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Your Market Research Partner

In Latin


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Full-service Market Research Agency

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Information is the key

issue in the globalized

world. Used with

intelligence guarantees

market competitiveness.

Open your frontiers!

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Apresentação Institucional AG3 Consulting

1. Who we are1. Who we are

� We are a full-service Market Research Company, helping

companies with strategic market, based on Market Research

and Competitive Intelligence solutions.

�We offer our work to both global Market research

companies and/or advertisement agencies looking for only

field work in the countries we cover, or full service to final

clientes looking for recommendations, from methodology

design to results.

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� Multi-country studies

� Consume studies

� B2B studies

� Market entry studies

� Market size and attractiveness studies

� Assessment and image positioning

� Brand research

� Advertisement research

� Concept test

� Demographic studies

� New product developments

� Clients’ satisfaction

� Store audits & mystery shopping

� Segmentation research

� Sensorial tests

� Benchmarkings

2. Solutions Offered2. Solutions Offered

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3. Coverage3. Coverage


Florianópolis, SC








El Salvador


Porto Rico








Costa Rica



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4. Methodology4. Methodology

Qualitative :� Etnography (in home, in office, anywhere)� Online FGDs� F2F discussion groups� In-depth interviews � Online forums

Quantitative :� CATI (telephone)� CLT (intercept)� PAPI (face a face)� CAPI (via computer)� Online

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5. Resulted Offered5. Resulted Offered

� Knowledge of target Market and target


� Wide competition knowledge;

� SWOT analysis;

� Scneario analysis;

� Recommendations for positioning, Market

entry, among others…

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6. Market Analysis6. Market Analysis

Among others (SWOT analysis, prospective scenario, etc...), one effficient Market analysis we use to offer clientes a coplete notion of their Market are the “5 Porter’s Market Forces”:

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B2B ProjectsCompetitiveIntelligence

7. Experiences & Cases7. Experiences & Cases

Consumers Projects

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B2B Projects

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�Insomnia Project: 5 interviews with insomnia patients. Patients read some questionnaires to be applied to insomnia patients. Client: EFG Worldwide

�COPC Project: 20 IDIs conducted in central location with pulmonologists and patients suffering from COPC and 4 focus mini-groups, being 2 with patients and 2 withpulmonologists. Pulmonologists needed to watch patients’ group before attending theirs. Project took place in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Client: HRW Healthcare

�Brazilian Payors – Stroke Biomarker: 7 IDIs per phone conducted with National Brazilian payors (private and public payors) and hospital administratios (private and publichospitals) in order to understand the Brazilian market for a biomarker to be be launched for strokes. Client: KQHeatlh.

�FNA Biopsy Study: N=11 in depth interviews with physicians from different specialities (Citopathologists, General surgeons, Endocrinologists, Ear Nose Throat Specialists andRadiologist) in order to understand the Brazilian market and demand for FNA Biopsies and evaluate the concept of a new product. Client: Optimal Strategix

�FAP Patients Project: N=5 telephonic IDIs with patients suffering from FAP - Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy disease. Client: KQHealth

�Hepatitis C New Agents Study: N=4 telephonic IDIs with physicians and KOLS in hepathology in order to evaluate their reactions towards new agents for Hepatitis C. Client:Sedulo Group

�Hepatitis C New Agents Study: N=4 telephonic IDIs with physicians and KOLS in hepathology in order to evaluate their reactions towards new agents for Hepatitis C. Client:Sedulo Group

�Hunter’s Disease Study: N= 10 telephonic interviews with Neurologists about Hunter’a Diseases. Interview length was around 30 min with a partially sctructure questionnaire.Our tasks were recruitment, scheduling, interviewing and payment incentives. Client: KQHealth, UK

�MRI & Infusion Treaments for Alzheimer: N=10 in-depth telephonic interviews with MRI technicians, infusion nurses and infusion physiciansabout clinics and hospitals capacity to add new therapy with infusion for Alzheimer in Brazil. Our task was recruitment in São Paulo and Rio dejaneiro, scheduling, moderatin and payment incentives. Client: KQHealth, UK

�Biossimilar LATAm Study: A mix of desk research and primary (in-depth telephonic interviews in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina) about BiossimilarsRegulation. We talked to one regulatory body opinion leader in each country. Our task was recruitment, scheduling, desk research, payment incentives, moderating. Client: PricePerspective, USA.

