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vOtS 395, 396


(Bills are listed alphabetically under "Bills" and questions on notice are listed in numerical sequence at end of Index)


Abattoirs-Industrial dispute, 2400. (See also "Prim­ary Industries")

Access Beauty Salon, 1421, 1428.

Accident Compensation Commission-Report of man­aging director, q 1167, 1177. (See also "WorkCare")

Aged Services-Hospitals, 220. Geriatricians, 1058.

Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of-Emu farming, 788, 795. Live sheep trade, q 798. Rural land review, q 880. Biotechnological research, Q 977, q 978. Bobby calves, 1236, 1243. Sunraysia Growers Advisory Group, 1424, 1427. Research institute and land at Werribee, 1565. Exotic disease veterinary officer, q 1720. Central Animal Regis­try, 1791, 1794. Firearms for RSPCA officers, q 1806. Funding, q 1908, q 1909. Administrative staff, q 2191. (See also "Primary Industries")

Air Services-Pilots dispute, q 1069, q 1070.

Alcohol-Under-age drinking, 484. Abuse, 1331.

Alpha Dynamic, 2403, 2404.

Alpine Resorts Commission-Fixed assets register, q 2278.

Aluminium Smelters of Victoria Pty Ltd-Profits, q 774. Report, 2677. (See also "Portland Smelter Joint Venture Project")

Ambulance Services-In Portland, 172. Inter-hospital transfers, 696.

AMECON Ltd-Frigate contract, q 320, q 325, q 604, q 703, q 705, q 2580.

American Express-Accounts, 218, 481, 2271, 2275.

AMRAD Corporation Ltd, 1518.

Andrianopoulos, Mr Alex (St A1bans) Education-Primary school grants, q 326. Grievances, 231. Keilor, City of-Panel beating works permit, 231.

Elections, 232. National Parks-Government policy, 497. Petitions-Western ring road, 495. Royal Melbourne Show-Entry fees, q 803.

Animals-Wildlife licences and shelters, 332, 1808. Seals: effects of pollution, 553; at Sorrento Marine Aquarium, 2416. Caging and trapping of birds, 1342. Central registry, 1791, 1794. Code of prac­tice for vendors, 2054. Social Development Com­mittee report on welfare, 2055.

Apprentices-State Additional Apprenticeship Scheme, q 606, q 612. Targeted Apprenticeship Access Pro­gram, q 607.

Arts, The-Melbourne Spoleto Festival 1989, q 1066.

Auditor-General-Reports, 889, q 974.

Austin, Mr T. L. (Ripon) Agricultural Industry Development Bill, 1505, 2668. Agriculture Acts (General Amendment) Bill, 1913. Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of-

Bobby calves, 1236. Exotic disease veterinary offi­cer, q 1720.

Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 656.

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Austin, Mr T. L.-continued

Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend­ment) Bill, 2223, 2245, 2246, 2250, 2251, 2255, 2259, 2262, 2263.

Deaths-Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1544. N. A. W. Billing, Esq., 2183.

Education-Assistant class transfers for teachers, 1808.

Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill, 1970. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill, 1580, 1934, 1936, 1944,

1949, 1958, 1959. Government, The-Rural policies, 2041. Grievances, 2041. Lake Bolac Tip, 30. Meat Industry-Bobby calves, 1236. Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust Bill, 2339. Murray Valley Citrus Marketing Bill, 354, 375, 377. Petitions-Lake Bolac rubbish tip, 30. Assistant class

transfers for teachers, 1808. Points of Order-Inaudibility of question without

notice, 1909. Moving of amendments, 2253. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2352. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 656.

Australian Canned Fruits Industry Council, q 1433.

Australian Football League-Football clubs: Colling-wood, 1192, 1193~ Footscray, 1193.

Australian Labor Party-State conference, q 1554.

Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, q 608, q 1169.

Australian Physiotherapy Association, 553.

Australian Securities Commission-Location, q 797, q 802.


Baker, Mr I. M. J. (Sunshine) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

987. AMECON Ltd-Frigate contract, q 325. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 731. Environment-Contamination of site in Ardeer,

q 799. Petrochemical industry, 2583. Frigate Project, q 325. Grievances, 210. Petitions-Petrochemical industry, 2583. Points of Order-Presence of member required, 761.

Unparliamentary language, 1453, 2330. Rele­vancy of remarks, 1730. Rule of sub judice, 2432.

Preschools-Child-care facilities, 210. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 731.

Banks-Services, 1463. (See also "State Bank Victoria")

Barker, Mrs A. P. (Bentleigh) Conservation-OfYarraloch, Gruyere, 552. Consumer Affairs-Credit card pricing, q 402. Education-Victorian certificate of education

q 1252. Primary school improvement plan, q 2413: Petitions-Pensioner rate rebate, 28. Tram conduc­

tors, 2284. HACC program, 2583.

Bathing Boxes-Brighton Beach, 1790, 1795.

BHdstien, Mr C. S. (Mildura) Agricultural Industry Development Bill, 2671. Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of-Sun-

raysia Growers Advisory Group, 1424. Appropriation (1989-90, No. I) Bill, 736. Education-Mildura College land, 1059. Fruit Industry-Importation of citrus products, 2273. Government, The-Law and order policy, 227. Grievances, 227. Lands-Mildura College land, 1059. Law Courts-Sentencing of sex offender in Mildura

227. '

Murray Valley Citrus Marketing Bill, 361. Points of Order-Members to address Chair, 2003.

Relevancy of remarks, 2003. Public Transport- Vinelander, 390. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2360. Sunraysia Growers Advisory Group, 1424. Water Bill, 1812, 2072, 2091,2119. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1812. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 736.

Billing, The Late N. A. W., Esq., 2179.

Bills-Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bil/­

Introduction and first reading, 409; second read­ing, 519, 890, 981, 1101; appropriation, 617; declared an urgent Bill, 1096; second-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 1105; Committee, 1105; third-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 1144. Council amendments: dealt with, 1199; agreed to by absolute majority, 1221.

Administration and Probate (Amendment) BiI/­Introduction and first reading, 1344; second read­ing, 1498.

Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Planning) BiI/­Introduction and first reading, 1343; second read­ing, 1496.

Adoption (Amendment) Bill-Second reading, 411; Committee, 439, 2288; remaining stages, 2304. Council amendment dealt with, 2744.

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Agricultural Industry Development Bill-Introduc­tion and first reading, 1349; second reading, 1503, 2668; appropriation, 1567; second and third-read­ing motions agreed to by absolute majority, 2675.

Agriculture Acts (General Amendment) Bill-Intro­duction and first reading, 981; second reading, 1146, 1913; Committee, 1932; remaining stages, 1933.

Appropriation (1989-90, No. I) Bill-Appropria­tion, 95; introduction and first reading, 95; second reading, 95, 618, 713, 827, 1221, 1260, 1353; con­current debate, 333; declared an urgent Bill, 1350; remaining stages, 1400.

Audit (Amendment) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 1913; second reading, 2109; appropria­tion, 2206.

Bayside Project (Amendment) Bill-Received from Council and first reading, 1871; second reading, 2108, 2662; second-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 2665; Committee, 2665; third­reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 2668. .

Bread Industry (Repeal) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 1705; second reading, 1788.

Business Franchise (Tobacco) (Amendment) BiI/­Introduction and first reading, 333; second read­ing, 409, 1632; Committee, 1660; remaining stages, 1661. Council amendment dealt with, 2662, 2680.

Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend­ment) Bill-Second reading, 105, 1894; Commit­tee, 125, 1871. Second-reading motion negatived by absolute majority not present, 1894.

Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend­ment) Bill (No. 2)-Introduction and first reading, 1912; appropriation, 20 I 0; second reading, 2056: second and third-reading motions agreed to by absolute majority, 2057. Council amendments: dealt with, 2728; agreed to by absolute majority, 2732.

Chiropodists (Amendment) Bill-Received from Council and first reading, 2268; second reading, 2398,2740; remaining stages, 2741.

Conservation. Forests and Lands Acts (Amendment) Bill-Second reading, 2212, 2734; Committee, 2231; instruction to Committee, 2231; remaining stages, 2268, 2734. Council amendments: dealt with, 2732; agreed to by absolute majority, 2734. Second and third-reading motions agreed to by absolute majority, 2734.

Construction Industry Long Service Leave (Amend­ment) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 712; second reading, 825.

Co-operatives Bill-Introduction and first reading, 2287.

Crimes (Blood Samples) Bill-Received from Coun­cil and first reading, 2371; second reading, 2585, 2640; Committee, 2657; remaining stages, 2661.


Crimes (Family Violence) (Amendment) Bill-Intro­duction and first reading, 1343; second reading, 1482.

Criminal Justice (Boards) Bil/-Introduction and first reading, 1734; second reading, 2106; appropria­tion, 2206.

Cultural and Recreational Lands (Amendment) BiI/­Received from Council and first reading, 1775; second reading, 2107.

Dandenong Valley Authority (Amendment) Bill­Introduction and first reading, 1704. Withdrawn, 2584.

Debt Collection Bill-Introduction and first reading, 1703; concurrent debate, 1723; second reading, 1778; appropriation, 2010.

Education (Amendment) Bill-Received from Council and first reading, 1871; second reading, 2209.

Election Donations Disclosure and Public Funding Bill-Introduction and first reading, 2287.

Environment Protection (General Amendment) Bil/­Introduction and first reading, 1350; second read­ing, 1485,2529; appropriation, 1567; Committee, 2552; remaining stages, 2565. Council amend­ments dealt with, 2679.

Farm Produce Wholesale Bil/-Introduction and first reading, 1349; second reading, 1505; appropria­tion, 1567.

Financial Institutions Duty (Amendment) Bil/­Introduction and first reading, 333; second read­ing, 409, 1662; remaining stages, 1679.

Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 1347; appropriation, 1567; second reading, 1567, 2439; instruction to Committee, 2206; Committee, 2467; third reading, 2492. Council amendments dealt with, 2741.

Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill-Introduc­tion and first reading, 980; second reading, 1145, 1961; remaining stages, 1990.

Fisheries (Amendment) BiI/-Second reading, 1416, 1510, 1574; Committee, 1608, 1934; remaining stages, 1961. Council amendments dealt with, 2678.

Forests (Laminex Industries Agreement) Bil/­Introduction and first reading, 1704; second read­ing, 1781, 2606; concurrent debate, 2287; remain­ing stages, 2618.

Forests (Victree Forests Agreement) Bill-Introduc­tion and first reading, 1734; second reading, 2207, 2606; concurrent debate 2287; remaining stages, 2618.

Government Employee Housing Authority (Amend­ment) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 1482; second reading, 1894, 2492, 2523; appropriation, 20 I 0; declared an urgent Bill, 2520; remaining stages, 2529.

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Health Acts (Further Amendment) Bill-Introduc­tion and first reading, 1624; second reading, 1775. Withdrawn, 2287.

Health (Amendment) Bill-Received from Council and first reading, 2268; second reading, 2398.

Health (General Amendment) (Amendment) BiII­Received from Council and first reading, 2371; second reading, 2585, 2739; remaining stages, 2740.

Historic Buildings (Amendment) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 497; second reading, 549, 1400; remaining stages, 1415. Council amendments dealt with,2727.

House Contracts Guarantee (Further Amendment) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 1350; second reading, 1489.

Intellectually Disabled Persons' Services (Amend­ment) Bill-Second reading, 126; remaining stages, 160.

Kew and Heidelberg Lands (Trust) Bill-Introduc-tion and first reading, 2287.

Land Conservation (Amendment) Bill-Introduc­tion and first reading, 409; second reading, 517.

Land (Further Miscellaneous Matters) Bill-Intro­duction and first reading, 1704; second reading, 1784; appropriation, 20 I O.

