mrs. naymood Wheeler and u,e p

ng , 1 man Anderson. Hagtmuin. .

“ f ^ T A daughter w u bom to Mr: C and Mr*. Edgar Eldredge. T r tn 0

ired he ______ FBI

“ ' M i n i d o k a ’M c m o r i a l qulttefarm - Admltteil recent

VU do. M rx Leland Trac>-. Heybum. wa.'* liled Uk - . Olanincd - • anil-n

.Ntn. lo.v VanEv-fiT. Rupert: the sfS and Jam es -0. .Ottoon. Actqula, and thoujl-les^> Mr*. Thomai smith. Burley. dUig.

T e i h p e r a t u r ^ ! ^

g tlomOt a ad w w e r rtU »r T T■ bm lclil l - l* . esecTi C*mai prairi; J a I-lS. OwtlMk for Saturday t i ta fr and r e t t p e n te m a t t u . : U at B O mw iU i.t$ .per.e tr ,t .h«m y iliT ,M ^ L l ^ : M »ed_» «2 p ^ ^ ^ t ^ h w ^ t t y .

r cen t bamldHy. BaroweKri p e rc en t

3-WgATHER-OTMMAB Y WednMCnnei^ire «nif lta~aio,in'>»“t>y*‘‘«Tttig~miicm eontmue* to more eastwwi* oter Ui» and drier a ir are m a k in r ihelr way s u ^ nd th e northern inUrmounialn rnion. by j j j

M end o rer M u le V*Uey •eetlont. «n,e i B-la-order for-Mrteult«ral-valltf»;Bur.- U TM e,. I with lom* *uji*hlne during <t*yU«ht properfj t win undergo only m inor change* wim »equent M*. du* to tower nighttime u m p en - ta dttte r w

of , 1*.


"fc »i«n?r mSrSiii. "P„«"

_______ lo ira M

------------!! JJ „ rao.<M.-------------- « i i -nrin

■ !!!iaj.'-y.l - = ;i !i ■ s e s a u j ; ^ . . - il , wNrw Yofli — j* •* »

■“ » ' , ! = ! ; !! -“ T i.'h , , ^

— W i ,jlP'uSH? — iJ J » ^ Cont K.t( uk« a t r -------- » ** •** WWW /<

------ ■ -------- Uie lota;8u Wa. M*ri«______ |{ 69 Inchc

.0 ~ ~ f :• •» ley floor— Tr » y • __ Z i «* Mike

_ii -- 1 ♦* '!* from wiUiin Uie United BUfes e i« p t chargw jB -.hiyh« iw a t Bartow and Ft. taua- mounlal e, Tex. . . d » *t

? S * c ^ '^ a t MW ?a^ Ida. o t explo- f Bun ^

U m lt and Canada . ^ “protect! rday, lowest temperature Ust 12 hour*, over a rndlng i a jn . P8 T. v‘ trouble.

T,p. suiinn H*t- Ml;- f 'f - use a• •!! ' ~ {t "jr> !u from th

•jJ X;XrM»- 11 • Tf. to cau#riirUnk* ________ -I* -**• JJ a re u , bi

•** iud?i!!h .~ :_ - I t •» „ r

nnL^HKUA'lVMW ------------------------------i * 3 B

j a p a _ ^ - ? - ^ : H o s j f s r S E ^ i i !! "A ft(Tf! Pot»i*ii» J-------------- M \* J •*; Iran,

-a ■!■ s riria K in . .r= i! .!!

cloudy wIUj acaltered snow mosUy tn InUhlng to a few flurrie* In big“ »ft, lay. UtUe tem perature chanBe. High* >U ls -so : • ___________ Sherltt ,

. .___ . ~ Ung off!

;Hcyr i a l G o o d i n i r M e m o r i a l . r a " ;

- AdialtUd driven tQ li- _ M « ._ a u l Ot«nawalt*, Jr.. «)!.'« 3. iitiW R o b « rw ilis rn r8 u u r3 o n c* .-B ll - Tlie--t orUf. Ooodinjr.-and Mr*.. Flojrd_B??«T

head; Alt>eru7 C in iaa . . Ih e -T ilL „ t Dt*«U.ed Deputy

5S- Lanting Calls • S F ' Boise Meet^on

“j; Sparsity Factor ■*rly. .. BOtSE. Jan .23 tt» -S U t« n e tj . J T m i i ile y . William J . LanUng. R , Ta-ln-------F U U :^ has-«ancd-for-a_E eb_ilaon, meeUiw of hU *ubcommlltee on ^

Rick UlB sparsity tactor., - BOISED a- Mynm Schlechle. Teeearch d l. Freight

™ «t tte to r to r Uie council, said com- w u occi mittee members would get to- court o f

An^ gethtr with rcpreeenuUvcs of Uie ®‘)^»n ^ o o l s'upeflriteliaenia-assoclsi.

Uon a t the DoUe.planiied meet. *he I “'*!• The council w u tmtrvcted b /

Ul* 19CJ leaUlatuce to study the ,probJem or*Ule~«I<J-W*ip«Vlr

Sa S iSup wlU> rtcommenoaUons. , convenie----- hi. .j, ,

and comperUotu for. the subcom- j^gn.Veils; m lttee.when It merl/i- ......................sylvanHen- • ---------------------------- • ftttomey

Mrs. Marco Cole’s '“ i iJ!?; Last Rites Held ]

RUPERT. Ja n . 23 - t n e r a l CASPl»cr¥lcw“ for .Mra. iJiucu Kcbuii OchwortiCole were held Monday a t Uie get'somWalk mortuary chapel wlUi Birti. mother

rlr la ^ R®“ Hunsaker of the Rupert but It wiLDS fourth ward. ' thlng^ h

rley: Mrs: Jay L. McBride w u or.Rob- canut and (^ n ln i t prayer w a *

’ t ^ » n d - ^ 2 5 iu ^ '' tor

jby Bishop Hunsaker. • tesZTthtM»- Speakers were-Jay-L. McBride - “

and Dale a . O am er wlU> dosing

Pallbearers were Roy LundquLst, nf ■ nt -and Verl U Cole. E arl D. BuUer. Hob. g y , , . .I. e rt WUllaniJ, l^V »r C. NelMn jodsv •------and. Je rry_B u llc t_B o»’crai*cre..i>j:-U»o-<Her^caiTd-for-tiy-the-W Bm en-of-Ilu.-^lnEtrainald pert fourth ward Relief society.

Concluding rites were held at• J® Uie Rupert cemeter>- wtU> Alfred , b

rS Some Dream! SaiiFELTHAM. EoBland HTJ —

Olbson B ro w 'n . 25, w u -s e ­l l quitted of attempted car theft I

reeenUy;when he explained hci im. wa.t in a "d ream ' Induced by sn j D #

anil-asUima drug and Bot liilo; O l >ert; the sc'rnnEer's cor becaujc he b i and thought * e w u Bolng to a wed- ■

dUis. . l I U i ^

T G ^ i S i e i s ^ ’Evg Valuation ^

a Is Boosted rirBOISE. Jan l 23 lA - ld a h o t a*- l m

Mued-yaluaUoa_of^property_tor xdaho r ■ taxing, purpose*. totaled |7«4.- b u bc< * r i - m liST T te r r im r%'-txxM t-tarM nrj-boi

— I-- - ' ■>

when th e 1962 U)t*l of |721.Wfl.- S . . '»y SM aI*o exceeded th a t tor IM l •

by 33 p e r cent. *IU1»“ • 1710 1»«3 total Included 1531,• condItU U r ■ a sT JH -to - .i t a l- . in d -p e n o n i l tht property, |18,t95.«S for Uie aub- * « « ' 1th K q u en t, pe«on*l property roU. when i r»* mad tar aunue*. *hB Sniow AU counUe* *howed Increaie* . I**- fw- Uie -yeaf' wltln h B wceptlOB —jnnr ht. of six. Bear U ke w u down k . Mni ^er $333,045, Caribou U 3«.l» . Clark ^ lecuc ing *33,456, a ea rw a te r $38,233. U ta h ^j,„,eii

ay. .Ada county showed the blBgwt tw galn.- a beoet- e f-> 4-J 3 0 ^ t - t » - « • « « 'w; nsi3T 4;7M .'«ahoshm rxountrw u FalU-U me up *3,3S3.]73 to l8Ld«3.oei. a dinn

O ther countle* w llh. Biins. of room aJ ow 1 million doUan or. more and ice*. Al In their 1W3 lot»U-were: - InVlied.

ree Bingham, up » 1 » 4 M to | 2« . - ---------m e s s ; BU inr,-up ti.4i8.oei to M .078W : BonnerUle. up HJ41.- 080 lo «42,881,»<; Caasla. up |1 .-

13 010,8M to I1B4N1.7SO; Kootenai. _ .up |lJffT.830 to e t j n jO T and

-.18 T*'in-F»Ul up »lW 2.Ul-t0-M 9.- W * -- 8D0400. Twin I

Twin PWU tv tked second to stop « Ada in toU l raluauon and Can- Judge yon wa* cloee behind wlUi M5.- hw thi

. .S C '_ iSchooLQpens S ;^ I a T o ^ s a s e S “ Winds-Stop— s S® Continued From Page One ^

anow leU W e d n ^ a y to bring *-.u Uie total’tnow. d«pUi on Bafily to ^

68 inches. wlUi 60 inches a t Uie -1^ Boundhou»*-and-«-on-U»e-r*l».11 ley floor. . ^

Mike MUner. to U ta n l forest th^^pe*

j!! fltlcmixm. crcwa.uiedJrNX.hand fpt charges in Uie bowU on Baldy ‘‘““ •J id- mounlftin. Dynamite w u used to

sUbUiee Uie snow on Uie souUi *t slope nnd p r w n t 'avalanches.^ Harold Haven s i l ^ b W O g~U|g

of explosive*.Bun valley* ski patrol did

••protecUTO *kUn8" Wedne*d*y « . over are*s which might cause «* trouble. Crew* had planned to

use a lOJ mUlimeter howltwr ^ “‘h :}J trom Uie Idaho nauonal guard was tin Tf. to cause avilanehlnB In *ome

a re u , bu l vlslbmty w u loo poor.

- JHMseiUtfanJs—Hospitalized

’• After Accident ^■»i i f u i B»con. CO, Hansen, w u judge 'J i reported in-good condlUon a t obscure Tf. Magic VaUey Memorial hosplul , , "niursday morning wlUi injuries •” bp .rtee in d Jn a tat»-truak coJU- , b , *lon a l 3:10 a jn . Wednesday flvo g : . ^#1

miles e u t o t T»’ln PalU on slate ™ I s highway » .

Twin FalU c o u n ty Deputy__ Sheriff D arld Honler. inresUga- P°‘“ ® '

Ung officer, said » ISM Cherro- lel two-ton. truck B a - .

— m rhad-puH ed-enkK M ilghw aytrom a county roid and collided ,*® w/fh a J5fi3 Cherro^et tank truck a ou iy . driven by WUllam B. Dean. 26, ^ -

]r rouie 2. Twin PalU,Bll - Tlie-t*nk-iruek-*ent-20T_fe£l _ A _ aJL m . Into a tleld on Uie norUi side of ■ _ .• • llfrTilghway -befoi sfowlng.

Deputy Slieritf, Hunter u ld Uie Broup «__ tank_inick.waa.traTcUiig w esson audllorl

" highway 60 and Uie oUier irud: be *ac)— w u-R olnB 'northrD M n'told th 8 etuse ■(

' deputy tltaC Uie other truck pull- piroe oed oul onto Uie highway w ithou t, i t tUi

- Mopping a l Uie stop-sign.— eommuiBacon w u cited for failure n c

to yield the right ol way. *11- the■ 11 0 rfiT

S -Trucldng Firm - “ S; 'aces-UiSrCount

BO ISE Jan. 33 W -..>ida.Cal chooses (U. Freight Lines, Inc, Twin Falls, (oi R,. w u occaied todsy'ln U S dUUIct orospec to. court o f violating Interatate com- ,

!“.1 The informaUorT cliarged in

seven count* Uini Ida-Cal hauled freiRht'trom, Nampa and Cald* .weU-tO-CftUtomU polaLs In June “We and Ju ly , Iasi year. wiUiout first $100,000 obtalnmg a ccrtlUcaw of public sen'ed convenlenee -and necessliy from Henry

-'T- ith t 1nT*Tt*"l t ' 0'n m ir? r i fii tpin- slon. , next w

------Sylvan-JetyeMtn,- t)3 ..dU trlcl- sohedulntcomey. u id the firm w u con-

, vlcled on a similar charge ' In r t i S August. 1860.____________

Different I<atr«l CASPER. Wyo,. tn — John NB\V

he Bet'aomethlnR different for hU Americt h . mother on her 81st' blrUiday, lhe ear ;rt but It w u hard to think qf any- tu jr .

IhlnB he hadn't alreadjl Blve'n The f If, >her. • . . • Berkele:.ji, HU eolulion? bus. 0 „•Ij He badgered caiper merchants in IPll ng. for several wetta imtii -m . ■

----- tg8? rtt ie ~ rg g n if -h e rb lrUi. ■ -----------


federal loan of u million dollar* ,,riMind to aid in financing construcUon v-u muii

*'• of a new dormtoty t i Idaho mon O' Siale-unlvcralty-waa-iinRouneed

today. The loan, wm approved

■> ;;;- -MNC-E- g ;

S a tu rday Evening

5;t "'"E,5 Boirditorium H::!


i T m n F a llsN e w ftuberi W. Irereea. 330 C arrfl

M- I - B o » u . V - « ' ■for aophomore. Twin FUlt. DarU;4.- S T l ^ . e l w ^ SCf5*SS

tofortiy. ~

H?. — Mar t i n Bu t t . 12. 'ond seec

w ; to Knlor. T .U . .r.U k<“ f K l« « a K r ^» “ W ja».n'. u»>cl.Uo». ^ p ,

--------------- :---------------------------- M l Mr l . . Ol

'"■s 'srsInVlled. ■

VaUey T rafficTwin P»f£* Ji»U « « « « * * 1 ^

“ a r o . - ’irpSi,s?.“ S■ $ & i " h S w S £ £ - • » 'w

S Iigned Uiree rlolH lon point*. M t a I - - ? ; i » m - 0 „ 8 _ K y * * .- i6 ;^ u t5

I, Kimberly, w u fined 115 and 1“" eo«u and u slgned t ta w vteU-

■ Uon pointa by acUng Twm FalU T 1 Police Judge Mr*. OonsUnce J. A 1

_ Lelser-Jor_fi01urejp_yleId_Uieright o t way. | i a -.

Ida R, Blerwag. 60, Rupert, w u J 7 U l fined *12 by Rupert Police Judge . _

’V? Jake Wall for speeding. A J ,C ■BonaId"-K;“ SummeTs,-21r n u - - . r » .U i S . pert, forfeited a $2S bond in Ru-

. . . Uie peace wlUi a car.■f; Danny L. Lonsley. 17, Paul.^ and nandal V-' BJH tfT l BrMln?“ 5 W okBr*Mirrorfclttd-B-$2a-bond Z In Rupert police court tor driving

without due regard. "W alter ^8 . Dunn. l i . RupMt

^ llM 'w uV for'w eedlnB !” ^ '^IM s . Jone*. 33. Heybum, ‘Utions ily WM fined $10 and com* by Judge EngUa u i Jake WaU fo r.ji stop sign vlo- on Uie i to latlon. I n d u e

Ruth A. McClure. 31, Rupert, Oreat S ^ was fined $10 and* by Judge norel, a:

Jake Wall to r *peedlng. coursu,„ Pred D. Legault. 17, Paul, post- . ^ n ed

' ed a $1S bond in Rupert pollct miroduc court for *peedlng. growth

Mlclmtl J . Bohlen. 17, Rupert, forteltAl ts bond- W Tm p tn tu P J S o ^ lice .court fo r driring on Iht hour coiwrong side .of .the slreeL.............. -OUier,

Fr*ncM R. Mathew*. 17, Ru* jjude bu pert, was fined $3 and coet* by of real

'U Judge W all for drlrlng wlU naUonal ^at obscured v U Io n .- ...................... ed.Stat­ic ' Russel E. W arr. 21, Burley, United i

posted a $13 bond in Rupert MaUie “ ■ police court for. taDure fo yield torO xtt « me right of way. - *i*oi»l.

Bemlee M. Halle. 48. Mlntdoka, aehedule ,.y posted » -$15 bond in Rupert J . police court fo r a stop sign rlo- jjucaUo

latlon. . in Uie s# . Dennl* H itt, Burley. fMfelt- hour c

ed for following a vehicle too ^ im tc i " » "» ■ , r»», !.M, ^ "!-------------- meeUngi

.1 J U - Y i c C e n t e i Lfg". ~ C o n tln n e d ‘Prom-P»ge‘One he Broup w u told, the Quality of Uie ‘ on auditorium and faclUtie* cannot 7 ., ck be sacrificed umieSssarlly be* , j , hs e»use -of being *addled-wlth a .j*, 11. pJeoe o t hJgh.prteed Und. Alt se.u t , I t tu o w u explained Uiat mosl be held 1

communlty-projeot* of UiU ty p e ----------« aro tnore *ucee*sful by letUng T T .„n j

a ir the peopple who subscribe to U O I J Uie campaign elect a boanl of q j ^.j

._ d i r e c t o r * ._____ _____________23.U»—iT he board of directors, actlnB Judge. 1

i f on-behalt-of-Uw-I.OOO-or-more attomej subscriben. Uien selects Uie site, straight

“I chooses U»e architect and build. James >*• ing contractor, and interrlea-s charge < ■«t prospecUve auditorium managers, u . S . : !!* The third execuUve committee made 11

prognyis report meeUng of UiU up Uie J fT wtet-wm'be-held-Prl(l*y-al-,#:JO JWdjiy_ ^ a jn . In Uie campaign headqusr.^ ters, • . . TRY TEne “We will probably go orer Uie W :st $100,000 m ark tomorrow." ob-;!**®^™ lie sen'ed the campaign chaiiroui,! im Henry WllU, '''because Ihe total

next week or well be w ay^ iff

“ Schools Made. ;• Late Appearance a

ftn NE\V YORK (tfPO - Junior high 1TO *ehoaU=dhl=aot=appeari e a - th r . ,r Ils American educational scene unUI ,y. lhe early p a rt of the 20th cen- . y.- ‘UJT. Aen The first Uiree ».*ere opened tn -

, Berkeley.,Calif,, in ISOO; Colum-, bus. O.. In W O, and Lo*-AnR«lcs —

ts In IPll, according lo Ene>'clo-| S i

!?!„ ■■ ■ — O V E R W E I G H T "

'A t« rou vllkout • Surmr't »r>« xriptUn. .tir dru» >»1M OimiNKX.'’n Yog m»<t lo« UfiT f .t !■ J d.r. or

1- S5m ^ : s3 > ..i« , . ,B k _ 'opiiiCTirir - r - r ~* tli>7 Ut,M tnd rMltr tw.Ho.rd,Wb» I0» u U ODRIKCX. foo lUll

MI) llkf. bul rou •IihdIt don’l h«»» IL-

SEX dr»rm n jmir »od dp. »»■jfMM. roisr tbrir, for Vour 'Ofltht nutl mn> d<»n. bw*uw »

J!u. . . t l« tr» tu - l u h ' l ^ r ’rKt rid IB)or t>cn> (at-ond It^ bMinr. OPRINCX m u I1.M oiia U uld.oD lki* CUAIt.AKTZEi It Dot uUiflrd fot oar ifUo. .jutt murn ihi pMh^c* lo rour d/Mj. Ki Kl*t ■nd'fffft yuur full rnnnrr boek.'So' aunlioni ukrd. Ontll.NUZ l> oold •llh

11*1. b /i T w u .sg tn K irllARHACY -T W lS rALL9-HAILj OU)i;U flL tX P. Atf.

^ e w s ^ B r i e i l 4 5 | .« ■ c a r r f w i U f c V i l T ^ t y o f l ^ . l j Q n1,/unlor. Twin F*U», has 11* elected prealdent- of LltUe ^ ^» ter* ot «tnerT*.'B6 - o r s a n U a ^ I

tp o u o n d by Slcm a Alpha Ep- • ■ • a AtUoo tfateroity. . WASBD

*. DarU MeChiaky. » Unirerslty JodjI- ond*hB -prem edical-*«)hom <^ UQ,tloa-e

P l'.im '.n o f ' th e 'in le te3U eg i* i* |^e j on

2. 'ond *eme*ter. | ^ ^ e roj

•di’ Twin Fall* C<wnly Women'* al Republlean club wUl meet lo r , jomm 8- no-ho«t desiert luncheon The num p ja . Monday In th e comoitieeid.ot -U ifi.BoBtram J^otel A book ,o rk -to d i 10 review wUl be given b T W « '-£ ,i - AueUon b . BUger 'on "A NaUon of Sheep, . _ ..

omcer* wm be IneUlJed Mcm-

“• Mr*. Paul HeuatOB. 3605 EU u- QUlck p u ibrth

Hie.cgBrfc ln e Oppotes Medicare." AU-hurdle 1 r« young RepubU cw women are unanlmou

lurged to aUeod.

affic C o u r ts . 2 k ”a T hom u F. BmlUi. Rupert, was to fined *20 f iy jw p e r t Ju * U ce ^V O ie -P ettce-O ran-W hlttaker-for

“ * ^ n n u Locell. Paul, torfelW110 in Rupert justice court for 3 * “ ^

« drlrtog while driver-. toen*e w u

?J "H enry-T .-M cC urry. w u .ftoed “ Jt5 in Rupert Ju*Uce court tw “ «

U l Q asses ' srS „ Formed for : Adnlt-Conrse S£r.Ifl —RUPERT, J a n . 23 —-The J d a h o -------- ----' s u t e . university Rupert-Burley „

,1 #dult education c e n u r has u n ta - 11 S .iL lively sft 11 rin-MM fnr the WC- ..Y*,. *,A ,on d ^ B iie s te r^ cc o a lln sJo _ ;^ ie _ A . |f l _ j? Lowder. local coordinator. J - Lowder explained the list of T q p ,4 classes w u dm w n up a t a meet* -^3 ^ * 2. Ing h e l ^ t ^ t o i ^ a h |gh ^ ^ ^ I L

n, dltlons lo the p resen t llsu dom SUi le English •classes to be Included Presldeni >. on Uie second #eme*ter jchedule announce

I n c l u d e EnglUh compotlUon, tory ^ •t, Oreat Book* and The American Uie PhUl :e norel, aU Uiree being Uiree-hour United i

courses.......................................... .t - . An education class wlU Include « K iniroduclion to education: human ‘. growth and development, and •I, J f n m l meUiod* Jn elemcntwy

5cl,ool. ThU JIS'WIU b .“ hour course. ‘ •-

-OU ier.-Uireo-hour classes in- fvJ- elude business 303: tundamentaU ‘» of real estate; O orem m ent i n .Ul naU onalB orem m enfo tttieU nlt-

ed.SUitcs. and hUlory l a . H ie 7 , United s u te * alnce 1665. ' ■ ' r t MaUiemaUci 310, MaUiemaUcs >‘1 to r UlB elementory school teacher, ^oid news

also Is Included fn the three-hour p r „ a, aehedule. the Unlti^ .Penona Interested in taklnB Uie dl^iu ^ educaUon 315, general meUiods renunclat

in Uie secondary school, a Uiree .a ' a ' t- hour course, should conuetrt T/»q-rT»r ■' I _______” Gasse* wiU begin the week of, ^

Feb. 3. s n d 'th e date* tor clu* meeUngB will be announced u ^ soon u insiruclor* are named, {

:------Lo*'dBr—explivin(>d—th a t—U ic .----------- :

week for 12 meeting* of 155 mln- 'T — r ute* per meeUng and the tour-1hour classes m eel once a week “ 7 '*’*

' • for 19 meeUngs of 200 minutes'‘ per c la u Ume. i T*«m i

Ait second semester classes w ilt, Kimtjr,s t be held a t Uie Mlnlco high school.' -cn»li. u

5 HoffaTrial Drags* S ;CHATTANOOGA. T enn , Jan;

23-tiR-Spurred ,on_by._a_federal . ' 7 IB Judge, sOT'emment and de'fch«-r« attom eya-sw ffh t-for-the-tourth - 1 -:e, straight day to select a Jury for .Tom s1. James R. Hof fa‘j trial on a ' *»ih. t .n charge oM am perlng wlUi a Jury. “ «*■». 0'*■ U. s. Dlsl, Judge Frank WlUon Tmik <N made 11 cletir he wants to wind' Torry, U.lU up Uie ju o ' selection by nightfall' aiUa. a

I? -----------------ZZZ---- [ -GRANITRY nM E S.N E W S WANT ADS TOTAl

, ( p3 R PAS T ^ ^ T N O RESULTS I

r i o i jvery

’’ • {!) Regular C lisses 'T F R E E 'if" ' ^ - r r - '— ln-:A cJvarH® 3r==^i-»-^— — r 1, _ Hair S tyling NAfAE-

i»! (2) Self I'm provem enI ■ AOOR^S________In ttructiM ---------^



; BOISE, 2 1 9 N orth 10 th NAMPA, 2 1 6 1 3 th Ave. S.

/t.=;5MiUiQn I S e e iDollars inTaxes Cut H H

WASHntOTOrf. Jan- 23 W — gehv<M»te finance cotnmltlee u j^ n i ln g r

« l e d today over

jewcJy. CO*- Idi^ ^ ciUc

“ ^ ’'r « « came a» * »urprlM new'pld i^auae-ln-m any-cajeU hW Jti Modeen-dU ! S e d dicUlon* roade-earUer by, tyunii

•’ The^effect of Uie excUe r e - Jerom e WU wa* to drive the totaJ picture* . .

?rb?'^PmW wt urged h e ^ : -A' “ T S tr r .s r 's . 'iL S S - j

llcord helBhU UU* plucking U

■in>almou*ly UlB rate reducUoo* ___

s r r £ . » Earl-

d u it Johnw a'. C A L W ^

M , t o io - . l t e l . . “ i o i . i t *jneuur^ 'T jew weri**. „

The » o » v.» l"0 . »» '» X K m pl.lrf J ; i ' s V ttU ia e ^ J3 „ ," s

s a s H s E f r f U x } ;per ccnt.rate-be.e««WUhedJm; *^5"

r m * °a£”.sU esUmated *1 nine bWton dol-lars when Uie meuure takes full ,e f f e c t . _________________ M a rk .K u i

-Cambodian r L “S -Aid-Ulspute— —

announced today t ^ t m u f a o ,

un ite d Statea-Cambodlan dU Dick

r S S S t r ' I w *& Uie Phltlpplne*^hu been

d iu S S d a proposed m«Un« be-tween Uie Philippine p ^ l d e n t conU ni

\. x i v i c J ^ u o i i o J 1 c a m p a i g n a t a _‘ --------------------------- ---------------------------- W l

J _______w m m :------------" S — = 1 (

■I 'S I Z w »■Jl twjww. V-________ ;_____________ — — -

' si2.oo<i »;.' -cnoit.;»« _________________

» Wllli. Htnry _ -----

_______ s i8 ,o o .o _ :5 ,^' Imlwhidi. H._________ __

f . SIZ.OOO S : ■ Oi»lJ . _________________

1' $r Allow. <;h.rU«----------- -------------------- —

"I "GRAND S 7 5 ,d 6 b ” " J l*to t a i . .

p y j h — B E A U T y - S C

p y T U lT lJ # n c i ; R T l F I '

......................................... .................. ..........

UooRESS-j... .... .......................



10th TWIN F A llS ,-1 3 4 Shos

Ave.S.CAlDW EU, 2 1 7 Sovfh

S e e n Tfl(l! »Mr*. J im t t e t t b t f t a ^

picture* In b u * ^Sirs. Oeorge

M n. J . R. C l w K * ^ - .Ul Tw tn FiU* oT oS b? ^ Henry Sehutie, S d e ^ S iL : upcoming mettlo* ^ u i T ^(BU) Brown. H u jito r *5*«

In W W 'M odeen -d lse«sion ii5 ^ 'M ing tjwmament wu, p a rtn e r . . . E. E Muiow along halH-ay.ln polk*^ ............ John Siepheni te £ 2R..a^rauck).wuwn*io»^ s t r e t t no rth on m o to r^ k ^ Jerom e WUson ex aa in ii picture* . . . Owrse D ale Oould. both BuhL in Fall* on builnett . . ^ h e ^ : -A weddiDi rewpu?'M device whereby Uk a e » w a ttem p t-io - featheruiei, ^ p luck ttg their triendi."

T u ll le Takes Early Lead In Bowl Meel

DALLAS, Tex,. Jan.. a * . T om m y T uttle, Rur»l H*IL n c - to o t-a-co mmandl[n-te*j-a^ f i r s t day of flnaU s t Uie tigtn a » - s U r bowling tounk^ W ednesday njght.

T h e personable neweoaer h 12 and lost four gunei rh:> knocklng-doa-n 3.6J1 p ln iisa opening to u r rounds, Hertohc K OOO.pln bonus. 59 for etch p»

i-he 'w onrw ^w w niU 'iig ia in i I4.231. • • . ;

TUtUe's best performsiu ( th e day came In the third r q w hen he walloped a 256.W.IC 395^mo series'to defeat Dimi& o t Houston. Tex. In ihttt p y

EllU shot a 3i7 to eta esljti tf jlrd game.

I TulU e also won U m tn M ark Kughtsch ot.W hnfla

' th ree '/ ro m S u a FUij ct Dt tro lt and spilt with E. S. Dk o f L u b b o ^ TejL

gam e of , the ^ y , 276,Luke Barlow, Hobbs, M.M.n

In second place u Uit* tom. m en t moved into the fifUi m jd th -a -ln ta L o f SMS plu. 1» flecUon' o f hU record ot U n ' a n d to u r lost and Itls ttu//a fa ll of 3J43, '

Barlow mored from thlrijiu Into Uie runner-up spot it'.e w inning three of hU four p a v lU i Dick Weber. Uie dele^ cham pion trom St. Louli.

W eber, who wa* In seeond (iu going Into Ul* round, dropped I fllth -p lw e ,.... ,

DairymenConUnned From Pan 0«T

E as tem *Ule* and plsnjtols th e W estern sUtes for six ms . J . J . Mullowney. publlft TImes-News. w u toastmsilai gave a te W W osnphj ot Pre berger.

T hursday • afternoon'* wd will consUt of • lunohm js n e u meeUng and a ttmi d lw U ire meeUng,

P I T O R I U M ' i T A G L A N C E

JU8JC»IF.lOUS TlOKl. tOfUJOA t z : r j o P T C z —

000 $ Z O O O V IO M—---------------------------------- --

0 0 0 » 5 .0 0 0 S ' W

000 1 r ’Jaw

oo.o_ jj.o o i iiM??. 0 0 0 S 3 ,0 0 0 SIS .W

0 0 0 $ 1 ,000’ SIS'®*

obT )- ■^*133)00-

t K i l f c ;

P /-S C H 0 Q L 1 ;


.'..STA’ ^-:......... ............. _


54 Shoshone Sf. t' S o u t h 'K i i n l i a l l ^

Page 3: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

l i | - ^ ' ^ H 9 '

~ - ■ ' ' i m M

fi-.r ‘-•;-

— I _____ ^' ■ n f f ^ .

‘ ^ . ’

8 A m N I . wWeb tn%y be th e world' h rna td on lU UuDchlnc p id » t Cap ttraclore or IU te n ic e tower, wblcb h u tM n e k r t. UU Bod w eljhinj: 5 bucblflc M ondar oa Ilf f ln t tw o-«Ure tt iia Mbit tb e bu T test mUIUU jret. ' u r wtrephoto) _____

* * . .* L

Tiinerica^tey— Soon,Lead InRockehy'OiTSKEHNEDY.Pla;JIU1.-23 - d ie t ."

BUWofld leadership In rocket T hep m may be (he prize -hex t said IUcdiT when tbe United StAtes "p n o tjlia to Uuncb (he Saturn I on o e pt l tint tvo.sta«e (est lilght.. Katzc:

U »U JOO well, th e rocket will • «r»ndHi a n,1l»-pouDd £*«Ulte near- - handeI7 Uate lim e* 'h«v ler'U iaa 'ony dlctmi

' Ih l ttiellice. niMUy dead “ of fie t(l;tat vllh DO aclentUlo value. aUtut< ilU dvarl the largest p&yloa'ds produ< crtlted by the E usslans-Sput- A n » U l y n and v m which weighed was n lUa.p«ia(U:«ach.-31fi'4ic<ivltit —s s s Xicfrtcan <p4c« payload weighed ^1W» pounds. . I V / v

Th* naiion»l acronautlcs and ittce admlnistxoUon today dlsr ■ tlCMd'(letails o t tha S au im -I. , T ^ _ | tUch h u been on n launching JL c t i rsdiw rtitace lost August, wait- _J a out months oLc^eekout and I J n w •m tl veeks technical deliyl < 'X C U

■nn rocket stands IM feel Ull jM M y fueled weighs JM tons.The Statue of Ubcrty U 151.feet ^ ^ e itadVeJgJu-MTi-tons.--------------

ni« llm -stag c . a r s - f e e t in «lMi«<trr4tas-*n-«lgl»t-enBtoe PWHpant which will gciTeratc * ‘' ' 5 “ l i million pounds o t i h m t " ‘ 7 “^ ‘leul J t allllon ,horsepow r. ^ "

IWi ti desl(mdd_to Ult the wcltk above Uie Earth's almo- «9liere.M,aaalUtudeot 48 miles. Son i^ M ik e y to th e ro c k c t's^ x w e r •ft»*BTirKn(>ul"n-i€cond-suiRe w * tl* engines th o t bum liquid tplflsfea and ' prodat* 00,000 p««n4» of thnau-H>-dn>«en do- noon It «»ti» aore punch Uian fuels like toe hith .jrado kerosene' In Uio ‘i« 11 generaUs e ioM ivi

* ,“>• «Mt time Monday. Pour 3 ® “®" |«U» fUshta used only Uie flrat

believe a l o ^ test wTil »'« tbt Unl£«d SU tcs n booiter W"! W r RusMa. D«*t esllmaUs J

•l^ the -thn istron iiB -b tirS ov let ^ T w k e t s - a r M tw w in - f tn d f million pounds. There L-. no “ **

'™ ‘' “ * '“ ■ S f "________;_________ tor fo r I

■0 . - ’ Mrs. ■:Kusinessmen «

President^— ^W ^aN G T O N . Jan. 23 (Crt - I T r t n

A ifWing natlonaj bu jJnm m ag- J T lO I l John.wn BUPE

r.1 5 ri ? £ fi n t * ? m » m ln e In I ti

- p ^ Z , M o 4 d " ^ Z f T uBdmlnbifaUon and Actlvi

" “ ' ‘I W ard \It. Since sen H

“■••a I M ^ l " ® " ” «>■«» *no« Ouy S t ^ IW inwimen to C teud •

h., I. -succeis Johnson H enrytu aa^ *0^^=^,‘;O v c r.a i., Da,mess week

had been the .dire “ • . ^ sonto lo.

. I


th e world’s m oit powerfni rocket, i B t K Id a t Cape Kennedy by (he steel | n | rblcb has been wheeled away. The ■relfhior 6G2 tons, li tehedaled (or V two-sU ge test fUfbL I t sueecssfut. mte yet. w elfb ls t S7,1H pounds.

■ - - D r u g F r a i i f i . HWASHINOTON. Jan . 33

m — A ledersl grand Jury------l5do^'lndlet£(f the makers of

Ileglm en reducing tabletx on ■ ■ maU f r a u d charges for ■ ■ claim ing tha t users oould loso weight “wllhout cruel

3 - d i e t . " ---------------------- —t T h e -Justice departm ent t said Uie dmg R^glmeQ was 9 "praotlcally worUiless."1 D eputy Atty. O en. M choJaj C h e o

K atzcnbach aald a federal A -lini I « r»nd Jury In Brooklyn. N.Y..- - handed down a 88-count In- y ~ d lc tm e n t a g ain st-D ru ff-R e-- —Rogul

• s e o r ^ corporallon. produrer

:. aUtute. which tests dm g — —s products, and Uiree officials.* A n adverUslnj agency a lto l(, •’ 1 waa named. It —i = i ^ ^ S = = = = S S ^ — ! l ~ f i

1 No Action Is 1 ^ , i TakeiiABbut i -Pai-kingLaw - Jf JEROME. Jan. 23-^liam ber of , ' ^ ; Commerce members took no ac- / j f ^

tloa-O a,endorslng the_proposed. city ordinance to lim it parkln^'to' two hours In Uie downtown areaj* 'w R cnT ncym fl'W eitn isdnrnooni I a t Woods cafe.

At Uielr nieeUng la sl week cham ber rtembers referred thel decision to Uio m erchanu meet-: •

, ing. Some 31 merchanu attended, - 1 Uils meeting, which was .heldi \ mg jjomlav-and-cndor8cd.the.llm lled; ___

i ^ ' ” uie meeUng Wedne»d»y, ’R iftnoon I t was moved th a t members; MRV

I accept the recomme'ndstlon made >\i|A'. by th e merchants, committee. JftM. A fter an extended discussion thei w

* ber will- nol take any sU nd on tli»-ordlnaiif»i- ____ ______ :1\

, £ ldon Handy Introduced Dr.;[ Sprague Stevens, a new denUst., W g ^

who will open an offlee In Uie.J Pxtrtxr-Anibiwe-bul!dlng-ln-ap*i - . proxlmately 30 days. trEl), Mra. Prank Tllus spoke to Uie P m^mhl.n nt the community, cake: ^: *ale_w hlchIw lU jw .8l N n » i ^ D r „ the S t. Benedict's Hospital guild.“ Members, will altem pt to raise, , ^

*1500 foi* an explosion-proof mo» i ftor fo r Uie surgery room. .' Mrs. T liui explained Uie cskes 1will be Mid for » J 0 and up. Bhe ;urged the.m ettlianla to take this- • -- '

: S S S i £ f t S S eport the aale. 6 * ^ ^

^ S i d n e y J o h n s o n ’ r ' = M = 7 j

: Honored at Rites MMn BUPEHT.-Jan. 23 — Funeral! M j J ih services lor Sidney Jlesth John- V J Hy son were lieldJVednesday a t Uie, |K I H» Walk moriuitri- ch#i>ei by the W I H>t n«v. RA}-mond'A. Tliompion ol ■ j | ^ H

ihff n n t MfU«xllsl. church. I l | i p pi Mra. Chules j j . U h rm an w u 3. organU t and Claud H. BowmsnT t ang t wo solos, j -----------d Active pallbearera I n c lu d e d , d W ard WooUorxl O. A. Rasmus*:•e sen. Harry A. Durtn. JUiticrt e lU ilnehart, Douglas Buller-and,■e Ethyolie Greer,* • Honorao'PikHbeafers were John

Bttst«rrechea;itw ln ChrlsUawen.•e Ouy ShQllngton. John Murphu.; o Cfflud -Bond. Dean "VaJemW*-; n H enry ‘Creuon. M. E- V.Hlls,[, John Stokes and Ed Hill*' ! D X i - ^ . F inal *en-Ues were conducted; _* a t Ihe Rupert cemeter>- -under,h ,the .direction of the Rupert Ma-1 ■_ ^

sonio lodge No. 6S A T u i i A.V-

Y o u C a n C o t

- 2 DAYS 01 Clean Sw(

. L

' Woji^ . Reg. 5 .9 '

M M ii ie i c

___ ^ j j ' b lock-inc

_ L

\ \ - i l l SoveZ.O ;

r \ f f l i /

( ■ JT (ining ai

------------- " V ”T ' / / -------- IcolK erib

\ ' f t b roken si

m X i

y\7 ^ f l f iTl■ I I t

W oolSkiriC hoose you rs f ro m m a n y s ty les — A -lino in b e a u tifu l p la id s , ch ec k s o r

“ R ogu lo r- 8 .9 9 ------- ------------------------------- S o v . . S 0 7 ________________

I I A Sea ts

— ^

, ' •Rc&tyle yi

type .) C ho

B'eds_ | i S u ~


C hoose fro

— —

S h o p a t S e a r s a

S a l i s f a c l i o n G u a r a n l e c d o r Y o

C o u n t o n U s

' S O N L Y - O u r E >

n S w e e p ! Q u q n t i t

J___ Ladies'WoplDreisses

Reg. 5.99 0 8 8 ’M iiiei o r petite <9 '

Choose lovely posleli or A i

blockin a variely of slyfes

_ L a d i e s ' ^

— G a r e o a t s — ^

Save 7 .07 1 0 8 8 • - Reg. 19.99 I 4 _____

Cofduroy coot with pile ^ ^fining and coffor. New ^

leolKer-beltcd“ style — i n - - ' -

broken siics. Hurry in lo-

-d o y i_____ ‘ ------ ——____

T 'a^ T : 'V "Ploin

# 5 . . . . , in OSH » h o v c iy B con bK J M pricc.

I y H 5 ^ ^ 2 ! l y

S k i r t sstyles — slim, plcoled or \ \ . /

checks or tweeds. All sizes. \ N

— 3 ; 8 8 - ^

R e n in c e m e n t S e l s - -

for Kitchen, frv /'O *D inetta C hoin

Reg. 13.99 ^ 8 84 Scot* VA Bocki Set I J

•Rfiilyle your dinette or Q q^j

kitchen__5et-rwilh_wtpe--------P a j a ncleon vinyl seots ond

bocks. They fit. a ll chairs ne?T5i

(both screw on or slip on Assorted . ' , . . , Sizes 32-4'

type .) C h o ice o f colors.

P f i c e t l “ f o r n “ S e l lo u l ;

B'edspreods ■'*. V p lu n lo i lS ________

Choose from o big.ossort-

m en t-o f-s ty le s-in -m an y - ~

beouMful colors. Twin 1 ^size. Be early for these. ' ” |

= € h o i c e ^ ^ / 7 f .V Typing o r .

V Tfotebook Filler ; ^

P a p e r

P a c k a a n ________ _ y ' \ y j y

i r s a n d S a v e

c d o r Y o u r M o n e y B a c k O j

U s . . . Q u a l i t y

r Everyday-LoWr intities Limited! I

GLOVES I- ■ Wool or AfTjlle

n*|' We

= = = 4 4 e = | , , p ^ <1^P lo in or po ttcrned k n its Bin ossorlcid co lo rs ,-D o n 't B

- h o v e cold hands w hen v o u -------KCQn buy these o t th is lowp r ic e . ^

i . - * - 0


Choose yoi\ V J M of styles, i

\ T j f t w S j T l r f l ^ * 0 IICS 8 to 1

/ J _ U \ - - 1 ^ - ' *----------- ...

C o t t o n F l a n n e lI f .

" P a j a m a s o r G o w n s —

*1 QQT ie y rr i---------- ---------—................... ................. }’ - » » < dAssorted styles and colors./.,» • , | y Sires 32-40. I ' L * ' ’’ ' ' ! !


_ . W W _ _ G i----------------

I P - I f ' l i " " ’ P o n ty o r

I / \ BM o n y sty

J i ■ f ro m .

‘ As Low A*

V olg(

\1 ~. / I C h o o se cil

, . - '■■‘3 2 to 4 4 , /

^ S E A R S T Z

i t y 'C o s t s N o II

o W i - L o w P r i c e s X i

i d ! B e E a r l y f o r Y< OUTSTANDING V

- INJACKEISG l r l s ' N y l o n J o

S / S v r '4 .0 7 'R e g u la r 9 .99Solid colnr reversible w ith hood. Royt red and blsck. Sires 7-H.

^ Reg. 12.99A U N ylon — J r . l i i c i

m lA Boys' Nylon Po■ B s o v e

Reg. 12.99n v a m i yel llKhinclfilil.-rtvcrstble-Wlll

| . Choice of colors. S lu s 13. U) 18.

r .

i R e s -8.99. SO ne g ro u p J

y [ ^ . Air nylon Po

M ^ = Hooded Joel

— 6 ^ ^n r - ' S - J G irli' Hoode

. .. I n » - M e n ’s A- Ladies. .R . 0 b 6 S Sear* Price

R eg 12.99

r j Sites 30 10 44.

' matching Shli

aioose your* from a variety T h c r mt styles, fabrics and colors. . ,;IIC8 8 to 16. U n d e

P a n t s 0

^ - ^ ~ T | j j | f c ------------------ - 9 9

3 M v / - J e r s e y

k'-:Y\ m U /iMm m m

S U P E R /

— G i r d l e s : : ______ JReg. $6 / I

_ Save 2.01 / 1

M 9 - ^ = 1

S ° ’ - O ; - ilony styles to choos'e


■■ ■ ' *..... T" O Q ' ^ ' ~ * - •/I Low As 1 > 77 i - X

- T V s s o r t e d - S ty l e s ™ •-■- '•■- /^ ____o f B tf ls _____ : f

Voltict to 3.99 ' t

I Low As 9 9 c

■loose circulor'stiiched, __ ^ _____

c e , or oil c o t to n ^ siies

I to 44 , A,-B or C cup. . ^oyaJ

- - ^ : t . r —. 4 0 3 M AIN A V e .W .

PHONE 733.0821 ~ 9:3iFREE PARKING

. ' , » T hurtday, J

J o M o r e a t S e j

! s X u t D e e p f o r - o -

> r Y o u r C h o i c e , ! .


on Ja ck e ts■ 5 . 8 8 m ihood, noyal and light blue! J | ^ H ^

^ 6 .8 8 ^ ^ |

on P arkas8 .88

crs[ble.%llh concealed 18. B W l i g

Boys' N y lon P arkasJ. 8.99. SUet 4-10_» group Jeeh e ti, dstorted stylet ). 13.99. Sizes 12 to 18

C liiia re n 'rJ a c k e ts -nylon Porka

oded Jacket J. 4.99boi's o r BJrliJn.RMorted.slyJM and colora. SJs

Ii ' Hooded P'opjln Coot, Ro3t8^99

H e n ’s A l l - C o t t o n

V i l l W o r k P a n t s

/■ wmMihfnst, va l-dyed coUon.ikl o r ' gray. Zipper fly. t iT M W l- V ^<s 30 U 44.

cblng Shirts ■ 123

T h c r m a r K n i f " ........... ' - M m i

U n d c n v e a r jjjn m M

P a n t s o r S h i r t s .

- J e r s e y G l o v e s ‘ v K . \M

, 4r..r 99c . : m ,|li

1 M e n ’s D r e s i t J ( | r \ — W h i t e - o r - (

/ . / Iter. 3 5 a ._ Coilon Slacks

g r '"'iT

/ U l t r a s

f X

r p ^ J Y L O

Now's the pcrft V '■' fill your hosie

' \ — sheer • flotteiy

/r— ------- - A -- -^ d o y jjm o .:. , : :O jv d

' . wear. Pencil I

~ Y '..... • • give o 'slim , loni------- ;----------- r — ------ your-tcg-.- . -r^sli

j today's slceK f ' Foshion-wise sh

' " " - 9 to IOK2. H t - -------- ------s e t ------day;_Quaptilidi

f E o ja l X aapelta C H A R G l

' . , STOW? HOURS - 9 :3 0 TO 6 :0 0 TUES., WED., JHURS.i

OPEN 9 :3 0 TO 9A 0 M O N ., FRI

Tiltrsday, J a n . 2 3 ,1 9 6 4 Twin FalU Times

. ' . . . ' i ’i

Falls Tlmes-New i - ‘ 3 -

S e a r s _ |’ • ' %\

" H C 1 ^

o r - 0 - -- ------------------ •

e .I - '- '

’a rk a s5 ^ 8 8 “

'■ 9 . 8 8


i m "i colora. BJh* j to X

! » 9 4 ^ 8 8

n ’s D r e s s S h i r t s h i t e o r 'C o I o r e d —

2 ^ 5 _____


lltra Sheer Seamed______

Iy I M "

^ 9 9 cs th e p e rfe c t tim e to ,

'Our h osie ry d ro w e f^ - ~

• f lo t te iy . fo r b o th

m o - o n d - e v e n i n g - -

P c n c il line se a m s

3' s lim , lo n g e r look lo

te g - .- , -r^slegonce-for— -

' ' s sIceK fash ions”

on-w»se shodes, s iz e s

)0V2. H u rry in to -

Q ugp litv lim ite d .'. .

C H A R G E I T .

m - B ^ r l n g - C b a n :* . .


Page 4: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

■ '^ h u f » d a y ,J « n .2 3 ,1 9 M- 4 • Twin h i l l Tifiw vN dwi '

!:•_____________________________________________ d&n. 1

A ___ .1 M M t «i t i . tw - . '» 5 i2 !T t l r S H S u i « i n . ™ . 1.0 . a o a

IW4..- ^ ■ ■

■*••'' « nni non '. . r u t j t v ^ ’r m .

■ “ r . - B

r : - S ; l / r r n K . s r

“ n" c« hI I ! ^ m ,» 'i i '' **'" '*•**’ “ * M n

awniht t(Mrv<^r«*r lll.M. ' cenU iO.XJ«. Bcit. •( n»j|» « . « l Uir- -Mtfci fa, Jrt

H,Mi IU «*1»«

- Right Formula.-: W n F a llt n c en u l o h «vo to u n d t h o

' k e y to-BUcceBs in B upportinR th e K e a C roM bloodm obile. F o r th e l a s t tw o v i s i t s owa o f th o b loodm obile.. R e d C ro ss p e rf lo n n c l or u

____}]Q.;o bcon s v a tc m « « »o f a p p o in tm e n ts t c .a v d d V n y j o n f f H l ^ P ^ j ^ T O n th o b a s is o f th e rec o rd ach ie v ed t h i s

• w ee k , th e b lood p ro g ra m c h a irm a n d c - _ c la r e d ,’" T h ls d raw ln ff is p ro o f t h a t t h e m i

■ a p p o in tm e n t sy s te m is a tr e m e n d o u s help ;” T h e re ’s no d o u b t h o s r i g h t , ^ ,

T im e a f t e r . i lm e th e W o o d m b lle h w— f a ^ lc d n o ^ M c h ^ t8 - ^ o n l - i n - T w ^ n - F a U . J r to rI A lw ay s th o s e m o s t d irec tly involved ^ t h

th o p ro m ’a n i t r ie d .to analyze th o r e a - to ao n s. F a i lu r e s h a v e be en blam_cd on p o o r morew c n t h c r r v a c n t io n s .- n e a r - e p i d e m l c B - o f ^ -

■ co lds, p o o r p u b lic ity a n d a n y th in g e l s e * ^ 5t b a t cou ld h a v o be en a f a c to r . S e ld o m c ,p „ d id a n y o n e m e n tio n th o lo n g w a i ts i n - ^ u ,vo lved f o r .p ro sp cc tiv o donors. I n t h e to iu

- l ig h t o f t h e tw o aucceasful d ra w ln e s . I t U o ^now becom es c le a r m a n y d ono rs e i t h e r ^ “ cou ldn’t w a i t o r w ouldn t w a i t . <

. W h e n .w o r d .o f J h o 4 w in j : ^ i8 j u c c e 8 8 t j # .; fo n n u la .B p rc n d 8 :o rp j^ n O } ? * ^ t® , o t h e r m jy• c o m m u n itie s c an bo expectea- to t r y t h e *or «

a n n o ln tm e n t sy s te m . T h ere ’fi no r e a s o n;— { 4 y i n h w n a n ’t“ « - o V e r y p l f t5 G :— — ^- I t ’s a s im p le f a c t o f lifo .to d a y t h a t n o Bobb;

I ono Bcems to h a v e cnouRh tim e , p r o b a b lybecfiuBO flo few pcrflons make the b est ubo o f It. Consider th e ruBh-rush o t m odem i„ , t

~ lv liW w lir i l io 'f i r e t - tK li t - l lo -o n e i lk e s - to u ,»^ TOlt In nny so rt o t line and It 's a w onder a »

- Bomeono d id n 't BugneBt Bppolnlmenta fo r w u blood d o n o rs lo n g a g o . . ^

t h ^ r T p ^ l S m o n t Bystem a^ g e t a w a y ^ f ro m th o tra d i t io n a l w a i tin g rOom c o n - h j|w K cstion . O th e r lin e s o f e n d e a v o r h a v e

. B tarted t o r e c o g n i z e t h n t c a r e f u l ly - Bpaced a p p o in tm e n ts b r in g g r e a te r o r t c r . 1 Jnoro p ro d u c tiv ity ! le s s co n fu s io n a n d lo ta o f goo d w ill to w h ic h n o m o n e ta r y k b vo lu e c an b e a t ta c h e d . , • .

{ T h o b lood d o n o r a p p o ln tm o n t.s y s te m• m a y p ro v id e le sso n s th a t r e a c h f a r b o - ^ n a

yo n d olood d ra w in g s . - un<>e

• fonn------ --------------- r e c o r d -C R A Z Y -----------—

b r ^ c n ° r a n g l^ * f r o m ^ iShSv a r io u s a th le t ic e v e n ts to su c h t h in g s n s ,r iit i f lag p o le B itting . T h e re ’s n o l im it t o t h e th e 1

I u n d e r ta k in g s In a c a rc h .fo r r e c o rd s a n d « { « ' I ' now en d ea v o rs a re in v e n te d f ro m t im o j — " to U in o . 'R i^ t 'n o w - t h e - c r n z e 'B c e m s - to „ o . t

b e s e e in g w h o c an go th o lo n g e s t p e r io d w ith o u t Bleop. W h en th o rc c o rd r o s e .to wnys

____ 26 4 J io u r a - f l i i lL d io ’a a h f lU g o l ic d p le n ty .g o o d , p a r t ic u la r ly t o th o se w h o v a lu e th e ii^ r e a t T h e n comCB a n o th e r y o u n g ^

" ■ m a n " a n d p u s h e s t h e - m a r k —t o —2 6 6 ^ .fomji h o u r s . N o ono sh o u ld Im ag ine th o r e c o rd neu r wUl s t a y th e r e f o r long . •

:--------- >(-Couplo o f-y c a rs -aR o j-tn o co llego r e c -• o rd c ra z o In v o lv ed su c h th in g s n a s e e in g

1— h o w - m a n y - a tu d o n ts - c o u I d J ie ja m m e d ^ taa ph o n o b o o th . T h e n th e re w a.i t h o f r e n - i t t i « i c o m p o tH I o n 'f o r 't h o b e s t ' tIm o in dem o llB h ing a p ia n o . T h e s e a r c h f o r n e w re c o rd s l ia s b e e n lim ite d o n ly b y th e In - , g ^ I t y in d e v is in g n e w f ie ld s o f o n -

•"deaJp r. • -— ^ P e rh a p s - th o -p u r s u i t -o f - i a n y - re c o rd f l • m a k e s no se n ao to m o a t peop le , b u t o n • th o o th e r h a n d p e rh a p s th e - z a n y r e c o r d for 1 f i l ls a n e e d In th e li fo p f t h o z a n y c o n - dicU t e s t a n t I t ’s ju a t p o ssib le t h o a tu d e n ts

------- in v o h T d - ln lliu m iiilness a r e n 't 'o v e r l y ; —ImnrpRRed b v rc c c rd a in o th e r f ie ld s , . y s u c h a s s p r in t in g , sw im m in g o r p e r h a p s bc m o u n ta lo c lim b in g .' T o e a c h h is o w n . * #o

____ I t w o u ld bo a sh a m e i f a ll t h e c o m p e -t l t lo iT f o i 'm in y T rc o rd s w ere lo s t . to -p o s * —^ t e r l t y . T h o c o m p e ti to rs s h o u l d f o r m jn d f o r t h w i th n n o rgfm izn tlon to c om p ile a n d and

____ nil B ta tla tics . C o rtn in lv A T ncricnna c lw500. y e a r s f ro m now w ill w a n t to k n o w h o w m a n y 2 0 th c e n tu ry s tu d e n ts c o u ld bo ja m m e d In to a 2 0 th c e n tu r y p h o n e meu b o o th . J u a t f o r . In stance . in w

- ' p o i n t e s t a b l i s h e d Ttuu

- J a c k R u b y on b a il, I ta e e m e d lik e n r a t h e r fitr p " g n ^ Q v o in th e cflse o f th o m a n n c - uats

c u se d o f sh o o tin g P re s id e n t K e n n e d y ’s wier a s s a s s in . • N o rm ally , ba il is n o t p e r m i t te d f o r a p r is o n e r f a c in g a m u r d e r c h a r g e .T h o h e a r in g w a s h e ld a n d th e re w n s n il t i

, ' a b f ta d r te s t lm o n y th n f R u b y - ls T i - m e n ta l able— c a ? o 'in -n c e d -o f* tre a tm e n t;---------- ^ ^

■■■■■ A b ru p t ly , a t to r n e y s w ith d re w th e n io - ghot t l o n f o r r e le a s e on b a il o n d su b m it te d a neni

- - n e w m o tio n a s k in g a c h an g e In v e n u e f o r Oi . t h e t r ia l , c o n te n d in g R u b y c a n n o t r e -

------- ^ 7 { r s - f a I r - tr i n H n - Daila ^ I lcc a u a e o f l ^t h e n a tu r e o f t h e ease , th e re a a g o o d un« c h a iic o R u b y couldn’t rcce lve a c o m p le te - uim

- l y f f t i r t r i a l a n j - p l a c e . - , ■ • • • .hcS- - — R e g a r d le s s o f l w h a t w as p la n n ed ; m tf .

t lo n s b y t h o d e fe n se a tto m e i-a h a v e e s -.........ta b lif ih e d a p o in t t h a t 's ' l i k e ly to s t a y k <

w i t h a n y o n e w ho m a y b e . se lec te d a s a » u r j u r o r l a t e r . T h e Idea o f In san ity h n s b e e n *>y ■

. p la n te d f i r m ly . I t ’s j u s t o n e m ore rc a s o rf w h y ^ ^ R u b y ^ u l .d n ’t h av e a c o m p le te ly S,V

■ '■ .. ■£>

N A T I O N A U “ ] ]


WASHINOTON. J u . 2S-r«cn. B. e re r t t t Jor- dan. T>, H.C, U not dolnf tlM to M * or tbe - j . 7 7 : .

■ _ . ■ - ccuntnr aay f t r o n by % itecUtoa ■ a jV t? 'tb t other d»r u cbalr- /.

■ ■ H 9 ^ H l n o t InrlU teeUzooar (R*n a n ; " v , . ,^ ^ ■ ( ■ B r a e m b e T » - o f - t J w - * e n a t# - < lu r i ^ ------- - -UA■ ■ ■ B n i b e t r l a p on the racs-to-rlchM ■ ■ ■ ■ l i a e . o t the rttlvned len ite ma- ^ ^ ^ ■ ■ j o n c r w cretary. B r th it decision. ^ B ^ w M b e baa glTen the eouaU7 the ■ ^^ K B ¥ » r l | h t to-wtmdep-whether-Jordan — t

^ t o i f f r a l d or w hat he m ljhU eam . *\ r A m im T tO v M ra the tecUmonr of bl* «>* . . I ,

lemsues. T — ................. ...........

Alreadjr. th e 'eounuyi InUrert h u been p lqu^W t h e »dmli«fon of Sen. Oeorge BxBatliera. p . ■ - ;P la.. th a t h» w u offered a one-fifth ahart of a centrml Florida Uad Inteitioent deal.' and thatba le t Bobbr Baker tn d h li then admlnlsir»U»^--------- c------asalattnt, I. Scott Peekrin on- th e deal. Each m

TPBIt n n t a B t.-H.h7_fl« a ^ ef*^ WM -0ftorad nyl> ' — :—!t n opportimlly.

i t la not neceatarjr to quetUon the fnlesrltr - . - ........o f the able jounc SnuUben or of any olher , aenator t? note that poUUcIana ordinarily - u r no t offertd auch plums merelr because of their wlnnlnir wava. Buslneaamen who are rlsonc th iir own money uiually want totnethlni In return, o r t r t reptyln* p u t f tro n . when they make such generoua jeaturei. Somehow. It aeems. they1iBTo-nuna«e<l-tOT«WTO~thtt-tnember« of.con. --------tr e a t orten ro te cn tattler* th a t affeci certtin bualneeses. , , \ \

W IIA rs GOING ON HEBET Jordan’i decision X\ / 1 U likely to drive thU cynic wild wllh ciuiodty. U \H I t h u already been d lv ^ e d th a t Bobby Baker A \ \ WM pcTmltted to buy pome atock In , J ^ \ta c e o ua rtn ty iniurance oorportUon (MOICJ AHBVbrto re .the^a tock .w u approte^fO T pubUe a ^ e .___and th a t ftep. John W. feyroee. IU Wls, made « , \ a I2S.000 profit on t similar deal. Now I d like to know how Uiat MOIC itock roee from <1'.M to B M W more than 150 t share wllhln t few y e in , tnd how -m aivy..other-com piJJiJ tr e teinnB, atock t l ' b a m i n prlcee to Wendly legislator*. And —whether leiUUlo;* are doln* lltlle fators on Capitol KlU In rrturrwfor such benerolenee.

B u t Senator Jordan tpptrenU y doesn't Intend . to lumlsh the answert to m y of these ques- tiona. In effect, he li a ty ln j th a l the morality JL ^of-merobert of Uie.tJnlted 8U l« Mnete^ls none _ ______of the cltlien's b u ib e * . “Ih li won't waah. Bobby 0 _ _ _ B nkff WM n « mtrtly * - d t i Lth e senate's creature, and whaterer innurace ne • * » « > = m ty htTB'pedaied'w artuaided dow n 'b rth e men - for whom he worked. | -

J » O K n > J ) i n E l u r A r ^ H ! r o J t I. l e M m n . ___ lOTIInote tha l no one In U>e s e n a t e ^ ^ a ha lt to D ear Pot S Bobby Baker's flnanclal deallngt unUI. tn a Suddenly, tense, he w u caught u the result of a lawsuit. >j,.y , I f Senator Jordan wanta Uie publle to bellere ^ ' th a t no lenator knew about Baker'* flnaellnri •In tdrance, he Is guilty of a gratuitous Insult to While amtnB“pnDllsf-im«IUgence.-------------------- ----------- evening.-It-

Someone of Influence in the senate should eee m e that the to It that the Bobby Baker InTcaUgatlng com- ctuuiged the mlttee watches Its step. PubUo confidence In tha l He sim ali exclusive debaUng aodety wUl be destroyed house-junior.

prot«ling*~aomebc>(l^l^« country's^ auipiqions h t r e been tioused, and l l wmnta to gel t t Uie

\ ____ J ;_ ; ; ! l r e « «1 «

1 Vie^s of others• JCItB BTOGEON OENEBAL'8 REPORT 1

\ -i-Therito.ilarger.plcture.lnto.wW eh thosurseon “1- generall r * ^ o T tn o k ln g Ills. People lire- under exceptionally heavy and numerous pres- anone wfli i

tu res today. Por reUef Uiey tend to reach for aome by guml form of tUmului to Uielr physical bodies. They And it did

- are eontlanUy Induced to do eo.-tnd progressively - -----------J to ^ jtr je^ th ^^^^ '

^ Innocent like quick eulng of atralM V y o n e ' i artificial means or another — either strains on K irrtr^ s J th e human-mlpd or,Uiose which mental pressure# gra;I Inflict on Uie body — can rapidly turn from habll m utl b e , gl , Into tddJcUon.and from Uiere to . a conUnual pick them ’ Intensification, up to or beyond Oie point of Uie Jyjnue or> m'oat serlolis'bodliy'danger.------- ---------------- P^H,----------- I t Is significant Uial' medical knowledge is al-

) wny* finding more' InterreUted and far«reachlng ^r effects of whal might be called addlUves to Uie r hmnin-todynt-ls-becom tnr*Ppartnt-that-lt-w lU - ' no l help merely to frighten men and women away n » n « n f from ona form of sUmulm which la suddenly that I t s a-i f •foond- to be harmful.- only-to-have the -tam e clean-show I neuroUo tifihulse turn to anoUier source of i* y i- here,

leal -Ufl- and coma to grl.ef again. • ,- Tt If »■"« ^■fngT'IfJ' th tU h S «n» t'M p>rmll.■ ted Itaelf to become In t aense an age of resUesj.' ITy’f 81way* unsaUsfled teaich for jensaUon. TliU Is ra ita^eg»UTB_ilde____________________________ tree of ^

I t Is even more Important to look a t the con- are ahMluU1 strueUve tide; “niU It t n age no l only of twoUen 1 cm t loi, problems bu t of the unprecedented Increase of stand why I

knowledge and of hope tor mtnklnd. And this Is reallw that■ matched by t similar concern, Uiough not ao far cround hen- advanced, to find Uie wbdcei which will guide IL a ..-.

The great w o rt of the mind cannot be ac- v'„ mmntliiiKl by trvlns to nciDe from Its burdens® IS to phlile-al «n»tlo‘n." ------------------ --------------------------} • The road to t better and more sallrfylng life ,I for man U through mastery of himself, no t ad- ru P S I I- dlcU ea.And self-masttry comes from recoimU- DenrSir:a Inc aod Uving man's heritage of Ood-glven fre t- To give i

dom;-Chrlstlan Science Monitor.__________ shenhei^ i

.. _U Q LX JlL Q I^ > L jiAIlQNAl ^ m M ZO N , J8 SecreUry of Labor Willard W lrti h u lo u c H e J

t aore spot In the affluent V 3 . society In polnt- ^ Ins out the growth of t "human slag heap" ot

\ tn ? u rw ? U M ted ^ lM M * e ^? "^^ male pupstl and tragic. Federal programi to date have dU- B'yos doeed Uie fact that far loo many of the eligible dogs whenV 'TDTCthpIoyfS^flnnOi be iuccfufuny~tetllneu. .J Baslcalty. they lack even literacy qualifications. Three mJ^ WIUwul Ihe ability to grasp the printed word'a months olde meaiUn*. they can t be retrained for the akllb our you can ph

Inereutngly complex Industrial processes demand. .l.L There Is a particularly grim warning In these

nndlngs for young men and women who con- . s tltute I)]'" ■ , n*!t

i d ropout. I t ts the'fducaUonal quitter of_»'Ben- _“ ertUon a ^ who U today's pathetic cipher. d « - 'Three pu '■ .tlned-i6r-yeat*.'of.fTlst<rnce on-'rtlleX.lnrcorroalve a-'Geiinnn- <1 Idleness. Their children (four of 100 T7.S. young- . . u.idcni j sters are growing up on relief) constitute a tep- , a rate problem. If Uiey are to be saved from de- 8 ' ' " ““4^

llnquency and Uie n( tvivFrtT- pnonmg eaII The naUonal cost of caring for the unemployrll a l)le -l» -a-h u se 'd ra ln rm -esjen e en r« an su tlilfs -^ O U R B- erwel-tnd-unavoldable-wasto-of-TOUortU-TobJ- —N te “ OHi _ stance. II to a burden clvllUed society' must Sony P o t . >• shoulder, but ll. must not be accepted u perma- boobvtfan'i a nent. ^ fhintr nnrl r One of our great naUonal needn U a eo-ordln- “‘‘‘’R ‘

ated program to salvage younger drop-outs while

f “ ' ^ e eo s t™ f^ a '^ w lr tu ^ W am ^ ^ o 'e U m ^ ^ shouldn't^h'tl unfmpIoyabUIty would be far leas Uian eonUn- PubUc For!- ulng relief. The potential "human slag heap" name if y- must be elloUiiated as a feature o t the naUonal Honj 'or on

^ ^arU on-^ .A n g e le ^ .T tm e a---------------of i

I- . . IT'FIGURES . Thanks, an;y Keep The CTlent Happy Dept.: New Vork city p*M(a eouncllmeii l u t year auihorlrcd a J11500 survey „ ,n by a Chicago. Urm. to determine how Uiey could ‘ ' J ;

better serve the public. The surrfcy Ij. now com- * ‘7plete and Uie suri'cy ilrm h u recommended tha t ‘**«y didn

) Uia Uilng for Uie city council to do U raise Its CE owa taU rlesI-N ortb WagJlown. I U , BUtndard.

._“Doii!t Let Anyp]

- ^ i - A 6 0 R - # j W v p

. r “ i / i v

j i "


P O T ^ i \ \^ T - r n T s T r l ^ r py

.--------- •flaunting 1jw u engln

. munlst CuKOrlCED IT, HUH?

Suddtnly. UUng. are back tlio woy they thould havo been all ^xithwest. along. . bo bad hi

While drlvbg homo Iho other ger In th«evening.-It-w ddenly-daw ned-onn » thal the Power* That Be had “ changed the Uming on those traf- “ !

,Hc *ignflli again In tho 'court- house-junior, high school scction. I

«topping twice—or a t least once— ment in ou a driver can go right on down the e tu ilite u. i t r c t l at a normal driving pace ^y the without ever stopping. JI you hit the signal* right.

Now that'* my Idea of Ihe way a«o to get traffic itlg"«i« thould workl II was T hli comp: Gufta'easy to see tho philosophy lomatlo c

ihoiother liming. Someone fldT eclded aU traffic dong ^ o -

" W d i d i S i n- ------------------- IJA. GraNful-- n e w a t“

(Twla FaUs) ^lUi whlu' ■— •7"’ ----------------- ffiui"nauv

KITTENS'FOR KIDS D E P X f / .Ihree gray kittens 3 months old ^

inii»l-be ,glven 'aw ay .-V ou-can pick Uiem up a t <69 Waktfleld ^ j{y g^up avenue or phone 70-3657. Twin blaie o f U Fall*. ■ - flSrois UU

• • • , -rtquld Un,ARE YOU PREVIOUS? / «ch«s con

T>At CW«.__________ /I f t been proved a irove rafia ln ^ ‘'Jib?e"

that llY a-raU ier useless task to clean-thow off-tidewalks-arouad here. of ncwamn,'lt was lust so much wasted ef- age In Ui

1un. bixuuH) tuku a -JtB lcrgnW Cw-Eaahi: sidewalks now. They're not-only A “ “ tree of snow buf most of them are absoliilcly dry. ■nieodore.

1 can't for the life of me under- Abyulnia, stand why folks around here don't main of rea ll» lhat snow won't stay on the said "tho ground here for more Uian a few U detcmvl /Jnyj . - ono't SWO

- — — — “ w o i i l L

PUPS FOR KIDS O E P T . prefermce Dear Sir: you never

To glvo away a black, female they a sk - d i gpherd_dog. o n e .s ^ w n 's cx ^ perience wllh thccp.-a.-m-.or-aflet-3-p J l . . ___________________

Phon* 4M-UJJ (Rupert)

■rTlindarfimlth,-Jlan*«n,-Ji3S-two — - male pups about 6 months ol^^o give away. They will be small dogs when fully grown. . n i

Three male'shepherd puppies 2 monlh* old must be given away. ‘You can phone Jerome 32W09S or O"® 0 pick them up an>1ime cxccp Cheops I Thursday atlemoon o n e mile north and two and one-fourth’ ^

--------- iiU a i^ On

" 'T h r« puppies. Uie b f fsp r ln ^ f e i { ^ .1 ^ a -Gcrmnn-shcpherd-molhcr-ortd u-thac-lt- an unidciillficd father, must be dividual, given away. You can get Ihcm by ffulshed ai phoning Eden 82S-5JI0.

