Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is 14/Ellicottville NY... · Mrs. Asa AMrow, Mr. Leslie Row land, Chas. Rowland, Earl Rowland and Luverne Metzger




MAPLES % Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burdick were in Buffalo Tuesday. y>

Mr. an<i Mrs. Howard Rogers re-at turned to Buffalo S u n d a y . y

Mrs. Laura Stowell has returned

WEST VALLEY Mrs. Asa AMrow, Mr. Leslie Row­

land, Chas. Rowland, Earl Rowland and Luverne Metzger attended the funeral of Mrs. Frank Rowland Machias on Saturday.

The Ladies Aid Society o f t h e ' f rom • t w o week's visit in Williame-Methodist church are being enter- vil le. • / tained a t the home of Mrs. L. L . Miss Leah Eddy spent the week-Oyer on Wednesday of this week. I end with Edison Bailey.

Miss Pearl Lorch visited relatives* Messrs. Alexander Bowen and Ar-in Machias last week; , j thur Payne of ElikottviHe were in

Mr. and Mrs, L. L. Oyer were in town Sunday. Salamanca on Thursday. j School started again Monday after

Mrs. W m . Metzger was in Buffa- a two week's vacation. *to Friday. | E t ta Hil ler and friend Mr. Char-

Mr. Ed. Phillips of Machias was a l ey Hol t of Buffalo visited Mr. and jrnest of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Row- Mrs. H. J. Hiller Sunday, land last week. " y 7 | Mrs. J . M. Burdick, Mrs. C. B.

Mrs. Ray Hitchings was in Spring- Sikes and Miss Lucile S ikes visited ville Monday. , in Bradford Thursday.

Mrs. Lafferty of Bradford is tha Floyd Derby of Gowanda visited guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rupp. ^ M r . and Mrs. Harry Wright^ Monday

Margaret Dash is able to~De out

ay eve-

Miss Laura Bernhoft was in Spring ville Saturday.

Mrs. Clara Rowland spent Friday with relat ives a t Machias.

Mr. and Mr s Ed. Ehman of Boston vis i ted relat ives in town Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Rothen were Springville Monday.

Mr. Luverne Metzger was Buffalo Monday.

Mr. Walter Fel ton of Machias working for Earl Rowland*

Mrs. W n u ^ S c h u m a k e r - o f Buffalo was here last week caring for

-mother , Mrs, Daniel Sullivaji_„





aga in . Misses Leota and Norma Derby

of Gowanda visited Mr. a n d Mrs. Frank Biendinger several days the past week. • . '

Wm. Higgins has commenced working for Ashley DitcheV.

Harlan Ditcher and Miss Dorothea Wallace were in town Sunday.

Mrs. C. B. Sikes and daughter Lu­cile returned to their home in East OUo, Saturdaywaiter spending a

DUBLIN Charles Wai te and wife and Har­

ry Waite and family spent Sunday a t Arcade.

Will Miller and family called at at Carl Westendorf 's Saturday ning.

Ehon Rice and friend, Adam Mar­tin, wife and daughter Edna cal led a t Henry Rice's Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Windsor were in Elkdale Saturday.

Mrs. Jess ie Crandall has rented her farm to Mr. Talbot. Mrs. Cran­dall a n d f a m i l y wil l move to Litt le Valley where they will live with her daughter Mrs. Will iam Myers.

Dr. Cleveland of Cattaraugus called at Fred Fox ' s Saturday to see a sick cow.

Mrs. Prue Harshman of Toronto, visited her brother Henry Rice a f ew days the past week.

Harvey Cralidall and wife visited his mother Mrs. Jessie Crandall and family Sunday.

Mrs. Henry Rice attended the L. O. E. G. a t Mrs. Clark's in Elkdale Thursday.

Lewis Miller and family were in Salamanca one day the past week.,,

Carl Westendorf and family, Will Stadler and family , Emil Glow and family spent Sunday at Arthur Glow's.

Claud Luss and wife , Claude Rice

m e eomiut'*) HscsMtec oral* Ml H» UIT-• hoot of tfci* H?i<*. he said, hwt a s a .•lass It I* extinct and Is the only nwjor "ela*s which has not k»ft mod*" ••rn sii'.*ess*ors. Ranking just below rlw- t n h N In the biological scale. It* Importance to him lies In the fact that It Is the contuvtlng tins between vor* U'hrate r.iui Invertebrate animals. Twenty-five years ago only fragments of this clnss had been found.

Found In Norway. - Doctor IHitton located his convincing specimens In the region of Red bay. In the north of Norway.

"The fossils I found are the finest ever discovered in that the softer tis­sue* have been almost miraculously preserved. The brain, muscles and nerves can all be traced clearly In these fossi l* In these specimens the middle eye Is finely preserved, and that eye can be traced down through all the succeeding classes until It Is found In the form of the pineal gland In the middle of the brain of man."