Land Tax (Further Amendment) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 712; second reading, 826; appro­priation, 2206.

Legal Aid Commission (Amendment) Bill-Second reading, 160; Committee, 166; remaining stages, 169.

Margarine (Repeal) BiU-Introduction and first reading, 105; second reading, 234.

Martial Arts Control (Amendment) Bill-Introduc­tion and first reading, 105; second reading, 169, 378; Committee and remaining stages, 387. Coun­cil amendments dealt with, 496.

Medical Treatment (Enduring Power of Attorney) Bill-Received from Council and first reading, 805; second reading, 861.

Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust Bill-Introduction and first reading, 1344; second reading, 1509, 2319; appropriation, 1567; second-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 2334; Committee, 2334; third-reading motion agreed to by absolute major­ity, 2340.

Mineral Resources Development Bill-Introduction and first reading, 1913; second reading, 2112; appropriation, 2206.

Murray Valley Citrus Marketing Bill-Second read­ing, 354; Committee, 375; remaining stages, 377.

Occupational Health and Safety (Penalties) BiII­Introduction and first reading, 497; second read­ing, 827; appropriation, 889.

Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill-Second reading, 239, 333; Committee, 348; remaining stages, 354. Council amendment dealt with, 695, 788.

Bills-cont i nued

Parliamentary Committees (Amendment) BiI/­Introduction and first reading, 2419; appropria­tion, 2520; second reading, 2675; remaining stages, 2677. Council amendment dealt with, 2734.

Pay-roll Tax (Further Amendment) Bill-Introduc­tion and first reading, 889; second reading, 1144; appropriation, 1259.

Penalty Interest Rates (Amendment) Bill-Second reading, 236; remaining stages, 239.

Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Amendment) BiI/­Received from Council and first reading, 1326; second reading, 1494.

Planning and Environment (Amendment) BiII­Introduction and first reading, 1350; second read­ing, 1514, 2304; second-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 2317; Committee, 2317; third-reading motion agreed to by absolute major­ity, 2319. Council amendments dealt with, 2678.

Police Regulation (Further Amendment) Bill-Intro­duction and first reading, 1703.

Prices Bill-Second reading, 439; Committee, 472, 525, 843; declared an urgent Bill, 841; remaining stages, 861.

Private Agents (Amendment) Bi//-Introduction and first reading, 1628; concurrent debate, 1723; second reading, 1723, 1778; appropriation, 2010.

Public Authorities (Contributions) (Amendment) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 1703; second reading, 1781, 2588; appropriation, 2206; remain­ing stages, 2605.

Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 981; second reading, 1147, 2340, 2371; appropriation, 1259; declared an urgent Bill, 2371 ; Committee, 2374; remaining stages, 2398.

Road Safety (Amendment) Bill-Received from Council and first reading, 2520.

Rooming Houses Bill-Withdrawn, 1259. Stamps (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill-Intro­

duction and first reading, 1259; second reading, 1508, 2618; appropriation, 1567.

Stamps (Motor Vehicles) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 333; second reading, 410, 1679; remain­ing stages, 1703.

Subdivision (Further Amendment) Bill-Received from Council and first reading, 2743; second read­ing, 2743; remaining stages, 2744.

Transport Accident (Amendment) Bill-Introduc­tion and first reading, 1347; second reading, 1502.

Very Fast Train (Route Investigation) Bill-Received from Council and first reading, 2009; second read­ing, 2210,2735; second and third-reading motions agreed to by absolute majority, 2739.

Vocational Education and Training Bill-Introduc­tion and first reading, 1347; second reading, 1569; appropriation, 1809.

Water and Sewerage Authorities (Restructuring) (Postponement of Expiry) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 1704. Withdrawn, 2584.

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Bills-cont i nued

Water Bill-Appropriation, 333, 20 I 0; concurrent debate, 1260; second reading, 1260, 1743, 1809; second-reading motion 'agreed to by absolute majority, 1870; Committee, 1870, 2057, 2116; third-reading motion agreed to by absolute major­ity, 2164. Council amendments: dealt with, 2565; agreed to by absolute majority, 2571.

Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill-Introduc­tion and first reading, 981; second reading, 1149, 1260, 1743, 1809; appropriation, 1259; concurrent debate, 1260; second-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 1870; Committee, 1870,2163; third-reading motion agreed to by absolute major­ity, 2164. Council amendments dealt with and agreed to by absolute majority, 2572.

Wildlife (Amendment) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 1260; second reading, 1492.

Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90, No. 2) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 35; second reading, 105, 618, 713, 827, 1221, 1260, 1353; concurrent debate, 333; appropriation, 333; declared an urgent Bill, 1350; remaining stages, 1400.

Yackandandah Land Bill-Introduction and first reading, 2287.

Bills-Concurrent debate, 1260, 1723,2287.

Birds-Caging and trapping, 1342.

BLF Custodian-Reports, 30, 616.

BLF (De-recognition) Act-Repeal, q 1715.

Bloomfield, The Late Sir John, 8.

Brown, Mr A. J. (Gippsland West) (Leader of the Opposition)

Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill, 981.

Air Services-Pilots dispute, q 1069, q 1070. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 713. Australian Labor Party-State conference, q 1554. Australian Securities Commission-Location, q 797,

q 802. Budget for 1989-90-Allocations: for homeless

youth, q 179; for teachers, q 319. Business of the House-Management, 2726. Christmas Felicitations, 2747. Consumer Affairs-Computer scanning of goods in

supermarkets, 711. Deaths-R. H. Trethewey, Esq., 2. R. F. Buckley,

Esq., 5. Sir John Bloomfield, 9. A. E. Ireland, Esq., 315. Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1538. N. A. W. Billing, Esq, 2180.

Brown, Mr A. J.-continued

Education-Teachers: numbers, q 319; Budget allo­cations, q 319; salary increases, q 1617. Standar­dised testing, q 878. External examinations, q 973.

Environment Protection (General Amendment) Bill, 2564.

Fantasy Egg Farm Pty Ltd, q 487. Gas and Fuel Corporation-Directorships of chair­

man, q 1905, q 2001, q 2004, q 2277. Government Departments and Instrumentalities­

Public sector employment, q 85. Government, The-Motion of want of confidence

in, 36. Performance, 1438. Representation in New York, q 1715. Accountability, 2011.

Grievances, 1438, 20 I O. Hospitals-St Andrew's, 2414,2582. Industry, Technology and Resources, Department

of-Representation in New York, q 1715. Islamic Abattoirs of Australia Pty Ltd, q 397, q 399. Joint Sittings of Parliament-Victorian Curriculum

and Assessment Board, 1063. Deakin University, 2572.

Labour, Department of-Erection of Jiangsu Arch, Chinatown, q 978.

Members-Warning of honourable member for Brighton, 404, 407.

Ministry, The-Use of office of Minister for Educa­tion, q 1250. Responsibility, 1438. State ALP con­ference motion on Minister for Transport, q 1554.

National Safety Council of Australia-State Bank Victoria, 2012, q 2186, q 2407, q 2412, q 2578.

Petitions-Price marking of goods, 711. St Andrew's Hospital, 2414, 2582.

Points of Order-Stranger in the House, 329. Ques­tions without notice: answer to relate to, 610; not to be debated, 803; relevancy of answer, 1432, 1803; redirection of, 2193. Relevancy of remarks, 1168. Tabling of documents, 1173. Sittings of House, 2726.

Qintex Ltd-Borrowings and Channel HSV7 direc­torship, q 1797, q 1802, q 1903, q 1905, q2oo1, q 2004, q 2012, q 2277.

Rural Finance Corporation-Victorian Economic Development Corporation, q 397, q 399, q 487, q 1247.

State Bank Victoria-Turner group, q 1247. Interest rates, q 1335. Losses, q 1431, 1440, q 1910,2011. Qintex Ltd, q 1797, q 1802, q 1903, q 1905, q 200 1, q 2004, 2012, q 2277. 333 Collins Street Ltd, q 2001, q 2004. National Safety Council of Aus­tralia, 2012, q 2186, q 2407, q 2412, q 2578. Lia­bilities, q 2190.

Tricontinental Corporation Ltd-Exposures, q 1797, q 1802. Losses, q 1910, 2011.

Turner Group, q 1247. Unions-Pilots dispute, q 1069, q 1070. Universities-Deakin, 2572.

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Brown, Mr A. J.-continued

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board, 1063. Victorian Economic Development Corporation­

Islamic Abattoirs of Australia Pty Ltd, q 397, q 399. Fantasy Egg Farm Pty Ltd, q 487. Turner group, q 1247.

Victorian Trades Hall Council-Secretary: allega­tions concerning, q 603, q 605, q 703; comments on WorkCare, q 1065.

Want-of-confidence Motions-In government, 36. WorkCare-Financial position, q 17. Comments of

Mr Halfpenny, q 1065. Proposed reforms, q 1065. Report of Managing Director of Accident Com­pensation Commission, q 1167.

Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90, No. 2) Bill, 713.

Youth-Budget allocation for homeless, q 179.

Buckley, The Late R. F., Esq., 5.

Budget for 1989-90-Priorities, q 179. Financial man­agement, q 182. Allocations: for teachers, q 319; for school cleaning, q 324. Asset sales, q 321. Effects in rural areas, 1193. For women, q 1434.

Building and Construction Industry-George Theos: activities in Mill Park, 1056, 1062, 1241, 1242; suspension, 2165, 2167. Glenburn Homes Pty Ltd, 1056, 1062, 1241, 1242,2165,2167. Long service leave scheme, q 2284.

Building Control Act-Referee procedure reports, 1808.

Bus Services (See "Public Transport" and "Education")

Business of the House-Order, 496, 524, 550, 2661. Notice of motion, 524. Classification of substan­tive motions, 1789. Sittings, 2725.


Cain, Mr John (Bundoora) (Premier, and Minister responsible for women's affairs)

Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill, 1099.

Air Services-Pilots dispute, q 1069, q 1071. Alpine Resorts Commission-Fixed assets register,

q 2278. AMECON Ltd-Frigate contract, q 320, q 325,

q 705, q 2580. Arts, The-Melbourne Spoleto Festival 1989, q 1066. Auc;tit (Amendment) Bill, 1913. Auditor-General-Reports, q 974. Australian Labor Party-State conference, q 1554. Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, q 608, q 1169. Australian Securities Commission-Location, q 797,

q 802. Budget for 1989-90-Allocation for homeless youth,

q 179. For women, q 1434. Christmas Felicitations, 2745.

Cain, Mr John-continued

Community Services Victoria-Child-care facilities, q 1904.

Deaths-R. H. Trethewey, Esq., 1. R. F. Buckley, Esq., 5. Sir John Bloomfield, 8. A. E. Ireland, Esq., 315. Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1537. N. A. W. Billing, Esq., 2179.

Economy, The-Federal Budget, q 398. Publication Monitoring Melbourne. q 1619.

Employment-Public and private sector exchanges, q 1248. Regional, q 2188. Targets, q 2279. Job­link, q 2408.

Environment-Contamination of site in Ardeer, q 799, q 880. "Keep Vic Fit" campaign, q 2002.

Frigate Project, q 320, q 325, q 705, q 2580. Gas and Fuel Corporation-Directorships of chair­

man, q 1905, q 1907, q 2001, q 2004, q 2187, q 2277, q 2579.

Government, The-Family budget pledge, q 19, q 1341, q 1798. Motion of want-of-confidence in, 47. Standards, q 2582.

Housing-First home buyers scheme, q 704. Shared equity scheme, q 704.

Industry, Technology and Resources, Department of-Representation in New York, q 1715. Regional industry, q 2188.