— o u r 'b u l l e t i n - b o a r d — - N te - O H f « ^ « .T T » f tn - F il ! i= K U Sorry. Pol Shot* blundered into n n o l I h e r boobytrap'wi'thal iI6R 'lc.i.^.law nor the n thing and anyway, this comcr L% 'duplicate nol the proper place, for tlie sort Well, w of' complaint you ^wTile. You resto fU u shouldn't hesitate lo mtiIc lo IlHTtoriB-Ar Public Forum. siRnlng your true' name, if >-ou have any obscr%’n- 80 It wi tions or opinlont on enforcement ^ ’ • ^ la c k of same of the ordin.inceV i":? 'Thanks, a n T O , ' ^ » T c

FAMOUS LAST LINE " . . . l-.erd.r.d • ham bur^.r « «

with tv*rythlng on ll atrd darned H th«y dldn*r lo r jtt fh# m .a t i" bulldmgl"


b i y o n e S u l k i n H i s ^

x / ; £

T A Y L O R ' S V I E W S

WORLD Ni) , IlENRT J . TAYLOU 1673 and t

UIUIUIU1 -p ro -n fl-takc -ove r. rwe on the flaunting our foreign aid .Uiere, ly depoted

i w u engineered from Uie com- slild Bln I munlst Cuban and Chinese em - proxlmatelj b au ln Ih mainland D ar-cs-Sa- 80.0M.ArtU

tal of T a n g a n - ^ H ^ ^ ^ I sullAnworc y tu . JS i™ i 1 ^ »eouthwest. C u - B baIl.>-'Ha c.tro bad hi* I l n - 1 ; . measuring'ger In the p l o l l ^ ^ : A < | a 's lr l 'a he u p . l o . t t i e . e l t 2 < ^ .K L l ^ ^ B

“ w hal Uie r e d B S P ^ ^ l m a s te rs 'M flamtog a[w a n t e d . m o s l ^ H ^ Bren to,w u Uw h l g h l y ^ ^ B f 1, pebble, d

menllnour,.new iimtrJ.T«ri«r- Sea for w« sat<’lllt« Uacklng ttaUon operat- vital atraU ed by the national aeronautic* ambll and spoco admlnlsUaUon. (Slm - li wi Uarly. a picked red mob stormed ignite, our Taiwan embassy *ome >;enr* ago to get our codliy: machines.Thij compromised Uw U. S . dip- _JomaUo code Uiroughoul th e v ._ jj., world unUl changed tn d gave th e ' Kremlin^ th e . m tcblnes to f,"duplla te .) ' onij

When Dr. D a r l d Ungatone uctorate « developed from a mettlcal mU- ^ mcmUi og alonary to Uie explorer, n m an irijk na nerer at-hls-best-when-travcUng of-raclal-sl wlUi whito m en bui matchleas this hard.

p o ^ o f^ e m S S c a i lo n for I1I.1 ,,,{"[1“ ^*'Journeys to Uic losl.fountaln* of “ , .tho Nile. Hero Uie Indianj>ce_anh u Uio tex lw e of warm, v c ^ hands ■salty toup. T he Kflring w hite “blaie o f Uie noonday sun flows ;nctov»-UieT»anay-T>«tiches-llke-rtquld Un. A nd-U ie nlRhttlmoechoes come from African drum smad# from elephonU' cars.Smell: U ndlscussable.-H catrU n- believable. U,g

In Uie search for Livingstone been < the Island also began th e * s» ry - ,of newamnn H. M. Stanley's voy- n g e ln Uic " U dy Alice- down

Uie'MhwUe!^ one..of' the u rca t eples of »-orld advenlure: i t wns iilccw lte-U iO j^plaR -R rouad-O t ^ ^,' ■nieodore, the . mad emperor of {"5 Abj«tntn, 'a n d became Uie do- m un or su ltan B m i l i r t .'H o S , " ® " said "Uie »uccc.«lon In Znnzlbnr p 'T'' U determined by Uie lengUi of ®"ono't sword." The m'erfoIlnRcd, , ' wet, green .^rea remain* a scene fw the ^Orand Oulgjiol nnd 0

aUll sell Eg5-pU4n.jerfume In preference' to THnsInn' — "Have Pf«slden you never heard of Cleopatra?" mlRhUIy t they ask—and Uie Indian occnn Wns pro porl o f Bngamoj'o means "Loy ^P*C»Rd

The slave market k-m closed In where?

^ - £ o o r J M a n ! s J


- n v HAL noVLE_____ _ her molhpNEW YORK. Jan. 23 L?V-Pr06- piece of t-

r e a can dismay.One of Uie Uilngs about

Cheops Is Uiat no Egj-pUan tow n' Pharoah buUt t higher m onu- ^ .o towen m m t to h ln w lf . - j -^ j^ . -

U iln» .iu»ut U i e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m^Mured^

^ v l d u ^ % W 4 n ^ ^ ^ j ^ | K

traordlnary.- the sj'mbc

^ t l f j ^ ^ h l ^ ^ B j l ^ ^ ^ M _ iT in Emi

n e i t h e r In d ia ' n«l no»u_ :_ .Lb u^ uV nor the redt of Uie world has t , , f

r tV tL T JWell, w hat Is enough for the cied a l 35

rest of tlie world It never enough

.- . I . outoo o u n c t e . . SSgW “80 tt WU. afier rbklng t her-

nla by jlngle-handcdty • UfUng “Sunday-newapflper* into-m y do . ' , J ; ‘

-Well. Well, ^ ^ ' _ w h a t j f summlu .we're going to build -tw o. Jiulld- hello to. Inp u lle r Uian the Empire SUte^ SilII, tIu: bulldmgl" . No one.

And my daughter. Trac>' Ann. bridce who w u 1a tha kitchen teacliliig anoUicr L<

His T e n t ! ”

G i- . I J - - J -p^tOd

'• ;1 j t tD d « lo M ln — g ie w U h t i ie

; . • i ' Uontl cocnmtt : - • ; \ »*«“• ^ “ ®*'

' .'I

v T V ^ ^ oui ib e worli

'* -■ 1 1 j L A A - thingg aro gol

^ / 7 \ t h a t we co«^ y 4 ___ \ _ _p r o m 1 a o w

\ \ • — • eommtialsm.\ \ While l i » '

■ ; s ^ d = ^, > \ • w o r ld J i id fti r \ Uiat\ i ~ ------ \-T n iT 2j J ^ — vantage. I

boUUonlst. -1 . _____ ^ The-TMfmT-of

— V^ rV f /T —

■ Z v i l / .____ F o r.e x am p

___ . Uiat the Noi

^ . r o o m ■SERVICE

Ing In dtsusi

'OSIm A Tho key proitrust our NA' ■Kt tru s t our

, ,W e Bcem to stance. Umt

_ Uio Soviets J

. . bu t th a t a ^_______ <iV»nr h h ftVI

would bo dls J ' r ' ' AciuaUy. t

vent tho proi de terren t for

------------------------- . - NATO 1force u nder

/ l E W S O N . t r e u e o a . .___ would rev ita

• NEWS —............... I soviet*—la 0

!!!! “." u * J U^DUt^^^g flur^ - ' ly depoted Sultan Seyyld Jam - freo Europe, alild Bln Abdullah, ruimg op- .N ow th la proxlmately .230,000 Alricana and ^ „ j j h t coi fiO.OOO .Arabs, h u hod his mo- , ^ m enU_Hhcn_I_waa_U3cre.Uie P®5Ult«i wore a diamond Uiot hung dlrecUon of from his small hand like t golf holocaust In ball.>-Ha choM hto favorites by d d c n t. B u t measuring the circumference of • a 'g lrl'a head, ner waltl had to ESB CCSCbe no larger Uian that. I h e b n e __________ _a M eirT h « rT ie ld 'T itr“ pQ laU d---------------- 'nails -and ecstaUe face to Uie flamtog applause. ^ .

Even to, Abdullah's flight, lUte vr r 1 ' :""V t pebble. dUlodjed, seU In mo- Byyinjn_avaluiehe o t major trou- b r a n : bles for western securuy m uii* T h e T s m i Vila! strategic are*. For. ZanrI- bar** atablUly rested on Uie fact U 1Uiat ll waa t BrlUsh proteo- j,aa no way torate. Uio po ln U

Abeld Karume. th e front run- som o p e r ner lo r Uie Caslro.Sino seizure, have such a Is a mere red tycopliant through threshold whom Uie communtots manlpu- pa in th a t a laled t group of terrorlsU Uiat sUKtit d i s c are finally triumphant, having fo rf la' d e s a waited only for Uito former pro- „ a n ex cn iMtorate to become Independent ^ n . O t a monUi ogo. Lenin added to tbe every trick of national tlrlfe Uie trlcic gon to have Bf-raclal-strlfe-and Uicy-played this hard. African vs. Arab. u ttie or no

In-IB39 we se tup the llrst con- dence of lia tulale ever established In Zanxl- any pa in a l bar, for in Uie 10th century In - P a in ma: dlan oecan tratflc w u mostly in w henever a the hands of the Americans. B ut receptor Ls we hare no l had t consulate riu itlon • car Uicro_for_48.jTttr»-Untll,_we dC; p rcM ure.fre tracking equip- object, by e ment and Instmments lo Tun- or by a oh< guu toim In ItiCO. WlUiln 12 u conUicl hours.Uili.consulate, w as. h ir b y .sa ll._V cry Karume't' gaMllne bombs and cause tickll Uie 10«man station's equipment these sensa: hns been the prtoe ever since, ered a mll<

■The Soviets’ unwaverlnTalm to ' w i ie n .a i to encircle Western Europe and ^ p in . h

leam U ia t^ B main pushJ»blnd TJit^*^ts*M all conununlst Imperlaltom Is ;rnmuir>-. not Ideological? Seeing rcThft-nmiVB-AJnamrU-Uio-popy » « o f fn I» ~ l taUon-really Interested In .M arx onor Jefferson? The Soviets are i^xly B u t che.-a players while we pride our- ^ „ U j , l W 'c s on iKlng poker players, abdom en or ■nicy -wanted an outpost In Uie .(g Indian ocean with acctss to E u t vimi.Africa and Uielr direct mcUiod, ,M-wlUi-Oubo-for-UUn-Amerlcik.- ~ W a _ a rc _ l was to gel ona. the. pa in n<

President Johnson am aid us ,— — r mightily by rei-eralng Wnslilng- ^ton’s program of telf-servlng propaganda that tells us commu- I I G T nl«n .to In rrircaU .Jn -.rtlfeal where? grr-r" : —:r

V7------- .------------so-SA

n ’ s P l f i t f t _________v o sn ’l (coin

■ -:.:r;.ir:rnT -=rc^.T gC 3r=.-3 U ia t card Ic It u*ould hi

her_m_olhff_how_to_we l t j better h«ld,.aouU i piece of tout,.rem arked: "Dad- jcd ihe klm dy's alwaj-a tciislng me." . . „ y wIUi ev

I called her out and- showed Ing E as t foher Uie pictures In the paper. 1------ .Our town to planning not one butIwo towers, ________ _____ ____ ____

"Oh. daddyis'ihe tald, and 'her ' ’............. .. . ____• ,

Ifcr majesty of hcTglii has beenmeasured by Uie famillorrBnd : -----»eU-lorcd-*UbouoU4-ot-tho-Eni- - _ « ^ S T _ , plre State building stioulderlng A Q .. a moming mlsl o r contxuUng V JD 0 3 Uie sj-mbol of a aetUng tun . ♦ J 7 3

'7 7 flt ------------- - . f-^Tlw Empire filato bulldUig. fin - • ________ ^

w u sold for U mUllon.•^But-UiajiewJVorld Trade Cen--ter here which wUl Include thetwo towers of 110 ttorlea to budg- N oeted a t 350 mlUlon dollars.' * f teu th '

lenVca me—and my 10-year-oId pass daughie.--wIUi a double dismay. Openl;

Both Tracj’ Ann and I feel a loss of nccustomcd height, like “pnUrte c.'iiidren.-who, used to the (»,„.• ,^ -01 shadow of a known -mountain. should avake and find two high- er summits on Uie horbon to aay ^ hello to. ■ • T lic quc(

Still, i tw : are con.y>latlons. • S S c k ^ '^ h l _ No one yet h u built a second U nuntlon a:

bridge ja m cd after Brooklyn or deuce of- d MoUicr Leaning tower-Ui Plita. Now I t y.'

3ZZZZ3ZbArS ^ Z ~

GOLDWAT]M 'V o lto d Statea c a n n o t wbelmlal-ooom d »loo« In U » pTMeat itiu g - Uie Soviet, a n« vU h tb e forcet of tn tem a- would be a tiuii t l eommtmtom. We must,- I t gretaloo from t u to zoe. make Um very best • i Relieve It i jble u to Ume when we

3 tA K U B U - I O n ^ H K ^ liujce «nd the tb e w orld. 1 7 In

I t tb e w a y s nm e of ‘Uie png g j u e e o l C £ * g |p H ^ * i w e h ave.rtBervi y . - i r i s e n ^ V ? ^ » H | ' l D oUter-worda. B ly possible make coocesaloikt we c o u l d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H Uian to - tn y < do o u r a e l v e s ^ ^ B f f ^ ^ B bury tu . B - - d r « a m ^ ^ ^ H M ^ H - - r* tra i' co t.' 6 Id o f ' thU 'O urim l s e w l t h ^ M I ^ H per cenl right li munlsm . c«Wwm»»

t • “ * for

T H ftffro f U w fo r tre se -i to e^-euffto lex it-aa to .iM eur.iiP lw .K iirb t tU o betw een-Btat-ood Uia Importa nce,

eventa traniplr•or example, I am contmeed t the NorUi -AUanUc Treaty ranliaU on (NATO) to the fttest alliance for freedom ever

together by man. Bui today t g rea t organlxaUon to d r if t- *

in disuse tn d disarray be- We teem to IV nf B Uck Of leaderahlp, Ui# caliber of Ir k e y p t« b l« r i r ^ h e th ~ w c M m prlH -U ie-st our NATO aUles more th a n highly - develop m a t o u r communist,enemies. perfecUy capab: , seem to be taylng, for In- a m m an Ujde nee U uit a world In w hich Icles wbksh a I Soviets have nuclear w etp- Ihe powtt of c I la tolerable and negoUable, out r ^ to w . th a t a world In whloh th e oUier aUtanc m c h -h a v e nuclear v . 'e ^ n*< lUd be dtoastrous. be revived amictuaUy. th e only way to p re- sUtngUi brougt It th e proUferaUon ot national muntom Uiroui « r re n t force* would be to pro- East a ad P a r : a NATO iteelf wIUj a nuclear - 'ib c ro tr a 1 ce u n d e r NATO’s own con- for peace ta d iL s u c h a n acUon. I believe, ta d order Inhi uld revlUUUe Uie alliance. As oiabd*. however, Oie tdm ln - Ujcm poration—Ul order to placate tb e being exploited vleta—la obvlouJy pushkig for enl tdm lnltlra 3eu U » ll» d ’Eur<^', a n u c lw - ' o u r govemm0 E urope. to preoecuple< ^ow th la mlghl tound good, points of tc o m ig h t convUice a lot of peo- the communtol > th a t th is to a step In the have Urae for •cc tlon~ of~ btU nngT -nnclear and-teaUtUo r locaust from occurring by ac- frrendt.len t. B u t against Uie over- How do you

The“DoctoTS8By WAYNE G. aa tomeUilng

BltANDSTADT, M,n. quickly a s _ ^ T he, symptom your doctor to Thto has fn 3st 'frequenUy called on to great deal of lleve', la pain. Yel he often too-commonei s no wny ot knowing wheUier aon who, whe; » pa in U mild or severe. a severe poln 3omo persons rushes to. theve such a low »nd takes areahold f o r pain. Is due ttIn U ia t a very . p « d lx , ^ jgh t d la c o m - »kely tot l a ' d e s c r l b e d - ^ g ^ i f c 'mto'^wouM re

a n excrulaU <md possible( p a in . OUiera case, ll U beLh every rea- Paja and call1 to havo ae- W m lne the c r s - p o l n ^ a h o w - P ^ B ^ .-U -to-unw U Je or no evi- strongpom -kl nee o f lia v m g lor Uio Jw tw y pa in a t all. or. Bnnditxli drug may nol P a in m ay be tald to jy to e but atoo brli lenever a nerve Uiat to a pain and may Uius oeptor Ls Irritated. Thto Ir- of an InfecU la t lo n ' can be brought on by would cause > CMure from t sharp or b lun t valuable Ume Meet, by extrcmeTieal o f cold; correct d l ^ c ■ by a chemical reacUon tuch At the oUiei ; conUicl wlUi acid, alkoll or trum, bt Uie kll.—'Vcry _llE hL stimuli may plains Incetm ,1180 tickling or ItiJilng. Thus, u iatT s lltUe r icso sensations may be consld- discomfort.. Cc c d a mild type of pain. som eU ilng-« W hen, a aUmulus In Uie form

' O P . S Z “J

raw before extensive tissue “ S^ire

•islng on Ult surface-of-U iexly.. B u t when a pain artocs ^ ^om w ithin the head, chest,xlom cn o r a Joint, Uie immedl- J ,e cause If olten not to ob- expenaon*- . leam Uio caus.W a_arc_lhcn_apl_to_loolt_oa properly-heele pa in n o t u a warning, but friend, not yc

O sw Sd Jacoby, !-------- - g O T m r r n T 3 --------------w e i to u rp r tJ

SAFE TO WIN hli Jack of cls o u th r « . . i t hir f n nf hcorlaJiL tdckjine^H e ^ “ (um'l KOlng to gala by keepmg la t card Idle and he hoped m a t

tt-ould hold Uie trick, Had It “5f,tld,.aouUj-would-proaipUy-havc ElS>td^ d the king of clubs from dum . Al Uils pot ly wIUi every Intention of play- 10 tricks, but Iff E as t for Uie queen. You tee less and Sou:• seems tha t V

diamond on U NORTH 13 all 'Soi

---------- 4 K B 5 2 • • le ta o o u p le o. • V Q 7 iMt two du

-------. . . . = S u j E P n n c ni - - *K -10B — ., —He-Jii*t WlJS V K S T _ ^ ______EAST sm d M -.a ^ '

4lkQ * J 1 0 8 7 3 lie unguardedVJ-OB '3 2 V A 1 0 5 whereupon 60♦ J 7 3 ♦ Q 0 8 « three spade t

• A 8 T hat extra^ ^ s E r r i B — y . y g a

j T s i i o m . c < « »♦ A 5 CAR

, * A J 9 5 3 b ,,N o one vulnerable e« i

South AVeal North E u t 4 4 P a t

P ass Paw ' ^4O pening le ad -V 3 VA K Q J 6 « yc A—ru s - Ti

l a t irT Jie-queen-beld ,-S ouU iould n o t be afraid to let W est ' “« • / *’*** ”I th e le ad ; no *•»"•T lic queen lost to E u l ’s ace TODAY*: nd Ea.1t returned Uie ten. South you pass a uckcil this . He won the con- W h a td o j^ u nun tlon ond discarded dummy'* >;ucc of- diamonds.Now I t yi-as Im porunl to keep (AnswcJ

ATERlmla|-ooovenU«aj - 80^ t n e g tra lta ^ ? *Id be a t l t t i n g ^ , ^ | J « from t ^ S '*"

W » e r -w o « ^ l t - U - w 2 ^a 'cow eaa lons'to ^

cent right m what ih j ," ^8 US. They may bT^JS I t tn y numbtr of U iin a S a ln - to U ie -T Jn ltA T ^, I tuggejt, Uiey 4re ^ W l when Uiey qucR Stole a c y -fo r -a e tk ln in S o ^ -

ttayL4K M M ^ve

Ita * S n ^ I a g ^ '* t t * * S

nge Uie course ef woridTr ». And, to Uito. tgrteoeat« Eose matters thould U loginning. ”/e teem to forget wcmlati caliber of U» nattoai ftw-

ip rlH -m e—eailM ceTfiiT:' hly • developed naUoni n fecUy capable of wDtklai »■ iman trade and political m. a wblch could brlsg am

powtt of commuoitm vt^- resort to war.

JUier tUianoet, auch at lix, _CBNTO.tndJEATO..ahaU revived and their

;ngUi brought to bear 00 oe. ntom Uiroughoul Uii v w . rt t a d P a r East,- Riere tr a many poBiMitiL,

peace t a d progrew, jaab 1 order Inherent in a prscv aUoruhJp betn-een Uw tfaiw ,tes tn d its titles. Uofortsi. Is, Uieee poaslbUItlea an acc ng exploited uader Um [» .

htr'govemmeni tppcan tab

mta of tccommodiUOD «r.i I communtot* tha t It deesi re Urae for more .conKnct'n d-reaUtUo reltU ou vltji« end*.low do you ttond, ilr?

» T “ S a y s “ “

tomeUilng to. ba rid ot uIckly as possible.________H ils 'h aT ffequciiUy'calW t eat deal of mischief. Aa C >-common example ts Uie pe- a who. whea confronted l a aevere pain In Uie abdoie, thes to the medicine eaten id takes a purgaUve. If lb In. Is due to an laftomed odiz, the pursaUve It m aa likely to cause 11 to bunt ila'ivould result In.penueS) id possible deaUi. In lucb i se, ll 1s better to suffer Ui ^ and call a doctor to t t Pmlne Uie cause. U .to -unw lse,-too .tah 1 rong pom-klller while

ug may no l only dull tha';»i, It atoo bring down -a im id may Uius m u k Uie evi«a

an InfecUous disease. Tti nild cause your doctor to l» Juable Ume m oirlvlng st tm e t diagnosis.-------- --------At Uw oUier end ot Uie ^ um is Uie person who es- alns Incetjanlly aboul a g atTs^lltUe' more'UiBn-aBWscomfort..Constant pleas tatt m eU ilng-anyUilng-to rtlOTle-unbeorable-paln-batt_W.

many a frulUess eiploraWI «mUon on Uie abdomen tJ;islcfl'lhe'vIcUm-nB-better«tan. before the. OReratIca ■ So lei u* remember t ^ t « .tevcre»t-palnji»i.ll«!!** ndly providence h u

Uial we. lose c o w c ta ^ hen ou'r pain Is tnily unift' lie. When you bave pala.» I means teek relief, Wl w , Uic expense ot n e j l e ^ a am Uio cause of thepa& W t^ ly _ 4 ie c d e d ..d»n_b !J» lend, not your enemy.

by, Bridge'e ifo u ro fth t-le ad »4 Jack of clubs and W n '® ■icr West ducked. A n o ^ ^ g u Uken- by dummy-* « • :lttn~Soum-oi3faed--U^ I ^ubs: returned to hto ^ im Uie aee of d i ^ ^ aved hto l u l ^

.amond on Uie last club,NOW all^SouUi had Wt , couple of .apadM P^® ^At two dubs and ^

He-Justmdfs and diamonds. A i ^

hereupon SouUi ««und UP ^iree spade ulcks. ^T hat extra trick w«


4 Paia ^^^^7

,A K Q H • K Q J ' " * '* '

M . t . . 4 f ! “ ” 2 5 >orely bold two »ee*

° ‘ lo D A r s You pass -and

/hat dojDU d o o o ^ -

{Aimrer Next !»«> ‘ ,

Page 5: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

G r o ^ g f ® ’’

M em oria l

r ^ s - B r a s sw ' S ^ ' l S S f W t ' >'” • &

I• “2 T S S hS^u..-t g i S u M “ '" . ■*'“ “ “ ' " •■*

rtiM mouniM Ken- ■

^ ^ ^ S f o r l h c l l b W U . R

-gfeaflw uon»*. h jtf i^ iitiU L L a ^

ri^ frt Ju»l to Itudenu^ J ,P j5 ^ » r e belnj u a i r e d - t ^ t _ L

StI ^ i l U O T - S l l b ^ n l r l i n - . JW u S »»1 Kl I te p m M m i'i » w - „ iT lod hU two bTOthere, oUjcm J «

H o« W d ms"

3 ^ '? r i % % " “nSS bU brothers-ln-Uw. Sleven Bu

•g llh .nd Sargent Shrtver.

Men Charged 5”» For-Dlegal— £; Spud Caper ^

M(S w ^ jp o U l to B H l W ^ J T c

■ K T i u t . lrap«»l"n jm lc t .A. LniR'TDO^n and'D unford head

ifatM wa« chiiFK l wllh four COUBU. • Amei

—rWBDTemment contends th a t In U' (Xm unlawful]; packe<i In a po- to U Uto celUr near Downey a tolal m&n a *50 hund redw el^t cf I r t o Pridi (ouiocs. Ab

Hc tnd Toolaon a n charted Inio >ilh d oI_I Smtihfleld. U iah, In three ship- crUli EfBli In early 10G3. They are also the (lUJTtd wllh conspiring to vio> toIui UU the federal law. Th

__________________ IhOMTHY •m nfs.w rW H WANT ADS leere T O r j O T s m a j j i f r n ' u i J i b i w .


------------------------------------------- j_p . 1 1 .

___ _ . I —_ — ^ ^ ^ i B S s

- f T

i yS!?ageC

__________ L-----------

~ '^ : S i = E_ ................... ......................

. l*V^ ■ ' ^m p. .........................................

-, ' -

oUan j B k b mo s - a trom -



fromK en;iinau ' ^ T S n H S S P I B S B P I I ^ ^ S iinesi E g S Z K d S B B i M B H B f i Mry to

I jU lE ^D rn V T /lT w a s ' i n j u r e d when V i„ t«D Inick coUTded wiUi n963~C B m elel

l l u fflXn Ms( o f TwfB FftUi on «U U W. H tnitti. drlTer of (he trucfc. was tal

)leted ^ ' ■ ,

Study Shows You irlbui May Be Dumber a

NEW YORK, Jan . M ’ UTV-'IUe of 1.00 schoolboy vho smokes Is likely seren

[ i™ . dumber, poorer and angrier Mm s . than the one who doesn't, a doc- By a lor said today. • ^ • *ny cl

leven But sdiaolcirb v h o smoke, least II while aUb ap t to b« dumber and hlnueli

J___ p o ^ r , »«tin ha p p ieM h sn theU _ jn ie

dnoniinticrnlt friends', said DrTXra c h i l d J. Salber of llie H arvard 'school snokln of public health. . S. HbI

Her remartrs w ere,prepared for a«e *2----- - doclors-and-thslr-ftssUtnnU-at a about i

meellnjT /iponaored by a phanna- ence li KUllcal flrn). She reported on ohik a survey of the amoklng habits jaioke

1---------- :----------------------------------- brothci

i'.'S Most Dependents !»w To Leave.Zone. S i

BALBOA, CX... Ja n . 23 WV^ a j .- a r m y southern command f v

nford headnuartere announced W ed- J J a ' nesday mosl of the nonresident ^ . American depcndenta remaining K p t

I th a t In Uie Canol-Zone.w ould-rclura S -^ a po- to the United S tates. A spokes- tolal man said they a re due to leave Irish Prlday.

About 3,000 dependenU moved ] arged Inio the lona from th e Republic • ri and Qf Panama during th e recent ship- crisis. About a th ird reium ejT lo The e also the United s ta te * .Jo n . 16 on a said hi I vlo. TOlunteer basis. to “be 1

The spokesman said most of tloa bi IhoH remaining aLio had volun- Durl:


RED w h w this 19U Chem lel Iwb- inerial h(rCBmolet-HBlrinirtrbwkrwrotfr -of-the iI on «U U W jliwaf J«. I n n Ctecn, noi In/uri ck. waa t q e n to aUdc ViUtj Me- way. (TJn

Yoiing Smoker Cente ber and Angrier ^nje of 1.000 b0)-8 and (tlrl» in (trades u i n i t ' ;ely sew n through I2 in Newion, BOISE, •ler Mass. derosa piroc- By smoker, the »ur>ey meant nieasureji ■

any child ^Kho had smoked a tcenicnnUl

S iool smoking clitarelies at t^e'age of

8. Half the bO)’* imd tried ll by S w te P< for age 12. Olrls seemed to r tarl “ rg«> ww

L - t ^ ^ l J dta*inbWnS“‘“’'‘'‘“ hc^lan

■?i «„”r ? u v s .’a ; ; - ' S— bro thcn and slstefs do. the sur- „p™

t s -In smoking families, the chll- [1 rn 6 a rO dren are much more likely to nnd g mo

' two Inche

David McKay ^ Returns to Work I tba . “ s a l t lSKE‘cnV;jan7J3 W I

-P res id en t David O' McKay o f ,I T i r e ,tn the LDS church n-as back a t hU I I . . . •■ ,

„ed desk Wednesday for the first I o n d list Qii. time since becoming III In No- I

, m b . r . {I~io The M -y cn r-o id * cn u ren iea d c rjl- /® 7 ^ I a said he felt well itnd was ^hsppy I

to -be back'* In LDS admlnlsUa-11 of Iloa building o l/l» . •• j l

jn - During his convaleKcnce, M c -.l U A ^ irt- Kay had te e l regularly wUh o th- I I i l M l — le r-^ u f c h t J {telab ;::ii- ■.■_-----------


dBHm r ia l hwiplW wWro he U reported la Df-the~t»nk-it<tchrWtUI«m n . m an ^ O ^ noi In/ured. Bacao w M sdled fo r UUen w»y. (UroefNewa photo) ( _________

Centennial Farr Big Tree Tax"Winner-Named—

BOISE,' Jan. 23 L ti-A pon- .gg, , derosa pine near D onn« lly -ito t i , “ m e asu re wven feet, six tnchw lf i C. JJ, dlameler holds ihe title ft* th e IsiraUve largest dLicovered In iv ierrliorln l revenue centennial ye ir-co n to t. . ■nrali;

I t waa aponsored by' the sto le p^j, j jforestry deparUneni and lho-Ida-

1 t a FM crallon 01 W om tni d u b j. S w te Forester Roger Guernsey i urged woodsmen to continue to which . look for big trees. “■ April 15■ " T he largest knba'n 'ln Idnho Is ^ ____

a cednr near Erik RIvcr. IC fee t.! six Inches In dlameler.

T lie li«a con t« t a lto tu rned 'T t ' up a Douglas Ilr. «1* fete, th ree

inchcs. near rnlrlield. a w h ite _ f l ' fir n e a r Ola five fet, eight Inches,' and a mountain i<»mityk in th e ______• S t ‘ J6o hallonal forestTflvo fee l, ^

two Inches. . '___________’

i T R A D E Y O U R | r j

T R O U B L E S ! ! p

T i r e .tro u b le s w c 'll c u re , no n d l i s te n 'to you r o th e rs . I

. . i


y I V' dBL ■

j 5 E a j j j |g ^ | a p ^


' . • • HAZEL* • under waj

P a im D u r . n igh t to b

u . 30 a t the L in Jerome t— “ “ .— T i m nL-------- the.Farm iL ■ ■ tn th a t tl

JVV.u . gueaU. of i k l M O hainn I ^ H . btU aved^

s u te . U V Schutte eommltte< m erjohn i

.1. ~ ' ~

rported In good eondlUon.-Drirrr

Farm Employe............Tax Due Jan. 31nual social security tax W ,a ll

■ 1003 fann. cniploj'cs Is d u e ^ a n . .It 31, C. }f. Edmison, Bobe, admln- e Isiratlve officer o f-the Internal .1 revenue srrvlce, said todsy.

■ 'n ra tw 'rfffilnaea 'fannM s tliat ® Feb. 15 Is the dale for their liwm-e-tair'relums“unleis’they ----y paid an ettlmated lax by Jan . 15,.0 which' would allow them unlU

April 15 to file'their re lu i ro . '' is ^

i T W I N F A L L S •

' . F L O U R M I L L JL PM3EHTS___ :___

. imo< F L O U g _____________________

At Vour Favorit* G ro w I „ *„a ,

J i B B ;

. & J I ' B t flf -

JiSFpinie Farm Biu-c'a H ost Businessmen ‘J

H A Z aiT O N .Jan .23-riansB re ia re in chart: co d er way by the Jeronie C o u n tm H a J la jj^ p u m Bureau for a.DiulnrURian's|or table .de n igh t to be held a t t:30 p.m. Jan.lcalien is ati 30 a t th e national guard armory WilliamJn Jerom e. ^ ________________ l«lialrman fo—111* event wm M i Kverjai m UerShow f.i t u r a n a a ' i night h tld Annunllvjof suliM tL tn th a t Ihe businessmen will be] Each Pan gueaU. of the farmera. invite a tit

Chairm an for ihe unique evml. attend the tn -h* th> flfAi In th f nif«ljt In

sU te . ts W alter Will, Eden. Henry] ter unien>:i Schutle heads the Uivltatlonilen and buA eomm lttee: Mrs. Herman Stniiui-rAboui :w m erjohn a o d M n . W aJtcr-Sho^lan-lnvolvn


I t ’ s f i l t e r e d t h r o u g h

Of all ihe vodkas made today, there’s nol of activated charcoal, far more thaii othi the congeners. No wdnder Smirnoff it t It makes the drycsi Martinis, blends corr •moolh, even on-the*rock». Ask for Smif

■ . . a / i« r i / s a s f c j

I to *»a loa Fsoo. oisiiitco raou c«*in, » sit. m

' ' ■

A l l a b o a r d f o r

t h e C h a l l e n g e fa i

t h e f r e s h e s t , t a s t i

c a n s e r v e y o u r f a■ ■ ■ - ■ ■ - - ■ I '-

a p l e n t y o f d c l i c i o a

L ■ i n y o u r r e f r i g e r a i

f a

i5F5iif-to"~ n ; Slien‘Jan. 3() - ot-tlw roast t

■ Bureau metnb< xe In chartte of meal, planning ;U poulbla '60 iti-R flj-A iscndrup ls.^n charge dinner-1 table .decorations fcnd'-Jerr>'Milen Is a tran g ln g io r f a c il i t ie s .L ^ V " ,

.h. ,nM WI.I 'f.;"

Each f irm Bureau couple will * nvlte a tlty man and wife toi .fa rm Burei ittend the bnnquet as ihelr this event ma am U Ja.a-m ovc to i>n?mote bet- <l»t If) « er undeniisndlng between farm- “ n a n tn» re« ;n and bwlneMnien. *u«r^ful..^Aboui 260 counly farm families adepted In oiu-«-lnvolvnl-in-the-pr»*parui)onlsald.. —


rough a “mountain” ofthere's nol one made like Smirna^. hVfiUen e thaii other vodkas use. Thi# "black magic” nirnoff it the world'a finest liquor, crystal cl blends completely in fruit juices or soft drinki sk for Smimcifl by name. Insist! Perslsll R oi

- M r ^ f n i f n o(TUAVUVQU aatAVMUSS

Mn,»sit. mawt sumworr n a (0i«#i0n or HtusLUKl


l a r d f o r v i t a l i t y a n d e n e r g y w i t l i “

e n g e f a m i l y o f f i n e d a i r y f o o d s , '

: s t , t a s t i e s t d a i r y p r o d u c t s y o u

y o u r f a m i l y . , . . . . .. ______

d e l i c i o a s '^ h a l l c n g c T T J a i r y - f o o d a -

i f r i g e r a ^ f . ' ' •

' P r o d u c e d ^ L o c a l l y

0 G e m i D a i i y m e n .

' T h u n d s y ,^ n . 2 3 ,1 9 6 4 * vin Fallt Tlmef-Newt ' g | | i

: th« roast beef dlnnar. n n a - H Iureau monbers are anllclpaUnc Nff

poMlbla ‘800 person* a t th o f ”....................................... -David Bivens, F a y e t te . 'tIco rcslden; o( the Idaho ra r m ]|D ureau federation, will be fea- **" iiru MM!ur «r — o n e r o s n ” lelker, Tlmt«*New* farm editor,

Parm^Burwu lead'ers. believe ^ Ils event may be an im portant ‘ , [irsf In coiiiolldaUng m a l - ^ '* ! r tH n 'ln ttre x trtn -th B ii^a rtn d .—

sufcr^ful, the event may l>«. - i dopfed In olher areas. ShouseUd... ______ _________ V-.


. IUB ’

__________ ! 3 _______________>

in” of charcoal .ff. It'a/tllered through 7 (on* ock magic” removes most o f •T, crystal clear and flawles#. r soft drinks. A nd ll’a alw ay* ’erslsll R o is i in y th io g e lse l



■ — ' — r

g y w i tK '

y f o o d s , '

e t s y o u

l y s k e e p - ^ ' ■ -

7 - f o o d 3 ------------ :—

Fricolly By nen. Inc."

Page 6: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

T lu Jn d 8 y ,J a n .2 3 ,1 9 6 4 '. Zwin Falli Tlmes-Newi

O ioleraY m s pDr«<

Over 100 in SaigonArea

O ' " .— :-------- -------:— f w iBAJOCfft, Vlel N ua. J tn . 33

cn—W llh more tfasn 100 dead, • ,opf 'c h o k f* epidemic rm ed on In br I 84lfon-WeoD«*o»y.—Tke B o au rjlB l Vleiname»e e iplU l’J hoiplUU ri,h ■were, c rw ded wlUj 1.000 victims

— of tb# d U c w . ------- --------r - r - 'B i0 . 8 . doclon tn d n a m i, »'orked •

Ijetlde Vlelnftmrse In hospltala. i„ j, The- U. B. tW mlMlon ordered « ]

' Mveo mUlloo more dotei ot ^ ■ cholera inocuUUon*. Newljr Iwo j

inlllton perBora hare-been glren , the inoculation* *lnee 'the cpU demlc broke J in . 1, goln

___. “ ‘i

ordered (o 1U7 out o( Salffon . cxecpt when on ottUlali b ta laeo .

Lucy Baines Jakes Tour H Of Campus “I

MADISON. Wll.. Jan. 23 W - lue jr IW net Johnson. H , dauuh- "■ ' t t r of PrMldent and M rs, L>-ndon B, Johnw n, ijulckly foncof ehe v a s (Ired tn a i tbe /Ileht th a t b< hrou jh t ber lo rUlt Unlvenlty of proi WUeontln freahnum Jack OI*on dw( Wedtje*aay'Dl«hi; - - - Lan

,------- Bh».>ad he f-pm y-took .*J»H »*.jauto ride, r«Wmln«.tp her hotel

i a t l t lO a in . . . - e h o-------- “W *-h« l » ptea."-aald-M U» to 1

JohnaoQ; • • - • • C. 1-- ■nayjaao-CQnaslredJa.t.HtUe um

I auto iv lich lo f tntrlKue. exclA fter her arrlfal (he v u eng:

vh lik rd to ber hotel, and aald. luu *■1 hare juat finlihed my final exaoii and had » tonf trip. Td y lU e Juit to r u t tonliht.’ „p ,

Oitaa. U . from MaldinI------ »hn h u faw n MlM John- ^I a o o l eicort.alnee w e r u u T ^ w T .(«

•T»«TI do whaleter * a r w ^ “- -Olson-m et-M U i-Johnson-w hIU ,p ,

•errlns as a ccngroafonal poge. •■ah*, did »uy In her i w m

■afcout W mlaaUi»,.chaWnff.wJOs Olson, h li alrter, Karen. 19. a topbom on a t Wlseonsln'i lU vu

• ra lU a n te coUese, and her boy- 5 L friend, je rry Sonrent, Mlnne. apotl*. Dut a t 10:30 pm . the four >ouns people and M n.

-------Jam w -C aln. a InngUmn frieadof the Jo h n w a famUr. J«» ^

' tu-o e»r»- for a tour of the Wls* nat consln campua. «n >

- W hen th# party returned. OJ. Pet . son explained th a t Mr*. Cain had h it boen dropped ott and'retum ed to ^

pie w lt«±ed from ths official l ~ c ar to a 1M9 auto driven by n n e friend of Obon's.- Doug Dague. b*i Oumberlandj-WU. Secret aenlee N«

I . m en followed their tour In an.■' J ,

, Jordan Lauds | — New-Eivei^Pact- “

WASHINOTON, Jan. « W - - Sen. Len S . Jordan, R . Id a , _

k Wednesday said tlie U n i t e dI----- e u ito .c a n a d a _ tre a ty c o m U n a u! Columbia river ,basln_ ^ T e jo is

countrle*.He laid construction of Ubby s

dam on the Xooienal rlrer in id* Montanfc'wm control *t«am'fIow dea a n d prevent itcu rren t flood* a t noi

-------»onnereI«eTTT;-------------------------dbU-Plood control, new poirer gen- t in

____ ftraMon-nnotM tip ot exUUnt bpjhydroelectrlo getieratloa and wa> rSTte r storage wlU have many bene. > n

------- flta-to-both-the-Dfi.-«d-Oanad* r««iw hen the ptojecla contemplated (0ta the ^ t y are compUKd." mil

I R eg u lirt 8 8 5 ____

Tablpf ToysT


R*flulsr 1 .00 -F u l) p r K*l


I Y our Chol«»'



= =»=Att:iS-AtESrf • N O E X C H A N

i~NQ^REFPMD : • f v l O P H € i| ; ; J E : (

'L New s A roun-D O iB k-Jan ,-S 3 -lJw L ieu t_O ov . will

• Milled with a b irthday c a J tc .W c d a ^ I S ' lUllaUun dinner o f the O re u c r Bote

Drevlow. will observe hU -J^ih' birthday actinc governor w hile O or. Robert £ .

I trtp to'Wjwhlngton. _______

, . .-BOISE, Jan . « W v-TltU m ta from I i ___ U aallen e ^ ln c ^ today began.a Sfl-day

A* 33 u ld Ibe m ld-w lnter aarrey U p a ri of a 1 a d , a toBpUo, detlgoed to leam w briber th e 1 »n m by tnlgatlon pnm plng, Tbe w ater U blBoaUr^tmti'. .ifl-cuu*Mcrla f :: ip pl>««u«»»r< ipltaU rigbU .'Ictlms . ■' r ------------

• BOISE. Ja n . a UV-Tlie sU te Ubrarl ■orked blij T ue«U y Include* J173J9

In Idalio and a n o th e r |197.0t4 for .public tiered ^ m u tf a f o m e r resUlctlon of =* . 0* eommunlllea of o w 10.000 wa* remove ly l»o to w iiio. “In Id ah o lh a t restriction l* g/ren to have libraries In the blgge

' b u l l we can buUd up tbe ilrengUi U , going 10 keep w brk ln j.on the Idea of r

will be a* good a s po .ilU e .jind extend

tw n bef u n t'ID C lM llK r^n S 'tU n b * . Apyll ialgon conildered by th # lU le library bos

BOIilE, Ja n . 23 AUy. o e n . AlUiS probsbly em fc r w ith .State lU clanutloi

a IelC<f t n m C ariboo <ad B ear Lak* lU te water fo r tb e Dear river project.

> ' UUIi'ldab# p ro jec t a*-tv«ater Ib rra lpropoMi t# d lre r t Snake river w attr K camptalaed th a t U wotild vloUte lU I Wstfr to ootald# w »t*trted*. They aUo J to 4 B llU en 'doU an In assessed Tslui

r T i C lBeienw o-i»tnitl«fc-II-w «iM -b*-noo^{ L a h - Narrows dam. T ap pan baa under advl S o n b*"* " WcLunaUon fer rigbU lo Id i( she ■! th a t b o is R Jaa. 33 ( » - « » VJB. arm y c( illy of nrotcpt sla te ac tion on a trade of B.00( Olson Dwonhak dam reservoir area for a slml

Land Commlsaloner O. J..fiuKtoti u ldt j a l e * * .p ta » lb le ^ j* W .th ? _ n e * u t< P , "JS.. ' hotel n a u of land m anagem ent o o .a firm U

ebwen by tlia l U ^ . T b t BLU h U tei l-M lis to ehoosb f ro m -a a d B uxtoa-sald-m o

- • . C. Trombley. C o«ur d'Alene,, assistan t % lltUe timber' m a n a c a n e n j, «a* named to

exchange. O w eii'Com be aru T S ta tfle f''> w u englneen. and ipokeam ea for the BUC 1 said, land departm ent offtclal*.■ final • -P* lOAUO FA IL S,. Jan . tZ tn -W a te i „ ^ ropott*; lo a o oo#*» awprlse. Ib a t s w

watmbeda are a b er# normal. Eagle 1 J ^ n - Tteent beary i*fi *.!y

w U b * a \n l tf ‘e a r n e s t •( 11 lacbea, oec• whIU g |o ,nd '<8-lw o-T eafi'ago. M oran baa-J

m e . and « In 19 « . . ____ , . .n>onu . „ -f with Jan . J J W -D Irecton of theT.I—; Voters plan to d bcuss revUlon of th ^ stl S i!r Bchlechte, d irec tor of the new leglslatlv

dlrectora wUl alao consider updating of • h i River of the W eat,- a study of the Coli

Mrt! leagues of Oregon, Waahlnjt<

« t “ S - t a n w o o T T i i i r i r B v ^ T i i r r i> WlS‘ naUonsl^reaetor^lesUng sU ^on ^was^ I

d , O l. Petty officer f lra l class Jess* T . naneoclId had b b wife, Jcianfta. St, was Oeai Mt 4:i:ned to said Mrs. Hancock lo«k.sevenl tranqu

ba»lBg-*-f#W 'drlnks wllti h r r htiihainjfflclal lowlni eonsompUon of alcohol could nI by n He said n e Inquest wa* ptenned. IIa»c<DaEUe hs* been on th # staff of the nnelei senlcq NRTS to r about a year.

“ * BOIBE, Ja n . 23 tfv -n ie Idaho Nursl nesday challenged the estimate by Eli ol per pa tien t cost In a county hom

1 Home. Votara Tuesday approved a b nursing home addlUen to tne county 1

p r «*tlmated p«»>' paM^nt «t tlT'l a mt r * l cofhe from federa l and sta le funds. 8• association president, said th# experler• operators Indicates the eitlm al# was J i t e d a,i(j eosU In a n y new nursing home iTtring Blakely-*ald-tha_Ada.eounty_nunlng.l

more;thnn $330 pe r patien t per monU

Ubby BOISE, Ja n . S3 LTWA proposed tra *W in Idabe was described >Vedne*day by U n flow deal T. E. Roaeti a s a "n sg ra a t and nn od* a t noBey.” loe luded In President John-------- dbU aM 'rbnbi'B onnevliroTow er'adftitiir gen. tlon ef tb e transmissJen Une.. Soatbe cUtlng BPA's martiellnK area tast year, ,"Ewi Id wa- Im n o r^ n io n e j i s d lUiue lujpluyei la bene, power dom lnatloa Into mere places,'*

lanada r« « M ^ B ^ lS 'J i is» -» -re e l- ln - th » ^ e e r plated (o oeauiill eengM B to boge appreprli i." ttllllcn dollar traBimls*lon One Into tb

” - - -I . p n --

roYsT7T2 f6f"8;8c

SUPS.. . . . . . 5 o C m m m m a tim m m r <

iM ies .— . ^ 5 5 g b«

r , M A N Y O T H E R

te S rF - tN A L \

: h a n g e s I

)MDs . ■3|::JE:CALLS

| a ' .

'ound Idaho E_0ov. William X Drevlow vas pre* .W ednesday night a t the annual ln> ea te r Chamber ot Commerce .b* birthday- today.. He. u . in Boise a*Robert £ . Bmylle la on a lour-day

nea from Ibe office ef tbe sU t# rte*,a ,a 3«*day snrvey of Ibe onaergroBed

p a rt of a study *f sBbltrranean waUr letber th e water Ubfe b betng t<rwere« w ater Uble b of contem lo tbe en>

late Ubrarlan-uys-tha.federal J l h ^ .Ides » m jW to imprwe library senrtca I fo r .public Ubraiy eonslrucUon. Helen irlctlon of aid to rural areaa w itliw t vas removed, making 11 more valuable H H ktrlellon Is toollih." she said, " b e c a ^ H H , the bigger cHJei. I t U only on that slrengtli In tha local areas.' ‘ V'e y e e Idea of regional library centers that, ind extend acne kind ot service trom

library board. . ' - '

lUclainatloo Engineer CsrI.TsppM onB ear Lake coaDtles asking denial et er project. Tbe caootln dncrlbed Ih#Iter Ib rra l lo Idaho water than Ibe er w attr to sontbem Calltomla. They rlolate sUl« law .to send any Idatie They aUo said tbe projcet would taka

t n t a valuation from Ihe lax rolU la■b»-floodeJ , . tbeyj a ld ^ b y - th e J ) n « l^ _____under advisement appllekllans by the DISCI IgbU lo Idabo waUr lor the projec t from Ui

Jamea a

JB. arm y eorpi ot engineers h u ^ e d Ide of B OO acres ot state land b r ib et for a almUar amount of federal land. ,__ _ . ,uatoii iaW-Itlaho will proce^ as fast t a tes will be agreement wllli the bu* X l l l SO ’ tlna 'lb 'appra lM -U ie-ttdero ltand ----- -------LM haa tenuuvely Hated 27,000 acres r r ia .sald-m fln_«lU -be.added..O ordoaj 3 U ,.U .j .a ss is ta n t state tQrejitcr in charge ofnamed to recommcnd land for the T i:_ A rB ta l f le r W M w lu representing the I J L . i i r tbo BLM^conferred Wednesday wllh_______ ^ - - - - - . .

in -W a te r Btasler Henry C. Eagle Ib a t anow packs on tipper Snake riv« aL Eagle sold, bowem. tha t desplto

■**>lacbea, oompared to « taebes a year lo ran baa »7 oomp*red-to i l U s t y ta t

' - - [ ■ markingto n of tJ!9 Idaho Lesgue o t Women ^n of th e sU te coniUtullOD will* Myran w leglslaUve council, her# Prlday. The ‘ « Taas pdatlng ot the pubUeatlon T l ie Oreat “ i« of the Columbia river basin published

. peaceful= W S ^ re fT r n I l« n t t t io n e d - a t - ib e —B otJrn Itlon was found dead In tbelr home complain Iborllle* termed the deslh accidental intent at T . naneock told olfleers he dUcovered xj.8. Uphi

ead a t 4:13 am . Coroner Carl SUley One pt2 1 tranqulllten Tuesday n igbt a tlc r qug looki

htiihand. n tanaiillltfrs U ken foi-. rtbukfl lol eould result In death." SUley said, mg the 1 ined. from DalUs. T es. Ue boat, the nuclear powtr training n n lt a t Tas.t

agreed l■ of suRnr

;daho Nursing Rome association Wed- of IDGS-l nale by Elmore county commissioner* m ckov • ounty home to-be built In Mountain goods, t iroved a bond Issue for .the 't*n.000 nounced ne county hospIuU. 'nie.commU^toners «ere not

;e *ftlnds.'8«nuri’’ B i R l ^ ^ T I t r T nh# experience ot prlvnie nursing home FOR PAl tlm alo was "a IllUe unrealistic." H e r — tin g home exceeded 1200 per m onth.y_nunlng.h9m9jn.J}oise lists coeu of _______ I. per m onth wllh Ils t^ulTdlngs already _ I

■oposed transmlulon line to lou lhem |!*day by Idaho Power company p rts l- | an t and anjuslined w ute of tazpaye;*', ident Johnson's bndiet Is I million |»wtr'adftitnIilKtIdB~to“N |lire6 ia tW «^1 --------- ine ./ Soatbera Idabe was' indnBed In | year , ,"Ewry year BPA asks eongress I

« place*,'* Roach said. •3PA'a budget; I

e appreprU llani Utcr lo balld a 100.Ine Into this area.'__________________‘II _

$ ^ 1 k e g u lo t jJ8 c D eco ra ted '

I - J V A ll PLAQUES I H...I

J bO-W - . -----------R e 3 u ^ f -4 ,8 6 --------

— j lADIES' SHOES - j —

d r ^ “ 0 |v 't ^ U N V A S SHOES k l

1 0 b r a s , . , - 3 , , t 8 8 c | 6 a ' ^ 3 forHER ITEMS-ALL






>ulaui i ~D fS 'C U S 8IN (r8A rE *T B IV IN C -llE « : t from left, Artyn BodOy, driving Inilrael

Jamea McCaoley, a ■calor and membei .d wllboul reeelTtBg a trafflo ciUtlon. Li JJ elW iaa*. <Ha»e*»K«y» pbato)

S R uss P le d g e Va SSC o.A idC uba Ha “ If: A tta c k e d — jMnnbc

MOSCOW, Ja n . 23 Bo- !E!122.• T itt Union pledged Wednesday

1, night to aid Prim e M lnU ter Fidel | \ / | | »“ Castro-»-llh a ll m eans a t lU dla-" posal- If Cuba la a ttacked " la C j l„ iZ vloU tlin of the U A com m it- O l a l™ ments not lo Invade" the red-

t t The w arning w aa issued In a "J" Tolot S o v ie t 'b u b a Com m unique *ni««n

■ marking the w indup of Castro's reb.-!!10-dny visit to Mwcow. project

« The comraunUiue, reported by unltora the Taas agency, » a ld Castro a t .,

,1 Uie lam e tim e asserted bis readl-neas "to establish good neighbor Slanlc) relilions between th e U3.A. on for the the basis o f . tbe principles of .rht* peaceful qo.exlateDce." , .

!» —BOtn-sldes jc lned —iB -a lr in g projeci M complaints of W estem aggressive sons I ^ Intent and applauded th e a n ti- ed xJA upheaval In Pnnam a. . .ey One pasiage In th e communi- “*0‘cav t t que looked like a thinly veiled the pn j - xebukc 10 Red C hina for rock- .-m e Id. Ing the in tem atlo iu J com iiiunm gifted le boat. the Mea t Tas.t also .repo rted Russia « « v

agreed to buy 24,1 million .tons dli of suRnr from Cuba In the period r . _ .

d- of IBM-mo n t six cents a pound. „ irs Moscow will pay t o r It In Soviet ^ in goods. The agreem ent was an - 3 r , |r . : •00 Bounced Tuesday.- bu l details;3 "" - r j•nr ' r n y W A r l T A D S tbe“ sh ne FOR PAST SELLINO RESULTO Mr*. KFI# f " = - ' • ' '—lb.

« _ D R ^ A R T H U R - .G “ j : .O p to m e tr i»1- I W is h e s to o n n o u n c e th

, , o f h is 'n e w 'o f f ic i

iii 5 6 1 -F IL L M O R E ^S ' LocoledJinilhe_O K A Y _5h[ rei; O ff ic # h o u rs— T u c s d o y th n nj-j P H 0 N r 7 3 3 ^ B

i ^ 5 2

{R#Bu!*r 1 ,7 6 Sel-BATTERY


m C h iitln n 's R »0 . 3 .8 8

- |-C A R -C O A K ^ o

■ ReguU r B le 2 2 x 4 4 - “

J bathtowelst—

» L L _ M U S T G O -

ViyO-TtECOBD8-by-th#>Van#y.b>di.aAaDa g Inilnietors Dr. Tern U tterbaek, a a p e ^ l »d member of the ojnh. The clnb haa f M eiUtlon. t a i l year tb# ehib completod, a fn

~ W * *

i2 Valley Safe Drivie Has Clear Semest

EDEN.HAZn.TON.-Jsn.-23 — complH ^ M em b en -o f-th e - Valley -h igh tho yen , school Sat# Driven* club have flc-cltai p o - -------------------------------------------- - u t t e r

^ Minstrel Show . T .“; S Slated for Buhl

are presently under way for a to all c,ue minstrel show to-, be presented by Ihe •o's f*b.-l# and 10 u a fund raising , project to purchase new band *>y uniforms tor tho local schooli.d?.* U w u announced today by Mrs. said. Eijo r Stanley Kern, general chalnaan is repoi on for the event. ’ "

This will be a coBrounlty JJIng with all Interested per* red flasIve sons Invlttd to participate. A l ^ t ;

number ot dUsens already hsve organlan , . IndlcaUd they wTll partlelpote In J * " «led the produclloa. Mrs. K em said, ..._____:k- - ^ e first chortls rehearsal Is ______.

the Methodist W sdey bouse. wKh * Mrs. WlUUm W att to serve as the director.

L«> committees appointed to date ^HL are Mrs. V. H. Andenon. coa- '" 7

{Jn. Charles Culllngs. / / n i n l! publicity, and Mrs. Terry U ech- U l “ “ ner, icenery. Persons Intercsled

In -asslsilng wllh .any phase of .M tbe-8how -ar*Turged-lo-«ontact T3 Mr*. Kem. . • ‘ .________

UR-.GJA(HLTE__jm etrist . ~ l -WWtounce the opehipglew office ot ,.

DRE'7^VENDE~r gcKAY_Shopping_Ccntcr_________ . .isdoy through Solurdoyr /S S ^ B O J" " (Hi;


------------- --------------- 1— _ T hJ ««■ Bffl-

I . . . 1 .8 8 S

5 S i3 0 - S A V E ; g

^ K M . i l . k . l I ■ LA- JANS F

r a i

- •' • . A cro ar! ^ » M g M H W 8 L « ^ .- > r? r ' N E W t

I m ir to n a i 1 lold acta 08 recun wblcb be nootb sa

.t^l. flnh aw . I I ], aoperlatcBdeni o f school, and I haa ftntebed tha t i p t semestor. m ^ m le tod .a fn B 'y e a r arltli e^ly >Ve* | J I

H V ers Q u b jTh mester Record I— com pleted-the first semester of

ve fle-cltallon. according to Dr. Toro , 11- U t t e r b a c k , superlntendint ol ' ,

schtwls. . [ I I 1The unique Safe Drivers' d u b g g .

a t Valley U made up o t studenu Hwho agree lh a t Uiey will drive ^

. to the best of ihelr ablUly, wlUi

a to all driving resulatlons sel up•d by Uie Idaho departmenl-of-low- ---------

enforcement. . - Id The m em ben of Uils organlza*! C «t

Uon take s re a t pride In Uie aafe' U n i driyln* records. Dr. UUerback'

<• said. Each day Uiat no. clUtlon - a Is reported the while flag files ■■ ■•• ■ below th e A m S ^ a n flag a t V al-' i / n p «

ley high school. Any day a c lU -' . . Uon Is reported to lha otflce. a A l

r ; isMJlatLJi_nown;_______________| _ e u iA l ^ t year the membera of this

organlzaUon completed a ^ u O i ^ ^ rW yO * driving wlUi only ttiree

I Voris p“ THURSDAY j r id FRIDAY

t "DiAMOND HEAD" ■Siarring

** "H E S T O N • D A R R S T

I ^ V l O I O R ^ m lTO N ITE H

- s ^ s e ^ —

_ ^________ B ■caa.Maior _ l ______

« HXU/W-. «aram [i(i(e»siffl .

------- A T - 7 r l 5 — -PL U S ------- 7 —

^ - -

^ o*r the



^fcS^^£^W m i.d.lUU Il04ia» II V I

-ACrOB'S HEALTn OKATEIk ■ 6M0KE NEW YORK, Ja n . 23 t^l-Doo* MORA'C,

to n a l Memorial b o v ita l have This- tba-n lold sctar' T an Joboaon Uiere U laws since oa n a a r ta t t U Uje eaocer for no t triad J vtiidi be undenreat kurgery U) smokiog In nonlb s a g o . _______________ and mldnlj



T h e fu n— . t h i n g . t o

h I dlW S m

H e 's th e h o n d so m e .•'doctor h e r o " 'o f T V ,

' — ' ' “ p u rs u e d ‘b y 0 - kook w ith 0 .r o m a n t ic fever!

ttRbl— IBUKNEn i

se n so tlo n o f T V .^___o j i u r id red t im e s •

f u n r i f^ o n th e . tc rc e n ! . '

i-TOGETHER,it'i iheer bedlam whap DE/

W h o V B e e n s K

l i r W y B C dJ CMiicinIg UIXAIETH MAITtN

i- MONTGOMERY BALSAMQ - . . « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ••■ ■ ■ ••■ ■ ■ •Is ■ ■ ■ •■ •* ,■: KiEP HENACE D.J, SHOW ;; AT 8 PJA. FRIDAY ^-I —>g H gK PQg THE FUNl __ : ____ _Is ■ WORIO

’j B aa iM i.”# S T A R T S F R I



— d o r ig d a y - -----_____f a m e s gdrner^-

j p Q j f f y f p C t * ^ € l t ■______ I

" j n o i

■ ■ ' l i i k-r

j - .w S ik - rn W 'w D in i- i i iH ia s c A w A

I B I * \ ■|BSBrpi^33-4M5

‘ .-.6M0Ke UMVB'l&ritw - MORA'C. PYtoee. 2?*>»

Thls-lba-n h s T w ^ * * . laws alnce l « = t . - b « tS ? ^ no t triad to en/arec

P A Y ' ° ° g y , ^

JD l a u g I T 'SCREAM OF A t e a m ,

T he funniest - th in g .to -h o p p o „ . j i_


* i i n c o - J e r p r ^ l r - ; - =

■liep DEAN oA j/ '

nsieeiiiMW d ? - —MAITtN ilU





F R I D A Y s '; — TIM ES 7:3S-B;SS

r ' A '

I ; , - . W

~tAtrTws- — rtm trt-

C.iyG<*«fiPlV. • ' I Aus-ir . I

^ 1 ^ C h in * -

i boohokn

3 j j j

i L

rncr„l t »

" j i i o r «

( S a r lin g ^

eh uekeonnort-'

T !!■ L * J I3 3 - 4 M 5

Page 7: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

Ask I m p o r t Q u o ta H ik e ^ '

^ ^ i i M n ^ ______

, t U>e clMli.8 w ,

- , i« i td were the -five * « w E. Overton. . t-

« « n i S ' 0 « > ^ K . HWOP.I***-” 6. n ibban t-H e l-

S “>‘ Lak« •

r f " ^ » v . n U o n . PBotnl^ L '

R o c k e fe lle r |

C om m ents o n - | |

S ie r e o G if t— - 1

1 ^ 4 ^ Johnion remln(Js''New ■ ■ S ? ( ^ .N S » n A R « l « f t U e r ■iM TkuM C M t preseoU g ln n ■

^Utntion. _ ■1 reffl*fflber fc BcnlleniM.JltieUtr ttld .WcdnewUy. to i ■

5id t tleuM co«t. RE•El VU bltlerly erlUcUed and dtnc e c rrt lor ««“ • T he AmerlCM runS don't like to s n tUelr of- for t S ukln* f»von."gjdefeUer 'obviously referred 1t/ff ig ienw _A<1>™. fojTOtf |^T« lT l<

ill* nouM 'staff a fte r dladosr _ . re d Uw j lf t from B e m u d UJdfUi*. Boston IndustrinllaU !toektteU«r recsJled- Uie Incl- „ ,.

l ^ b t n he WM aslced h is op- :ta, or t«tln.ony nounctaitt rule* committee t h a t M'fimn VU (Iven »■ stereo M l .

iMurtnce d « J e r i t the;«eiU£ia-oUlobe«_CL_Biiker,M aajoritr secretftty of the

'S J lm to hU chlcf Republl. t t cf>poDent for th e P ^ d e n - a oeoiJnitlon. Itockefcller said , , bl ihlnilng of Arlxomi 8 e ^

e i Iha Republican pa rty nor "® bl (oenl public." I ln ^ 2

— RttUTeUer w u In Boston to ^ Dili u a l ft D artmouth college The

■ tsul ffleellnc. His rem arks a t ^ iu ;■ bl itan l meetlns ve r« eon- echolt

bd 19 collete a f fa tn . >one It

— ~ : im---------------- ---—

n i ^ T:'v

^ — . ZZ——3 B 3 i 5 H Z

. " I

i ' . V . . . :

— : —


an. . I . ''

by ' ' ^ H K ■U l _________ . _________ ^


S: ."“■ ■ / ' O A v y

/ . V iV Mon. . ' W W• M \i. V ■ V Wk

a ■. A J V V ' s S SIke # ' . " . - V l f V ^ S Sas- . -r. • - ^ | | |^ h

t h e ' I'-.,!(« — —. . Jthe

I ■'

Biftk n .'lewlUer


J * r . . . . , --------------------------!!:........................RECEIVINO CHECK fer IJ.IO# from M

and dlrecton of the M atte Valie; Dllettant lean run Valley Miulo camp KhoUnhIp boa of- for th b purpo»e by a n ; one orpnUatloi

S" Magic Valley Dilel i[G i^ $ l,lQ O fo rS cl^ The D lle tun tc Group of MBgloiBges of 1

Valley. Inc.. has given a check peraons s ' , for more than 11.100 to Uie Sun lUdltloM

Valley Music camp to be used! The 1 ?P : for scholarslilps Uils year, an- working

nounccs Mrs. Thomas DrlscoU. voiley w member of Uic board of director* thnt th of Uie D lle iun te group, • jurtJier c

ker This Is the largest sum of P n rio l jnoney-Btveirto-thexamp-fer-thls ycor-frw purpose by any one or?)inliatlon roca atn In Idaho. fund.

AudlUcms for Uie camp will be This y held reb . IB In Uie OXciry Porter’s Junior high school auditorium, for “Caj Thf, DllettAnU. group will awatd D a ja f' dne tull four-week echolonhlp to March 8, 0 pcrson between UiB w ts of 12 —and 23 who has participated In St

> to ft D ilettante production. WASHilese The remainder of the money The Ws * • W il l be used for Uiree equal nounced :on- Bcholarahlpa to be given to' any- ot secon

,‘one In Magic Valley between Uie game.

t_ . . : W

' ........................

............ .'I.

^ > d i

3 . ' ■■' ,

i * F ^

r - . .— P \ ^,100 from M r£ Thomas \ i . Drlteoll, sealed, mem J Dilettante Group, Ine, It M n. Donald Yout UnhIp board. ThU U Iht U rtei\ sum of monej orpnU atlon In Idaho. (tlmes-Newi pboto)

* * * * c =

D i l e t t a n t e s

o r b c l i o l a r s l i i p s

loiBges of 12 and 23. AU InleresWd -J!^ '“ble U^ peraons are urged to attend these ga ther thiin ftudltlons. Uie Utah

The Dilettantes have been ..T lie bon1* working closely wlUi the Sun th e OgdeU- Voiley Mu.ilc camp In'tlie hope paroled \n that these opportunllles will before Ea:

furtlier culture liv Magic Valley. Hordj'.Df P a rt of the money earned each maximum:1s ycor-from-OUoitame-producUflas _ f tU U ta h j)'n Rocfl dlrccUy Into a scholarvhlp uae to pt

fund. 37. ts senX This year’s production Is Cote fo r lasuliry Porter’s “Can Can." Reheanals sufficientn. for “Can Can" began Jan. 1. —id Dates for the production’ are .________to March fl. 7 'and 6 ^ 7 1 3 and 14, AHKii V13 I .. BHU6SEIlh SIGNS INHELDER W — The

WASHINOTON, Jan. 23 ( f l - asked Veterey The W ashlnston SenatoVs an- 60 years 0|al nounced the jJROlng Wednesday "pniy for py- ot second baseman Don Dlasln- a mlUlon ntie game.____________ Idg fo r the

W - POT............. ..................—


hi,<I l,tiv ‘

S p B p W ^ ^ g S ; ' - v . ; . - - ' — -


I^ F


•-••'.V- The deaUi i-----------,_..XL,::.„ CaUio)lr,M rf

, . '■ .: tldpatlon T. ----------- P a u l - V I - w

r ftlstory- to r*■:<■ college. - , O- T h e ^ ftbo

“ " ■ ■■ ■ 7. ■'■■ “ ' • 7? ^ ’ m « \ o'!"hlT aide Italy,'in

' Ifest desire iiMc^rshlp a* character.

CarItalian meml

<1 died T' InteaUnal tu

homei ' more Utan se

: Oarduial ( duccl..Uic_(

Vatican t next consul

■ _ 3 S ^ ^ ^ - r r r « 7-rr* a Hieii.-bni cardlntls' to

- the Um

PresiS u c c (

Planproposed a (

____ ment.dc>li(n. a vice presli

------J ------- Hls-propoUou twc by the Pr«

-, . , • Vl ;iw ,//.-f. >•' and consent selecUon ol

ealed, meniber cf the board of ^ ” hou«'*'' lonald Vout*. «halr«sn of Uie m of money ilw a to t t e e a » p In the h obotoi * t***" **“* ®p a (o) . office of vl

Uian 18 tlir

T 0 | r e t h e r n e s s ” »"

. V ern and DoroUiy Hardy will be able W spend Easter to- 7 ^ * ^ gaUier Uils year-courtesy of i f Uie U U h boord of pardons. •, ‘.. T lie board said Wednesday th e Ogden ,couple will be paroled March 25. Uie week before Easier. su i^ in e . i

H ordj’. 37, Is serving a *111 be mai maxim um flw-year sentence like tne j

-f tU U ta b sinie p rlson-fO L laU ^ " _ b ls _ h ^ uae to provide, Mrs. Hardy. Church s 37. ts serving Uie saipe term proposes w for Issuing cliecks wlUioul Uiat Uie vli sufficient funds. acceptable

b e a rAHKa VKTd TO UETUHN-------- EUDXFE

B r u s s e l s ; Belgium, Jan . 23 The h W — The ms>Wr.of Ypres has Science h« asked veterans who fought Uiere to help Its 60 years ogo to come back and Ing with ••pray for peaee." More than half stocked Ui a mlillon men were killed fight- with Uie c lilg fo r the tiny tov.Ti'ln IBM. Budapest :

Add he:

lO w ir r M

Z M f f l-------- — o f - e n e r g y - c h i l d r e n - u s e

d a y , a w e l l - b a l a n c

c s s c n t i a K - A d d i n g 1

e n e r g y a n d n u t r

— c ^ - - ! t 0 i s c c v e - d j

W a ( f a m i l y t o c

'• g o o d h c a l A a n t

_______________ —

\ ' ) 1 \ \ \0 '

' POCltnr

: : M E A L

ife ij ■ ■ " ' V

P o p e*6pe P a u l ^ '1 ^ flay Cali for !]onsistoryVATICAN c n v . Jan. 33 H i-le desUi of anoUier RomanlUiollr Ctmini L lnc reayd an-ipatlon Tf.*»day t h iT r o p f 1, - U l j ^ml-VI-so(vi. w ill-call a,.cnib. ''itory’ to r» len lsh the ucted ' \ - i \ 'liege.

Mt Of his choices from out- le Italy.'in line with his man- •H desire lo give Uie church’s kc^rshlp a* more Inie'maUonal laracler.Carlo Cardinal Chlarlo. S3, allan member of Uie VaUcan irla, died Tuesday nlghl of an teaUnal tumor a l U cc a .'h U • • • w"^*, mlly home. He bad been 111 farewell tetH ore man seven'fflonUis. 4 I^n. SundOarduial Chiarlo'a death re- CaiiU LDS ioe4..Uie_coU«gc_ot_c«dlnils J o . n memberc. Oolf aUtea

v s ' ' ”ir,if; S i s i it nieii.-bnnginrthe-eollegF~ot n i r s a l t - ta k tirdlniU to an e ien lOa f o r -------------------le t in t Ume. TRY TIMES-

, ------ ^ ^ ----------— ' FOR FAST S

Presi^lential --------Succession Plan Offered- —

WASinNOTON. Jan. 23 IP - lan. Frank Church. D , Ida., has '■ iroposed a constltuUonal amend- " —nenkdetlifntd to glve.Uie.naUonI vice president when.Uie o fflee___________I vacated.' ' ' • - Auiiiun-. u » k r -Hls-pfopo»al-ealls-for-nomlna- lou ot tw o 'to five candidates Tr..iift.r — ly the President wlUi "advice *•md consent" ot the senate, and ‘' t—elecUon of the-Tice prtsldent iiuryMUp-;:^ 'rom among the nominees by cSSm/'iCrrrr h e house. (^n.mlwi.>nin

••In UiB hbtory of our country i" !* " .‘’J. here has been a. vacancy in Uie S 'nmi >fflce ot vice president no less r.iKtioni — ^h a n 18 times." Church told Uie --------lertate. • ■ ~ Cutt»i— Eight times Uie'vlce^presldtni

3ttsldenU,hftyt_dl«LJii_gmi& r » i ! ^ n d ___3ne resigned to become senator.

•The constitution Is silent u to any procedure for filling Uiese .totai.s ... vacancies and none exists. m>iK.

*'Repalrs 'u>.our consUtutlonal root are rarely undertaken when Lht republic enj0)‘a unobstructed sunshine. I t . is. likely Uial Uiey will be made. If a t all, a t a Ume, T u S n T ^ like Uie present, when recent crbts has dramatized the reed^ Hotiou.