Albania Hat Air Lines, but Lacks Railroads

Tirana, Albania.—Albania is a land of charming contra diet ions. It has no railroads, but an excellent airplane service. It has few rot:d*. but an effi­cient telegraph system. It has, In many instances, an astounding lack of political morality, but,one of the most complex and rigid codes of personal honor In the world.

Another of the contradictions U thai a land with a fertile soil and a rela-tlvelv «m»'H -wnulatlon accustomed to

a low standard of living has to import large amounts of foodstuffs. But this, one of tite fundamental weaknesses of the nation, appears to be In process of correct ion as a result of the organi­sation work done by Doctor Welabeck-er. Hungarian adviser to the Depart­ment of Agriculture. Statistics sug­gest that Albania has made great strides toward serf support In the matter of food.

Doctor Wcisbecker has applied a highly elsborute system of direct aid and education to the farmer.

- * -

One Bullet Wounds Six on Army Target Range

Ran Juan, Porto Rlco,—The military authorities report an unusual case In which two officers and four enlisted men were wounded by a single bullet accidentally discharged from an army rifle At least one man. Private B. Rodriguez, was seriously hurt

The accident occurred on the target range of the Sixty fifth Infantry. A rifle which was being cleaned by a

! soldier was accidentally discharged. j The bullet wounded Private Rodrlgues j In the abdomen, then struck --Private

J. Del tin do on the right knee, was de­flected from a rifle leaning against a scorer's board and struck Private M, Emlllauo in the neck, then struck in turn Capt. John T. Dlbrell and Lieut John Shaw and finally lodged in the hip of Private A. Koqua,

WAGONS WAGONS Deere Conklin Weber

Walking and Riding Plows Harrows, Lime Sowers Grain Drills

Anderson Milking Machins Repairs of All Kinds on Short Notice

J. McGURN Ashford, N. Y.

weelT^wfffi Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr Bur-

...sXiW-Ii-.* _ , ,„_.„• _ _ _

• i

Mr. Wm. West of Buffalo spent

Sunday here with his mother, Mrs.

Emma West . Mrs. Al ice Stoneman of Machias

is vs i t ing relat ives in towsn Mrs. Ed. Gibbin is spending the

week in jSajamanea with h e r sister, Mrs. Jas . Groat, who is ill.

Miss.?Geraldine Woodaad of ER1-

Mr. and Mrs. George Skee ls and son Milton spent the week-end with Francis Ditcher in Salamanca.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Farrin and daughter Jane of Jamestown visited Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hollister Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Holl ister are

a m t w i f e a n d Mrs; F r e d Opferbeek and son were at Henry Rice's Sunday

Will Miller and family Salamanca last week.

were m

B u y - a t - H o m e M o v e tfaye. Okla.—Kncouraglug a buy-at-

home caiutiaign, a local motion-picture theater has accumulated a roomful of mail-order catalogues The manage nn»nt offered » tree Hrinttuwlon In eg-change for a catalogue.

v is i t ing in Jamestown this week. _

MAPLE FLATTS E m m e t t N o i

cottville was a guest of Miss Eliza beta Rowland the last of the week.

Mrs. Geo. Holland and daughter, spenjt the week-end he Leone were in Buffalo on Monday Arthur Baker and daughter Flor-and Tuesday of last week. ence were in Franklinville Saturday.

Irene Proctor with her grand-; Mr. and Mrs. William


HUMPHREY CENTER Mr. and Mrs. Fred Putnam spent

Saturday with Mr. and Mrs*. John

P u t n a m , - — — —

B e t t e r B a b i e s New Yorkr—Kljrger and hetter ha-

bles~arc 'being raised lu (Jernmny on meat extract* instead of milk. Dr Samuel Oroas, hack from Berlin, re tates. Such feeding bedns aa early as the age of nix uionihx.

re la^

Marsh are hrs work;-— "Mrs. Mclntyre visited

t ives in Buffalo last week. Jack, McCadden Erheart a n d ~ M i s s Eleanor K i e r ~ w e r e m Fran kith vitte~ recent ly

and Lawrence

- X.

Mrs. zQ^.Bugato^wjj^

of Miss M. Timms, ~"'' on East Hill, the g o e s ? of h i s par-Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Baun and Mr. e n t s , Mr. and Mrs. W. J. C o r n w a l l

and Mrs. L. L. Turner were in Sala- T h o m a s Jackman of Randolph vis-manca Sunday. V l t € d a t Andrew Phillips' Tuesday .

Miss Norraa iSe lk o t B u f f a l o was a ManJejySayder and 1antHy^rf S n g -gues t of Miss <- Millicent T imms test artown spent Sunday wi th Mr. and

w e e k # "["Mrs;; H a r v e y Jones.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Peffer, and daugh- j —

Miss Ila Learn of Fredonia, Misui Gladys Southwick and George Fener-an of Great Valley spent the Easter


ROCHESTER $2.00 Round Trip •"..