�Hemathologists, Chronic PTI DiseaseStudy: N=2 mini focus groups (with N=4 physicians) plus N=8 IDIs in office. Target was Hamethologistsand subject was chronic PTI Disease. Our task was recruitment, scheduling, facility, moderating, simultaneous translation. Locations: São Paulo andRio de Janeiro. Client: HRW Healthcare, UK

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�Immunoglobulin Therapy Project: 10 in depth interviews by phone with neurologists treating patients with spasticity, dystonia, blesfarospasm, among otherindications, using immunoglobulin toxins as therapy, mainly Botox and Dysport. Main objective was to understand level of satisfaction of physicians with both toxins, aswell as characteristics, trends and specifications. Commissioned by IntField World, final Client: global laboratory

� Dentists Project: 30 online interviews with dentists among Brazil. Questionnaire length: around 40 minutes. The main objective was to identify main products used bydentists for surgeries. Commissioned by Psyma Latina, final client: global company.

�Rheumatologists: 5 in depth interviews by phone with rheumatologists regarding RA – Rheumatoid Arthritis. Main objective was to understand what brands ofdrugs they use and awareness of laboratory's program with patients. Commissioned by Fuld & Company.

�Neurologists / Psychologists: 100 CATI interviews with neurologists and psychologists as for understanding their acceptance of an online cognitive test to belaunched. Client: Sinapsi – Integrated Service of Applied Neuroscience and Psychology.

�SINAPSI project: 13 in-depth interviews with neurologists, psychiatrics, physiotherapist and psychologist to evaluate an online cognitive test to be launched. Client:Sinapsi – Integrated Service of Applied Neuroscience and Psychology.

�Oncologist Project: 25 face to face interviews with oncologists and hematologist about Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML). Client: EFG Worldwide


�IVIG Study: 25 in depth interviews by phone with physicians treating mainly CIDP, ITP and DIP with IVIG (neurologists /immunologists/ re-abilitation specialist),government / regulation authorities and IVIG suppliers. Main objective was to understand IVIG Brazilian market: its players, trends, needs, etc… Commissioned byJunicon Europe, Final client: global supplier of IVIG.

�Infant Milk Study: 2 in depth interviews in Mexico with pediatricians to understand their need for new infant formula milk to belaunched. Client: Fuld & Company

�HAE Treatment: Around 5 in-depth interviews with key reference doctors in Argentina to understand the distribution chain of HAEmedicines in the Argentinean market. Client: Fuld & Company

�Cardiologist Project: 6 interviews with cardiologists and patients. Client: EFG Worldwide

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(IC) Mobile Carriers’ Corporate Offers Benchmarking: this study mapped mobile phone carriersoffers to business in the city of Curitiba (PR), south of Brazil, and Belém (PA), north of Brazil. Besidesdesk research, We used B2B mystery shop visits to collect information needed. The goal was torecommend client on which products and services market was lacking. The mobile phone carriersresearched were competitors.

�(Geomarketing) Mapping of Mobile Phone Points of Sales: geographic mapping of points of sales ofmobile handsets and pre-paid cards in Porto Alegre (RS) and Curitiba (PA), both in south of Brazil. UsingGPS equipment to find geographical coordinates, we mapped the establishments of all mobile phonecarriers (direct and indirect sales force) to plot them into a map. The goal was to re-define distributionstrategy between the company that contracted the study and its competitors.


�(Quantitative Project): Mobile Phone Samsung: 2 gang surveys with 15 young people each in order to test a concept of a new mobile phone. Eachgang survey took around 3 hours each in São Paulo and were watched by client. Commisioned by TNS Korea, final client: Samsung

�(Desk Research) Corporate Sustainability: AG3 developed a desk research survey to offer client previous findings about the moment of corporatesustainability in Brazil. The goal was to subside clients with recommendations for the marketing positioning of all companies and offer directions for futuresteps of research (primary collect).

�(CI) Internet Providers Benchmarking: this study used desk research + face to face in-depth interviews with directors/managers/coordinators ofHuman Resource and IT/Engineering departments in 6 main internet providers in Brazil. The goal was to map the competency and technical infra-structure as well as analyzing their market plan as for suggesting which marketing position the contractor of this study should follow to enter the marketof mobile internet. The internet companies researched were competitors.