CliurclTiald Uie proceduriTie proposes would make I t cerUIn Afrieuiiur?i‘'y Uial Uie vice presldenl would be _acceptable W Uie presldenC

----- :--------------------- riibiilhi J .B .;y A W PROVIDE T W

BUDAPESrr, Hungary. Jan. 23 The Hungarian Academy of

Science has found a new wty ’■ ^ K to help Its members re la * ^ lay - Ing with bear cubs. I t h u stocked Uie academy's^ grounds with Uie cube-su ip lus from Uie a i

= = - J i

le a l^ — ^

1 B B = 1

r h c n d o i i s - a m o t m t ^ ----------> / p -

I r e n - u s e - u p - c v c r y '^ - ^ — -

[ - b a l a n c e d d i e t i s D la d d i n g m i l k - a d d s ^ ----------

n d n u t r i l i o n . - L e t

s e t y e - d a i r y - f o o d s ^ ----------- — ^ ^ ■

n i i y t o c o n t i n u e d ■ ■■

a l A a n d g r o w t h . , 0 ^

fo c \^ ” ^FiilFivTT'^

^ ■ i | K ^ “ T r u tiifVWASHINOTi

' •~0» fourt^ 6!a”)iwue otiici

hucr stack f^ord i, Uic dg

. senatorsIsUve* say anc

'* ^ stack’ 1:

L ? H f c .,J . ’“Tfatli.^^ U I

- P rp ss 1WASltlNQTOI

Pentaccn Uiat rrnoners piirurilytlie ext>rsault dIviAnii bc

«R a. ZELANDA MARTIN I»«inHii:. Oa, . . . w l l U b e honored a t a d^f

.bTork,:,aiU LDS su|>e house prior ou t” il r « l ta v ln g f o x a m l« lo n ln th e *]lf a la tw with hfadquaHew I ‘

rwn?rritwUiT^rhii.inromo- "KEtt’ Yoit ^----------------------------------------^ e t y thow arteY TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS Columbia Bro.i R FAST SELLINO RESULTS announced Wed

lE G A L A D V { . . . N O T I C k O F r i

ru n t.ic iiuiKiiy c iv ra . tii«v C.-«nU'. >111 mf»t •■n A. M..n,ltT

, In Ihf Mtlrr ut Ihr ('.•unlir l'.«iml.>l.,«/i> - In ih< of r«ni|j'rlii( in,I m ini * fltol IxKlctl .in.l mi

b»_^«tJ^uIj n •■>1 '"‘f , ," ' 'If 'iJ* ***''

Solarln OlWr•• • Knd AVtXff 'KiMn«r«

__________ - _________ mo ii«;dltor. Clirk, llNu>il>r-------1 lljli.S t l.Mt.o]. l U f ______ — ________ tlHU.ta___ lt.l9(.»l

___— , i;.'o:i.n i.’ios.ii Mf«utliic A tlornrr___. I«,4:>.:< MII.U,«tl» C oun-------------------- U.TM.M 4.SM.J0ronrf ,., —, — _«M.W____________ Mt.H■I— ' ' !i,»«rn n,4«j'o;umr A tr n t-------------------- MTI,:: . «.13>,1TmmlMl«in#n .... > , , U.MS.CS 4,0&9,?S.Uf. of lh» r « f * ________ ll.oi.oa l.TJ&.St.Irifl Court — ------------------10,61p:.Ut im l___________________• O.M IS.rii.l*xtloni • ___________ ll,S»9,n

roltU Currvnt Rip.r<.. ____I2IT.IJ0.10 I :CI.9II,:S :

istii ’iiii;SBi^i"i!«pu«i „______tiM i» ii • !i;;o»^^rlculturil’Ftlr , - :i,t tl.ll il,Si:,CSrOTAIJ ......... .......... — .rnt.lTM*

Tilt pn>[K»«Kl builurt ll I..IH iiri Iht im lnli of »n Un«ii>rndH

yUND - ^Koni'ilo!!S»r'-__ _________________________ *t"»‘i'^ Kil'.nn .„............... ,, .1= H . i l th ________________ - - - II.OOU,UUnilutllnn _________ _ |j,fl01),0sisloui Wwl KracllMilon ____________ SI.MO.O#‘ — --- „nnnM,—xinlr'Iloplul — - ■■ 10,MO.O« :irleullural v»i> Ii,000,(i0 •TOTALS_________!______________isn,000,0fl I, A. UNgASTEIl. T-ln Full. Co«nl7 Oudftt Orflcr )bll»l>i J»i). SS. 1»M

i E M S

- - - - - - ^ ' A r m o u K ! i _ _ ^

c h i l l :With. B e a n 's

- < f l i - 1 5 V 4 - o z . c o n s -

^ 1 .0 0R ip e

Avocado!"R o y a l" A sst'd . F lavors" ~

PUDDING]_ 3 _ E k s i s ^ 2 5 c _____

F A L L S BF . L I N K S . .



riitirW iU Out’ASHINOTON. Jan , 23 ifl 'D . r v i r . A 1 7 «II the fourth floor of Uie U U l S C J C i 'h ^ ' onice buiiaiiK u V — --------------------=r Slack of oonsreiilonal P r i c e i l M l ' irdi, Uic dally account ot • 1 O S S I D U , It senators and represen-

O f F l o o i

----- ----- ' ■ ■ 'S on heavy anow In t

^ . s R a n n p HSIMTOTON. J .n . J licun oCtklals u ld last nlghl probably ihe greatreponer* hnrt_bren "tem-^carlj-134Q's. ______ily '■ prairiliitMl Irom seeliig] S ta ir Coiiiervatic •nny* extierlmental air a s-lg inaa ld the f«ci tl dlvi;«oii bctiig foniied at Ft: under the snowpacl '>'E. Oa, but aaturatrd withrroMn was given for Uie creases the flood d but a defciue riepanmentl He w td wann •4ji«n saia It would be lifted panled by n ln woi ! a fe»i^lhlIlRs,aI)^ straight- he.ivy ruitoli, out." He would nol e la ^ r- ••Several times si

ZsNOlY—DW Ori'En - _ ! T of January,-Febrm W YORK. Jsn , 23'i.h-Judy hr naltl, wm w llrtrop lier weekly va- DoIm was h it I

thow after'M .irch M. Uie in 1050 as 'ihe n mbla nro.idca»tliig system nvlii. causing thoua •uneed Wediieidny. , In damage,

AL ADVERTISE NT ^k O F rUBLIc'HEARlNGIVra. TI..I- Ih- ll„..rf ..t C.,1.111, rl>»4 U.>n,lir |n »VI,r>iirr. IMi. •! Ih. hi-iir M lOiOU . I..n»i. ln Ih. (• lli>u>. >t Twin r .ll., |,l.h,<, tnr

m i^n . .|,|i'"prUII,>ii« I,, x .h ..Iflf., il.p.iim lh. .ftU builvrt; anil T T» r

S^lirln • Olhtf ^ . l i r ' l « ^ EiMn'M •nd^WKtt Ei».nm •!<•) Wam r>i

. |>I7,0I 1,0M,>1 I »».0(i:,w t 10,1

- s a » - ^ a - r a a s ! - ® a s —SS4.IDS.17 Ml.Oi |,lll,<l t«.*<0.«4 Ms.iij-»s i,t»:,«» ft:,IS it.m .oo *. i,iis,io ».ri>i>,in) t,i

-------- O.M------ SIJ3C •-—Wis!#}— I— —O.M-------iMjJ.o; ’•‘“ •Ji* ■ ■‘•JJJ-JJ *»75H m ^5''<‘os>':s t.cas’.M ii',<t !<!<«o!m «!ii.T:s.:t ii.soo.oo s,i

10,sii:.ii . 100.09 ii,>11.nt.K o.og liu .O I 4KS09.00

s t(.si <,lis.t» s.oofl,o« ii,i_________ O.M O.M lOJOO.OO t.iI :cs.9ii,:s t t«,Ti>,ii M M tTil s sssj<i .m i jm.i

n.on.Ts lo.Mo.oo s,ooi,u |-S” » tl.SSO.CO 1.!

_ U ija ij2 __ flico ..» i is j» _ ,— L o m I— m.:i«:.oi>o.:s i)«.»iT.oo iii.ois.os iso.sso.oa' sit.i (s,si:,e» si.soo.oo io,too,oe s:.ioo,os m,i

M.M7.SH.1: sTr«!>:rss «i>,>«,si t.iu !w ».«»,•i.ln li of~»l<Ufllnlf.| tumin »■ U r.tlwlxl In th« tnll lh’ lT."w . ESTIHATTD REVENUE3

,»|;0»;00 , ,SS.OOO,« ,ij,floo,os «.oa H.6M.0#ai.OOO.OO SS.SOO.OO 4M.H SO,iDO,M.

—1t,00(>.0*------------------ S.OM.M----- I2,<W«,W-------*,<10,««0.0fl 1.4IH/IM.M l.»i:,0«0,«0 4,' l»,000,00 • S4.M0.0a . SM,C«: IDS.(00,0« ____ ^,ofl it.T«.BOO,oo I ii.ioo,N iu iw e io o T ~ tZ >d(tt orflcr

_ _ ^ A rm o u rs"L V ienna S tyle * i

SAUSAGES___ Z e s ty an d G ood

ns ------cons fo r

I ^ 1 . 0 0

I O S ir 2 iW ‘; i i r " Z e e " A ssh

G Toilet Tissues k _ 3 4 ^ J ^

SAUSAGE^LS B R A N D .„ _ y | ^( s . . . . . . LB. H - y c

H is s s s B s s s ^ s s a

. .Thursday. J sn .

ise_Eyes .. ' . ' | | ssibility ^ Floods

>Tsiiow In theh llU above ^ i i l^ Icartul tha t warm weaUiei' ,

-eoil fon»rv*uon^s*r«e*— d tha t the 'snow cover U f“ * ly the greatest since UitHQ's_______________________ V _ _• Coiiseo-atlonUt Lee,Mor- -..j d the f«ci tha t Ult »round the snowpack Li not frosen, .•• luratrd with moisture. In- ■ the flood danger.Mid warm winds accom- by n ln would touch oft alUIIOll,cral times since 1930 Uiere wj-chlnook-wmds-accom4------;— r

uary,-F«bruary-or-Mafeh,''---------- --

B was. h it by. flash, floods0 as Ihe risult of heavy B i l lnu«lng thousands of dollars . . .B hnage,_________ _________ | M

Ril»lniirre r t Toln Fall.•ur I.f lOiOU ..Vkxk t.m.. • .■<{

n*. ■

Vpirtmrnl f.,r Ih. rurrvni•n<l tor "Olhtr IUeoum' ■ ■

^Wain r>Mn>M TOTAL I I>s:.og t le.ioo.BO \ d .iii.oo' l l<».M___ ii,swja___ iam t.ee__ i l BNS.flO s.isa.M H*<0.«4 1.S04.«4 :7,tt«,Mi|i.oo s.>oo.M se,tl4.«s H««■>,<•« S,(SO.ftO H SOO.O#____ t.SOD.M____I.IOC.M ■ ■4so;m 4i .sc4;m . I h,7<«.0« 4,IS0.H t.Stt.H.4SO.OO S.tOO.M I.SIO.OS - ^500.00 S,IM,M S.1M.M | l - ,000,0# 1.H0.0* W*500.00 0.00.. iirf .000,00 SI,0M.«0 I.OM.Oe f B100.00 t.too,eo t.ew,et I B544.00 I ] t t» ,••<,»«.OOO.OS )O.I4l.O« 4S,t«l,ft«SSO.CO i.tto.00 • H4s».*e i i .I4U.UU, II.IUU,VO~ S0,I1U,M—CUOO----W.4A0.M---- tST,»»M«------- U♦SO.O*' tl>,S0»,0» l.(II.ISS.M100.00 t>,l»0,M , SUOOJO ;;

m ■ '4'■— f! •otkl Cum iitTu b7T iiI,n l.t ' ,000,00 I S.000,00 I 141.000.00 J J.TO(LSa-------- tOOM—_4t,0«0M------‘ N l,tOO.OO 7M.OO 11.000.00 I I!ooo!m ------— ttslmioo — J l,000,00 4,000.04 1S7.000.04 ’ M ■S00,l)0 ll.Wt.04 W.200.00 I I 1»,004.M I

sii-Good- ^ ■'!

f o r

“ r

ish ~ 7 I

isues I

9c ^

? 5 | p ^ P i B r ~ "

rsday, Jan . 2 3 , 19M '

Page 8: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

. . . . • •

g j | H | l i

- i P l S H


[________ CQDRTrnQ D ISASTER on ■ t t fI - ' a w tba Le* 'At>ft>«* ItleniHUsr

Jone*. «tao f lU » kick oat e( a a I called Mitd dtinlnc. V onet loemtd1 sU rted doiTD. th a fron t w betli of 1L .......•tuck l a tbe H n d .M d th rn r the n[ JoDM tried t« leap ou t but wa« b<--------- S e-w -* p p » tf> d -ta .b>.ramni - a i t t ,' to ta le tr. H« borrowed a 'repe . poUi

sa n d u d drove aw sr anlnjtirtd.

Water Special S , Spai’ks Discoiit(— r r-B y -K ic n M ro -C T iA iiN o c K - »m

BOISE, J tn . 23 (Crft-^uit be- ml

'Zdaboant thould se t first crack cui a t the ’lu te 's water resources. m< d on 't get the Idea a majority j

___ _M yei approve a ipeclal aesilotl'--• - ' t o a u u ro - it .------------r— t------- of-

Thero are rumbllnEa o( d li- Un content among many lawmakers exi In both political parUes orer Inj

revenue bond* to finance state Ui wat<r derelopmenL - ali

Some queiUon the method o t coi financing. Others are conccmed po about the goTCmor'a propojal to Un create a constitutional agency to bli admlnUWr ■ tho . pronram. Still j o tlilr* 'ob jecl,:io c iU ln g T sp e *

:_____fU l iBalon for |a i t thla purpoac ly.alone. Ini

— DemocraU nnturaUy are sus- Oi piclous ot Ihe pUn. Some tee In ot u anothtLt>ttempt by U>e chlet _ executive to u « hU o il-pro- jj, tw ntd state department of tm t- tira l rtsources. sm yllr hlin»eif . h a s admllted Uinl such a de- „ ' partm ent eveniuBlly could e« lvc from the new nBcney—U'ou«h, _

- ho h u stated hla primary aimin the water proposal U to-pro- t^ c t Idaho rwources. ■

------------BepDWtemsrtocrhaTe-mtsBlr-In g t about the plan. A few prl- „

” T a t ^ will tell you they think j j th o gotemor Is ••gnmastandlnB"In hls proposivl. Sereral believe _ th e propo#^ special session wU> b( n e ver oome to pass. ,

______to liiilihte l £ ' ' . i . l ' j V M• problems In any call for a spe- q,

c la l session.' One blutitly pu t It— thU -W lT !-- ------- • - • Q{

«I Jusl can 't « « • spendlnK• th e money to brlns the legla-

Jature to town Jusl for tha t one , puipote. I tlUnk 'we should tr>-

/ —to-»traighten'bur-oup-riim n61nl - / problems, too."I This Uwmaker estimated n

• Msslon. More conser%-aUve estu _ wi«tM pu t the prlc« tiiR between

___ $iOMO and 120.000 — dcpeiiillus ', o a how long It lakes the legljk-

. - tu re to get the Job done.-------- -**6 b « 11o sa id 'l i t «fluia not ti l l “

th e l ^ l a t u r e Into extraordinan' 'a en lo n un leu he had a.'uumncrj ’ tro m a t least two-lhlrds of the .lid tiie tn d senate they npproved

-.V btt-pl*o. To get tw.o-thlrds. th n , — '---T «bf ernor wlU have to hnve Dem- ‘ •

•“ '■ «atla aupport becnuso ItepuliU- e u t control le not Umt sreat.

■, ^ o r « »ny call Is. sounded. '-'tlidwttTer, the governor first must

ou t tbe details of his plnn. do thU ^ sa>-s he soon will .

'akppolnt • eoounlUes of lawycn ’

' I < i i " '

i i f e r : T H t i r t a g y r J 8 n ^ 3 r 1 9 H V .





H-lHjR en ■ m 4 n i ipH» ever.the a«>d_dqnM____ jjBkmaUenal' a ltpert was aot«r IMiB ooT ef a new so A b ^ .C aU fftm U sport et soemtd over a sm all htll and , a t he wheels of hla fonr-wheeJ drive maehlne PI m w the vthlele Into a vertical p e d tlm « but waa held by U a te a t belt. Ju s l as S

tt Jnnga yntnp^,'repe. poUed bU e a r back down on lha mlnjortd. (A r wlrepheto) ' V-

jial Session Still content Rumbles J[OCK— and-tng lnecn . ' W hcn -the-tom » — 5 ust be- mlttee's w ork > U*’tln lshed ths } ce Uiat gowrnor then Ujteads to d r - \ I crack culate Uifi report among the law* : sources, makers. ^I’ajorlty sources cIom (0 Smylle Indl- '■>

a t e he hopes to w in tpproval_ t-------of-U ie-plan-ln advanca-so thato t dls- Uie lecLslalure can hold down rmakera upenKS o f Uie scsston—llmlt> a over Ing it to Just a day or two. ^

10 state t h t governor should go jalicsd with appointment o t the 3

Lhod o t coiiuulttee to work up a pro- ■, nccme'd posal for their consideration.Kual to Uiey havo rw rv a U o n i about any ency to blanket approval.I. S till Some of Uie Democratic lead- T ®P** ers In the legislature quite frank-purp_ose ly rfffri't ilfci. llii» nf annrov- __r

Ing anything In advance. This, re sus- Uiey leel. would be at^lcatlon t ! see in ot Uie legislative aulhorlty. le chlet po t tpinn to rubber _ s» t-Pfo- stamp anyUilng.- ono Democrat- ;

'Sniylle's appnreht anxiety over ■ . Uie water*problem stems from ;

mS * Angeles proposal to divert 8" '‘“e river w ater to the SouUi-

^ *11" west tor Irrlgnllon. He beUtve* , io-pn>- ti^ u p Its je sou rtw

before sdmebbdy else grata“Uiem. ■mtsgiv T n n ra w n jn r jo p ro e n rp n jp iB U — '■ ew p r l - v o u l d ' take a consUtuUonsl r Uilnk (inicndmenl nnd lha t's why he andlng' wnnis a special se.ulon th is year

believe _ ,q g jt the proposal on tha Jon will ballot 'next. November. OUier-

wise, he snys. It can 't be put ' ' vflR r i iiin in y ff!~'~~ * t '

Inanclal i „ ____■ * Uie Johnson administration lhat ’ “ 1C w on t'take_ Idnho . water out , m

ot lUstio. some lesislatora I «1 tlic-.problem can wait for- at- •

IL tentlon by the nexV regular sti-»'on 19“ ' • ,

?lnan61nl -“ ll-___________ - —

lated 11 -kT Tk • '-----------N o - B r i c k ---------------

between PinLADELPIUA. Jan . 33 BpemJIiis " tr i—The a rt commission has • • ‘ leKlsla- ruled Uiat lha base ot a s u t - _ ' I ,ne, ue ahlch will honor the laU ;nnr"^TTT 'John "ICcll) caruiOt be ~

.ordltiar I brlcH f)jumncfs KfJly. father of P rlneo j i of the Ornce o t Monaco, made a V ipproved tortune 11* a brick contractor. • -' l?dj Ui(V of Kelly, an •;ve Dem-1 Olympic sculler In hU j-ouUi, .- ItepuljU' shows hlm sciii^d-ln a-scull.- a , - p . . .The commission Wednes-

so u n d k day rejected sculptor U ary rsl must proposal ror a brickhis Plan PedesiaJ in -favor of blKk • - ;i U ’ win , • • I

I I G A - S H O R T E N I N G

j | C H E G K - Y O U R I G AGREIl - - : - S A L A a - B O W L Q U A\mi - ^ l G A M A R L E N E ■ .


I J i l l OS i riport

hina P lu m p o n d M e c t y

a SEEDkESS RAU. Uia _ , -

L Imtmr s ; - |— J« ^ 3 Simple

1 R ht<limit. ‘-]

& = = ^ S !

K ] F r o z e n BREiT»“»- r i — __ ___ _

■ubbtrDcrat- 7 h | | | ^ ^

2 f r > O P « „ NouUi- j

F lMlrtW .... /■Uiem: “

~ a -------------- > ■/'-Uonal \ ^ ^ly he h\ year ' / 7 ^ J1 tha>Uier-e put \ • - ^

1 that — ^ ^ P O p n > t E

» .Sel ■ H ----------- ^ | k '

I - I R H O D E S - B A K ^

W h o le V:ior. • ,

1.13 ' 2 ' ^ 'i

'■ S 0 I



0 . . . 4

- R A I S I N S . 2 II

Imple^teps w l t h '^ -

^ e s L

IREAD D o u g h ,

t m R I S E J . ’POPlKO,*;


- B A K ^ N ^ V E - " ! ^ -

le W h e a t I

- ^ 6 3 * ! ^ ^

I C U lO R S P E C I A L C A S E P FmI N G .

iR I N i

4135L2 l b s . 4 9 c

ICAKE____ ~ h l _________ __________

- ■ .(c O FF! BETTY CR OC K ER

5 1 C R E A M Y^ ■' 6 c O FF! BETTY C R O C K S

^ t E U D G E B

R ~ S M Ix 'am er M o l c J i ' t n ^ ^ V


^ - ' ^ - : - R E G U U R ..... A O------ j : j j; /<ic ....... N o w - W ^

, G ian i BREEZE .........................

' I 10c o M l'lS 01. HANDY A

' [' i i ■ Q uart, N ew COLD WATER .

r { L • =!i G allon ,-N ew COLD WAI

J i : Package .DlSrtW >4t£R. AIL

■ r- 1 O c -o ff ,- re g i;la r PRAISE

' i ‘ T. 10c off ba lh PRAISE .......

^ r L v / i i^ I G C D b P M E D /

C 4 0 J E SmS E P R I C E S !|Nr ^I- ■ ,1 1-m ,

Ifci4 0 o x . - p k g .

f B I S Q U I C K ,I D o u rr fa k M in i a tu r e ( 1 0 o s .

----- ^MARSHMALIZ e o a l l o t t e d ( 4 p o c k )


E mixe::OCKER : ------------------------

A Y FRpSTINS c i ® ” 23~OZ. ^


« S U P R E M E r a I

F l | l e n 1 2 « L '



6 9 c -

................ .. ...... ................................. B5c

1ANDY A N D Y ........................ ......... 27c

> WATER ALL............7 .C ..... ....i.... 79c . ' .

OLD WATER A LL............'............. 2 .2 9

ITER . AIL ...................:........... 4 7 c -

PRAISE , . . ._ :a : f o f „ 3 7 c . .

SE ......................................2 for 33c

\ t i p t i / w l %

\ E D A L ; - - : - I

r i A G V 7 ~ |


- 3 0 3 - C A N S - . 1 , B - 1

mK , ....................................

( 1 0 o s . p k g . )

h a l l o w s - ™ - 2 fek)

n s s u ^ ■■ ■■

K B E T T Y ^

C R O C K E R '

L A Y E R .................. %

i i n g ~ 3 Z Z

IDES ^F z l E T i S

8 0 C O U N T .W H I T E .. . . ...... ; ...... ....................

E 15c o f f (g ian t) SU R F ...........

I K ing liz o SW AN LIQ U ID ------

r J ' H orn# la u n d ry AOTVE A lt - ...

R egular LIFEBU9 Y .............

. Bath l iz e LIFEBUOY....................

M ., .- fiiiiaLaiK5^fLUfHY-i»LLiu.i—

B _ _ _ _ V I A A - T A B L £ iS rJ u n g j i2*___i;—

f • . R egular r •I ; LUX TOILET SOAP .... 3_f_erJ5

I Bath sizeI • LUX TOILET SO A P ... . 2 for 35(

I i f c LUXB5C ‘ ^ 2 2 ” O O N C E —

t 6 7 ^ --37c . .


1li5!— — — -

-2pkgs.3ftoil. 3 "'Hl

2 ' 7 fm m x y m m x x M g g g g ^ \

I j A P W W

IQUID .....................- - r -

V£ A lt .......................' -

............................. - =.........................................2

- 3 J o r ^ 5 c -

o P ^ f i

Page 9: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

' I

Your IGA s to r e s p ro u d ly p re se n t, th e

"OltlrPowell Shov/Enty T hursday Evening

KMVT ^?:QP p .m .

"DEATH IN - ^ I t t A G E ' ^

S ta r r in g GILBERT R O L A N D —


\PPIfOUR CHOICE-REDl “s N O '™ r w s s n :

) ® S 4

' . , — ......... ^


3 - L A i i


j I hoii

P t E S-RED OR GOLDEN ,^ m ;T a o a s “^ = 7 H

f omy £ U |* v X h B4,—

n t e r


I n o iNtfsersTiOtDEir^ j |

~ j | B H |

E t l T ^


L v m

G R O W N a nY o u r n e i g h b o r h o o d I G A

d u s t i * y a n d a t ^ h e s a m e

b i g s a v i n g s ' f o r y o u r b u t

NmmINGHOF» T i W ^


m ^ f = =

I ' . - .


i ^ e S W P ^


a n d P R O C Ed I G A g i - o c e r s u r g e y o u to B u p f

h e s a m e t i m e t r i e a t y o u r f a m i l y

■ a n d ' j u i c y ^ s p r i t i r l a m b r Y o u r c h

y o u r b u d g e t .

E i# W

6 9

a o p s j j

JPS. . )r r T T T T "

ISTT^r T o m o tcI : f i r m .- r e d - - r i

L ^ : = = M i a r F R E ;

: = M■ —

^ TA B LE R ITE- — N o tu ro l-S w is 5- o r-M « l

C H E E S E ^

------- - ^ U N C E " ' • . ~......... . S = r . . . ...................


m n ncueit-iu rr«d

. . . who hM~T(mplc

' T i n t r t . «hc

I t " ' ^ “ - n i 7 > S ^H Include Jimn

d tncer R uu

‘-Tbt Nan role ot Oyp«

, lU te and •____ ly.B U eiH tv

B K . he h u muuH i D r , KlldjI f t C ^ ^ B S H ' recently B B B sv e iu tn '*T

After %dUcovertd t terloui.

fttK S ^ ~ THI— XaTonnat

qsMUooi tb

ICESSEDt o s u p p o r t a l o c a l i n - _______ l _

f a m i l y t o ' f r e s h a n d ‘ ! |j | £

y o u r 'c h o i c e * o f c u t 3 - a t - r - - ' “ - l i s

- , ' ; *1||^ jv l

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■ to e s . .ED--RIEE— ------------

r F R E S H = " = Z Z Z

a JiR IT E5 -o r- -M « llo w .- ..........-•-...

SLICES 2 9 c = =

M a r i ^I f I y ^

. T h u rid a y . J . n , S j / H M tw in f . l l iT in

T V T O D i\--------------------- - • ■h ttlR tfD A V .-jA S '. iz------'Rrnvblde.** 16 p m CBS)—llKv) Court ftnd le it- iu rred tn “ineW tnl ot the Dowry Dundee, rl who hM wuidercd «U the way from Scotlu ~T(mple llBtutoD,* (6:30 p jn . NDC)—Tonlght'i i n t r t . who U more than htppy lo ptjr off t lai Id feedlhs of lome Uvettock lic'i inhenied. Di

• T h 7 > « ^ ^ e m e l i f i w ." ( 6 ^ I« L 8 p.m. iclude Jimmy Durwjte. Dorothy (-nbnrUJR :0 V >ncer Rum ijjnb lyn^ end th f T k m Boyi cho;

“Tb# Nan**.’ tB p jn . CB81—Sandra Church lie ot Oypey Rom L « In the muilcftl "0>T>sy" « te *nd apptftred recently In the film. "The .B u e iH ta rr^ In ton lghfi e p l ^ . Dr. Lo*ry t h u m uiniU r dyitrophy.'D r . KIldAr*.” (9 pjn . NBC>—Y vrtlr AJlmJrus

Kently in top rolei in *evertl b li niovlci. and iieiu tn -iV K er. Tygtr." f ln t in » two-part »ior tter a turflnc accident tn d brousht. to_the h iKovertd t b t t the h u • form ot c'pUepsy wli srloui. •->_ ,

Z X H U l f e D A X J A N l I A R i ;Xafomutlos below U ftven ib i Tlmet«Newi

bmUooi tbsBld be d lm ted 16 (be (U tlon cobi

Kiiiv T -ii-R B O l “k r v n Twin Fkllt ' BoIm BoIm Cbaanel i l Channel I Channel

Cable > Cable S ABC-Ni ABC-NBC* CBS CabU

CBB_________________ 1________liH I Doubl* It Cirtgatu IWdhunl

III DuubI* X CIU N>Vi HcahuntHt i-*M<ict<i cusN«n* uiinkin

. . - m _ l r .M .o r j - Iw . . . , ln.i..i.i«T^ll« r IVanDrk* Yott U«*r Ntw*

iU Vsnlliki Y..II U»«r . N«wilit N*n. »p>ru rijnuionn Dr.

fit* ITriMte Dobb« il*«i Dr. Klldit,>11 Dunn* IU«4 Ur. Kll4«p.Ill Tr*..U n r t* Bom Ku .1141 lT r.» l. I n m S w • H.irl

* lil |n k r r o « i l !u»hw* | m” i*IM Uirk l-owfll llo h lJ t | Mu<iti«l t>ltk I'umll |i«»lilii«^^__LM;!«l»__

t'lM |Ogl*l«ur U>ho Tirrr ^>*0°>11 (luiu....r I'Try Muon ' Mu.l*

---- lie— jl'm r «»»*■»— <'*rrr »*m«« Um U-----III llVrrr UuuH I Pitrv M»».m >1..vU

IliM I’trrr U4MII Jokrnir MiInldilillallrwwH l]» IVri7 MuoB JukflB/UdnUbi Itallrxxxj!!! f e M . ^ z \ . r l i i : : :

H ill |Qr**Utt abew Motli I Tanlililil l □ m tai Hbu« Uutl* TealfkiIII ja m la l Bko« Uorl* | Taniibl

-------i” KIFI---------^K C P X - —j— . KUTIdaho Falli Channel 4 Balt .L ChanDel r Sail U ka -• . Cbana

NBO Cable « Cable ABO___NB{

III! C*n«M>a' rfluptrsta lUdtta;{} » . ■ ?

— ___ S ± iiia ---------U ic : -------------iiM shiful i l l Niwi, Wtilbtr LMtl Ki«» I t ^ » Nr

■ i l l rifflpl/'lToiMtoli riuuiont* T«npl7^l i t lT«mpl* HbmIob FIIM.Iobw IT»WP1« H

'!!! i;= ;a ll“ S |S : :: M |S ! : ! l .'■‘■‘ l a f e s a l ! i : a

liM KrtftTlittUr ir tm r t ai l t Kn>tTbt«tcr JlfBBirI)«*B P*rrr Cml» KraaTkMUi JImnr Dtta Ttrrr Cui,«»_ Kr.f'-n.>.ur |jim"»r.n»s— lU n tC a

tiH Dr. Xlldtn iPmdU* |Dr. KU^l i t . Ur. KiUtr* |P«ttdU« ' Dr. Klldt<11 ' t>r Klldtr. rtiiaiM Dr. K l^l i t Dr. Kllilttt IPitidU* lOr. KIHi

l*<M IBrttklDf relM Ntwt !{},••'•II! a;;|yg." IS?

"I!! |?3K I K IM S ' la::!; - . . l5:B!

. .L im i te d

. . T im e “ O f f e r



= P R i i

CALL ,-j M^

^ w d s t “ 2 H !

p h o n e

733-6230 SSK

• ■ ■ . • m :In Falli Tjrnet-Newi ' 9 ’

D A Y ] |Court and ty le Bettser a rt ' fi.Htfpry Dundee." ttory ot a itray ? ' j H:rom Scotland. U H :)—TonlKht'a rpltode Involveapay o lf a large bill for freight . ; ; (J nherlted. But the -Ureitock* ■_ t

8 p.m. NBCi-Perry'a tuetU loaruiR SOVi Prorlne. alnger- ^ 1« Boya choir - a l l p<rtormlng - ] '

dra Church, who played the H :«1 "0>TBy" on the Broadway

film. "The UKly American." k-., * . D r ^ ^ ’«j_^Clnj to_liM»lne__

tlr AJlmJrux. BhoU brtit *e«j movlci. and Clu Oulnscr ar«K-o-part «lory. yvrito Is found-----------It. io_t)ie hoipltal, where 11‘a / e'pUepsy which could becomo 1

c a r C 2 0 9 6 4 Z z : j v ;Ttmea«New« b» tUll6b«~ifld— r ~ aU tlon coBeerned u{p|

“K T vn T t i oBoIm Idabo Falla ' I i a

Cbannel T Channel I HfflABC-NOC ABC-CBS S L

CabU a " ■J ------------------- -------------------

IW«hiiM rg» Sbow I- ..'.IHtahunt fun ftlw* . •Urlnbln Pw.-ur4

---------- ^

Dr. H

Dr. Kllditi iTiirtU IDUr. Kll4«Pt TiMfU MKutI Trt.rii I BlUirl iTrmli ■ ■

Muj-B 1 1

rbiillalirwMK BuniNilitki Com lli;Ibl Itallrxxxl Sun r«lll(bl Zout V»

! { } : « _ Itil* fb ..t------; | lITanlibl iniuibttr H

TsBlfbl . Ututhltr ' *1Taniibl D>vibl>r

iTenUbt |P.uibUr ’ ,

—I— .KUTV B8LBalt .U ka Balt U k a :

I -• . Cbanoei S CbanneJ S CabU t OabU I

-I- . IIitlBtta Hlib«» UtOMHoTit Ulckty UoBM

InrixkUy , Nt«i ;t

I t.M>l N m R«wbl4* IH grg^grg— ■ I

ITtmoItTloMtoairwtwgrd IT«m»I* lleuiua Putword ■

ju tt i ||i;i]{**{ I t * I

IPtrr? Come Hgnn 5r*rrr C>ma Nun« H|r»^_Cpmr.___ \ H ^ ----------- I

I Dr. KUdtr* PtrirUiMm ~ fDr. Klldtr* P.rrrU>MB

IDr. Klld*r« PtrrtUusiilor. KlUtrt ■ P.frr tlnon rI Ntirt ><••• B

WMlhti • fJ S S S _ _ B S - S I K _ ,

Toatabt lau tt A M ; 'M

TBBifbt ■ la tm AUti' , ■

^ d

im m rz:CTION__« j E

Page 10: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

T h u rsd ay , Jan . 2 3 ,1 9 6 4 j J O Tw ifTFalli rim ej-N ow * ,

zServictia lo d Point Out ' Smok e Harm |Tlte lop doefori of the tr m j. j nary » i i i "T lorce

Ulg MlloKlHg HlllMg lfie” 3.7 mil* lion men and women In unlfonn.11 w u Icn rn ri lodas;. i

There would I* no allem pt w I praWbJS cJgflrtile »roo)tJn;r. the jA s .w l4 i« l' bot -HUie mlllULTy iurseon senertl pro- I

1 An educational prosram In- ~ | tended lo p6mi out lo all iwlvee pMple th e polrj^llAlly hannful e lfectj of (unoklnj,

_ — 2 _ A a - c n l - i o j e o ) c o » r y ^

. • "p romoUonal KheroM."Ilnrler thJ* hftadinRTTirincliraM •

j H i'k 0/ c liill ilL n Uj-!iimi*»y — hospltalj.'

The aurjeon .Renerai' m e l W«lne.'«d8y with Dr. fih/rtey C. PUk. th© defenw depanmenf»

. health dlrtctor. Th*y dlK U w d _■ the publle health iervlce'* rccenl

report llnklnn clcareite imoklnj ■ with lutiff cancer and varloui

' oher 1ire>sliorlenlnt dlseaMs. AHervanS, Die de/enae.depart-

“ ~ n ie 'r i l“ iuil<J.'^"NO-aK«lonr-wfrc -•• o il paulblc acltans con* •

oemlni: th e m atter” and th a t Hie Subject would be nludlcd (urtlicr.

■Dill gave O h t ImprfMlon tlie meetlnn ended Inconctuilvely. Dut PUk told U)e AP In emphatic tones lh a l It wa* a eonclu*lv« | aeulon and lh a t he eipected a |cSnunOjrpollcrTo'RnCTBe-lor-all ^Ihe Mrvleet.

He declined to p> Into detail , — pem llng-an e tptcted to rm \ _ nouncemeni.

I Even Birds

jft'eX ostiii j English Fog J~ LOKDON. Jan . M Wi-Bven ttie a. birds c o t loat Wednecday n ltlit « In the fog blanketing m oil ot p England. ^ *

A t KoUnkliam. Burrey. thou- ‘ z— r is n a r-o T -i ttf tin g n iw r -Jn - tf iB it

murk w ere.attracted to the IU ti lum tnat«d face of the tdwn hall C

l) clock. Many perched on 'Uie h '[ . • h and! and alojiped tho eloclt. p

In th o Tftatne* ealuary, M b f l h l p t - Wft iihip^ J h a r» been sbl» to enter the s port o f London ilnce Monday, a N (pokeaman lald . K. A t wlapa fUlered Into Ute houae

of commoni. Mlnliter cf Tram* « y m fiit Mumlfi aald he wan o

W tTlflod by muiupl# auto o craahes In Uie fog. a

M arplea w u replying to • quuU on by ConierraUve Jamea a

( Dance « h o asked for a stale* c m ent about the pUeupa Involving v 300 Vehicles. Injuring 32 perw ns b aerlouAly and clmlnn three of thfl nation 's major hlRhway*, i

i j M arples aald tha t no early i f? w am ln r- ilsns on earth could, trJ------ R corg iiiF to ^ Y lg lonar n jpOfW: 1

I have atopped the plleup Qf ve> « h ides; }fe said I f seemed clear 1 th e larjfe number of vehicles In- \

• Tolved would not have been In t i^ecldents If they had not been (

-■•■triivfltng r«C nr too clow to (hg ^ Tehlclea ahead tn the (og. ii

B u t h e la id early warning n (Igns of accidents, skid rUk and f fog a re to be experimented wllh r

' Bt Intervals on another motor< way. c

I t -wa* hoped thlJ syitem h would be completed by July SO. fi

Th« sun broke through thln ls c Jn southern England on Wednes- u day a ttem oon but wlth'duak. the a

In tho counUea of Huntingdon- t ■hire, Cambrtdgt.ihlre and Bed- s

------fDrdshIre,- T t»«im {y~w as-M -to e— —- -

' ^Eu^Sai^Colu i—fteat^HStillfla^ PO RTLA iro. JaKTsS (.ft-Therc li > «U11' a t« looee ends lo be tied I

____ down In too Columbia river rtrea iy w llh C uu td irU onnevU lo t Adm inistrator Cbsrles P. Uico r said W ednesday. {

i ^ t rac^ ^ f ^ u r c h w and t

puwei* vlll'hATe io~t)e worked'oui, a In th e next elaht monUis w llh t. uUlltles of Uie I'acKlc N orlhM St 1

• and perhaps other regions, Luce aald----------------------------------------- }

Oonqevllle and non>fedeml

oui long-term caordlhaUon conH - trn c u . he added. j

Dtllon. neld and company, Ine., i New York. wa.i retained by Botuicvllla lo give advice on I h e : ■

. neceajuiry bond-wljuifi. T ljat f ln n )

J -• w as se t up.. . T h e .BoancvUIe„admlnUiri^or.,' * r r — rara th a t a nm nUfr u f n nn»ted» • ‘ erfiV u tlllly rrprc5<titntlvcs looU

. part, in llie iifsoilailons. Tlie '_____ chief rcprcw iuiilvc of . Uicie,

Luco aald,-u')u..06r(lon-C.-CulD. > ccnera l couiucl for Corporaie ,

t . . fefiTicMr-ingg-SMi»lp.----------— V; • Tiiore 8 E o ~ « r f “ r e i i n '» a a £ ^ 1 Uvea of O ranu ChelSK" and , ■ Jrw uslM P iib liru illU y d u lrlc u ; '

L t t tm s with th e prlv«!e uUiltJM i 'ftiid munlcipari.)»iems ih a i hav-ci*

purchased pou tr Irom Uioj*'* p tn ) s . - -• I■ BemftTd Ooldhammer,'Bonne-.*

. . . -vUle power nianaser., said ih rj?trea ly menna Uiat Uie Pacific:*

____ NorU m csl “can now tor Uie firs t

pow er problema vlU be sohvd for | > a decade." i"

He^MUd 11 provides for flood|d

jl e r t S n U i e region otherwise [lIL ' M uld get, and supplies'a blK vot- tu um e o r po»er. He kI.<o &i1c{ t t ’nf i will h e lp snvooih the flow ot Uhe tj fi . .Columbia, .‘ 'lUi advaalacM fo .;U navlgBtlon and flih re.wurccj, U ’fH will he lp keep »a:er tempej.-v.l l i u r t s more coiuiani, Coldlmm-y xner aald.I O lhe ra .* lao suesjcd Uie Im- rit --------M U D c o -o f .flood-conm inraaToj; ’ sjivigfttlon bentttu. I'VJl G ordon Femaitl. jr.. chief of f,

eogUteerlng of.Uio f.rmy eng l-|n

I ’ ’ -

army.rtcom - v l W lk '

J l ' f the M ' j ' .bot



.g e s i^


Irley C.

licussed s ~imoklng various

.depart- -

lh a t the further.

Uon tlie'm o h S e TAKES ON TOUR of Uje garden c

a Itol^rt »'• Keaatdy. They w err escort S a i l .JiiikstTi°,J<«mi^y_bai been on » P

5.^" Committee Gets 1 " On Training for® : JI. A. Jtaujinm . program and 000 - . . mtlhod supervisor wlUi U ie.Ida- men 1 . ho employment security agency, pcrs:

Boljf. explained Wednesday n tl- iixuK emoon. the manpower develop, ploy

I f f ment and training act (NTOTAt, iJeve O to *1* men who have been chw en I t

SveiriH? aTBmdVlJorTTommltiee to work th e ly niglil wllh rtpresenUllvea of the Tw in find mosl ot palls-branch-of-the etHpleymeni used

agency, Third street north , bonr y thou- ‘ Those attending th e . meeting the

tncfuded-WHHsm-OMnce. M crcr ea.» the IU tary mansger of the Cliamber of clfti

iwn hall Commerce: Kennelh Kali, senior Tt on 'th e h lg h school counselor: E rneal tho B clock. Ragland, fuperintendenl o t th e C^tJ lary, M board of education; • W. W. of t In shiM m n t i . retired Doslmastcr; Pau l ncef Iter Ui6 8 ta n d U y rp r tM ^ W « irT lm c s : - T l inday, a Ne<rs publishing company, and nny

Mlllon Ballard, farmer. hct.I t houaa Also presenl a l llie meellng cenl ; T rans, wero Ronald Culler, mannger trail 1 he waa of the, local slate employment iilo>- e auto office, wTd' Jfllin IS. Uiliicii. us- « j—

slstant manager. tlirog (0 • Ifsugnes* polnt«f out th a t the h rn i a Jame* act ts a program' for training un - - K( a stale* employed and underemployed men nvolvlng workers and providing for a coat persons broad research In manpower. utiei

three of NSTDA has been used very slftti *ays, juccTMtully In olher Idaho com- cent no early munlUrs It wm brousht ou t a l pari h could, the meellni:. For- InMnnce. In pay raiW i'tJi: r T rr ln in n - in tn « v n ip h « ^ Ia (* - trn l i p of ve- was nrl up- Tlie cln«i rnii five som icd dear houn a dny for about 30 weclw. St ilcles In- When fint.'liert wllh the course able been In the majority of those who sU rt- unci

lo t been ed tound a Job. areIB to (hi« Cltisjifii have also been aet tip oS a Jg. in foretlry. and land mallARi: TTy- w am lng ment. These courses, ‘ nm ntng Ci rUk ana from ja to 3Q weeks, were held In the led with norUiem Idaho. o r«' molor- One of the purpose.s of the emj

classes Is to train peraona.who tu rt system hold only seasonal Jobs In the neei

July 30. lorcstry scn'lce: After taking the gel h thln ls classes: a trained pcnon may be = Wcdne*. used by an employer Uie year . lusk. the around. It was noled. . 1•Ijondon; --The-lde*-«f-MI>TAH!H«-trfiln —* llngdon- Uiose persons who are In need ot nd Bed- special education and would bcn* ~s - IO - to ef(t by the-speclal.tralalnc.------------^

______ ^Cutlet-PolnlNLout t h a ^ i m , - «8-----r---- --------------------- ----- ^ -------------- - ~B0

Columbia^Riwr^ ll4fasrtoose-Endls- ~W There heera.’ 'h»rk*d-i3ack-to Uie 1048 ^ be tied flood, which wiped out Vanport.

la river near Porllsnd. He said there “ uioevUle would'haTe -been-oiily-half a s .P . Luce much water In Uie rlw r If Uie '

Canadian dams hod been built la se a n d then. , coLtreaty ^ 'Ooldhammer said' the treaty rked-out’ al80-tne»lHRliaV-Uii*-r<>gU)n-tfni = T ) J u w ith ha\-e, a surpliis of power un lll J f orlhwest 1873.t« . tAiee After 107<, wc w ill' need j Q

s.fedemi yjes Perce, ond a number of. ad- . . ia-»M lU dlIlanal-noa.lcdor»l. and ■ fcdBral. _SL Ion con- pjojecw in Wnshlnuion. Oregon, O’®

M onuna and idalio.” Qoldham- ^ 3( iny. Inc., mer said. on ’ incd tjy , ------ - __ wni

“ “iNeliru Elness iS ln s t iP r te s — t E'S Big Move------ Sn " /io !’ NE\'’ DEUn. Jnn: a (ITT—in- Al r . : ; j .?■ ' “" d Uie prt»5>ectof n grnii

newjnaii (^iM ieo^rt o f j u por- vln eHunenL,Jor-thcJlni-iinie.amce cond

!jI f ? ? j ' iiwifTgirayiWmtirtThiTTrl8 yew s ' and-S l r S “ "■«-------------------------------------

uUiltJM ■"’» I-' tJ’'- ‘' ’nf** of K'nai have y«ar-old pAne MlnLXter Jawa- formn U iose 'bsrbl Nrhni snd the pro^pccllte care

*iiccev«r U Uil Dalwdur Slinstrl. £ li'Bonne-'^^- namnl mlnW er the

said ln-**cl>ru's-cab- stud:I P #cific '‘" '*5 '“ =®f‘!'*5’- ' o t t^ Uie flr a t re.jjiuffle was “ PP}

ohT dfor inff brtaofii U ie‘ivllint:' Nehru Proc and Kumirawaml KomnraJ Na*

for tlood dar. of Uifl ruUcg con« Purs d-ehenp .nr^» p*fiyr-!. — sum)iherw l^ [ Tlie «hulfle provides Uie na- ‘ blK yot- tJwi wt!h-a caretiker ■ govern- I iHd t{ rrenc until Neliru recoven from w ot Uhe t.>ie illar.vt" lhat suuek lilm Jan. laeei .fo .; or untll lie rf.lres and a hew lurccj, U ’Rovernincnl Ls named. fcldei

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bunoldlmm- TO ATTtVII FAIR ort-VIN G rnen

NEW VORK, Jan. 23 i.?—Pre^l- of h the t o - dent^-Jo)in.»on ntte-nd ^ se opin.

Ivork World's fairV prll ■S.'tJicInn I chief of fair K)rpo.-irtton announced Wed- recoi iy «ngl-l nesday. ju w

• » ' ' ' .' ’

le garden of Mcrdcka a t Ihe pfttlden- UysU,«)ne»day were Ally. Oen. snd Mrs.* doneiUwerw escorted by Indonetlsn rmW ent and (oen on » presidential mUslaa te '^ la y (AP wl

jets Information 5 for UnemployedI and 000 waa paid out In lincmploy- memb<.Id a - m ent beneflU during IK I-If .tje ..w esf l;cncy, persotu receiving it could be a ry ar' n tl- inughl special Jobs, Uie unem. cordlm'Clop, pioymcnt problem would be re- office>TAI, Ifeved. s ta te sTwcn lU-a'lll take more survey* by Uq jnswork th e local, employment office lo - O f 'Tw in find out If the training can be privaUtn e n t used .In this ' area. The advisory n o a rsrth . board waa asked io look oVer i,y theletlng the program and think ot coun. _______iccrcr f,s.wiilcli.coiild be taugiil In spe- i ~»er Of cinl classea. _icnlor Tliere la a tremendous need In [Vfrncal th e area for trained fsrm hands. i ’t th e CuUer told the group. TIiLs sort . _, W. of training could htlp solve tlie IPaul need, he said. J

tmcss —Thcre4s-flo-co«t-lotralne*«-for------ YTVrond nny training received under the . . - |

hct. Prior • to J\ine JO, IDO Per r ' j•eltng cen l of tho operating coals of V,nngcr training programs for unem-' _„hiiB ■

Uirough Ul# department of «],<> cost it the h rn lih , education and wdfare. cioent. g un - - However,-the fedenl-govem- Twlr iloyed m ent will pay M per cenl of Uie X-arry or a coal with respect to other Uian PaUs. i r. unemployed persons, tnd the shield i

very state will, pay Uie other 50 per slrucied com- ccnt. A fter June 30, stale* which Paul, ar

rut a l participate In the prosnms will Bobbins :e. In pay one-half ot the cost of school tach , f« -«IarA>trnlnlnit—(aolllllH -for-«U -ptr- cense-c 1 five soai In training, •nTCk.1. Some of Uie funds ire avail. p ;ourse able for training allotnncct to aUiri- unemployed young people who w ncd

are over 18 and under IJ years iet Up o l ase ana who would nol <juaJ. ..g .IIAR65 Ify lor rcBulartnitnlllS.--------— jnntng CuUer noted thst Uie Job of eld In Ui8 Idaho employment security

agency U to “help solve Uie un- c f the emplo>-meni problem, and If fu- ^ stod i-who .tu re.tu ryb‘3-,BliOff.ttnLlh8jirea . u 5o- ' n Uie needs Uiese special dosses we iU l

a y * ^ - M»ry '

Leaders .‘C l a s h ’•ed of WASinNOTON, Jon. 23 (.fl Nampa, ih e n . — Canada's Prime Minister m an O.

___ _ l e s l e r D. Pmrson says he W5, io i 1400,- «grces wIUi President John, cliauffei

—BonT)n'prtctlcaliyeveiyUilng-. -------Uiey dlscUMd a t Ui« \Vhlte Jl

--lio u io —W Mn«asy— excrpt---------------. who b the best tootball quor. Flo>-d

1 , terback. Clly, 8,----- -Piiarson.tftlil neranea .U itt orerwldi

Johnson's pick was Sammy bridge. ' -jQ4g Baugtu-form er quarterback Eellon..J

nport. Washington Red* l a d perthefc skins, who is a Textn. Kcnnelit- a s . Pe«rsnn'» choice.wos Y . A. »5, expl If Uie ' T l‘^® of “ >0 New 'S’ork 0 1 .“ coats f

built plate*.faf/uro t

^ — ~

r n n c l n f l p f l f n i - R ^ i

^ tlH U Jftn. a-^Members oftgovemm reson. the ^ llced»partfm n l compleled Keep : lham- 30.hour police training course the vasi

on Tuesday relative to Uie basic are’ law _ concepts of low cnforcemenl. element

•.Tlie s a iw irrp ro jie u ire - itrp and 'm ar 5SS Iniprovemc/fi of Ui» to- ore c/»u;_____cnl_dcpar:meni. wos.hcld_upon JcsWcsa_____ .tho_rccommtDdaUiuuiLUie_neK. thnn nn-

mayor. Reed P. Msughan, ond .. ofhcei wos presented ihrouth the cour- ,v f rv ei

-------- 4e»y-«f-the-i<ifth»-«iate-p<jitce m . J L f 'department, with. Cpi. Rltlinrd th e i-our Burns. Buhl. Uie InsUiiclor. • po rw nt

- I n - Abo taking rwrt In the pro- m *». „ I'of n grnm acre St«l?Pollce.Esi;Mar--- I gov- [ vln Snyder, T ain Fslls. who c o a n re i■Alnce.coQductcd.a.clAss.onJiote taking U ld seeyewr-nnd-rcpoTt-wrltlngT-UeuU-it-j. m any-cl-------Bay.i, Jr.,.Tw ln_Rills. Is slated lo ^duU)f 7<- to give a dcnidhstratloii and fn- _lawa- formative talk on the use and . , x llve care of firearms here on-Fridoy. A n n j ,ns:rl. £ lass scsrions hekl dally for iLv!er the pa-ii'iOl-dnys-ftalured the C f | l 1 •cab- study of principles and objectives

o n h e basic rules' of-avldence.ns _D onali wns Applied to Ihe courts. U n of-ar. wn.i rcp<

iifet- m t ;—a enrth -and -« (n ir* .—flufr-Hon-ant leliru proceu o t criminal Investigation, good con I Na* testifying In .court, dden.uve Ic Vail con. pursuit driving, stopping and ap. where U

------- nrtiafJilng Uic.vlnliilnr, piihlle.rr- In n rr . n f, n a - inllons and acddenl investlga. a t aboul 'vem- Uonr . ha lf milfrom lu r in g the course epeeM em- Itlgi Jftn, h.\sls was placed on courtesy re. I T he ■ h e r Rnrdlng public relAtlon.<i and ac-'w hen Ui

tlden i InvesiigatlDa PatrolmAn'n dump Bum s pointed out lo the depart-1 w em er,

ING ment. "cadi officer, ever>'mlnute'yleld rig ?rcAl- of hts dally life Is msking publlcluig the

Utf .'opinion about hlj depsnmenL In-road. " J Je ^ im ra n ri 'f tn offlcrr to"bi.' T h T « . U ie-nn Individual bui Li a property;tank, wW Wed-1 recognized representative of theigutted U

lUw, An officer Wtcrprc'u U ie'nor dam^

1- UysU, w hich gained laoces* today In aX* doneil* and 'M alaytU to stop fUhlIng In and lo Join Ui* Phlffpptnes in a co^ff^I-.- (AP wlrepholo via radio from J akarUl

‘ _ A d m itte d _ _ ^r — M ALTA-jan; J J -T h e iw f t ------^A-f-LI R iver high school a l M alia r l l

h a s been admllled Into full>y- member*hlp In Uio Norlh-he v e s t Association of 6<C£ndob« ' . t r i n a lln lie rm* cording to a report from Uiore- office of D, P. Engelklng. ^ “"5 ,

s ta te superintendent of pub-by Lo InstfucUon. ' Pfrr;to - O f the stale 's 130 public, amongbe private or parochial schools, subsldl>ry 103 are .now fully accredited PKmls,‘‘t r by Uie associaUon.--------- 'N cbin . latlnn ■» • ber ofI ■XT ■ of* goi

£ N ew s o f R ecord N.

f“ ----- TTMlC-PAtLS-COUNTV---------g T r -• i ' Duhl rolloe Coart H f l

e : J . F ltiliugh. Buhl. $25 and -J costa, fOr being In tox icate on

f publlo streets. York's A nnahflle Thompson. Buhl, i i every (

of and costs, faUure to report an ac* The >. cldenL on Mo m- Tw in Fall* JusUce Court hns m Ihe iJ irry Schneider, route 3, Twin past 1{ mn PaUs. « , driving wlUi w ind- » Ihe shield ond bock 'witvlow ob. fiowlni Der siructed, and Don T'. Hansen, c i Ich Paul, and Oeorge E. taw she, 350 about *111 Bobbins avenue. Twin Palls, « in u c t iool tach , failure lo dUplay IM t lU o

cense-platea.------ -------------- ----------

«U- EIMOIIE COUNTY J” «,‘0 ■ Kliig H lin u iU e e " —

pho pined for overweight loads are In I John H. Franklin, Clifton, Colo., order »10: O w rge P. '^v jo r. Camp. m

lings, 'M ont., »IBJ0; Maurice E. Kong i Ireland, Boise, *20; W alter C. Red O Pope,.Covina, callf.. I l l ; Curtis som e! D. Stoddard, B o i s e . ' J18 and Befo tU iO i-M elbert Fuehcr, t t i r and over it MeJvJn D. Thornton, OccJo, $U. im a .

3 . Afary L. Spftck, TMi'ln PallS, M. c«n? ■ expired- drivers license. Gordon cvenluj

► U- NWe, Alton, Wyo, *10. no famllle__ m ud-flap*i- H < ^ r» -D .-D o d d , -sta^’lntn Nampa, 110, ovcrii’ldth, nnd Nor- their \ r m an O. Kropf, Harrisburg, Ore.. The0 W5, fo r failure to purchose .a Puerto• cliauffeur'a llcenae . ------------------ ih'leiie1 _ — natowr 9 JEROME CO U V n’ •5--------------- East-End -JnsUce__________-

Flo>-d L. Dledrlch. 41, Rapid Clly, 8.- D.; $50 and costa for

t orerw ldlh load on Uie Hansen y bridge. Vivian C. DUka, 47, H ai k Ee3ton..»5. allowing an unauthor-• iMd person lo drive. '

KenneUi Q. Kearby, Murtnugh, ‘t I. $5, expired driver's llcen.<ie nnd . costs for failure to' transfer

plates. Harold J. Cavcner, tS, g failure fo display lOM plates. ■

iiTg C ourse I— “ orJBuliLEoix-fe_ _-gtJSPvemm.egt-to Ils c lllrens."_____ ___ted Keep tn mind, he added. Umt r»e Uie vast majority of Uie people: sic are' la v abiding. Only a small i

element Is criminal in Ils.Intent f tnd 'm anyin troction j of th e uw ;

lo- a rc causeJ by Ignorance, care- ■on lcs4ncsa_o^neglIgence__ra th e r, ___

.O fficers Were urged to make! ff* every endeavor lo promote an —

unoeraiandlng- ailUQile SHIoIiJT *rd th e >-ounger generation. Ta-o tm .

po rlan t objecilrcj can be achlc)‘>■®;. ed hi- good Juvenile com acu, the ‘r - lnstnictor~notcd.—"noniely,' yout ho can .preven t4 uvtnUe.dtil0 queacj\i ns and-seeondlj'.-you can prtven tl -J- ffiany-ohtldtvn-from'groixing in-1

U>.ad u ll crlmlnals.’t h e statfld.—

■J Accident Victims ;IS Still in Hospital.M _D onald U tkc. Fc.weadcn. N J), sr. wns reported still In fair condU lue -H on-nnd-h is wife. Dfln nit r r m ' “ 5n, good condlUon Thursday nt Mag* ‘ ive Ic Valley .Memorial hospital ' ip. where Uiey w re Uken by a inbu -,

:a. a t aboul 8:2S a jn . Friday one-;half mile norUi of Hollister on '

n-^i7.S, hlgh«-fly It3,'e -| T ho couple reeelved burns ■c-1 when Uielr 18M Cadillac struck '»n ft dump truck driven by Edgar rl-; W erner, Filer, which failed" to I lie yield righ t of way when e n ter-'Ilcjuig th e highway from a gravel!7p road.______________________j ___

The car struck the truck's gas' •lyilank, which cauicd Uie fire, and< hejgutted the car, cau.ilng only nil-! tie. nor damage to ths truck. I

jc a n a : Tbe dep dreds of can>_ mt

flown R

stales, number, ders to 1

neiub about 31

forced (week's e» « th o o

Ptn tm atuaUy Cl

‘ . plaining

R * . ; Hoteuported i

^ , r v . ' <n>pioy*

can*iE r , beer arB r i ' ' v V ■ ' PanamaH R S '* - ':- v - 'K .V ; ‘-, v - 'l- i 'V ' ' ' for *boi

In 18today in an titeem enl between In- ) fUhtlng along Uielr Borneo border offlc U D a con/erenet c l /oreJgn teJaiilef*. ^ n t W a J akartal la n In 1

’’ Tedea-al OivnersKi r ® Boise diaraliei* BOISE. Jan. 23 « K T h e presi- ment ca ■ dent of the Idaho Chamher of He let y ■OommcrrB-sald'Wcdntsdoythat propertj , Uie government' U operating In whidi h ? many areas which thould be left our com

to private business. ' • ' Bui h Perry NeUon, Pocatello, listed to help

* ■ among them' power, housing and counlrie I. subildlMUon ot potato processing londlesa 1 plants, He tal

•Ncbon.'8wa»tng a fU ie InjU l- efforts i latlon dinner of Uib Boise Cham- of conU-

* ber of Commerc«,iald.e*paiialon porary.: of* goi'erimtnt ownenhlp—and only-rei control of housing reduces Invest, right to

N. Y. Chinatown I ” I I S Do3)I5(3TirTon NEW YORK, Jan.- 23 W -N ew roaming

York's "Uttle China" U growing One b $5 every da>-. "We a

ac- The poiuiallon of Chinatown, wnTtiioi on Manhotum’s lower east tide, by. pity hns more Uion doubled in 'th e Ricans

vln past 10 yeon. “ >«« ‘I"'d - As a resu lflt Is rapidly over* ^9b* flowing traditional border* of

the Chlnue'secUon which unUl 350 about two yeon ago had exUted _

*3 inUct since Itt formaUon a t the I » • turn of Uie cenlury. * *'

-------- Tw TIacton-em tFdTJinw om ^ — 1 1 ^ing population,- now eslimaledto .U .____ U V

nre In May IMJ, a presidential ]o., order waived Imnlgratlon laws tip, as it m e y j .of relJerlng the cmsh

E. Kong caused by Chinese fleeing < ^ 9 C. Red China. This quickly brought

rtls some 7,000 Chinese lo New York, ind Before Ihe communUts took ihd over mainland China m the late . . . U«. iWO's, many single Chinese m en . . . a

came here to earn money and ancc Ion eventually relumed to Uielr Even no families in China. Now Utey are dd, *t*y1ng-her* snd sending f o r — or- their wives and children.' re.. The Chinese, ara.. replacing

PuertqJVtaM. M la n a and J e w s__5,1,*lh leiiemenl areaslw rderlng '^1- __Mtown. ^................... • ' j u j j

_ _ _ 'Ihe .change In Chinatown haa mj not bwn without Its problems.

^ Chinese youUi are becoming ' „ more Americanised, often for*^ saklng Che strict codes of be- W ^ /i

havlor and r e s p e c t for elders W X i k which once, were th e trademarks H i B l

.V of Ihelr family life.Id ' Chinese boys wlUi dudtUdl H A i

halrcuU c a n --^ s e e n - n ig h t ly ---------«5,

- — SPECIAL--Boys'

I HOOD ~ S JACKETSmill fjk:n i | ' Q uilted W o o l L in e r la aw; Sizes 4 fo 16 ~ ^

ic r . --------- _ R c 3 u t f l r - a .g 5

| - B 6 ( R/) J f

O'.irntl • --------------------------- --------------—

Ski Ja c k e ts . . Wool Topcoat'S .

D. A fter Ski BootsIB*' ' ...............

----------------O p c n - E w a in s i - i t i l - I i lIC-j

I -;r-j _______________ ______

n” . L Y N W O O D

4Panam£uiiari_ Business I | Is Suffering

PANAMA ( i i n . Ja n . 23 CW— ,- Tbe depinurTTdr h « n e of h u n - _________

dreds of doU tr-^endlng Ameri-o n * m ty protft.a_.bto*tJp Pan*,

flo»n more Uian I w T T n i t ^ ■.. of American-*«rrlccmen-to - 1 ^ - •= -C ii»1=25W ^T>M lFno= th«=0^ = =

States, and an u n d c ira ln e d M number.ot oUiers are under or- ders to leave. I

RelUble sources' ta y many -oj, _about 300-U. B, dlplomaU and _ " 1oU«r g o v e r n m e n t employes I forced out of Panam a by Ust

- «ek '* -d lp lom B ttc-brta3C 'W U l-b« .-------- 1sent home sooa for reassignment.- contact-between U»c lone and Panama proper h a t been vlr»,

_ tually^cut oft • ■

. amanlan cwnmunlUw near' Uie %

plaining already about'T 'ery bod" [

“ H o i^ ln P tnam a c i t i e a . a r e ; r c r B B |^ ported cutting bsct; slightly o n ' B H lJ employes' working hours because of the loss of 0 ..S . trad e ^ _

Canal zona purchases of food.| beer and other prt>ducta from,Panama were totally suspended: for about a 'week, and they arc It]}} onlr a traction o t normal,)

~ malnlyljrciia’w U.-S.-foodinspee- not yel contlder I t safe I

■ t*4^Him-lo Pknama. . IIn 1862, Uie Utest- year for' I

. which figure* are available, V, 8.' I

. offlclU and j^ v a te agenclesl I, ^ n t more U itn 28 million dol- I

la n In Panama. - ■ ■ ■ I

^K ij^Seored” ~ j mlier Meeting=^ ~ ji . ment capital and the tax base.3l He termed private ownership of I t property—'^ n — andenc -dreamf in which has seen Its fulfUlment in f t our country." — .

• ' But he aald I t b Ironically used | f d to help “promote communism In d countries where m ost .people are ig londlesa.-

He ta ld Americans, thould back!• efforts of farmera "to break free -------I- of contfoU which m ay offer lem- in porary.panaceM -but_whlch_cim _M od id on ly -re su lt-ln -h U -lo ss - to -U ie i q . i t- right to control hU 'bw n desUny."

wn Popmation | i uTTeErYears

w roaming Mott street.Ig One boy observed; v;

*'We are being picked on moreg- lon n iiom t -wliwA and -ln -near- ---------e! by playgrounds by the Puerto ,e Ricans and Italians. One of

Uiese days we are going to form J. . a gang and fight back."_______

m k w '

'• I MADE '

=S:9rte . . . ond saved b e s ld e s l^ 1n . . . and so easily. With Spru* . 1d ancc you - mst add waler. <If £vcr>ihing ii in the mix and .

mixing takes only minutes.^ N ^ufe, and your o j ^ do_ ---------

the rest. Costs Jess thanordinary bread. . ____ ^

:* AT M O t m m R T W H iM■{__f.e» 4 C.»«» ___ ______L- ^H 'rlle]or.fre tric!p t.bO okltt_ _____

i y ..........................■....... — ^

en's2 “IZ3^ I Z.. . . . . . . ' 1 4 . 8 8

o t s . . . 1 5 . 8 8

oots . . . . 8 .0 0 ". . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 : 0 0 - - —

l i- it iL L O C M u n ^ ___________ ;

m wr g p ) / ^ :W O O D .

-V. .

f p i i w r




— These m odels to clioost-M o d c l-N o ______________________ ____

1 0 5 5 “ . . ............ ........................ .......... . . . . .1C 57 .................................... — ...............

9 9 7 ......................................... ..................3 3 0 ................................................. ..........4 5 5 ........................... ...................J .........7 7 6 .............. ................................ ............

A lso M a n y A cc 'cstoric$ A vt


- _ L y N W O Q D ,S H d P E lf c lG _ C E

Itm— S W E A T E^ C L E A R ^

knit ;::i= S Jie lL andT i2 :^ iy

- W ool '

SWEATERS ‘ 71 '' V a lu es to 5 .0 0 —

2.4<laocxl (L o l^ S c lK T lo r r

L fm ifcd S tock — B u y 'S e v e ra l oi

K U K L i:L Y N W O O D s h o p p i n g CEI



0 d i o o s e f r o n i ' ^______ :__________ P ric e ............ ................. 2 6 9 .«............................. 339,95............................. 449.95.......... ,l................ 349.95.... J ................. 599.95....... ..................... 4 99;93-

Etoric$ A n ilo b le



wrk T E R —LANCE

;|R~50% ~

14-SclK T lon --------------------

S^vcro) of This P'lM

S M agic V oll*^. UorgcitVonHT


____________ Seoro

Page 11: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

v m be' » n

*•* ^ . J . '^ - S W W Dec. S S jB---------- --- JM 9

.1 ■&._■«>“" . _i.M

W e d e llW fc S --g Has General ^

'Business M eet'‘^ B i . Jw . 3> - ^ y n - ^

£ % K ! d L “ M f r 2 ‘e r a •^ and Mr»._Cor», FVUii, _

■ «fltr*ra Uwtne, "The

s s r 3 " " ^ " s K ‘ . |StS.SS?SS£.‘““" Verr s s :s i? ts s i5 rs i i i r

tw drele*. PUna i«»S . i woUi«r Joint w U n g / ^ q i

? S S d M 13:30 p jn . T h u n . ’ ‘7 ' £» r t li» MeUJOdbt ehurch. HAZE f L j u * JundttOD WlU be beld. J « n M i S m v n in.objervw w ot tbe w id Mr i f S S e W o l the -WSCa too. bet fm h* pfwtnitd. J " * l £* & i t ’ Mi5irV S neyT lU Jo r M ra rU i u rtjwRed. -nw courttty com- Blthoj S tM reported ahut-la cAlli fonne<lS : « , ( | . a r d » j e n L ----------- --- mony J^^ouncem enU were' m t d e LDS cl - « f n i n i U>« fftther.*oa b « i . tfeeortu -(( u ta held Feb. 3S. Mrs. chnm n' E N lel»nu idM rB . J .H .r r e « . potu. M v e re ippofotod u tJie b « i- t u j ' . fr( eommllt«. WorU D#y of |,y fn ja »UI be olaervcd a t 2 p jn . *.hn« j

S & 'Circle Members S S ,-Xre-Coffee-------Hour Hostesses.^__jip. IWENDELL. JiHTSS — EBtber w h i t e

ejrtl. nembert wlUi M n . IUy r o ^ e d IU*r. cbiinnw , were hoslesies t ^ u m t x t toNte hour for Uw-ineet- *^''o b j o fthe United t>rMbyt*rittn *Uver u ffwun lield n t ^ c b u r^ . Por t

of Uie derotiontl aerrlce g w ta • pttienled by Mrs. IUy Blahop. kerchief K prerlew of (he ipeclw Bible Flower . itDdr u be uted this ye*r In j^net) »...(hTW« i-JrelM ww» plw n hy j ibe R<r. Jack A. Jennlncs. ItM blue twi bxit oC.CoIonlaiu and PUle* t,roea«le e m *B« What you a k . “ by u».bH d Oestp Hunt, U the atudy fulde. whit

WcAl Day Of m y e r will be ,IkUKb. U a t liM PresbyUrlaa mq, ehsKb.Mr». Alfred Sandy. H ag. „ „ eauU ethodUt church, will be i n . u , , M tr of the Inter-church ao- },ono M r- “Rm t b ^ of the U ter of Ui

- « s ® S ia - H S O T iu r - i ta £ i l ^Qm poup In prayer for fraternal {( r a te n fn Qjypt. MvyiUKl and aooentet KflT Tork. yu

Un. John 7{ewbrough. pre^U deat. conduetcd t^ie buslneaa netting. Hie f y b n iw m e ^ n g >1 . . , »U1 be held a t tbe church. Hon* oieated tab clrtle mnnbers a r t host- ^rld

. • pearL a brldeeio

Marian Martin n tU n ^

P a tte rnwere Ji

i‘■ S + - with mi

------------------------ ------------------ w en dl—944n—XfM U-------W14-24H--------nawson

_ f o r - h a l f s i z e s of the ) « « P . dcan-cut. channlng— flrea b

» *h^»ralsi:y,uH enjoy aa-much eoutia- to June « to Ja w a ry . W «e _ Ttn “w iij- neckUae, neat. - UiTWled chanse<

wltb pP»tteni M « : Half roao' a:

^ “ V ie^iV i 8s , 3 0 4 7 a J W .«««.

u Z 'colna lo r . thU a.beau

« « m for •Jirtt-claia malUne 1* <avr ’'raau n g ; B e n d - is UnJrT:

Marita, c/o tbe Tw in T w .l t o *<»**» U *tfeet..New York achool.

plainly, name, ad- horto al *■

pattern U ready— ality a I n ^ 25® dejiljn Ideaa e « t . Ta t ^ WlnB-iummer pattern uated t t S ^ ~ “^owt-Dresses,-apoMa- work-d

“ «4. morel 8end 50 oe au '•n »

n UIU AND MRS. NORMAN 3. £e. (SU« MoriU pboto)

^ V e r la M u rp h y , ■ Soc: ’« 'S f a j r l ^ R ^ i t e ^ " "f? 1 1 \ / ■' Harelton ^;» M a r r ia g e V ow sh. HAZELTON. Jan . 23 - VerU t h ^ *mor d. Jean Murphy, dau jb ter of Mr. meeting. J be and Mn,.ReUU.Munihy. H aul- ^ndrewa, I :s ton. beume the bride of N onnui the prosre

Jewel Shirley, son of Mr. amt persona a: or M rarLeslle-P .-ahlrleyrR«cborf; u r l n r t t t l 1 ' Bishop Herbert n io m e per> dlab.- lU fonne<l tbe double ring cere._ au inyJan ._3_at_U ie MurUnifb _ o n i> e n '3 le LD8 church, TOe church w u " pV iJeeortted wllh bwketa of whit* olle wome » chryaanthOTuma an_d b l K j ^ 5 „ j.jO

------- N l^oJaa'pThb bride, given In marriage natlonalltl

by her father, wore a gown of "■ white nylon lace over taffet*, •

styled Kith a fitted bodlM ac- D ^ w o cented wlUi .long Wy. point r V U y U

, aleeve* and a scooped neckline I ^I enhanced with a e ^ pewla. Her ■ L O O y

bouffant fln«er-Up veU of U- _ lualon_jr«_beW ^w lO }_»_tlara _ r i l .Q Q _

of aeed pearU jA ^^ace. 'Hte yeas____ 8h# ^ ied_a_bouquet of Urge ned by thej r w h tt 'e ' efirysanUiefflmns mr= whm'-Uw; IV rounded by feathered ehrysan- ball, u tbefflums accented with (ouchea Retained t . of lUyer r p n y e i fera Upa and iocam cob in silver trUn. - m a Trcai

Por tokens of sentiment, she Armga am w worent ' pw m yIn ber-ahc»,- « -blt» —T ia in ir^ :e garter and carried a laoe hand- (rom the 1 p. kerchief, a gift from CnmdaU’s u,e DoImle Flower shop. _______ dlstilc t-b i

Janette • Perkln.\ BoUe. waa held a t I:: IX maid of httnBf. Bb* T ~* * ’•" p ' hnmp of . ** blue two-piece su it with a white district di

broea«le t&ffeta bloute, made by plan for tV tho-brlde. She carried a nosegay Mra. O ro

of white feathered chryaanthe- chanceUor,^ mums acccnted with sUver fu n Evans, car “ tips and blue aalln atream en. offlcera *' Mra. Richard Murphj-, abler- H t^ In.Uw of tbe bride, was matran Treadwell »- of honor. K athryn Shirley ils-

te ro f th e b rld esro o a ,w a sb rld w Mrs. Trea< . maid, -mev wore IdenUcal sulU

'<} a w T S e h carried • no«eg*y~bf----------—~ white feathered chrysaothemums A , I

accented.w ith aitver fern Upa / ^ U X I I , and blue » t ln atitamera. D ,

m y Klncold. daughter of D U b l l *• Mr. and M n, Ray ^ c a l d , was jja jie v

*• p ^ t e d taffct* drei* made by nuxlllary.Ihe bride. She wore a Uar-dtop buslnea •pearl, a gift Irom the bride and sione, ausbridegroom. Sho carried a. a w - <juded ih, gay Wenllcal to th a t of tho olher Reporta

I attendants. ben who <lU thard. Miirpby. broCher of ^ ^ n made

tbe bride, was b e « m?n. U shw mmijhed 1 _ ^ J a m e * i n g ' made

of .tha bridegroom. Brian KJn-cald was ringbearer. He cabled g ,the-rlngs-on-a-broeade-U ffew jy ,„

— and-lace-pUlow,-designed by ther bride.— l or - r l ce-1

p ijed^ 'by^ MiT*^U WatM.' to e 1 iccompenled the soloiit. PrtJton Shirley, brother "bf lha, bride-' “ ,kuSrOOm, Rinnr trui

Tho.brldc-s m other.chose a ^ pwlel lavender wool sheath dfeis

— wllh matching acceswries and a - eonage of wblto camaUoM ac- *S n t ^ w i t h silver.:, ' ? ^ t S n e

brldegroom'8.mother wore ,— a -n ^ l-b ia e 'n o r ttn rn c l -J« T » e r -V ih l? t

dress with matching aece.w>rtes - J and a corsage of while carna^

— Uons-aceented wlUl.aUvcr-------- IjDS__- T h t oOTipli g T H t f ' * in |^ lio»’cr wa

Uie recepUon h a ll? The bride's by Uie OTe Ubl6 «-as covcred with a floor- taunn length nylon flounce. Garlands

— o rT an 4 X “ m re-he rtf--ta-T H ae«+ fto^_ by'Torsages of blue and ^

and Ued wIUj blue saUn bows. Kimberly^ -nw four-tiered wedding cake j S M M centering Uw table . wm flanked by while cupId epcrgncs holdlns ,bouquets of roses and pom pons.; Mrs. Roy Kennedy aad Mn.AWe Nebdter cu t .and’ ttfved

Mra. LaVon K lncad~C nred ' ■= punch. Othera ser\-lnR Include Mrs, nay Kincaid, Mr*, Herman

— Huetllg and M n. Roe Lee. Car­ole Bros, Burley, couilii oJ Uie bride,'rtgUiercd Uie juesu . O lfts,

— w en displayed by Mr*. IU>y-WU._- — .- .-i-— U*.-Sharoo-Knlfon«.-M i*_Pt»-- -----— luw son-and OftTOl Nebekcr. Tbe ---------

bride's Uouueau waa on dbplay.M n ln g prayer was given, by

~ L loyaT.U lck irM unaughruneie ■of Uie bride. Closlng“ prnyer »-»a. . ' R

— glrea' by Oall B. Wrlgley. View, ich cousln-of-Ohe-btlde.______ ' ______4 t , Tot -tr»Te1tnr~U ie - b r ld c ^ __ed changed-lo.-ft.-roya1-blue-tult. ---------

wlUi paten t a o x o o rk s and a Ilf roao' and 'chrysanUiemum cor-W. “ ge.ds 1118 couple wUl reside In Mur-

Uugb, where the bride operates Ils shop. The bridegroom | - - ng la tmployed a t t ^ l on M eto»|

rin -nw .bride was graduated from ! • .H.. Idabo S tate unlvenlly beauty;r t achool. She has been active In .d- hoite shows and rwJeo* and won]rlo Mla» peraomiUty a t Uie Idaho,

■ sta te rodeo and M ia Concenl- >— ality 'a t tho Miss P oa tcS o pag-{aa eaat. Tho bridegroom was n a d -m uaied from IBO dicsel and body:

its l ' 'Tho brldefroom l p a r t n t s j 'JiOittd a recepUoa a t Uie Salem

■ farpct^H rir<>pDiilti liovr-of L aboul 30 proa women vliatlon.