APRIL 18th ' * -

On the train leaving Salamanca 5:25 a. m. BUFFALO ROCHESTER & PITTSBURGH RY. ->s

ter , Helen , Mrs. Edw Baun and Mrs. Eari Rowland were Salamanca on

£k4p-€€3^9&S0t> Potmds of Explosive; No MisrTap

!. 1 '• , . i «„ „ „ Was-liin^'ron.'-'-Without 'ienth or in A 7 pound hoy was born to Mr. '-, •**. ,_""'"* v J n__ ; j jury jto a ttinyte I 'rs ' i i :l.e American

a n d Mrs rTem^eTdmaTTTwr Sunday, ' R n f | w . . i y „sw„<.;{,tioii , n .n . .un^s Amort-^April 11th., can and r».n.-;.:i: n railroad* during 192&

i .Juindleri mum than aUQiaJtUJQy pounds WEST MACHIAS ,j of .eumtner -ii'.l c:..•' :-ivi*s ~ apyroxf-

Miss Mildred Harmon returned to i m:it-i:

Buffalo, Sunday, _ \ l'xi'*<^i"r-

Miss Lucia Randall, Mrs. I^ura i ^ ^ ! ; . ^ h.'v' childrtn, Mr. and j ,M t r ; r n M , , „ . , . , . Lingenfolter and s m i i t m i *-*i. «4o*=fe-

Mrs. Ray r-hii^rps and son, and Mr?.: ^u'xh Hatt ie Harmon attended the econo- jurious. m y soap club at Mrs. Amanda Philr' lips Saturday.

Master Laverne Lingenfelter has

bee quit^i lLsri^-griPP** • Gifford Stoll returned to Ithaca

<>w «'\ >>r.

> :(f"|>-<'yes. tlie a s ' ' ! ' *-X|>!'"4V«»M s-iifi.

!»r 'Jl of -<> RcHdeats Brswirrk is; n< *fie. ^af; provei! f^tfl! ~<*f tn

VVlTi Kiiierj' rttlKl' .~i7 Ibjnre f l / t l ie !'i;-r» -.tu si'l«l. U¥—*4»H r:ii'.niini ban-

I <ilinsr i i) i i! i<«nsof pounds «>f ;i<i>!H, In-ftnT»irmit>!p licptiMi*. t^mrtroiawd UPW

S u n d a y . / Mr. Durkee of Hume yrfm at the

school house Sunday helping to pr-ganfze a Sunday ^senooK~

Mr, and Mrs. Lennie-Harmon and daughter, Mildred called on relatives in FrankUfivilte Saturday evening.

The Marsh girls have been visiting theif brother George for the past week a t El ton.

The school teachers who have been having i h e i r Easter vacation, returned to their schools, Monday.

Un. Bene Stoll attended the Past Grand meet ing of the Rebekah's Thursday which was held "at. West Val ley .

Kenneth Stoll and AlBert Madison called on George Marsh, Sunday.

A RGUMENTS In the Brookhart-Steck contest occupied consider-

able time in the senate lawt week and It dld_ not appear Mint an eattjr d e ds lop wa« likely There was a re port that President Cool'idee had Intf-Tuateii to Senator ftatler.' chairman of the Republican mWonaJ (fommlttee. that in hli opinion the ma)ortty re­port of the elections committee, which recommended the seating of Steck, Demoerat. Rpoula be appr f t v«d. If tbla to done It to a certainty that Brookhart will oppose Senator Cum mins for the nonilnaUon In the next Republican primaries. That might r e *olt in the election of a Democrat and U M prospect la rather worrytnf the RfpnMfejnMi


FIan<tvor. l>ois<tn<»tis JU uU Ten (if these deatl s jimi 1." of the In­juries were <lu«« &> explo sions <>f PHSO-

llne. and the hv!r«';'.u added, "»nt' half the dmths and BBOTe than one-half of the tnlories dne to surh acrjdent^'vvere

imUju a r l i c i e ^ j - ^ ^ ^ - B n t t


Mr. Wallace Wrijrht of Spring­ville i s spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Frank Bixby.

Mr. J a m j s Millen of Salamanca spent his Easter •vacation with hte grandparents, Chamberlain. — M T T j ^ r a

Clarence Southwick's Friday Mrs. Robert Kennedy and children

have been quite ill with the grippe for the past week.

Mrs. Fe l lows o f Bradford has spending some t ime with her son Forest Fe l l ow! , j '_

Mr. Robert Kier has been spending j a few, days with his . daught }.Clarence Fe l lows .

Mr. Henry ^Milks of El l icot t l l l le was in town Friday.