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� Tractors Study: N=6 in facility (one way mirror) F2F IDIs with Sales Managers of Tractors Dealers and 4 focus groups withconsumers (farmers owners of tractors) in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Brazil, for the qualitative stage. We wereresponsible for recruiting, paying incentives, moderation, sim translation in Korean, facility rental, DVD/audio recording and Englishtranscripts. For the quantitative stage, we interviewed N=100 farmers who own tractors of different brands. Our tasks in thequantitative stage was interviewing, incentives and data entry. Client: TNS Korea

�Poultry, Swine and Agriculture Project: 100 telephonic interviews in Brazil with farmers that sell and create poultry, swine andgrains. Target contact inside each company was owners, managers and directors. Client: SIS International, USA

�Heavy Equipments Project: desk research along with primary data collect among heavy equipment company owners within themining industry, construction industry (road rehabilitation, drilling process, cement process and trenching process), forest industryand pulp & paper industry. In total, there were 120 telephonic interviews done with Maintenance or Purchase Managers, lasting around40 min length each, distributed as follows: 80 in Brazil; 20 in Chile and 20 in Argentina. Direct client: Kennametal, USA

� Caterpillar Project: primary data collect among Caterpillar customers inBrazil. In total, there were 30 in depth interviews done with Managersconducted by phone with companies owning Caterpillar heavy equipments.Commissioned by EFG Worldwide (France). Final client: Caterpillar, USA

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� Insurance Project: N=25 in depth interviews by phone with insurance companies in Brazil. Client: Midas Consulting, Argentina.

�Caustic Soda Project: N=20 telephonic interviews with caustic soda manufacturers in Brazil. Target contacted people were purchasemanagers and production managers. Client: Midas Consulting, Argentina

� Insulating Project: N=90 telephonic / CATI interviews in Brazil with Purchase Managers, Sales Managers and Maintenance Managers atcompanies that manufacturers insulating products, companies that buy insulating products (construction, air conditioning companies, electronicappliances companies, among others), regulation government bodies and distributors. Client: Midas Consulting, Argentina.

� Bus Project: N=65 telephonic / CATI interviews in Brazil with Purchase Managers, General Managers, Directors or Owners of companies thatmanufacturer buses, companies that buy buses, government bodies, associations and bus repairing companies. Client: Midas Consulting, Argentina

� Paper and Rags Project: primary data collect among aviation manufacturers and industries of any segment. There were 6 in depth interviews conductedwith Purchase Managers per telephone. Interviews lasted around 1 hour. Commissioned by Kadence, USA.

� Marketing Education Programs Study: online focus groups done with 8 participants who were Marketing Managers in chemical and transport industries.Online groups took around 2hours. Commissioned by EFG Worldwide, France.

� Library Project: 274 f2f interviews with the responsible for the municipal libraries in all municipalities of Santa Catarina State (South of Brazil). Project’sobjectives was to understand the libraries’ conditions for working and for clients. Direct Client: Ministry of Education, Brazil

� Towel Dispensers Project: Focus Groups and In-Depth f2f interviews with purchase managers of large,medium and small companies among food, hospital and service segments in São Paulo. Comissioned byKadence, USA. Final client: Kimberly Clark

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�Floating Glass Project: primary data collect in 4 different floating glass factories (Cebrace and Guardian) in Brazil. Project involvedinterviews with production managers, commercial directors, technicians, trade unions, syndicates, associations, etc.. Aiming on gettingdifferent pieces of information to understand factories’ production evolution, labor force, raw material suppliers, environment strategies,among others. Commissioned by Midas Consulting, Argentina.

�Nutrients Project: 35 in-depth f2f interviews in office with regulations body as well as wheat flour, milk and margarine producers inBrazil. Commissioned by Midas Consulting, Argentina. Final Client: GAIN – Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition.

� Joint Venture Project: desk research + around 30 in-depth interviews by phone and F2F to understand advantages & disadvantages of10 different joint ventures and technology transfer between a foreign country and Brazil. Commissioned by: Fuld & Company, England. Finalclient: Bayer Laboratory

� Chemistry Project: desk research + around 10 in-depth interviews (primary data collect) to understand the intern production scenarioof a chemical company (industry) in Brazil. Client: Cipher Sis

�Coating Project: desk research + 24 in-depth interviews with purchase managers and technicians in current companies thatmanufacture coating and pigments for coating in Brazil (competitors of the client that contracted this study). The interviews were done byphone. Client needed to map a possibility of entering Brazilian market. Commissioned by Midas Consulting, Argentina..