- She began al r « u n r o t d - m And before tl orpr,_ihe_waa tandwichi for to New York (

Tlie womai) g n u to be I wore a-iUmet!i dark taupe, a « thoulder. . a < pearu. a n d ^ .

drcM blended 1 b ro in ejea, la

, broR o hair WOI ELMAN J . 8UIRLET boy.!»*pboto). Someone Iri

— > recepilpa line

. S o c ia l E ven ts________ I dellera. a Rocl

EDEN-Couple* of'tU e Eden- Harelton U n i t e d Presbyterian ^churclies will meet nt 1:30 pju. 8®' "i , Tuesday a t Uie Eden ehurch lor J?, th r ir monthly potluck dinner “ “" I.™ meeUng. Mr. and Mr*. Donatd Andrewa, H aulion, have pUnned the program and any intereited *"d .J»ne T t

ifji.h ■ leUier na.m.or. . * * . t I got, U«

— RU PeRT-aniem atlonal buffet ^P K T . . P 0 » ,M b , U,. C.U.. ' ^ V i S s : olle w omen, win b e »er\-efl from ~6 10 • ; » p m S M u rt . , 1„ EL '

I N i^ 'oJas'parlih hall.-pood of 10 <*ca^o naUonalllles will be ser^'ed. .

- JU M tie more Uiar. . N e w York Sla

R o y al N e ig h b o r i.™ K .L o d g e M e m b e rs S r!”’fr'a; ,E la o j^ c tiy it ie iL _ STISSiJ»,=»t=«=a,..iocr four children

ReUlned on th e ways and rUse ta Dr. . means commJIlee are Mrs, Vel- pj,„ <,f Uic I tm a -Treadwell, Mrs. WUllam Rockefeller a Armga and Mrs. Lillian Harmon, ^ ^ ry Clark R ~~TluLnK~you~1et t crs ' were -read Torced—him —1 from Uie Idaho Youth rancii and marriage, had Uie Bolso a illd rcn ’s home,' 'A of whom. Mli

held a t 1:30 p. m. Sundsy a t Uie lect naUvc a r homo of .Juanita tvigra. Paul. Noiv, Uio gi district deputy. The group will py," as uio a plan for tho d ts tr ia convenUon. feller Is knon &£n. O r a c e Samples, district child in June chanctUor, and Mr*. P r l e d a to go,to Uie r Evans, camp oracle, will attend, convention os

Offlcera pro tem were Mrs, th « .Badle H n n t l e y , Mrs. Velma TreadweU and Mra. Ouy Walker,

Refrw hm eou wero sen.ed by

. 3 3 7 ;A u x i l ia r y H a s B u sin e ss M e e t -

Magic Volley barracks No. SM, «n-lved and t, v>t>r»n« of W orld W ar 1 aiul to say a tew auxiliary, met fo r their regular nu‘. **f^ business -meeting. M n. Will ^Slone, auxiliary president, eon- denm noinl dueled Uie meeting.

Reports were s l’ en on mem* ben who a n III. Welfare elialr* of Umen made npo rta on Uie bastet lumlshed for a fainUy and elolh- I,,! .'m ade and donated to, Ul?

'° d f f l w werT* Sected. Mrs.Muriel Stnnsbury Is president:M„. MS- Q uM U ^n io rp r e il to trM n riw b trtS e p t.Ju n -

*1.“ W T ln~'Ui5'cUy~ U ^ a r d . treasurer; Mra. Lydia Onyblll. conductress: M n. Du-„ il« Alklnwn, Ruard, and Mn. „ a r e d to JSlone, trustee No. 3. OUier offl- Roekefeller ncen .will be appointed a t a Uter T u ie form aldate. _ , - w ould.ahe

A potluck dinner was p ^ - the mMwlned wlUi Uie barracks memben w ell (tor Uie next meeting set for Feb. jaughed. -b u t1(L-A Jom iJn ttA lla tlo n Js jU k d _W i»u ld„(h .for this time. Rockefeller?— ----- ' much as I cLOS wnrd Jan. 4. A pre-nupUal whether ' abeiliower was given- for-Uie bride from officialbyT H ^leanor’ciasrortncT iT ur. f o n h e - b lr thUuKh LDS MIA. on how ahe 1

Oui.of.ti>wn ffuesU attended aald, "R ight 1fr~^ T»ni<f« PoeaUillo. Twin Falls, wonderful.”Rurlc)-, Rupert,- Paul, ».i«lton. W r..<.n R^Thurp. Hanaen and TRY ^nM ES-

Final Clecirfliii■ On

P R E S S E• Regular to 12.95 R e g u io r 1

l t . 9 u ls r h . 1 9 .9 5 .

10.00~ P A R IS


A rs ,R o c k e f e l l e r lives T e a f o r - ■ | H p ' f o m o n 's G r o u p |W fe '

. By GAY rA U tX Y . ~ f l K ^ VLBANY, N. Y .. Ja o : .33 O f - . irgareiu RocketcUer e a m e ■ n the wide, carpcted s ta in ot ( sovemor'a oianalait walking f W H Q J e -a im aU 'glrl wlablog to bop y i , W 3 d skip bu t restra ined by Sun-

ilie mw*d Quickly, In b e r clilc ' .y . 'r . 'm j L-lWlM tm B|K j.4 iw U » e - w ^ — ^ _ j ^ C

rrgopt Inn room • nO:Lth«Iltl liovr-of tha-aiaaaloOJKbciCout 30 procntnent New York men had- ga thercd a t hex Inr

JShe began dh a k ln c 'h ao d a and ‘fUng-otd-frtcnaa-immBdiaiely.Id before tb e attemoOQ waa rr. Ihe waa u5 otte r to ’ pac* ndwichs for guesti K iun iinc New York a t y by train . ,

m e womat) whoso husband ,nu to be th e .neat president , ire a-iU ioeu t-w nol-dnw e-JA -*--------------=tk taupe, a gold p m oa her left p _ | J . ^oulder. . a dou b le ' a tiand of O 0 lQ 6 r

/MTniwCM ^ e n iid w ith h t f eoloruiK— ^ , w-n ej-ea, law ny akin, btonde- Q p e n H»Ro hair w orn in a casual page

r- ■ M n Jowpl'iSomeone tried to organlre a ceptlpa line In th e adjacent suuday awlnp room wlUt Its o y .t« .\-Uto decor a n d crystal chan-Hen. a Rockefeller gUl to Uie M r„„d j ,instonr-*----------------------------Tled“ Jan.-2i,Bul the receiving line never n j j , Qtyt much fu rth er Informationan to Include the govwnoi'afe, Ouln n a il. «ho^U JmmUsloner o t th e New Yoraate D epw tm ont of Commereo. *<« «Id J a n r T o d d , fonner vice- lalTTiian o f t h e Republican Horn lias Iu r«ainU lli< L!A nd ll W id to ; Centnl Elect Uier na moro U»an io minules. (0 tlieH un I got Uie feeling Uiat Mrs. P ^ n j e a n •Ison A. hockcteller b too In- .Their lour rnial tn-her-approaoh-to P f » l ^ ^ c r a ctlcbra .car«.mueh_abQUl a u c h .c l lc ^

occtMon waa a te a th a t (Otadyj) 01 xkefellcr and hi* wife of a llt- buni lEvaiI more th an a year gave Uie lej. and M •w York S la te W oman's coun- Thompson; E I, a n o n-partisan group of SOgnndclilU m en leader* in- business and grandchlldrei0 professions w ho a c t as ad- Th# couple « n to Uie D epartm ent 01 ^ jmmerce. T lie te a . to which . . . _• ,1a reporter a b o wa* ^ w d , / y \ r s ^ / ! ocluded a tw o-day conference-Uio council_________ :------ J------ I S - ( - U rU n;-R odiefell£r. 37..1s.UieJor-cr m a i i r t m n a a . m other o t m io r chlldrtn by t e r llrs t m .r - “ " “ ™ " age to Dr. Jam ea SU ter Mur* Mrs. J. N. J ,y o l tlie J icckeScU n Institute. Joha -Alliw. wkefeller a n d hU Ilrat wife. CU«U we e ary Clark Rockefeller, who dl- J - , Ii r c e d -fa lm -a f te r-J tr -y eara tif glll^.neddjcl arrUke had five children—one *on on plan • whom, M ichael, died In 1001 » S ^ * P ^ . U kjfJP to Now a u ln e a to col- Tebm tt l S u v c a rt.Now-, Uio governor and “Hap* oick.7," u ' l h e aecOAd MA. ZIUCM** i' >:licr la knoR-n, a re expocUi^ a C j l p , . C. jlld la June—In timo for him t MCI V.. go to Uie Republican N ational p [ , ^ rmvcnUoa os a newly proud^fa- V ^ IU D P

'S ie W om an's councU took note : the com lns even f wlU» a sur- rUo gift to r M rs. Rockefeller—aUver baby c u p to be loscrlbcd ,

clUi full de tails later.", a*.Uie ^ e j u b dw ndl-to ld-her.----------- ——:—Mra. Rockefeller gasped In sur- j^< r -ise, then coJowd. She U>Id ^ e Sikesomca, "T h an k you very much.' « « « • in a few m inutes. Rocketeller M n. Slke Tlved and M ias Hall asked him Darts wero I . say a tew words. The govcr- gram and 1 Itl LUH **f tWw RepUbllf"* .TnrH Thnmi nnounco form ally for Uie pre^- of scenic .»p entlal nomlnaU on, praised Uie R^jfeshmejuncll fo r lU w ork In furlhermg _ ----------« OpportunlUes torjaom en. He j »ko of th e "breakUirough H omen h a d jn a d e In one job Irier ano ther and , of how It w u ^Ils*'Todd w ho sta rted him In V _______

'Now," sa id Rbckefcller. ond he , rabped h is w ife's hand, - le tsII go have som e tea. Or maybe h a t wo need Uita afternoon I* a .rink. I t h a d ’ becn 'iero-w caU ier----------------rUiTa~cUy~Haacel«~d-Jiy more

n so g o rem o r circulated a bit lore and th e n quietly .dLwp* eared to h is office as .Mrs. < ockefeller m ingled wlUi guests1 Uie forraal.d ln lng room, < w ould.ahe now odd a n u f - '^ , t . .

) Uio man.«don? “I don't knowia l w ell eaU It Uial," »!« lughed, -b u t th e rc ll be a room. • , oJVVould„(he_cnmj)olr.n_ wjlh , 1 ______ockefeller? " I hope lo do as 1----------lUch as I can ," she wild. And \hether ' she would wlUidraw • y■om oftlcial funotlon»-a*-Ume -----------)r-X he-b trth -n«arcd-''d rp«w U -i_JL ----------1 how she feel* physlcalb', ihe ^ lid, "R igh t now I feel fine, Just J onderful.” ' t f ------------If— ¥ — if----- -------------7 ---------

nrances I

R e g u io r t o 1 5 .9 5 l l S <

X 0 (^ 11 9 .9 5 . I c (

IRIS,,,.: I?•ING CENTER . . ■ 7

^ E g a ? %i i3 a l

. j y

AN D.M R 8.'jO SXril iion (Art Craft pboto>

jo ld e n W e d d in g \ n n i v p r s n r y ~ , ° n r r ! ~

Dpen H o u se S e tRUPERT, Jin . S3-M r. and m em ben. of 1

In . Jowph Horn will celebrate a t 7 p jn . Sat iclr golden. *eddlng annlver- winter aoclal u-y Suuday. with an open house Legloo lioU. ' (crpilon al their home, route Auxiliary r . Rupert.- a buffet supMr. and Mn. Hom were m ar- pm .' E n terui

led-Jan.--2i.~i5H .-Jn-the-6alt H io - i U * l U ake a iy LDS temple lind cliarge of Ui ame to Rupert nt th a t Ume. Muncle J-Hp> They have farmed the place ^ '" ‘“ 1 : ' ^ ^

'here Uicy now reside, aouUj- Srest of Ilupert, lor Uw pasi 32 ” “Ti?. J * j^rs, and-Sdward

Horn lias been a director of w endetl post,len tn l Eleclr^ ahlcb_eiipnnded DelegaUoni0 tlie H u n l Eleclrlc, fO r 'th e uirOultliourUast 27 jean.- • - • ^judca Moun.Their four d iughlen will help Perry, Halle] hero celebrate Uielr anniversary. Richfield, 8^ ^ tJL e _ M n U ^d lc _ (Z y !p lu ) l l a s e r m a ^Vade, OoodlnJl M n. Leland 'Wendell.Oladyt) OUon. and M n . Wll- * lurp lEvai Roberts, bolh Bur- !}•. and M riyTJatle—rDeuraT A l iO r f l f T l Dompjon; Eden. The couple haa l ■0 gnndchlldten and eight great- N o m e t

•ra. . ..p l." 'rc ..» j» o , l k ;.* * * Mr*. LewU :

Mrs:' A in sw o rth Is Glub H o s t e s s -rM enx itam w j-llofno'D onujn-. AZIZCZBe*:. tn tlon club met a t Uie home of pUce*. and Jrs. J. N. Alfuworth wlUi Mrs. v m given U lohu -Allan 'a i co-hosless. T a o Plans for t WSU we^e present. husband* w>

Mr*. R. D. Young and Mr*, final plans s m b Reddick presented_Uie les- f ln t Febnu on on punning eftlclenl stor- parly will b* igo. space. ary- TliB Tebmary mceUng Will be Mrs. Gene

leld a t Uio home o t Mrs. Red- granT chalm ................. a quu on fc

r r 1 ^ ' --------------n io ‘t ’eb.Fi e r G a rd e n 'C lub R ep o r ts

PXLER, Jan. 23 — Membera of ,he Oardfn club m et at the home K i n n f ^ iIf Mn. Ernest Peck wlUi Dency \ "relfort a* co-hostess. M o Q f ^

•riie elub decided to elect a eoi^- ^

w & n i S - v r a i ^

Mn.- Sikes and Mrs. a rove r cra ,S” m e ^ Jarts were In chanre of the p ro . ’'™ ^ h “pr J

If scenic .spots In Idaho. , er'^aniT Dar RetreshmenU were terved. ing prlte w(

1 F I N A L C L I

,| e n t ir e

i REG; T O 1 8 .9 5 '

— I A n i K F T

^ REG. T O 2 5 .9 5

LA D IES [......

J REG. T O 3 5 . 9 5 ..........

L A D IE S 'C"j O S r t ^ C r R A I N C O A T S A

: B A R G A irc

f— o 0- ^ ------

MagiM I • _________

| H a p i | r M ^ - f S 1 u i STUFFEDV - y Waili and dn J b — Of Iceberg letiu

'>">■ cut a 'c irc l^ ____ tlnB_do^n to^ ____ •

For K eeiw lll-p n i^ iit ll Saudi Arabia a t

- lng-of_U ie^K tp. m. Monday a

IBPII HORN byierian 2huithlotol ____________ The llagan f«

yean a l Hlyadl

H r D r s f r r e t = =scia l-S fQ ted -—■T N P r * ' '•“ * '*'* <v>n,4»iilas well- iui a erlcan Legion poet No. 41 and writer a aa new

auxiliary will be hosu for Hagan was c B ben . of Uie'FWirUi dtitrtct Saud of . Saudi 7 p jn . Saturdiiy (or UM mid- )•«*«• Mra. H Iter social to be held a t Uie slides and dtsp lion hall. • souvenir*,luxlllary members will serve ♦ju tfe t supper beginning a t 7 ,* _ , • . . . I.' E n te ru lnm ent will follow, ACtlVltlirge of Ujo aupper. are Mrs/ ReDOrt€ jicle J-Jlplc.. a«id ,Mn. Flank ,lUi. T h a Legion eommritee In S h O S h O f irge o t overall arTangemeol* -J f , H aro ' FrlUi, Oeorge Denson fHM HO N E. 1-M .IU <1 No,«»lc. 0 , 0. C. “ “ ™ 'S ” ;ersen U conunwider of Uie »»’onc Home 1 ■ndetl post."’ ‘ reporiMJclegaUons are expected from' J»e>d a l th e hoOughoul Uie dlslrlcl'wlilcirm - Buker.--------des MounUln Rome, Olenns - »f«- On-HJ« •ry, HaUey. Kelchum, Carey, hostess.^hfleld, Shoahone, Ooodlng, M n. Ralph BermairW IrflerdrilcromBUiff C irtjustness-m•tfdelir^------- • " ■■ ' O uthrle-savc-l

« 41 ¥ port and Mr*., gave the treai

.o m m r f te e - l s - - , ,2 'V .S .JJ a m e d f o r C lu b ’fANSEN, Ja n . 31 — Yearbook demonstraUon nmllU>e. Mra. Vemon Ball, w * * ,# l» e a^ < ». LewU Reed and M n^W ^ Ja u ae « l.^$ r F Allen wero appointed by Tlie I M embon we

sldenC, Mr*.- Gordon Hill, o t port Uie bloi > Friendship club meeting.The give for Bobb; mp'mel-nl.-Uio-lioin«-of-Mrs. undergo hearl :i ' .'IP .a«Z :^ ‘iK«ft»lfd-inecUng I IR e tG C rq w i ices, ond d a t« for memben cussed. DUcus; re given to the eommlUee. gardlng flvlni ?lans for the annual party for to thoae -who sband* w e r e dlscussod and Uicm Uie paat a l plans will be made a t Uie The acrapbo

ft ^ ^ b ^ e t o W alkerChristmas ct

vtrs. Gene Jolinson wm pro* SdlUi Snlder, im chairman. She presented Wood River < quU on food fallacies. ' ter, and M n. I'ho ‘i ''eb. 6" m w m it be Id o t Uie home of Mrs, Nor-

yearbooks. -

’in o c h le C lu b • MUU* imd"'M

4 o s ts L is te d 'CASTLEFORO; Jan . 23-HosU M n. A. H. I r ihm.f'BttUfnrM Plntyhli. rlub Ing. 6he-»l«L e M i. aad Mrs. WHbur- Hill, and each men r. and M n . John . Blick and Year's resolu r. hnd M n . Dell Hudson, Tlio nnoUier feadlr oup met a t the Oiin club. Refreslimenl High prlies went to H rs .'E r. Uie hostesses. :st Pinkston and Fred Ringert, ' M n. ArUiur Hl'lBWprtMS-to Mre. i:>'le-att»f» a tf iu u Dajlej

and Darrel phllllpa. T n w l- Uie Feb. 20 n g prlte went u> Bill Klnyon. bum home.



l ^ l % E w w C w •




• downtoM■ ■ • -i -

rfAagic Vglley Favoi. III . Tw« UIU

STUFFED LETTUCE jliich of’ the top-i kli and drain a firm head, bolluw out.;berg irtiuce. At the core! fllend: cut a 'circ le , continue cat-!—D lTfcup gmtrd- doun to wlUUn - one-half dar chctise wiili

— ~ ~ mayciuiiaiAC anu 01 - I I _______■ ^po ll curry ivjwde

— H ------ .luiu,-<nic.Uilrd -civ e r r o c r a m <nccd pmiemo «

» . , — eup snipped par»Ir K e e n o o e r s • i*''**o'*dy mu) ui

p n i^ n i lier prcnsram on ,Th, Tim—Sr*. . . Arabia a t Uie dlmiermeet-;*«»v f..r ih« B»t m 3f-U ieJK ecna8era_nl_e;lS;-“_7 ‘' >'•'”,5; Monday a t Uie P in t P re s -,,i^ .„

lan ih u ith . Th* twi»« u«e llagan family spent Uiree “f iK. rim».N«™..

a t Riyadh. Uie capltol c i t y ^ ^ .udl Arabia,-returning to-Jc-) - - C " 'I tn tO T rM m ia gan la s 'liad--p e T - Q - ^ f « F

•leiice aa a radio persOnallly , , / / / -jum~i7*i:«a“* ii3 " c « K ft)n j« r r iQ S ^ C O rrell~ a.1 a radio conllnully, ^ , • - 4 . /

gan was employed by King o f.S a u d i A rabla-for-flve

I. Mra. Hagan wlll- sliow I « id display cosiume* a*id

M U M «t «‘omo ot M* * a "come as you t

: t lv i t ie s p o S a S f 'd ,— --------------------------------- p lnce .iJ inc_JIo iJ p o r t e d b y who rM lsned rece^ I Un Moake wa* *1

l O s h o n e G l u blOailONE, Jan. 23-Current *me* of Uie Noruiwest Sho-c Home Improvement c ub ^ ^, r e p o r ts , a l Uie m«t^ng J? " " “ U ^ a l th e home ol M n. M p H decoraUng the n

ra. O n ille Jooc* wai co- Clyde BnMS. . . helplnft a needyr*. R alph Buker conducted the chrU tm as se Bu8tness-mrcttng.-i«lrs.-Evnn Mrs. Cliff B n irle -savc-the-secreU ry 's-ra- the -m on lh ly -b li 'a n d Mr*. John StuUnegger sary party held : the treasurer’s report. borne. Cakeji wer fU were presented lo a tn . PJiH T7iwnan, i.

V elaaqun'-ahd“Mn.~PeTTy Titra.-Bowarc’TOC shUilIng, who have been 111. Mr*. Bnrkes a: iport on Ul# county home M oorthead cond onatraUon eounelU meeHas tho m eaning o l : j r t v e a ^ d a workshop a n - Mr*. Nix and ie « W $ r ^ b . JJ, 7 and H . bosUjs#, a e r v e em bon were asked to -su p . from a table d;

Uie bloodbdnk vUlt anil New Y carli moUl for Bobby Braun who Is to " J « ‘

IgoSSPelS^icr...... i S j “c.5»n't^DfiSlon Sa-rWJng flvlng PoUyanna glfU , , * * hoae who bad not recelred I i h o m d <1 Use paat y e a r ... ..le acrapbook, kept by Mrs, e W alker during 1#63, w u * ^ “ ( ^ 1? r to membT n 'prt^ ilt:----------- VIEW rJan.-33irlstm as cards received from of Uie View LDi h sn ide r, patient a t t h e were hoeleasM l< id River convalescent cen- a t a daddy-dauj

n"SuU»r?e, M n. Buker and affair.. R. B. Kelley wUl meet prior Jhe nex l meeUng to make Uie M ^ *•books - Koyle.« m em ben are M n W ard

David Onelda. PoP«o™ • f '? ™

, each member told Uielr ir'a resolution, followed by I Uier heading by Mr*. ouUirle. I I t y o u f efreslmienU were s tn e d by I or, Jeed hostesses. I

In. y U iu r Otbum and M ra.|l Q I Q R E tun Dayley a n hoaleaaea-for-fj^^^*.^*^^^^.® Feb. 20 meeting at Uie Os- I 'W IL L H,

n home. ■

FALL & ^ 1 N t S

9 • • •

s ;t . . . 8 ^

s T ^ J S I

I . . . e a S « l

itown^ _ _

v riiia Y .Ja n . 23 ; 1964 Twin Falls Times-

Favorites ji!* ' ‘f‘ the top -Of liead, Uiea U Hout. w H

d:•cup gm trd-ptoceia'thed— ■ , ) fictae wlili one-half CUP !;;iial*e anu oiie-loarth"ie"a. 1,^1 curry p»jwder. 8ltr in one-

miQ.Uilrd -cui»— pmifllio and oiie-fourUt • ^

lipped parbtey. Pack mix- ■! illdy mU) lettuce, chill un* . 'in. R>r»-f in tllcfi wUh ,ij'Ldrewlnu, , ■ C 5 Tlm...Sr»> >111 Mr It «Mk r th« ^ 1 rvtlH •ubmltlvd for V«li,r tf TM ____

Wmm', r * f *m* tWiM iMOmM »>• pivfKnr TlmM-Nm '•n4 iihnirt W n-.

¥ V *• . e ^ § i g m a - P % i t v

r ^ o m e ^ ?

OME, Jan, 33-Mrs. R ich. Uit; :rltser wa* Installed vice Hu e n t of the IM chapter of IL Sigma Phi, when Uiey m et ID I home of Mrs. H. O. Nix a t uJ me as you are" party. i. Charles Coxe was a p . . ;d aoclal clialnnan, to re> u. i- iln c _ J Io iia n L jilc k m R n ._ M i-altmed recenUy. Mrs. M ar. - | | | :oake wa* *ppolnied a per* n t member ot -Uie aoclal illtee.U»ank-you card .trom Uie family wa* rend. A U ank iot« from Uie Hoapllal gu lld -- ivita read for the help given aUng the nurtlng home a t

1. Clyde Br*gg r e p o r t - e d -1 ift a needy family during . ihrUtmas season. - s t. Cliff Brady reported 'on' •

party held a t Uie nursing bI. Cakeji wen mado by M n.'. Ij77)oman, Mr*. 'Moake and k,B o w a r c - T o d d . - - ------------- ia. Bnrkes and M n, Marvin Mth e n d conducted a qul* on ff neanlnir of Beta s i g m Fh).s. Nix and Mr*. Coxe, co- *as. a e r v e d r«fre*hmenla ■ {

n table decorated w ith a 'Ycar'amoUf. , 1;o ,ne* t meetlnB will be hcM i s a t Uie home of Mn.

a ..aayU in -w lth ..M ri^ C U lf. mjr-aa-eo-ho#lea#ea.------------------ 1

d o m o G irls j t e F a th e rsW rJa n .-3 3 — -Llhoma-«lrU— e View LDS ward Primary hoetesses for Uielr faUien daddy-daughler p * I t^ ..

loma leaders, Mr*. Cecil er. Mr*. tUlton Pay;ne_wd

r . assUted by M n. Reid 14 Mr*. Dorjald WrlgJey. •

Wendell Olbby and Mr*.. Koyle.hie* were decorated wlU»,OTO anow-men, mads by ths ,. The hall was decorated j

a winter decor. , shop MUton 0. Payne gave | Dleaslng,__________.

*’l f you plant .. o r, feed I t . v .

W i n . HAVE I V . ~ ~



' I■, ' '

r s l r J r

> Ils Times-Ne'w* J l '

Page 12: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

S tock s 'N in v YORK. J»n. H OT'-rr —

Inched th tlr »»y_ W j ; oUiw ftlfTtime nfjtj u>o»y—U »rrwyi»nth ifl. 3W - I tx l ln g |

burst of acuvliy which lorcM g 10 be hnlifd Jor * lew . inlnul«i the company »i>-

__ num ieri mtdtJ«nuary-C»r_»f‘a __-■-■wor«-27-pcr-ceflt p i U>c i.

yrar «B0 period- . . •younB*to«n htld a good lead

_ ^ ln .a J ln n .4 ttt:L « « llo n . ^paccd Uw clii-mltali wllh * m od . ... «»l fain . OIU ihowcd m odw l cauu m Pcnnzoll, AMland Oil and Texaco.’ S o c o n y M o b i l .

— -showed llttl« IfllUal reaction u> new» of nU iTd- im eufnuit *..,'. t n si tcored a goild gain while *r*

aperry" lUndrS>mneftpcnsnioir=- ff;• eywell, M w natoi. • Zenllh «nd n-i

Icjier improvement*. * 'Drugs attracted attention. Q . n ,

D. Searle, Oftrter Producla. Jo h n - i» u n and Johnson, A m o r l c a n •]* Homo PrDducU and Scherlng a ll ■made progrcM. Public Service o l „

"• Colorado, Columbtu and S&uOj - m. em. Ohio Bectrtc and Ouir 8UW h»

___ UUlUlf».dl4 beuer th sn m W tn *“the utilities. lo

AMERICAN BT0C K8. ' J;• liEW YORK. Jan. 23 HTO — t4

Bioclcs were irregularly higher, in *i moderate iradlng on the AmerJ. can/stoek'exehange today. " .

flyntex opened up lato w ith a « ■gain of 11 and conllnued to. Incli

— Xorward-ln-»ub*e<iuent-lradln8- u . Awonff the oOirr wide movers, h

Puerto lUeo Teleplwne rose:----- nearly three bul TechnlcaLOptca. ^____ktlOtVLdroEped more than live. i<

T hw ^o v e irS U u id a rd T Jrlin c s • .P a in t, phlllpa Heclronlcs, Klylne

Tiger, cu ller A and W alw r fflddO-Wro up m«^or_beturi^ c.

American E l« tron lb .'D «nh l* •*' ton Manufacuirlng A, N ational Video, a new proceM dropped a .i

. point o r more. . . . Jj

— StoctAveragesi sNEW YOKK, Jm. U m-Pu<i.J>>nn „

.. — io-n«iw «» «.M. ---------------- 1• ISUIIU t« .« . olf 0-H.----------------■>I( tti4»ki tuM . upNKW rORK HVKK KXCIIASCR ' NKW TOIIK. J.D. : t OT-1.UI •■I.l '

Abtxitt I. i n ManK r u SHt; ■A>lm>.UiU l*i Uirtin'Utr IsU ‘ Adnilnl • '( MmMW «T

—rirfsai—Alum U4 MS Maiointo tCH Alto. 1<S Uont Da V aa*. •

5Am Can IH Ul Futl

- A n CrMt > N«t Illirult. S«<j:sr™s r . r " ! 5 » -itissss" s*

■ S " i u * ii'J lw .V .5A uSw s -

------- S i o _ i ! , K f 7 r , i ! '

: S .,t" siisis^’t r j:g

&r.r B fiiWi i!|!BurrtlM t«Z r a n n t* c i^ D iT «>4 t» rk t D.» «»»;

. Can r a . H t, r»«a»r^

- - E S M ls i s - i iTss'c, :»S"'-.- S'" M S . i l l f f i i h ' i . - i j S S I E '? . » • ! f e * o | ! jClrtlU l»*! 8 Co' a jS

__ =_coea. ceu:_-im ;_}|“" » » " __ ‘ fHiS l f f i i - !!i i E iiSK^ g lU l.l» B ru r »2i4

.^ I ^ O u • n”* Ru“

- iiS K -. . a i s j I e ? : JIJ

- i i u S s i S -

■ .I5 S > !i5..........CuHgTTV------Tp*— ■' |0 1 \

S l i i 5 . S!5 ~ S < -

Si!'I w IF sis n

, SSS“ r,« uI gJS DjJL b l l l i Ct SO>f

I ( S J tJ e Trt r I, f ;««i

a iM S r—• GooJritb I »; ' I ■‘•r* ' Pi' •i 11 TImi.n Utl 7S*,

cTiJTrrp » ‘ Tf»n..m - &!»in iN orH r' » * !:■»

— -— S I ? ' ; ' s -

lloff Elwir n }'" *“>4 I- tJa r*c I j 4»I.UtJ Aire,___41',I S s uisicC ;r

i S r S 'iii-iBt WI.W n s }[2 " “‘’I:" «•>

--------iSi-!r*?rT J J l j i M ; i s ‘J o lZ i l - . M*i UU'D«ll»----- *S%-JSM a L MS I' !'*U

» l i f e , . Piili i

i ^ T m t o i»<?ntr

Luknri O S Vnin Sll D a«i(Ma«i»»p< , }«'j Z«nti »JM»,»tbei» M’i . ■

PRISO K GOARD CHARGED . pCTEBSKEAD. Scotland STO__ Jam es C r a n d le s , S3, the

' ^ l e f officer of Peterhead D ilw n.• -w a s convtcted-.recenily of itcnUnR

.« n 'o v e rh ea d gange door gear.900 r a » r btades and a p n lr 'of

• )(jag.ti»ndled gardening aMcars Xrom prlsoM where he worked.

e = ^ s s E S S s 'm a r k e t s a t g u n c e

•' xn C VOl'K. Jan. « If*-Su.k.>lll>h.t; Mtl.. t»dl.(.

ttTB'rr “ nic.ftU ----- CHII

I 'j II i-iii 1 -■- .1-'

jorcea — | i ; u - sunor~ iH rrh*tt*T »4-

ly an - a«l.t »b>rt: la lea *t >.bi» u.;..ripi U)c fc.rtir. l,,rt ‘***"


"fas ' L ivestock rga o b i i • , - } ,.ibJon t o ____

p;',h7:l'u„ lh»l In *h<>l<« r t" rt u \ ln"t*.

,JO hl1- li.ooi vM l*»hi. III.M

t Z M ‘='"‘ 4 Clw.k..<ral. M um n Mid lor >»•««• '

•Vice Ol , , .4 ,u ,„ . H.IMO.M! »m. wfcS&UOj- mmUi »«•'>. f»‘ «<»rJ“ ““ t;Kiir.!Ur s-Ta,rs;

K - -Vm I ral>« .nld f<.r >r •!.«», lO.Ot-II.Od: Hnlilfls >lr*re.

HTO — t4.f«i-lJ.Mi t»-l f#.rflBI Wfm, 10,04- Ju ,,

>y. raWi., SI.HH.M, aBd dairy lyp. Uarvlw ith a to.«o.M.M. M .,“ i"d, a .irad lns- i 4» Muadi.movers, u .i4 .iw s: »4m »o j»wn<ii. 1UM4.«:■ s : r 'iLOptEa. J«i5,n live. IO.M: ..Ter 4M t-undt.^M.rlWi .<.n. grpt.-Dffincs ----------------’ PORTUIKD rrali

W alw r roiiTi.ANu. J.p . i« vn niBOAt- i..n

.p * "” ' ' •''»U‘'W.”w«ki Calli. I,440i.t.u|hl.r V 4J•(allonal . m j . .t.^ihur k.irm .o nDpped a *“7o

m.-l»ril. m .ltit fMil.™ f*n».

IS?.. “irS a ii'S tS S c ff________s . - - " - - s |

nKNvr.n. jin . SI w.diROAi-iioc* njii' iMNCK »6“=

riiiV Pi lT u rhol>?'’ro« prim. 10> |b, II.IOl choir.

---- ^ n — ti.tOI<4b_4UUUIL-<inl<l_|1tVl<^ -XI< i> u r .wn full and ullllli’ Ill-IU lb. Toia u l S M » Iambi l,n,T II U Ib.

J J t i ’Van*.' f*1»« M: »l»iiiM»T " t ' “ = nt S4^ *'**7i_V* *^^*. • ” . - ^ f

31.4B>It.S0; ffiWf. tvnd aaj ibvl*. 7 0

— ■•■ ts1 TSU. OMAHA' ' f «o».OMAHA, Jan. Si IH lUSDAI-Hoc* N

X4V bam «t and tUU tUO mkU T" «• lb. U.MI W*7*“ |40 *iU o'I 4*! i»»-«00 1b.«>n1|.T».ll.H. pll*ra\ t*H Caul. I.0W1 ca1.« 111: «~ tt I.IM dull>i *»»S Itk Aooi> ilMdr tA !( mU lo>arl<l.- Ta sS s s ’:,JS7Wvr,’iMS ”s

SI' >*s hlfh ch.ilr. l.«2*.1.0M Ik. t l.t ll Blllllr whi■* . ami low r»mm.rclal »wt ll.l».ll.:i. S.SI

-SI.»»p-*ttOr.ll rla»« rrll ^ (hnirt wnrM lamb* lt.O«-l*lt| fh»lro l.W' <•% .hom laaU No.-! aad (all ibom i.Kj - . S

J*’ J i l j BT. PAUr. Mlc.n.. ; . i i .« m - L l f . . JlaU » « h i Caul. 4.IM1 <al<« |.» 0 |

’ ■ n i . •laufhur alMn undtr 1.110 It*. aM dr: !>*'' A f l ' ! h.avi.r w.ifhu »om(«bil .low, auadr

a4t> >° wmVi h.lffn auadri n n atMdr■t StH 10 •tranil bat dnnand for <>nBtr and

44^ fulUr IniU* tut}j u tti t i •lauihwr Av„■* >|MH I r t ,holc *<»-l.ltO Ite. “ •

l» • M »,M : ilauthi.f b.Ifm thole. S7»-l.- ^

■ II* dSS an.l prim. VMlfn SI.OMi.M.Gl 'S l ^ Xon *.M0: bamwi aad illti alMdr .

i l ’■ bl U Mfita lover,; M«i moailr iUailr: ;I a *S4 h*nw t tn i tllU V. S. I.J J»MI9 . J

------o u ' - f lh w l.iw ; priM* alfadfi «'liufhl«r {'1l io u Iambi wonM hlfb ibok. and Prim* i* '

.ull ^<•*» sio tfx cm r **'fs s < Btoux cm -. 1... Jan. » CT»-U..-»;% atorki Hofi II.IO#. DnUbtn «iMk to u l47 Jt r.nia law.r, ((•

. . :<K Sovi mcaUr atMd;. V. S. Nft. M 1* i lH l*M « 1h. bulfh»n lUHMJ,.aboul 4P

T( bMd Na. I and > 1U»-U.I(I. U. 8. 17S4S M.i. !•> S«»-4» Ib. Mwi ILU.1J.00, 2].

. Calll* *.«M. ralrn <K. All.SOU aiMdr lo wnk. Chnk. •taothm iW n ]

— I®***- irefl'irttrChnlrr-hrifm-tliiS.ttl'e .------47S Sht«p 1,4»9. UatkM nol MlablUh l.

-C1IIC Abajf” '«5*‘’.lisDA ,-non

••J ; *3 >M<( «( I1.M; n(i<^ I.J }}"'Jnl? lba. U.«A.II.IO: S>0.!tO IK U.7S<ll.0e: t “r

t— iVif- mi 5iv E ■■

, ' i=H, p1 as»i i;*IJ->.l*a IK. ilauibi.t liMn

JIIL K *»: f»w r*>d few auntf.■*,) ani and low to>«l IT.Wfl,M: load •?';l l ' t hlih fhiW and prii^i !.«» IK alauth- J ' '

M iSL* '«“* ol-fbolf. HO JJ"

^ trmd : f»w rarkatn

111 <o<- »■" t.«fl-rw. ^ Sr»

'I i 'i - m ri. _ ^«r.w voiiK.’ y .^ '-i'ii-w ooi fu. -

:.I SOS hlaher: M.rrh IM.S: «.»■ IIJ.T: Juir4A^ IK.t; 0(1. M<.i.|ll.<; D*r. lUJU.: •>>

•*S .al'"" VUir-lii; " S & s i r . : r ' i s

-------- -----------—------------ - ;

r -kHomeKcea_s;— «%------ -HOME n n E S 11';

^ BOSTON WD - Dwelling fl« * v .i• j l , have cost U.S. hameos'ner* more

rio n ' i lhan 3M million dollsr* yearly fc'*' nh, \ \ \ [ ■ &ln«e >W8, the Nslloniit ttre Pro- tiVr I a s s t« ;lo n R.vocUtlon reporta. More g 'r n »n^ than 500.000 homes were dam- b*’’

IJIJ" agea or ae»iro)-eo c.icn j-eor.

Twin Falls%RGED ' GRAINland STO -------ii^ « (I, 52. the n'liVi nr'-T., ' {H?d D llw n. Soft «'hfi, wh«t _ . . . ; ______li.M Cho[iicnim R '^ ’• ‘••‘‘'•1"’ 7 ™ ' - }:'»>« r gear. r ^ „ m'lrad.. u ii . - ■ - ■ \ \

p n lr -o f . flEEBS' ^------------!!: „ . ,

worked. (Od. d««l«r Cm

« " t T l * •

“ Grain T

u l U . ^ rn up lu »»»■ ■* *»7iflcrrBAli____rr»4“ m war— Radio

n«r« than s cmu. Sbuil r<n>Hn( plua ^ burlBK by loiaKmlMioa I-** jSS i ^ E l

J , , Cf»cf» rontlB-uJ U •••It <.'f ai-

s CmCACO, 3a». U CTt-Ch rtal* H H ------ “ w iL , U SK m arK oTJ riJ l .« S T

I.l*: No. t m 'Im

«l'£n' h«.*“*.h‘lu' ” - ^I '^ u •’ H ,. unrhanirf; Ka. *‘plu»p 1-SmiN- U * re--- l.syi liSR ji

Vi'i^M M . CIIICACO.J94^ UtfS-Low.yClma Is tha t

' " S s ’r l j ! ! : ! K ” !!; i ll‘5 '*■>”Ju lr - .= l.7 » (4 -l.l i« . l.» S |.JS> a wldi

^ K ' - s! Com The

Marth _ t J i i ; 1.M \. n i ' i I J S ers a b

i S t K ! - - I S ! ! I S ; s ; : i S r . S Jo*!* . . . • Stock 1

s r - z i n t :!i; :il-

..M.-I: I ir . m eniu

s r j : ! ! ; ! I & l i f t l

1‘onru^ND. J.a, 11 ll' - Cojr..h ™

.n«i no sa lb. »hlu tft.t04l.o«: Corn. No. 1 T lnk------- „ ||M r-K ut.rn m M U I ; 0ar;tr. AV. u .3 5 0'2.'ifi',: ! o 4 h . i% r r r k , 'V « w o ”o i;^ I mea,n :s - . - . K a . S n T

' lU ? '^ bl.1 to in ! .. n,.tk.l. :Mar Whol8 ■ d<ll>*»d rmili Nu. X <> lb. B«dlO w«l.m 4 1 ^ : No. I :-t«w or X-row ^ ,.‘im JH- * w h “ i bid triTriS-biirtnrN fK -i on* «P' w“i . i u n i ‘/ ; •£!?." w b u :''« ? i wViU «-------- ^ ' j u “ whl{rii;rr{rOrdln.n--1.4J:- -— II II,— C ar'r« .1purw ii« t «::-barJo--1*1 I

lo « *= ’ = I• I and *' — I

!‘i Z P o t a t o e s . O n i o n s1 «hol». CIIICACO I

>•*< »>• iraek ISli aupplUe llfhl; dmand mvd-»al«; mirkrl amdr. ... I Ittilhm TrMk lalMi Idibn lUHeU Mln-I 1

inn.nir nMoU>Norlh Pikola 11*1 rfe.r valirr I liuthlir „un.t r«b l.tS-t.M.

'.V.vr ~*il». TM tMtkm 4.TM.U1 MlBBtaola-Notth l)a..

kot* Rri tl ..r «allor loun.l Md* ^4»- |____ J.^0 Ml(hlcan TW..I. ».lM41l WU--------9- ---------------- —1—Hnct Now POUIMBI ArrltaU l l tm k 1.10 MIIU Tr»»k ial« I Nona Twort^ , .I low.rt lb. Onlnnai AiHtiU I t l Irsrh U : aup-im .M . pll*« jnodir»l»I dimand llih tl markrt Ir . r l ‘,1.- aaJut Idaho ».lloW BpTnUh p

7 alw> r iaW Spanbh .

kll.XI, S.St: Wathlntlon mediam.larto S .tl:'; moillr r*1lnw-t1»bM-tMdluni.llBdIaBS-l.l(>. _ ■>ifh»lro 2.M, lano J.»-US: llllnoU Tnt41um: T3m» «.M;-MltlilfaB I.tW.OO: Ml»ii««)U X,

I.BS.X.WI WU«.«> I.TH.IO. . -;

. a * 4 * " k ‘S ™ :s ^ ~~ ; - 3 '■■’• •i !tMd7 »lrt » - j |

F S a i ? • l ;« . j.« iI ST^l.- Novwnbtf - - — I.IT X.K .M<:

S Butter and Eggs ~CniCAfiO. m -rrodu r* l _

»Sjii O’"**' c> . .>r? hHck SM I: u .tnii.r l«-4(: chodcUnt

A v r ! SwI.. l«ft.|00 lb. bloekil Ir«do A 4»-»! i

r*portxl br Ckleuo U.iraBlll. Et-, **'DmiVrt Si«dr. »X-f»r* lf'4: K o n r . IT14: 10 wot* »»U: «» afor«

^ - k t o a « r.Nft. l-l £c’( . i Kamm.. WWU lai^t «tr»»{. about 4|U> mlifd U n t .i im 41Hl mmllumt 0. U. 8. ITH: aUndardi III dlrilM 141 chKk«|

S f2 ^ “ U n l i s t e d S to p .k s ” —

—riLll t» • n®>*» C»if«d» ====:l4l*s----!»!*«— -----

IW.JJ9 n..nania A lrila ------ 1.**^, ♦•S*H-lTo#: &«n*^I..^T'rol|bl«iTi - IJ .IJ tl.M « ‘i* 'j t Kfluitr^oii'.—IT Z Z Z u iis laioo

l^ »nyW*-A*rl*ftw mi m. d Sl C"'lS ----■ tAn, • nillalnr -----»,S» »,0»

M'li! " '•h ? p?.‘fr‘ . i»!ooV atan^ Inum w nula Caa___lT.!t ' 1S.00 . .10: load In'oralal. Wolotllft« _XI.«Sli K .«

MorrttSn!KnudMirZrj»!M>4 SOijIS’'* Ot.-1,1a__________ ».i:ii ».*TS- . 'te-lambo'i r>TMlg«ll«ni _ .S& .41 j

l l ^ ' 7 n . . ' V ^ ___-II.SS M.m ’ I “■, i.-.i'ITlsii..!' Slar Qawni ___ JX .JT !i-woo« __ ^_1B.OO IC .J T S ,----

w '^ ’’c« » ATrih:;r:!:‘lu '.4 " j : - ; ^is-7." ^ r T r u s l r ^ ^ n d s E — I t

— ~'-JXM3TMt?rrTlltf»T8--------- Vnid A.kM* %

lUJU- Afrniai^i riindi______*.j» i.»i 'ComHMni»««hK-l».i-»-._;<Ut- —IflJS^ ___

□in no » Hn««t 8to»k_14.:i JS.4I UlH. no ______ , j ,5 a , , . ; ;

• ; i .r :ii ..» . r,r.—»>i _______ saT- — »JT — -

, ■ ■ tsS Tulnam r.roolk. ■■ t.ot *.>*

------ Trl.Tl.Un riKlronW-:=r?.»l------ r t f —aValu* Lln. Innm .____ S.9I I.M. "

Ig fires Valu,,r8r«. S IL '_ S.51 S.4J H I rnore '^ 'rau’tir i>>__ ,._ ic . t i is .u

t-s ;!::: a - i r r z r ^ ' i j l l!:S•e Pro- K.raU.n. KJ ________ I.4T ».»:, More Krr«l..iir s s ------------- l»:t-» U.?J

dam- bT !"!!! V. - ” : i Jaf: llnuraall.n.1 n>nd ___ IS.It l u i "

^ a l l s M a r k e t s

UVE rOl’LTRT ,_ IU O (Draltn Ml suotrdi <“ *r«S UVCSTOCK ,_tU>4 Cholri bvlehrn. Il»-S:* lb. II4.M-U.N '

.• lira.y -s° .« lt uo.m'B(| I.iSMOt ■ (Ooa ditlir 4«otrd)___XXt BCANS <

C m t I p H I

t a n e i e i l ^ m

J The Daily I^ 1 * By m iU A M . A .'D O yiX ~ win ex

t o | y o S '* a ^ t ^

* " i to “^ t t ^ t c ^ rns stock ip liu . P^* *1* 1 5 T = R B l? = 5 i5 5 B U « r g r to « f U i l s » - !

' ' proposes tospUt »pi>^ ’

_oo«. 1 now relnvc

~ H o Ib ^ B N ^ ^ buyingi a l a l ^ ^ ^ ^ B S B n * o u l d receive stock

. additional come i'^ M ^ H B S a V * h a r e s ' 'a s ~ a ~ r e v r a m ' N o . ^ ^ M e S i F i i u U of Che fpllt^ case a

n u m b e r pay v. . liiiM M.the third J_a.j

l ^ i U L hold'’KH.I u a resu lt'o f the sp lit,’‘you.wlU ^ny c •»** lt^n have three shares of com- ^ e n ^ j)w m on Slock for each anart you E to ic

had-Just-beIor*->liff stnck spllt.1 «xclus T h a t would mean I would re .

•r^ . celve' only 700 addlUonal shares, pje gc b Utat no t poor tennlnology? uno*’

,,a- A. No, Ifs accurate. You have port j i i i w hat the m alllag ihows la be *quan t:> : a widespread mUuoderstandlng „ven '

of icock sp lits._____________ _____ft lT he RCA lelter to stockhoTd. yoric"

ers also soys (right ahead of Uie ju l ln j i i ’ sentence you quoiel Uiat you l« stm .*«■ will r e c e i v e “two addltlonar/onnt

shares for each share of common *a. . , i ; Slock held on lhe effeclive'date ,-h|cti :t ii? of the split." York

T hat should answer your ques- , bro •1J;> ll_on._^ th r«-for-one stock spill u ,a t “ . m eans Uial cach sh a re 'o f tto e k iha t" - « beeotnes liv ee teares—not Sour uKh. •‘J ahares. Aa a result, you will rc- / Th« 'u t ; celve two additional shares (not .i, m__ ; . Oiree additional shares) tor each pign.'

share you now own. vesurI,,. 5 Here, look, a t It this way. n n lo. 1 T hink of your 350 shares of RCA u p a

fw-360-stlees-of * great- Wg-pfc. menu •„ in I mean & really enormous pie, or ev

because your 3S0 ihares ret>- iigied •K*’ resent only a small part o^ lhe exchs Bnlar whole Uilng—touU ownership of II Ih. Radio corporaUon of America. («J '■™* As a result of tho Uiree-for- JU „ <s.-i ooQ.q>ltt,-<^-otjoueJ50.ahart» aatrieoaillH'hil*

!.'=Si ------------

”»s' JunlM> Q h Q y M 0 } f S / j k

tk >. II I.fl^ . i Dondrgff Control

r ' " H ead & Shoulders

i f e 5 9 c .

^ W i n d s h i e l d

» - j | • . \ 2441 Jum bo Aerosol Cott

■••'*1 Reg. 98c _

: f - 3 9 c "g i ' l : O n l / ....... W y ^ Si

■sS: ^i r m l t e d t i m e o n l y

% p ric e s a l

s r j J ) E $ E p [ r

S Z M M,» ;S_ -------d E O D O R A N T S -♦ .SI ,,


~ w n w f

isiw I *»■

iii S O * ^ . P Sf ;iS I . p.iu«t*x ■ \ V ^ s _ ^ = -

. - ,r®8.i.oo

II I ^tr!i» — — Kleor-FIamo-

- - r g T i G H T E R - . i ; n FLUID :

, ^ S S Reg. 4 9 c

N o ^ Ol lm ! I Only .. , ^ 1 can I

. . *• • V , ----------------

[y Investor J■ win cut into, Uiree part» -« lT ln j ter In

you a ti«al of .1W ib arBS. But effect T ^ lth o le fW rsI ia ies’'WlttTeprt*4rnt‘« d - l i

ths stm ir m t v r » n n l U x y h g k .rn in f , ^ pie t i n t Uw UO s h x m did be- lug ai •lei fo r» - tb > -th w c«lotri>nft^ ■,t f l j J t ,pecl«fl nUt SpiiL • .iree Q. I always thought lh a t If I T h j

' “ l t e l n g more shares ^of the.sam e m « t« “Ive stof^ I did not have -to pay in* fiscal n a l come a x on Uie-dlvJdends. New. ing J» r e . ram -to ld - th a t-U » l* -U -n o t- th e reveal Jilt, case and Uiat I am supposed to cash i ) e r pay taxes on the* dlvldiends.-is a n d

th li some n e r riilc? - which>!rd -A - ^

^CA you m r S :

i f e n y ‘o 'Sw purpose, thoee dlW- ^ om-. Sends

r e . -nus column keepa telling peo- /n je tfei. pie such as yourself who “dldn t slgnix ? know- or who “fo rg o f to re- m a

pori these t h i n g s to go ge'’ uled < ^ squared swsy with U>e 'Jnrernsl j,bor ling revenue service. i«scai

_ _ (J . J undersmnd Uiat the New big b< oTd. Yorlc *tock «ch « n g e nas m 'tn - dollar Uie ju llm en t plan for monUiiy in- —11.1 youivestments. Where can 1 get In- pandl onam onnatlon about th is plan? ing li ("On A. From anj* brokerage firm

which Is a member of the New York slock exclionge. And when j , _ |

ues- , broketege firm Is a member of •pill th a t exchange, you can be sure toek ih a t" irw lU a d v ertw -ltse ir-as Sour uKh. . ' terrti

« - 'T h e plan to which you refer (not L, not truly Bn-J'lnstallm ei«» c h pian.^Known as Uie monUily IH^

vesU nenrpU lTT M T P rtor-ih^);««y. It is a meUipd .Uirough.which It [ICA u poaslble lo make steady Invest- " -pie. m tn iA o f u l u a e u U O m a o a t i ) . pie. or every' Uiree monUis. In slocU ^

ret>- luied on Uie Ne«r York stock I ta tx e h .n ,t . ______

W Otr. Dojlo .111 anawrf ontr t«*«» are e MRlaUra lillrra at ftnotal InUrMt la i^lng

kl* r.l»mn. Ho caaaal oiuw.f phona

I TSPlRlfT Jj - T f t B t f f S - ^

5 G ro inII c0 f 5 B o ttlo o f 100

i . g s p i^ «


M 0 3 c

t S i\ H T S - _____ ~

>LL-ON- .

■ Rc!

------------------- G c n c ro l -E l e c t r t e . _ - _

" L e a d in g L o d ," , '


% . . O N L r

F lam o -i Z ee

TER i B ^ B a f h r o o m


i'" ' 1 3 ^ - i " “e o n I p o c k i . . . . . . I

. Busmesj - - —Mirror Sell

. t t SAM DAWSON 1AF Bttsfdcss News Aa»Jy*‘ J - U J

NEW YORK. Jan . 33 - « ie , a■ ' U>e next federal budget will ‘ ^ 'i^ f .ju te Ing te r'lrom Uie cun rn t o n t.ln 1.“ . ^ , ^ ^ , But effect on buslneu and «nsum e« ^ e n t d - to ip a y e r » - t t - * h o * a _ ln J 2 ^ l^ ;^ l^

th£ reveal.Uje

' • U a n d p a > m e n l s . ^ ^ * ' vesUnenl which run high- **».Ba«aa« govemm'

,M i er Uian Ujb formal admW K^*' ^

for pubUc are expected to, rise an d

ung lie remain ste'sdy after wme m

tween goTeromenl agencies.' jj,^ “ lE T S iB nronM -cnnjo-*™ T l i r i d n 't significant. clt vlll <re- Increased spendlng-U der lheee^ uled for education, for heaim. fonnai

n is i j ,b w snd weUarf, and for space ,,hich p rtaearch and technology. And a DoUars i

New big booit wlU be Uie 400 mllUon Pinion ,•m - do liarnnore-in teresi-lo -U -paia mdtpeni

111- - 11.1 billion-In a ll-o n an e*- In- panding federal debt with -rls- ^ ,[j

ing interest cosU. Xj« ecor'*™ Sectors of Uie economy sched- •N " uled to receive lew federal ou^

lays In Uie-next flscal-year a rt . j■f;®i m ain ly agriculture and I n d w - ^ e i

tries involved In national de- fen teT 'V elerans-'beneflts -and

, service* and IntemaUonal af- ,fairs and finance also are ex-

'^e g*S;e «i. i l me other hind rtT coun lihg - on-collectlne

* ‘ more In Individual Income taxes ^ and corporation Incomes taxes, ‘

U.. g “W>5 ^ because Incomes and earnings

m exKctM to r l« , nna »l!0 m “ “ “ a c l « t » a

trpr* are expeeled to buy more of Uie • ‘ i ; Uilngs Uius taxed. •;

Hl«hcf egployroent ta x re- i

2 “ anacin: y

. B tabiets n > 1“ F" ^— II II

J s , w c L

■p" Jergen's M

W ith D ltp e n io r [[ [ ^

( Reg. 1 .0 0 Sixo ||J

< ^ 6 9 ^

Y T ,

I S z 5 9 c 3:“ ^ m m o p r n PI

. ~ P o tiH v e ' J H

- - J ^

1 S L J 2 M 1

1________ I t O M E - S r . ^ _ | N

. P E R M A N E N T S J 'L ' I'T. wrrii Ktw PINK Jtii. r ^ r emu™ ™

.. R eg . 2 .0 0 R eg .

T- = 1 ^ p!5!1 = ? ° JN ow Only......... ■ ta x C hi

room ij^plosH llghri iue -1 ® Batteries }

. I R e g . '2 0 c ' I

r 2 „ 19c{

Fe3 Cattle'F e d Steel

Sell-Strong—To H igher SfbSS

C 7 OS, Jerome

■ ^lireJ lo eltiC o o a n lM lo a ^ co m p tn y .g ^ y ^ y ,

r-i c o ts were aoUve w im jio ^ a , . sSZS

• w ^ e a t sold lower Uian ^ t 'e p h Johns I week. Pee<ler S^^O, MT.■t wi?h fAlves seUlnff .very strong Freeman.

i on extrtnio heavy. .»-tl8hti.^rop wagner,-Ek l ---------------------------------------- -— Ham and 1I eetnt5-a n d - ln t« ro t-o n ..liu s t In: >wly. ^ ■ * M lm e^ ore expecud to swell Bteer cs'

r t S e n t t r u s t e d accounts, ahone. $2i In jOL the govcm m ent 'd e - } f W M «

Mtneles not Inguded.^^are jix j;,

from the pubUc. “ i^ n o y Me^ T liirm re e BlUton-dollar defl- HMteUer,

clt will be about two billion un- oian.' m s 1* der lhe one predicted In Uie h. formal a<ln>lnl8t« t lv e bu^eU jo,« which puts receipts a t 03 billion ug^o-JJO; » doUars and expcndltuPM a t W J , 15. fe<iH

billion dolUrs by omltUng Uieid indfp^ndenl-ogencteL--------------- eommercii* ' The cash outflow and Inflow jjjiO-MB:

will have Ui« closer relaUoii to gis; c m U« economy aa e. whole. 11855: oitl

ThB -Prealdztnl stresses t h e e a n n « j« budKCl's economic effect this **

^ wsy; “Jn -se ttin g t^ c re la tion -ta ils . $15- &hlo between Bovcmment expen- iw- dltures and taxaU on, the budget He*vy

" Is'also'a powerMl economic force U ght-Iee “ * irhleh can h e lp 'o r hamper our eommw ' *■ efJorU to achieve sUble pros- Holstein 1- perity *nd.8teady-.BK«rth.“ .

Thla economic force will be h^ishaped by such ‘ J ” : mon hdfe

^ posed 1,1 billion |23-»28:^ roJllUiy spendlnR, ond the nopeo | 2{" !0T l i b inioiTdolIar declineMn fn the 'cost of farm projroms. The .r t Pxesldenll s h U U n g em pho^ *• _ _ h i olso is seen In h is request for _

1,1 billion dollars as a starter TRYTDJ ^ In Ws p ro p o s^ w ar on poverty FOR TAS

V A C U U ir B

By T h em o t

One P in t Sixe f | |^ |

9 9 c - ^

Listerine Prim x iu ll A M

I Mourtiwosh ” *

M M ok. On.

£ z 4 9 c

FACIAl TISSUES------ - 4 0 0 - c o u n t -------- - — - r o i

. . A ssorted-Color*,— 0 * ‘

3 ^

~^PEPT0-B ISm 6 i ~ “ “O

j B k How Onlr y

- g - 9 9 ; C ^

- -■ ■ B eg . 7T-3 9 - 5 m i ------^ - w i w

"Lovr C ol" O ne

Powdered V A I

D I E T - A I D f e

~ ~ J u m b ’( r 3 V i Ib . eon

5 2 . 9 9 | ;Chocoloto o r Voniilo

ies I f l W in

ca beUer calve*Ueer calves c a Jo • *4 'P e d Steen - B in too-;

tai30. Cejka, B u h r w m ’, ^ fed h e i f e r s - S h e « i S i J ? e s , Jerome, n i.(» 7 :t5 o ^ ‘

Feeder sleen - sim ; Twin Palls.-U4. BH; i S i ^ -

teUer.inier.t2«,598 her. Kimberly, t m . s»-

ig c h n ltz e r .^ in rauf,

' 531: * m o .. eS'-''“- b » t h e r a . - i 2 3 « . - ^ 5 « ; : . |^••Owens.-HoUl»ter,-R3pj,'55sr7^• eph Johnson. Buhl, q W t?• 8330, MS', feeder heUerv-o2i ( Freeman. B u h l . »a,T5 uT til^h ;K 0«< nff,-K l35 ,-.si4 ;-S> wagner,-6deil. s a . , o . - « , ^■ Ham and Maurice llsyc**,. berly. m iO . 500, ^i Bteer calves-U z : T m , sia.I. shone. $20,75. 3M;. U roy Messner. $:fijo, JiO; n u j . 447; Earl Huichl»n.- o»ai»<j

. *2430. 457: - John O irrw tu , Edward Ruffing. Buhl, n j i uT1 h e lftr-e a iT e F s ta w a rflrm "^: Salmon. $26.10,321: *25,; H u tc b l» n ^ 5 . 2i)l».-.t?4ift'ty

LeRoy Messner. *25, 32J; Ju i* '- HMteUer, *2440,--44J: O r l in ^ -• man.- *3440, 408. .• C o o d to h lg h c h o ln rA n .tt.^ $31.40; commercial 102 $1840-$20: uUiiiy stem . ju jS• $15; fed Holstein steers, $1S-J1J.‘ Good to choice helftre, xi».ig.- eommerelal-to.low-pood-he«cr” $1S50-$1B: uUllty hetfera.0 t is ; ccehmercl&l cows. tujc.

$1525: ntillty cows. $1250-llui-■e u n n e r t and cullers, Si-UB;Is metclal buUs. $1550.*l9: Utah

bulU. $15-$I5^0; Ught buUi. 11 I- $15.!t Heavy feeder sleeb. jh-kj. :• U gh t-feeder. steen.. *20-ta:s' ir common quniliy sieen..xi$.|i-. 1. Holstein'sU»n, *l4iO-»l6; po,.

e r.g rade steers. $1I-$13: bein i, feeder-'he!fera,-»17-$lBiOr-tc " feeder heifere, *iB50.jiB<5; cat ' mon heifers. *13.$14; steer csha

$23-$28: common quality Cm. •“ ca]yee,.$20-»25;,hflfer.cslr£ti8.“ $28: vealers, *23-*27; and f«4:

cows, $10t$13.


1 T H i s F l )

w m s f



o r W tis



■ O ne G allon Con

^W 20-i27:

3 r ^ " ’r 3 ”8 ®


O ne Gollon I l e c t * ,

J N ^ P f iR jZ E R S '

■ ^ ffp x is S X j^

t d k ^

Page 13: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

r a

“ R H O D E S F R O Z I

H O ^ t E - M A D E B R

S ? . £ . | - ______________ 6 - r -I r t oDd l o n t ; ..............- ^ 'O '

Ij OIEN TRl-TATERS, H A S H ; SSw N S, FRENCH FRIES, ■ /{ta to g e m s , Ib . ......................

- i > r r E - M i t t E R ^

^ S T U D I O , M e r i i

-Who hove served southern IdolZ j W i l l

From 12:(

. y OFFERINSilverfone or Bronie-

J o n e i i r t B u U s i n g l e } ____:

~ ir I (^ o.oge l im iC N o o p p o in tm e n ts traits o t tim e p ro o fs o r e sh o w r P ^ Je sfro m w h ic h tc ^c h o o se , ^

o j i a t h a n ~ — r ' - Z -

A p ni ^ i E s 8:^:7

M s V tt)6 S - '-— IQ -r -

OMATO JUICE _ 4 r., 8 S e D MIIK _ _ ' 8

!>MTENING____ 3


^OSfOOD 7 14

Q !!|^D ogF ood_S „J<

K ^ G r e (

o = B i i=EN h I i K ;


R O Z E N “ I

E B R E A D p j

r , 4 j l


v ap M : | m

a t - & - R A Y - H O R N - c H ? C

M erid ia n , Photographeih e rn Id o h o nnd e a s te r n O reSon fOTOver 1

D 0 l^ Y lF .r i . , :S f l t . jL lmrom 1 2 :0 0 U n lil 7 :0 0 p .m .

E R J N G . A N m x l 4 ' - i —lie- 1 )|p) for on ly ........... I

n tm e n ts nc cc sso ry . Y o u m a y order oddil r e shownV’ B r in g 'lh o e n t i r e fom ily. t-oo o se , ^

S t f e J-r •' _!lLAimoui:i__ • _ _______

1 0 i “ $ l-C O R N E D -B E E & =, , Stiid Bow', Q'-: ___

4 ,., 89c SAIAD,DRESSING _Ultfw*!!

: 8 $1 : A P P lE S A U C E p =

3 \ ^ 6 9 t FRUIT CO C K TA L_ . . - Ni1l.y'»

19c CHIU __ —O vtnfreth , .

14 $1 CRACKERS_j-----' Aqu< N»»

5 ,1, 59c HAIR SPRAYJ— -

r e a te r -F o e

D A D if—c m rU K II j HI

m- SA Tm aiO H G ttA R A H TU

I H H I r ' 'V f l

Ha s s f t n f ^ ^ ^ - 1 '« ' . • , * « . ' ® |

y ~>«.w<m rj JWBmLLJ:^ W. wC -

m m . , > X

" OKAY'S Ub u d g e

' - b a k e r i; t* Jetiy

raphers R O L L S .f e r o , e r 1 8 y e a r s , 6 ,

& Sun. i K N O T S:j WEDD)NG CA

y i _ I ORDER. Lot 01

J cmp ot I>rdcr odditionol por- J imily. Four or. more J

- ___________

_ ■ B u .

SSING. 43c— E T I = r 3 ^ . - ; ' 4 5 c - J ^ ^ p

[T A II_ _ 4 ,„ .$ !_ _ _ _ 3 „ 7 9 c ^ H l

Z Z T i T 3 9 c 7 “ ^ ^ B 69c •

^ n O I H i P t i

M u .m n m o - o R yo u r m oney


lA Y 'S l l / l i s s ~ M o th r ^ m K lUDGET-WISE ' w U \K E R Y B U Y S !^ J |

IL L S ...

l 0 T S : . r 3 9 C ^ ^ S>D)NG CAKES MADE TO ^ ER. Lot OKAY rtioke your- f o r - o n y -p a r ty -o c c a ^ io n . ------ :-------------ie-733.8670.------------ -----

I u e s l4 i i s 4

V -‘ ' V

H O K r BACIf . - j S j g g

iem irboneless •

P o r lr S h o iVi Ison 's C o rn 'K in g -O

S l i c e d 1

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thujaday^Jj

loirider-SlTO^One Ib. p a c k a g e , :

mridfly. Jan. ?3,J.964 Twln'Falli Timet-N


- S l e q k - 4jg e -.;-- M

m # . . 4

B E E F ^ J^H oley/s —

j a i 3 e r : r ~ “ " i W :P a c k a g e . . . . M '

:------- ^ ^ —20-orrpk9—----

a lls Brand ■


c h M I S i

S d - M2-o z ^ b r ic k ^. .■ ■ ■

llsbury's 4 lb. pkg. Poncakc

= L O U R ; . . . .ollcy's 22 oi. Lumberjock

0fRttP^L=na >FFEE 3

Malli T im et-N aw i 1 3 ----------

cimps -1. , . .;!

4 3 f c4 9 :

■~-JL' «.JULL--.l-...»rl.ljaB •

i K r =

t w r

a s E

i ^ n r x 4 9 € -

^TTT^ f o f ^ l r

3 . 1 7 9

Page 14: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

Hall-of E Vote Fail

^ l e c r t i ir-------B 0 3 T 0 N rJH H .-2 . 'M in H = N f l■ L iiscbalt hn ll o f f a m e - W e d n e

C h a r le s (R eel) R u f f i t i j r a n d (- will R ct a - accdm l c h n iic e i.In ;

b a llo t o f v e te r a n. V ascbn ll w n t

FinleyKeeps «• ■ i ' \ Mum, Avoids £


NfW ..YnnK inn 71 I.fl -■ ^ Chtric* O. Finley, u o m y owner re of Ihe Kiin»» City AlhleUc*. " clammed .up wllh . * - “no com- lh mcif* Wednesday In U « w m e «» hol#l where Joe Cronin, preil- u» dcnl ot the Amerlewi league, w u '

■ A jejUtered b u « 1;Cronm. reporle<lly In town on «,

k t# l buslneu. w»a no l reach- «r

------de■ their thlaklnit. were only two q

. iioora apart In # F ifth avenue•hotel. If they met ll wa# ft hush- hu>li H «cl. . . In

Cronin w m cwnpJeUly un-awllftblo. .A 4eaBUe ■ Rpoliesmftn

----- tn BMUm said Cronin iu d gone t''lo New YorK U lc Tuesday W Ulk over legal m nlters and had «

• no plans for mecUnu. Finley; P> Cwnln'j JwlcJ phone d ld n l

Aiuver. . . aIn■tJle■Drt*dway^aw-orflcc of di

— liO ul»-N lM rr-th*r-^«ned—U who recently wai re« « Ulned' by Finley, a w crelaw w tald i))e hJid been told to tell

___caller« -no eommeni on U»e Fin* ui

Niter told Finley to refrain from further eomment after he« a i hired lo represent ihe em* ^luttled owntr in lils fleh i lo ^

____ move IhB A'« lo Louisville, Afier “------- thT leaB U ^luniM -flow n-nnley -

#-I Tliursday. tho owner of Uie «A'* said he w o u ld leal the fliMiiWB-i power in eourl. «

----------PV bhrK ftnsas-C ity-eam ff-the wwottl lhat the clly offldaU had ai

. nol met with Finley recently on vithe matter of a leaw for Uw ball oiptrlc. Tlie league B*»e Finley llunUl Feb. 1 to nefrotlale a lease Ic

------- or-lace-U ie-U ireH -of-pO M Jblt -expulsion from the leasue. h:

Silence Is a alrtinge character- „ titlo for Finley, who had Uireat-ened to play In a cow pasiunB f{and U»en U>reat«ned to U ke Uie 5,

,,, ,.’col.ln hlB_bld'to m ow the-club,

Boise Center s Looks Great— ‘ In Statistics

.. — L u t week » form er Dolsc high c •ehoa] oMcti calied Utna Oroyles e

------- tho best' po st-m iu i—the-'school j). had produced In m any years, u

Today the Southern Idaho eon- n ' jerenco lUUsUcs beax Uial esU-

— matlon-wit:--------------:--------------- - ^IJ ie I te -ro o t. «f*-fnch acnfor #;

flp irts In tho top 10 In every offensive deporUnent bu t free ^ throw shooUns accuracy and he leads tn conference rebounding, r A quick check di'ow nsrdy les U * third tn league neld gon] a c _ curacT wlOi p e r ccnl and "

■ tevenih for a ll gaijies a l 38 p i? cent. Hla 133 arerttge places " him eighth In leajnie piny and ^ an even 10-polnt clip leaves him “ in Che ORM ispol otvrall. ^

........ m rebounding. Broyles h as S3 |offenslT# and 44 defensive con- _

^ > y ^ l h leading Uie ^ loop. Tm Uie year h e has « 01- ^ reoslve rebounds, two less than ^ paoe-cettfng te<unmae« n ich ^ ney. and 10 defensive take­downs, t»-o lesa th a n W ayne 1 Auer. Idaho F a lb , who aUo J

------ doubles as U>e oonrextnce'a lead-. --------In g 'sc o rC T .^ P P ln g U ia P off. 0

Oroyies'ranks second In. league J fouls (U) and Uilrd-overall (33).