International Horse Trials, q 1558. LandCare, q 87. Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust Bill, 2330, 2337,

2338. Melbourne Spoleto Festival 1989, q 1066. Members-Warning of honourable member for

Brighton, 404. Ministry, The-State ALP conference motion on

Minister for Transport, q 1554. National Safety Council of Australia, q 2407, q 2409,

q 2413, q 2579. Olympic Games 1996-Melbourne bid, q 487, q 605. Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill, 344, 351, 353. Parliament-Committee system, q 2576. Prices-Government family budget pledge, q 19,

q 1341, q 1798. Public Service-Alleged politicisation, 485. Public Transport-Very Fast Train project, q 181. Publications-Monitoring Melbourne. q 1619. Qintex Ltd-Borrowings and Channel HSV7 direc-

torship, q 1803, q 1805, q 1903, q 1905, q 1907, q 2001, q 2004, q 2277, q 2579.

Sport and Recreation-Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, q 608, q 1169. Proposed Victorian institute of sport, q 1071. International Horse Trials, q 1558.

State Bank Victoria-Losses, q 1335, q 1431, q 1910. Qintex Ltd, q 1803, q 1805, q 1903, q 1905, q 1907, q 2001, q 2004, q 2277, q 2579. Tricontinental Corporation Ltd, q 1803, q 1805, q 2001. Direc­torships, q 2187. Liabilities, q 2190. National Safety Council of Australia, q 2407, q 2409, q 2413, q 2579. Statements by Mr George Frew, q 2581.

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Cain, Mr John-continued

Tourism-Alpine Resorts Commission, q 2278. Tricontinental Corporation Ltd, q 1803, q 1805,

q 1910, q 258l. Unemployment-Rate, q 1720. Unions-WorkCare stoppages, q 86. Pilots dispute,

q 1069, q 107l. Victorian Economic Development Corporation­

Directorship, q 1905. Victorian Trades Hall Council-Allegations con-

cerning secretary, q 603, q 605, q 703, q 705, q 800. Want-of-confidence Motions-In government, 47. Women-Budget for, q 1434. WorkCare-Industrial disputes, q 86. Report of

Managing Director of Accident Compensation Commission, q 1167.

Youth-Budget allocation for homeless, q 179.

Cemeteries-Limited tenure, 393.

Central Animal Registry, 1791, 1794.

Central Health Interpreter Service, 969.

Chairman of Committees, The (Mr T. R. Norris) Rulings and Statements-Debate-Relevancy of remarks, 478, 526, 2468, 2472,

2475. Scope, 847, 85l. Moving of amendments, 2252, 2253. U nparliamentary remarks, 2471.

Rulings and Statements as Deputy Speaker­Debate-Reading of speeches, 241. Tabling and

identification of quoted material, 676. Interjec­tions, 777. Minister to direct remarks to Chair, 821. Unparliamentary language, 1453, 1454. Rele­vancy of remarks, 2463.

Channel HSV7 (See "Qintex Ltd" and "State Bank Victoria")

Children (See "Community Services Victoria" and "Preschools")

Christmas Felicitations, 2745.

City Link Project, 1057, 1062, 1480, 1481, 1705, 1713.

Clark, Mr R. W. (Balwyn) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1219. AMRAD Corporation Ltd, 1518. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 1260. Corrections, Office of-Prison administration, 1154. Crimes (Blood Samples) Bill, 2652, 2661. Financial Institutions Duty (Amendment) Bill, 1669. Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill, 239, 348, 349, 350,

352,353. Penalty Interest Rates (Amendment) Bill, 238.

Clark, Mr R. W.-continued

Prices Bill, 457, 844, 854. Stamps (Motor Vehicles) Bill, 169l. Victorian Investment Corporation-State Bank

Victoria, 1518. Water Bill, 2102. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1260.

Clark Real Estate Pty Ltd, 203, 792.

Code of Forest Practices for Timber Production, q 1903.

Coghill, Dr Ken (Werribee) (See "Speaker, The (Hon. Ken Coghill)")

Cole, Mr N. D. (Melbourne) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1111. Appropriation (1989-90, No.l) Bill, 769. Community Services Victoria-Budget initiatives,

q400. Conservation-Of native flora and fauna, 93. Firearms-Use in homicides, q 1337. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill, 1512. Gas and Fuel Corporation-Government pricing

policy, q 1907. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works­

Government pricing policy, q 1907. Melbourne, City of-Planning appeal processes,

2270, q 2282. Petitions-Nature conservation, 93. Upfield trans-

port services, 187. Chiropractors certificates, 615. Planning-Appeal processes, 2270, q 2282. Public Transport-Upfield services, 187. Roads Corporation-Intersection in North Mel­

bourne, 1518. Social Justice-Government policy on child protec­

tion and intellectual disability services, q 400. State Electricity Commission-Government pricing

policy, q 1907. WorkCare-Chiropractors certificates, 615. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 769.

Coleman, Mr C. G. (Syndal) Agriculture Acts (General Amendment) Bill (No. 2),

1933. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 1297. Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend­

ment) Bill, 2212, 2231, 2232, 2233, 2238, 2240, 2242,2243,2244, 2245, 2247, 2249, 2250, 2251, 2252,2253,2254,2257,2260,2261,2264.

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Coleman, Mr C. G.-continued

Conservation, Forests and Lands, Department of­Reservation at Kew Cottages, 93. Reserves in Campbellfield, 170. Wildlife licences and animal shelters, 332, 1808.

Deaths-Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1553. N. A. W. Billing, Esq., 2185.

Education-Mount Waverley Primary School, 1609. Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill, 1961. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill, 1416, 1510, 1934, 1936,

1937,1938,1940,1942, 1943,1946, 1948, 1950, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1961.

Forests (Laminex Industries Agreement) Bill, 1783, 2606.

Forests (Victree Forests Agreement) Bill, 2606. Grievances, 1466. Historic Buildings (Amendment) Bill, 1407. Intellectually Disabled Persons' Services (Amend-

ment) Bill, 152. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works­

Reservation fees, 252. Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust Bill, 2319, 2336. Ministry, The-Deputation to Minister for Conser­

vation, Forests and Lands, 1327. National Parks-Government policy, 503. Petitions-Mental hospital purposes reserve, 93.

Wildlife licences and animal shelters, 332, 1808. Points of Order-Stranger in the House, 330. Matter

raised with Premier, 1332. Order of call, 1732. Port Phillip Bay Professional Fishermen's Associa-

tion, 1327. Public Transport-Glen Waverley rail service, 556. State Equestrian Centre, 1151. State Finance-Government policies, 1466. Wallace International Ltd-Directors, 1466. Water Bill, 1828. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1828. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1297. Zoological Board of Victoria -Chairman, 1467.

Commulity Services Victoria-Children-Abuse, q 24. Protection services, 198,

q 400, 1991, 1997. Child-care facilities, 210, 1154, 1158, q 1904. Visiting child health nurse program, q 883, 1996, 2045, 2272, 2274, 2415. With social and emotional problems, 966, 971. Admissibility of evidence in sexual assault cases, 971. (See also "Preschools")

DepaTtment-Employment of alleged sex offender, 200.1462. Bus purchase, 478, 486. Budget, q 1171.

General-Wantirna family network project, 555. Prop-am of Aids for Disabled People, 1474. HACC prouam, 1710, 1713,2045,2197,2285,2415,2583. Neighbourhood houses, 1735. Alpha Dynamic, 2403,2404.

Community Services Victoria-continued

Intellectual Disability Services-Janelle Maree Lav­ery, 93, 614. Accommodation waiting list, 197, 478, 486. Budget initiatives, q 400. Transport, q 400, 1706, 1714. Facilities for offenders, q 1068. Home board scheme, q 1171. Community Living Support Service, q 1173. Role and function, 1458. Deinstitutionalisation, 1459. (See also "Handi­capped Persons" and "Mental Health Services")

Conservation, Forests and Lands-Conservation-Resource management: yabby, 81, 83;

abalone, 2047. Of native flora and fauna, 93, 186, 331. Wildlife licences and animal shelters, 332, 1808. Eltham copper butterfly, 392, 395. Sorrento foreshore kiosk, 1517. (See also "Planning and Environment")

Department-RSPCA communication facilities, q 490. Bendigo: use of facilities by community group, 697,701, 1152, 1157. Staff, 697, 701, 1152, 1157,1899,1900.

Forests-Use of native hardwood, 1240. Tree Vic­toria program, q 1719. Code of Forest Practices for Timber Production, q 1903. Training of work­ers, q 2282. (See also "Primary Industries")

General-Hunters advisory council, q 2407. Lands-LandCare, q 87. Reservation at Kew Cot­

tages, 93, 331. Reserves in Campbellfield, 170, 175. Yarraloch, Gruyere, 552, 556. Rural land review, q 880. Mildura College land, 1059, 1061.

Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mor­tality and Morbidity-Report, 2416.

Consumer Affairs-General-Computer price scanning, 28, 94, 711,

1258, 2198. Building contracts: Clark Real Estate Pty Ltd, 203, 792; Harmonious Blend Building Corporation Pty Ltd, 203, 792; Glenburn Homes Pty Ltd, 1056, 1062, 1241, 1242,2165,2167. Credit cards: American Express, 218, 481, 2271, 2275; pricing, q 402; State Bank policy, 2166. George Theos: activities in Mill Park, 1056, 1062, 1241, 1242; suspension, 2165, 2167. Sale of ph arm ace ut­ical goods, q 1172. Lazaway Pools Pty Ltd, 2037. Jetset travel insurance, 2164. Alpha Dynamic, 2403,2404. Debt collection agencies, q 2412.

Ministry-Staff: levels, 2032; service, 2032; alleged politicisation, 2032.

Cooper, Mr R. F. (Mornington) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1009. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 762. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend­

ment) Bill, 105, 1871,1874,1876,1880,1884,1886, 1887, 1888, 1890, 1892.

Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend­ment) Bill (No. 2), 2056, 2730.

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Cooper, Mr R. F.-continued

Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend-ment) Bill, 2258.

Consumer Affairs-letset travel insurance, 2164. Crimes (Blood Samples) Bill, 2644, 2657. Crimes (Police Powers of Investigation) Bill, 2583. Deaths-Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1541. Debt Collection Bill, 1723. Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill, 2470. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill, 1602. Government Employee Housing Authority

(Amendment) Bill, 2516. Government, The-Law and order policy, 1073. Grievances, 1475. Historic Projects-HMVS Cerberus. 1475. Polly

Woodside. 1475. Jetset Travel Insurance, 2164. Melbourne Maritime Museum, 1476. Mornington Bowling Club, 494. National Trust of Australia-Government support,

1475. Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill, 341. Petitions-Improvements to road and rail intersec­

tions in Somerville, 30. Victoria Police duties, 331. Mornington Bowling Club, 494. Crimes (Police Powers ofInvestigation) Bill, 2583.

Points of Order-Relevancy of remarks, 1731. Pro­cedure, 1732. Offensive remarks, 1780. Matter raised on motion for adjournment of sitting: Min­isterial reply, 2167.

Private Agents (Amendment) Bill, 1723. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2374. Roads Corporation-Traffic control in Somerville,

30. Victoria Police-Duties, 331. Law and order, 1073. Victorian Tourism Commission Act, 868. Water Bill, 1851, 2066, 2082. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1851. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 762.

Corporate Affairs Victoria-Federal companies and securities legislation, 1708, 1712.

Corrections, Office of-General-Statements of director-general, 551, q 1172,

1238, 1243, 1244. Special release of prisoner, 788, 794.

Prisons-Fire in Pentridge, 208. Correspondence of prisoner, 209. Allegations of officers, 209. Privatis­ation, q 705. Administration, 1154. Need for inquiry, 1238, 1243.

Crabb, Mr S. M. (Knox) (Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for Tourism, and Minister responsible for corrections)

Corrections, Office of-Privatisation, q 706. Special release of prisoner, 794. Statements of director­general, q 1172.