W e wish to announce that we have ured the agency for


And will be glad to quote on the same. -=—— —^

BOLLES & BRENNAN Ellicottville, N. Y.

1,M'* * >4 M $**±* * *»»"»"'*****»* iM »»M» > » i>«iU»M»M


D'srcvc/y ct &&;'.'zd 'rea -• hires-• i.y ^rpf.

Patten. Biologist

"the dtrectr consequence of tre.spaMtiers entering empty tank cars.**

Library Ha» Gain of 50 Per Cent in Year

Jerosa lem.^The Jewish National li­brary of the Hebrew university, de­signed to house the world's greatest collection ef ^Beferew^eofcs and n«nu jirrijits. now contain* 125i68S volumes, 40.890 of which were secured during the last year, says a report of Dr, Hugo Berginann.' chief llhrartan.

Included in the rare and ancient bookr added to the library was the first Hebrew book published fa Amer­ica. "The Grammar of the Hebrew TonciH'." printed ii» Hoston In 1735 and dedi«at»-d to Harvard untvenrity.

CMher> were from the Fifteenth and SlWIfWlti century, pohltiihsri In the goldPti da\a of J*"vi«h Htfiature and scholarship' in Spain, l u l y . Turkey. German^ nnd OTSef centers. The li­brary Is supp*»Ft«d by the Palestine Foundation fund and the Hebrew Uni­versity fond, which draw their chief support frf.rp American Jew*. , <•

\\. -In the bToTogy lab TrifiyeTi RJ."': at Liartmoiotl

college are slab* of rorft In which are'imbedded ffettifled cresttun-s that pK»k rather like the hors*M»h«*» crab. Whichjso often haw heen the inpoeent

• pause:. a"f fright nnamp'nt-n hnthera. To the layrntin tlwy are remarkable j

for the1 fine preservati'm in every de | tall when he Is told Hint they swam ,

Simplicity is the key-note of thin practical two-piece froct for Sum­mer sports wear. Of striking heather-toned jersey, the inverted plaits on the shoulder, and the buckled belt relieves it of much of its severity of line, while the skirt, with the popular kick plaits, a l lows the perfect freedom necessary aports.

• prlrtrer'.n N J-r-.lobn- !>.-Rockefet. ler. III. is regarded a« a five wire and a #o«*d .-$:»' »»v fellow stndeots at Princeton. Hen got his first Jetk Hav­ing sold, more "advertising rhan thir­teen competitors he has been elected to the business board of the college oaner





about some 5.000/WXJ years ago. To Pf. William Patten, professor of blol ogy and director of the compulsory course In evolution for freshmen, they • have a far higher significance. '

"They are the real 'mlssfng link*,4

he declared "They are of fur Bftore value than the object- of search for connection hetween man and ape These foaalls give the last chapter of afi-unbroken history of evolution from the protozoa to "modern man."

E x p l a i n FortyVear Search

Before be launched Into an expla­nation of what he meant by tbis. Doc­tor Patten Went baefc -to- explain Ws whole philosophy of evolution and the search^ h<- had cimjlttcted > f o L J o a j L years for prc»of of his theories.

"Man." he KH\<\. *.*|S nature's master­piece. As »n Individual he Is Incapa­ble of iHdnz Improred. His further evolution must be social. The worm C a l l a n d g e t O U T p r i c e s with Its many pegments. each provld- ' ed with *oirs nnd scSffered sense or gan«. wn« nature's snh.fect for elimi­nation and rtmrentration IA man alt of these rreceswary parts have been consolidated. <>ur am conclude that man's senttmepts arm qarure^i meth­od"."

Professor Paffteo, to i l a search for the missing link, found tk» gap came tn the Haea called "ortrscoderrot"


before purchasing




--j^igJLariilaJftJaMMJEdUico t n g for t a l e a t a aacrif iee, m y B u s i n e s s , c o n t i s t i n g o f H a r d w a r e , P l u m b i n g , A s p h a l t R o o f i n g a n d S h i n g l e B u s ­ines s—-a l so a t w o s tory br ick atore l o c a t e d o n M o n r o e S t r e e t ; a n d m y H o m e o n M i l l s t r e e t — w i t h 9 rooms , furn­a c e , b a t h a n d e l e c t r i c l i g h t s ; D o u b l e Lot a n d D o u b l e G a r a g e , - j '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _






TOILET PAPER U>tore3rolls 25c


pair $1.79 qt can 20c

pkg 15c 2 1-2 can 25c

—eaa-JOc 1 Ibcaa CRISC0

Aluminum Deep Fryer & 3 lbs Crisco $1.55 CLEANING PASTE Larkin qt can 20c LITTLE JEWELL BROOMS ea 49c S0H SCRUBBING BRUSH Larkin ea 19c OLIVE GREEN SOAP 3 bars 20c


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