John Carlyle. Pocatello. Is Uie t leading percentage field gonl shooter In 'league piay_wlUi_48 _

_____ per_cenl_whlle Bruce Ouldlnger.Pocatello, and Steve Humphrey*. « Twin FaUs, have sho t 43 per «en t , overall. ‘

______ Twin FalU Junior K irk W ll- *inEBuTrUiTTK«"tnrow-iicciirttC7 - leader wiUi an 67 per oenl for ^

-------- B jr» ir" * a sa " w rp « rw n rttj r- tJ ie ^conference. Bob 8 ^‘ard, H igh- ” Und. ts the conference "hatchet f m aa" . wim 34 fouU and Is Ued | w ith teamm ate Oary Packer ij »lU i 38 o « ra ll . ’

•Auer held on to his scoring--------lead s-m llv Iw i-w e tk -and-now ?

Is t»asilnf(-(ro:4 po ln u in encn * of five league games and 10.4 lo r the season. _____ ^ ’

Lakers Outlast ; Detroit IlMOl ^

• LOS WtOELES, Ja n ..3 3 'W ^- \---------Je rry W est-*corfd 43 points as iZ r : : u » « J i a J U u « lc » : i* k e r r ^ : s w i T ^

Hhelr wesiem dlvUion lead w ith r a ai>-10l vlclor>- over D etrtill.’ -( . ‘R ie Victor^' p u l th e Lakers t^lo s

-------- ffam«s ahead orUle-M cond.pU ce .jSC. Louis m w ks. w ho were Idle.

The U k ers p u t th e game awoy j.—^ p r r i f v l' Detroll 18-4 In U ic-llrsl six mln-;..

■'ute» o f lh e ”<juarler. Loa Angeleji .______ led .Sa-4a.ftt.Uie. h a lf .__________;i 1,

OSck B arnett scored 31 for Uie; Lakers and Elgin Daytor, who .1

' _ _ pU ytd 34 m lnuU i, made 10. p

Murtaugh Wins I In City Loop i

MurtJuigh nipped Valley Sport- t in* Ooods 44-43 Wednesday nlghl

. In the cloeest o f three, games in u t t e clt7 league. ~

OMn jjebeker’s 15 points help- I • - - ed M urtaugh w hile Jim CapipbeU H

•paeed the lasers viU i l l .- Id oUier action. Mountain Vltw a

N urtliv home, w ith Dale Schlu. tl■ der.' h ltt in f i* . ripped Volco 11.

fEame 'ails to a“Anyone— I(_fPj__V nlmdv wnn elected to th e «rh,

e-Wednc.<»luy but Luke Applinjr, weiii tijr and other.? among th e ' top 20 o« t mice: in »n-uR prcccdentcd .8econd r u bn irw rite rs . Appling, t h e durab le ^ — Chicago W hite S o x infield- ^

c r from 1930 th ro u g h 1950 ? ^ t p S “ wJtfi life tim e b a ttin g

ftvenfRe, m i s s e d n e lec tlo n pion'i r l e >>y nine voles. Hufflng,.lhe r lg h ^ progr 14® handed plUher who gained h u quoI*

renown as a New Y ork Yankee, Laa ’(alled-tiTno-voteK— ■----- — - lo g t

' - —T h ^ ' ’‘n«'l r f an'nouncemenC -At ,> «■! miile liiniV ” 'xiurwli-i, »tk - TOJS

reiary of the ^ b a l l W r i ^ ihe f hleUcs. AssociaUon of America. He said been ; thal. a eecond ballot. authorUed mlnii .• uune (wo years a to bu t never before he wl ' p ^ l . used.-will be m alled-Thur«Iay. Ur^- [ue. was -nws for Uie Uilrd time In Uie 7 I

last lour elections. ,no na m a own on «ere adde* to Uie lU l of elite reach- «mhrlncd a l Cooperatown. N.Y.

Since Anter/can league presl- deni.—J o * -C tonln ' a nd , Hank _ ho

lly two Of^nberg were chosen In IBM. avenue nob.

* h u sh - iM i made the grade nitlnin 111# biennial balloUng; • • No. 1

Wllli JOI writers participating Ife 1 Id gone thli time. IM vote»-U ie mini- You wittv to mum 14 per cent—would have Is as nd had Ixm needed lo r elecllon.-A p- h« nley; P"nR Pol'eO

dldn 'l noy CampaneUa. confined to . . a wheelchair since a n auto accl- jfflce oJ dcnl ended, his-JO-year reign as y i <l--UlaLa_*iiigglng. B rooklya_JJo(U er ,ou»l ‘•as re> cstclier. was a -surprUlng third ecretary with 115 voles. Eligible for the - li

to tell /ir tt jlme. Campy had been Ug- Jte Fin* ured by msny o taen 'ers as the — man-wh0-would_ge t the strong- off i

refrain backing. hiresfi'*’’. , . ! ' Outfielder Joe MedwIck of the «elg) •t 1 f In 8‘- tAUls Cardinals’ Oashouse "M e After drew.JM voUa. Jfairi-'r inlcy - A - lu i -o t- U ie - to p jo jo tc ig t t i • of Uie ter* among U»o CO named Uie e sl the first lime around will be mailed

to eligible w riters' ^association

iloThad acilve sen lce.T hese e iecfon will •ntly on vole lor* five or fewer playen “T il Uie ball on the list, wllh a Feb..3 dead- . „

Finley line for Uie return of Uie bal- . , a lease lots.

ue- hall of lame If he la named on § 1 a rac te r. 75 „ n t of the bal-U ireat. cjut. only If there U a Ue r p pasture for niojt voles above U » 18 per J , (

I t minimum can m6re Uian

Appling and nufflng . who were U Uammates for one year wlth-ihe

p l » White- Sox In 1047. eame the clotest WlUiout making the gnde two yeara ago ta the Rob-

a t ----- JM»n-PfH"-e>«etlon.----------------^-RJusl betore Uie »nnouncernent

w u made a t th a t Uma Ftller > 1 . had wrlllen In a national maga- cqqu

________ilna .Uie.ieleetloh mcUiod was beio,>lw high unfair and used R ufflng .as an ■ aroyles exunph ot the vlelim o l the jo c j 'sch o o l Injustice. Ruffing received 13 ot V y<»r8. Uie necesiaty 130 votes and Ap- Flnli Jio con- piing 4a. poro

Yankee shortstop PhU Rltzulo. cltle;

h senfor reH to i4lh IhU time. ««e( T>*e balance of the top 30 o;i

h» the second ballots behind Ap- ■'” *

“ Harold (Pee Wee) Reese. Lou ^ and Boudreau. Al Lopez. Chuck Klein.

Johnny-M lM AM al-Jtarder^ohn.D laM "y vandtr ^ ee r, M arty Marlon. „ *

, , „ f Lloyd Waner, R lau to . Allle Rey-ives him William (Bucky) Wallers. “ives nun Lombardi.. « Ralph .JClner, Joe Gordon, Bjlly

Herman.-Haj Newh^tSSrT Doiby ? f Dob Lemon. Phil Cavar- “ 4

in 1 —tl« ^th*aii Joe V aughn. Tommy h u ^ Bridges and U o Durocher.

e take- --------------------------- - eral

Hogan Didn’t S™e'a lead-. 1 • . .P : ............... mud

?"LS Hind Leavin" S•oil (33). • • . O Ca

!i“»i Golfing Tourw ith 48 ■ O ■ . tncruldlnger “ NEW YORK. Ja n . 33' «V-"I the nphreys. xesrets." Bcn Hogan juJd. iheoer «en l has to qu it some time. fa\-oi

l \ e never been sorry I stopped------.™., when I dld.-

iciOTttCT -35wJnuxhroomlBg-ttoa.oeo.pte - H oenl lo r Parses and Uie pre.uure of blg-

"^*l«sh' hean-welglil duel between Arnold 'h a tc h e t and ja ck Nlcklaus. noI Is Ued a lure lo r the lough

lliHe-. master Irom I t r t WorUi,Tex,

g-orlns "W.I «uM get some MmWsnte md-now * PUK'ng sUxike I_would pUy

tncK w w ^ ^ rn a n v e i iU .- j iM tlw ih e = = 10 4 lo r P '*«“ re of li." added Hosiui,

who was presented the Gold Tee ^ award .Wedne.idny 'night !«• the

JJelropoIJlan OoJ/ W rllfra »sso- , e f clailon. “Bui rm not eaRer to win

____ any mow cliamplonshlpo. Jusl fori n ^amplon5hlp.<-»io:e."--------------:— ~

lllosan_ !nsiito l-he_new c-w »s - _ •M hsunted'hy Uie thought tha l he •olnfs as mizht hai-e w on an unprece-aois tm d I iim{gd‘niUi-A -^nn.j:K p^^>hf m-. z. zl;ad with pioa^hlp. p*Ming Wlllle Anderson ' D etroit/’ -(ind'-Bob Jonei.-had he riot cut kers two short his conipetltb-e c arter In od-place -jws,_______________________ _ _

-K n ! ' »3 U h t .UOl . f be=iald;.^A>-^ -

"» 1®M. my best year. A iigciejii could.tell I waa beginning to

rf7^rTi:?:'“ *-'">'-''frve-lr»-puiUng,----------------L , ' •That convinced me It wis

Qult-v . I got lo 'a point 1' couldn't o-en bring the

f ' cltlb back on-llig-JJUtUng-gree-rt:---------IT IC Hogan announced his rellre- a a ‘0 menl after losing a plaj-off to

Jack rifck Jn the IS ij Optn a l San FraneU ». saying a t the

•y Sport- time:lay nlghl "fJl never work this hftrd'agaln rames In “> win a toomameni."league. ------- -- ----------------- ----------------

Its help . BuJJden J7-J4. Ron SJflnseJ m l :ampbell 10 of Volfo-j polnui.■. Trujillo canned 18 polnu 'aln Mfw All Uif Sspphire lounge dropped ■ • e Sch «. UifTmifi.News 41-30. Jim Moore 1 'o lco netted nme lor Uie lasers.

— L i s t o n i W o n ’ t z 1 4

U n d e r s e D

Q a y ’ s A J j i l i t y M

LAB VBOAfl. Nev.. Jah. a ^ . j r

'aiam plonSonnytlston-ts-taklng ^his upcoming UUe defense agalnsl Cassius CUy very seriously.

th e Th» «ho knows this as t l n ^ well as anyone Is v/illle iled fililirj~ ^^^B -) 3 0 Ol* champion's chlel ualner.'O nd * ^ k e nb mlsUke about It,”■able R rtdlsh sa ld -W e d n iK lay _ rS ^

1950 tighter and Usion kro»s H. ,“ W -A s ev»denced-t;y-the-eJ>«- ;t!on plon-s strenuous dally training Ighl- program. Uie fact U u t he U i his Quoted u a 5*U>-1 favorite la nkee. Las Vegas meant Uttle*or nom-*— iBg-to-Llston.----------------- :-------------jnenC -Above atl.* BeddUh saM. ^

r lte n the.flght Uilnking Liston has not : said been ualDlng hard up lo Jh e U st )rUed mlnuie. •n«re 's no ddubi that wfore he will be Id Uie best shape of hU

WUile shook off the lopsided - > a ^ odds, saying ' I wm once a 15-

, i i t . io-1 underdog and won. Any- Uilng can happen In Uie ring. especially In a heav>'welght

-H ow -does-R edd lsh -xalt-C la i IBM. u/*vflghler7Rob- -There. Is no mistake In Uie Srade ratings." he said. -Clay Is Uie .

• No. 1 contender and deserves It. latfng ife Is l u t and hAi la st hands. mini- You aeldom see a.big m an who have Is as last and moves as good aa -AD- he does."

. 141 Reddish added: "Clay rates

..I fn very well wlUi,Uie best heavy- - J weights around today. • mOudlng

Cleveland Williams.’'“ UsfonTegaraS Williams' as Uie

tougheslr-oppwwnl-he . has hnd (0 date..

T the ot fighting - A' >'5‘ MBd~!ip pi^UoB Wllh h is guard * dropped low -also was brushed rong- off by Uie veUran unlner. who .

h lraself-w u-B 'ran lilnR -heavy .)f the weight during the Joe Louis era. house "Ma)-be that's the wny Clay

Jfanifd as*a ->-outh.“ said Red- ..-e t- dish, "HU muscles are ualncd p ^ - U i a r - way now and U ieres-no i»iiNi reason for him to change unless, „U Wl sta rt catching up wlUi him ^ j,. m ,m Deskles. he's done pretty well ' ^ .

M r-hU nself-tlghU ng-that-w ay,------------

S ^ S i x N a l i o f f s - A f

i*p« Xo Bid for ’wmMUian ^ home st

> were V O x - f l j l l T p i V S be poui

J ' S ? “ iNNSBliuCK, J .» . a '™ '‘ “,h ! l^v-A slx-naUon contest for Uie ^ T l «1

n iS : 1D08 WlnlCT'Olymplcs began to derslted shape upvWednesday. a week bo- •'VntH

------ : fw e 'th e 'o p c h lr ig 'o r 'th a - 'n fn u i o n l t ^ 'games here. Walters

The InlemaUonal O l y m p i c of who’i maga- eomoUttefl wUl meet Ja n . 28. Just i

belorw thn Innabnifk.gftqfflj-to rMxUd^ as. an ^,8 isoa winter pageant los ’I the u> Calgary. Canada; Lake PJadd.13 Of K.-,V.7 Qrcnoble.-Prance: U ihtl.

d Ap- Finland; Oslo. Norway, or 8ap-poro, Japan. Those are Uie six ,0, 1*,.

imilo. cities bidding. .• • „ „ n d ■■yem The C aiudhm s-and-Japanea*, . . .

hited. afliong (he strongest con- 3. on lenders, were Uie llrs t to comeI h c re « begin the process ot set- : ting up exhibits of the ir laclUtles ‘ *"'■ M,a buM nholIn, ICCr r ^ rrom-:64-tountne8,-Represent#--

h tre this week-end. - • ii?^n ~ ioc-orneiiu-m aicat<rthafC ftti.

8‘ ry. which plana to sUge most o f th e events a l nearby B a n ffln „ ^ n d 1 *^0 Canadian Rockies, and Sap-

•SiSi’ poro »»«w chances holder Ito gel. Uie im -gftme#.-QrenobteIs .a strong contender.-------- ----- H*®*?

m ie ■ nexl games will almost Marin. CTTtiinilr h r held-lii-a n -area-Uia t thrcr.. i

■ommy h u not yei had a W inter Olym- pit*," RSfSf Frlea. secretarr gen- eral t t f the Austrian Olymple *

9 . eommlltee. sa id .. -W e want to U Pro“‘I I I spread Uie W inter games as distance

much as possible. Canada and about tI I **« qualified candi:

• O Canada nei'er has had Ute swen'c ‘ Olyinplcs — winter or summer, tralhlng

I I I Japan will hold th4 1D84 sum- poundlr mer Olympics next October but a day.

UV—"I the Itrong'A lro-A slan bloc In while a naaJd. ihe IOC may awlnff th e rote In Jn Ihe 1

time. fa\-or of Sspporo. In San topped---------------------------------------------------------

«*p te ...............................If blg-

^roold ” “ ~ / 5 r \IS. no I

L < = - ^ •.VorUi, n L

blan«1 puy ........fogiui, Ca b i r / / 4 iId-nre n0 the A a

iowlnu tfo r _ TV -J?

c -n » i - ^ ■ I — la l he . • /prece- - I /c h i i^ - - , - T - --------- ------i ,lerson • \« ■ « » _ . , \« r t n _____

iS llllmt i o 'a WHERE YOU C A N ' ^IB Ihe ■ • :: ■ireertT' -- ----- ------- -irreUre- ________ _ V 'off to 'ys-v. V-Open . V

•again .tg '- •

r f i o t . p ■ ■ Im ^Moore I — ________

Z - 1 4 - T h t irad o y , J w .7 2 3 ,- i9 & 4 -


i i r '

Uy ^ ^

— _____ t. , _ing ' ' .

U ■ .

i l -



15- t


Uie Uie .




A ' ard led


iayed . •

NEW OLTMPIO HOPEFUL Gerry l l*Xo«“ An*elef-8attmUy.-ehatt-wHh-W »-

Spokane. IhB S.loot, fi.lnch. 118-pound wlrepboto)

‘OH « «’ay.--------------------------------------------------------T

Sp ok an e School --A ftenJB looniing

I SPOKANE. W ash, Jan. 23 «>— Llnd( WluiVs Uie Umlf for Undgren? poundi

Almost unknown outalde his frame, home stnle a tew weeks ago, Uie like a I ikinnv hleh scliool kid seems to his big

5 ^ pounding sirniRnt oown me n fgj» track toward Tokyo. ----- -- - pnce ai

Uie The 1304 Olympics for shy un- but at to derslicd Oerry Llndgren, n ? had sa

be- •'Until last week-end. 11 was « : nUi only^dreA m r'sa ld-coach-T ^ey

Walters. "But now it’s a quesUon o™>- P t c of who’s around to beat him." Hani

o n Dec. 31. Undgren ran ft and ba u jo r ^ r r f^ i jM lr tn g ninf mlnutcs W a f '“ 1 n a t loftjw o mites In his llrs t in-

door race o t 's a n .m n c lsc o . At ^ Los Angeles-last-Saturdoy.-run- oUier t nlng ogaltist open compeUUon Lindi

“** tor the tlrst time, he came In la s t a second with the nearly incredible righ t iU1116 lOf 11 tfen -aner of-9Mft----- Angel*Dy slicing 14 seconds ofl his the bli

time In a-slnglorace. Uie gaunt alone. I,,:* galloper spurted to the front row , -x le ‘ ol United States distance candl- said L

dalcs:ior.the-G lrm plc.gtim_csJn n j n j LJapan. • - Aftei

® &’en as a runner-up last for Uie « .! . week-cnd. he.becahie.the-Ia5test pu jc d l lost prepster a l two miles. ' Young.

And 118 was second .to Oaslon - j tl Inp. Roelanis. the Belgian record fa ji , j ,CM holder In steeplechase and a gold lust.- : ib i. medal favorite lor Tokyo. Among hang I . . . U ib«. behind him were- Jullo la p s 'te

,0, . Marln. Uie natlonol collegiate tT 'a n j Uireft- and Hx-mlle champion, mnde ■

n n . and Oeorge Young, the counlrj-s Llnd: e n . hest steeplechase runner. Marlniplc Yet Wallers thinks two jnlles n e r Ri

to U probably not Llndgren's best the sp< as distance, lie Is thinking more He a

and about th e Olympic S.OOQ meters w i t hid i: Ior hU protege.- ............... i many

Llndgren hasn 't let success record Ute swen'c h im ' from a dedicated erans. ner. tralhlnc program. He's back to Attei im- pounding out mor^ lhan jo miles 4l0.ya; but a day. Uirough snow and slush, mer w

In while awaiting his nexl big test Wy an ’ in Jn the Golden Oale Indoorm eel "Utl

In San Francisco Feb. 14. Ing to

f e .


J i — -

K h^ ^ — J ' TOO!


I IL ^ :

1,-1964-1^____ - T H E T M



L Oerry Undgreii. 11. wbe posted an am ufi , ^ i t h - h i« ^ AafJi.-Tfary-^Valters. In hom ery

118-pound aenlor now has bU sights set c

¥ ♦ * *

hoolboy E y es O ly n in g as T w o-M ileIV- Llndgren claims he carries 118 • .B u t 1? pounds ,on hU 8-foot. 6-lnch know t hU frame, bu t he sUll looks more n track Uie like a kid who has Just Inherited are set to his big broUier-s .track suit: tanca 1

tw ■ lu-g known“lo r nis excellent Jn - - pace and exceptional endurance. 1cm wi) m- but a t Los Angeles he proved he compel

hod someUilng eUe, too, which lor seai one expert described as "a heart vlously too-blg-to .lltJala.auch..ft-m W e

I Z hody.-Hank Anderson. Oomaga track “

t and basketball coach who watch- “ * lies ed a filmed version ol Uio race. T^U in^ liaa - g - 8imnur- w um ie n t r - “He xoft<U» M m m have dlllerent Insides Uian -J t nin- oUjer.boys.hls age.’*.................. train fion Llndgren Ukes to get In front in la s t and n m his compeUtors

ble righ t Into the track. B ut a t Los

his the big race with a la s t pace ml alone.ow , " I learned a lot In U iat race." . p dl- said Llndgren. -and I le ln tr tJ n i t J a jL h u m ’;:_________________ ____ 1

After setUng a blsterlng 4:31 ' for the first mile, Llndgren was|

«t. Dassed-byZIW lants.-M ar1n-and] — - Young.’ a t

on "I Uiought If Uiey wero Uiat| lor ird last. I ’d probably finish dead] fop Bid lust.- he said, "but I tried w of- '"R hang In Ught. w iu i about lourj you ;'lo ia p s 'to ” gorU iey 'd ldn’t-seem -to ; —“ «t »te ^ 'U n y - r a r th E r ahead — so i ; - Nal an. m ade a ninJftt_Uiem.’' ~ ! y s , Llndgren passed Young and; j , ,

M arln ond waa closing on win-. e _. les n e r Roelants to the delight o l rn 'i est the spectators. Iare He also tKcame more ol a pet. SE^ ers w i t h the Indoor Uitck sUrs.!.— m an y -o f-U iem . alreadj- woMd| ' ess record holders and Olympic vet-] c n ted e ra n s .' ‘ (to Alter his sUrring finish, burly,

lies 4l0.yard sprinter Adolph Plum- y ulh. mer w'ntlsed him around like a.« l Uty and cried happily: . .lecl ••‘UtUe man, you and I are_go;' _____

Ing to Tokyo.”

___________ ______________ ____ S o m a n y .

' ' “ m i a f r n e a

u s , too., O nly a t a

f o ra rty w i

- — T7- — r 7 = ^ p p . l i a n c :. B u s in ess

rcp u la tio i

~~ ___________ •* v 'ou-are-a_________ wi th e a s t

• IheV ull-S


T o o i ’ ’ g u a r a n t e e d i

' - ^

■ . ' , ' i

ATnerioi t noL akev i(-W edneis a y in g- ^ th o u l


ance team

have three evi

' s . wofflci


sUmon.. The p

’’ ' lu ilan nI t pUnr Innsbruc Games.

■» ■■•■>/.• ’■■V Miss iV ' ■■ . -rroin a I

'■T w * ' ’' in the t7 ^

« saying:^' ' • I ahould

. U A c

"1)5550“ -whoTtai ^ ‘Khs :

's a M L A • . # X ^ W » < r i s f ■ au iu te 1 77te C

C s K l n a B H B K ^ ' i ' - J \ ^ student9 e = B S E 5 B E z r / ? . > s f - o n i i n. - Olymplf

shc.’Wliia ■■ '■ ' / i m bruck. s

- i.--nii=p'- : ' home »i' missed s

." I like explalnci I11-be-'< Uie Olyi

an a m u fn f 8 :« for two miles a l pend on In homeroom a t R o g e ^ ig h artool, —g b u set on a tH pT oT oky*. (AP p r

^ . , “ I S

— --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- . E O t .

O lym pics• I T ’k PooUialltf lie R u n n e r '&

--------------------------- — --------------------------- --------------------------- l«e ._u ie18 .B u t Llndgren and W allers Wednesd ch know th a t two races don 't make Qports' ire n track season and their slghU the ed are se t far ahead to Uie dls- fullback

tance tryouU next sum m er., and Uia

a ' Icm 'w lll b'rTo^kccV^Lffi'a^^ In change he competitive Uine during h is sen'- worked - eh lor season agalnsl what will ob-' Kramt irt vlously be an outclassed lleld. eran Qt> Lie He will no t be permitted to run Don Tn

against college or open cdmp«£l- OOtaJned Kfe tlon and will have to make each smoll lo ^ race against tho flock. 'T husce' ThU doesn't worry th e weef it Tnwn»f nihn iiniri- ^ “ O " 'an -J t wUJ be a prlvU ese-Just-to -„xiw-r«

train lo r the Olympics.*:............ sUrlng qi

F - w a wJ i l A PP L IC A N T S IN T H IS AREA 1

J —Insuronce-Cloims-j j l _________ e a r n S 4 5 0 T O $ 1 ,0 0 0 ./

EiU m ated'over 5 0 'tnen 'needcd -ln Wlat lo r IBM . . . Investigate all tj-pos of Insad fop Ift^e companies, o r open,your-o?to ot- any kind. Cars fumUhed and exp<n r you a t home fn your spare tlnte. Stayto! -unU l-.reody . Ior .change..P lacem ent.«i ; ..NaUonally..

^ L U eU m e^W M riW ^^^^^A iin^r^^^c^ ' Expenses Paid - Sick U ave — pcnslt

.of. Enter a Higher Paid Field.

let! SEND NAME ....... .......................... .........

" a j .- A D D I U S S 1 - ............. ........... ......- I

“ •j C U Y ______ ------------ ^ ----------

ny. c l a i m s A D JU S T IN G 1Educational DlvUlon of Plymouth E

“ ■ ■■*'. 2JJ0 So. S lato — S alt Lnke lo.'t - D o N o t D cloy

S o .m a n y .p e o p le h a v e found .lhat-it-pays.ti

T f ia l'm e affs sa v in g s accounts,.chY cW tiB i

u s . too.

Only a t a Full-Service B ank , wHich First Se

for a rty w orthw hile p u rp o se : A utom obile It

B u s in e ss loans o r P e rso n a l loansT”*B y d o in g all y o u r b a n k in g a t F irs t S ec t

r e p u ta tio n . W hen you a r e rea d y lo r th a t i /o u -a re -a lrea d v -k n o w n a t- th e bank-w ill h

w.h_®A5 p_g e t s t a r te d now a s a savi

Ihe ■Full-Seryicc B ank .


■ - - - [ g

232 Main Avi

TKS: Miss SaysI IA D O O N A D I C A M P IG L IO , I ta l

J e a n S a u b e rt, t h e t o p U .5 . h ope f o r g o ld m e d al, u y s - t h e A m e ric a n ak

- -A T nericnn-team p r o b a b ly - n cv c r .,h « a..l i t is now .’’ t h e 2 1 - y e a r - o ld i : ■ L ak e v ie w , O re .. s k i e r B a i d | ^ g j > ^ |

s a y in g t h a t w e w il l w in W o n t i w ith o u t fa il . I!m j u s t s a y - .

: lnir-~ a r e - s t r o n g .- e n o u g h - to - V o t m

. J l Uie O A Alpine skiers were to accomplish such » 'l e a t . It ‘

- wouid-lar.exceed Uw p tr to m - ance of any previous American ‘e»skt team.- American m en never I ^ n e d Ic have « n a gold m edal In Uie Uiree events-Uie slalom. Uie gi-

- «nL rislom and the downhUl. 0 . •

~ ^ 't n ^ w s f ^ a n a ^ Andrea Me?d

19jy m Uie*ilalom and Uie gU nt g ^ ' j o r sUmon. Pfo bowl t

The present UB. t e m com- each coach pleUd lts training In thU north own team lu ilan winter J ts c r t W ednesday, the type I I t pUnned to leave today lor gldwllL Innsbnick. site of Uie W i n t e r ,Games. bas repori

Miss Saubert. lully recovered over'Uie i- TrtJm-irsle«e-of-nu.-«a>-s-she_U fUnkar-hu

in Uie best possible" shape. She Uio NFL’s was confldeni about h e r chances, for Uie IM saylng:J.'U-J'm. skiing my tiest. — _

. I should be able to win.” ^U A Coach Bob B eattie be- b RIDOE

lieves Uie atlracUvo brunette u t-B llly- -whoTtandr5-leet-6-lnohesn*nd port.- score

weighs 147 pounds U Uie best out over J. athlete he has. „ ark. N J..

TTte Oregon S ta le university City Arens student mlMCd a lu ll semester Uie bell lot

- Olympics.'She said th a t even « _ ' ^ she.’WW a gold medal a t Inns- P , bnick. she will have to retu rn f i home st once lo w ake up ths • mUsed school work. ' • •

," I like skiing very m uch,- she A ^ explained, "but I don 't know If M W |

- n i-b e -a b U -lo raco.BKaln after ‘Uie Olympics games. I I will de­pend on many Uilrga." ^ 1 1

P a t s E ^ S w a p a i u

- . F n r O i l e r s ’ t e e S o l e sBOSTON. Jan . 23 UB—H ie Bos- • ^

ton Patriou o l Uie American Football league are trying lo swiflg a uade wlUi the HoustonOilers to obUin quarterback Jack p -

_ lrfe._Uie Record Amerlcaa a a ld ______ f lt Wednesday nignX "« fiporV writer M urray K ram er • •« said Uia Oilers w an t PaUloU o o n t a ■* lullback Larry Q arron la return p ,n n 8i

and Uiat "Boston Coach Mike complete p-/.!.—«>■ hi»< b»lki-<l Bt this cx- „r vnur 1

n Siange but wmeUilng w ui tie newspapci .■-worked out," . ^ • -o o o read*;- Kramer said Houston h as -vet- -»dvance l 1. eran George BUndo. plus rookie ^Ui low r n Don TYuU of Baylor, who w-as in Uils F :- aotoJne<f-ln-»-desl-"whlcb.eost ft .days.belo h small lortune.” ^ kl J

* w h^ “ o ^ o f “5.1 A d v e X

^ ^ S S ^ K ^ S 'w o u r d be UiW “.. sUrlng quaryrback." K ram er said. • jj,„fcetl

AdverUsei AneUot

------------------------^» n A im u nAREA T O PREPARE FO R

oims-Adjusters^$r,O O O .M O N T H L Y j

cded-ln Mountain S U te s-a rea _ ..j-po»oflnsuninceCU lm s.W ork “" “Jen your-own office. No selling *« '» « * «d and expenses paid. We triUn - Ancliotlnte. S uy cn your present Job ■'acement scrvice suievi'lde and _____ j. ----K E N ^THt.Q TREKtENPOUS F I ^ ! ^ ^UmI

e — PCMlon.— Ciir Furnished. AocUom

I : J - - ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- . TWIN FAI.... ... ....... PH O N E____________ .- ■ • and F rt • - - . Advertlsi !!■.------------ST A T E ------- ----------- , EUej

JS T IN G SCHOOL- ,'lymouth Employment Service ' *S alt Lnke Clly. U tah . > ‘o t D d a y . h t e S S ! ;

t^ .dQ .alLof-their.banJjing w ith u ^

chYcWtiB a c c o u n ts and ’ g e llif ig ’I o a '^ ' '® ^

ch First Secujily is. can you borrow money ;omobile loans. Home Improvement loans. ergencyJoans, is" . ■ ',F irst S ecu rity y o u h e lp b u ild y o u r c red it

I fo r th a t m ajor expejT jlitu re, th e (ac t th a l a n k-will he lp you -bo rrow -w ha t-you .need

a s a sav inRS c u s to m e r o l F irs t Security .

g g s , ; : —

on o n e y e a r sav ings certiti

b e d 3 ‘/5% 'on’ o lh e r s a v in g s ,.

I Main A vt. Sor* " . . ’

t e J e a i ^i^ ly m p ic g -

i ? ' " , . ^

Cardinal Owup,iVaSOlTSht

flling:i3ianged-ST. LOWS, Jan. 29

president of Uie Si. U oT ^ dlnaU of the N o iionsl^w *■ l e a g u e - t t ld - W e d M jS ? ^ - r pUnned to propoie c h ja l^ T ) Uie meUiod of c h o o s M ,^ t l for Uie Pro Bowl a lU u t^ ®

CharlM Bldwlll w,brlng-the--changes • ua~« r ^ l e s m mrtUng nen ^

"Instead'of each 1 ^ ; ^ . - plckln, p l . j n . 0, teams- lor recommta<i4,2r~; pro bow.1 pUyers. r a i n f j ‘ _ each coach name menibcn « y own team which he be lS ^ r t o . m . .

Bidwill didn’t say so ku* i ^ bas reportedly been taSm !f« over-Uie omission of cwSfUnkar-hick-BoUby-joe-cS *1the NFL’s leading pu* n a a for Uie 1&63 season. - ^ ^


» - B ll l y TUdale. n s . bS »port, scored ■a -tethnlai-Vf//; —out over Johnny Hall, n tu n t Jark. N J.. Wedneiday dMi a City Arena.'HAU isJled i o ta Uie bell lor.Uie fourUi nuat

FARM Auction I

.CALENDAR cA l! M a g ic Valley S S oles L isted Hen

O o s t a c t the Tlmes-Kr Farm Sales depsruBeat l v complete advertising coTHg a t vnur-larnLSalf.-.lunJK J« newspaper coverage. iom»MO reader In 5Ugle Vilir advance billing. All at oatD ta cUI low rate. Ever; sile Ua u In th is Farm Calendsr te "J

.days-beloT».afllB.M.nd.PA a . Jonuary 24 HENRY EBBEH8- • «

Advertbement: Janascr 8 f AueUoneer? Lyle Muta . .

Jonuory 24. Klmbetly.Neighborhwd b AdverUscBent: JannKy U i 11

AneUoneers: IrrlnClUnl n l •Jlm M es«r« iU i

■—j(jnuajy.-25— nA RRlETS ANTIQCEi IS 1.1

THINGS «Advertisement: Janaaty2» Z

AiictUneer: Meismalli ,«------------ AucUon Sefvite

January 2? ’RALPH MARSH. W. C r*CI------- C iaT E N Z E L -W m S- "5

Advertisement! Jan. I i sei. - Auetlsneers! LyleBsrtM

and Kaye WsU lA

^ N E ’i^ I^ " u v lN B ? E ^ ^ -and JERBY ^

A n^oneert: John tf»rt i*lJJra We*«r»a)U> »i,

Januory 31 ^ *», TWIN FALLS NEIGIIBOM» «

• and FRANK MOLTNni ^Adverllsement: J a n .» ** rt

, E ilen A Messewalli g; Auetloneen:

Fcbruory 4 , .-iiMAX and ELDON D t« , I


---------- Jlm-Messer*ffllUi . 't . 1.

ng w ith US. ______ .Jj

loaiin fo in “5l

row money Jjnen t loans. pi

incyJoans. a

^our credit K le (act thaly o u .n e e d ________ _ . . *■tSecurity. j

-------- . JS

— ----------- - P/iftgs certiU cM ei. ' _ ^

s a v in g s ,. ---------— 2

______ [ t!

Page 15: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

f e

IS III^ ^ . n f ft b ro k e n th e m

lEL “ i i l S S m tr a v e l to MCO) J5®®,!. lA H U fT la a h -b o tw e

i r » j y S ^ l d S a tu r d a y . Tv

sS Boise o n ^; » th e T w in F a l l s B n i ta

t J * nf S o u th e r n l^ n h oW s 5 1 2 1 ^ 2 ^ = = =

-Bowling IKIW uK *a

> « i i t w ' • « . x s ' “ . ' i i ' - '«

^ s g l i S H ' S s i i ; '■, j u S T 5 ”

; s5 - s ? £ s > S i i “ t "I

MrfW. Uo 8Un«. poM - ,»^KIi'> M«ul>-:W»n'.I*'"*- “ *7 COi f l BL llltli h»nJk»p «*•"» »••"»■ ,

i l l I M* lll»l> h»n<ll«» '«•? ;I I

w - ' s S r S S K . S “ : S

IAS i s ^ s s s- “ » ^ S 3 f -T r .l» r i:«. lllfh bijJ}- f t II ?t*« Ktl"t P'»«ll'»-T*'«'"»» *!»**• thiIlley km. tn

Hid n____.n; UulUcn d tf« l^ Kl* 8*'

•S ST^'i W-ll" <!«♦•>•> f!"!™ >»S • rr .;in f '! i? ’..r;r^T * -“ j; i ' S ‘a . K . " 5 . . ’ o,™i l l U V S i . - r . a . i s i h - S B ,

”« i s a . r i s r . s r s ™ ”' Z J ^ .’ii**' ** • W!

PK. r .u i» n . th.

*’v3fl aowwcnoM B „tw o tji,^ TV*<W«w4*8«rtI»'i JlrttJn*

■d.C'A WuhMual runt. Dt«n r«ut*r^ fu:I Item aifli IbdltrUuI'MriM. tXtn sh) HI. JlJik » n t th U*« Un o .. m IbllihaB'* lUcblMd Stt. lUlK "

ifuls Hlth Kr»t(b tMm „-.— HKKrtiiW.-B(»hiw*-*ua------^1 IiMr K llm tl !«•■«•- - - P< jrf I, IMf 0»» irf«t*4 riB Wl»flm mi

IIW ^ f n f M m u i Oa u>d OIU ^ fJ I Ont CIrtslu dtTnUd a*B< !!•(• r*UUnl t. J.I. Wltt rwtm d*r«t«d Skitwr leg“ » . , « .o „ ,5___ ___4 ^ ‘l. K g i.j »«• Hlih InJI'Wx*'JEi IS U ilii Mt.i«h%im ’nm*. Ct

21 Jir”n a * tHDf«Jir Four Me*. Illth Knuh a rraJli . . n« iir Tdur !.»«#. n l M CUMlt.MiUr L<ar» u ,------- *oet>l»rttit»-Tl»fntrt-Kwr»l-l.*u#li i "0 t J.Up Clfrntfll'. OU »•!•p *in l»_d>r>«t«<l T n r Kullonal U]S i “ a - W e , r „ t : s s - , - K S : '«

n*i!w M1tUu4| nmr. II. T tm ir t i t

0 SrerJI : ----:*I»4«I.W-L.m « » ' .......... „

; liit f«WT)I(iV' jibiW M«%» Pe»»» ^ A JAM t e,nk«ll i j l ? Vmiof Ml

XitV la lridu J . Minr. 1.0U Morton bc

BOBHO ->«>Wrli:.1l!»b1<«mf»tM.TKtVX itlfh^uxllMp tnm lD|« . » J . l4it I PolBU Charon :.»M.. II * * rt Miub tnm atriM, EJt rronlUr ._

^ ' ■»» fip.rht>1un r

rfti • d*f«iniid U>rl-Sh»TP |DVW, 'j™ < Jlopp-nrirtt »•!. X2 Aaunwn.Ab*»«

__ ij- ‘»B»n>l>tnjajIUh,ln'll»M“*! J l------ ? % ''’* “ ■’"'« '> **". Cllnlen E»rf

’• nijb Kntrh- i««m aiBift Hom- i ‘‘»"'lle«t> i-<n »»"».• ■

7(1. itiih h»n(ll«B W—

"f u>t »»»k M«ir 8b»TP. — ■'•'«» E*ii,. ■ W

Sliarpshooting Pitt Wins 84-63 SPnTSBUROH. Jai>. a WVi- l«t ^ Plti baake»»U t<vn wllh Uc

^ k™ .s u . , m . . : w rf.

• • 1« only 15-15 In the t in t g ibefore the Psniheni moved n , lo Slay nl J0-:5. Pitt held »

- • - ^------ ^^-oy /^ .inuo li.aa-30 -po laU gjt____ tlrie^ during the twond ot

- ftU hid two player# In double At!____ S '* ' *^th' 20 by

W j and Dave'RofflBjj-wjlh-n; J -

— |jillets-Rmi-Past rniladelphian S

33 WV-BlB f "

5e Ktoounda U> puceS 5»^‘imore BuUeia Us * 124-

— 1- « ™ iL B « ik e t6 iU I.« S 0 C la ; ] l S i 5 2 7 ® ';" PhUadelphla

^ I»t th il monlh for ’J ih « . . *• w nnected on 13 of tn f ^ V *" floor u d K tcn fir O ef hi. ” throws. He acored He loi. ^ P®'"'* tn the final pe- w^

'■‘“’Ofy In four *h Bulleta and iheir •

J e r o n t e T e s t s

[eiriK epfnom etcr-th ir 'S ou th -C cn tral-ldne and the proof w ill come F rid ay nigh 1 to sccond-plttcc M ountain Home. Aloi 3h-betw een-the-H ag<innan .P im te8 nnr irday. Twin Falla B ru ins begin th e las _------ — --------:— ^ i d ^

stFGaKwelirS m e f c ^ E n d i,11s Bruins im proslid ovcr the f i r s t m ■ j8on? T ha t’s a question th a t w ill ^ j a : ^ e k : : C ! ^ v 4 f c n 7 w l n - r a l l [ ? , ^

m Idaho conference gnmea.' AVith ^---------A rt V andenbark show ing in‘0

c o n t i n u e d im provem ent**^* : from his ankle in jury an d Steve ■ B e e r . back in fo rm , »nd-

M Tvln ralla ahould prove be tter tine< "**^J^;t.Uiin the hunch of Bruina who UL Vu >< t to these twp tluba la De* Unes

i«i iiom< ccmbcr. leg l» u i u<* Twin r» tts cftrrlci a i - i league back

record and 7-5 overaU mark Into ..» 8Tb*.u Uirrr‘ofTn-a'i5-hni“notniniT1n

V m u n the way o( title dreuna. **The ‘f big thin* aboul ihla week-end i« i tlS 1* tha t 11 Is th e a lan of Ihe aec*« 'Ku>tc ond'round. I t g lv« us kind of

a mirror look a t ourtetvea and aee l ust how we're doing.” u jr s hanc

■ 7.tM ?ri* 'w ch~P^~0»lyiL "I a m -m m - defei c v tiin fled mjrtclf-thal ve are a be tter W)

o*“*> no* »o were ^ f o r e b it <IU* *.». chriaunai bu t how much bett«r H aji gunitr I don’t know. Of court?, I «up> tocnt

•0 sunc pose 'the~other clubs have been ferercomlng.alone.u».t:---------- --- , o ff i

Vs> i««n .Tlie Bruina expect a hecUe earll K nub night against Boise and have |,ack

been“ w o rk ln g -a s tln s i-a fa s t to i i,f.rr»i>. break and press Ae!eiue. -BclM le^y, fJ Kmi- opens wiUj a press and tf lta to mus]

harross you everywhere all th e « l t rB i«»rt Ume, We 4 't l * pretty, good Job thla . J*nnr against them laat time utttll I

<l«lded to throw .the preu back ^ “ biVdt. * t * « « • T hey ripped ua up Ior iu three or (our quick basket* and pgjji

**"■ that was th e game." blow"Caldwell, la a different club,

»*, C w They like to u je pnttemed of- p^ni ■fenie” iilUIBU8irthfjTlnjn-lf-7tni -nfj-

Kim fflM tftem thff ehutee. Caldwell {* 0 . Curira Is a steadier club than Bobe q ,

but Boise, bccause It likes to run r and hawk the bell. U more ex- , iidMirt plosive." Ost>Ti added.._UtBt7 _oolng-lnto-ihe_w e<k=end tha " hVSd'; Brains are l«J Jn sewing by Beer, ,Ur.m* who Is averaging l U to confer- '" • J r i - enw play «md 9.8 overall. H e Is " “ • hltUng a t ft 33 per cent clip Irom ^ tul so . the field and 71 per cent a t the---------- ,fniii» ilnr. Biie^t«ve_Hum phrers

and Kirk Wi/Uwns ara •om ng ^ .Hr.uiif Ihe leading percentag* shooUr* “ ,t«] w «t In the league.

Humphreys has been success- ^ e n ful on 43 per cent of aU the * “J'

i«.D«tn jhota he'8-tak e n - th ls -y ea r-a n d “ ®, M im S ia {Jed wlUi PocaWlo'a Bruce Jmittoa Ouldlnger In th a t department. , o i rl-; 8»ii Humphreys also ranks fUt& In leaVi ^?.***°* conference shooUng, hitting 43 fhU

p ff~ «H rm erfl7T f tr® n iln - th ln j r t k w if f l^ man missed m ort of l u t week's In*

BeU«t<toe-»«apMJJi,JahKleft ot-t I Skiimr leg but he has appeared healthy Hon

U»U week In pracUce. TJflSiSfdMi Williams, a Junior, leads the sche

I. V«S'if centnge ahootlng. He had h i t 14 test of Iff MtlempU tor the aeaseo for

b lenub a Sharp 87 per cent cllp-»nd Is >Mk,». nine for 10 and BO P«r cen t In ij>' n i-uuBi. >««“ “ou M . “ T l i n 5ruin8‘ hiV8-no-T m «-^n —SsK.i!on.i the top five In rebounding or the

'" i i f fT S S W E n ilM .rcTill- S tmtf t a u n j 31 per cent for all inunes. je " '. '/ o i i Uie second lowest percenUge In jng ^ A<m« Uie league. Their Iree throw The

____ shooUng ls.67_per cent_overall dowi, and IB in I n g u f play jmd they h<w

are averaging 44.7 and 45J belt. points." r t specUvely. counr~Cuini8ibelyi all oppohenta h a te ioop

I Morton been hottest against Twin FaUs, Ferr hilUrig 39 per-cent of Uie shots Fllei

S'I* from the /ieJd. roes are a v erss- Ue. tp tntii ing 44.7 and 48.6 against them . Oi.n :.»!«. ------ ---------------------- > a n

B o b sled d erIsS i : i KiHedon .. - s i s f ) l y m p i d R u i r | ;

-• DW SBaUCX, .AusWa, J a n . 23h,n* I«B in — K aslm len Kay-8kr*ypcskl. NE •: liifb so-yearH}ld member of B r iu ln ’s New

' w X e s d a y of Injuries received Uienr - , jf-h';uii~%f r if^ r 'v>wrirT'i‘~PBrf fn . J):« l

ed off Uie chute a t nearby Igls. 'U ie : & The Olympic press offlc« an- ! 9 nounced hla deaUi afler bobsled )t> racers of four nations had cn- a IM - lered bllK r complalnu over prac- a™" n wlUi lice arrangements on Uie bob run. o n '■ M ts ld t a?TW>ag(r«mfnr,- t e a wn <w->offg i j a 3 Wed- In the Olympics, Is a new even , j

■ bn the program for Uie Winter he fIrat games, w hich optn next week. «, moved naces are held on ley run# down , 5,

itt held ^ mountainside. . ^ la«{ftlme _uTiJC_pre«_loWJetf_Mld K ay- ^ i-polau B km peak l-d led -lrom -a-lea rlu s .— It] second of the aortft — Uie main artery

----------that-carrles blood from Uw heart.double An operaUon to aave U>e racer jjj IU) 20 by a massage o f.U ie.heart.fall- »o f j lh - n ; « j:-A fiir“h l a - e ^ - T n 6 flty r h t ig ::T O w u -re p o rin ]~ lo - have--suffered

. fractures o f the akuU. pelvis and j.

(ifu-BIs cr»tlon. Practice • la 41nilted ; to oolnS t’TO*>n“ » team s on,ona n m and

four-man th e nexL ,

M ontreal T i e s . ^

„ rto For Loop LeadnUi for TORONTO, Jan. a crv-Mon- n 13 of treal Canadlens moved Into a d aercn fJrrt-pIaeo U« In Uie' N a t l o ^ scored Hockey league WednMday n lshU

nal pe* whipping Toronto 3-0 behind goalie 'C harlie Hodge's aecond

in four sliuiout In six daj-s. “ d their The Canadlens Increased Uieir^' PhUa- loial points to the aame num­

ber as'C hlcago. which, was Idle. IK M

!sts Tigers®1 1 5 ^

e n tra M d a h o -c o n fc rc n c c - b a a k c ts id a y n ig h t w h e n th e pacc -se ttin g )m e . A lo n g w i th th a t one com es n t M nnrf r» m n < P nu n ty \ f t ia h . B W n t h e l a s t h a l f xif th e S o u th e m K W

I d a h o c o n fc K n c e sch trfu le [ L ^ i j d o s l i n g —C ald tt-cH -and ' ^ K l I B o ise . T h e in te re s t in th e t a a

7 J e ro m e - M ount.iin H om e K B JI game took on ■ npw meaning . I j W— Wedoesday-wjTcn-aK.-American - | Z B d

I center Robb Williams, averaging B H14.8 points per game. « u hurt

f i r s t In a phyalcs class experiment. w il l Williams, 6.|oot. Suich center. ■ ■

v in g In 'o n rm d e* >nd.UUrd linjer of n e n t hand when a Uiermom* [I; ..- _ j et«r he was Uuerimg into a

rubber stopper suddtaJy snapped .> rm i and-the-Jagged-snd.cul-lmo-lils •> « tte r fitigen . WUllams Joins anoUier ^v: w ho senior. Rod Oano, on Uie' side- D t‘ lines. Oano has been out wiUi a r < ^ ' -

leg Injury all season bul may be tague back In acUon next week. ’ "**

. ”1 guesa we have to slart keep* K i n l " m e these kids out of the da is" ~ p T i , i*;5 toom and In Uie gym more." . T i ^ J

aec-Id of Jerome currently l e a d s Uie l M J

u td league < iU> ■* i ~0 record and B B * ! says handed M ounuin Home Its only

a m ; defeat.^------- -— --------------------------le tter While Jerome mulls Its latest «fore b it of fate, Cam u Counly and Mtter Hagerman p r e p a r e (0 decide ■ ■ i su p - tcm ethlng In Che Northilde ccn- been ference. Camas County knocked

, off Uie Pirates by three points lecUc earlier this year but then (ell have back Into Uie pack on a {lefeat fas t to the Carey Panthers. - That

BcIm leaves jw th U» P lrs to and ea to Mushers, one of which is expect* m ic th e o(t to wear the crown, needing ituaael1 Job thla gams badly................................wolvei‘“ 1 3 Traveling to Biiu, but wlUi an im w

e ar awalling th e KagerrQan* gunea P Camas County game, Uie Carey — -

paaUiw* have become a full , ^ blown UUe oonUnder. WlUi a W r

club. prtdllecUon for big scores. Uie O L i o f- PanUiers have to keep winning (■5^ alfd 'hope-ro rhe lp on the oUier

OncB again th a weet*end schedule calb for 19 games. • .

In addlUon W the Mountain " , th s Hpme-Jerome clash, the Soujii j J j r centrtl-ldaho-loop-will-have-Uie n v c ra

winless Pller Wildcats hosUng Lanc< 2L , , Uie Uiird ptace Ooodlng ScnaWrs j g K valley, seekmg Its J "

second league win. will be a thaven t .om ori

2 ^ In the Big Five conference, f w s ? paoe-setUng .a n d undefeated th e w WendeU sUys home to host tho Count: wlnless Hailey Wolverines while lead, I

: -_ d tho second-place Olenns Perry foes U<tr»^ PlloU 'lraverioTClm lKrly.---------- Pune.-m ent. 'O n U>e SouUulde. Hansen will 1“^ " ' th in leave the area to test Rockland

43 WhUe B a it Blver makea U» long fW ie r 4rak4o Cai Uafwd - a irrtaU yJcafc

feek's ing the league. Dodo mores out S ofcon ferenco p l y to test the ^ a jthy H ornets a t O akley..

The -Prlday Northslde league 3 *,^^J the schedule baa-Uie Hagerman Pl* ja n se r

P fr . r a ta i w armlng UP for frtu rday 's n o d 1 j l t 14 test by hosting D le trlch -a team a n a n c /o r H agennan. c a n t afford to over- m jd p. nd Is look. Bliss tries lo tu n e Uie high- b q r n t in fU'ln* Carey PanUien and Rich- m » :

field moves Into Qoodlng 6U ie. a n d 1 ia -^n —ssturday’s-spoUight-swlags-to Cmmt: Ig or the Hagerman-CaiBas C o u n t y kins,

game b u t Uiera are eight oUier l U : 0r h l t r good r o e s T - " - ----------------------- and-O .ames, Jerome aUys on Uie road, mov- l O ^ d Be In Ing across the county to Valley. Bngl Jtrow The Tigers can 't afford a le t- Uie m< verell down win or lose a t Mountain 31 whl ihey Home. ValJey.WUJfIJJke nothtoff W hit*. H5J bcltei' Uian lo'whlp'Q ielrTilgger 20 an«

county cousin. Buhl steps out o t season,■^avfr ^oop-affftln lo h r i t nirnnn, fouls Falls, Feny while WendtU moves Into 'Cam as shois Flier for another non-league bat- hind , e ra s- Ue. Boyelem. Oakley traveb to Shoshone In '

a non-conference batUe while 24-Ink Decio hosu outsider Kimberly, 40 ove

Carey receives a Te^um vUlt from second Leadore.ln the ( of the Countj

™S?£„ ■ ’ Rangers Rally to— Drop Bruins 6-4-peskl NEW YORK. Jan . 33 u w n ie based ( u ln ’s New York Bangsrs spotted Boa* fouls,

dlrd tnn an early two-Rpal lead and B ibs icived the iren itJledT enoar-B O ilrtn^e onc^w r r r n . final period for a .6.4 victory over B ears-•gb. 'th runnsrw ednesaay -n lgh t;------ -whll«r-<. . Phil Ooj-ette and Bod Ollbert Care;L ,2 d were the spkrks In the Rangers’ fo r th eW n thlid-perlod comeback. Ooyetto pe r oui , " actirtd twice and GUbert-assisted g*rmarf ” ® on Uiree of Uie goab. New York M.e ar

™ entered Uie flnsle trailing 3*2. aonal ti^ R « H e 3 a v E in c in tra jc a T S “ t whi*

5” " a t 2:11 Ued Uie game 3*3 and ported /inter ingarfleld put Uie Rangers <jepartr

m U n t for Uie first Ume. 4-3, down jijg on a back-Tiander. Ooy*

eite added Uie Insurance mark* ‘ era. BostonS Bob U lU r wound ^ - U i t-acorlng— ,— ---------

tm r t . _ _ i i j R E S - C O A C n _______ g ii 'J 'S ,racer jjer KELBY, Calif, -Jan. » (fl — -

-H ow ard WhUc. backfleld coach ac ffw fT W M -S»te-for U»e paat —B U tso -y w n r* < “ 'N ««'W ediiesday - rB L

• BX Uie fourth asslsUnt to new —. . universiiy of California footbaU

Bltilnt, ewch.Bay-Wlibey.. . ---------- - _ Y |

tional . - j ,y TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS 'ro ^ jO T 'S E C E IK O -R E S U L T a -T ts ia i


r J M O N ; , J A h l v 2 7 >£ ! BASEMENT OF THE El

■ Coroe ani Bring a SU•their . _____________________________

Id le..(

t h e



tiehe ^^^IKEijnnn e ,2 3 k . * H U■''» • K w d ian - s bJ I m m Ing



<n* [ I ; . . . \ n

Md. ' W

■itr nle- . ' . l lI a ;<^y- . •

' ' ' V

E $ r o:esi

:lde j S j | j | t e | « ^ H j | H

fedn ts(ell'eathat

*t* MICHIOAN"S SCO RlN a ACE8 BIU **'5 Rusaell. a aophomore from CUeago, ar

W e1verln*t-on top o f.tbe .B lg .lO jace, an IM Kbounda. Russell haa scored 318

an* gunea and la second In tb e Aasotlalei rey -■ ----------------

'2 Scoring DonA n e m p h a s is o n s c o r i n g in th

i s a m p ly s h o w n w i th 14 m e n can the n v c ra R c s . th r o u g h - th e .£ ir f i t . t l i i r< Ung L a n c e A ra v e , G o o d fn g S t a te r , 1

a n 1 8 .5 a v e ra g e b u t t h e tn il Red i t t i o n f r o m H n g e r m a n soph*

e n x < )m o re A la n . B o y e r , h i t t i n g ilL f» P .1 8 rp o in t c lip . T h e do ­

nee. f e n s f v e re c o rd s aJa<> fihtiw - c n : Ited th e scoring urge. Only Camas tho County. currenUy Ued for the hlle lead, h a s managed to hold loop jui tr ry foes to less than SO points per (jin------- gtune.-Tho-M uih«r»' lowanco Is 4S. h»i„ r t T ho lU t..o f leading scorers, ni.i ^ conference nnd -ownUl season

averages, includes Lanco Arave,‘*“r -O ood lnre ta t* ,-ieii-A lan-B oyer. - 0. 1. 55?: H agerm an. IS and 15,l ; Lee J*"

co o k, c a m . IM and J5.4; Low- i;.^ e ll W ard. RIchlleld, 14 and 13; o.i,

*«'i® Berg. Ooodlng Suite. 13.7; Jnn Kim Pl* Ja n sen . Richfield. 135 and 12J):

l a ^ R o d ^ e t ^ °i

ver- »nd 8 i . _l8h- E o n Knowles, Dietrich, 12 and Ich- l o s : Ray Sparks, Carey. U J Late, a n d 10^; BarUiolomew. Camas Ji- to c m in tT .- lia and OJ ; Mitch Per- __n ty kins, OoodUig SUite. lO.i and ther l U ; T erry White, Hagerman. 10 k ----- « ,d -O V » n d rR a y -C artc r..C arty . —,0V. 10 a n d 8.lley. Engles has been charged wlUi le t- the m ost foub In loop play wiUi tain 31 WhUe Rudd, Carey, and Terry ling W hit*. Hagerman. foUow .wlUi, „ jger 20 and-18, respecUvely. For Uie t o t season, d s l e s and W hit« had 41 ■nns fouls each wh'lie Walcrbiiry,']Into tSam as UOUlliy, u ' uul> tw t)-b*-j —4 bat- h ind . /

Boyer has a big lead In Indivl* | Jn dual- free th rtw shooUng wlUi pn

hUg 24. In confcrcnce acUon but his Jl* . 40 overall ponverslons rank him rom sccond to M itch Perkins, camas the coun ty , who has 42. Perkins b

ru n n er-u p In ioop play with H.Bliss continues lo I. ad the

, league In free %row-neVcentaget o fo r the conferenw season atI- '- .700 w h i l e Hagerman. ovcraU

— Jeader_w lth_.TJ3,.b.runnfr-upJn I _loop play a t .720. Percentages are

n ie based on conversions to opponent Jos* fouls. ' Aand B ib s and Carey ai e running K -the one-two-ln-oont«r»noa-fQuln,„tlld . R ivcf Bcars_averftglng_a0.5_a_ffB m i; g-----■w hlle-Oarey-has-an-«ven-2Q -_l _ 'R>ert Carey U U top point producer A ers' fo r th e conference, averaging 8U ^ Btto pe r outing while co-leaders Ha­lted germ an and Camas County are ork 5g.e and 8S.3. respecUvely, Sea- Ai 2. aonal team ^cords are n o t avail-!r??‘ ahl« 'aa no t «tr~y/imi»»~wrw -re» ' ---- -‘n<l ported to the Times-News spo rli'

departm ent. •4-3. NORTIIRIDB COSPERSNCE I O' oy* • ,W I. For Ant.r|c. Ctmtt Couflir (*.<) t 1 aiO >'*

'»-S)___< 1 S»»nfch«.ij ___I t «» •*« ^ 1

DMrich "(Ml____ ! 0 1 TlO S*1- i .-c * « s ii i« .su u _____« ._ s _ iw j«_ 19

,— , ; . $1 « t _ B L U E _ L / S % / ? i - A J _ _ $ l lay - :-B L A Z E W w A l h M T o p Q u a lity A W oy*— « t

- - W A R B E R G '^ - _DS 733-737X •


^^27> 8:00 P .M .: THE ELKS 100GE “ “ ng a SiocJdiolder!

' S a i S T h u n d iK J

f .. ■ ■ ■ ,,.

■ j R P ”

ACES BIU Duntin. left, a Z30-pound Junior CUeago, are Uie one* two scoring punch ke«I llt.lOjace,.BunUi},.6 (eft. 5>j.Ineh_e.,_haa a scored 318 polnti w ith 13S rebounds. 3!leli » AMOtbted r re » poll. (AP wlfirphoto) ____

Dominates % [^Statistics•Ing in th e N o rth s ld e c o c f e r e n c e . , m e n c a rry in g 10-po in t, o r b e t t e r • |£ i r a t . t l i i rd .o U h e J o Q p , s c h e d u le ____

S ta te r , co n tin u es to le a d w jth J tn il R edskin h a s .some c o m p c tl-

‘ 9 C a g e S l a t e

W - = r o r ^ r S ? & : --------- -----------amas J>mnt U Sliiunuln llutB*.,•** Vtlk',"^l*Piih"."’ loop lUli^ tt W.n<l<ll.

I per fileiiBi r.try t l KlmUrlr. e ^ . 0><k> •! Otkln.

Hturn at tlnrblimt. orers, »l^IUl»nniB

S.°."loyer, — j ______ ___

Lee •* v.iio;:

ir,; • .Jnn Kimbetir t i D«i«.

,12?: • • a r ii —

P U ^ ------


• thef v',......................................... 41 • J |K * -biiry,' — ------- -i------------------—i-bfr-^ -■ / y ___ - - f ____

divl* i /wiUi ■■I his him

imas ^ _ ' '' .TS b ■H. I R e m o tiu fc e tu rc d

S ALLSTATE- a l l e n g in e s

... ......... _ ^

^ re "R ed L in e " ____Sea- A ite m b lim -> « s low a tvail-'

S r ^ ^ 5 9 . 0 0 ---------------------

and y o u r old E ng ine ”^7,V 1 9 4 9 -5 2 C hcY rolo t ' '

»40 - •■fit O lher b lo c k o s s e m - . -

" B I ie s 'w U H -T F a a e n -r i= - — i j*J J 9 4 2 - 5 3 .P l y r n o u t h ,

$ T 5 9 ;o o n 9 4 9 : 5 3 W d : — ' _ -$ 1 5 9 .0 0 .^ : . _ • ■ ■

V ' ' • ‘ No doW n~Poym enf • - --■ — A s low o s ' 1 1 .5 0

__ - _____ a_m oD ih________ __ , J

• 2 4 7 A lls ta te En- > i' -------g in e s - to -c -h -o o ^ e - —■ " - f r o m : ---------— —

• Up to 2 8 5 B rand.'N ew P o r ts irx A ll: ^

_ s ta te E ng ines.

■ • 4TobO-Mile- Of 9 0 - H . day N a t io n • w ide

.G u o ro n tee .

SEARSPhone 7 3 3 ^ 8 2 1 » 1

indoyv J a n T S J T l^ ^ 1 5 “ ^ 5 0 1


. u ; L star befc ' .; ' ' '■ Aprll-n,. w h t / t his fsli fr 1 Iqng.and

cause he because" Uke" wh

2 i e 2 - ‘0 ^0 ^■ be lilted.E League

seUe plai Karras, c

'' H ~ to eonsll. 'H

H 7 ' - IB Tha llH5 r - ' - ' - f l u>s tmW . . : W IR8I. eari

- • ^ ^ 5 ^ - ------ — H er honorH I ■'8| ' Qreen E

^ AU-Amer • winner a

TiiU : ' away fn>:

- t y . J a g ^ K fc • ■__ uld -H urto get bfl

i, ■ Honiungfull Umi

cause' called U

B l w '- ‘' u 5 * r * ’ e d ln m c tice WlU'


nd Junior from Detroit, and Csnls . ^ unch keeping coach Dave Slraek's ^ bet, baa aoored US polnU and lusnds." J l i a i n n " bM ■ w o B - ^ 3 - e t '« ' t » 'i»t>to) '

i le i ,______________

± WE

Coming 0T ’A " FIR_ ■ shop Grade

-ptYWOOD— ^4 'x 8 ' sh ee t

------ Shop-Grade----- ■PLYWOOD ^4 'x 8 ' sheet

1 4 c = q . K ^

' - 3 / 4 " T | R = =Shop Grade

— PilYWOOPr—4 'x 8 ' sheet s

| 3 C s q . f t . -

Va" S hop G ro d e Pre-H nlihed 4*>


x4 sr8FooM

M1 3 2 3R D ST . WEST


f io r m m g M isse s ] flop e^ iof-S econ ifl-L 0U I6V IL L & .-K y,,-Jan..J3-in ,especially-. -AJUiottgh o ttte r btalneai la ler- lev*. J> e « fsU haVe kept him acUve, Paul YMCA and llomung aald today. "I've mlssed'.squash. M; fooUiaU »er>-. very m u ^ ." |said .

Uonal Football league suspenslon'alon-when case n e « m onth. Hamung s a i d , ' h e -ts-hgpetu l-the^defim te-ban ■ •P y th a l l on hu playfng wiU be lified. Ujn*!

llom ung. a Oreen Day .Packers’ star before he . was suspendedA pra -n ,-iB 63^fa t^b*U U is_4a ld l!^L 2z ,h ,his fall from grace was w p e c f a ^ l J ^ ^ S f ’ king and pa liifu l-iw i merely be-' cause he Had been at the '> u l |u ^ tm e n t . because “I made Uie terrible m b- Uke" whicli causcd the. fall. I

Homuiig sa id he was grateful' I f r k V J l lo Uio N FL. Player* assoclatlan; for ursliig th a t Uie suspension P p l f i ^

League commLvila'ner Pete Ro- CINCINI seUe placed Honiung and Alex C incinnati Karras, of DetroU. on sn Indell* league Irac

lo*M M lS r^^ tlfM g^ *U «^ ^ ^^ ^ ^'*Tlw* Ro; slons a fte r Uie 1983 season." on top liv

Tha handsorne. Homung led n ie Natloi Ul# t m scoring 19iS through tlon, by ? ' IR81. earning mosl valuable play* aeries edgt er honors liv. I88lv He came t o paced b; Qreen Day a fte r becoming an no y a ls cc AU-America and Heisman trophy goab whIi winner a t N otre Dune. only 34.’

T ills h as been ray f in t timo A fler a awsy from Uie sport iri 17 years.’,' rlod. Dosti ssld-HomuusrjSUlDlLJImJSchlng R nyals.rri to get back in the Intigue and U> B:SB and start prac tice a l Orten Bay.” th a t. Tlie

I t h as been quite a while since i04-84 lati Honiung h as been able to devote tull Ume to Uie game. He saw' limited action during W83 be- ' ’ S f i n r cause of a knee Injury. He wascalled to acUve dtitv ‘wlUi the •____ - _ farmy during 1861. While he play* * ed In m ost fam es, h t dldn'l prao*: tice w ith th e team. . I C ' l

' ~ ^ g ~ tp e n -k c e p ln r tn -sh a p « ^ - | ------

"^njoT aclw a I R A 3 M INUTE I

C A R WASH Ii- • W •M A IN-A ^T.-BO liTU -1

" W F V r G 0 1 ~

fW O €g Out Of OupE

k :

PL4 \ 8 *

n lthed 4 'x 8 's h e e t i f l l

r PLYWOOD .,......... I I

T-ROCKwafe o o t L o n g ^ ^ -

J M B E R C <..................- v i . , . - :-------

s s e s F o o t b a H ^c o M X I l i a i i c e i d jc srw -m lly - tw rrtrs t ln g rm my ,aBlev*. J> e worked otit a t ti# tocal - JYMCA and have pbyed a lot of r :squash. My weiglit b s t 231,' h» Uitaald. . • ■ 3H

Ttnrmiwg th» in»~iw-slon-w hen It came, but w u sub- - ' Sued and rrrst'fallro . •.

... .•'F oothairm rint m m jirb Jam a— and L guess 1 lel a lot ol pMple down." he said.

•Tm '-glad I told th e 'in i th . I • J feel more hurt because ot my t i

Homuiig,’ 71. a biuhelor. Uvea • ■ jw ith h b moUier. In a modest r- lupartm ent. /*

; R o y a ls ^ Ik n d le ____C eltics Again '

CINCINNATI. Jan, 23 m ~Tho C incinnati R o y a ls oulhusUed league leading Ikytan W edywlay

th r l r worst detsat of .the season.10fl-P2.__ " ________-

T lic Royals nov.trall lioston. on top liv the Easiem dlvUlon ot the N ational Oasketball associa­tion, by ? ’i edmti snd*ho}d s 0*4 series edge lor the Mason.

Paced by Oscar Robertson, tho 1 Royals connected o n ' 43 field 11 goab whiie Deaton could lilt for . 3 only 34.’ • •. . . •

A fler n B-S (ie In the first p e - ' , rlod. Boston went ahead, But theRoynls.rrgained tha 1 ^ lOj B ab____B:SB and were neverniesded after- th a t. T lie Roj'ab' biggest lead was 104-84 late In Uie fourth quarter.

; B rin a your radiator— —/ro u 6 f€ 8 - io r ---------------

i _C L Y D E !S^ _ ll RAD IATOR

SHOPktS Wasblngtim « * - « «

Ml o n


m_ H " - E I R ^ E

R ou g h Shop G rad* :

PLYWOOD_ ^ L J 3 c J ^ L

I l C s q . f t ;

j^ ee t S C ^ f i T I

r ^ v . ^ e a - 5 3 c

C O .7 3 3 -2 9 1 0

Page 16: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

■ T h u 'r « d .y ,J .n .5 3 ,1 9 6 4 ' lEO,

Decision on

WASHINGTON. J»n. 23 WV—TUU n u y be ihe ye«r (tf declalon ,.,u .

.JOT U it*N U «.X intUnlMlK aya- Icm. nv

ir PrciW eni Johnson tnd 5 « - ih i.- r r u r y o l tXf«n»« Rolifen 8. Mc-

- N am «m decide t o -permit-p ro - ------■ c |ueaonrll-cpuW rae»n »pencilns

ultinialely u much m so bllllon dollars. ‘ |.„i,ti.

-------OeleiiSy^orileUU.—diiCUisJiiJ ____Uie new mllliary buditel. said ••»e s re not /»r enouith *loni! is •

,e n ' Ntke-.;: to make tny <lfcl- jiion" for procuremtni or d«- |» ,itilf>vmenl o t the «iitlinia.Mle ^^y»» [:}[

— tetrir I

or con. dunna talfiidur 18M." •?'' [ M cunihlle , *orK on. ihe Nike* hu.u

X‘->nlt 80 forward on a priority «ui> b»ali. •

Fo rthU . Uie budRft provldei more lhan Uie 3M million dol- u . . lar.t aIlotle<J . la il yrar to alnf^ development ot liie Nlke-X and 1,

. to conUnue icitlim the com* m a. punlon Nike Zeu* aiillmlulle.

- 11 v*a only a year ano tha t—xH h«-lale-I^ek>d«iil-Joh»-i'.-Kcn*-----

iwdy ftpprovfd Ui# Nlk«-X proj- «'}* ect and Uie Indlcatlonii are th a t f prcwrea* haji been awlll. ' T<ln. “Wo win Kei *ome teal rrnulu

. In the courM rot calendar lOW.” offlclaLi aald. cm

Inform ed »ourc<'a. reported a ih i . Vey element. In Uie Nike-X *y»-

■ u m —A auperfa»l mliuin* calletl ^ .in Sp rln l-w o u ld be (c«i fired tor „r i. ih e .tln il Uxnc In A'prll or Uicre-

■ T ho mrmy ull’l -have lo over* liw. ' c tm e Uie akepUelam ol McNa- p»*'

marft and .Dr. Itarold. Brown.0)8 PentA<on1i retearch and cn- ij.tx BlneertnB director. -

K enrody reflected Uielr doubU l u l A u s u a l when lie told a mm

• ••'new j conferenco-ha thought the . probletna of dereloplns an effec-

live defense agaiw t mliilie a t- ef n------ t«clc-“ls'beyond-u»-ai>(l-b*yond

U i 60. 1.U l«hTi]c«llj.." E,”- Johnaon haa not apoken pub- .sd

•llcly on thla point, bot It U likely yj<i. he would ubide by Uie advice gtf«in Jilw by McNamara. r w

. FARULY f tE I 3 REDS HANNOVER, Germany, Ja n . 23 ti.

HT—A fam ily ot four mad# I t to fc* ■ W est O ennany by croailnK Uio '■ froze n Utfper B bo river on tho a

" “ tw a e r w r t i rE c ro e n r tu iy rc u i -■ tom* officUdi aald Wedneaday.