Debt Collection Bill, 1703, 1723, 1730, 1778. Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill, 1347, 1567,

2206, 2464. 2478, 2480, 2484, 2485, 2486, 2490, 2491.

Firearms-Use in homicides, q 1337. For RSPCA officers, q 1806.

Government, The-Motion of want of confidence in, 67. Law and order policy, 1085.

Points of Order-Relevancy of remarks, 1729, 1730, 2463,2468,2472. Right of reply to motions, 1732.

Police Regulation (Further Amendment) Bill. 1703. Private Agents (Amendment) Bill, 1628, 1723, 1730,

1778. RSPCA-Firearms. q 1806. Roads Corporation-Operation of red light cam­

eras, q 1169. Soccer Pools Australia Pty Ltd-Activities of Harry

Beitzel, q 2577. Tourism-Funding for regional, q 25. Victoria Police-Crime-Statistics, q 26. Law and order, 1085. Hom­

icides, q 1337. Allegations concerning Harry Beitzel, q 2577.

General-Agreement with government, 176. Pow­ers, q 1169. Resources, q 2411.

Staff-Numbers, q 705. Salaries of commissioners, q 1906.

Stations-Inglewood, 794. Want-of-confidence Motions-In government, 67.

Crime (See "Victoria Police")

Crimes (Police Powers of Investigation) Bill, 2583.

Cunningham, Mr D. J. (Derrimut) Environment-Contamination of site in Ardeer,

q 707, q 883. Petitions-Closure and sale of research institute and

land at Werribee, 1565. Toxic medical waste incinerator at Laverton, 2197.

Public Transport-Melbourne-Sydney rail service, q 2191.


Deaths-R. H. Trethewey, Esq., 1. R. F. Buckley, Esq., 5. Sir John Bloomfield, 8. A. E. Ireland, Esq., 315. Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1537. N. A. W. Billing, Esq., 2179.

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Delzoppo, Mr J. E. (Narracan) Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 1321. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend­

ment) Bill, 109. Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend­

ment) Bill, 2232. Petitions-Very Fast Train, 1342. Points of Order-Questions without notice: not to

be debated, 320, 399, 1248, 1432, 1802; relevancy of answer, 2576. Offensive remarks, 546. Honour­able members to address Chair, 706, 2410. Rele­vancy of remarks, 1043. Clarity of amendment, 2099.

Prices Bill, 530, 533, 534, 537. Very Fast Train (Route Investigation) Bill, 2737. Water Bill, 1770, 2063, 2075, 2080, 2081, 2083, 2084,

2089,2093,2104,2149. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1770. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1321. Rulings and Statements as Acting Chairman of

Committees-Debate-Interjections, 1117. Use of correct titles,

1121. Rulings and Statements as Acting Speaker­Debate-Relevancy of remarks, 123. Reflections on

honourable members, 223. Interjections, 232, 1037, 1039, 1041. Offensive remarks, 1039.

Dickinson, Mr H. R. (South Barwon) Education-Belmont High School, 248. Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill, 338. Petitions-Radiotherapy centre at Geelong Hospi-

tal, 332.

Distinguished Visitors-President of the Legislative Council of Western Australia, 85. Mayor, council­lors and officers of the City of Altona, 446. Lord Mayor of Melbourne, 524. Mayor, Town Clerk and councillors of the City ofPrahran, 603.

Divisions-Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1096, 1100, 1104, 1143. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill. 1353. Bills-Concurrent debate, 1724, 1733. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings Bill, 1883,

1889,1892. Conservation. Forests and Lands Acts (Amendment)

Bill. 2241, 2248. Debt Collection Bill. 1724, 1733. Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill, 2479, 2491. Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill. 1989. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill. 1947, 1949. Forests (Laminex Industries Agreement) Bill. 1784. Government Employee Housing Authority (Amend-

ment) Bill. 2518, 2520, 2527, 2528.


Health Acts (Further Amendment) Bill. 1624, 1625, 1626,1627.

Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust Bill. 1344, 1346. Ministerial Statement-Victorian certificate of edu-

cation, 2690. Planning and Environment (Amendment) Bill. 2318. Prices Bill. 471, 842, 860. Private Agents (Amendment) Bill. 1628, 1629, 1630,

1631, 1724, 1733. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill. 2370, 2371. Want of Confidence in Government. 75, 76. Water Bill. 2074,2091,2137,2148. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions. 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill. 1353.

Dixon-Jenkins, John-Bail conditions, 1056, 1061.

Dollis, Mr Demetri (Richmond) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

998. Ethnic Affairs-Human Rights and Equal Oppor-

tunity Commission, 1237. Melbourne Spoleto Festival 1989, q 1066. Olympic Games, 1996-Melbourne bid, q 487. Points of Order-Identification of document, 768.

Drugs-Disposal of syringes, 1239, 1244.

Duck Hunting-Rights of hunters, 28, 1257, 1910.

Dunstan, The Late Hon. R. C., D80, 1544.


Economy, The-Interest rates, 207. Federal Budget, q 398. Publication Monitoring Melbourne. q 1619. Investment in Victoria, q 1800.

Education-General-Discipline, q 89. Budget allocations, q 319,

q 324. School cleaning, q 324. Mobile art vans, 388, 394. Victorian certificate of education, q 611, q 1252,q 1562, 1609,q 1622,q 1801,2029,q2195, 2686, 2714. School first-aid cabinets, 700. Literacy standards, q 801. Standardised testing, q 878, q 882. Enrolments, q 885. External examinations, q 973. Mildura College land, 1059, 1061. Capital works in Goulburn North-Eastern Region, 1896. Industry exchange program, q 2193. Australian studies course, q 2195.

Ministry-Appointments, q 493. Post-Secondary-Physiotherapy, 553, 1055, 1061.

Child-care facilities, 1154, 1158. T AFE facilities on Mornington Peninsula, 2404.

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Schools. Post-Primary-Belmont High, 248. East Loddon P-12, 388, 393. Castlemaine Technical College, 389, 394. For Mill Park, 479, 484. Dan­denong High School, 1071. Echuca Technical School, 1152. Caul field Secondary College, 1521. Beechworth High School, 1896.

Schools. Primary-Rolling Hills, 77. Bayswater, 82. Grants, q 326. East Loddon P-12, 388, 393. High­vale, 966, 971, 1331. Taylors Lakes, 970, 971. Sale, 1058, 1060. Churchill, 1477. Mount Waverley, 1609. Improvement plan, q 2413.

Students-Bus services: for Murtoa schools, 250, 253; in Glendonald, 1477; Bringalbert-Benayeo, 1898. Bus fares for country, q 487. Conveyance allow­ance, q 710. Library services, 869. With social and emotional problems, 966, 971. Glenormiston Agricultural College, 2026.

Teachers-Numbers, q 319. Budget allocations, q 319. Assistant class transfers, 980, 1808. Career restructure, q 1174,2008. Salary increases, q 1617, q 1717. Rural, 1709.

Elder. Mr S. N. (Ballarat North) Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 1371. Business Franchise (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill,

1650. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend-

ment) Bill, 119. Points of Order-Member to address Chair, 821. Water Bill, 1838. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1838. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1371.

Electoral-Voting in British elections, 1520, 1522.

Eltham Copper Butterfly, 392, 395.

Employment (See "Labour, Department of')

Environment (See "Planning and Environment")

Environment Protection Authority-Vehicle emis-sions, 1792, 1795.

Equal Opportunity-Human Rights and Equal Oppor­tunity Commission, 1237, 1241.

Ernst, Mr G. K. (Bellarine) Conservation-Of seals, 553. Economy, The-Federal Budget, q 398. International Horse Trials, q 1558. Petitions-Oncology treatment unit, 93. HACC pro-

gram, 2415.

Estate Agents Board-Fencing dispute, 697.

Ethnic Affairs-Administration of commission, 772. Central Health Interpreter Service, 969. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, 1237, 1241. Public housing assistance, 1448. Sunshine Maltese community, 1521, 1523.

Evans, Mr B. J. (Gippsland East) Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 837. Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend­

ment) Bill, 2220, 2232, 2241, 2243, 2244, 2246, 2250, 2252, 2256.

Deaths-N. A. W. Billing, Esq., 2184. Education-Conveyance allowance, q 710. Environment Protection (General Amendment) Bill,

2538,2557. Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill, 2460, 2479,

2484. Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill, 1966. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill, 1574, 1935, 1936, 1939,

1940, 1944, 1945, 1941 1952, 1954, 195~ Forests-Tree Victoria program, q 1719. Code of

Forest Practices for Timber Production, q 1903. Training of workers, q 2282.

National Parks-Government policy, 511. Planning and Environment (Amendment) Bill, 2310. Points of Order-Reading of speeches, 497, 501.

Relevancy of remarks, 817. Moving of amend­ments, 2252, 2253. Minister at table, 2459. Impu­tations against honourable members, 2577.

Prices Bill, 534. State Superannuation Board-Group certificates,

1332. . Timber Industry-Code of Forest Practices for Tim-

ber Production, q 1903. Imports, q 1903. Water Bill, 1833,2068,2147. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1833. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 837. Rulings and Statements as Acting Speaker­Debate-Interjections, 1085. Admissibility of

amendment, 1087. Relevancy of remarks, 2603.


Fantasy Egg Farm Pty Ltd. q 487.

Federation of Australian Kung-Fu and Wu-Shu Organ­isations Ltd. 2399.

Firearms-Use in homicides, q 1337. For RSPCA offi­cers, q 1806,2017.

Firesafe Pty Ltd. q 488, q 491, q 492.

Floods-Storm damage relief, 251.

Fordham. Mr R. C. (Footscray) AMECON Ltd-Frigate contract, q 320. Petitions-Ice-skating facilities, 2285.

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(12) INDEX

Foster Care Association of Victoria, 494.

Freedom of Information-Report, 24 I 7.

Frigate Project, q 320, q 325, q 604, q 703, q 705, q 2580.

Frost, Dame Phyllis-Keep Australia Beautiful Coun­cil,2037.


Garbutt, Mrs S. M. (Greensborough) Appropriation ( 1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 746. Education-Career restructure, q 1174. Eltham Copper Butterfly, 392. Environment-Recycling of waste in Greensbor-

ough, 1425. Pollution of waterways, 1707. Petitions-In-vitro fertilisation, 29. Prices-Government family budget pledge, q 19. Public Transport-Hurstbridge rail service, 1995. Water-Pollution, 1707. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 746.

Gas and Fuel Corporation-Directorships of chair­man, q 1905, q 1907, q 2001, q 2004, q 2187, q 2192, q 2277, q 2280, q 2579. Government pric­ing policy, q 1907.

Gavin, Mr P. M. (Coburg) American Express-Accounts, 218, 481. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 757. Australian Football League-Football clubs: Col-

lingwood, 1192, 1193; Footscray, 1193. Conservation-Of native flora and fauna, 93. Consumer Affairs-Computer price scanning, 29.

American Express accounts, 218, 481. Electoral-Voting in British elections, 1520. Grievances, 218, 1190. Marsden and McGain Pty Ltd, 1610. Petitions-Pensioner rate rebate, 28. Price marking

of goods, 29. Nature conservation, 93. Points of Order-Tabling of documents, 215. Public Transport-Ticketing system, q 184. V/Line

patronage, q 1070. Taxation-In New South Wales, 1190. WorkCare-Marsden and McGain Pty Ltd, 1610. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 757.

Geriatric Services (See "Aged Services")

Gleeson, Mrs E. S. (Thomastown) Animals-Code of practice for vendors, 2054. Wel­

fare, 2055. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 651.

Gleeson, Mrs E. S.-continued

Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, q 1169. Community Services Victoria-Neighbounood

houses, 1735. Consumer Affairs-Computer price scannin!, 94.