� Satisfaction Research SKM Project: N=20 telphonic interviews in Chile with Project Managers of metallurgy industries that held SKMConsulting projects. Client: Catalyst Research, Australia

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Consumers Projects

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� Tire Brand Study: N=400 quantitative interviews done face to face in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Brasilia and Vitoria.Tracking Yearly: 2011, 2012,2013 and 2014. Client: TNS Korea. Final client: Hankook

� Tire Brand Study: N=1000 quantitative interviews done face to face in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Brasilia and Vitoria.In 2010. Client: TNS Korea. Final client: Hankook

� Car Segmentation Study: N=2 FGD in São Paulo. N=1200 quantitative interviews done face to face in Brazil (São Paulo, Rio deJaneiro, Porto Alegre, Belo Horzionte, Brasilia, Recife and Salvador) and N=200 interviews done face to face in Argentina (Buenos Aires,Cordoba and Mendozna). In 2011. Client: TNS Korea. Final client: Hankook

� Car Smell product Study: N=24 IDIs with current owners of cars to check their behavior on their car wash. Part of the interviewswere done at people’s homes and part of them were done in facility (one way mirror room). N=12 interviews were done in São Paulo andN=12 interviews were done in Rio de Janeiro. Client: SIS International

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� Car Clinics in São Paulo: N=200 respondents, recruited to do a 3-hour quantitative interview including: static evaluation of 4 carsand test driver of 4 cars. Some of them were additionally chosen for the qualitative stage: 2h triads interviews evaluating static cars.Project took place within 10 days in Imigrantes Convention Center facility. Client: RDS – Research Design Specialists / Final Client: GMUSA

� Website Car Manufacturers Evaluation in São Paulo: N=300 respondents recruited for a 3hevaluation of websites of 4 different car manufactures. Half of them evaluated big browner websites inPCs and half of them evaluated mobile websites using iPhones. Some of them were chosen for thequalitative FGDs stage, which was a deeper talk about websites evaluation. Project took place in a 3-room facility. Client: RDS – Research Design Specialists / Final Client: GM USA

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� (Quanti Face to Face) Car Oil Study: 400 face to face interviews in São Paulo about potential market for car oils brands.

�(Quanti Face to Face) Clients’ Satisfaction Study among Petrobrás Gas Stations: : 2500 interviews that took place in São Paulo, SantaCatarina, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Pará and Amapá about satisfaction with petrol, oil change, GNV, diesel and alcohol clients. More than 20 citieswere simultaneously researched. Researchers intercepted clients inside the gas stations with previous authorization of Petrobrás.

�(Quanti Face to Face) Real State Study in Greater Florianópolis (SC): 700 face to face in home interviews to general population to measurepotential market for real state new ventures. We were responsible for designing methodology and sample, field work coordination, data entry andanalysis. SEC – social economical classes quotas were used.

� (Quanti Face a face): ESPN Study. 150 interviews with watchers of ESPN sport channel in São Paulo.This study has 3 waves, each one with 150 interviews. It was a clients’ satisfaction study.


� (Washing Machine Study): 700 face to face interviews in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre among housewives who had bought awashing machine in the last 12 months. Comissioned by TNS, final client: LG

� (Split Air Conditiong Study): 200 face to face interviews in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Salvador, Recife, Belo Horizonte andBrasília among recent purchasers of split air conditioning. Comissioned by Synovate, final client: Samsung

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� Dicussion Grous in Real State Segment: 2 DGs in Florianópolis with people who live and would be willing to live in the neighborhood ofBarreiros, São José, Santa Catarina, south of Brazil.


� Banking Project: recruitment and 10 in-home IDIs with high end bank users of internet banking. Simultaneous translation was done simultaneousto the client live in the USA. Client: Ideo, USA. Final client: Itaú bank

� Cod-Fish Project: 16 focus groups with cod-fish consumers. There were social economic classes as well as groups quotas. Client: Nofima Market,Norway

� Cod-Fish Merchandising Project: 20 mystery shopping visits in Rio de Janeiro aiming on evaluate promotors inside points of sales. Client:Seafood, Norway

�Ponto Frio Mystery Shopper. Evaluation of customers’ services and auditing of price products in 39 stores of Ponto Frio, a retailer chain inBrazil. Field work took place in São Paulo and Santa Catarina.