T h e Tuesday nlgtit^cKape. took■ place under cover of UUdt fog. •» i

•n»» fiimlly brought aome poaacs- ' s lons (tcroaa In a aled and a ,)mu



. istb* •bon bub«4 d«Wtnl> b.U

You *r« b«»br nolinid tktl • mb- for pUlat ku b*ra tn>4 m 'Ih I ^ lb*

ralla? br tb* abcn* nin>4 |>l>lnllC(. (hatar tb» psrpoM of ebt*!!!!!!* >,0*em of I • ( DIrom. •milQi tbMluUlr. ll» U . band! e t BttrisMar i>o<r tibllns b*> T>IKMS JOO and U>* tUIMltfi lb*l •»IJ nnlMU1« -of kcUon te bw ^ Upon *ll«f*d for itb . pUlnUft: ««d rw • t. 'b m b r Due

— f ctb* MrrlM af Uili AIIm Buanant vpoa filpbygui aad you an funbfT ncllMMS (bi( tadiialtaa rou aa nstmr aal »l«*d ta til l r*t>liS S m tI t* u ! 'Bl.l?l’tf ‘ “ ’in j l u S “'cju (^ a ^ l . acalut irra at jn r* d la jlnli

- D*pu(r CUik. ibTWAT * May Kr(:B Y J. ALHIOMAY’ pro.

— l — AUMWa-far.l'lalntUf._________apviI II Strand airwt £a» el ITwin r^lli. Idaho. for

rubltohl J a m il . » . M .r.b. tr l»M. «n.NOTJCB TO CRtDITORS _ J j i


- jn^ ^ J k^m atteii o r tub estate j jj j** o r DWIGHT T. H».Ti:R.DCCBAatO fj*‘

^^NOTICE IS lIEKrD^OlV^.^blj . . .of.Dwliht T. llrt»r, df»**»"l,,io.ib»------«r*«IUin-nt.-mnd- mil-T»i»OB«-haTlBf----- alalm. a t . |» t tb. Mid d.—Md..U> . . .

klbll (b«m wllb lilt nKmarr vouebtn •Itbon four (»| mcnlhi .f l.f (b. atU

. ; ; ! ! : : w s s - »n«b*n N. W. lUIUlwn. Auernri; *l

Tim■ for^tl.a^t.t.M.«lloa ot U.. .1Oat«<l Ihl* Tib d>r et Jinuirr. IIM.

/>/ £.<tTIIt;il U. IICTKH ' KtMulrlt'*i>f (bf Will of I a i Dwl*bt T. Ilrttf. drmt«4 ^ i

-riibllthi Jan. t, H, « . »0. I»»4 4, , . NOTICE TO CKCDITOIlfl

y r r / a “ a > . a " “^ . a £

*M*td. r*’'Notlea It bmbr il»«n bf lb» unilir. >"•'

b1(bm1 ^AdmjaUlrtlHi tb»^<r*ilUoii *“ JMalnt" ANKA^ETLA'8PuScr.lV£J I " '

,..-.,4Ma**<l. Of btr «Ul*. lo tiblbit (hrm '**— ; y£ in ^ " ( ? g n r i f t °*iyfl.yo)Mrf?i; 7^ ____ 5 : » T : * * » : i ' i d l i ' ^ l i “j ; : . i i r

Idabo. iblt' bHDt tbt pUn fiinl tor “ * t ^ ■ UaiuaeUoa <( Ibt bualoMa j j j

OaUd- u"u^«ui7Av-ef.D«rm btt. '. . IK I.. -• ----------------------------- — -/ t / KRNNETII 1IUD80N of (h. EtUl. of Anna £lla 8[»n««r. d»-

5"m bllthl Jan. t >. »■ S». l»H.

NOTICK TO CREDITORa or= ’r a 5S S ! % 3i iS “? s S ; s

o r io a h o *11m THE MATTEIl Or TUB ESTATr Inr*


tbo uodtnUnrd Admlolilnior tn th* Iniu------ Cradltm • of and all i-iwut batlu .W

elalBta aaalntl >>>ina S«nJnv«r<r. d f Tor btr EilaU. lu Mblbll >u<i

wltk t ^ Btnuarr '<outb«n. vllhin <u<lfour (4) moBtba afltr lb« >lr«t put>- "fUeaUoa e t Uit Noiir. to U .ar^r ll<t> Kin«Mk. S«iulffc Allo«»r f« Ib* .nd• t 'b la etnoM >t 11* Tblrd A^»a> Il.ti L th . T«Ib Fall!. UU b tlx .ndOm bIm * flx*d for U<* tnaiacUoa ot Clr.S J of tall b la l.. T

DATED Tbtt :m .4 * r «t j.nutrr. A X ****■ / tJ THEODoni: tnsEST

^ m a ^Bdnrrn D<’

l e g a l A D V E R T IS C M E frrS LEGA'

m T il? * rB o ?A « * °« )u ” T '~ o r ------ i2n»i«-rAt-t*a—c o w T Y . « t a «

tKMTK’o r” SANTIAGO ^ m A .

_ b««bf »*»•«J r , o«* 'r s ^ } l.Itar-l KuwW' (O.tko rrodlun of tod ’■ . til i»rv-M btrtai cUlma a»aj«>tt ^i>.

Itirbin^'»llbl'rfmjri»Ofi’lb. afUr*tS

Jf'“ ^ } at»;u .b.t »ib d . , o f - * j 7 ; ^.Me- ■ TWIN f-AI.tJI BANK A.St) »*•'*>

THl.’KT fTflbirAWYpro* ----------- InrWItXIAM ll.-BAKES— ---------;

idlns • T.«il Offlrtrllllon ■ • • cf lb . WUl _.f ttld

|-„l,ti.h. Jm. t. l«. M. ao. l»M. • ~ 'o T

aald . soTin; TO c re d i to k h i t u ^ i klonii IS TIIK VltOHATK. COUllT Or .,f t.M A ,rl TWI.S rAI.IJ (.OUNTY. STATJi ihr T.‘’" j* ».t iHAHfi. , , r. ■ Z'l" 'J'd<* In Ihr iltUrr of Ih. «f T«ln >■ilyt- J*"'wit “ * Ut' ‘" ii 'if

Sliie *'ra"h! " " iIj J"

" Sivldea A“lmUri‘.u " l..r’t l ‘lhJ .f.M

dol- 1. . ntfi.ri ..f Ki.mrr * W.ik.r. tIU ■P.M a ln ft liitw..' ....I ,.t: «"fl i r ' t i ’ 5.'. ™iv S 3 . . . 'com- i>tai.«k,a of tb . butlnr.. .of t.ld lk.^|.yi

'*^at '*''*•'"*KCH. ----------- ..l-QjVUpg HMITH -

■■ I f . . ;' :in HItil. A >rn^l>al H.iln|i

Ttlln V»ll«. I.lth.V U tifrp ffiUlU l’«bt J.n. i. ». l> » » . »t<.low ," THllHTKrH flAl.E *’

(In Thu.Mltr. Ih. jnih d tr of Ai-.ll.«d a IHI. tl Ibt hnur ..f ID:t» uVI.kW A.M..

Twin I tlU. C.ninlr of 1'*ln »H*. .■'“ I ' d tor «r Mth'.., TWIN k a l i . s t i t i . k a “ f]'"

o m . 3 -r;.” K , : i W , i ' p ; ; ' ; r ; K a 7 ;

irown. e«inlr of Twin K.IU, Hl.l. I’f id cn- |J.b.H .nd <UtrlU.ll a . follow.. to -lU

^ I b Htlf (H <jl o f U t Tw® 111 J*'"™' JOUbU ®'al|d'“ l', l ln 'u 'm J d . wllhout m ... Twin 1 old a ninl .r wtrrtnlr rtsanllnc llllt. p<«- r''.,rV It Ul# tM"l»« .i.iB.uiBbraB«aa_to.a«Utfr.Uu

cbllftlkn trtiirtd by and punuant (o jioTIfeffcc- p „ ,„ „ „ f „ „ d In th* M ie at* of iruil ritrultd by Lm Camtr and .

S s. Co«».Bf, at irtitit*. h r th t U"'fH Hotlt

pub-. tBd Mfliilly Bf rir*t >^'d"«l Satlnn *.ji„ ■

iin...M Nn. Il«10_ln VolurB. IH M

i « ' » S T i i ' 1..33 ‘• c ‘; . s . r r ; ; , r ; ’. u u s i

r ' in tho (i) "unr. Julr. Auruit. Srpltnbfr. ^t’urti

Wr,°*tm!*'7i!IlZunr.nU [eTTbt6“ ^ : tBHKint oi llU .eo taeh.I. took .„a lh. btUnr* o«ln« at of tbit d.t. k fos. on Ibt oblliatlon Mrurtrf by ..Id dM4 • y,

of tnut U ill,»7.*0 plut lni.rt.1 .1 ,;,m, , 7<4 fton July I. l»*». .nd plut fort- JJlh' I

■««» .Vyn.r w j s TnuifT CObTl-ANT.' "‘,.‘Th

“JVr THE PAIlIir. nOllBllTSON * OALY. 4. ‘t»m u c r AUonim.lor Tnitlt*.— --------------- «,i,r■'t WIH l‘«»"ub‘ jin . II. « . *0. r*h. I. 1M»


TRACT RLRCnoN a>«r ItF = in : ^ i a ^ f c " a “ ^ W . f c S —

Stndt IMI, . I9t<rtl Small llttltm tllon Vrv rLbllile j i s 55™

a tOBt. for tbt sorvnt. ot dtUrtnlnlni «btlbtr w la tht n«rd of Dlrartora of tald Dl.lrlM t t ;I.«tnih ,t,.n b* .utborlMd and ««Powtr.d to IN T at* of tnlrr Inlo a contract wltb (ht UbI1»1 T^Il.lnlltf. (ht Kmtll nt<>n Projttu Art W JII Otcm of ll(« In an amount not to t x t t l

ly. Ibt tb> pilBilpal turn ot tlM.TOO.OO. <>*'•'ln« b f Tbt prorttdt fnJBi tald loan. If ttld * •' ukl ttld ronlmi bt aulborlt«t. will bt u»d alltftd for lb* purpolt ot rtplarinf ib* f.rlll*

»by dl- Diairirt BnatBtly toDiprlilni Slpboa Jit ttU No. I. flit n itrlm »l»hon. Chnni lUyt-a F.rrr Jl.ila Blphf. Kl«t HUI liU U M vpoa eipb.n and U ltral IA. wKH «m»r»(t ' U (bit aad tlttl pipt*. and fur th . purpotr. ol Arnnld to ttH rtpltrtmml ef laitralt. «an.l tplllwiir htrtla (oBilracllon, rtpalr an l Improvtntol **"

1 Ubt of coBcrtl. flunra. .Iratibttnlm .ad .r*d la llnltr tKllont et lb . m.ln t .n .l aad 'h*ot tbte Md., til In t.ld Kln( Hill irHi.tlon Twin I

r r « « ; Dlililrl. : • • -------------A ■.B.ral PUn of th . p«p« .4 l«. »« * >

prBftawBU and lh . pmiwttd op«nllnnt P"” "-------- U rrt*n»t'»iid ''»ltm n«'fof-iB «-nr.

Kt**rt'port of lh t Slat* llwlaatalloB Knilnrtr of Ibt Suio at Idaho .p . <>' provlBf tald plan and atllmatM. aixl*l^'K'8ul^ol**lIi•^o.”W.'’ «p lV.l"o^ >*“ ll»>ifor ttld loan and tb* rtnon m.d. In

..HM. ront..rll.n Ib.rtwltb. ar. now nn flit ... _ , In lht niflr. nf Ib. Ilnanl of Dlrwlan '" IL -r= Bf-Klii*-ltra—tTTt*»tlDn“ Dr»lrlrt tt “ J* ';8TATL |u ,l ,* ,tl„ n Kr.flnr.r In t-JTAT

lb. Suit Capllol nulldlnc .1 noUr.- p

-Said roBlrart. If aulhnilt.,1. will b.. .k '■> arn>r<lanr* wllh tht. rtaulrf ■••Iml1" ^ .i> -noBdi-of-tb»-tiittTtfr-»h*u‘iW 'b* • 'i* '-Ittutd. Bor .ball b..n.U U .lrp~llrd »”<>»■

N.JK a s . ' i i s i s . ' s j ' i a . i r . •■""""•• : B .fflt* of pfup,«,j onU arl ,po»lilr« ttn> t'""!''!’

.rallr Ihtl lb. Unltffl Stain, th.ll .d. «t^

^ ‘! t i “tiV«‘rT h '" '^ i!i^* '’ nt“S r v i ' ' ’"hP'latlNl t.itn. nt lIM.TOlI.MVIh.l thr

vm *t ^ Z A r ' ^ n r r«bll.bof l« .r r« or owt.rJ Jolnll, hr hu.. -------

i i b.Bd .nd wlf. 4.f-»sg .\OTICm or ta non..|rl(ullui.l uir«.;T o r tbtll brtr iBltmt al lh. rat. ot i-v IN TlgTATE JJ'' “ '"‘"J- •*’»• l>*'*nf* nt t'.rh TWI! JTTATE •'■'b «d»»nri« .balK l* rti.ald m ih. IN TilIL Dt> Ual>*'I XlalM In annual Inalallnrnta 01' I^ . p.,.M. Ir, . pttlod B..( lu ..Nr.1 Jiti, r t .i .

wIloH dulln* Iht rlihih >rir Int.U ttl.In t f.>l^<'l«( •ulal.ntlal ramt.lrllun ol Ihr n»tW

EH. d.. l>npr«r«,M projrti: ih .l th. fb. Iht OtIt,, . , i j lu U obllitll.ini of tb . Dl>irlt(-.i . rwn .

T im ir7 « w n m i7 im r-n f itiT i3 in rsmtcla KtllJ t.ulu In iitrmrni of U m . t u n : Counir

BM. .1 ^ wlUibrl.1 In lb. R tu t of d f oiin. .IT___ ilMlHi »ni, tb.l-lh.aAalag.aulh.tliy a p i^w ro ^ . th, “ V.'flUrtllirinK'lbt » " I* ’SON ll'”" ut th. OliiTlrt unJtr .aid pivpoMd Inttin J t? 'd i l •b.Il b. »nlltl.d to ., '1. “ Sli^- t* w r till. I. Unda locatfl and tuhlm U

awninral li. lucb Dl.trlrl or Ih. «ir. Tubll.l f t builxnd of a m ld .n l holdrr .-f titir -------

STATE I»l«l. a rlin w rii. Vr .b^^hi^“ w ^til lb. r.oulr.,1 of rl«. IIK

•"-»US ^ TT., ,n>|i. DMrlct b . . Wrn r.rt.M • .VOTI

ri“K is ; ; Ihrf. .u,J,' ...... cl fur .uch .l.,,ion tnd rl.ltn.

wllh^ .b.h Mllnr pltr.. .I,«ll Ih- ,h , rfj |„r«t put>- <.f Kint HUI Irilttll.m Ilixilrl In allb Iinf lltb- Kln( lllll. Ij >:iB.,.r» C. uni. Idth.. J»Mr nA^.aa. ll.nB.>ll, Ib Utnuir' (.'ouni> IJ.X., Ii> i.ll

^iio*:'^ uin?;-rr";;* .t b_ Tb. p.i;.T;i!i u -„ h '.: i r , " ' ’-

J.nutty. •«"»l^" " l-" unul t:M D.ifNEST l)'.ifl itn; 'A -.i.y *.V J.nut.-r. l« i.i

Z3. ao..rti>..t,,im . p>,ni,h

r s 1.EGAI A P V tR T I S tM tN T S _ _ _

Jl IZI;a * . o r° 'coD rncr wrciCEnT.Atr, ••NOTICE IS IIEJtKBY UIVEN by l ^ m m m m

' U

- - E

ratiub. j i r » ; ; t . 10. Ktb .«. ■»««_ ■h'oTICE o r TKIiaTKtrH- "*

•HU,..t Ib ttm r of lOiB-i o'ri.rk t.ia.o r .,f liM dtr .1 lb. ...I

ATJi Ihr T-ln »'lli> Countr -. «t T-lII >Vl‘i T ir/'in d 'T 'u ^ ^W Ihi l l w lu 'riuriion j ; ___

; in. i il's?* ,''.o|l‘t ; .UuaUI^ -------------

*'Vi^\*’«'llkIrV'/T«'(;.'.l.lrn Vi-rK ril^r-ordiirroi^v^iTh';:::. I

I lh. I.r. I.futd.d In v..|ym. * *■( 1 '•W* I. tIU . I'.M 1. i.ruriU uf itld l.m^ntr.^ ■

*t’s i n"'?;‘r ."n c "u ;7 b < " I f f Mtald tb. <iWi«tlk.n i« y i^ t " ’! , V

' " i S t S g fhn «ftp.iitllun. JMUI.W Jun. l». I»ts. , .un.lrr audlW. fll. N. »!<»•* In .l«'*

___ l» , P.1. I»S. m uiuttt rr<i-r.l. ot _ ._r Twin Ftlla County. Idtb.h '*

n . itUuU l.-r wJil<b «>J» •»>» I* -• :;:ii'mfnu Vr‘ 'l h ; o w e

]' * itirofl’twutVl "by .tlJ t'fr'l uf'Tru.t 'K IIJ.IM.M. plui lnlrtr.1 .ud «»l« e l j

^.'.n Itih i tr of N'-'f™'-*'. y.litrw. ---- TttlH-rAi;i,H 'Tin.'i; ANO

TIIUST IIOMI’ANV ' ' . by t/t Gor.luB (inr. Tru»i Uttlfir 1 T***..., ^ Krtmtr * w.ihtf;(.rn .f Twin’ r . l u r w J h " '■ J\ . r . AttorBrrt for Trtnlr. _ . t ' Z I'ubll.b Jtn. 11. » . »»■ r.h . ». l»«l_ nl I" NOTICE o r p n oo r o r complk-

-*?*J APPUCATION oVwATE^ nES-j y ^ y , . ^

h's iK rtr DUJ

’ il'f nf™' 1"F i l h

. I«» ” £n.Xln'.*'"‘l.'TbT'uw^to'^hlfh t.ld w .t.f hat

■ s , r t s . i : iS K '- a £ , = slilt ll I .u mbit f .« p.r tiMnd.'

4. Tb. >ilnt rrf dlrtnlon of tall___ ■aUr .te-J^WUNEU.-SM.'U.-TllS* . --------'*** - ». Tb. plut whir, tald wat.r UIT c .CON. I. Tb. d ll. of ptloTltr Wblrh a.M B»«r It i r ^ .ijrJ (o ci^y^ih tjl Z/ll/W.

J l i I Publ b t jhV^."l<.TlV°riM^"*'°**^| 1 ^ 1illil^ NOTICE -o r IIRARING PrTITtONK ! ? " „ S S T S f 3 . S S S f " - ”ril to IN THE rnoDATE COURT Or JJlliS T^IN^rALLS COtmTY. BTATE ?” *!r IN THE MATTEIl Cr THE FJTATE '


f tild A I’.Uiliin haiinc bMn ni.1 htrtin f lU..J br Dub Snowanlt tnd Hhlrlty 8no«- ■

f.rill. *>'"• bu>b.nd and w|r>. for an ordtr ■,t- th. aulb«l»ln»-John Wrikjr An>oR_^. . _ ■ lltboB rtulirr et th. W ill ot W«lry M.rloB 1lliniii Arrw|d. dnraird. lo .xm jt. and <it>i s s s v s s f i a i j t s & w f f i - —.n ol Arnnld. durinf‘hit Illrtlmr.Illwtr Nntlr. (It.n Ibal Friday.,„ „ i tl<* »lh ’■•r ot JanuaiT. 1*M. at lOiOO r and o'rkwb' In Ih. tomona of tild day In J aad '^* Cotinrvom of. tbit Court In lb. hrid.r ('lUilhnuit In lht Htr and County oftatloB r.II^ Hj.U^of Id .^ .^ h .v .^^ ii _ ___4 l„ . ttld P.lllion. whm tnd wbtr* anr A , allunt ^"oA fiilm«(.tf cniy and b<i-r»r- ■' ,. ' ■*. ***~ . ~n‘ V. ' ’ —'—

iSEAL). 4 ^ MARY SALMONX n ' l^■bU.btJ.n. ^^T«!^^iL'»M■bW ". NOTIirK TO rRKOITORS M 1Mlon THE PIlOnATB COUIlT Of

„ EfTATK o r FRIEDA I). JAGEIA ^o” ^ : <• h.rTiTr ( lr.n by Ibt

iindfnliofl tirru in i to lht crtdlloit «ulif •ttll'il rrlrdt'Tl. Jinl«:-d.r*~«fl. or of Ibt '*■*<'' 'thibli Wllh lh.<irh#l..-‘wiihrT.‘fr.ur-moT.thi ---- -W'b* .n«r-lh»-rit»l“ l»iMtr«ltnfi-of—Ihli —•vlird auilM, III lh. ..Id riMulilt i t It**•#iIah offlr. nf Murr«hy, Ilrhwant A Cun-

Bln.him. Ml Sli-hm.. Str^rt Nurth.

iT'thi ' ' *''.".''1. .f ill. ot .k.. ... VrlMla l>. JisrU. clrrriifl.ruwiibi Jtn. tl . » . w . r.b. I. i»«i.



n Ih. IN Tin: MATTKR OP THE F.STATK 1" '" “ J i ' ' ^ O'-.’" rt r mail, cn lh .'Ilh dty nf Jtnu.rr. IVd!> i>h- Ih. tlb d.r nf r.bti.iry, 1>M. at t.n M II. oViMb A.M. Ilf .aid diy. at Ih. I'uuil.^1 t ^ ra of itld Cuutt. at th. U.untr _____ _xma* Couniy ot T^ln' I'alU, Idaho, h .i bna' 1 ' bi‘-Vis1b d f nin. drm ifl, and tiir hrarinr lh.h..liy ap»lW i«-..l-> i.lll.-lw -W (^.n-f«. ------------•t lur lb. li»«»nr» lo b.r of U llm T«ta. ihllff "•mi.ty. . — /;ioMd Int.intid nay aptir.r anil lonint Ih.

' '«* '***■ Ar»-i.f ----:--------------MAtlY-?A!.MON------- ‘ —<l l» Drwir Clril.

> wir. Publlibl Jan. t(. U. JO. IMI.f lltir ------- ---- ---------------------------------xalMl NOTUT TO I'REOITORS .

■ Iii^iM - .so n a : is hkkkiiv c iv es ny ■

• U(h Ihr uiidri>itflr.l .>r.ulur ol Ih. mUI. ■— .WI<-mrr-|ji.--t‘HrIii’nrd.rrtifd.-jt<j thf -••

jik IS rsiO !"?ll?6illdab.1, luMr nonlha uf *ih.. flnl rubllcailun HIJih." lu otflr. It* :% .^ h o n .‘^u'"Nu.. ,.11 la Twla rtlla. Idah< IbU btlnc lh. plir. ' HIdabo. nitd fur tb. lianairllen-el lht buil-. '

t:M ^^I'tlrl-Ihl. :eth dar of Dw.mbir.HM.i • TWIN I:a I.1.1 TITLE 4

TllUST COill-ASV. i JIIy ' gOKOON CBtY ^

'M. P lb!I.hIJ^B?’ ^ ^ l . M. »«(.

Ih a r e

fr: — — :


d _ S A V t . - - —10 - ~ct. — ;<}*


M o s t a ll . . mB - y r -

.5 Filters. . . . ,. . . ^bit _________________ ________ —--------

Elect»u. ................................. .... _

r W B U lcsO B C kB ION

o r STB

v . v


Extra p o w e r M.p.^ U .L . il

J l o u t s t a n d in g '

One Year free SeniceGi

StipSED — _____ _________

n - ^ 1 ITK ’■D f m

U ' ■\

P ‘ - REG. 3 .95 IN HANDY TAKE ^

' i ' --------- ^ • - r i i b K c f - « i f « r » i 6 f f d e d 'Jh! ' “ • " n p n i» k i ( l " o W ‘ n ^ m Q r - f e c t

• s tu rd y tu b u la r r te c i fr __. —# .^ lu t t r o u i b ro n ie f in ish




yUNGIron glides ^ cushion of ^

. rolling steom. Moihloins " Irigh t lem peroture under . Ia ll conditions. Stoinlcss }steel tonk fo r trouble- i

free service. Model 54.. I

^ ONLY ’


»«y» WHM, ’ i u i t w o w i i ’lS’ Compare qi

V oUier br«aell tor es

ERS - I^M ^ U m i pl wnip. BigrolL

T l"

ctric DrVK6P-

a pow er. Improved 1.9 amp., .14 .f U.L. industrially listed motor. An la n d in g value.

vice Coaraatee With This Dril

s P i- n - ; g R -


— -------H i ~ | ~ ■Ho«*

13- ju N i

:lrA K C H PM E j:A R T O N _

i ia f f d e d - w p i------ — H - D ' dla r 'f e e t • __ .. -■ r te c i f r t m e M i

^ — l-K ii:


■ : " ~ j t ■' . ■ -

,M :P R Y

AJbof -


Compare (luallty wlU\oUier brtmds th a t ■ ■aell for «ffc eoch. A ' . M ___;

lee-Umi p luU c food

a" ■“ , FOR. .' lim it ro lls , ^

— per lu t to m a g - ___t f V ______A dditional ro l ls ^ In

2 fo r 4 9 c . ^ Li

U T I L mAn <»■"» B

81D cnltunit — (urtrK-3000

mlnuti tnd an lim which Irrti

ip„ .14 ■ ■ s J S s I I . W . I llor. A n

his J

T O P _ P B W 3 R » W N l i l .^Y O llT^WATT WUiaiM IKH

. ' 3AVWUUt IN IM AtW IM-Win '

" - H o m lr H & U » H 6 } d -T » )I------ P 5 5 S

i m a a a a B - f f! . N o J T - i l IJJJ

i - JU N IO R ST A PLE G U N . ivjm,'• ^ ntody I— bMjMi a »(bt

' ••I.M.I. nntui,'IWn .Umh. B t f . •

; a l i - U Iw*. H Ht.yy.9

i ' d O N z z z r ^ iMouse and Rat f l

-KILLER . . _ - 3

io e ly - 2 T 0 2

’ ••• I I'

=smr^ K ^ ^ ^ ^ jS S S g a ^ m m

MAILBG]Quality feotures: •

—heavy .gouge sleelv^ith smooth, black . suede finish. Seal-

___ _ I o p e d J L d ^ J n c h e s _ _ ^ f cwide.

^ . t o e j u n r

I F u e l C y l i r

^ Reg. 1.69-

99■ Bottled energy thot cooks, heats

Q ' Inter-changeable on o i r B ^ z - o

Llrriit 2 peretlistomer.

l^ k s D e ^ p

” For accura.long-distai

gSl ' measuring EM J--P Exclusive,

M , j *5—m U H W - J I O - S A W - — ------------ tll-new BIO .ni Saw th irt m

&D cnittminihin with tiirh ftt. m ^ir*r«-30M euttiR ritrolurp«r- - —tnutoinilani!rnowaoliiift)f>'m which keipt cutUfli f t f E Z U Alin n t f ”pittinrtliiex— :— ;— -------------------e»n. 3 wire cord; toni- • • H«iy rulo n'i bniihet. uiM.eurvei

• ■ ' iioundcoin

I 9 t 8 S ^ ^


y^^N\VHEElS rMcin

■ s ^ 3 ' _ y

ru ra l MAIL BOX ;Htivy^iugt Qtlvinlttd lltll (in* |L _ .. ■t «d wlh sluniinum ptlnti Itgultr

'-992T0 2nd Ave. So.. 1

733-0132 ■

EL B 0 X -— I

2^ 5

a e j u n r t 'a

ylmders I

1--1 -oks, heats, lights ond giil!i

i rB ^ z -o -m o t ic cpplioncti

- j m m50' BANNER Tffl

• For accurale7“ '.long-distance i i f ^ ' measuring. I W%fC

• Exclusive, read-1

» 5 « ^

fU F K I H

mzuRAw TftPE mill• K» jy rulo mu>'uiM.eurvn, ' iiound coineii,

f f f i Q ^ t n t i m r j i j X m U toS*^

-ANSWER {odO l*^ thaineedjul



I --/ -


--------------- -

Page 17: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r


; j l . R eady to h e a t n ■ W h e th e r you r i

r 5 : ; h o t'oT T co ld . i r ' i im oke a h i t w ith tb

I. . J A H U A ^ T R I ^ .

A p p h td u n lay■wftlrfautfernwmffll loppwl with caramal

I P P T ^ ■ ( A P P L E 1 ^


«ITiiraT vitff^ ■;----- — ^®W -lcmon f i l l - - “ ins and topped . " ' i t h i i g h i - ^ d — I

m c r i n ^ u e ^ ^ B

d elig h t—



^ / 3 5 c .

3 pIELE55 1 ^ ' DKEDL_ -I ,


K v l l t ^ R r R ^ co rvelea

I h.ot 'n ,er,e. ' sHceS of t i l t T you itrvo itold it'i lure to tenderest ar, wi.h ,h . , .™ ,„

------- - B v e r - th l s ^£ week-end.

U | ' SHAN

D u .J u tt Piece


w m W i l n a - a n J —

I b u t f r cr»gm.

E cim n im iai E I U I m E H

An>ertioii’t ovm in b le n d ...m o d e

app le t. € oe< g ieai ' Dutch.Apple Cake I

¥ i i s



, 2 /27c ^

. +


hontt h i s , —. . .



\ Piece Y.,,1, . ... lb. 49c I (

iM i r m m

w m m ~

^ 5 a ^CAT*. Red, rich .

r c H

R L E l a g






i m m

B S i M E !«w„.n.oo.h‘ v a r i e t y ’.mode with DAN RIVER

» g rea r '\v ifh " « m^miCokel YARI

m J i - — T ^ o t ' h b

" ' 2 0 % o f f . i

URS V anilla custard filled ...

PRA ISE SOAPbath - lOc OFF ■ REG. - 1

2 iH... 3 3 c 3 b o n

E1949c I Center Slices Yrv.,

B E M lB S i i i itlB B Y 'S = l 1 ^C A T S U P ^ : Bled , rich ond thick. Sofi

20 -o t. bottles



lY O N N A I S E "

lE A -P P I H S 'i^P F AM"Albertlon'i-oMtr

V l l i i n f 1 1 dclicioui flo rori

P tE S A O C E s ^

ftK E iy )A 1 5 -s ^\1 - ^ ^. I ' ' ~ il E T Y S P E C I A L S y Q

I RIVER HAND1-CU T ~ 3 _ _

\RDAGE ^r = y 3 S =l o t h b r i i ^ h e s r — =

s r ^ 7 l . T O J "14Vi-oi

^ —

= 3 <' V( i l le J .............. .;... W on ly '

iO A P ' newI r . T o c o . VIMJJET

3 ^ . 3 9 c _ ...... : . . . :

- , ------ --; __j____

i i H M > i f n

ir e

I L ynn W llio

■ I MINIV _ - I W l l io n 'l O

f i b . FRAhm I swift-iBij'" ,B A C (

89c 1

= - T , V . - — '

BLEACH rS o f t (o r a ll f in e f a b r ie i .


5 3 "

OODlSO^sl^>»t F oo d i im e e th o n d n :h b l e n d ....... ........._______ q t . Ior, W

b e r tf o n 'i . e to n ta lW n a ... A• c u in g . f o r to la d i ....................... q t . ^

ilic e d fo r v « iio d j ;---------------------------: ^ - N o~ 1 ^ 4 I j

c tc ..............- .......... .........con* ! • '

I ' i T i i t r ” 1 I f l d r o r i ................................... G A L ■ •

gu> b le n d o f . ^ N o . 303

Por q u i c k ''n u u t r i t i o u i ' A -m o flii i ; : : : : : : : : : : : :n „ -4 2 ro z .-P K G ;^ ^


g „ . 7 i ~ 7 ^ c — I


NABISCO r >— CH OCOUTE-CHIP--------------- / ?


U V i^ t . Q Q ^ I Bp k g _ - 2 - p k g i . _ 0 . l f V __1 ^

i n H V ^

; 2 5 r - | P “


IMJDETERGENT FACfAL- „ 7 1 c . 2/2

•~~ - - r - - " - - ■',Thuradfty, J

rTn" W ilion'i ^ - - -

4INUTE STEAKSHfon'f CciHfiej

RANKSlf t 'l .B lg 'n Plump


M n i i i i m

^ N b a b y -

!r =FGODGerber** ttra in ed yorlety,

^ 9 " 9 9

, 60c' ° 1 „ BAN Q U ET, , 4 9 T piN N fW

3 0 3 1 n n G R E E N ^, i « y v / - . l A k i - r 0^G IA N T Mc>K G ;^ 4 3 C - L ^ - - - . - ^

' lus W a s h i n g t o n J



hu»dfty,J#n; 2 W 9 W —Twin Foilrm m w -


iKS ....... : . .. ,8 a .o .v 8 9

. ............. Jib. 4 9

.......... ...2 lb.' p i s . 9 8nO N S FRI. dnd“SAT;

IIT— i

i ^ | = Z E E iO ~ : N a p ic id voriety. Hendy ilxe for eve

i»H gN

i U E T - _ ^ g j -----------

S||RS. E n c K tZ r a

ll lL K E S jrL Jj S j y u r ! , . i S r .... 4-

" F i W e r ' - N A V t l - — -


? i b . . . . . . r ^Piinnt Indian R iver.

p & u p e f f

l ^ ^ = q = ;:: ;= ;=;r:bunch:

gton^Sh-N orth - T w in I



_ 39c 4 5 c

»^^89c R

>b 4 9 c ■

. , 9 Q c M

H E Ii p k i f i $ = ^ 1 1:e f o r e v e ry m e a l . .'j


^ 4 + i

O T c Z

= » r r •t


R iv e r . P in k „ . , - . _

B f u i P '

>unch=ljQ |^^

c o N F i o n s : . . .

ita iy Napkins4 5 c

Page 18: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

Th’urtd*y, Ja n . 2 3 ,"1964 ‘ | | 1 8 T y ln F Q ll« -T < m e» |jeV » , -

Manager o f Farm P xoject. ^

■ KINO K l l i l J* a . » —Aubrey O W mihM cr <X th e y y lo r

----- Cfeei“ f* n n --iro } i!C t-w u m -« r —■ 6n*k« rlrerj»e«r K*mmeU. • «

a t the. Glemu T t n j ITA mwUng h«W tX ^King HUI e lem enu ir «nd Junior, hJih iehool M ondty nlfht.- 'P*#K ln i «!U unJl m em ben were

O W »P<*t on th«, b«n««l lo Ihe M e». ’n »

wlU b« IrrtgiWd Xrom w H e rfnTm » -M -ln c h .

from the Bneke r tv ir tn d J^W

- ^ be u*«l Kid homM'wiil be biilll on the projeei Ior #11 empioyei. .

Orer introduced »tl» *hop ] o « '.tn in . Donald Anderson. *nd w fwnlly.-*lio will **• * * u «oft « bonding* . r e .

* M il Robert Uhl. T>re»ldenl.' ' conducted lh# meeting, w d U»e PTA pr»yer * « prew nted by Norm»n Tripp. HeouU!

. den lour. pre»<nt*<l the B ig •w i­led th* pledge. 1 •

Mn. Normwi T rip p »-«s eleci* ed Tlee p re ild en t'an d w o In - Bulled,by Mr*. Norm»n

Room ^ n l WM won by Mri.; Mildred Ctrn»h«n'» #eeond grade rwm . IU>om» were open to tU-' llar» »l T pm . .„ i

. R«Jr*»hmenU were eerred by,

to d U n . Norman T ripp.

LIC A L A D V E R T I s m tN T S

dr mm«i__. s:

. .»t t«iil — to «WW* "S;;

■Nollffc i IUb.n N. W. B4ll»lMn.'“ w ~ * ? O T T { T ; i - 'i K ™ M -Ks!:;w»ss.wii:ffi

“‘DAnD*i'^TSl'*mk 9t jM uur.

. _ riiMbfci i«». ii!*io.*~rA^ I. II. »« •

'• KOTJCl TO cteh it o m■"■n.l3.“rCT‘My'fc.?{ ,

Soi7c“ i f l* H E n S n Y c rP ^ » ^

S w iL S 'f 'K/ . / WJLUAM J . LAWOUT

u t ‘u ^ n ^ f» h . 11. » » . KOTJCl TO CHIDJTOIUI


i s 's 's r ^ s ? .?•n |«MM iMitiM «U|BU M*le« wl4 <w«M< ta •thlblt I lm «ltk lht

_____BWMuir m tb m wllhln Iwr (*•--------^mooTK-m»r —thU BMl<* io tk* mM A4nl*Utrmlrl(

• t U« «mr« at WllUim J. U nikr.141 TWt4 Atmu* K -t. T-li. r»lU, - Idtka. Ub M w til* »l«r* llitd t«r

. tlM M o tu to e( Um kulnaM of uM* S a T O U>lt Ulh iv 9t .

A ,- » » « * - . . T n , . — --------S i S T ; i i - t ; “i r a i r r i i r » » : -

mtUM nn*l pvmtBl.' • lo t kM. fulb- iwrfonnrt. IB •wjri-,

BulM T at OttiM thilUlnv (ora c A s . ’u’m 'E N . ' ; ;


mtUrUli luppIlM u»«d br lh* »bo»« »<mlf»«lar ltp«n «f In foneiKtlon »I»h Ik* »>tronntnr« ot ••lil MBlr»ct. r*T-

th« n»tr4'«r E-lursllon tn llrmlMj du« aii< Bnpili) hr tufb cvninttur. Suth Mil™ -111 b* ir«lW l.> or Wf •oulll' btndxl lu CrMU W. Hmllh. —

. Clftk •>( S<he>il Dtalrlct Xn. 411..Twin iljrij Oi»t

•uib euK’ wlihln'M d J I ^ lU r tku' ~i ,U ib.1l »n .il.u l. • w .ltr ot kUrtfbt WtKoirtr » iilin t Ihl fonlnflott

— Zhbll *( y»fii Tallt. Utiia, thit Sin • 44T «t JuBtry. 1H4. i

n .i r i ol Tni«l»«' ' Ktbnol Dlilrid Nu. 411

T«ii> r«iu. iis*h.i '' OBLETA W. SMITH Ct««U W.>amlUw cifriu

- riibiirin JtB. u;\30. IM4.

'■ ■ nwy»';n j— - ; i » n a f u r o W y if '* t e f f t r L

je W » -M — - - • -•

ubrey ‘

^ _ o f . — -----------------------------*** - — ■lleoM ■a t h ejunior,

; -P1P« ■'i i v i _ _ j ______ ____ • • ^ 7

a JtU L . ____________ • •--LI b u u i '-------jloyei. . • ^

S H ^ Z E Iildenl.' ' I id U>e


“A 8 - o r . I

[ • " " I c e l a n d i c . ^

N - F R E N CENTS ^‘statE| 9 O X . 1

"1 M r J G . . . IHii=: -1 R A S P Ii-KflrtH.T — -■ ■ ■ ' -------------------Kffi . : i

C o r t i F r e s h . /

ri* T -rlO-Ot r—■-. ^' m iW

S - f . ; _ T w t r o t S p r i i i i i

SSvlHi T r o y P a c k C u f - u p

2 l b s . . T o * . '

Jaatttrr. ~ - - • • ...............

a ” WHITI* m w ^

-^Rhodes I^ -----------------t o a f - r ^ ^■tith lht« r 1*1 --------- ^---- -UtrmlritI. r»iu, - I — ,

uJ< ' '

: : - Jx ChilLwith Beansin H « ; — Ellli— --- ------------------------- O 'Ehu lb. — 3 0 t t - c « n - ..........................n r ? i ^ 3DiarUl

B uu •!,

vH! Beans & Meat Ball' S i r ~ ~ 3 0 0 ^ c a n " ....................— . S / ~Unlui ,

! Vienna Sausage

lon*»Iib .

I f f — -Purey-fileoth-""2c _ G a lio n ..... ;.......69il..Tw1i> •

id;*----- Trend-liquid--

1.1 Trend"B J F — Grflnulattd ..... ...„ ......... 4 9

fiffl Beads '0 Blenct

i F pauisdiI — _ G o l d . s t r i k e S l a m

I f dLLHo f D e c

Bf#e^ '


3 i 8 »NCH FRIE^


:4i8S£-FRYERSi p r i n j\ T9nTFBREOTPr I A ,

Beans____ Standard Fo....... W w W ~ -K eynolqg ............: ...........

at Balls c E • - « Economy Foir n r J / — I - - 7 5 * f t . ------------------------------ j

, R eyno ld ! ............................ \

usage ----- ———-4 / 8 9 c - ^eayyrDufytF------ -------------- 1 8 inch ■

e a th ^ .............

= 5 ^ Dainties. quid=—

6 9 eI Instant CocoI 7 : I lb . , ■ . , ,— J t o n h o f .........................— J

— " • 7 ^

lieacirt T7Z~Coffee7“7 7 c M oxw cll H ou ie ( r c g . ) . . J

S DRIVE IN I rStamps_Jerome.. •. G

LETTE S liff Declo G

J ^ = r * t t 1 : S = B R Awvm*

F A L L S B R At SAl

t'WS _ ; T B

- ■

^ ■ ^ - 7- -------Spring .C a r d e i i_ ■W . 3 0 3 e o n ' " f _ PEAS ........ ^

--------1- --------PJercali_______[______iD C A TSU P~...:............

_ _____ H pw hey iJ C ' . - -1 Ib.B .C O C O A ........................

■ H er*hcyi -------G ian t .A ito rfed

H i ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ C A N D Y - B A R S - r 7 . -

nrd Foil __Coff____0"Wl 2 lb».:........... -e J / - V ~ 'M flx w e ll-H o u te .I r i

my Foil Instant..... ...........8 9 c Ma°xWiill H o iiu -..

Jut y=Foil— -Chow-Mei 7 5 r -

nties Choiv Mei1 1 ______ O T - Lo C h o f J........ . . A i c 'chiits... .......

\ Cocoa Beef Cho- — ................

'■ ’ .J il ■ '

ffee7~^ " ChickeirCl( r c g . ) . . 8 5 c | Lo Choy ...... .

’ I FOOD I- . Gold Strike Slamps-

. . - —

Eighth A v en uG o l d S I K k e S t o m p s

\ L t S B R A N D T - f c p N t

a w R

S f f lb r a n d l i n k

IU SA (^ ^ ^ ^ _ jC a m p b e

Meat Soi

---------- t a s t e w

tMisovPS ? PC------—— —,


- .. - Syri“ 5/89e =---------------- ---------------------- 4 PA C K

3 1 Jell.^ - 3 3 j r =........................ 1 2 O Z .

Coffee ____H o u i e j r e g . ) — 1 . 6 3 —

itont Coffee ^H ,.» ...... i: 1 ' 1 9

>-Mein-Dinner— - ^ D E L K

________Z 9 c - ^ -

r Mein Dinner

f Chop Suey7 Q r l ^

irChop'Siiey - 8 9 c g

D FAIR l lnps........ - Buhl, Jdaho

' . u i ' " ■ , ^ 1

renue M arketm p s T w i n F a l l s

w e f i^l O N E ^ R ' t p i N ~


i f f l . .

mpbells_____ jCwpbiI t S o u p s Vepable

r A S T E W E a -- 2 V 4 -C A N - ---------------------

P O R K ' N B E ^

H ERSH EY S 16 O Z . C H O C O U T E

Syrup,.... 5/$l

4 P A C K 5 c OFF

J«IK.r. .39C

1 2 o z . SN A CK

Lunch Wleatv39c

PRO.C a r g e h e a d s

CabbagiD E L I C I O U S -



j E a ®

I W f ^

\ *ampbelli,— — Compt table Soups Tomato"


l/$[ Crackers..


4 PA CK Z E E -A S S O R T I

39c lissueTTT



MMD w eri

. ^ W f f ] ■ . -

i ^ ^ x m n r ^ T T T ni j i Y f i l \i ;< I k j



m’ompbells Tmafo SOups

9 /1

~ & r \


rs. . . 43c

: o l l ^ 3 3 t


V T T - i m -

w ^

Page 19: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

: y j i n n B u r e a a

glatfts Classn

B u n " !

S SsS S S -

t* > ^ ^ ^ 1 ,1 ^ 1 CCUItt j» d«*'

^ S J u u l t i . »“ «“ '>'■

■ g i / s g g ; '

^ a f CllU ®^nJ^ ' »/

“ f e ? ’i “2 2 = S S S S i

? i w » “ "Kutiwn- Jor further In-

_ u rtgUwr ror the

• ‘S i l K 4 .1 0 - t e U» w u ™ . J tl»» Bitellng p in* WlU be

when use earoUinent _

, —

' - Cattle Killed “ “ 5 " 5 S r ^ . « - ;

« * kllltd Tueal#y when

r » i Ih* Shosiione sales S^^tniH Ln into the path

— {0»-Unlon-PKl«e'<t»a»n'--------HEtf-TlW **” belni-moved— -Uxl ISm the rftllroftd cfiuta ta bee

— - ^ j S r c f i l M r ^ o r ■«nip -

* ^ e MUejr, local DP m u - gen wi*ld'lhet>Mvy » w n « s-o f- «bti e« pu t week had not upset oiU e« Win Khedule. T rains *PC' Ut» all been, runnfflff on wJt tiflr ttpilar Ume eehe«jule. coii

_____________' • tlor— - g = a a g ^ ___.___. —

Resolution |i“ ■- A b o u t-^ te r ^ I b Approved S

HAZaroN. Jafl. 23-A re»o- wki— M -K ppM U nt-O cvr-J labu t £0HB . bbjUcI itand In protecUnft on“ ab) water r ljhU »•« passed wh(

J tt* PTontlcr-Oraage.,when eral*j net Monday n ljh i, reports nm;

0)}Ua of th# resolution ore yC £ ; KSt to Idaho iunalors beci

a ccoptssmen by C « l Estep, p a r utteKpi ehaliman. resiru i'v e re made for ^ c a r d bav

_ utr a be held Tuesday i i r th o ncsi M - kStththe public lnTlt«d. the

itet Onmt Is In charge of a ll Turments. ira lBb j Oithel reported on the you toi mettlng he attended In

— ittPHUvHesald-loeal-faimerst lUUM'tU'lWlltlnBO flOH'th'Of Trrr

L ftj6w W -tt_lheJpfM ^mimng ^ i l r t 1» for pastry flour, bjU

CtlUi'UunsM reported on the „ __ liJfer Chemical meeting he aa Uttded and outlined aome of ?®-“

■J Rcosuntnaefl uses o t uieaT^»b foe *etd control . fji*’Bcid Hssen rcportttl on the rlcultunil stabltlution and uem uon meeting he a ttend - A

C_i L^_Jtrocne._It_was. recom*that aU farm en growing son:

___ |?t.h«rt.thclr_w hettt. ground S tkniurM tiy the ABC. There Is you

_ « cii«se for this senrlc*. laU un. Dale Budd. home eco- F « la chairman, was instructed Me<

new sU w woro fo r ceti___ M h ^ . ■ ___ day

^iierlal was presented by C irl p u r

^ ■ Mo;KfrtAments wer* served by ing

- wei

irea Girls Are 2 taedioJEosts^ S”nm iv a is n Y O P ID A H O , m• « « . Jan. 23— Carol Mills, c

e t Mr Afld i t r t . E .L . A ■■ Wl c t n d y drive, and p u t

'WiUushter of Mr. and. Mra. ord -- - aU Twin ra il s , 'h a s ord ----- S-tl£cied_p resld tn t-.o l_ the _ c- - ^ -W il-ao ro r ity -a t- th e -iin l- Pro

- - -gL Js s wm beV of >hg a ir ^“'fM S T fiigh t, and recently m lr

- _ 2*««Jll>rfslrtent-oLtttU Ji= . - i ± - M lnetra o fjslgm a to 1

^ If»lcmlty. -----w nn Johnson, daujrtiter of “■ Mrs. Howard Johnson,

“ been elected standards

- - h- - Trustees Named-

For Eden Church S“ PJ; Jan.. a -N # w trusU es T ^ « e n United Presbyterian acci

• J ^ announced today. UorE . ^ , « ’lef*.rireJUilptOJcCUiln a t J

ta u n '■?.‘•‘' ' ‘ett. who replaces — ^•^JU U ieuey and C l y d e ~'«««er7. Holdover’ sessloh

»re Mrs, irv lns Mc- ■

^ '• * d tniileM are U n . Os- |

a d v e r t i s e m e n t s I

~ l l

sa'!"'s»s„'';,a'ri21given;-n!.*! ' | r f

l l“lit, » ■ Hr «t Tuin 1 1“ ‘ 1 .‘«V? '■'•‘■O' * 1

I' ‘'•M'r X "I'*""- ( ikI , I••..n*."' IhfT/i"""" I I

• i i

-It'S Will ’ ,■

.T h e . ---------• v |fe ■ ..lurcftu


wasLub- . i P l T T T

ms to

Is d^•^ ' . ' I5 f r e e ______________________________i

tu be . T »lu o f - - A ■ I

ns In* / flewl.'* / / .‘ w*y M ljmisibu*

harte.l i t e r * 7

Im ent ^ . *'Hare you' no pimciplt? . . JStop 0

1 Y O U R B I R T H P A '

Z and HOROSCOPErlv*alesrathmn*--------rm m S D A V , Jan . 23 '= 'B 6m

I ta become a I’rlend (c lueeess. un- lip* ni*you*i>c*conic a f?l6iid*To"your- vit?------- self. O ne of those hluhly lntelll-las- gen t IndlvldusU with an orer r o f - abundance of- «<nsJUrtty.-)«u 3M t o ften ‘Indulge In more Inirb- . Uns epecUon than* Is good foi* you, ' , “ oa wJth tho result lh a t yoOr self-

le. confidence and self.apprfcla* Mom> tlon fada before your eyes. ' " . ‘‘‘J liCariL to Ulte_your-sliqrtK>m. bu t d

— -ihKa—les*=»erloutiy:~even'one w i n s - h a s .fa u lts and ever}'one—Inctud- 8CC

Ing you—m ust leam to live with Orour them . especl

• I t . . . _ D ep c n d ln « _ a a_ y o u _ d o _ iip o a ^ ‘| ' you r own and others' good opln- cn“<if

J lon . you constantly strUe to SAC 1 ' achieve and m aintain h |sh 22>—I

sta n d ard s of behavior., j» ly «*Siv» reso- ta k e care tha t you do not be- for a

U*erl Jo m B-QVcrdcmandlng. of o^ers^end. jctlng o n this score — particularly i CXT ■osjed w here thOM ot the younger gen- 20)—C when era tioft aro concerned — or you nc-tt ^ t s m ay fin d yourself biting olf hours___ m»ro Ul«n ,m tim th.v. vrol»I are Y ou have the potential to talors become a n unusually succcssful Catep, p a re n t — ioved, admired, and .. '

respectcd by your, children. You ( card h av e th e sympathy, the tirm- g

V thB ness, th e sporltual capacity, and ■ . th e f la ir fo r fun tha t I t takes; ■ le of a ll you need do to 'b rin rth e se - -

tr a i ts to the foro b to remember w g 1 the yourself In your growing years. '^ 1" A mong Ui06« bom on this date ( / S |tro era f tre;T llcttiird”Al50prpoeti”sa llr* ------- ,

U t; I ta n a w pirScPttrnetorT-LT-------- Aull Ing r f u —giAiri—gmm«tL .-A m erican__ iM

a rtis t; D an Duryea, actor." ‘f f T o fin d w hat Is. la store tor ^ le of W t«mo«ww- I g l

^ r a g r a p h . U t your blrlliaoy ^ the ^ ' I Vw d friiM r, Jan . 2t K

u n d - AtSUARIUS (Jan . 2l*Peb. 19)«pm- = C le a r the decks u fa r as per-w lhg' soaal~ m B lU rs~arB --concem ed.--------round S tlc lc .e tr lc l ly -to _ b u s ln « s ,n o y ;--------tw U y o u ll havo more leisure time

la t« PISCES (Peb. 20-March 201-

ucted M echan ica l'and sclentlllc pro]- 0 fo r ecJ j a re efljeclAJIy favored to­

day . Jo in o th e rs . In cullural • Carl pu rsu its In evening.

M om ing hours“are“ t a t i6r fim»T 'd by Ing Quick progress. Hold fairly

well lo routine through, alter- nooR and eventnB.

TAURUS (AprU 21-May J D - Be« to technical aspects to re-

t _ c e n t inventive Ideas. Those who D S _ can_ald effecUvely inay now be iH O . m * . r e c e iv e m d o l .Mills. O EM IN I (May a:-June J D - E. L. A rou tine .day which calls Sw

and p u ttin g your maw rlar iiouse In .M rs. order. Efficiency should be the ., h as o rder o f the day.:_ t h t — PAWrPB. fJiinw « .JuW a i - _____-uni*- Promoto-your-ldeaa-to-good-ad*--------

vanU ge a t this Ume. Business e _ » lt fifititrUrn g iih o thfrs.should cui- ■ :enUy m lna te In cood fortune.i J J i i - iJ J O _ U u Iy _ a b A M g ._ m = I !^ _____Jlgma to m alce .th ta the begm ninFot^ :_____

of c a r Po rU r and El»yn Xlllton., replacing Ed Louder and Wes

d a ^ H a y m a n . . Rm . MeClalD » «nam ed__treasurer, r e p l a c in gJa m es Teater. .

Member* serving on Uie nom* l | i — JnaUriff—commlttw werfl_Cljoe _ i _

MontRomery. .chairman: Mrs.-rtV i Jo lm Rolce. Mrs. EUiel McDon- L L U a id . H arm an aod.Montgomery, istees T h e propoeed 1004 budget was - ^ rlon accepted a t U»e annual eongresa- Klay. Uonal and corporaUon meellng •m a in ttt - th e church. • - - .....................slaccs ------------ -------------- :------------ —l y d e ______ ___ __________ ____asloh I_M c^

^ U n tlS f \ ~N T S I f n l r r i 1

’! s i I T O P S I N Q U A U I Y l i —r OP f ' ' , 'iTATE I *

, ' s h I

l I l M I T A T I O H S l ^ ^ ' I

J'S l l W p !


' ‘ " L O W I N P R I C E

r r ' ILir1 ____ _ SHOSH

T ^ . ---------------------n X B iw n iu i^ has an it.

• « MVffe ■ - ^ r ^ ' — Uit-aCae:

' V tbe Idahc■ tha t Ihe

..........B been f | Education

I tU U U rl V m eeting ;L T I L — X ----4 ------- Subiaui

M V _ Senator :. I L ^ of U

I ^2T A l » ureaiho*J l f ” w t is

— j i - _— Uw-aaUo' W / / j i Ho U>r

iT n lI / J n capita Inc ____ dollars »t

i>ia}or cc

m not dlstr■ teacher

____ lhe_foiaiif ■* i ^ ~ Transp.

I cp out ot' Is a - n w

r tribute Usalaries t ers, as I

, betweenUon posit

' . i JStop tnk ifig for handduii!'* have V>ii


________ _______ ________________ _ letter _fr<week-end of rest and relaxation. « « 1" T npcnjrT-thr-w ccrt-work-gnid* «r»-f*oa

■ ually-but^ r r ly-----------------------agtOnsU_ im O Q _ ( A u c _ 2 iiS c p l .-a i- I f ..lU p-V

‘ somcihlnR unusual iiiould occur tured on Mil *’>' m ld-m om lnc. folio;? your In- pressed

sUnct to bring matters to o-suc- schools a vou conclusion. Uio schocL , : LIBRA (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) - number x la . MomlnR caution sliould result 5J.J, In afternoon success, oulde — He S.1I1 am . bu t don 't push — tnatters to Industrie:

lud- 8COHPIO. (bet. 24-Nov. 2 2 ) - with G roup gatherings ore favored, uwlng i

especially If Uiey h a re 'to do *»“» '» « « jm h with cu ltu ral cctlvltlc-<. Malce •J'*'' ^ ‘ l l d r t i r ^ r o r e v e T i l i T ^ n i u ho-added

to SA O nT A IllU S (Nov. 23-DCC. - - h|gh 22>—Bring business affairs to a 3nly c(Aiv»nlent ha lt, and prepare I ( 'be- for a restful worry-free week- I , hers end. ^ .. I UTAllarlyi JA PftiC G RIT (Dec. U - Jun.Ben- 20)-C on tlnuo yesiert!ay-s b usl-]l T*® you ne-u acflvlUes during m a ra ln g J . |n tc n olf hours a n d gain Increased ad* ll 7x3.

___ vantages. ’, to Issful J

r i f i . H ap P i s m M i l t i m e ;

n S rirs. f

~ '~ in f fw » TO.'r ~/ ~ r ? - T 'U

to I ^r a f w i iM I - f f i T A m I

19)per-n e d .------------- ---------------- ------------------------------w w ;______________________________ ■time


i f wness e> i l K . .cui- n

M a ”:on- . ; - ■

ess- ■ling '

k i f:l

Lincolii SolonSHOSHONE JM>. 23-~ F lg urts;chalrm ar

has an inccm t tn edueiJlon la The PT the iiasp. and I rw ent bitterly ed SJjoi

- ih e -a ! :3 c t of paid lobbylsu of standing the Idaho Education aiiortaUon ofllcers 1 tha t Ihe Idaho legislature has -Victor been unsttenUve toward Idaho n o u n ^

- **** ‘ meetlns-Monday n ljh t.

------ Sutaum ttailng- Uie, .staUimtnU _______Senator Murphy, president pro lem of the senate, added. ~?ls* urea show Uist Idaho's education effort Is one of the highest in

— Uw.aaUon.2____________________________Ho Uien explalnW the term

educational effort aa total as* served rvaluaUoi) and Uie per Icapita Income. co.mpared to total '

_ dollnrs spent on education. ■ ■

nia>of fojiildfraUon. The state ’ , - i t - onir M fnuti i ic tt i t monfy-

not distribute or rabe lu The■ teacher factor has no place tn„ Uie_foiaiulii^,}V.«ald.--------------------------- -

TransportaUon should be- lak- rn out of Uie formula a ^ Uiert .

■ Is a -n r fd lo more • etjually db - - • . - tribute Uie money for teacher* salaries to Um classroom teacli-ers, as Uiere b an overbalance between Uiem and adm lnbtra- tlon poslUons. He said a m ajority _ of Uie raise In salary seems to have gone Into the Admlnbtra*

.. M urphy-asked .U ie . te a c lK t^ ____ U ieJcgb^ _ _lators.

“PaslnB Uie sales tax bill as currenUy wrllten would no t have Uken one dollar away or added on dollar lo Uie <40.QOO.OOO ap­propriation," Murphy said. He reported he had voted w aln sl the sales tax because "I h<td ona letter from U ncoln county vot-

ijj; ers In favorof U and m a n y let*

__agiOnst It." ____________ _________•If . JU p.-W ard.M iUa,aliO -w aa.ja- S------ur tured on Uie pro«ram and .e^* ^ n- pressed confidence In l .d a h o l yc- schools and pointed ou t ttie face - -

UIQ school budget Is based on Uie W _ number of students and ability ' I J ,11 of the state to raise money. •— He s.ild Idaho U short on big to Industries and salaries depend— on~-gcrieulturc<->umb^r,j j n lflJng —_ and food- processing as major A •d taxing units. Mnny of these . *do busltiMLMS have suffered tn re- ■k* cen t -yent* b f foreign ImportJ, ■— hondded:------—------------------- ---------. Mrs. Dale L o w , legblaUve


[ p j ’515 per ton Delivered :n j J -Interm ountaln f u e l Cot- ---------

733-6621 - Twin Falb

AppyIMES- / * / \ iJf ih o -W H O L E - _ __>

■F A M ILY f

N lscen

f o l i P

>lon Resents C<s:chalrman. w u In charge of .the ther don

0 The PTA blue s ta r w award- Khool ci y ed SJioihone unit for 'Its out* for new >f standing cotk of the past year, school I n ofllcers announced. • Priest ar* .Victor Souuto. president, a n - sUt Mrs.0 neun^-M I.flO -had bcen-falsed food per J. by sale of rags and.>ollcited fury A tlO

immjte ■ , ■ ' •

-------------------------- ‘ ■ " - '■A ' ■ •

I- ■

7- - ' ■ ■■ J»' * ' . i

.1 I

*■ ' * iDrfl, ' . - ' « ! «

to ' m B )|** . S w

_________ _______ ________ ^s- ___

jOmed^ ,

A - i\VV

I B i p H T - . \ "

y ___________-V ^;c* 9 ^

,cc - - 1 ■ f c . V n K M — — — —

ity '


or ' ^ R t ^ ’ .** ' ffllM A K a' - ' 'W B S r■e- ■ ' ' _ 2 S y 'a B t ; "

-1 ■

---' i C ^I Ii- j— —

i n s i ^

W ie n i

“ to p !*

ond <■

^ c n t i

s Contentions cH ther d o i ia t l^ ” A 'eiilU 'iupt*r'U ‘ proved:lot

- K h » l ^ l e t e r b . tO' r*L>e fuiiils fiTiel^to?"• for new locket* a t Uie life'h n fA preslf , school "building, Mr*: Chsrlr* u.%rd to pi^• Priest and Mr*. D oauto will ts- education ;- t u t Mrs. r ra n k Le<iueslca wiUi lor e«<h >i1 food peeparaUons.------------------------ The;Fyi>y A tlO contribuUon was -ap . ture a To


C FRESH Fmmi....... Tartly sw eet a n d frf

^ _ . . . ru shed to you in

j S ^

'■Wie”n e r h a lv e s p n a h o j f

: , „ p . , w i . h a . f e w s l i c e ^

o v e n y o u 'l l h o v e or^e o f t h

- q u i c k e s l r n ^ v j r ' . ^ ^

l i d / I

ns^oflEM ™proved: lo rn j;T T m ra ‘* l tT y ‘4rrnT0onrKrunt 1 award ,funrt-la jn e rn o ry -o L Jh it^ m illL J iP g Inle.Jitrf.. \y .,A . Hall, a former and Uie ;unli FTA president here. ITie fund b sehool. u.»fd to p rov i^ K scholarship in ^lefrrslmiei education for a high school sen- Uilrd trade 1 lor each year. In Idaho, Carl Klniiry,—The;i>U.-i;.-me«Ung.wlll-fea* M ra^L aw rm ture a Founder’s day, program. D. M, Lelinn

■ sIIEBMI' ■ Y ' " K


SH FROM FLORID]MMSmt a n d fresh from tHe Indian RivefG0 you in the snow y-cool,arm s of Sn

S r s Hp . r M o -p r e p ° ta J O ^ ° ’< ■

g - s e v e r o l - F - a l f e l ^ ! ! , ______ J

, o i f h a m b u r g e r b o n r ; ■ 3

, o f y o u r fav o rite c h e e s e |

. o f t h e ta s t ie s t , y e t . |

. o - •1 • ■' • •

e o u r s r

-'murTcfiy; Jon . 2 3 ;1 9 M , . T f : w in-Palls rirneS'Nev>rs u ' 1 9 i n

:o o n m u n t ri-ftM»-went'to 4 t r t ’- = = = ™'H iU iLJlPw m cir* .Uilrd grade_____JljPtid Uie junior c laa a t t^ie Wgh ’ i t rhool. • ■ l“a^lefrrslmienls were ser^-ed by Im Illrd trade room moUiers. Mr*. l l9 ■arl Klniiry, Mr.v Prank Dallas, ' * ^ lOwLawrmcc Raiids and Mrs. . t' I. M, Lelimnii. •


VITH ‘m i :


—— ■


EFRUlLr^ _ _____I i R iverG roves : : | _ : |

m s of Snoboy.- . j ^

. f

Page 20: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

2 Q —,TwIfi ’Fattt-Timw44ew>—

i P P

S E 3 ! !

> ' 7 I _ ~

I Captaii

Pe«l: ' tender Flav

.'Boneless & f

i ■ ' ■ ■ ' . 16-c Packai


.. . ■ ..L:..... Eight; Tqste 'Ready, to

, 8-Coui

: I ' ■

' . -Hov^

^ChineI La choy Soy St

^ ■ Til Choy Chow , ; U ChoyChiclte

La Choy Beei C ^ iLa ChoyiMushi

‘. Household Si

V Superb Dete - WhiteMagk

— Whlte'Magit

, • Safe

(hedc‘' Bei

- ^ _ _ B y . th 8; ■ ‘ ■ '■ poun?)

■ ’16-ounceo" V ----- -------


J l l ; .PsMaks Mix.: Toble Syrup ,

CioroxBle- . Sav# More At'Sc

' .'.r45«- . —

'Jew i__ ^Thuryifl!^JarV;23,.1

l - ^ W i f e ' -

Iain's C K eh erch Fillets>r Flavorfui Frozen .Fish ' 5SS & Frying Pan Ready

16-01; ■ Package' 4# , ,

Ison's Delicious eef Tam al^Tqste Tem pting Tamales dy to Fieat and Serve

8-Count O Q c■ Baq O T - y , : .

iow'About A- La .

hlnise Dinnierf Soy Saute ' - ! '.S19' Chow Mein ,Nopdles 7“S 29' f Chicken Chow Mein . 89* Beei Chow Mein *;!; 89*

f:Mushrooin:Cliow-Mein- 9t-

hold Supplies At A Bargain:Migic;DSergentj?r55j ) DetergentMagic Detergent s's: 89f MagiFDeterfeiF^?il|iJS

Safeway Natural

eddar^heeseBest Buy Brand

P ound M . .

unce or 20-ounce Package

- Pancakes AndSynip,. '


)rox Bleach . , ^k y LiquidMore At'Sofevyoy ■. • Sdv* O n Fun 6al>

.r45«^- . ; / - ' ; i i x69«;

i !

^ g |

t GroiC L S a

u t e e i^ Grape! £51’ V 'Serti (*'” •29^------ - : . -Delictpus-Hi!

B ro k eh .S e(

■, M 303^ 9 t - . = ^ ^ | | - T i n . -

irgairvii*«-55 •__ L

i i J 9 — ■ g s

------ - • I -

| S ] ' - | 5 < ^ a «B u i y , B o l te r O y e i

~ V. . r ’-.. . Carnp 4 49* ■ Tutui'*id1f. afrttK-N*,^ " '• • • 7 Cta/n Cli»wd.,

OiWtn Owmb*. Tu»Wf-V»j l>nl> J J - ’ ” • WMjtionl. CW<k«n'V«jilt‘

Split fM .Wlik Horn, Chtdd

y Liquid Aiox Cleoner .In Fun'Bolb'. •FloorJ.WallpS'peciol Pbtk;69«


rb S teile ilB awutdlf i i le s ric fP o tapefruit i ie^ionslictpus-Highway--------- ♦ “rokeh Sectipns ■ /

r i = M _ i = = ;

Id Crackerstker O yen .Fresh (2»lb. box-3g^)

Campbell's Soups — Cd1.. a!'rt»<>-N*^i...C»tom »f Mu>kiM«. V.fl.t«kU.|.. . Cl«m Chtwdtr, M . Ul<l«fv. Ci««m el CKIck.n.<Im, Tu>l*r-V*gitsbl(.-OA;*'i. fel. ImF D\Uk>n>V«gil&hl<. CtMm ef Alptiapui. Chill l*«f,\\ Horn, Chtddsr Chtti't. Ceniemmt

joner . ' i . Baggiespeciol Pbtk Foo^-Wfop Bogi

l '" ■ X iiV ■ ■------------ . . . ^ . . . r — -


■ Mnriy Freezer Stoc

e t t k i ^

UiconJ b e f j

^ liiiclfs ^ f V y n


Ifs Soup-yAnc/-

S -: "Mb.> x-3gQ B px

— Concentrated

r r V ; . . r - A . ' N o . i . C - | • Com 1'. .

s Gerber Junior FoodsBogi SoVs M ort Al Safawoy

’ ■ . : : —■ '• •"------;__: ■...

■ StockinQ Bargains!

J - U.S;D.A7 Graded-Ght 9 ' Economical Good

Lean & MeatyPorirPeti Young Tender Corn Fed

I : l^Corn Kirtg-ri Fries ( I Easy-On Yniir Bui;

' From Selected Pieces ,,Jender-Beef^Fteshly

___ „ipfeway_Gyarci l % FFrie Tender B

V Boneless — U.£Delicious, Ter


. ' Fresh Fr<Dm Our OTalented bakers a n d f.

^ - a w onderfu l variet



c e r ^ o iS^b:rtarge-Juicy'===^■ w % Tomatoes From




T o m M o > 5r . C a m p b e ll 's C o n c e n tra f i


IVtstloblt. tisn W,ih'|g(en, Ttmate.I C 'o n r>0. C«am «l Ctlirr. V.g^tobl Ct*o>n el fe'Gte. Cftam ef Vtgileblt,

Foods Heinz Junior Foods•w oy Safew ay For Saving* [

: : 3r'53! ■,

E S T C U T S !


id-Choice-Beef——---- —jGood Eating Jb. I

rl^Petite From "•n Fed Porkers ib. ,(

Fries Crisp ____ _ .jr-Budaet . Ib. 1

ieces of Lean . reshlyJGround _Ib. I

Gyarqnteed . .....1.;. ,ide'r Eating lb, ^

Safeway Brand - " ^ | —None Finer------- -Ib..

— U.S.aArChoice 1 is. Tender Eating Ib. I

C hoose a F ine Baked T rea i

)ur Own Ovens Kight tn'.rs a n d f in e ingredien ts g e t tog e th er i u l varie ty o f delicious desserts e m y j^



om atoi

r lb. 2 ^dos g 1r€arrotfi5ffc j2

ne ---------

:o SoupTTQ J> e e n tra te d - . .. ■'— ^

pbell's Soups — Conc'eotrc

fen, Temate.tlce. , MifT. V.j.tobU V«»la". ■ • m>r Vtgileblt, Vtp.tciblt.lton m

)ds Heinz Soup luxLIt Dtlicioul Tomolo & Ri« • Sho|

rs! I s/

* 4 9

49 i

^ 4 5 !“ X I ( iK d:•■■lb: CHOK

J l I j l l !

ICoiintty Clu

g m R f l f o T S n

=— |Ze«Paperl ERiNGut I Zee lunch I f ? 0 « F * ' W a x P

^ Ilch J/(IWil%n's Vi■ .. ______ lOyiter Croi

■■MliiisrMo -iHlllFDog f

■ A A £_llip to» 'sC ii I Cranberry: lOroberry,

1 ICtqnberry,

I Ke! 2-19] f

’C r o p A " ~ ® ^ I ' Sugar

O nflJ

0 £ »ll ;l-FancyP

M Seedles

- “l !, . J 3>

Page 21: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

Time^News[ T fd v c lT a lk


:;S«tM di«POBI» 67 30(ff.) r a

H l-emhold rUhl jju ih tr fo r . ” E 0 • nW i^cut Iflitinca [J g

• J7 Property Item ^ .. [ S § f IBDfBwtlihed INoUen

• niBctniii'M , ' aiProt aV»Uc»n.N*W

Ywkor 4To*irHihiUlUrtnn_____ ihcUUfd lM» ~------57ChcBlt»l fulllt #A fbot«rtoa«M l’«l'

i im n d i lJ .J Ia .( ib .| >5a:R«Tokn«cr«at 7riin ((b .) siisrtiJ i T o r j l n u l ___ #SI<J»1ont,Uokl_25An»:

pkcu BKtmltilna „ 1»"■■■ ? r ‘ [r

:.: . . a g , . . . ; ; g ;J lS 'iS S * * ' IJAUiiin Ttliid«3iDeir 4JOo«er» MlUffUflC 44C«nn«Bit«U gutilloni__ _ <«b.

Ir 12 13 K I& I 7i r j - - - - - i r

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• « r /W A tK A & R 6 A T n & t f f 4 '^ 'a □IDM'T 1 eVE JBRli^ft ^V trA tH SR lN G itH A T^..---.

AlOt*3 aIX-OOCK WSMt KWJ'J tlw ro ir -A t-'Ke A FLAsnsLfej

\)oM A 8eA V C R /

Oirt Our W«»-------------------- :-----------



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” I

" '’■’ i i rn ..™ '' “ U S S .,22Putonn«* . 4 0 n « trk il onlt.

10** « '" '* « • «Cotloabu?Sii 3 X 1. 21Nrtlon ' «Au»Ter»U ■ 0 ^ 1 ^00b MAmtomlql 4gEipwitlt»______

j— ' ~

In S O to p Io ^ * ' B10n»*ho • a i f i '_ ...JO Sex.blfd_:___ •.Jw B U )_,___ . . .tiJd«3iDemntlc lUw MAJbertioa

1 V 1° h 1* I** I'H- J- - - - - V

r i [ » "

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" (n<<7j i t s tiPj E6A0,SUCK.tHl6^\ 'T ^ o n w e ffweApofJHWWEifto • ___ _^hfM A M Pi.'i\BA tA N CG /fcW 0tO \,« ji\ BUT HOW wcouo ’^ V h e t o p a A ha^ oi« kar6eo


■pVXia»y,6RAMirwHO'5TH* w,— -AWOPTHEPlBCETyili . ___|

y ^ * 5 T ra 1 S U V 1 M k ilM \ =1”I ABowTTwoMimrreAis )

+-«OM»Mr«n'e^rte«dHT-/--------------V OUTOPTHEROOMwrrH 1 \ HIS BW MOUTH AND J

hrtffgAHPA\XI __________---------._ - — * “ Ify i

' iw« ............ ■ ' •'

T m n o t hero to form any new oplnloi ^:_ fill m y old one* yet!'