George Theos: activities in Mill Park, 1056, l241; suspension, 2165. Glenburn Homes Pty Ltd, 1056, 1241,2165.

Education-Secondary school for Mill Park, 4~9. Ethnic Affairs-Public housing, 1448. Glenburn Homes Pty Ltd, 1056, 1241,2165. Grievances. 1446. 2054. Housing-Building contracts in Mill Park, 1056,

2165. Public: in Thomastown electorate, 1446; for ethnic community, 1448. For youth, 1449.

Housing Industry Association-Glenburn Homes Pty Ltd, 1056, 1241, 2165. Suspension of George Theos, 2165.

Neighbourhood Houses, 1735. Petitions-Price marking of goods, 94. ChirCiprac­

tors certificates. 1175. Points of Order-Quoted documents: tabling. 756;

availability, 761; identification, 768. Preschools-In Whittlesea, 865. Prices Bill, 443, 446, 851. Social Development Committee-Animal welfare,

2055. Sport and Recreation-Australian Motorcycle Grand

Prix, q 1169. Victorian Investment Corporation-Private sector

investment, q 22. Whittlesea, City of-Incorporated committees, 80. Women-Neighbourhood houses, 1735. WorkCare-Chiropractors certificates, 1175. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 651. Youth-Public housing, 1448, 1449.

Glenburn Homes Pty Ltd, 1056, 1062, 1241. 1242,2165, 2167.

Government Departments and Instrumentalities­Public sector employment, q 85. Stock market losses, q 1555,2019. Profit levels, 2019, 2020.

Government, The-Family budget pledge, q 19, q 1340, q 1798. Want-of-confidence motion, 36. Social justice strategy, 197, q 400. Policies: law and order, 227, 1073; economic, q 979, 1441, 1451, 1454, 1466; rural, 1470, 2041. Performance, 1438. Accountability, 2011, 2017. Standards, q 2582.

Grain Elevators Board-Handling arrangements, q 1437. Debt, 1446.

Grampians-Change of names, 92, 712, 979.

Grievance Day, 1151.

Grievances, 188, 1177, 1438,2010.

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Gude, Mr P. A. (Hawthorn) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

523,890,1097,1212. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 1287. Community Services Victoria-lanelle Maree Lav­

ery, 93, 614. Federation of Australian Kung-Fu and Wu-Shu

Organisations Ltd, 2399. Grievances, 188. Martial Arts Control (Amendment) Bill, 169, 378,

387. Mercantile Mutual Insurance (Aust.) WorkCare

Agency Ltd, q 90, q 91. Petitions-lanelle Maree Lavery, 93, 614. Points of Order-Quoted material: tabling, 676;

identification, 676. Relevancy of remarks, 1621. Public Authorities (Contributions) (Amendment)

Bill, 1781. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2340, 2372. Sport and Recreation-Federation of Australian

Kung-Fu and Wu-Shu Organisations Ltd, 2399. WorkCare-Unfunded liabilities, q 23. Claims

agents, q 90, q 91. Investigators, 189. Fraud, 189. Proposed reforms, q 1067. Comments of Mr Halfpenny, q 1067. Operation of scheme, 2419.

Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90, No. 2) Bill, 1287.


Hamilton, Mr K. G. (Morwell) Alcohol-Abuse, 1331. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 827. Community Services Victoria-Visiting child health

nurse program, 2272. HACC program, 2285. Education-Victorian certificate of education, q 611.

Churchill Primary School, 1477. Bussing of stud­ents in Glendonald, 1477. Industry exchange pro­gram, q 2193.

Environment Protection Authority-Vehicle emis-sions, 1792.

Grievances, 1477. National Parks-Morwell, 699, 1910. Petitions-Four-wheel drive iracks, 615. Morwell

National Park, 1910. HACC program, 2285. Points of Order-Reading of speeches, 502. Public Transport-Latrobe Valley transit system,

250. Sales Tax-On refrigerant recovery units, 1613. Sport and Recreation-Four-wheel drive tracks, 615.

Proposed stadium in Traralgon East, 968. Unemployment-Rate,q 1719. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 827.

Handicapped Persons-South-West Region Support Group for the Handicapped, 1992. Noah's Ark Toy Library and Parent Resources, 1992, 1997. (See also "Community Services Victoria" and "Mental Health Services")

Harmonious Blend Building Corporation Pty Ltd, 203, 792.

Harrowfield, Mr J. D. (Mitcham) Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 719. Employment-loblink, q 2408. Government Departments and Instrumentalities-

Stock market investments, 2019. Grievances, 2019. Insurance-Third-party: unfunded liabilities, 2019. Olympic Games, 1996-Ticket purchases, q 975. Opposition, The-Economic policies, 2018. Petitions-Sorrento Marine Aquarium, 2416. Port of Melbourne Authority-Financial position,

q 1716. Public Bodies Review Committee-Report on Vic-

torian Dairy Industry Authority, 616. Seals-At Sorrento Marine Aquarium, 2416. State Finance-Debt, 2020. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 719.

Hayward, Mr D. K. (Prahran) Adoption (Amendment) Bill, 411,2288,2301,2744. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 1270. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend-

ment) Bill, 1882, 1891. Community Services Victoria­Children-Protection services, 198, 1991. Department-Employment of alleged sex offender,

200, 1462. Bus purchase, 478. General-HACC program, 2285. Intellectual Disability Services-Accommodation

waiting list, 197, 478. Home board scheme, q 1171. Community Living Support Service, q 1173.

Foster Care Association of Victoria, 494. Government, The-Social justice strategy, 197. Grievances, 197, 1462. Intellectually Disabled Persons' Services (Amend­

ment) Bill, 126. Petitions-Foster Care Association of Victoria, 494.

Prahran regional police station, 615. HACC pro­gram, 2285.

Points of Order-Offensive remarks, 150, 1998. Victoria Police-Prahran regional station, 615. Water Bill, 2071. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1270.

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(14) INDEX

Health­Diseases-Malaria, 81. General-Paramedical and community health

centres in Chadstone and Glen Waverley, 174. School first-aid cabinets, 700. Reservoir commun­ity health centre, 870. Central Health Interpreter Service, 969. Disposal of syringes, 1239, 1244.

Health Computing Services-Victoria Ltd-Report, 2416.

Health Services Commissioner-Report, 2416.

Heffernan, Mr V. P. (Ivanhoe) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1218. American Express-Accounts, 2271. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 773. Bayside Project (Amendment) Bill, 2664. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend­

ment) Bill, 117, 1872, 1881. Conservation-Of native flora and fauna, 93. Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend­

ment) Bill, 2227. Consumer Affairs-Computer price scanning, 28. Environment Protection (General Amendment) Bill,

2545. Government Employee Housing Authority

(Amendment) Bill, 2515. Grievances, 2049. Municipalities-Salaries of executives, 1895. National Tennis Centre-Administration, 2049.

Replacement parkland, 2053. Petitions-Price marking of goods, 28. Nature con­

servation, 93. Chiropractors certificates, 712. Prices Bill, 455. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 773.

Hill, Mrs J. M. (Frankston North) Consumer Affairs-Debt collection agencies, q 2412. Housing-First home buyers scheme, q 704. Shared

equity scheme, q 704. Water Bill, 1809. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1809.

Hirsh, Mrs C. D. (Wantirna) Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of-Bio-

technological research, q 977. Alpha Dynamic, 2403. Budget for 1989-90-Forwomen, q 1434. Clark Real Estate Pty Ltd, 203, 792. Community Services Victoria-Wantirna family

network project, 555. Conservation, Forests and Lands, Department of­

Staff, 1899.

Hirsh, Mrs C. D.-continued

Consumer Affairs-Alpha Dynamic, 2403. Harmo­nious Blend Building Corporation Pty Ltd, 203, 792. Clark Real Estate Pty Ltd, 203, 792.

Education-Bayswater Primary School, 82. Disci­pline, q 89. Victorian certificate of education, 2029.

Grievances, 203, 1181,2029. Harmonious Blend Building Corporation Pty Ltd,

203, 792. National Parks-Dandenong Ranges, 1899. Parliament-Role of Opposition, 1181. Points of Order-Reading of speeches, 241, 793.

Vexatious interruption, 502. Member speaking out of his place, 545. Personal explanation, 1238. Relevancy of remarks, 2615.

Women-Budget for, q 1434.

Historic Buildings-Malmsbury railway station, 2166.

Historic Projects-HMVS Cerberus. 1475. Polly Wood side. 1475.

Honeywood, Mr P. N. (Warrandyte) Adoption (Amendment) Bill, 419. Community Services Victoria-Admissibility of

evidence in child sexual assault cases, 971. Consumer Affairs-Computer price scanning in

supermarkets, 28. Education-Rolling Hills Primary School, 77. Environment Protection (General Amendment) Bill,

2542, 2555, 2564. Historic Buildings (Amendment) Bill, 1400,2728. Law Courts-Admissibility of evidence in child sex­

ual assault cases, 971. Petitions-Price marking of goods, 28. Retail trad-

ing hours, 2198. Planning-Life Ministry Centre Ltd land, 793. Planning and Environment (Amendment) Bill, 2314. Trading Hours-Retail, 2198. Victoria Police-Admissibility of evidence in child

sexual assault cases, 971.

Hospitals-Southern Peninsula, 187, 219, 407, 614, 888,1257,2415. Goulburn Valley Base, 201. Wait­ing lists, 201,219. For the aged, 220. Inter-hospital transfers, 696. Prince Henry's, q 800. Portland and District, 1072. Chiltern Bush Nursing, 1327, 1333. Mont Park Psychiatric, 1897. St Andrew's, 2414, 2582.

Housing-Private-Interest rates, 207. Essential services 252

254. First home buyers scheme, q 323, q 704, ~ 709: Shared equity program, q 704. Community Equity Rental Cooperative program, 867.

Public-In Thomastown electorate, 1446. For ethnic community, 1448.

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Housing Industry Association-Glenburn Homes Pty Ltd, 1056, 1241, 2165. Suspension of George Theos, 2165, 2167.

Hoys Tourist Service Pty Ltd-Mount Hotham ski resort buses, 77.

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, 1237, 1241.

Ice-skating-Facilities, 2285.

Industry, Technology and Resources­Department-Representation in New York, q 1715. Industry-Frigate contract, q 320, q 325, q 604,

q 703, q 705, q 2580. Regional, q 2188. Technology-Research: information and communi­

cations, q 708; biotechnological, q 977.

Insurance-State Insurance Office: unfunded third­party liabilities, 2019, 2023; valuations by Mr W. Szuch, 2023. Jetset travel, 2164.

International Horse Trials, q 1558.

International Literacy Day, q 801.

Interwest Ltd, q 1 797, q 1799, q 1801.

Ireland, The Late A. E., Esq., 315.

Islamic Abattoirs of Australia Pty Ltd, q 397, q 399, q 402, q 403, q 1256.


Jasper, Mr K. S. (Murray Valley) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1036. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 742. Benalla, Shire of-Goorambat preschool centre,

1994. Business Franchise (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill,

1651. Business of the House-Notices of motion: with­

drawn, 524, 864. Cobram, Shire of-Trading hours, 481. Community Services Victoria-Transport for intel­

lectually disabled, 1706. Education-Mobile art vans, 388. Victorian certifi­

cate of education, 1609, q 2195. Capital works in Goulburn North-Eastern Region, 1896. Austral­ian studies course, q 2195.

Government, The-Rural policies, 1470. Grievances, 1185, 1470. Hospitals-Chiltern Bush Nursing, 1327. Hoys Tourist Service Pty Ltd-Mount Hotham ski

resort buses, 77. Law Courts-Closure of courthouses, 1425, 1471. Legal and Constitutional Committee-Reports pre­

sented: Public Service (Amendment) Regulations, 495; subordinate legislation, 1566.