� Worldwide Store-check(tracking): price collect of 128 items in supermarkets and clothing stores in São Paulo (Brazil), Brasília (Brazil), Riode Janeiro (Brazil), Campo Grande (Brazil), Lisboa (Portugal), Cidade do Porto (Portugal), La Paz (Bolívia), Quito (Ecuador), Santiago (Chile),Buenos Aires (Argentina), San José (Costa Rica), San Salvador (El Salvador).

�Worldwide Mystery Shopping: evaluation of customer services among vendors in Disney Shows. Places already done: Lisboa (Portugal),Valencia (Espanha), Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), São Paulo (Brasil), Glasgow (Escócia), Nottingham (Inglaterra), Sofia (Bulgária), Port of Spain(Trindade & Tobacco) and Liverpool (England). In this project, shoppers buy products and simulate products exchange to evaluate and grade thevendors.

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Competitive Intelligence

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� X-Ray Project: primary data collect with X-Ray B2B clients, associations, regulation bodies and manufacturers. There were 60 in-depth telephonicinterviews. Comissioned by: Midas Consulting, Argentina. Final client: Philips

�Floating Glass Project: primary data collect in 4 different floating glass factories (Cebrace and Guardian) in Brazil. Project involved interviews withproduction managers, commercial directors, technicians, trade unions, syndicates, associations, etc.. Aiming on getting different pieces of informationto understand factories’ production evolution, labor force, raw material suppliers, environment strategies, among others. Client: Midas Consulting,Argentina.

�Nutrients Project: 35 in-depth telephonic interviews with regulations body as well as wheat flour, milk and margarine producers in Brazil. FinalClient: GAIN – Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition.

� Joint Venture Project: desk research + around 30 in-depth interviews by phone and F2F to understand advantages & disadvantagens of 10different joint ventures and technology transfer between a foreign country and Brazil. Client: Fuld & Company

� Chemistry Project: desk research + around 10 in-depth interviews (primary data collect) to understand the intern production scneario of achemical company (industry) in Brazil. Client: Cipher Sis

�Coating Project: desk research + 24 in-depth interviews with purchase managers and technicians in current companies that manufacture coatingand pigments for coating in Brazil (competitors of the client that contracted this study). The interviews were done by phone. Client needed to map apossibility of entering Brazilian market. Client: Midas Consulting, Argentina.

�Ultra-Rice Project: desk research + face to face interviews + telephonic interviews with competitors manufacturing pasta and rice in Brazil. Thegoal of this project was to offer a rank of 20 healthy, potential and interested companies in transferring technology from USA to Brazil to manufactureultra-rice, a fortified type of rice to poor population. Desk research included finding financial issues about the company to know how financially healththey were. Client: PATH (USA – Melina & Bill Gates NGO)


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Geisa Rodrigues is the AG3 Consulting director, a Marketing Research and

Competitive Intelligence consulting formed aiming to attend demands of

companies willing to enlarge their point of view of marketing

competitiveness. She is graduated in Social Communications and Holds a

MBA in Marketing. Geisa offers 10 years of experience in Marketing

Intelligence and Marketing Research: she has worked as analyst, consultant

as well as manager of Competitive Intelligence departments in some large

companies in Brazil. She also held a position of project manager in Market

Analysis Brasil, a marketing research institute, where she was responsible

for designing methodology, analyzing results and negotiating with clients for

national and international projects. Market entry, qualitative and

quantitative marketing research as well as competitive intelligence studies

compound her services portfolio based on current and background

experiences. She is fluent in English and International speaker.



8. Team8. Team

We count on a multi-disciplinar team of Project managers, analysts, researchers, statisticals, sociologis and field work

team spread all over Brazil and, in the other Latin America countries, we count with part of our own team and part of

third party teams.

Main Executive

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9. Clients9. Clients

272828 28

End Clients Marketing ResearchAgencies & Consultings
























Seefood from Norway Council











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10. Fiiations10. Fiiations

Qualitative Research Consultants Association

Pharmaceutical Marketing Research Group

Brazilian Market Research companies Association

Association of Sales and Marketing Drivers in Brazil

World Association for Market, Social and Opinion Research

Competitive Intelligence Analysts Association

The Guide of Buyers of Marketing Research

International network of global business development firms

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Marketing Research Association

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Geisa Rodrigues



[email protected]

+55 48 32096025

+55 48 96162060

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