*T m 80 thrlllBd. M o m l Jim tnV B ald I m _______ :____ a tra y full o f d eluxe h ajnS

Iw ttlit Plo •

: S l 3“ "If you don’t LIKE cracV ert, Why d(

‘fo lly w tn U a c ra c k e

' i ' ~U1.*l

--------------------------------- ------------ ‘ l o o nlew opinion*. 1 haven t a ire d ,

one* ye t!" ' - | ^ «

itnv aald I w aa a» beautiful a » - r * -- aluxe h amburgoret'* T

.., : - r k

^ -- -Ir _ , . . . - vB..r

1“' - ■

- ^ - /v » i

; - .................-

I ff , w h y d o y o u kM p’ i i y l n e ; ---------------a a cracker'? '* ^

u i.* w «

^ ^ S i f a s i y u c ^ x s i h j u ^A F S W

' CirutaUty__________ ■ . '‘ IfSIOiA»KB»«AMT»T0SCRA»fl.A , V

-_ »«n_Myi g , «*j-

• fw rtw rV ju sT

sOowliwo Alloy, • ■

- ; . — v / \ b u ^

^ i f ,o t ^ ia ig .b ? p i j . i - i t> w• •lU ito iea fig o in a to M t y \ r e W

201b for -----------------l - £ t ^ { / ^

_____U liK H tf__________ ;........... ................

~ — ‘WAT- e rr, youn5- j .c

lAPY? J Iu $ y i I T __ A Si

lH I E B—- v a * r t i i b i -------- -- • -

^ 1 - ......... ' R D : ? f 6 u H g g l - . [ ^A B O lff«/CW SlN ?V E Sm W / ^ h e m a c e a s u o o e n .b r ^: RJR ^

Alloy Ooa ' ____________ ___

------ |-5^-HPirW*TOWITH V l P0»fr®S9S'Vy i OOrt I NEVER ) AJMWE HA9, 11 A SAW.'IMUKE <\ 8U9-KEO /

y\U*•“ A r M ^ A - V--

lioi'o lo|>o'r • T ~1 ^ ■ - - — ' ^ A .wuKkwa r

•“ I cw T saw oA N y ) w anfromwa; AJRPtANE T u r w m r " ^ IS'WAfTIW I


Torry •«< Ih* fInM

i * 1 1 1 1 ! B [ < i i i i i i i III!• » | W ™ j i a w i o T ^ — [ r r

:;jUUNCON9COi»JSI ■ > % n kiS i I ON THE F I C ^ T ^ l B S W[\i | \ . 5 n r A x » K - 4 s M |

. i l l KYfTCRld^ / Wi l j R A 6 e , 5 n 3 N S l » I R « ^ ^ ^ / S : □ AT HIS ■ K A \ « I B ^ nS^ 1 >1 A^AIlAXr.

^ 3 i l ' Q a ' s , ? s u s K

f f l

^Nbu'reWnd, /la sK fcrrom oneg! \

(Wm mulfL.

M mWAT ’ n J - h S W ^ I'VE BEEN S OUN3- J .va. tES, TO BRIN& YOl ifT I I MUST t i J u ^ V TO'AMERIC __ A SPEAK70 V r

M mf I - |O H .D W ,V « W (W > P E N ® ? l. I t l ^

i [ ^ |

< r a S f f T w i^ ^ w iE ^ r T O f f T " i^ T O ^NEHA9, J kCSOT \rM N 0T5UR£ HE W3I i_HBO yriW N H JHEB60TAMY- ■ « TT f .NWW//V“ AB0UT^TMIHSTTH1NK- ~

V y V S AflOUTf___\

I r S / S - "wu Kk


I PFVH IB u thk siim kx~ T ^ a ' fWCftEVA55C5l

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Page 22: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

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s n 5 n jn 7 .,T S 7 n T i.i i .m i..u i 5 u l : v."VPOtn or HECEIPTB . Boyd Minlf-

•“ f. IW-nWf^lM ; M8d«TB Tmlb«r norraitor DM*fnUr TeUI - Uoar* Stnll* Mi I IMIt.H I IMIi.ll y IMiUI 5>um Siprrli »;4|- -«,ir.7«- lUU.17'’ n;iJU7 W«Ur->t.rMl Sm hom 1mm ,iJ?bS S T y Eiti? i.« , *.477.10 i.Ms;i(i, xolljojl VtlUr. 7.t7 S.IIO.M :.»7I.SS J.M4.H Mlll.r-. Corm 4.U • ]a.ilt.4S 170.11744 1IM1I.4I MlDB oU. Ml l.II :.74t.U t]|.:i 4.4MJ4 N41lon«l Id«1 I.OS J.UJ.M 1.947.90 l«,47#.0»

71.0# 141.90 ll.» t.OO 14.00 lii.oo 2«.M Hu-Tan* Pnx

E= l=iS=JiE S.'p . » . ” ‘, x .’■ '■%1.01 141.11 IOJ.JT 1.747.0 JI*"” "'**.® 4.M I70.t0 U<*.» J'***1.01 ■ III.II “ :4uii^ « . « . ■ “ “ . 14.17 , ; 147.71 •’**•■*14.71 ttl U ciiJi I'tlreUnt Ca11:1* I.017;i7 ■ l.!i«{ Qxlnl*". rub11.91 } >:ij] lUnun' 4 CoI4.» I.MI.7I 4J4I.7J _5T‘5I;^':*■8:S5- •.—l i u t ----- iTjm----- i;wi:ji !}•?i:.M ..• J40.M . . 100.04 1.14J.40_ ■. . . .m .o o ! : ! g . .ii:i!!:!lX.II »U0.e7l,tl I4lt,l4».ll |4I7.>](.0I -----n to AB roLLOwsi ■ p.Sino^tT

--------------------^ ^ — ' “ Mii:':!’ C . s i l , “ c.i:-----1- --- ----------------- J.OOO.OO 8ptn«r'i Off, - , .............. Southtrn Id»:

— i = - a “ h i w i ;f-'n Skrlln* Dim. nOToMni Fund , .. - j.OW.B Ulnrltl 01

' ' ■ JJJ-J; ’ Til* 5*wUki11— ' ~ ! " :! ■ S rm .i“ ! J "

------- = "lil------------------------------ ■ shotw*in ui------------------------------ SImpIcft Sollb» . .n ,„ i . . r . . . ___ = 1 ‘ IJS!::’. S S K . '- , ; ..m t 4r.d Slpklnf fund---- 4l.4l4.4i ic W. ilaH.

f [ : s 3 :a p i ‘.' I.i;4.l4 8i*i,d»nl I’riII 049 ill 71

ITfl”ia3U«)*"****’ 8CM''CoirDSnJld SippIlM {gr M»tk« *t Halt l l k i i tr end DM*mk*f. 1141 S)itr>ln WlliJ ------------------ . Hhrd»r* OfH’ V 1 un« ai»n»en Hn! — = ~ ^ ! ! R ! S ’,:;" .’ butt Mllljr ' 71ljl Tmr Nallanii ' r ™ y s - i = z z — " !!!■!!

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5 i i a ' a > . -v — jjij. H ' S

• Twln-Tlll4-.' n m'J n.l.llw»l Bank. A«UJ CoIlMtor Inurnal n«r*n«t U.077.M ■i fiu»>4n..... Ta« P{»UU«—_ ».7t*.U °'• Idaho Municipal• Municipal Oreup Intursnr* 1,147.10 "I*™ I '* A«n» Uf. li>.«t»ne« Co. _• J.IIC.47;* Social 8*curilr Tniil fund, "‘ M r , i ¥ ' w f £ r — ' " S i! 5 S : H i . K £ = I!:!! S f ; , ; ; '‘ 3 5 - f ' L n S S , ------------ 1; !J T - to 'K l:;J Mi»^»w-F<n »' ----- 14 9 ®^*'45t.S{

ii Hs- ii'ls 2-::rc7;”? j;I* «"• >'• ” Wclrm EquIJ Mn. John Kr. • 74.S0 j^ i Willltm;II Ur». E. J. I'ttdW --------- 14.40 Uolflr{) Mn. n. 0. FInnw ---------- U.» WclraU Oil^ itn. J. 0. L .lb___ . ■ U.00 Wcutn Adi„ Mr*. Acpc* Jl8lUn«.r — . . II.M WhluiMr. o,14 Mn. W. a -lk ^ flild ----------- II.M WaluJUKlr)< Mn. John D. lUddr . ._ — Wnt.rn Aul

jJ’IJ Wnlrm llnl

fl m” : o!**h! wHJiiciT- 7 uiw cT«in• Mn. C. N. Jonea-----------II.M Total-Ccn[« Mn. Kcnntth UonUomrry 14.44 WtKrw.iki

3 s ; ' r w : & : ' £ : = ■ l a s . ' s s - . s s

5 N ^ I ^ C iS ^ I ------ «:7»0»1« Ti rrviTar________ _ 4.11 l.lirtl r Jloal*• »---- 4,*J Carl r. Cr~! K - l l r t n r 1 r - h = Z Z : : -------*» •7PV?:-’'•« Wamn Jnr.ll 4.11 ■fl*"'' Cm

!■ s k ; ? i . » . ' ; z r = ! S c M t e

ii MK%if.?===f=^“ feSrd“t e l n i r r = — S ™ ' a“ "§0 Cllffottl r. WlMnian ____ 4J1 M-*rd f>l}»<SJ .W,UU-a.T-lo ralU M .fr.---------7J4^ Ahbolf. Auto Bu»plr Inc.- 44.M >‘l*V Al.iandcr’. __________ 6«.‘* Kmnrlli !.»•‘ «"pp’r >*" J.«nJ..3gtn' !{ Am.rlean Oil Company ---- J.»4».K »■• ’I"'

AndcMoD LumUcCo.,-— ___ »>.«!! '1- " S i 3

•I p " n * n s -z : ' S p5s " ' ; ; jj j p i t ^ r / ^ n W c in u . ^,^,‘Tr.™^

l» M^E*^nl7''ind'’coiiin4S . 4i:io »' nrak. A Ptltolnim I’rod.M , ucta. l«e------------------- «;.II Ablp..-. Aj,J® Jim Ilrwk . - I J» ®5 Andcr»<i'i p*» Mll*« J. Ilrewnlof Inc____ I.W Armm >l»la

nurriJUih* Corporation _—. ' 4*.40 ArrtiwhMd •M nar«.r Mtlaon Atilo-SiMf* JS.M ArtHr .otral07 .n^r. ri.ii wi^n. .!,» Cprr.JJ Itrl»» Hrallnt .* Air . Amrtltan n?5 Camtf«-C»«t»T-,___________ *l-f<

g s a - i a K H i r c . - ^ i ^ F = a ! s r r i s i f v■” Cllek. Inc.. Kf.n«ri JUrd- C*nl»tT,Aul

J.**” J_____________ j{{j5 C!*k Vr ')

:i\ Cl,*-. Badlaur Shop------ I«-|*

tl CoMondatH °Sgpnly Co. — 1»*“ r !~ '’r*lth ,24 Co.----------• contrartorJ! a i r t - ' '“ 1 ? !! :^ S g;„-id ---- - *JS Hoffman Fl*,71 Tlonnl. D. Co*________ _ ‘-J .i„h chrmi<.10 Callarhan and Companr---- Humphi•«, Canllnal riuinl.ln» A III*.- »»•!* “ k;. P e r!j J T-.JMT*yir*hd-Son-r:=----r1i!I Suuof H.II Dan DanlrU Hoonnf lnc._ "-.iiniC". .:i! f«;5':,’ssr ! i E;,V,;S 5 ! S 'T .V . l f . , " S ‘. s ^ K rf”r s '.11 Farm A CItr.DUirtb. Inc._ ueVrr'*.» Fit- Enillw-r4«i ------------ - , '2 5atk««l* *.HI Foaa Mtr. Co. __ __ ,<;iuart MorrI.40 Om flrrtrinc 8*rvlc. - , .. • *' Motor Mir a.7} R<m Slal. Taprr Companr— -I? tiounlain S(,«S Iluilillnf Suppir , i! iiurl Tlr1 * n l T i r t j . o :« !.71 llalnr. ‘Aulo Elrclrla — ' -|t p‘V R Tone:i! ■ . a a L i : i i ais : - . . _ -------------- ; ..............


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*“ * Blwtliral^Btw l^? n r r ! ? r r » y

krr n.«Iur-------- ------ T»lii FalU Auocl.Kr.fl Janitor BuppKn __ I4.»4 « V „ ; Aiw I- - ,7 7 r r :

WWr Jil*^rl^.r"ilD‘’ “ ' t‘'mK ln^rr' Pnr.ctir'Uoo I’i,;: ' r.u.'Vr^ri

Uaekrntl. Eaulrnn.i.. l . ~ A...)/VL.l.. ‘

Sm IJ . S ' S 3 il^d - 401 J l Watalch ChemicalUodcre Tractor CmiIct _J~**?»44«oor» Sanllailon Int,------1I,7»4J0 Wat»r»i*rk.'Kiiul

S : & M SMnintjln Sut« T.L A T.L l.i:7.4; Whlln."r. Out.r- - iV”

illllcr’a Cornwell Toul Hupplr JJJtl _MIodmoU Ulninf A lif,. Co. IJO.Ofl ToUl-'Vialcn.iNational iD.tlluu of Munltl. «•.,,,pal U » Offrcrr._____ »!.MHatlooal n«r».tlon Aiioc. J.CQ EI.i r> v^tii^rNordllof Co______ IJi j | y , A "?"iHu^or.. Pr»ducU Ce. 1bc._ 51.74 DomW A. Vhlt.

*J J; Carl Stultmin _Sf^^s^==;;i||S^PHc"Tla?d™* r^** ----- - li 5!P.clfk SlalM Ca.l Iron Pip. *7.60 ‘n?K v^^l.JPrwml.r Fa«Un.r Co..... .... |0.15 t..i» ri»*P.cin* Bul« North-nt C ^lt Union

Pollution Cmtrvl • 10.7* Uniiri l*uBd c«uiPctroUn. Caa B.rrlr. 12.00 Jnrffufy K limaTQuinlan Publl.hlnr Co. Io.. IJ.OK * Collilor T IiIUnu.,-4 ,, Wind.. Sti.. rr.«m" Ta

D.coratlni-----..-- . 10.40 |j»ho MunicipalB.d'.'Tradlwf-Po.t ---------;M —UuntcInal'CiJTit

An^non ii 'm S!i!?;.Vii:----- r ClUk inc.. KrcmPaul llobnt. StMl InduXHal 'IU^t&off;;-sToJ— i;i5 rrl'IfoVn^'oul 1= :&■£;&.- ii"”™ aiiiii r«- ln~>-------- i«o?i W, IV Fulkr Co

■ “ 3 s : r e K S » iUlilrlcl Offlc. ______ - I.ME-lSiil."”"’- niTs ssr/.nsi'.t;

WlUa.; II. IIUO P v8uprlr.C0._. i i,» 2|'2„i;,i..K;.u,

Shotw^r^miillr S.’rTlr. _ ■ 41j[!44 virr,V‘P

SUndIrt PlL^lnV sl^ 'c i: *«M4Standard Printinf Co.___ IW.I4 aSTbuck J

2?» ‘i?2-.vr?-r---- « M South.m IdahiSk.r>ln Wllllami Co. _ _ _ 14«:7fl OU CHnrd.n Offlr. Kept. rrji. l.IIatan».n llratlm go--------,».!* y,,-;,]T.taro I n t . ^ Ht.4l

Tillf»?iu'’canal ll::« Sunfa* &rrK)raT«ln Falla Clinic .. ____ 19.M g?''"*?;,Twin Fall. Counijr Durtia ot Fbotw.Ua UUIltNofloui W.«l. _______ ».I4 Btandard PlumTwin FalU Cr.dll Durtau — tS.OJ ^C«. ---------Twin Fall. V.terlniiT llotp. 1*7.40 Tejaco Inc. _V»m Thoma. Plumb A illr. *“.»» T-in Fall* Cr..TlmcNrwi P.iblUhlnr-Co_ . *44,:o T-ln FalU Aa«Turf'‘»iulp^«t''i!o.*..rT^ 1*7:j2 WhlUjllOb.rTwin fI iI. A..oeUtlon oMn. I

aon*Whluf“ bunch»ln J H1.04Twin-nm-AuwT*»n»rlne.------I7.w tini-o-M»uir-c«T-ln F.IU UlurpHnt Co.— 141.i» .Vole, rullden Twin Falta Auotlallon cf In- ;-auranr. A»U. and SUin Van Water. A

MrMumr Andmen Ater. I,*?!.!# Wa.althS M J f . ' S f J s n s r r r — i l i f l W r * ' , S ; 'c " ™ .r 5 ; i!:!!Unl«erul SafKy and Fir* Cllr Cletk'a PetValky Hrortlnt’owli'ZZZ ll«iji> Total—Wat.rVaniai and Appllanr. Co....’ ).04 Malntenanc.Volco Hull,l»n Bupplx Co. of >“nd ------

Twin Falli. Inc.______ 4U.74 Airport Find

Wat.rworki Co. 417.11 Tro/ A. Jmie*s : l : : i K & i - a . — . .S : S i ~ , . T , r c ; r = =B! " f t ! , f Z * :We>lroU on CortwratloB__ 11.14 FMfllty NatlnniWMt.rn Adrrrtlilnr , lo.M Collrclor of IWhilmor. Oirr.n Co. • I3.I7 Kerrnu. .WaluJU«lHt.C<i^<ie-------------- IM *i.i..l»«h,.-TWnt.rn Auto Supply Co. . . «.4i Idaho MunlclWr«t.m Union S.IO jtlunlelpal Cni. ir C etai reHy~t.Mii runa— *'Tvln'Fa'lla'r

Total-Cen.m1 Fund-----Itll.lOl.ll Athutfa Auto fWaterw.ika Fandl American Aaan<VInlnIa TtnatarU « lit.ll non KixutleI Tarjorl. AndmonJ.umli

■ ■ —i.«»,ij crn^rTBin^Chnt.r Hoat.llCT..... ■ 1.0IS.71 ItniWa Floor 'Carl r_ Cr~>k. ., , ____ _ Cralt'a Paint JJoMph-IL-Koon------------- I«9,I7 CoaU la CoaatI,eUnd Canon . I40.42 Click Inc.. Kr.nI.loyd Nelaon , ID.Il Contlnenul OilCarl C> Iterkey ________ I04.4A Cuitnm I.abnra'Chrla Feiwr . 774.1* Crou*. Illnda i Allan C.,Cauk.I ----77BU0 C«»Ufl.d-g|Mlr^'i'*"^ ” " ' —~ — — ckTToS’T ^ES?"iF=rnrs ih sS i i i a v ; ------------ ,.SS:!i ‘ J ' '1.^ r. I aat l« Flrr«tnna BtnrM

li^^W r'llrld._______ '1h :09Twin Fall! 'Cllr Empk>yM« t!r.»naWa1la ..Cr»>IH Union 711.0# Henry'. Farm fUnit'd Fund CounelU of T F 10.00 liom.. PlumblmI'ldellir Nallnnal Hank, Aft. Kammond'. lUi(V]|L^.. .> t.i.m .l 11. . .«»<« JJa-Cm-BalmRtat. Inrom.Tai Dl.ltlon .. '47t.:i ldah>i Fit* (litIdaho Municipal iit|. Idaho Power (' nlclpal Croup Inturanc* 1.U2.90 IJako But. Pe

” — "7»l-«> l"Wirfrw«n|aln-l** win*Fa1u Cogoty 1,701.It M.afhinAbl-If. Auto fluppir Inr. _ l.t jAnder~,n Lumber Co. 4S.t4Armro >letal ’rrrfucta JOt.M ----j;;;wh«d aach. a SuppI,, 4*.90 Mounuin Rc-U.

“ ‘“ " “ L.- ” ! £ u . V " " .AmetTtan'rallTnwirT. DUU — H.U

5"'k s^ o ^ r:* * ''!^ ‘M5 h - T m

SSrSi::E-ii ‘ *.atrJ>Utrib.Ca. Int.------1.71 stiw j Rldlo.A«.,,.. P v L ___ _ 2 44 Hmltn itflcnrf

' " s k I " S s ' ■■ sisK"rt“j it'?r o - w " * ---------- , ‘’*S!^ ''^n.jir‘‘ - >*:« "T*'"rlTrd Co. ----------- ----M.74

'.iJ XuiTS'ul^Sm: 41t.74 llBllrf Autom.1S*u‘art "’J;; *1'5? '

S Hr KVorUllB* r a ro V » _ — WhlUnot. 0 «7I

” ! Sn , r.rkl°» - - —. .


Itr Water Co. ____ *• - • Lai Ctart^Taak U«»

burn. Itartini and Ilay- , I _ . , ,

’ i i iaJatd o[l' Co. of Calif. - IJIJll UVrarr Faa< oda>d Plumblw 8u^ Co. Iirw‘!>.*“‘A''l5nJ*f liel U M anerrlll FauB rv A 1 Water A Br>ct,.ker MfV . ' . - «I4.»

f . j j l . r r ' i . : .

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c T " ----- I « j ^CrmpVnr-"-iltmor. 0.rt*n Co. ...__ SS« Fl.Ullty Salbniy e^k”ll^«‘i^C«k°fuiii . MWj ' j *1* I Ufvtal—'Walenaorka INind .-?^»7.7! llJo'”nand"

; l £ . r ' l ' z : ; : ; ' - i S !i! l:! l J

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lepb V. Keyier ---------- 7«“4---------- ,K l It.

‘.''’'’. 'K h rJL n r ;------ i f ih» I'ltr t.I; i J ; : " ' ”! - - — , « !

iltri Fund Cuunrlli of Twin

It. Ineom. Ta« Dl.lil.B . K4.H »■“' f,.ho Municipal Uat-ue. )• i.V";r ' u y . ' ' i S r r ^ " . r ~ t « : » ^ “ 7 ; ;;cl.r5»rtimr-TTmt-F»nd.----'------ —T-ln' F.ll. County ------ MJ.” ^idenon lAimber ......— **47lek Inc.. K.enrel'. IIdw.._ 4.4S sV.ln,. ,Mlw“ soft‘"w.tir“5JSrcr *5i:74 i!B‘‘Kh,Jl!o!>''.* inllaenlal Oil Co---------- *.* ;;*,#?ooandall S.r»If.__ __ **»•»* J, fur ,1l;)r;’‘ci.‘; “Di:t”b l.i«cz *7;», IV Fulkr Co. ---------- - - 4-“tIOTT lladio TV Center J. l.*0 NOTICC

-.oiel Machln. Cfc Ibc. _ 4.44S rt’Mo'rrliS'n TiTTcT ^ '5 ««i...l«-Blal«-T.l.-A-T.l,------It-U -.NOIjCB JStVey". Ine. ______— - S-H«ne>•lie Valler P1um»l«f A t<,i» of and atlliealln. ' , Mt ifalft.l I.IHlar«>r. BlnllaUonTIZrin *740 h.r «late. to

»«:!o :? f r ‘7 . ’7r.^A r. Concr«U------------ I»:.« ‘1>»,lb n « .. Moiur Co.____ ll!.>» law «fflc»« nlran Itoebuck A Company . *.M Twin Fall. II,lerwln-William. Co--------44.7I Itull.llnr, In 'Iran Wmk.r Senlr.---- J*.7t Twin Fall*, St)llleat Inr.__ _______ "-H th. place fl««l■uth.m Idaho Pip. A SImI «.40 the utmlally BalM Co.___ l«»-» Hated thU .wndard Oil Company ot It4>.Calif. ____ __________ i t i M ..............UU■‘"■’•"I «•"- — ___m 4£ ______ ^l.mlI*erlSnd>I«rtt«0:o:___ ' PutilUhl Jia..iunfai CarTK)railmi------IOl-« NOTICK OF Tatewar Stor.* Inc.-------- 3.41 IHK I'hotw.ll'a UUlltr (hrrlc. Co. SI.H jd 7]||; i>|tandard Plumblni Supply TWIN FAI.

Co. _________ j-.-i----»*•♦» OF'-IDAHOwin'ram Ct»dffnu7eaii'“ 10,01 ™0?'sADlt^'.In FalU Aaaoclitlun of In. PUHt<UANTK K r t K l S ™ ; « u . f a v - r s . 'T■win Fall. A.totlallon of Thun,lar.. th»MeMurrayAndenonAcetiry 24*-77 CouVt

'oln, Ilulldrn Supply i't Twin KalU. IT. F. Inc.__________• »-»J Btal. nt Idiiho’an Witer. A Ilofen Inc. . *.01 H,, ,im, ,n.l

/a.alcb Co. .... - 1,<II.«0 will of .aid SI'atatch I’lumblnc Suppir Co. for<faearlnI'atrrwotk. ^ulpmenlCo. . * i^tl.n TealamS S , T . - . 1 ..! :!! S . K “ "............................ ...............Malntenanc. and operatlnn

Fund _____________t ruWUhi Jan.JrportFind

■win *Fair~ li7^pk5*« "* .**W-7n FAllCrwlit Union________ «•» OF IDAHOlnlte.1 Fund Cognrll. of ' IN TIIK MATTwin Falla_________ OFMIOY V/'Mrllty National Dank, Alt.. Punuant In

Collectar of InUmal made'on tbe JCl.l».lM4M-T«.-0l>iai«n->— *<m "h»-^*th day- daho Municipal Uaiue. „„ a-«k.«k A.Munlelpal firmip In.urane. »>.«; Court Il,..m

'iVIn Fall. County------ JS'"' IJaho, h!>.bbutt’. Auto Supply Ine. .. i:-72 . b<I place torimerican Aaanclatlon of AIr.< \{nr Vader. dpon KiKUtleea . _ _ . . . . jnf '|h . Petlti

■!’■! t‘»“an^ ,«■i«t.r Key Shop InirrWed marfti^ 'F toS ^eee 'riu^^ *i‘5 “ Slt^l JiBua :ralt'a Paint A' Clai. _ _:oail to Coaat StorM__1— t.,7:|l«k Inc., Kr.neera IUw». _ JUI riiblUhl Jan.^•tnm"l.abnralnrln 'incnT S*“> NOTICB:rou.. Illn<l. Co.--------- U.Ol IN THE PI»Uf l.d -KlMtila-Dl.Ulon.---------- -TWIW-FAl>.i TWiwtpi 1w. ‘ — _ I ?tnl “ Of TDXHO~loe Itook Hlnr. ...„ ■ .. !« In the ilatt.rfliiiniii i.niiprii* iBf___= — o..** r7A^rrrt,trr

I. A n. Supply Co. loe. __ J.S' _}<OTIi;r. IBilek-Dlamoml Wehllny. - '• tre.llti>n ot i'arm A Clly Dliulbutlnf claim. atalnM

i S i M ' i 'lueaf. Chevron . , !.'• of ihit nolle..lam.Kaulpm.nL.SalM______ UUI K.uu.«f-WUlllem fitat. I'aiwr Co. ____ the rttlc. nt I'ImnaWalla__________ «»T Fidelity flanklenry". Farm Bale*__ _ I*,.S'! Twin FalU Clom. Plumblnf A Ileallny . I . I hl t belni th lammond lupalr Center. uanaactloa olilah>i Fltw flmtlntul.her Co. .1»M ‘’ uATED lUpdaho Power Co. ______ tl" ' ' >.-TTiabo But. rwllenllary _ ------J-«‘ -----------r.iK

laile^Valky A.pball Pae- Tlic PlloSnurn'suurferAT.l” 1**41

ieftaiAmi^n^StirTiqolp^ *'*' abo». entllUdmrnt **-7) atletF.bniary >t.n Bh«t Uetal Work. . . M.M till, and latarhMliu'^uuiiS'B^iercSr' 1hr-T0U#wlnrjandanl^ll^c^ ot Callt. tJ.JJhiw5‘Ridio.*'iy!Jzzzi____ffllth It«flnf C<r. Int. „ IS.M / the TowJ^rXa'itjna^juu-.Jd^S^ 7 Fau!"cilnim-___ loioo talned Omw

'wln Falt. A.«e(atl-n«f In.- .fjrcutor tor pi• >nnc. Af.nla and Hob. . . !"*“.rlMR Whltaell Obencbaln ' ....... « '“• “ “Arencr _________ .. 1S7.»* • P^''''win FalU Aiwlallon of In. lurnl.h^ al ,ATeykir*jl!!lL^!l.^'":.044.M Ptw.rty win >i."r,"n‘ci\*.‘:rt‘*i^j‘JJrB- ■ “ ' " “ATtotiflTfnc**?.’. ' “ 5i!

■oi™^Buiid.r,scpp^c^f’.nia. aed Applianr. Co. . 7.7S THU,'e«tcolt on Corporation _ 4.«JI’rtt.m taulpment Co. — *1.-1 J™"rblunoc* Oiyien Co. ---- . j[J.jTWh-Alrport FgBd'V.: I t.MC3fP»b».V.ja.^a


^T w k - . . i,,____ ”

aho l*o«»* Comi^ny _ * M*l-S# a*"-a!u*l‘ublk Ubt»rr I I4.*««.M ASNOU!ee A BewM B e.e... ClAS»lftC#llO

C lM *«Suci" * 'llnlfTil tlff .

fuod” '! . * - 1 " ' — 'i 40 OW00 CIw»lHe»‘'0>

^.TjrVuni'l'.tr.of Twtn^ CIm»UIc»UO'

UrABi«e“K o « .J^ . CUSilflwUo:

ellf)^Kallno.l,|1aiik,*l'._ «;,M ClftuUlCttlOn

rrrisQ oo m ib c e■at ^lnpt.e.menl DUlrlet • •__ ._ ClaMUlCttiOIl

•ompVnr— tlB.f’O -----------AUTJ.uty Natbnal Hank___ ClAUlflCAllon'ntal—l*iO nooH llnlemp. 1 - - . i —

='“..t Find LUifT al *la|lcIn Katt. Hank A Tru.t on »Vl b[i»-Vmpanr «laMe«. ■ lUwlellty Wallonal Ilank 4.oo«.ug WiLl. buy (ettirmal—iIm lUmd TleJcmp- -•Ji!li*7H.7l2«'.Inn A.tnl, 7*uni| . ..._ * *2.000.00 i .

ri'S-.ii*"-;- - ‘•'iS/'sk, -Jamn It. Ilarnhart. Trra.urer ot ,_j . City of Twin Fall.. Mabo. beiebr ------------------lltr th.t the (■".••'In* ro>o.l I. C ird of Thii :-IeS«e «'M ill'';..‘‘'* ' T T i m K I ^

JAMM 11. IIAKNiIAItT nclfhbur* and TirMurrr. Clly ot Twin ' luaa ot wit. a

. FalU. Idaho rwnain wllh iluberilM and t»..m lo l.rf.<r. me Our.alnrer.•_____COs’sTASc‘r i . ‘ulVsKll ' *” W.Tl* ___!_ N i’iary Public- Il^ldln* at T— ------

. <. T-ln V.ll., Mahn PtrtOntft-SpCubUlM January *3, UwritlHirttJIu

, *• MITICK f,“? tVr»4 *NAnnua) me.tln< uf alockhoMen ot „ |n , 4 niln >hu Katino A U>an A»„elall.m willheld In th. Ak.t<lallun Iluaril Ilium jp- rtllny an> Bhiwhos. t>il. Twin FalU, I,lah.i .{'■ v„,10:00 o-rl..ek A.M. Frldar. Jai>uary ,„fjTOall..n

, l«C4 far eleclinn of dUn-ton and Mabel Mom,

NoflCK'TfrciVr.DITOlia **f»^*^^Anr

. J w K ' gUmn known ai Ulllan P. Uobler. 'p '!”' ' ^||||ll

S s i i s f i i n J E J i ;:* of and all iwnon. baeinc tiaimt PIUVATB detecr‘‘«latl;''‘t"»klW t"ih.'ir*^rh thi nfm’K l'^Su'ce^.aiT touchen.-wlihln four month. Ilmf Anrwlier l»r lh. flnl publication of thU aI^ uIIuI.Iu ai

; & IL T S .K S i i " ™ " '- •'Ifcted thU *1.1 day of D»ceniUr, *^00* MWri

. .ULUAN-IU COOK .. SPE.Nthll fcpj Kteeulcli of th . w U t. ot runiultantl I Ulllan iiKi'ief, dtfHIIII. "ATnrer-Hirrll

jtilUhl Jia..« .16.13. 30. HI4.------ VAl.lry.ur-.lMOTICK OF THF. TIHF. APPOINTEIl Plwnt

riiK Piiovisi; WILL ------- . _ ,I TIIK PIIOIIATK COUllT OF B«iuty SllC

SI'>.CIAI."1 TUB MATTEIl OF TUB ESTATi:OF SADIK t JACKY. Dr«.a.„L '-l*J«* PUimUANT. m •" order of .aid Kurt. ma,le ojri Ih. ITth day ^;tia|-| ^ 17- >li“ n,l."r!''^hi tClhJda^'*{ .*‘ Vr^^lXm 'm•In ^^ll.' Co'unty of Twin- F.ll.. rrrmanenlt t al. nt Idaho, ha. b«n appoint^ aa |j j j. tlffl. an.t plac. for pro.ini th. u tl.

rtl.n Teaumejttatr, when and where ' “ •*'•*• - z r r x ' . " " •"'* Blby SltfonPATCU January 17. t9R4. CIIII.UCAKKI

/ . / MAKY 8AI.M0H „inr<. Fenr.Deputy Clerk. nue Wp<t. ph

gblUh. Jan. Si. ID, h b . B, lt» , innbl-rriM?

f THE PnOIlATB- COUllT—OF T.Vi, ni't:'s iM TWIN FAI.UJ COUNTY. BTATE“ t IIk“maTTKH o p TIIE BTTATE =*"' OF-KOY VADKR. Uoc.a.e.1. Holp WlfllCa * ;rn "b e ^ o t;^ y o 7 jV n :; :it.m r . ■u.iibB»iv>^-

h 'S l" ’’ t *F bll ' 5 ? ■n o-«lo«k A.U. of . aald ilur.. »l'th«

i?4i45fS£s;3 mSy;I>r Vader. defMied, and ' for hwr- after *;iO. f ' t h . Petition nf Ona -Vader for Ui'.i.r,• 1-uane. ,«o her of UiU-n Teala. {we«led way appear nnd contMl ----'


: i? ; .^ ‘ ; .■’^ ■ ■ irp ^ rii^ h ’r Z ' - f ; ;aim. atalntl William P. lA.tfc d.. . ' "I ‘ a.ed. or hi. ».tal.,- tn «hlblf Ih.m ““'IJ*

• IW. nolle., l» th. Ka^cutrll ot tbe '“ '’""V "" .UU..f-WlUlam-i;..LuU..drtra>e-l. II

an>aclloa of th. bu.lneM ot .aald

_____ W* m*w5ZEul5iDc2aa2L ' Vftii Mim !uUlUht-Jatu^l. *0, F.b^4, 13, 1»44. ___U.4* >1.rrNOTICI OP P R IV A T ^L B OF * ,

i Tlic PHOnATE COUBT OF • J.Hii’"!",'!,’ Sp'^DA’lm '^ OPPORTUif THK MATTTn OF TIIE IITATE IleprW.nll

<• unii'^linri. Iixccuior-fif tb* n u u .Jlccclve:— ''Frank ll. lUllM. dKMa«l. will a.II FInnt Isai i:pd.aK.aiIt_lfi-Ui.:.UibcaL3addU =:jQ.i.ian<<;ivl tubleet to-ronflrrnatlon by nhe A.llu'lnrtiM». nlllUd Probau Court oa oc Full Use 1:ietr»bruar» lllh. JI64. *11 lh* rifhu . For apMntill. and laUrMt nf aald d.«e^.4 *nd KXl’WtlUSCtj

- i z W , -[.“‘ "ot'lrllho'llKA°L pfloi’EHTYt MA.N . ipetlini-I,*l-SI*-|fnnnto«lrSIi!r.rn» fK)-:-----ttr*of the cf Twin FalU. • •r»“"<l -ork Twin FalU County, Blal. of Idaho, rieht man. 8 •■rrther wllh Improv.menU. wn. WANTtU: Ki Sald*1inwny"'wll| b . *nld for eaah MX*AeeMi ' al Ihe option of Ih . undenltned rivii •iiTn» .fculor^tor part f*ah^nd^*n^rrt^lu * ^^uAki,

'is; r a S sirnUhed al the m .t or *lb* above tknnhand. I imKl •tatfc’Uld. In wrlllo* for ..Id ESTcliToTuHi vixrty will W rK.Irnl by th . under- wanted. Befr cned Eie<utor al Ul* Twlo FalU ' '

; - £ S s r . v . , 7 ' i : . . ' t ; w a n t■ hi tn nject any and all bida. .Uaini thU :Oih day ot Janu«ry,-ltl4. A

TWIN FALUH IIANK A eri> A nTIIUBT COMPANY. •'• T IlA UFjKUlor of th . r«t*t* of ijFr*nk n. Ge-ltra. .dnn.ed. i inv WILUAM n. BAKES • pTrnNlu Tnul Offl«.r. "H O P

.blUVtjan. >*.*0, r*b-«.1»44. ’

Ise Times'-Nevr 7 ; . , ~ " ' l H . r ^ w ^ l a s s i f i e t l - D i r e r t o r y r ----------

ASSOUNCpiEXTS „ 'lAllirtaiUOD'1 throusti IS nulrrd. SH .lar'.

EMPLOVMENT- •'.''if*liuttttaU on I t ih rou jh 24 m.n vCivi

luilllem ion 30 Uirough 38 i-..t,i jer..w

q ^ o o C sn .S 5 T n u c lio x ~ 'f,mVt'vt.«l4h{iifciticAiion 40 Uirough <8

BEAL RSTATK _ ijaiUlMlloii 60 ~Qtfou th 03 H a l p ^ i l * *nd

luiUlcAilon 70 through' M » ” k.aod'i.p**fa.'

AQnicitLTURE . Firm Worh W«lUsilflcntlon 80 through B f l -------------------

' CTSTOM.MA.Vl-------- LtVKSTOCK----------------------- •n<l-HAV-<M*mcttlon 100 Uirough 118 L»„

MIBCELLANrOUS r CUitoni t--Su jMlllqiUon n o tjirough 160

U ^ B h ! ITS.

-------AUTOMOTIVE-------------UiMlHcAllon IW UuoUgh 300,,. iiuhi. ,

7----- tT T T :------------ ----- ; Work Wmledl!- al *IM° "1 mm ,M a„« .1 “""tm -'iT V o!a..w! ■ !lUwarJ.‘''"t'alT)i:4a*4a? * t)l» sj iiAKltJu « Ll. boy »etllii» tb. »n,n* .llpH>n lume., wMUIntLi,t at th.’Bkateland Uu SaUirday ^m.________ill 7S3,7t2f. ■ ~ UlCWH'ACIir-S .1

ifd of Thitikt____________3 Builnm Opp<

c'lihbor* and friend. In our r«»nl nn »a of wir. and mother will a1»ar>rmain wllh u< a ptecl,>u. mrmory. I*lur ilnrrr. thank, aud fialltud. ^ I,,,

a - , s ; ; S ; " : a : r “ ■ r ,n 7 „ r ; ',^oitt-Sp»el.l-W otlcB»—^

? f 5 r F F J i S 7 ? 9 i i ’j o h n j

a. i£u”.:i;,vi__ : „%•n ..11", -"-n r I*. HUndAT..,:..

“ S - i r . s . " ; ; «•■.label MotfT*. ll.i« tl*. Itup»el. Idaho.Vh,.la.alen welcme.___________,HTU;-<UUcUr.l-lntirniUoB»l aen- ----------rDr_

Any ln.e.llratl,.n.. ludio UNION

iir'm . Ideal location.

r;i".R r*i’"t'hV‘’itb « •■fena'*"’:m ‘ pnONE:'‘-M- all Ihf-lool." Call Mr. 2.Way 733

lajll»r<ll.1lt4. ------

|}m'lMl“ siiMfy '!or ^ Any C A F E -S T E

T* ..P.rlenceJ1.11 lic.fii* ouiine*. o|>por

Haenn. phnn. 7»<I04.________ ;_ ConUctt HallllUl'UACTIU nerr. <t>e<lalUll Ur. ^MmaJIardln.Ul North Wa.hlniton. CASPER’S NE.NCWI fcplrelU rejUtereJ tlrur. <,ui,k aale. Bho. runiultantl Ij’.l. Canliicr. 301 7lll >htM pile, IIO..Tiry.ur-k..i-OU.n-m.».lorJ»f;;;:~W.irrM” mallon on lorely rn.nibl. carpetln*. Commertl.I prr Plinn* 7SS-1177. Phon.. . . t , S . h r . » ." '„ V H S I ; , i

s .llUdrc. irheate, Juanlla .(Meyeral 1 .0 . Ilni *11 Jenien. U Flamlnea Ileautr balon. K.- W. McllOltl |Hi4 KImUrIr 11,-ail. 71S,»t<0. courtroui, efflc»?nr«J Vtudfnta at t.duc«l prlc«. will. Itnn.acll ■ti».ma».nl., |1,_ llcaiily_A rli^Afidc Ix^LLtMlZ^

^rmaMni?^OT^E*AnSi?i^^ "^tnr"* . ' ' Sjlon. 1)1 Main We.1. phon. 71*. JJlO tSBWNAl.

j m J U g S 5 i | ^

ilby SUtnn-CMId Caro ^ 16 rUHlYP-im '

nl,"/wr.l!'ph''‘n.S‘»'-'ll4“ ‘ iJll!llil»lt»t;"wrh!wr'*‘ir^»^k.'riwn.''7ilT70W. ’ * conildered. PhirtjSleymenrABonciei— — 17 Money W «nfJH ort.SlMl.'' al -I'erSmnel »er». WANTWI tu Uiri Ire ot Made Valley.-- SSI Shoahone, I’hnne 7».6Sti7. Tlm<»-New..i . ip w » n n j- r« m i i i ) IB “ a . * ; , ; , b

your n'lihulrhi!-" ^'slrtlrlnif eu.. MuiIC U lW ri ‘tr*"k s*'iff.'l& Wa*tk'l'n."» ACCOIII>IOH.-pla

pf^ e n ^ S e * ”7M4tt?’‘UIWM% ~^}TilO anj.ijjil p.m. _ n„j.Iflp W »nlK l=M ili-----------19 - 'nr.------ •--------- --------------------- - O ther Initrue

P E R M A N E N T lo>irLETE rour

■ POSITIONS ■ ■ " S i r !Jl In " t r*V

BPcdniu;'r_myj_t^^ ___ !l?'h-‘jiu lIS»chtint-indBat.rhaT. «^and-w|l— —tlun. -_- _"■.I.XJ.V’t f ™ . S S . “™»'- H om .i Fot Send.1; and .jrallal.l. l y ‘mw ll-lV ~

numb.r and aiMm. wher* you ran ' .MBient. Carb._re.chrd, Arianr.menU fo.rdU. , joi* .f flower, euulnr p-.hl'.n will b. mad. .1 . ' redler. IV.tOO. your ron>en rnre _________ , THnEE*nEDn'. . HERE IS A fiTADLE " t r u ' t t T t T '_____OEEOftTUNrnf m,iM. e«y IVffii XTn.l Ttl*; _______ ' im.11 home.-* f i^ -K ra d u a U M i m i j

•reeenllr Emplorrd 733*100■ rJml'aiinrllnr In Communlly 1 hai. elrren hi OPPOR-rUNlTV: IW,*.'!! ^Fa^n'l'n.unnr.jCroup _____ _tLnaeaLjUh»

Fln«t lo.uranr. Education______ bwa.truuftm;;jn«iiaMa;auaiel^^^_------- - .,1404.down tarn

Uia. T,.p . . . « r Phra»-nj-i7u. -» ij,j« .-p„„ ,Muniurh. __ ____________ Frwman llealtA.N "«-'l'" 'rJJ",‘|;» «« LVNWOUUaround wotk and olher b«i»tlla for romn. a'ltrieht man. Stuart Morrl«on Tir. Co. ,,rt. Health :ANTtU: Kap«tlene«l aho. aaU.— aflemoon..Vi.ft4*»r. Applr Country Cobbler. 140 uwNiat will aelMain Aeenue Ntrrth. room. Ulh andIVO AUTOMOTIVr-machanle*. new alldlnt iIaaa-<ear dealership. HarhaBxh Molor Com- *y‘,. jj i

(one III finUtas s ;WANT AD R A T E S , S T

Arc LOW AC •na*itr. 7;• T R A D E .S E L L O R . ‘ ‘iHri'lo' SSU"

BORROW ■ PHONE 7 3 3 -0 3 3 r |

Mews Want AW ik»*d-M »l.‘ — * t '1 9 ’ J a ^ T 2 l-2 4 f

cox fT im A -nov ' ■ i TwUT F a llS-TH^gy 3DV #nd PAINT MAN , - ' . .man kk..p. ..IlmatlBf r.. H om st For Sll* d. *H .lar W..k. paid t a e a . ---------------------------

rn tf lljr^ 'o n lr 'mI ‘••■AHMI.S-.I * bed,..,r or^m .i. n.^1 aPPlr- Ulfhl

t OWh thla .a1e«^ri«'rtgoll». M-m^,r>a...ueol. re man wUh a.<n1. a.lllnr ca-:2-«|^.''^Joko^^n.rUioph.rM« ONLY |;i«!_it_-|,tu_Al'

A ^ d 'F a m ili 30 ‘

,.'::d"p*iC..’‘io.7!'Tw.; V;i“ S T A T K

I Work W anted • 23 il.i:: M-’.eu.^th-'^' TOM MA.VURE HAULING J. w . w ” miih.l'l•ml-HAV-CKOPPJNO------^ U l, ^

4 i ; i ' J * V ‘S ? j

M r-i'tnw ^“i'ta*n * eW ‘' “l!?o"i IIUICK

OU r»ou>~ haullua. Teri^ --n V ic fiiX i hai^.u rider, Il>‘>'l. Ph„i>. 14S.SMI. alUrKnl faiaie.r w ; ; ^ e d ~ a

.l„ne neatl, ..uull, ii . me, tl hour. K l Van Buran. J IA Q IC V J

hilAKINti and alleiallunh Co- HEAL"le., wnMInt (owua. Phunt 71I- t«l lllu. Uke. .V.,ith I. i;m and Il.iel lUtrarrtMlACIir-S .0,1 I1..II..11. funtlolleJ li"'>l''n Croekell tumlaallon. Ultl. foa. and meM, , .:n^rjw3ipr«vmBS.t m 4l0»== =^^j= jj===^j=pjj

.ISli iiB. 10 my hom.. phone■»■>■_____________________ (ii loan uin ... O pp .m ,n lll.. 30 jiVu c i.Z -I iV '

I.AI((;K lu.ury *, BRICK . TOPS Id uuallir. *i

4 .P le i ‘ loratlon. Con.t,ler,. .. I. . . i ,~ k.,1. KKAT2b«ti..'mw; V ™ .‘i i - u S r ™ ; . '! ! ! !

’s . " f e l d t m a n" R E A X T O IlS n

' j o h n J . ’w O L F e ' -R e a l to r -

3 .T a; 7 , i . i ------------i m . . . - ■Ken Waller* — 73>.4t7l I.AIICE THRKE be.

__ BtrMt F.a.1 In Klm

_ jF o r _ L m a c ______.-_: _ : ; S u . " S V .UNION OIL CO. 1: 0.0110,

T A Y L O R .alaL-U^nlM._llii»nelAl_»..lil._ -K lm bU ly-------5i0Ne‘:-MACK DODSCJN MemW Multi

733-3001) ------------------------■• •■ • -L -A R G B -F

F.rr or Lea.. Try thla hom. f*a f e -s t e a k h o u s e j k ;-

In Arco |j)' i’‘; .ip.rI.nceJ j^^ratar. Good 'nj'oou with

l l o y d r o

ConUctt Harm’ H.ldermaB 'A G E r• --------------- 227 ShmhoB. North

ISPER-S NE\VEST MOTEL- , K.enI,..i|.eilal 400 Molel. Harrltlce for 71I-74JI — 711-7. Irk aale. Hhow »»er j;'*. on pur- .a. pile, KO.OOO down. 410 E. a; - '

T D X U i m ^ Ummerti.l prT,p.rtle. a .peclally On lan . Ibt.,:.000

Phon. 7M.1HI H UameM. e.rj.

aV^hoppIni «M?r and’hlih Kh.ln'l! « " * ' unll h.a twn Wdrixim.. Will c«l,lnet.. bot w.i'%• ii;'iTii” T T F :r iV “' ' ’' ' ' ‘' *"%” ” ■ ■>

a \ o . . .1 ..; call 73S.4.M or 7: urteoui, efflclenl and p.r»onall«e.l jm onr itf ta.h fuinlce.oB *11 In'rnUnenl and.iral ^lal. trnnaactlon.. 7114013. , .B bon.l If ae 1

”'li"’Mrmi!"wu'i iuauy"?*!-!!!?! i n buernem. 7»,*»t2i:7lTll04t,

:jVTu‘r y A - e r / r U y . '* 7 p r ^(Kir aivanmenl h.mae for tratU |H>a>e.>l,I »nall farm or acre*!.. Phone 7JJ- y.H.A.. call 7JJ.4

noy W anted;--------------— 36 'ifrirjT'tu borrow It.ouo. Will p»

‘ ' ' u r OWNEKI Ib n .w not mor. than -7't lnte«e.t. condition, beaull ,|'|. II.. ...m ■/. ™ » • I 'S S . r . '■ll U i.« .n . M " K t ;

m« Hurt iiludloa, Wayn. Wynkwp, {.OVELY Bumi wit « iiunrla.. pbon. 733.72t>. b.droo.D»..Uixi cicUl C laiM f VI huketb.rrm n Vr' i:l.A.Hbt.H forminit, .po0Mr.d hrailc Valley Art flulld. Inatprtnr — Ae. Itealtr. 7H-»'iwimee Cule.r. Adull claaf. Friday UIAHMINO brickM-. 7110 —,10H0 - * ,'1***?,'* «l.*.'.‘jadenj. Ilarpr Darry Park Dulld- halha. Onlr, II4.V

ier In itruelion 46 KiMiihitLv. 4 t*iriri.ETErourhl,h aoool.dgc»-rn ^/^.‘“•'o'n

home. 14 iB..nth1y payiBen ln- n ..u ,. T33-S7I7,

ith-ldaho. mu* Il<.atd nt.Muct-. XJILUliUUM.ini^Kl-----r t M"?n Pnn

mes For Sale _ 50 .hoppln» renter.

nd'a_alte home for you "h.n t«°.__________ig—d.q--- Sm—Ihll-I-Wdroom.— TWO UKOIIOOMS,-I.ement. Carport, .mall yard. „ .c, heat. rio.. ( It. . t flower., .lo*. to ahffpplnr dryer hookup. lte< dler. I*,too. Caah or Irad. for ment. paymenU 111 i V r i t r i i y S l u i h and half. '

J I IT T O N r ¥ a l t y733-1008. Anyume . .^ I r iU k a o M :;

ii. elrren hundrod arjuara teet v: rented furnUhed^aln tkxir, a mabocany family room rw u bedroom nn 'ill* and' an *itra Udivom la rooa,

iT.-miorH-IMnr'in-n.-bM-ba'. F irm f P a r 'S a li»»aiItm4..TiEr_»»r_ibit.fctt? .^ ." f .'S ri7C J!u"t? irM lrt‘r ” iw ^ c n r a r jo ’*“ call *7»*-?711 «fl.r 1:00 p.m. nuirte.“ M^Vt"'H UO aom. .wapplni I 4 b«lrsum>. hom* .ic .pt h< rrpTne.^^^cment r*«lTatlea ^ m ,'j?»«,'’palm«ll M:.ll!*'''lCitI C. ■ April” to Drtmlrwman ll.altor. 711.I414.______ __leai. catlla. tlO.C

LVNWOUUi J bedroom brkk. laillr twmrflrrplac*."ptlllty,-ater^ *oo^ o °yiO a hi^ l ^ a h h ' fVrciS»"7.V7»?-4lil P'^;_' *

H»;it wlir aell nrw moUern I h«l- PnV nTT**«m. Ulh and half, utility. *u he.1. L U IS tf i iIdlnt «Iaaa-<loor..-m*bofanr c a b - ------------- HOgC)rtj. 111. balh, «lo*. lo .hoppln* Phnn. H7-4H1nler. A tood luy. Phon. 71IJIW. acIi^ I

me III finUted bu.m .nll. carpeied fctuH and oulbull nine and ll>ln( room.oll heat. pall., md rew er«p vplue3 yard.- doubl* (arai.. . IIM - FanBar-aT - ULu'^O^^^ri*” ^ 4440. ^Jl iMatlon. Full b»a«ient. 1% *b^!iom bora^Uh.. all.rhH >armc>. cemrr kt. cIom lo town. IIr« Raally. 731-4317. :. .norf larni.. W.ndI aLL rour in twl eelau an3 or-J.rom. *24-4»Id M».m^th'Aue"on.*?i*>41»‘l. “ M tK k^^h^^le'

iM .'^f'e^ ‘JJnL^lSSo'f«“ .Balim lly jlll .1 > ^ ..................... . Oooainf. ■»«•*<»■

>t. Ads.1 Jia 7 r2 i -2 4 n 9 'g V " V " " M

2 3

for Sala ' ^ 0 'M,|l.S-i! 3 beJti«i« b'l'k homfc • ijU ™ . wm-ln o.en .nd' • V»uilllir. teerealli n room.

V't-dr-'m hom..

I STATE R E a"lT Y ^

^ ^ K j m s T i y p ; , ; : r- -

a isu mucK.uouti im-. -iM

, i i1 11 <v«w“ *o rI..I i- i i i . ui a r i c v a l l e y If

K E A L T Ylu. l.ake..*iollh 711-Si‘# .1s s i r i i S ; - in

, ll"”"irooma. I ’t bath., lari* HUM '

tin. k.r.ll.,n. I1.MU *!»»'*•(il ti lltW month,

new -Fjitlr Am.riran- .pll»Cuiiom kullt. 111,100.

^E lu.ury 3 badtiwia brlfk.

T 2 l*di..'m -I'hWI.Iif'-l*''*MRV. w,.DTMAN 733-fD 88_ •, I V L T O R ^T jn^ilcT A v 1)

! »Hh WM-J.**- -

,^U .-*«4-f« .** baal^yart.——

■AYLOR a g e n c y . ;

^ i! iu r MulTipl. S l l" « - -

;-a;;rsS£ ■u (.rate. Choir. Eaet loca- IW.OOO with urm..

.O Y D R O B E R T S O N A G E N C Y

ifc .W .» .n i. , „

C U U Y J tU H A L ilU l lK - . -

........ ,

* ea.t. «»<h ef W“ ***Kchoot For,.t;polBt»«'. IIJS-tlKI ;ir 733-7UO. j

T"irf r«a lur J ‘^wt» parawnv «„uld Ilk. to . t j r t^ ” ‘;^»"hU

' Ti!' ii‘.'u !'ib5n»* r^ . I»r»» kllcheii <rl"5 ^ £ % c V ' « » •

th. n>«lern en. U-drwrn


U„T"rk2.” ln* Upiood", Ju»t i j J r JiTra Incom. and * plac.

llMltr. 7H-«7l!:__________-

4JI7. II ■ — -» .r»LV 4 b.drwim, famUr room,-

Iw. I ----,N.ii..ei.iim, V y:*A oi*ihi

r.TT ln»ui4in» iiaiiiinlinn. ~

..lo. eenler. 713J44".---------- -

fiw, iiw ««. •"»

K" poaltle.l ihllik“ & i 5 = ; " A " . 7 a _


; ; r p o r 5 » i« ---------------- l i —

S',,. « X "“ ^ r s S . i ^ S . S S K ■

' \ ‘cKE:s” u»'*iuUl«l«|. I «

---------Hogennun u7a«<

:-3SS.'-3SI S S lI.rom. m-44»0- - I

iln*. **t-*»b4. ■■- • - •

Page 23: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

. J . n , 2 3 - 2 i J 9 « 4 K - l g A Twin Fain T im et-N ew i tAsii^ i

h n n i M S m ^ - — - j a


“ *’h H S S 'I N ^ S T M E N T -

l^ « BtoAl"". Al'AIlf — nl.h>J

: . . s i i= lS £ L i iftlfcd *»»f ' m*nl.>a ACKta *"|:j|.‘’" r '! . . i » ■'■"


- i«U -'i-'Jn’iM

' h o S y MOUNTAIN " T l S REALTY ■ ■

l i t Mtin Hntlh______ rn.Un»_■ 2<0 ACRES

IDO IrrlliM, n. lmi..;n»m.oli, "■ g m ' v : K : : i r t l J ; y ^• OENE LARSEN GALES CO.

„ . „ i , .u . , . i . - i i . .

. r r . = : t f u " ; rt a s t ; _ - « ^ n g r ^

— t e K ^ * ' S ! X 3 i i « S S i S i

.....toad lUi* Crup •P<' »ru<li ruml.Iii.: -r:i.,i;

- K ^ JU<t,wl,vlnM J<« - 2 ^lh.R.1 pMlur.. in •h4r« T-ln >.11.:;£,'■ i S k : ™ k S S - . s s"Z l t.rnu. L1-»J Kol-rwn Al.n«.

— l i n i L l ) tATrijK iiAm:ii JU

lui »l IIM.OM SJjp

------^ >1lolnlml.-*-tn™l- - Inr-'l™ s ,

r t f J ; r . " . s . J : r s " ! . " t ;;;;in-:»n.________ _____________

4W ACIiUt oo olW O.NKJkoni»!*m!«l*fO »ir»p« h»»t. MIrt

£ r " M U ‘”-o tr ;^ 'n V r7 ;u U :s f.:.Am er. WtMl.ll, M«-»?l._______ <1"”

TTAciltS. 1 mu. ln.m J.rum.“ TliTiK. " “ I"-..!!''” '.; r-j"

Urmi'or «|ll->rfl> un U ror U> fitm CwJInr. » l - ATT||

*”'iS*V*lki»?'wrooi« Biixl.rK bocn». T-i t* -tSipJuJl.« .1.4 olh.r im. ‘'X*'.'; »nnm»i<U. IH.HS. l)ri<ltn Aitntr* n,,

■ ___________ I T -' V S S ^ s r S ^ S ^ - K

— ‘" ' ' “ i g - ” ^

««•:»<■ _________ _ i ! '

° » “ bSs*T. V ^Mlimilll. pilno m »I1L ■ (lowiliig TWOn>«lty. IIM»1. ________ Mn

• *u»*n. 1 W re ^ ”l>ora»."wm InTt H li / tar itewk nnrh^CtrUt Condk. HouM twc

^ l . J t u » w l . - ___________ WV


wm‘‘..lT « i™h r <» l» l» »cn*. Wfll# D>n 1*K,«>r» ■nawWwri,_______________ ‘ W4

yOH COm'U-TB f.ui« •»r>lc» oo ».» Ttriw a ' i ^ . KlmwHr tzt-it**.' ’‘’“ “J

BTOtil llA^ai>a-*Bil.t»rini J r x l f . . A.i ----- —«»«.-»«Bi>ltwkfit»r. "CTJ;

SU-OHB UBTIHli - lluxlni f»rmj. t,» lltMk rtn»S«-l'onHrt Nnrlh S1J«

>•011 FAIIU. tsndi or luim* lo»n« »ml

iiuY^*’^"*^"Lrr —. c .

- i C ;iwii». ^ on> ;».;»»>,__________

UAUUICK Kl»i Ileal tUUU. . .. ii.«»iiitr.“ r>oi-« :M4ti». _ j

l e t t e d A cre ige S 4KIMB>:nLY trrt»c*l I Mnwmk«m*. h*Tn, iinlrn. ffiirrd pialuip, L*’

—• Nortb’i N».t : Ut1rv..m- iB.«lfrn

______ kcmf. 'i»rttn.'.k«tiln. Jcu ltiirea;____f..--------- Onfr H.»«. wmi.. Ij;

GEM STATE REALTYW Dlu« UVw Sntih ' »>•»»! OUI

---------0Kr-AntKr*-t»t*n*Jrwm..-1tr.’-d'iSrttr’ri.4"ku<iifn” 'c..rbi!iMi!iS' ■ '••

iii.coa^ '^

HAROLD'S AGENCY . ’ »t» 4 » ] - Uii<l>'Kln(. ;3>.:<>7

Art» • - ^ITT brilK^mi —^0»i} mead Hm™ — J.»m ■ni»n IJ.OW

*^Hwm*B” *v"llf*rI'*- trVri *5)gn im; aTT for S<hn.lll> UuKlry. UT. p

____ •y E rb u 'L b i> (i kK.,lo... K.r.lir«. ^bulldlnt tlln. Lont trrm fln.nfitii. TWI John J. Welfr, lUilUir. ^

--- y—

V ta t lo n V re p T ty ~ 5 » ^

*tk**AI»^8i Idlho ln’'bt»uUtur.»«l*i . . VIIU. Cem»4r» "ur Und Ptlrrt wUh

th« T*b« MttblUb>.l br ^4t« Utvl ^ AueUofl. H*lii Vill* DcvrJoi'ln*.

- la r , IU «4ln N»«>i.•ubdMibn iKf •'itl»i l< T.'Mr<Rt. Trir* and l>nni \rry ilnlr- _ L »bl«. Lynwood ll«Ur. : h -HH. UNI

O th e r R«at E ital* ; 60 ^•^ItATEVER ts FAin A RICirT'

..fceee «r r*Dcb. .rour Hr«I. i<t«r »».JflO .•Ml* vr .

Tir ^ur" Mt.kl

- h o S a n d e e a l t o h s ,:______ ______________ ‘•^^ ‘*1?

-- ------------------------------------------------

; ^ e T I N G tM ^»«■! f a l . l « w . i a « l «

JJ. s ; 6 i r T :7 7 r i : r 7 :5 ~ tT r T 5 ;5 5 vwt* uwb'.m< »lii»«-lB. 8l«U MwpUM >»rU«- wmWiWi

— Mi»". Ill Muf- w/iw J. i»- y*~y„n.i4.____________ ' yJTSEETi

~ Api rtfHIW»»— 70 - ii t^ n a :— c«»»pwrrKi-ie—»iU4i*— i<• «fll furnUhH. Ibr** nwn». ! <b. tu.MII:« >t<a fw|.»»d U»li porfb. JjJJj

" n S T!_• _,ii,,iau»Jur»tob*d.olt«Ut«.l->b-* -5nu s

Kho^li. t

Klii SUUKKI ': i_ ■■ ■--- h>.W|.T r*UK.»tmlrl. two-tvi™. PH j »<* *” ■fc "*M'hl«*f4‘-V»ti«7 K.rallb. ••» Kootnt—„f • hh..hi.... .-ilt** tU»l. ■ _:--- ---- tXCKLLti>~ bi'tir**rrhJl!'*M^‘io « i ~dm^5.', . tu,«i.h*.i. shk™

'IMII >l(JUM aMrlm'fil, b«*<- llfbu (urubk. . an.l -aUr nd


■' ' - Butlnflt“

F T m . I

’b'*> f,.r ltif..r>mll»n. '

S ® t | 3

l.r../; ^ rr^uihi-^i^^oiortjrw^-Amn* —Kai:. CI.WN up.l4lt*. Ihr*** rwoi. b»lh. ^

V-''“*jIh''Av*nu* K*!'*"**’ “ ' ,WAIIEII0 uIHiUNI* lliKir. llir« wm *l»iuii*nt. cJj!*.Dui

0.7.J *;j! .Ulh!lndJ;ull_t«cnfl.l._liO.h»tn. I h.iup __ .- »"«"<«

“ ^ i!ru S r A 4ult^'tM 7H-S9I* or■«. __________________ Ught Ir,(,M. Ttlltkt; n«im on trvunJ Ikjir.tnn.|. - |n.-»giarO-A»»MU»-|Uit. ..» M » I^ -----------oul> TiiiikiK lUiOMH and hain. irvund flmr. JOHN

il,..!|n?l-hoi'« TH43II 4H.r i ».m.Apiriment-UnfU'mUhed 71

s “ j “ s i r s s j r - v - r s

y * ^ * " u ‘*.°lt u“.irnlr..m." ’ “ 'IfVr “Vid“' JTluui'lVir tu iUhIi JOHNII on fbun. 4;i-wi or iMuIr* « l Uiu. Indtt •« // '■«>". N'"lh 4tl>r 4,Pj;.------- Ble c

JJIitr '"iii.b.i“ AJu:i>-«>i>lf.' IV.- P«u—« ! ' — c?r«fl1. «»• UtUIXE 4p»nmw rIowln.-llt»l. -MlNNl I >:<■ «Vi.r .lo’*. r*fH(ti>lar. ••nll.llon Met - fginUh*.!. • »Ml for workljr ^, ,tn Bl», AdulU. na txM, rhnn*^nMl.l>.

ttillr" ^ *” *"■

•'>•,7* mfi bl«h!'prt»4la"ii1r»"».! bol'»4W' Klni" J, ^

^dup^ti. Innulr* at 111 Wnt Parih."**Iuii Houtei —FumliheJ 73 ^

■ ' " S S ” 5 .T ." ! s ! r a ; .* s v .» ; ~ 5 «-7—r. i-knn.tre.1. CLMN Ion<Uonal bomt (or cu of HouM two adulU. I«V M7 I'd Airtaut

I' 'lm‘ * 'llh'*^Wh “in wlB"raK!“ JW*Irr-1 —a;<.aua..Jtnimf. ------- —UNC bolnium, «tin imm In bawnrnt.

~ a ^ auwrnalle waahtr. lU bttU Kl Itb KluIlT - A.rnu* Notih, liS-UU.1 1*K. tllllKK tuimi and b•t^ tiotoln.___ W4lrr and aanllalloB furnlibed. CallIC* oo *..nlnt.. ;»•«»»■____________I **" TllllKK IIUUM and balh. >•■•■' tnd «**• ..tnluirun furnUhrd. <li4n. 121 U>lp fartf*. ^A.r Uf.Nmlh. ^____ --fi.'nilihM.* B*I-^'a«-M»-Jrt-A»iI.---- -----

_____ ^

‘'VuniYthwl* Adulla? IW>/'■inrr. M«ii«o«—UnlurnUhtid ■ 74 |,,__

MOVINGS7 ■ Ki‘j;s; i:___ Call Ui 'for rnti: £STIS!ATLS. ----- —" C ; ■^* " “^ ro ln '* ^

? T ^ R A L P H H A R R IS ________M O V JN G .& .S IO R A G E _S A - ' ■■•li t-h...h'u,. i i.ik .jj.-m i------- uurLKXr"Two-ti*<iTK!ai,“ ti.wly-dfr- lloaukol

nnlrd. rU-Hn; r«> futnatr. lltr r»i>4lnlaa **"'• ‘■'•i'alil'- d i Ixtludlu waUr* - pii.nti darii — -----

UNK IIKl’IUIUM b..u.r, «»mlvilablr. —. — ti.kl rlcofla, TbU won'tll.<n. d.u: *r*- • •

T Y ■ ~________________ ______'illl Ol.Uhll m.«l«B bi-nir. JUM KUIlld. tllj _____

_ l«n. Thor. _ 1 « . ilcit' T'Vll Imll «>m «;» Uanin OIiMl. 7U^: ■ Vartlal oil furnacr. laratt. --------

;y ® Si5I|*l»r»n *;J« and »:10 p.m.. »»»V* *'••'*1'


iiuiiialB Cl^_/^..^lfr^hiOTt.- —wnmlCiI,"’i-airtl l:l» mb' A.rnJ.’ »U?“l')i..n» ;ni-;»iis,. , ._____________

K ;“ 'V .‘ ™ i V S ; ; V ;i.‘ ; K “ | ! ^irTiiTfti Kfmbrrir i;3.j»T, ,. '•nfini. TWI) lIKIitlOOM m.vuin. 1 milM v "• I.'SO'. T-ln F*m, hlnhw.r J», fftirrd-ln _____\

UrV >ai\l. i«a TTiunllilr. rbuD. Ui- Cindrn

a'litomallr wa>hrr biwlup,**5t*' al E

“ |M| :S'd'‘A.*n™I 'S I T 'c r :» T . tUrVr 7 SHAI.I. I«u broiis.m birnir, : mllf*


UNK llkUKUUM'bvn*. Uat „ *'!*’" '---- — . h..l. I,lr*l for roupl,. U» TiUr.AO ;»*" mnnlh. TiJ.THO. TJJ.4:nt. !»">

------- VtlUJt Ainia -.tb r.d*<or.t.Cirr* »d ! h*dr.jom bcmr. (uRiic. (Urait. Fold

" L l ^if ...........T R Y a : w a n t a d •

• F O R - f a s t - 3 n s . • H E S U L T S ! niTTT w ll '* P H O K E 733.0D31

^ A N H ^ A B f a; H o u t» « -U n fu m lth td 74 y a m i Im pI

' T O P

I »«d‘ A L u i"r Ttt'fl'litl)ii66M,--f4» b j ^ E n fln e eC

‘tu n'r"'

S ‘r i u T 'i . i 'u 'i;uS'. u" STijb D lo

u nar*. wa<b*r d m r buub-up. <!<»• >•II Vho;^!.. CaU Tl l . t Hy— y ■ - 'IK T Z l

I“ k„” b'

j* Nlttb.*rb00» _;------ --------

id ‘"Ifrtablt M^rrii ihu.m and IVr • llfnl'^^lh».^^W**klr Of innBililr rain. Xi)llw»rliu

ijj iw ir i i i t t iJ tC g M A.'mu*_ Bu«lnaii.O H Ic» R en tili 80 , .

i ' ^ S S 5 S 7 ^ & n « i ? S I " - . ' ‘il;— .I I , , . . H - |„ .

“■ F .rm i For K .n ___________ M '

i V i S ' j . t s r . - ! . s i a t e s r j" ; '.: : , f • g j j . X t r a . g . r . s ■"'' p a u i

r 7 n r r a j 7 f 3 p = r c j ^ / & W I ___ paatu ^ ?*^*,f* ‘" ir . i / . TnTntT ■

'Caatl.fonl. _________ ■'J.'A r-IJai

7 amtb at Klinb*flf. I’bon* T«- “S; 1_______ O

r O th e r ------------------ g p*? .WAIIEIIOUSE or bu.m*M apac*. I«j0 ~ ' tquar* (Mt. Twin Falla. Laitoa TII* All mi

c»fc. DurUr. i7M m .________^ OtherI W .n U d to t o n r 18 ■ K "!

— (fn t^J and r.fmnr*. IJct 1-S. «/o M A C H I l

! ! U ght InduitrU I E q u lp w n t 69 y “ ”

JOHN DEERE MO^ Dle»el tractor wllh 7E-1 Kl'"*-1 H tneock «lev»Ung Kr*p«r „ i , tm .«1 -------------------- -------- m w TitAC-roic">♦. JOHN DEERE 840 • mil J*rlld*

D!f.wl tractor with 7E-'3 tsj-tj:*. r i H iiBc«k elevBtlnj tcraper L t r ca j .

....................110.500 "f,; r “ — . * with Tut^ JOHN DEERE UO . »"*• ~___lu. indiuirlftl eniwlcf wKli *n- acm l - sii— . Ble <iOKr............... »,2M .U*Arm*.

»7. —^ -MINNEAPOUS MOLINE O V I- ^JTiTuVu^ Ion irtc to r, excellent condition Caii Uout*0- .......... ..... ....... ......... ;_ H.MO A>»tlU« a

i r ’ CATERPILLAR Dfl' « W llh d o i e r -------------H.SOO U SE T

S E l i l O T T S ^t l . -BDRLSY----------OaU-«8.55M------------------

% jQ u ic t^ ^ ." Z U s e t h i s h a n d y D i r e c— s e i- v ic e T o d s

i --------------------- ---------------- ^ ~ 2 - 4

I . A p s w e i

I f th e T elephone o f A n y A d v e — ------D jo l - 7 3 3 .2 3 8 6 r T c ! e p h o r

. ----------- -----------------T h e 'A d v c r t l ie r V

---------T r P l i w Tonr B oilnw Serrlce Ad.

— ■ - A n tiq u e s ^

= ^ S ? i r i S S ' s i SKlmb«tl». ■■

A p p lio n c e R epo lflng ,_______ _

on* tirm yk«, BalM ol w rJ appU* - car* raJl^

“ phV n.'^ijiW ii"'^” J o r

Bir y r im

w w« atlU maalu. Cyrl.fT. ' . Knl*rprla

" a ■■„.- C h o in -S a w s

•euil tlart aawt, J<htrptBliit. Ilamtoimdtr»»l.* Itrpair CtnI.r. 202 2nd Soulb. JJI- •■‘■l-l'

•.jj; C o n c re te Form ing . intT ca"

luii. . C ra n e S e rv ic e . • copi»« -__________ ■ . •_________________ i:»l4iKln

r 4tu«yitlrnl t y cnn* a»nlc. LtII* ' _ v.*«J *>• UalB North, pbooa *>]• Rc ___ . ------ CIrda-a K*ii!in D rivew oy Sen/ice a**! ?!! '.