Jasper, Mr K. S.-continued

Liquor Control Act-Interpretation, 969. Liquor Industry-Restricted club licences, 969.

Trading hours, 1187, q 1339. Marine (Vessels) Regulations 1988, 525. Mount Hotham-Ski resort buses, 77. Municipalities-Funding for country, 1471. Murray Valley Citrus Marketing Bill, 367. Petitions-Glenrowan service centre, 187. Petroleum Products-Petrol prices, q 322, 1472. Planning and Environment (Amendment) Bill, 2317. Preschools-Goorambat, 1994. Prices-Petrol, q 322, 1472. Prices Bill, 473, 537, 853, 854, 858. Public Transport-Numurkah railway station, 791. Roads Corporation-Service centres on Hume Free-

way, 171, 187,698. Road toll, 1185. Stamps (Motor Vehicles) Bill, 1694. State Finance-Debt, q 1803. Subordinate Legislation-Withdrawal of notices of

motion, 524, 864. Report of Legal and Constitu­tional Committee, 1566.

Taxation-Public authority dividend, q 183. Tourism-Funding for regional, q 25. Mount

Hotham ski resort buses, 77. Victorian Tourism Cooperative Advertising Scheme, 2269.

Trading Hours-In Shire of Cobra m, 481. Ofliquor industry, q 1339.

Victoria Police-Country stations, 1471. Water Bill, 1855. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1855. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 742.

Jetset Travel Insurance, 2164.

John, Mr Micbael (Bendigo East) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1046. Bayside Project (Amendment) Bill, 2662, 2666. Conservation, Forests and Lands, Department of­

Use of facilities by community group, 697. Politi­cal activities of staff member, 697.

Deaths-R. H. Trethewey, Esq., 3. Education-East Loddon P-12 school, 388. Environment Protection (General Amendment) Bill,

2529. Planning and Environment (Amendment) Bill, 2305,

2317. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2394. Subdivision (Further Amendment) Bill, 2743.

Joint Printing Committee-Appointment, 617. Parlia­mentary papers, 2745.

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(16) INDEX

Joint Sittings of Parliament-Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board, 710, 787, 1022, 1063, 1073. Deakin University, 2206, 2268, 2493, 2519, 2572.

Jolly, Mr R. A. (Doveton) (Treasurer) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

409,519,524, 1131, 1143, 1211. Aluminium Smelters of Victoria Pty Ltd, q 974. Apprentices-State Additional Apprenticeship

Scheme, q 612. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 95. Bayside Project (Amendment) Bill, 1871. Budget for 1989-90-Financial management, q 182.

Allocations: for teachers, q 319; for school clean­ing, q 324.

Business Franchise (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill, 333,409,1658,1661,2686.

Economy, The-Government policies, q 979. Investment in Victoria, q 1800.

Education-Budget allocations: for teachers, q 319; for school cleaning, q 324. Teacher numbers, q 319.

Fantasy Egg Farm Pty Ltd, q 487. Financial Institutions Duty (Amendment) Bill, 333,

409,1677. Firesafe Pty Ltd, q 488, q 491, q 492. Gas and Fuel Corporation-Government pricing

policy, q 1907. Directorships of chairman, q 2281. Government Departments and Instrumentalities­

Public sector employment, q 85. Effects of stock market losses on investments, q 1555.

Government, The-Motion of want of confidence in, 57. Economic policies, q 979.

Hospitals-Prince Henry's, q 800. Housing-First home buyers scheme, q 323, q 709. Industry, Technology and Resources-Information

and communications research, q 708. Islamic Abattoirs of Australia Pty Ltd, q 397, q 400,

q 402, q 403, q 1256. Land Tax (Further Amendment) Bill, 712, 826. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works­

Government pricing policy, q 1907. Members-Warning of honourable member for

Brighton, 407. Mercantile Mutual Insurance (Aust.) WorkCare

Agency Ltd, q 90, q 91. Mineral Resources Development Bill, 1913, 2112. Ministry, The-Responsibilities of Treasurer, q 1618. National Safety Council of Australia-State Bank

Victoria, q 1435, q 2186, q 2281, q 2284, q 2575. Pay-roll Tax (Further Amendment) Bill, 889, 1144. Petroleum Products-Petrol prices, q 322. Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Amendment) Bill,

1326,1494. Points of Order-Relevancy of remarks, 759, 2599. Prices-Petrol, q 322.

Jolly, Mr R. A.-continued

Public Authorities (Contributions) (Amendment) Bill, 1703, 1781, 2605.

Public Transport-Sales of railway rolling stock, q 321. Losses, q 1799.

Qintex Ltd-Borrowings, q 1797, q 1799, q 2194. Rural Finance Corporation-Victorian Economic

Development Corporation, q 397, q 400, q 402, q 403, q 487, q 1247, q 1255, q 1256.

Stamps (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, 1259, 1508,1509.

Stamps (Motor Vehicles) Bill, 333, 410, 1702. State Additional Apprenticeship Scheme, q 612. State Bank Victoria-Profit levels, q 25. Triconti-

nental Corporation Ltd, q 488, q 491, q 492, q 1339, q 1797, q 1799, q 2194. Victorian Invest­ment Corporation, q 973. Turner group, q 1247, q 1255. Interest rates, q 1335. Housing loan approvals, q 1335. Remuneration of directors, q 1341. Losses, q 1335, q 1435, q 2005. National Safety Council of Australia, q 1435, q 2186, q 2281, q 2284, q 2575. Liabilities, q 1555. Exposures, q 1797,q 1799. Qintex Ltd,q 1797,q2194.Bond­associated companies, q 1797, q 1799, q 1801.

State Electricity Commission-Public authority dividend, q 183. Government pricing policy, q 1907.

State Finance-Debt: servicing costs, q 88, q 975, q 979; levels, q 1623, q 1803. Management, q 182. Proposed sale of World Trade Centre, q 326. Stock market losses, q 1555, q 1557. Responsibilities of Treasurer, q 1618. Investment in Victoria, q 1800.

Superannuation-Public sector, q 1797. Taxation-State taxes and charges, q 88, q 185. Pub­

lic authority dividend, q 183. Tricontinental Corporation Ltd, q 488, q 491, q 492,

q 1339,q 1797,q 1799,q2194. Turner Group, q 1247, q 1255. Victorian Economic Development Corporation­

Islamic Abattoirs of Australia Pty Ltd, q 397, q 400, q 402, q 403, q 1256. Fantasy Egg Farm Pty Ltd, q 487. Turner group, q 1247, q 1255.

Victorian Government Major Projects Unit­Report, 2199.

Victorian Investment Corporation-Private sector investment, q 22. Firesafe Pty Ltd, q 488, q 491, q 492. State Bank Victoria, q 973.

Want-of-confidence Motions-In government, 57. WorkCare-Financial position, q 17, q 18. Pro­

posed reforms, q 20, q 21, q 1065, q 1067. Unfunded liabilities, q 23. Assets, q 89. Claims agents, q 90, q 91. Levies, q 397. Comments ofMr Halfpenny, q 1065, q 1067. Operation of scheme, 2437.

Works and Services (:A.ncillary Provisions, 1989-90, No. 2) Bill, 35, 105.

World Trade Centre-Proposed sale, q 326.

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Keep Australia Beautiful Council-Tidy Towns pro­ject, 2036.

Kennan, Mr J. H. (Broadmeadows) (Minister for Transport)

AMECON Ltd-Frigate contract, q 604, q 704. Education-Country school bus charges, q 487. Frigate Project, q 604, q 704. Grain Industry-Freight rates, q 325, 1427, q 1437,

q 1560. Ports-Geelong-Chairman of authority, q 604, q 704. Melbourne-Financial position of authority, q 1716. Public Transport-Bus Services-Latrobe Valley transit system, 253.

Charges for country students. q 487. Tendering system, q 609, q 612.

Corporation-Unauthorised use of Met vehicles, q 706. Director-General of Transport, q 708. Con­tracts with private bus operators, q 1564.

Fares and Freights-Met ticketing system, q 184, q 1556, q 1559. Grain: rates, q 325, 1427, q 1560; handling arrangements, q 1437. On Mallee lines, 395. Government policy, q 1560.

General-Industrial disputes, 253. Vandalism, q 491. Security at railway stations, q 1255. Grain trans­portation, q 1437. Ballarat workshops, 2406.

Rail Services-Geelong-Melbourne, 176. Mallee, 395. Vinelander, 395. Sea Lake, Kulwin and Warr­nambool, 395. Patronage, q 1070. Hurstbridge, 1996. Melbourne-Sydney, q 2191.

Road Safety (Amendment) Bill, 2520. Road Transport-Government freight policy,

q 1560. Roads Corporation-General-·05 campaign sponsorship, 1427. Road toll,

q 1436. Driving performance monitor, 1996. Roads and Highways-Hazardous intersection in

Box Hill, 176. Service centres on Hume Freeway, 176, 701. South Eastern Arterial, 701. Funding, 815.

Signals and Crossings-In Geelong, 253. In Glad­stone Park, 1061.

Transport Accident (Amendment) Bill, 1347, 1502. Unions-Transport, 253. Unauthorised use of Met

vehicles, q 706. Very Fast Train (Route Investigation) Bill. 2009,

2210. Victorian Trades Hall Council-Allegations con­

cerning secretary, q 604.

Kennedy, Mr A. D. (Bendigo West) Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of­

Funding, q 1908. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 1312.

Kennedy, Mr A. D.-continued

Conservation-Of native flora and fauna, 186. Conservation, Forests and Lands, Department of­

Use of Bendigo facilities by community group, 1152.

Corrections, Office of-Privatised prisons, q 705. Deaths-R. H. Trethewey, Esq., 4. Education-Castlemaine Technical College, 389.

Restructure, 2008. Grain Industry-Freight rates, q 1437. Grain Eleva-

tors Board: handling and storage, q 1437. Grievances, 223. Kangaroo Flat Football Club, 1423. Mental Health Services-Personal Emergency Serv­

ice, 1438.

National Party-Activities in Queensland, 223. Fitzgerald report, 223.

Petitions-Nature conservation, 186. Personal Emergency Service, 1438. Teaching Service award restructuring, 2008.

Points of Order-Reflections on honourable mem­bers, 223.

Public Transport Corporation-Grain freight rates, q 1437.

Roads Corporation-Sponsorship of ·05 campaign, 1423.

Victoria Police-Agreement with government, 171. Inglewood station, 789.

Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90, No. 2) Bill, 1312.

Kennett, Mr J. G. (Burwood) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1105,1216. Adoption (Amendment) Bill, 2295, 2745. Agricultural Industry Development Bill, 1505, 2673. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 1224. Business Franchise (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill,

1646,2682. Business of the House-Order, 2662. Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend­

ment) Bill, 2234, 2256. Deaths-Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1546. N. A. W.

Billing, Esq., 2182. Environment Protection (General Amendment) Bill,

2555. Government Employee Housing Authority

(Amendment) Bill, 2506. Historic Buildings (Amendment) Bill, 1410. Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust Bill, 1344, 2326,

2337. National Tennis Centre-Proposed renaming, 865. Points of Order-Stranger in the House, 328. Motion

that Minister be not further heard, 887. Offensive remarks, 1254. Minister should explain Bill, 1344.

Prices Bill, 467.

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(18) INDEX

Kennett, Mr J. G.-continued

Public Transport-Industrial disputes, 249. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2391. Transport Accident (Amendment) Bill, 1347. Unions-Transport, 249. Very Fast Train (Route Investigation) Bill, 2737. Vocational Education and Training Bill, 1347. Water Bill, 2148. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1224.