!i'iK'b"Du:haa^7u-T«S^J*iB.r4ll4_ —i.™ir»4.-i ~ --------------------- ■ • Tu-A»i;>!,> al E le ctric o l E xperts cumpin* i----- i;<inlta(t: boua*: IndttiliUI and r>palr.

- u . . b*tl*r .Iwlrlrallr.- Kllllnr.''»>• tltn rlr. T>2-t;2»._____________

"II" Excovotion..________ Trurka j..r■ llarlb.-* irartor mwualrd itdi" di»- IlTlu- ’••

7— palrbrd: Trmrblnf. U«k- fmin*. ].j(«,'*'“ ‘"5 " " ‘’Mi folJli'g ehl

■3 ; «ll>" falrUnVa * S.>ni, ;^-3u” l.

taiiV*and'dralB'^ll.U *Imu1u"om! ‘"iliJi*"'*, llak.ti Srwtr Strrlr*. *»-;l4l. I’bon* a

■■*•• F o ld ing C h a ir s *. Tobies.

Fue l O il • ,t . r L . . . ^ .y..

pauh, Inimadlau d.llt.ry. Aiw »*rllc IM laaoUaa. C*ta 'Suu Dll.' ;U41U.\ . Tallqr. \

y a m i Im p to H w rtt . > 0 Firm >mp

T O P CONDITION C ------------- T R A C T O R S — ^ — E f


U A6 SCY FERGUSON 89 MABSCTDle«nl. IWO modtl,__________

A LLIS CHALMERS D-17 MASSE E n fln e complttely overnauled. Oood-i

______ — wodtl-______:_______ =1=::^=M A SSEY FEROi;SON t i MASSEY

D iesel. ISM model 3-polnt. . INTERNATIONAL : « new p*

___ iUSSEV“ INTERNATIONAL 460 oyerhm


INTEiRNATIONAL l» i8 re— ^JNTERNATIONAL-M "-------— I n tto— JOHN-DBERB-«A=----------------- jVtLIS C

JO IIN DEERE " 0 “ -- —- plow. 1, __________. _ _ - ••• ''yL E i

■ G E S t EQ U IPJIE N T CO.“Your Jobo D*m Dttlrr" ».nHnti

Ba.lUnd Dri.i Boutb 71J-T2TJ ■ .________ . - _________ FERGUS

T-ARMERSDISCOUNTlItI'uf • llmll«4 Ilm. lO'l otr oo tb.

X«ll«*ltir-OnDEIl KOW.

.......... • Z I T L».i.d liar Load.ra-------------WendeU

' ■ llrailland ruitirw Op*o*r«All-Mrlal lu*t ■ I i*oiaiu Ilulk luia — t t t ; ;

Cullltator TwiU \ \ INTolalo Plant.r illddia IluaUr r

ToUU) Con.*>ufa .. .I (dlr*rt (rum bulk truck to pitnltr) . All iT

Complata-tllackinillb and tlaeblaa ’ ]fib-rp faellltlr* >Im trillabi*. MASSE1

P A U L EQUIPM ENT Die«V / & W ELD IN G SHOP • m assed

• Paul I d a h o _______ D‘*«*” jrA ; Uau*r. Vfoprittorr4«;«STJ- "MASBg

' '. ----- -- - MASSEI1----------- O V E R H A U L , ------------^CASE,8(

SPEC IA LrSTS --------MOLimAll m n k u T n e lo n and FAR.MA o th e r Parm.Machlneryl aLUS*C

Reiisonabte Prtcest • INTERN


~ 1»M F15HI AMa«r------- TU-Tllt . J . lv H >_______________________' •TTour !

blLattL-iru«M aU or» - ■- -ram b'> W^'JIelo.n a*JT r*palr In our' .h.!p!

llflni lh»m la o«w. Mod*m Traclor ------------C*nl*r. acrvaa from ilowladtooit. PA

TItACTOll.S o..i»au1*d. Kt** pIfkJp .■nd dtllrvrr on major oT*tbaula to .mill* raidlua. Gem lijalpmfTil. pbon. «l»dtnf «'7M-T2?2.

Ltrr Us tl.moiultal* Ibt ailtantMIM ,,,1ot Ib* 'ieo' Inltmallonal Irartor ~ . , r a with Torqu* amplltltm. WcV*,-.

AUML ••Sll.mlp- Pulalo and b ^ and nun rhain la b»t. Uur ll ‘nd aar*. Wad. .b>*p *ijii

■ W Arm*. ril»r. ’ - _ Conlacl

.—ua<Ujra;_S»roy*en-.mnjo/ illr.» ^_Al lanth UatlMt». llurlcr. «7>-aSii. un C

'' ^Call Mountain llat^Nnp.* IsV^j S «-*'w|d.* A..BU* SouUi. 7»-»i3t._________ J nrtor*:

- BaidwlrU SE TH E m iE S -N E W S FoiTvUUl



A ctionSer^d y D i r e c t o i - y a s a g u i d e t o d e p e i i c e T o d a y . . . a n d e v e i y d a y

^ ^ “ H o i r r

i w e r i n g S e r v i c t

A n y A d v c r t l i e r in T h it D irec to ry l i N -T c !e p h o n o -A n iw erin g -S e n ric e ,-D o y -o i v e r t l t e r W ii l Be N o tif ie d - tp -C a ll- ro u .

Jerrlce Ad, 6ur733-0!l3i: Three Uaa. ene i

* Furn itu re_________ Sept

Bltur*. 7M-I019. .............. 'I>«nlnr.

_____ _ In surance aiaiw.K >-or Inatanl Iniuianc* •llh prri>«iual 1- - car* rail OiliaoH r'a Istuianc* Aim.

tr . 7U-«U1I. Uatl< Vallrr llaallr j llulldlnt._______________ • ________

'i Jo n ito rio l Scrvice * ‘n t . ' 'w5 wm -J»nUornrCantnnon:-rar-tbi —- _b«l-lB.n.H.ina.ti.l.Janlia.lal a«t«ir*.. call 7M-2H0J or 7»-<»0._________ ________

- -M e b i l< ! - H o in e 4 T O n jp e r t - 'H t>ai»H h omra ln<i ln»ut*0. boi.drO. ^11 moton J Knirrprla* or Trrmlnal »'n.iuo! Charivn.

• M otorcycles >'or *ronumr on Ih* (ana or all amu^ ________

* tranaporUtlon: lloaila. SutuVl. USA; ntrJ, koi *• —Ptrta-Arrrnartrr-niiitar-CTftrrTr •

. . . . . . »■■*'<. BtEfliating ........................:

r Stuart Ilrothn.i Inlriior and « il.fbr; TclCphi c»mm*rcial aand blullnf. 7JMU4 Vinir ul*

l! - t 7J.I-1VU._____________ • hour .Mi:arl iiiummiU — 24 b..ur arrYlr* — — ^ — .

- Comm*rrlaJ afld__ mldrnelal paint- -j-^

^ Ukirti-l-^oar^t5»-tmi-.Non«“ Ji;- —T»tet—C»iuiiiniila|->- lllu.trailoira-*- aprrlillati

. Coplta - Color pu«t rtrila - I'oitnlU - lluaranti- Crnl.r.

I- R o d io to r Serv icc . .

'"'tM-'MIW’.-HaHla ot 'oir botlMiff'nBi

ii Clllf and Ja.l'a jl.irltc: lunr-un and T ----- l<™li»-~ttrlfT.-tlJ-M»»l"W«!."l^oat . '

' Comp?rlT'iadiat.'r a.nlr* U n* ta.~ dlatora a atwrlaltr- Sco..I ll.pair, IhmbWr ;; 2U Idaho iiiirrt. C.oodlnr. H4-Q72. - jj. ___________ R cntols • .

r"ur»*lf. »»it half. ’ort*n . Stampa, E„nic,i,' n

^ V :j h I---- ~ ln>urnl.

'■ panr. afroti tn>n Fir* Dfpartnnnt. of.turnh- I'bon* ?»-«47. I rr{lnl<hl. \S e p ti c T o n k Scrv icc lu.n'a'cuaf, awaiti.SciiUe Tank S«mr*i tiranint, '* '• t'U

Inatblllnc. rrralrinc. .So mllrai* r>l>matn '■ • fharVi'ryb.>i>u'n»~MC7;7:.~^ ■': S»pllr'i«nv cirauinc MMmum »l2.Ji>; V g

J2S.3ft^(af l.0vi) ralUin. Trd llurau

« »*rllc IMk Ckanlnt. Call tba«ur aaln am ^ . Tallqr. \ DIaI :»-XI»L 2nd At*

- \ V - /

^ R P S z = J ^ jc .M imiilwTMnts 9 0 f i r m . Imp!

^ - — 5 ^C E R T IH E D Firm Sopi

ItEL 'O K D rnO ITED " < . HAJ ______IH A C IP .R ?_________

“ MABSBVTTROt»<>W'“ £ * « ------- -O N Iexcellenl condition — ta o o .


m *b s e y h a e k i s « p i « i j.po ln t hlteh. rea d r l o j o - '

p . I „ l ------------------ I’ M F A ^iU SSEY HARRIS 55. Call Ctwp

overhauled. * r e a l worfc ^

. " ■ ] i i n T 7i' • iw Tui;! bti‘•'o t reco'S n t a


Orerhauled. new « • «b4 di«*.cepllort.1 b u y ------------- 47SS

FURQUSON 30 Excellent »hape. new p jln t ♦ ou iw t «____________________rJM I® iVT La

4»2I. Waw

Z I T L A U M O T O R S-wtnM U m m U T H W 2 2

. BETl


, All to Oood Shape and Tr^kkn*Ready .to OoI . H u m S w

MASSEY FER0 US015 M (r! ;" - : "Diesel '

M A B S E ira ia O S O N M

= v*B ^W -F E R O tJS O N iM ;aM - = S tu a « i FgRQDSQN_4« DM E ilA » n ^


CASE 300 trtndlnr- MOLINE « 5 ------------------------- -- nirr-K*-



— T W - I N - F A - i ( L S — - T R A C f O R n f c - I M I V 5^

•^our UaM*r-r«fVUaon-l<*>aton ' **•. Sulk -- _ram b*»4 and-«*W-llolUod------klllUnt &

-------n n . n - ' “ T

PARM and SHEEP ' 'iie q u i p m e n t . .ww.Ck

«M?if*n>Sl^'*n?el^.*12 «ApJ> »limrlal walrr Unk. tnrlal watar H «i»nh_ ireufha. /r*d*n. manur* §pr«d- qhaIN nil *ra bar watona. d*rrlrka. takca. Uljlan'.., s r ^ r , ; S S . - . 4 ; . " ™ 5 i ; r . ; - ' . " . = r . “- s i . . ° r " ? . i '’r . s r a i r n*p *«ulpm.nt Itrma. ' I honaj.

Comacl! “ aM-UU*_A l lanth 4<i mllr* nortb of lluhl w iu . UU

on Cirar U V «"lll«hw ar-— batlrr- 1’:

A nim iMJ ftiotort! Potata DRUaUZn pula caOIE"^

^ ldw ln"M M u'tocttirlng Co,

S ^ r J ir ?MI»" Klm^Tj“ l £ ^ TW-

' e r m e e s ^ m

t o d e p e n d a b l e!. d a y ®


' v i c e ' ■ . ■

to ry l l N o t A n sw ered , , »;'">• '«'■:e rD o y -o r-N ig h t.— ----------------tJ 'V . " "C ell-V ev .— ----------------------------

Uaei, ene moolb. only ---------b«jr, or I

----------- 1 anil aprli

Sep tic T a n k Sen/ice,7 Kol»n<iolrr arw.r aarvl** (or anr now. IM ; —dl.Inati-rilllSr-AlM—aTSUe—U nt «n

flranlnr. A. O- llakrn. 7a»-2HI. lli.hl.5rpllr lanka r1«an*d. rrpalrtd aad In- J'UIIKUKK

alallrd. Fr** lnap*tllon. Llojd htllriT.i -------------------- a . ! "; S h e e t M e w l f S P S. ---------------------------------- ----------- ■’ 73V«««.- Min rr-Mim-Wrti t- r t WlfitcrT^Hwt- fiuGfEi?

Int. ««nlllallnf nnd irn.ral abnl 70O aoui : —aiHUU='DMk':-or-;HM»ti‘i - r r» iu r :iw..i* H '. Cojn._7»J-8148. . tjUAl

: ■ S leo m C le a n in g ' •• . „ % g

i! ^11 moton and rflulpmrnl. anr .Iw. . l! Ch*iivn. KUl Addlaon llaal. 7>MU1. miUWN 1

, T a x id e r m is t

- ' « : i T i r . v a R ™ i . - S ' ' * T SCan, pbont 7»».;47;. SOirTIIKH

r. T e lep h o n e A n sw er Serv ice14 Vuuf ukPbon. 1. n.Tfr aU.n., 2>.

hour arrvlc*. Pbon* 71J-2JS*. ‘ WIU; UU _ ■ I'bont J‘‘ T e lev is io n Se rv icc H erte i

K n u . t r ■ .4 r io % ? a ^ t7 TaaTttar- -

: " n i U ”^ Crnl.r. 420 Main .Soulb. 7»-2tll. ‘

T o w in g ‘'• a'llta'r~~»VTTckfT B»rvlr*. A.ldiaan-A>*- Maillr. 1 nua"^ mU' rbon. ------- »■•«.

'j --------- ^ T re e -T rim m in g-------- -

- Wnod'a Ti'.« »*r>lr*! Contour, pnifl. . ' ' '• In*, toppini. tflmmlnt. r.moTlnt. IlOIUit.sH '• ahrubWfy. alorm prot*ellon. Guaraa- «ln Krl : l»*-l. ;»l-5Ha.__________________ l-IIDVKN.

~t • ?i°’?^J-l7M"or'l*M*l>I'*'' '**' ij{i?

'• ^1f»!*flr*lraulk^«ran*rKrr» «lTm a^ B lby Ct_ ln*ur<Kl. 7M-«i<X — Hub] (t]-40»l. -----------It --------------TT-;— :----------------------- IIAIICOI

U p h o ls te ry v^miI I '* W* offrr complrl* a.rrlr* on all irpn StlNN'u of (urnllur*. Kr»<i»*rln». ribulldlnt. AND

rtflni.bint, rnlMlcnlnr. Trr* *al|. KH U I- malM. Cain'. Inc.. phon* 72S-7III._ lUin'i <j uainm Upbol.Kry; I'urnliiir*, ^y™r c

'1 V o cu u m C le a n e rs_ lUpalr atl ‘makra; *uppllr«: llw.i.vr ^ ^ tt ani tr aaln and a.Mc*. Cornrr Illu. Ukt*. lUU IIm>

2nd A**eu* £aat. TU-1K7. Vaklma.

t ^p a -Y s - <r>rm Im D U m tntt P»ti >nd ^Iw CAT l* d * ^ mUa. tituo ^ p e r HI

T - M O T 0 r O H ^ = 1 2 p

- ^ r a r n r r s S E —

" " A T r a u n o K ___FARMERS— STOCKMCT

Ili.M Wlr. . . a 6," ! r ^ „ bxdtl■“ ' A s s s x f f i i s i r - ^ " . f s i m !

j ± t _________

- S ? 7 S ^ . ™ E ? j 2 ' , S r '5 : ! r i S K i i j ' ' ' ’’■ ' T m f iS q j

. S ' . r r “ -r' (am Bteda. D * U 8upplr Compaar. )-uK HALK '

*20 t i^ » " 4»*f*'l>on“ ‘jlotp«lBl waltt bga'bu* put braltr. Urrrdal* Karma* pbon* 4»t- .lont. Stud

Cr'llULK^uiik.. JOB lalkpo. u»«l « ‘ “ ur*br*4 *1 moBtba. rboB* 7n-T«7«. flkr.

i ^ ; F G ; i i , n n d - r e t d --------- 94BETTER GAIN FEED

' 'ALBERS MILLING 7 ;-----7 ^

Tru.klan* ___________ UvBltOck ^nv NT Irtliaud 12Q acra paasur*. Cbtap

t*rd for tlock. l i r » «aln »J 1Ikaldmt tat*«ktf.- rbon* U t4.:7 . _ ■ '

. . • ---------------------- - ' RJ

~niit:i.*Nii Mllll^* r a ^ Twla Talla J- -- ID_ **»rindlni* Walur Laraoo. Kl»b*rlr & T11*” '*“ *' I t*lr IBQ um ia> anu WAKTUTP

:n4^^uuC‘.“ jIt^B*. •»*•»'• or

.Wa.*4IUj J U bar. ,w A «ltl) i ,.ibalfd. UtrliiT Aaktw. Wtnd.II. pbon. lU)b*rt Ilia

XUUCJC.-bad_tumbluUon_inla_*n4 ___:S C £-t!tiock ratk: AUa UI*^ alraw. M»- ,24M. W .nd^_________ ________

ia TulJ lat culilni har: *ou bair* ____alraw. Ck-*-lft. Call 7S».:S20. or 7«-«H .____________ ' APPI

UAUJ) almw (or aal* * tnllM Mtu 'V ie

Ui!a1k '” ‘‘ l l l ' , r ^ m or* ^

*‘noM l!unrg:l '|a».' l'hii*M{i^^^^ llouarhoid

IIAV .fur aalcl-Karl. •Iack*r/n,^.tu»»

A nlm il B reed ing------------- 100CAaiE VaI.U;Y Ur*«llB» Aaa la. ------- ---- 1-

a : S S r . ' . i H 'r . ' f f i ' , ? £ ' £ ; F u m lm r.

s f ' K r 3 i . r i . i . s J A N u a :c s ; - * ! ? " i.* rrlu J.remr. Wtndtll. lU itnntn, jO Llvl

r i S ^ ‘"llilk‘£?»NrAUS-CI*ii — “ S S (S ii^5 !irT * .^ iiJ?S !^ « — 20-n«n

dIrk. 7JM):e. Twin Falla. Fllrr and 3Q W u lluhl: rall Knlrjprlaa IK . 40 “IV

A urtioni . f o i “ NO MO SNAKE RIVER C a in '

A UCTION ------------ irr** I’ltkup ~rar~TU>ff

» . t Klmh*rlyno4d______ 7»»-77»« BANr-O ttle___________ 1102ATTrjfTlON DAIIIYME-VI r«r\ aal.

or trad.. t» bMd of llolaUln aprlni- ,tr bflt*r« (rom 1.H9 lo I.2H pountia O n IIn wrliht. A lol Bf thrm artlflral. will buS..m. «h«*.up. N t« .(Inane* plan. Dial 7!

' 110 down a mw, tlO monlhlr. up to .,..T-4 rralm to' par,'. AI.b~Mm.~fM4 DUWt.—BAI_(:uenutr_htlffn ._K u|.nt. lluihc*. _ fural- JuTtmr. -»21-;4l.t.

tprlnr.n. lOOC* ruaranl**il. WIII bV . or tnd* (or all klnda lir»tock TIIANtiKKII and aptlntm (or California. I’hon. tor: nrw Hap or CIrdi lluib*., Uuhl *4«»7 taa «nr* or t4}4>2b.' -

! j 9wMMjiiafkAri'!’ brifrn.' JiVurt. iiLlUIITl.Y I aon^^hW coiBpa-nr~ all“ « r s n 7 : —i n l ^ i t t

! l'UI(i;i)KU) Anrva rowa. cal.ra. bulla. __) hfllrn. Snm* Itilal*r*d. Two rttla. WANTKUl

lrt*d rtatllm llrrrrord bulla. A. D. .appllancfi• Morton. lUiul* I Hatrrman. Ku^llur*.

^ M ‘can^l'ulrbS:aektV'aBd Son, clal — 16• d.ll**ry. Shuah»n*

I *700 aoufh *oikl^'7Hfhwa7**'pboM r -U-..U .Hak..,-nu,l.r,-«g:7<Ua— . ^ i i yaim . IVO VUALITY ll.r»(onl cowi. Uonj 1-IIII.CO I;

**.1 2 :T*eu” "n

’ " lll«V‘ Aifirua*’'‘ro‘wa‘.'’ Utm'"stoeklon! ^Rtwd’conJ' . 1-T-.—- . I —1. miUlVN bwlaa aptlnc*r cuw. t*<ond M utlca l I

» .S w ine^ ,- . . -, . 103 .Radis-ani_ SOUTIIKII Idaho Bwln. Drr«d.n

r'alalofupt w illti' Vtrnon t^aa*n, .j . . gyM

’ K !n?iiiiv‘ ................ f.>..r h.JT• I'bon. ■>>mm: ?;U4C0. ^ ' Jj;;. H a r m ' - 1 0 4 j r ’vACii

r —and-ft»H*-m*rw,-*nfi>*-rOA-br*d. ------- *T p.; rilU«- and colla all a m . Abntr i ) ! .*

0«ni/ I'.annrtt. lr|«hi> 7>K-2M2...' 4jj ii»jn■ GOOD Appak-na mar*a. -FrKla Chlro" ’

brwdint. Alao aolld colortd fllln JANUAUKwllh ttud Appalooaa brawUnt. tlalpb rhandlai.

: Uailln. Oaklrr, Uabo. pbon.,J62. Mnuarhr>t>l___ J-----1 TilK lltliT

- ULACK and whii* IMnlo mat.. Sh« „r»lc*:‘ . ^haa-laU-nf ffllor->nd_l8U ,ot,tia*.. _Ju«-a rV.- £ S ’” it. IIUIUib-SIIUKI.SC and tHmmim. Cd- j p.m. •I. .In tjb .rt. rhiin. i . I'llOVKN, pn-lucint Ihi.rTiuthbirt mil* G ood Th

U WK IlUV .M ir* l«li.'’r,Vw‘'lnd‘ '; :r jaa.Mlrt. Ilr.1'. Trailltit I’oaU. Joaatbnna

• '109 yar."""- IIAIICOI'K IMOO wbll* Irfhorna. CmmpTH


i;t-4;»T n irr lllthwar M ^ r j u l r .

'^our'*Ch'k'k «™dn«rt’'.n.-'‘^ ^ r i '5 wH jri^K I» S-..I t .Siiftplr. 7n-IIOI-.________ ri.,i Ul 1. »;uii siaJrr. mil .«a»b.r.-i*a-bn»»l" . I’himf 7.V

r, P e tt and Pet S u p p lje i 'l .lO — ■■p " ;a. lUU drirvriall'puvPln. lOll <>r**a'bll

Vaklma. Fll.r. I'bnh* «»-M2l. I Park Ar.

■ t i 'e n d P e t 5upplW » 110* O o o d T h lna t■ PT T HEADqOARTERS

P or All Type* of P e u -n , ! S ? . '^ JirWb.~--**^ ^ t i t Ma

no 4th ATcnuB Weat—TO- 1 1 0 1 -------------------

S iT ir - i^ r - i . S . EUanr cl>na>lfM*IB~llualrT. flim^ }“ •• • '• “ ■'T

S?id‘ ^ E biwS "

a -1 j i . iT i 'u '^•d*apc*d bobbrlat. Bupplli* (or all AT3

J*.BPli-a.P*t Bbop. W*od.ll. , 'A U T (

, ^ E E D .rir* Btr**t. pbon* 7»» jm ---------- CaSh Or

Ktfrtb. *.*nln«a. '

’sbonbalr l 'o ln U ^ '* iw ^ . “ T sT S S S d TllolHaUf d tM U * ................... -________________

^"^A N M O'irkhSu*nd‘'»uppll" clll Bu * * 4 |£***‘* W LLY I toy Cbl <*'bunat«l d

alona. Stud a.rrlr*. 7»HU1>. a Ik UUiLLT iuCCul C««k*r Bpanl.l pupplrfc atock tn lkr. Pur*br*4 » mata. Pbon* KWJlfl. di„*i ,^ 4FlUr. »*w aaddl*, '

U v .ilo d i W . n M iV 4 £-------------------------------------------- Witjl>uW »ii,

. Pter Prompt . Ki^-.^^dr::' ■ - R £ M .O V A L

of Dead and UMlea --------r L n V E S T O C K ----------------

T*II0NB COLtXCT ~ w^a'^bTlD “1 Twla falb JM-«Ht-4TI-mt BBrirr room. Fre*

ID A H O 'H ID B - & TALLOW CO. ?^g*‘ so“J,"h!

iVANTtUl Your d«ad and wer^laM HKLUXli (oar anlmala. Prompt rnooTtL Call-col- » • 12 . l*rt. • Kim Vln* Trout C«, int.. rarriatf. Ha

iVANTtlUi Milk tual lull (mbratd. Fr**»*. H.iiTitob*rt maaiDcV. FiitV « w » n .— - ^ a u p p ir^ r r

A p p l .a H ou teho ld Equip. f2 '0

_ _ S c e - t h e - B ^ G A I N S _ _

‘ ‘' 1«ka‘T i h 'USED FDhNITURE and Fall. ’EculprAPPLIANCE STORE u m 'Law TE"■ We Buj'-Sell-Trade Phon* »:4-7i

117. m b . , 1 , R n . j m - ™ I , ; ; : ; ; ; - , .....

" i M . S U ’" " 'llouarbold nooda. Caln'a. _ W AUTHAg

‘■‘K^y^TV. ntw^pltlun Wb**. i’lwn. ^or^aalurdar

Kaa'l. bnan.Fridara ‘111 nl'n*. JANUARY UlU8CU-dn01ilr-«mm-liMpolnl-.l«lric -.handla*. Sj.*.-rxc* condilion. «». I'botvt - llouaahaU.G

7»-7»g. UAUlU VALI

F u m ilo r . S HH O ooill 152______________________________TWO lltUUOJ A N U A R Y C L E A R A N C E " '^ iS i

All Used Fum lture ' t h e i ik s t t ' nnd Appliances _ ^.,vic«: Ab

20 Living Room Seta Jn*'. t v . hn Dinette 6eta_____________countkm j i

___30 Refrigeratora TM^m.

30 Washers and Dryers ^ miS* «*i*i* 40 TV Sets10 Bedroom Sets »-ou s a lk :

- Manr Matlrraa^ ani Bpnnp-----—FllTr«t*m__ Manr Olh.r lltma I .__ JU;1>'S TllA^

NO MONEY. T IL SPRINO " r» d * «unt.C ain 's — T\vin Falla M lieolU nei

SPOT CASH HI—rjr~TlftKTlUre-=-AWtI»n««-=- «undarj cr


lot Bboabona Soulh Tbont 7«}-U:i >„., .„d i ^ ^ l rlc*. Wril-

O n the Barrel HeadI '^?.'^i„und‘"

^p'l'ii ^7y».77sr .‘aV rJ I?:’?;- • K n ; : r \

"uied furtiUuM ard'^ap^linm!^“ ”ur- l»1l.-tr»ilf.-Tnt»t-BnTtblnt-o(;^l<>*/

Taa-wTii. -TIIANSKKIIKKU: Coldapot tTltll.ra- and alnckrf

tor: nrw K.nmon drrar: Krnmc<r* AllOUT <-lini- ~ 7 3 ia 7 ^ ~ ~iiLlCllixY dama('rd. bo. aptln* H eiH nQ h —in l-m ittrm —IHmUr H».»8-now uyt;u hioktn

« 4 .« . Ttrtna. WIUon-Dalf. 7M- I«1«. Slrrrt. Twi:

Shuahon* tliiulh. phnn. 7»-l42l. and-3 D.m.

" m * ‘v KKui"! C a m e ra i'P^ ilV aln-r-iiL -O wn T rtU n-vm n t; ~ p , y , l . 77 HIII.CO U- r»(rlt.tau.r. M. pound -moat

tnrur. Ilk* nrw IIM, Uma. Drrtttr hohbr Fun and mirror. Prlnllnt ro

- nood‘TOndlllon?‘‘r"ho*n.‘ »hul »4J.»V: T T T ^----^

M usical In itru m en ti H 4 t ik k u buriiKIMIIALL Plano.: Luw.ry orian, '

drmnnalrauir. Il.dscd prlr*. Wan>«r Ukr* Lr»'■“ “.I.- ------- A teo i.r.r i«

- i i . d i » . . . d - i m . i . ------------l a sWorka on i

------- -— U S E D W S - -------------s r SYl-VANIA rmiMl. __ »>.S1I PH-- "« *"17- KMKHSON labl* modtl.U».ta „„i„17- G.f_ labl. modal ----- IH.t# ,ar. Mr. tir .C A l’EllAUT con.ol.___ni.t# mil": r FACKAKD DEt,L «naoI*. tom- j piruir t*bulU. blond, n.w PlclBM,

H ~ r \ " " • pair on imM 5 f y ~ E E E C T R I C 110.M* s®'

<41 Uain F-aal I'hont 7»421I put’ ll on l■_____________ ' . ' Tractor tm

JANUAUY Ulraranr* of all uirO n.r> Bl^ "rh 'id ’'JJ-^!a' ra“ nV*^ ^ ^ lA N l

TilK lltliT'rv-, radio, airttu. tranalauTr .......... ~ C»rr«lc*:;AUn^fh«k lubf* (T»* Jl m SndA .r.

MAti.SAVUX 21" ronaolt TV, “ „ v " ^ - ' niarr atrl*. »«t. I’h™* 7M4IU «(Ut

:— * o n l y G ood T h lng i to Eat , - 133 THE!

U kn tinrth. Unm»i. tnrral fradM ^ ^^r*"and Jonatbnna. nraionahl.. Op*n aft- ,,„h *rn,»na. CloarU ilondar and T t^-

tJOUllLK llpl^b.llfloua; llom*«:^na- H*lrk’.01itv

*W «*Fl«*^‘l ! r " ° " ^ * " ^ ’' " ‘ ^UIH1AN1CAI.I.V frown polaloca anl P tebup C l'

carrou: Ff«b rarroU f*lMT «nd -----b*rl Julr*. Inmao'., !» •

K a m p -« .l i l ' l nnnii.or-Waahlnfloo School. •* -T,

. i-hi.t.,‘f,:i......................................J'.t"*”\M».l.tUSAl.l, U,t n.r .air. Cu.»,m • tulllnt.ilciul.1* «iai.j..-l. • Nortb Main rati*


<>r**a'blamtva. Andrraun'a DalrT. 704 t-^ul Park ATcnur. phnn. 7JJ-tOM. » .

»od I h ln Bt Io I m

buiHS ; . . , ' = * . S : , S » 5

iH n 'lU n B ^ r

i w l i u . *c77oS '7 ^ j^ h S 3Icaa t&slaa ■.*.ri . 1 * ^ . H

----------A u i o f r ^ I S, 'A U T O SUPPLY B S1.1 Ird Artnut Wn, . n i a , B ^

■ N E E u M O N E p f eCash or trade: - 1. Ull, Uf iiitUlj ' ■ —

" H ^ I ^ - P P E L C Q : 1 1 ^r s i S*c<md tn ^ .M jlQ

l>*r»lr*. MrCuIktb*"l!li^i'ii^Bd e ;a n MOTOR CQUb.?t

ca^ n au d .drJ‘kt?"o?,'',£r*MiS#-ta*». •pproilmat.l, ,rtlllon. TTX.I»;4. **^J»l).rlit UKILLs and baaiKn. 7* t-rr* atock tn lk r : domp bodj«'.V "tr 'a ad S :? , ^

UMl’a i IrnaaiiuR .n< A.— ~ lu . Powtr poln. 0,1,1 b lu n. KllUnitr tim .K »k« *

^i^buW »iuUL,. ^4". odd .lira’ cut fn*. u , 1ClB( Btom »nd Klsi't | | i l i

shoppint Ctnt.r..______ ~

'y«^ Mak* JrV ^o r^ Ti '

r^WUKAT^Nu^rp»trml7.U^ ----•un'a b*lD. you britbiaa a •» room. Fra* cunauliatin. G r MB'a. J»r«m.-3n.Sitr “ _C

II6.M. UannJr FJra.l.i,, » ahon* South, ph.n., :jj.lui.

lb.LU>!K foam l.r*d ta» ,T f i i r , (2».»: al.« a.all.V.ararriatf. Hann.r rutnliaw.

_Fr*w._M/7 taJloB at AU^ __

laUl-blKrAI. U lnilniallS )LI.tloer.~an«al.-'aUfa. aad-iiik __cbooa* rrvm. Call 7JS4I«L f'

JKIV IIAITKU pip* 4 " aa4 r “k n y h. HOP'. A rral k*t _ _

tanka: fiih wbr*la: ir ikWa'Falla Coulpmrnt Com»aar. m

too UlKiK >*nc. poau 14 U . _ Phon* «:4-7Clll or Ct-Tlll k

VALL fl^gu t '.. t t t r utwa; to **• Ul apprtcl.l*. rbaaa S n t or SalurJar 7M^4U. ■

iXnUAKY UI*a.aB.*0( all « -chanJI**. S** our ClaaiirMtl

lluuaahaU.Goodi.-Cala'a.- .dAOlO VALLKV. Iradl.,

count ator*!. Fam A Cllr b Int. Inc.. Twin rail.—Putlw.

rw o lIUmOOM bom* -ckaT aal. to tno.* or t» r Aan722-7HI.______________

rilE IIEST TV, tartlo. .l»r» Ui_ j ^ t [ r V j j j w « i r _ ^ _ _:OUNTKK, 42" hlfb. V Hv.!'

c«w.r*d with driwfT»"»*«t 7MJ44*.

Sl.KCTHIC («nr. putt. IM aad - mlln wral of Sotitb rart.

7H.1518. _______ _roil BALK: bltais ckaaar. 1 -yilm-at>»4ti1i lUSb'S TllAUimi l-OSTl w. w tr»d« funt. T.rroa.______

M lieo lU neou i WantedWANTKUl UllAIWjind a_l«k<w

JilandarJ or Obwfc 4 H ^ L

^If*. Wrll* Bo ' li-B.*'t

WANTLU to bur: Clraa tax** f t pound. Ilarrv Kopp.l

Fuel a n d W ood jW l’LKWOOUi-Alao.BilJ'd.??*Jkarjd-aurktd

H ea tin g Equipment Z Z J * ” *UUKU hloktrmallc ptrlS T T a^^B ^

wB^ion. | 17» „ln<»l"

4 S ‘c S f ? 3 ; i 3 s S j.nd-aii.m. m ^

CamBrai-Photo S»PPIl J . , ^

M otorevcla i____ __

A e e e f i o r 1 e i a n £ 5 ! ? i ^ - ^ ^

Work, on all rat* —b>alt-prxMurt-t?—

trraian mllratt l»

r.‘S u - J i . r j " . ■".,![,« i»r f.lloB a a ^ L .i.mill 11 mil Illl I UMiili

= = O T i S 5 s ; « S ; « f i

• “ o n l y «->s. ™ ^ B pTHEISEN

P lik n P C im p « L ^ - ^ ^ S

.. K a m p - t o W ^ ! ^

n * c y A S u r A c r t - * ^ i i ^ I Paul ■

Page 24: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

DON'T-■«r -----------

= ' 194 ^

1 ^ ®

’«a t } ----- -- ' ___— - . j 3-D(Kls. D.2(K1.4ll4------------

^ p m n y M O N - ^

^ g i m box. W .m W l« it

CT fJS t • « » < » ■ , .■f! save HUNDREDS

I ^ O N L V ^ J

~ ■ $3095

bob E E E S E ,5.;t mot o r CO.

^ __ New 1964_.■t 5 ............ - '6 '~ -nHEVKOLET

i/i .lo n PicJciip

P $1995. ^ t «

S i lM ia E N K I N S ; " Eg rcH E V E O iin^ -rt i jc! : ^ r ^ I f i K l c - V a l l c y -------

T ruck C e n te r ” ____

*nr Ready To Roll1956 F O R D 2 -T O N

“•• * 1. I^pewl. J-apeed »xle. Ex- i37C dect motor *nd Urea. 8*"•"■I rtP trffction g n n i • dam p-. ------F S rt ifld hotot. ..... "H”

S « T h is .B u y -T o d a y l

g Only $795 ,^ (MON MOTORS Sw in •' p»j

S -^A -l-SH A PE— —

■"i*' !i! INTERNATIONAL c.“i-obMl drit* pickup. tbli

Sf ~ ~ ? ? 9 5 T ~ z r r r~ I~ JfM M<r

S-, HARBAUGH Kl5 : T R j T o i ^ ’:' G oo d in g a t• * ' _ ’ h ’»

Br^iid N e w .

g -G M C _P IC K U P __ ."

is m 5 * 1 9 9 7Stnft^

; CARLESON’S___ « JiUj £u i rion« w w m P oi

^ ^ Trade — c # n Finance “ *®‘- J>mlt will bold 'Ul iU nnt

,IM<* "QIEVItOLrr VI p la k o p . 4. ____tent boi. B.W P4IBI.!..» M

WcS^ Sfi-lon.' Iindrm dri»#, , ,,.<n«l INOT rtbuiuf '*

y* •mill. IniUIM J«niimnr t. „mi. h*._»-p«d 0»>nU. “

nil.b»r *n4 •rlll ttrrr l l ’ .i f e


- ■- '"IBI LOIUUI Ul JKUJIIV CIIJ I ......___ ! - — '•''"•■=■■*". " r t ir s ‘» n n n u c K S = n rJE llD M B -


^ ‘S5SV ^i

H Sll‘* tai!"«»l|>! »*I?|1JI lih i r ‘If 'fo r i n l l n - U i i s

P-IMItt ausply.»b«B.

r l ^"»?2 u * . I U . 1 (Mdjibtpt Ab •■ ** J trom. m ^ tH . Cb.

^■C *»•»» :

( ,u H-*""- 4-«p**<L In^ *i>i r q i r


" S S jy'*>lo^<AL m , u'uB ^T; pri.

^ Fot S«U MQ

J ^ £■■""'« ™.'.i.’.?,'”..s:. J ' •'•".‘"f. •'» M"<mi«n. CIlKi

••'■ '■■• f f i

i i jS M t t h e W a n t ADS ^„ „ ® L n . YOU CTOPIION'E , 5 „ J 3 1 -

rT^PESPAIR_1_94 A ut6iwl6bTtei F o r - 5 5 g — 2 0 0 TCutv TtoSS ~ ....... ............." *•«-"S S & ■ ' ---------------------------r t S Q U A LITY

— * = j - B B ¥ S ----------—

IB H&-TOP Mndmon »nd ’ •____li.t«. Top* to ippearwe*

3 u ^ E . ■

^ 1— -----------

'6 1 f o r d J 1 9 9 5 , ,■ STATIO.S WARON Cwmry JS

£ : T ) a 'H 3 r ' " '. I ? 6 '0 0 F O R D ■ ‘ 51495

-------- BTARUKER t«dor h.rJlus-VI. CniUMRiMk. ridlu. ti««

t 4 _ r br? ..m ^r»w;.7.’ ~

) N ^ T a I iTl AWE f,t*if.**v^• ' fortoBuUc. radio. BiCT-tu*-----

tte r; ’58 P L Y M O U T H $ M 5 ;„7i,kWit . IIABTOP S-d®or. V l.- ,m h .. Uif.

kulton dtltr. radio, rtc:

„ U i '5 7 M E R C U R Y S 496 " ”<-t)oo|^4rt.t..^ n.4i^ b.4i-

s ■ •COM M ERCIALS 1 :;:

- ’63 DODGE - ?25B5'I'TO.S. dMk. 4<«(>Nd «ltk,

n i l’62 ’ C H EV R O LET J2095 “7 -

nCKUP, .V*. »|ih l»nt J " , <ihKlb4M tnd btrdwoed >10(11 ilvtk r«1i.

l_ '61 FO R D ?1995 ' .KUO 4.«tii*l drtrt. VI.- 4. ,

cu>u<n> (lb. ndlo. . _

------------ - B ’-■■ '60 :IN T E B N 'L V $ m 5 Z I l f c

' :-TON. -lent ohMlbMt. t - ■

• *1

U N IO N M OTORS t£?lPhonj 733.1019 — 73S-1M3 S’ "

Stinmtn'* ilomi Tbona*

N g ~ E 3 a ' & . , a g ________

^ ------------ i f f i -

— i I . IT ’S E A S Y

' • To P ic k '66Ex-»• A- Good O ne w

-1 A t C arlaau n 'a__' I _______ — _________

I9 G 2 M E R C U R Y '5 1HrtMr V* Cuitotn In Bunbont ,-« •

•>n tInUh with toft u n Inurlor. U‘* OU

— S 5 5 L r .V M !_ ' T

19R 0 P O N T IA C_ i s s s s s r ? . " . ' C ~

---------------- 1 9 6 1 T B M P E S T ----------Jf TOu’»* Wfl looklflf fnr an •nmmlcal. r« l elrni tUUoii — wacsfl . , . look no lunhcr • • •

---------- -------------------------------------------------------

1960 FO R D 'A krlthl >»4 r»le«ti •Uilon WM""- ir» »e«B0m1e»l'lo dri»» »nd «>;uld

‘ " o m V / |w s * '. " I

1 8 5 9 F O R D IVI Coutiur Btd«n Suilon KiroB. , - lUr«'. & r«»llT *ood w.(un ind !• ___^

----------------------- -O N IJi-«IS 5-l______________

-----------------------------------------— - - 1 9 (

_ _ CA RLESO N 'Si i a P onlite — CadlU u - OMO

r r - -«Ol-M ftln-Ea«--------:J 2 3 J M 3 _ _Mnlpj« » ' r »

M» MUST SELL T H IS W E E K ~ H. WJJJ Tnidc or PJniince f<

'H-BOICK Sp«l»I D'luJt 4-Joof.. 'V Air conditioner, ntw llm . , c

Z r*"*' COMMERCTAL CARPORTS- - iniotk* Sauihuf J»f«n»cilrl’«r'> -----P

1* J'hohp_K4J«fl_______*'* tiLK-'iiiia 1 w«’il [>ni» ll—vHiy :s:vn " m i '{,|

- mllwl 4-lonr^h»rJj»g^ or trad* for UUmod.l tulloB "Mo«. ■=—

_______ 'mlU i»d«n In ROnl candlllon. K t*-*,*T - " ' «rllnd«r wllh »iiloinMl« tr»n»n>l*- ,?.7h .Ion . nd W wbb«r. C.ll 7»- ---------

leM l UBED UAU3 — TiiutKB — l-lCKUr» ’l-*m. S . <‘ l l ! nAllhA^fil* >[oTyiM.*([oODIHn. -------- -il1c»- chlBIlOLM BKOTIIKILS. l l u r l t H'pbtBl Yeur .uihortud nafflbkr D«*l*r <oiV. _ CtuU «Bd UlBldokt Countln. 4.I*

ibngl! rORU !•»» 4<door U.l.tK 'SOO'. AIM= i 5 i - ' i . l . S ' E ; & 5 & £ =

CbtrT TM-yU. il5» Folk.;ib«^ * ^ ito » « £ ^«to«k t»ti(.*nu-*4i-'*i

Cb*rrtl*t l«nf wb*tIb4M,.iUlMld«pitkup, 8H -n;t. __ _

LKO KICK ilolnr Co.. oldf*t rotu"* dmlrr. Aulhorltr<l ikln .nd

^ fi.r .11 n«n»ttl Molnrn r»r».Boll. J ' !W« l«— Worth M«ln< rH>‘. Am»rir»n Hrnlg,I4«I0. C1IBVI10I.CT. 1»S4 4 ^ r .----- - -w.l.t..»S7...4.door w«,cnS'E;;;; At.<i«wi. »iihw«r »b,-HbIiI tii.* .* !..______

^^ood O U *«.^T £M BW .«™^«djtriJfk|-

JQO IUTTlt» il.tlon. 7U-IIH.________ ' •,

r tr h/ttlgutrlrn f->r. ilt!rle V»»»?^ ;

'" n i l ' ' m^tofl.*‘^*U i< !m o"» rboM i»r-

------ ro iiu t» ti V* s.*«f urtMP.• m ndinl .bin. nuBi p*rf«l. »•*•

JS |M DHIr DriTt. ■ p

JR OR PULLM B t o t w « i u k . t o S .I .

— — E r a i L C A E S - L . _ _ g ,

1 - : ________ f r e e

--------- 1- 2' New— : — —

9 5 - - S N 0 \ \ H i f f i A - D S -

~ “ ; W i t l r E v M y ~

? l N E W a n d U S E D ' I

— . C a i - S g i d -■ ^ 95 T . 6y i'li-j • Regardless

j ; ------------'62.MERCURY.___1 _ .»__ SrlifSSw *,* '*" ' "n'l* «

« H I ? ” 'T s " d■^- ■ • r;

^ ■ . E

’6 1 IIERCURY ’68 c:’vi!', "■'au"'-* BlHbIiIi, 1Shll» ..II ii,„ . , |.„ J „ 0 it

3 K " ---------------------------I I« 3 ------ 7"-------------------------95 . . . '5 8 R

'60 COMET i\ mnoRik.l C.r b.i n ..r nt«

.BTbMWr.* W »'w lTu’n"Af”.'lldJJ* btr* M rrM It lue li t .fo ri 'tf . il-. ■ , iioai

' ’60 MERCURY C O )2^*4^.“' *-i«r 1-ha.ton. _

* " « ™ 'C2 F

“ ' ^ - ’60 o l d s m o b il e “

S ”2 " E S -3 .r5 i

i » > 5 9 M F :n r im Y ^Mf----- McnlerfT tduor. Summrr no.«


’ * ^ .|l» S ' ^

“ EARLY BIRD - " ^

F ishing-C ars'5 5 B U IC K $ 1 2 5 ^

Club S.d.n.

'5 3 M E R C U R Y S 1 2 5------- ludoa rw »B ........... ........... ...................

” - ’6 2 -P L Y M O U T H — $ 1 2 5 “ ~_SuUoBji,^„a. _ ____ . _ ■

'5 1 . F O R D $ 1 2 5

i?i '6 0 F O R D • ? 1 2 5 &for Club S titt. '

U e E iu lu t P lu o In th e lOfWorld to Buy fc C »r j .„ . i j

■ t h z z t h e i r e h : :M O T O R S , I n c . i

~ r W H a F M = f S i j R t S S r "

— ^ ---- I9E

^ L u x u r i o u s ?

Y O U B E T — . ,

‘A ' j. T o p s In L o o k s "OBKh.i

T o p s in C o m fo r t

’li T ops in P e r f o r m a n c e J______________• _____________

— - 1 9 6 3 - e A D I i } & f t e — ^Btnutlful Bwque blue 8«d&n

'b fu T S u S "S -S * w « “. c a r p e l l n s . 'A l l the fl:ics&

'J?_ MUlpment ineludlns factorya trcS nd illen ln fr-® --------------------

c _ If you-re been looklnj for A itklly ilne car

Jl. SEE THIS .O N E ! .'*; W ell T rade L -O -N -G

'V — C A R L E S O N 'S ^ 'eoi'Maiir E c t ---------- t33=ib« - ^

UAOO VALLty ^— TRADINO DEALIR ' ' t t RICE'S In Jerom e i3

™ ; = 5 5 5 s e = r z ^:Cr5 ’ U*»d « « In lows••5 UO TO R CO. ...

I ---- ----------^H i ■ - P r e - G r a n d O p e r

.3 .,, ---------- ^ - T t T 7 . - "

^ —1 — ~ ~ ______

M agic Valle:^ “TRUCK CENT

jb ^ S 5 o n H a n d *

S -------------- N E W 1 9 6 4 C H E V ]- i;-TON n C K U P S

“' ‘I; *rf-TON P IC K D P a2-TO N T n D c k a “


■S. ' C o m p l e t e S e l e c t

» S a v e A t - .

G L E N G . J E N K

2 :^ C H E V E O L E n

V .

ILL YOUR K10 A u t o m o b i l M A t , S t l t _ ; O O l A t ^

; DON’T .- — D rive T iu ublc — ^ “ “ Tcad(H t-------- — —

_ L ! f iQ _ m j lC K ' ■ S1G95 ..1J)G3lMk>.r R.dlu. kf«|.

' f t .ul»m.Ut ir.iua>U«kiB

•60 B U IC K " $ 1 6 9 5 ..........4-door*US.I.(«. ntik> pu'otr br»k«. pow.r •U.iIb* -

r - l .n lc ~ r. 19G3

- *59 P L n ! OUT H - $895:--------------| . ^ r rBry. lUdia. bMKc.

_________ ft Mwiiht. m ,..f buVf. — H____■_

^ ~ ''59 BU IC K J1295

--------------~ x * i r . ■..

’5 8 C H E V ■ 1805- . . B.Ulr.^4-i™f..^IUdl^^bf»|. 19G0

lwa»r tlrttlni. pu«tr braktt.-U tt l ont v 'nn — SUrp.'5 8 C H E V $795

BUcm-b*. 4.dM>r irf*ii. !*.•dlo. h«trr. «f«ia»t»tr*T>'i'------ m r t rli.4»r rflilB. - f»» -r..l UOW

~ ^ 8 R A M B L E R . $795 "i»«r4HW. « mllBiltr «oflBt.

1 ’58 S T U D E 5395 jg ^ g• ' o..?Sri.^ l"irlla‘<l«r-A m i

hir. ' •

COMMERCL^LS 1057------- ^ f i2 - G M G J 4 - to n - $ i a 9 5 _ —

4hi>t*<I. Muk. »db. bMkr,----- - low mllrttr.— :------ - — - .

'C 2 F O R D v - t o n 51605-------------- S-«pr»d.- )on»-wbf«lb4»t.-»»--------:— —

d!o,-b«l.r. ........ ......... •........................

'6 0 C H E V >/2- to n $1495L o m 4<«ptTd. , 1953b ..ur.r»dl0.b lu b .^ rv b - ,

:--------------- ^ I f E - --------------— u g

; - 'C H E V R O L E T , -Inc7


, P A Y M E N T .1 9 6 5

, N O D O W N .

.......... P A Y M E N T ii ; : ^ ^ - l o a i ;

r I 9 6 0 R A M B L E RdMlMr. Iltdiu, JiMlir, .ulssull.

?44 M on th .. ,

1959 C H E V R O L E T .ranil D«llT«fr. (^illBdtr tSflB.. <

_ _ ; r ^ i = ? u . i ! t i ° i : ; B.'°" " “- • -Bai._ '^ ^ O T o r n h— - c n a r u

I f f S f O L D S 88 • . ^5oaW8up«r 4tloer irlp^. bt.Ur. _ _ _ _

’ " f l~ 1 966 C H E V R O L E T ^ g g

. ? 8 6 M on thl i l M.

1 958 O L D S 88 --------=«1tu w B i5iJl;^ iir7 ii;% -“ l3:

"Ob. « o » t. OoubU i6*rpf Vt-tOti$30 M o n th --------^

1966 O L D S 88

1 95 6 C H E V R O L E T *B«UIr. S-loB.. rtdlo. .ul»Bi>tli

•-------■btrt.l.- _ ________________ , • .’ 5o9 itio n iii t>“ ~

- - - _ l i ) 5 f L E 0 R D , r , -FolrUB*. VI. .Miontilc iniuau. 0 1 -ilon.

$29 M on th

'G l


- - ^ M O T O R - G O . — ----------------;

(44 U.ln South ' rh0B< Tn-4111 >QQ '

W D E K M 3 H '’^ “ 1

B R O T H E R S — - S

- P O N T IA C — C A D ILL A C '---------------------- ^^GMe----------------------- p -

id O pening . r T r f f r - -------------^

- - ' ’60 I

: Valley ■ ' ' CENTER”

' ■ " •

n H a n d * .


T R D c k a ' ■ ■ " • " ‘ - ’•IS -JiUBimSAN CARRY'AIXS

2 Selection ■ . ■ ■, ^

JE N K IN S "ROLET . - __south

. . . ( Evenlr

V . ' -

\ HAIR - U20 ].A u> om oba|i»_Por_SaljL ' M O .AuWtm


. CH EV ROLET E S B e s t Buys

- I n Town r f f- 1 9 8 3 C I I E \ ’l tO L E T _ ;----------- _.-«-)

I1IM.'AYN>: t„i.vt .•■Un. Jlut^r » V. •.wlur. il.uJinl ir.nt- U;«« tlrra. 2>1iinr pftlnl. 4.V0V

.......... »ctt..fmllt.. B.W f .f w . t - _ c

......- .....-■ ttJ B S ^

19 W r a m b p 'e r_____ A>IKUIC!AH ;.Jonf . fd.n, ilUloBtr

. ^ —itura:------ TwttrF'ar>l lr.r..mlMlMi. gnlr IJ.-M>1) MIMl nJiM. f

_ ■ :........ - ...... . ticoa

1001 T -B IR D - , ' S J ^IIAIIUTUI' nup.. CniltMX o<«njr<<

bi.Vn .Bd*^ln. •- - - • J o - . ‘ 6 u f l .< ■<•»«•■ ' " c

. wH O Lm Li; m c»;. *■w io i - ^ c

I 9 6 0 F O R D filSd 1TUUOIt r.lTltnr 'IM'. VI m«U hi motor. tr.n .. tr . JiUinUjJon.- r.dl<. lad wkll. ' •

J U ^ ------- tllSS ^

^ .Ullin ira^imj. h» ■ rvmvIM* ^ .ih .u l! l lx t in

.und.rd 4r.iuaU.lon wllh

VEnY'NICE »1M5 ^

1958 C H E V R O L IJT " - - w ® 'i.a M t MJ.n. .UBiUrtnoliT. .UBd>t4 iraBimlf 1<umI '•Ion. Brw i.iont p«iM.AT ONLY _____ »C05 _ i

195 7 F O R D ’CO c■• .TUI.OII .ri.» . VI molor. 4sUvr._ - ^ u

1 955 O L D S . • ' ,4.lKU)n iH.n. 1l>.lf.. '

O N L Y ------------T jll f i •'

. 1 953 B U rC K . '4.D00K >«diB. D»B»flow I

---------- too c

: —U SE D:TRT?CKS^• 196 2 C H E V «/a.ton

-plfkup. ^ 4 .« ,llB d .r m>

" • S r t d . S " ' S S

............................$1805 :

1 955 F O R D i ,i . to n . w f<• Pickup. Ixxllnd.r ni.«..r. .

r» .M W . "S H A R P ------------*535

-1 f l 4 6 TrnTM ):lU,-.tnn— ----------~ 'M

ni™toV bu'b*^ ‘‘ k’wUk• - ' ONLY ___ _ »205


C lo se d S u n d n y a i. . .Salesmen's Home Phones - .

— c n a r ie im tc i i -----------735*e(»7------- -— °----- Ron-tore--------- --------733*8838------,VT5x.n

Doa W elch 733.7608 m aiWAIIK

_ -JSIJQ M T IA C -Orttnd Prlx ■ • 1- - '8 2 CHEV-2 ConTerllble-------------- ^ ^

•CO FO RD Palrlane BOO ]\'68 PONTIAO Bonneville ''53 CHEV 2*door Sedan '

----- 37i-3rjUJ*r-H«n*-------------------------------■ ' E D E V A N S S J ,l i l north 11I4III

rn O N K MOTOR CO. . Open l Yeur FirmoUth GUC Dttkr MBrIC

vt-tetl Sgtkr 47M7M i}ia

R ED U CED PR ~ — G N-GUARANT-feED-T--------'6 8 ~ T - B H l - & 4 l a r d to p - ^ u p e ------

.BeauUful burgundy and wlilte tv wall tires.

--------» 0 2 - F O R D - G a la x le - F o r d o r ~ —VB, CruUomailc, power iiecrlnc, rs

--------'e i - F O R D - F n l r l a n e - F o r d o f -------300 VB, Crulsomatle, tuione blue i w alb. •

'G l F A L C O N S tn t io n W affon ,BlR "0". standard troiumission,

'6 0 F O R D G aln x ie H n rd to p F o i_______v s . tutone. Pordomalic traium li


, '6 0 F A L CO N D elu x e F o rd o r

------- -’6 0 -G H E V -R 0 L E T -N o m a d --S U UV8, su t^ A U e tnnamhaion, radio

_______ bmkes. power rear ylndoBc, 2-tone

'6 0 L A R K Roffal 4 .d o o r• VB, rad io, automtUc tmnsmtolon.

. - ' 5 9 O LV SM O B ILE S u p e r 88 4-i

. . . Power steerini: and brakes, w hite walls.

. COMMERCIA— ’C Jw F A L G O N -R n n c h c ro --------------

B is 6 molor, atandard Inuum bslo

'6 0 F O R D F -IO O 'V S ' ‘----------- CU!rtom-c#b.—4*specdm idlo.-hca

Styleslde with tm llcr hitch.

'5 6 F O R D F^GOO V 8 2H onLonc/i'licelliiiie, top rubber, 4>spei

- - p o t ^ bulker. •

“ > » < r H E V R O L E T i/.-{ o n V 8> 4«spced, fresh'Dlr beater, extra ((>'

'6 2 G M C i/2- to n P ick u p

'6 0 D O D G E •■)',.Ion P ic k u p

-, M 8 - G H E V R 0 L E T 2 - to n T ru c kw im beet body, auxiliary tranhmls

SO Oood OLDER Model Cara $<5 to $ i«

. You Don’t H av e to

D & S FO R D S/. J e ro m e

South Lincoln -— Dial 32<-5j«5 — He { Evening Phonea>.win Ellis • 324.4E30 — i

USE A C Ua T O c m j e K H r f o T ^ ------tflC iq ivW ob 'l

- . . . FREE ^SEAT BELTS with eScU c s r , -MILR.purchased durliiR this Mir.

1 ° * " " O j^

- -M CH SVROLgrlM PALA l ._ .

U.t.'.flllM.'bu'k#* .».l* illhfc’n-' ” Book Prlfe M105 ” ^ o i i i !

_ OUR PRICE $3805 . ,T

•83 OLDS 08 f-door ' ~ iTTCuitom .»d4B. Il.-lki. hc l.r. ptfw»r.l«rta». P.>vr b..k~. . 11- i'G2 C nilKioBtr. iMVuruI Ixbi- blur, U<*1 4. ,,

Book Price $2900 ~ - l U ' OUR PRICE $2785

------- ■t i ' CHKVHULLT1 MPALA~“ 4-»loor ------- -.iil«o.«iJr)»«v W «1 Hllw "•MT. KjMj.

' • O O R ^ c V m j h“.‘i

“ % l CHEVROLET IMPALAPuA ■►«" ««««■ U'», r«lor. *• C9 F O.pMd OB thi lk..r "llh h irtn C4|,M«U .nd tonMlI#. toe.l llukl «"B»

. " • / “ ‘BMk Prtce »2«MOUR PRICE *24B5 ’6D ME

'dl QT.QS r t i D ^ U X E dl*'iranimiuliin. luw mlWir, T.ri* .nd

----- «und -.ciindltton-ilhBnubwkzrliiitU- .«w ''r.------- - - ------ ■ C9’ P 0

Book Price $1805 . , VOUR PRICE $1595 ,r.

'01 CHEVROLET CORVAIR ,•• • •:oo->. ..d .n . lUdl.. b ..l.r, '57 CH

.uniUn) tr.n.mlulon. Llk. naw, nuiLowl WmiWI owMf. . . . . b„,

Boole Price $12U » .mOUR PRICE $095 ’


r.n 'l U irikl. f . r <rom . ntw one. y...* '^ K ''i^ T c e '$1585OUR PRICE $1595 ln j* :nd

------ • - r - '-00 PO B D FALCON ."- •' D«lm«-for*ir otMon.TlliiJlo. &«(•', T ----------

•r .Bd .und.rU tr»,ni. h.i tbnioi. ulrrliir. l.i>r»I »-iki> owner.

Boole Price $1280 OUR PRICE $095

•59 CHEVROLET DELAIR AbOl4Hloor .rd*B. Il.dl<i. hntrr, I’aw.r-

___ wild.. VI. lU.I .h .rpl llmiUlul ;• '


----------W-OLD8 -DyNAWlO:8«-----------—-----J jw r tti fn . lUdlo, i— .r 19G2•iwrini, llydr.m.tle. On. swntrIrvn lUthruld..

Boole Price $995 OUR PRICE $805

'SB FORD OALAXTE ' ' ' oo■too' fordor U.<llu, hr.u r. 196.2l;otitrr«llilt. ^ . 1 Wrn.ltll uwnir.

Book Price $1205'OUR PRICE $995 19G2

-------- - ’S C -T O R D -F A IR L ^ ------------------ '« r> ifru iia

Book-Price $045---------------- 19 62 .OUR PRICE $ig&. .

1 -55 FORD 2-TON TRUCK ) l.* ! '^ . l l . «llh 14' on, doon

on both ildt« and In rn r. Will itU 19G2

'" “ ' C , $1095W. h .* . 10 otb»r TOP

CONDITIONED uitd <.n,■ . lofil noodlBC r»«l>l»flU.

I ^ ai^ wa^ ceS ' ^ ^ au' g^WAUKAKTY

: _ _ t E C t - R I C E - : ^ M OTOR CO.

G ood inB 1“ 7

*^our A uthorlied Sales and Service Dealers fo r every GM lORfi

car or truclc"Open E \ery Day nnd E^'enlnns MsrIc VnUey volume dealer

liial'it n e re r undersold

:D PR IC ES 3 E D -U S E D -C A R S —l o u p i^ - — g 3 8 4 g = — ^I wlilte tutone, Premluni white

d o r — ------------------ $ 1 8 9 5 -ileerlnK, rad(o. locking renr axle.

r d o r -------- ------------------- $ 1 2 9 5 ^ --------------tone blue ond white, new, white --------------

VoBon . ?13»S W I L Ioilulon, J J J 2 :

d to p F o n l o r ....... $1395 .: traiumlsjlon, power steering. ’ ----------------------------------- ^ ---------------^1«?C2-

°u? .uuliiil '.ii. - — I S o J

t m . radio, power sleerlng and I9 6 0 ! o?C. 2-tone. I

5845 l o s s :nsmlsslon. reclining seate. '

e r 88 4-(Ioor ' STlSCakes, H yafafilK lier^^ iW ona _ j

SRCIALS ■------------------ ^ ^ --------51£i35______iI?51L :ransmlsslon. new rubber. jg j- j. j

“ v ~ ^ S l3 9 5 ~ ^ — i n55~jm dlo.-hcaler,—long-wheelbase.----------- ^ —Itch.

Ion $1175 -1003 CKibcr, 4-6pc«d. 2-speed axle with ml

• 'IBM SCII V 8 $595 « ’, exua good. 10S2 PO

• l „ , - 1958 w i?2-lC J5J3 ^

;u p .$215

T ru c k . S'J95 . .7 tranhmlulon. cood rubber. 'Kiel 'Cara and pickups - 254 4Ui'0 $545 - Busines.

ve to G iiess a t . ,

X D S A L E S , ■

•ome . Hank wJ45 - Houra: 8 A.^f. • 5 P-M. £. J . W: 2 4 ;4 S 2 0 -a ib M cfUllr 733-5273

\ v “ "

;USSIFIED A5 v W o b t t * r f o r t i l » - ^ 0 0 — Ja n rJ


'- - 0 ^ ) 8 , IN C . ■' QU

Action C o rn er ,

2rrd'ana*^2na■------------- lo o o 'T in

B U IC K ,< 2 « 5 “ l9C0 I 'L l — i s

106'J CH! /C 2 C IIE V I m p u lu 52205 .

4.d...r ll.i .1u.,b h .d . drlvj j j j , , g ,

JS S J 2 L I !S _ e = E 5 ___ s s m z . _____l- iS S !-_: 1057. BU

_ a io O L D S iw - ~ s n n .- , _______


.......... K ,1 0 5 3 C Hdlo. he»l»r. .ul.-m.lK, J«.»tr V8ltHllB(.«n>l

■to M E R C U R Y $1505 S ]' r.rki.n* 4Hluur h.nitup. H*. -

la o o f o.hd br«kr«. ;^ .|

* '5 0 - P O N T I A 6 - - " » 1 0 S 6 ’ - '■— =4.U0OT ii.rdu<p. n.dio. h>.i- 105S P O "■» ‘o ilT c -n .j '"

'57 C H E V . $G95 1055 DOMuilvn V ttna VI. lUili. ! j-

• . iTihb, .Bd ^.T-tr bKkiH,'" 1955 CH

■; t ■ .

M II^A N V _B U IC K _ T w i OLDS, IN C : EQUIl

lnJ«:ndNorlh 1SM111. .

, IFYOU'CARE.About recondltlonlns.' dependability. «vf.

Make ture yoti buy!from

= B O B E E E S E -M 0 3 ’G

‘ " 1 9 6 2 I M P E R I A L C row n Coupe ~Power steering, brake*, scats and n lr conditioned plus alt the comforl features you could expect on an au LOW AHLEAOE, IMMAClRiATE.

1962 F O R D G a la x ie F o rd o r S e d a n VB engine. Crulsomiitlc. power b« heater. Low mllease. a NICE CLEA

1962 C H R Y S L E R N ew Y o rk e r • fitatlojj-w «*on;-pow er steering.- b r

------- r t a r .iTln(1{iw,-Pnfifty- nlr canrtltl'wagon on tlie road. CANNOT BE 'H

-. 1 9 6 2 .D 0 D G E _“ 4 4 0 " 4-door S c d n nPower Bteering, brakes, seat. Radio rubber. We sold it new. Check til buy. A REAL VALUE.

1962 C O M E T S -2 2 2-doorRadio, heater, bucket seats. auUm

- T h e finest ear In the Comet lino.' EXTREMELY SHARP.

4 0 M o ro To Chooao F r

^ ^ ’MMERCTAU3 957 D O D G E V 8 2-ion

— iransml Ml ft n factory slock and grain bed.

1957 C H E V R O L E T “ G" 2-ton150" wheelbase. 4-«peed transmlssi

-------------aO O D RVBBER.-RVHB-aO OD . -

1956 C H E V R O L E T “ G" 2 - to n ’174" wheelbase. 4-ipeed transmlssi EXCELLENT SHAPE. READY TC

19G2 F O R D V l-to n4-speed. long wheelbase, wide box.

1959 F O R D i/o -to n

1957 D O D G E V j- to n '____________ ^

jB U b K E E y F i O r D“H ome of Dependable Used <

-------- 5 0 0 B lo ck 2nd A v en u e SDuW ayne Rosenof John


19G2 P O N T I A C T e m p e s t ....... . . r . ......■Station Wagon. Nev tires, n d lo . t

■ m a tlc .'L lk e new. one Owner. -

- ‘•1 9 C 2 -W IE L Y S -J I5 E P -----------------------Lockout hubs, heater. lul^ toPi_Onl

— 4 C 6 8 - R A ^ IP L R R - r i iii to m -V ^ a tfo tt^ . ‘400'-Series. Radio, heater and over

1 960 F O R d F a lc o n ;j.(ioor S « la n .7. Rodio, healer, standard shift. -

1958 D O D G E 4 -d o o r S tn tio n W afroiRadio, heater, poicer steering and t

— 1 9 5 7 -G H E V R O L E T -B c lA ir -U a rd to i<.<tf>nr. Radio lieatfr. power steei au tom otlc triuuuntuion, iteai sh a rp

1958 F O R D F a ir l i in e ‘500’ ..................Radio, heate r nnd Crulsomatle.

w ar, V O L K S W A G E N 2 - d o o r _____

1955 P O N T I A C .l-ilbor____________^

^ r ~ . p i c k u p s ”■■ 1003 CHEVROLET V8 iJong wheelbase •.s-tJ

mUes. Like new J _____ ____- ........' ' 1BQ3 SCOUT. 4-wheel drive with c a b _____

19S2 CHEVROLET' ‘i-lon, long wheelbnsf,1052 PORD >j-ton. long wbeelbase. 4-.speed 1958 wn^LYS SloUon Wagon. 4-wheel drive1053 FORD >i>ton. radio, heater and overd

O ld e r P ick u p s 5175 a 'nd

W IL L S u s e d - c a :- 254 4Ui'Avenuo W est — Low

Business Phone-733»736S — > E n


338 Shoshone W es t. Business Phone 733-2891

Hank w ills 733-2390 BE .J.W 1U S-'>33.6351 U u ls

>: AD , - ijf ln r2 3 -2 d ;-1 9 6 4 — — ^ B

ikutomobilea F o r S « l t 2 0 0


u s e d CARS 'I*

^ 000'T I I U ^ ^ ^ r a l ! I H D :— ^ “ - 4 *

19G0 P L Y J IO U T II i ' ______ _^r>-’ 8cdan -_ :_ i|l3#S — ~'*-

1959 C H E V R O L E T■ Srdnn "O". over- . . ,...

1958 F O R D “- Sedan. Big. Vq----- J3fl4-------- 1 _

1957-B U IC K ............ • ---------- ---------V8 Hardtop co u w $795 .

Pickups — T n ick s , | f|

19G3 C H E V R O L E T |•. -V8 (i- t« n .______ $ im ■ , £

-19G0 G M C ^■i*ton Fleetslda .$1523 | s

1960 F O R D V 8ii-ton.C uatom C ab I,

1958 F O R D •B lg V S — $M5 I

1955 D O D G E!»-lon — — 4503

1955 C H E V R O L E TS u b u r b a n ._____$591

_. T w iN ._P jiL L S EQ U IPM EN T CO:

7 3 3 -4 1 3 0 . ~ \\

- - - - 1]A R E . . . ■ 'dablllty. safety Snd'M rrlce, nibuy^from

MOTOR C Q . ^ ; - =

Coupo ^ “ 54556 Fscats and windows. Factory the comfort and convenletw#

et on an automoblls llka.thU.AClRiATE.

d o r S e d a n -$1895power ateerlng, radio and


W orker $3695 steering.- broke#.- oiat.- Power------- '


)o r S e d a n •* ? 1 8 9 6 ______seat. Radio and heikter. Mew V. Check th is one before you \

ir ..$ 1 8 9 5 }seats. automaUo transmission. . | Comet lino.' Lovr mileage and -

3110030 F r o m


2 -ton $1395I transmission, 3-speed axle.S -O O O D .- - --------------------

2 - t o n ’ ■■ ■ $1396 I transmission. 2-speed u ia .READY TO GO.

. . $ 1 8 9 5 . . .., wide box. SHAHPI

$109S I

. $ 995 •

MUTOK c o :able Used Cars'*

A v en u e S o u th - <Johnnie Boyd j

Y CLEARANCE___ _______________ $1995

res, radio, heate r and au to- - )wner. - ...................

___________ ___ $1 8 9 6 ______*11 top^0nly_l3,000 miles.

cr and overdrive. . ' ,

r Scd im ___ !J995------------ 1.hlft. - '• •

ion W a f r o n .......— .?695erlng and brakes, automatic. |

i r - U a rd to p _ :______ ..S795_power steering gad t i r t t o i________iteai s n a i ^ ”

' ....................... ________$ 795omatlc.

l o o r ________________ $695

U P ^telbase •s-ton 4-apeed. :3 .W

ttgMwheelbas;, 4-speed ._$179S

«e . <«speed - .... tlStS•wheel drive w llh w*Jieh $1205 •- . r and ove rd rive________$4955175 a 'nd U p - '

ED -C A R S ' ■ .LoweU Wills 733-CWa

- : Emlo-WUls 75J-4BM '

:p a r t m e n t. JEKP

neW esf. le 733-2891

Bob w m s 733-84M 'U u ls Sllman 733-j5til.

Page 25: inal * I Ition - I .S. WilliT ling • 0 Contini inue^ t< bis mediation mission, ottice. - - “ committee ’r o g r

T im e for a re LamB^gives >

- ^ h a t - is-so-ne( — Gom i n^b acfc


' - '

_ -FRESHI— _


3 7 1


Fluoride Toot_____REG. 5 9 s PAIR FRIZZY '

~ m m ~ zREG. 2 .1 9 TONI

Home PermaiREG. 1 .49 '‘C0NT0R


-S O -S O F T =REG. 79c— 500 CT.


— -S L B rB R IC K ------------







■lews T hiiilc l»y ,Jan .23 , 196<~

a r e f r e s h i n g l i f t 1

' e s y o u t h e f r e s h

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[ f ^ l r ~ f p r ~ s e c o n d s ! - S

j y i n g - p r - i G e s - Q n - l a t

:CE T A i k # : E -

V i i 3 i '

IDENT. REG. 83c ^

Foothpaste 3:zY

rmanents ■ r<i.c, BLETS 1 =...n.................................. .........


lEA ^E -G R A PE FR m T.. _ _ _

;g u l a r

a n■£ STAR ■ • ■3i7

'v • • • , .

ift to your menu . =sh springy bouna r-keep-tbe-family— 'js!-Shop-Shelby's- ^-lamb, now! ■. —

. Cut “ " J V

3 , „ 1 .0 0 Jr 2 i T 7 9 r ^ ^

1 5 9 ^


9 8 ^ 5

S E yS | . 0 0

■■ Ei^ LO ^


M W m

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a ^ iCut ond W fapped FREE \

; sEi

"d o n u t





" select LAMB ■ ■ : '




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m e r mAMB

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l a H l i f l o i' R E D , F

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F o sh io n ed T rn n am o n


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LAMB~^ P 0 S 3

o w e r . .:ED, RIPE, GARDEN F r

»M A TOmi M s rnon DUTCH API



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