Kimer, Ms J. E. (Williamstown) (Deputy Premier, and Minister for Education)

Deaths-Sir John Bloomfield, 11. Education-General-Discipline, q 89. Budget allocations: school

cleaning, q 324. Mobile art vans, 394. Victorian certificate of education, q 611, q 1253, q 1562, q 1622, q 180 I, q 2195, 2686. Literacy standards, q 801. Standardised testing, q 878, q 882. Enrol­ments, q 885. External examinations, q 973. Mil­dura College land, 1061. Industry exchange program, q 2194. Australian studies course, q 2195.

Ministry-Appointments, q 493. Schools, Post-Primary-East Loddon P-12, 393.

Castlemaine Technical College, 394. For Mill Park, 484.

Schools, Primary-Grants, q 327. East Loddon P-12, 393. Taylors Lakes, 971. Highvale, 971. Sale, 1060. Improvement plan, q 2413.

Students-Conveyance allowance, q 710. With social and emotional problems, 971.

Teachers-Career restructure, q 1174. Salary increases, q 1617, q 1718.

Education (Amendment) Bill, 1871,2209. Government, The-Motion of want of confidence

in, 71. International Literacy Day, q 801. Lands-Mildura College land, 1061. Ministerial Statements-Victorian certificate of

education, 2686. Ministry, The-Use of office of Minister for Educa-

tion, q 1247, q 1250. Points of Order-Stranger in the House, 329. Preschools-In Taylors Lakes, 971. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board-Staff

transfers, q 493. Vocational Education and Training Bill, 1347, 1569. Want-of-confidence Motions-In government, 71.



Employment-Exploitation "Of youth, q 323. Public and private sector exchanges, q 1248. Regional, q 2188. Targets, q 2279. Joblink, q 2408.

Labour, Department of-continued

General-Earth-moving equipment regulations, q 319. Chinese restaurants, q 885, q 976. Erection of Jiangsu Arch, Chinatown, q 976, q 978. Mars­den and McGain Pty Ltd, 1610, 1615, 1896, 190 I. Marine Stores Award, 2402.

Unemployment-Rate,q 1719.

Lands (See "Conservation, Forests and Lands")

Law Courts-Sentencing of sex offender in Mildura, 227. Closure of courthouses, q 489, 1425, 1428, 1471,1612,1793,2044. Admissibility of evidence in child sexual assault cases, 971. Bail conditions for John Dixon-Jenkins, 1056, 1061. Adverse pos­session case in Brighton, 240 I.

Lazaway Pools Pty Ltd, 2037.

Lea, Mr D. J. (Sandringham) Adoption (Amendment) Bill, 2294. Appropriation (1989-90, No. I) Bill, 1291. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend-

ment) Bill, 110, 1873. Deaths-Sir John Bloomfield, 14. Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill, 1982. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill, 1593, 1960. Government Employee Housing Authority

(Amendment) Bill, 2511. Petitions-St Andrew's Hospital, 2582. Sandringham, City of-Youth accommodation,

1900. Water Bill, 1821. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1821. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1291. Youth-Accommodation, 1900.

Legal and Constitutional Committee-Reports pre­sented: Public Service (Amendment) Regulations, 495; subordinate legislation, 1566; freedom of information, 2417.

Leigh, Mr G. G. (Malvern) Access Beauty Salon, 1421. Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1050. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 724. Deaths-Sir John Bloomfield, 13. Footscray-Cityof: City Link project, 1057, 1480,

1705; Football Club, 1480. Grievances, 214, 1480. Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust Bill, 2328. Mental Health Services-Malvern Clinic, 392. Planning-City Link project, 1057, 1480, 1705.

Massage parlour for Malvern, 1421.

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Leigh, Mr G. G.-continued

Points of Order-Use of correct titles, 74. Reading of newspapers in Chamber, 82. Matters raised in debate on motion for adjournment of sitting: must not seek legal opinion, 82; must relate to govern­ment administration, 1153. Relevancy of remarks, 195,759,851. Reading of speeches, 497, 499, 501, 502. Imputations against honourable members, 499, 762. Routing of direction of Chair, 763. Min­ister not to be frivolous, 1428.

Prices Bill, 545, 850, 855, 859. Public Transport-Very Fast Train project, 79. Ser­

vices, 214. Losses, 214. Unmanned railway sta­tions, 2164.

Roads Corporation-South Eastern Arterial, 695, 2268.

Very Fast Train (Route Investigation) Bill, 2738. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 724.

Leighton, Mr M. A. (Preston) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1006,1126. Education-Assistant class transfers for teachers, 980. Intellectually Disabled Persons' Services (Amend­

ment) Bill, 141. Olympic Games 1996-Melbourne bid, q 604. Petitions-Pensioner rate rebate, 407. Assistant class

transfers for teachers, 980. Prices-Government family budget pledge, q 1340. Roads Corporation-Driving performance monitor,


Library Services-For students, 869.

Lieberman, Mr L. S. (Benambra) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1128. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 782. Business Franchise (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill,

1655. Corrections, Office of-Special release of prisoner,

788. Deaths-Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1552. Government Employee Housing Authority

(Amendment) Bill, 2492, 2521. Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill, 342. Points of Order-Call by Chair, 233. Questions

without notice: not to be debated, 492; scope, 768; should not raise matters of policy, 804, 977. Iden­tification and availability of quoted documents, 759, 760. Rule of sub judice, 887. Extension of time, 2527.

Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2389.

Lieberman, Mr L. S.-continued

Water Bill, 1744,2057,2073,2076,2079,2080,2081, 2085, 2088, 2092, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2097, 2098,2099,2100,2105,2117,2118,2119,2120, 2121,2124,2127,2129,2131, 2132, 2135, 2139, 2143,2146,2150,2155.

Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1744. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 782.

Life Ministry Centre Ltd, 793.

Liquor Control Act-Interpretation, 969.

Liquor Industry-Restricted club licences, 969. Top­less barmaids, 980, 2009. Trading hours, 1187, q 1339. Licensing commission decisions, 1193.

Local Government (See "Municipalities")


McCutcheon, Mr Andrew (St Kilda) (Attorney-Gen­eral, and Minister for Ethnic Affairs)

Administration and Probate (Amendment) Bill, 1344, 1498.

Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Planning) Bill, 1343,1496.

Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend­ment) Bill, 124, 1872, 1876, 1879, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1891.

Co-operatives Bill, 2287. Corporate Affairs Victoria-Federal companies and

securities legislation, 1712. Crimes (Blood Samples) Bill, 2371, 2585, 2655, 2660,

2661. Crimes (Family Violence) (Amendment) Bill, 1343,

1482, 1484. Criminal Justice (Boards) Bill, 1734. Cultural and Recreational Lands (Amendment) Bill,

1775. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commis­

sion, 1241. Law Courts-Closure of courthouses, q 489, 1428. Legal Aid Commission (Amendment) Bill, 165, 166,

167. Penalty Interest Rates (Amendment) Bill, 239.

McDonald, Mr M. J. (Whittlesea) Environment-Unbleached paper products, q 1807. Points of Order-Length of question without notice,

2579. Public Transport-Very Fast Train project, q 181.

Security at railway stations, q 1255. Rulings and Statements as Acting Speaker­Debate-Offensive remarks, 150.

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McGrath, Mr J. F. (Warmambool) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

948,1123, 1215. Agriculture Acts (General Amendment) Bill, 1927. Apprentices-State Additional Apprenticeship

Scheme, q 612. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 684. BLF (De-recognition) Act-Repeal, q 1715. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend-

ment) Bill, 1874,..l875, 1880, 1885, 1889, 1891. Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend­

ment) Bill, 2257, 2265. Education-Activities of Glenormiston Agricultural

College students, 2026. Environment-Portland aluminium smelter, 2272. Environment Protection (General Amendment) Bill,

2564. Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill, 1974. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill, 1584. Forests (Laminex Industries Agreement) Bill, 1783,

2612. Forests (Victree Forests Agreement) Bill, 2612. Glenormiston Agricultural College-Activities of

students, 2026. Government Employee Housing Authority

(Amendment) Bill, 2498, 2523. Government, The-Economic policies, q 979. Grievances, 1454, 2026. Handicapped Persons-Noah's Ark Toy Library and

Parent Resources, 1992. Hospitals-Inter-hospital transfers, 696. Liquor Industry-Topless barmaids, 980, 2009. Noah's Ark Toy Library and Parent Resources, 1992. Petitions-WorkCare legislation, 889. Topless bar-

maids, 980, 2009. Points of Order-Relevancy of remarks, 612. Portland Aluminium Smelter-Emissions, 2272. Public Authorities (Contributions) (Amendment)

BiII,2594. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2363. Roads Corporation-Roads: funding, 806; toll,

q 1436, 1455. State Additional Apprenticeship Scheme, q 612. State Bank Victoria-Directorships, q 2186. State Finance-Debt servicing costs, q 979. Govern­

ment policies, 1454. 2 Ring Rentals-Activities of Glenormiston Agri-

cultural College students, 2026. Very Fast Train (Route Investigation) Bill, 2735. Water Bill, 1823,2571. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1823. WorkCare-Legislative amendments, 889. Pro-

posed reforms, q 1067. Comments of Mr Halfpenny, q 1067. Operation of scheme, 2432.

Works and Services (AnCillary Provisions, 1989-90, No. 2) Bill, 684.

McGrath, Mr W. D. (Lowan) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

524, 1099, 1102, 1108. Agricultural Industry Development Bill, 1505,2669. Agriculture Acts (General Amendment) Bill, 1918. Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of-Rural

land review, q 880. Firearms for RSPCA officers, q 1806. Administrative staff, q 2191.

Alcohol-Under-age drinking, 484. Alpine Resorts Commission-Fixed assets register,

q 2278. AMECON Ltd-Frigate contract, q 604, q 703. Appropriation (1989-90, No.l) Bill, 671, 1351. Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union, 2400. Bayside Project (Amendment) Bill, 2664. Budget for 1989-90-Effects in rural areas, 1193,

1194. Business ofthe House-Order, 496. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend­

ment) Bill, 112. Chiropodists (Amendment) Bill, 2741. Community Services Victoria-Child-care facilities

in rural areas, 1154. HACC program, 2197. Conservation-Yabby resource management pian,

81. Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend­

ment) Bill, 2245, 2254, 2258. Consumer Affairs-Sale of pharmaceutical goods,

q 1172. Deaths-R. F. Buckley, Esq., 7. Duck Hunting-Rights of hunters, 28. Hunters

advisory council, q 2407. Education-School buses: Murtoa, 250; Bringal­

bert-Benayeo, 1898. Ministry appointments, q 493. Child-care facilities for rural T AFE colleges, 1154. Victorian certificate of education, 2714.

Environment-Recycling of newsprint, 1519. Financial Institutions Duty (Amendment) Bill, 1664. Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill, 2467. Firearms-For RSPCA officers, q 1806. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill, 1513. Forests-Pine plantations, q 880. Frigate Project, q 604, q 703. Government Employee Housing Authority

(Amendment) Bill, 2504. Government, The-Motion of want of confidence

in, 69. Standards, q 2582. Grain Elevators Board-Debt, 1446. Grampians-Changes of names, 92. Grievances, 1193, 1442. Health (General Amendment) (Amendment) Bill,

2740. Labour, Department of-Earth-moving equipment

regulations, q 319. Lands-Rural review, q 880. Liquor Licensing Commission-Decisions, 1193 Ministerial Statements-Victorian certificate of

education, 2714.

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McGrath, Mr W. D.-continued

Municipalities-Road funding, 1194. Murray Valley Citrus Marketing Bill, 358, 375, 377. Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill, 340. Petitions-Hunters' rights, 28. Changes of Gramp-

ians names, 92. HACC programj, 2197. Points of Order-Relevancy of remarks, 1557, 1800,

2002. Ports-Geelong: chairman of authority, q 604, q 703. Prices Bill, 453. Primary Industries-Fishing-Yabby resource management plan, 81. General-Emu farming, 789. Grain-Freight rates, q 325, 1422. Elevators board,

1446. Meat-Live sheep trade, q 798. Strikes at abattoirs,

2400. Public Bodies Review Committee-Report on Vic­

torian Dairy Industry Authority, q 1561. Public Transport-School buses: Murtoa, 250; Brin­

galbert-Benayeo, 1898. Grain freight rates, q 325, 391, 1422. Sea Lake, Kulwin and Warmambool rail services, 391. Losses, q 1799.

Racing-In rural areas, 1193. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2356. Roads Corporation-Road toll, 1442. RSPCA-Firearms, q 1806. Small Business-Goodwill tax, 1193. Social Development Committee-Membership,

1990. Sporting Shooters Association of Australia-Hunt­

ers advisory council, q 2407. Stamps (Motor Vehicles) Bill, 1684. State Bank Victoria-Losses, q 2005. Responsibili­

ties of Treasurer, q 2005. State Finance-Debt: servicing costs, q 975; level,

q 1623. Tourism-Alpine Resorts Commission, q 2278. Unions-WorkCare stoppages, q 86. Effects of dis­

putes, 2400. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board-Staff

transfers, q 493. Victorian Dairy Industry Authority, q 1561. Victorian Football League, 1193. Victorian Trades Hall Council-Allegations con-

cerning secretary, q 604, q 703. Want-of-confidence Motions-In government, 69. Water Bill, 1841. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1841. WorkCare-Proposed reforms, q 21. Industrial dis-

putes, q 86. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 671,1351. Youth-Under-age drinking, 484.

McNamara, Mr P. J. (Benalla) (Leader of the National Party)

Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill, 1014.

Adoption (Amendment) Bill, 2745. Apprentices-State Additional Apprenticeship

Scheme, q 606. Appropriation (1989-90, No.1) Bill, 636. Business Franchise (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill,

1635, 1660. Business ofthe House-Management, 2725. Christmas Felicitations, 2749. Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend­

ment) Bill, 2255. Deaths-R. H. Trethewey, Esq., 2. R. F. Bucldey,

Esq., 6. Sir John Bloomfield, 11. A. E. Ireland, Esq., 316. Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1541. N. A.W. Billing, Esq., 2181.

Debt Collection Bill, 1728. Dixon-Jenkins, John-Bail conditions, 1056. Duck Hunting-Rights of hunters, 28, 1257, 1910. Environment Protection (General Amendment) Bill,

2564. Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill, 2448, 2476,

2742. Firearms-For RSPCA officers, 2017. Government, The-Motion of want of confidence

in, 53. Law and order policy, 1094. Accountabil­ity, 2017.

Grievances, 2014. Law Courts-Bail conditions for John Dixon-Jen­

kins, 1056. Ministry, The-Statements of Minister for Police

and Emergency Services, 16,877. Use of office of Minister for Education, q 1247. Responsibilities of Treasurer, q 1618.

Parliament-Committee system, q 2576. Personal Explanations-Statements of Minister for

Police and Emergency Services, 16,877. Petitions-Hunters' rights, 28, 1257, 1910. Points of Order-Tabling of document, 607. Rele-

vancy of remarks, 2468. Sittings of House, 2725. Private Agents (Amendment) Bill, 1728. Qintex Ltd, q 2001. Roads Corporation-Red light cameras, q 1169. RSPCA-Firearms for officers, 2017. Stamps (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, 2637. State Additional Apprenticeship Scheme, q 606. State Bank Victoria-Victorian Investment Corpo-

ration, q 973, 2015. Losses, q 1335,2014. Contin­gent liabilities, q 1555. Qintex Ltd, q 200l. Tricontinental Corporation Ltd, q 2001.

State Electricity Commission-Public authority dividend, q 183.

State Finance-Losses, q 1557. Responsibilities of Treasurer, q 1618.

Subdivision (Further Amendment) Bill, 2744. Superannuation-Public sector, q 1797.

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McNamara, Mr P. J .-continued

333 Collins Street Ltd-Directorship, q 2001. Tricontinental Corporation Ltd, q 2001, 2015. Victoria Police-Crime-Government law and order policy, 1094. General-Powers, q 1169. Resources, q 2410. Staff-Numbers, q 705. Salaries of commissioners,

q 1906. Victorian Economic Development Corporation,

2015. Victorian Equity Trust, 2015. Victorian Investment Corporation, q 973, 2015. Want-of-confidence Motions-In government, 53. WorkCare-Financial position, q 18. Assets, q 89.

Levies, q 397. Comments ofMr Halfpenny, q 1066. Proposed reforms, q 1066. Losses, 2015.

Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90, No. 2) Bill, 636.

Maclellan, Mr R. R. C. (Berwick) Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Planning) Bill,

1497. Agriculture Acts (General Amendment) Bill, 1932. AMECON Ltd-Frigate contract, q 705. Appropriation (1989-90, N 0.1) Bill, 1400. Business ofthe House-Order, 524. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend­

ment) Bill, 120. Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend-

ment) Bill, 2235. Crimes (Blood Samples) Bill, 2588, 2640, 2659, 2661. Deaths-Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1543. Debt Collection Bill, 1723, 1779. Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill, 1569, 2206,

2452,2478,2482,2485,2488,2490,2742. Forests (Laminex Industries Agreement) Bill, 1704. Frigate Project, q 705. Historic Buildings (Amendment) Bill, 1412. Housing-Essential services, 252. Legal Aid Commission (Amendment) Bill, 160, 166,

168. Margarine (Repeal) Bill, 235. Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust Bill, 2332. Members-Warning of honourable member for

Brighton, 405. Points of Order-Members to address Chair, 58.

Incorporation of material in Hansard, 212. Rule ofsubjudice, 323, 885, 886. Stranger in the House, 329. Questions without notice not to be debated, 401. Reading: of speeches, 498, 500; of answers, 801. Relevancy of remarks, 613, 1731. Rule of anticipation, 803. Admissibility of amendment to motion, 1087. Right of reply, 1730. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amendment) Bill (No. 2): second reading of Council's amendments, 2730.

Maclellan, Mr R. R. C.-continued

Private Agents (Amendment) Bill, 1723, 1779. Public Authorities (Contributions) (Amendment)

Bill,2597. State Bank Victoria-Statements by Mr George Frew,

q 2581. Urban Land Authority-Essential services, 252. Very Fast Train (Route Investigation) Bill, 2735. Victorian Trades Hall Council-Allegations con-

cerning secretary, q 705. Water Bill, 1260. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1260. Wildlife (Amendment) Bill, 1260. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1400.

Malmsbury Historical Group-Railway station pres­ervation, 2166.

Management and Budget, Department of-Report of Managing Director of Accident Compensation Commission, 1177.

Marine (Vessels) Regulations 1988, 525.

Marsden and McGain Pty Ltd-Occupational health and safety practices, 1610, 1615, 1896, 1901.

Massage Parlours, 1421.

Matbews, Mr C. R. T. (Oakleigh) Industry, Technology and Resources-Information

and communications research, q 708. Intellectually Disabled Persons' Services (Amend­

ment) Bill, 148. Roads Corporation-Speed limits, q 1804.

Maugban, Mr N. J. (Rodney) Adoption (Amendment) Bill, 417, 2290, 2303. Appropriation (1989-90, No. I) Bill, 1377. Community Services Victoria-Transport for intel-

lectually disabled, q 400. Visiting child health nurse program, q 883, 2045. HACC program, 2045.

Consumer Affairs-Computer price scanning, 1258. Education-Echuca Technical School, 1152. Grievances, 2044. Intellectually Disabled Persons' Services (Amend-

ment) Bill, 139. Labour, Department of-Marine Stores Award, 2402. Law Courts-Closure of courthouses, 1612, 2044. Petitions-Price marking of goods, 1258. Public Transport-Proposed closure of railway lines

in Rodney electorate, 554. Roads Corporation-Rural funding, 2047. Water Bill, 1818, 2077. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1818. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90~

No. 2) Bill, 1377.

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Medical Practitioners Act, 614.

Medical Services-IVF program, 29. Oncology treat­ment unit, 93. Radiotherapy unit for Geelong, 234, 332. Geriatricians, 1058. Sale of pharmaceutical goods, q 1172.

Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works-Res er­vation fees, 252, 253. Government pricing policy, q 1907.

Melbourne Maritime Museum, 1476.

Melbourne Spoleto Festival 1989, q 1066.

Members-Warning of honourable member for Brigh­ton, 404.

Mental Health Services-Upgrading of Malvern Clinic, 392. Personal Emergency Service, 1438, 2285. Security at Mont Park Psychiatric Hospital, 1897. Mental Health Legal Centre, 2198. (See also "Community Services Victoria")

Mercantile Mutual Insurance (Aust.) WorkCare Agency Ltd, q 90, q 91.

Micallef, Mr E. J. (Springvale) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

961,1120. Deaths-N. A. W. Billing, Esq., 2182. Education-Victorian certificate of education

q 1562. ' Labour, Department of-Chinese restaurants, q 885. Petitions-Springvale South overpass, 408. Sanitary

land-fill operations in Spring vale, 408. Points of Order-Identification of quoted material,

757. Rule of sub judice, 887. Offensive remarks, 1039. Reading of speeches, 1393.

Roads Corporation-Springvale South overpass, 408. Soccer Pools Australia Pty Ltd-Activities of Mr

Harry Beitzel, q 2577.

Ministerial Statements-Victorian certificate of edu­cation, 2686.

Ministry, The-Statements by Minister for Police and Emergency Services, 16, 877. Visit to New Zea­land by Deputy Premier, 1188. Use of office of Minister for Education, q 1247, q 1250, q 1251. Deputations to Minister for Conservation, Forests and Lands, 1327, 1333. Ministerial responsibility, 1438, q 2005. State ALP conference motion on Minister for Transport, q 1554. Treasurer: respon­sibilities, q 1618, q 2005; accountability, 2016.

Mornington Bowling Club, 494.

Mount Hotham-Ski resort buses, 77.

Municipalities-Ararat-Lake Bolac rubbish tip, 30. Benalla-Goorambat preschool centre, 1194, 1197. Brighton-Bathing boxes, 1790, 1795.


Cobram-Shop trading hours, 481. Finance-For roads, 806, 1194, 1235, 1471, 2042,

2047. Footscray-City Link project, 1057, 1062, 1480,

1705,1713. Frankston-Storm damage relief, 251. General-Pensioner rate rebate, 28, 407. Executive

salaries, 2895. Keilor-Panel beating works permit, 231. Elections,

232. Lillydale-Planning scheme amendment, 1156, 1158. .Malvern-Massage parlour, 1421, 1428 . . Melbourne-Planning appeal process, 2270, 2274,

q 2282. Sandringham-Youth accommodation, 1900. Sunshine-Comments of mayor, 1521, 1523. Whittlesea-Incorporated committees, 80.


Napthine, Dr D. V. (Portland) Adoption (Amendment) Bill, 433. Agriculture Acts (General Amendment) Bill, 1922. Ambulance Services-In Portland, 172. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 664. Education-School first-aid cabinets, 700. Environment-Erosion at Henty Bay, Portland,

1611. Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill, 2457,2477. Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill, 1979. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill, 1588, 1942, 1954, 1957. Grampians-Change of names, 712, 979. Hospitals-Portland and District, 1072. Intellectually Disabled Persons' Services (Amend-

ment) Bill, 145. Municipalities-Road funding, 1235. Murray Valley Citrus Marketing Bill, 369. Petitions-Change of Grampians names, 712, 979.

Portland and District Hospital, 1072. Public Transport-Government freight policy,

q 1560. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2383. Road Transport-Government freight policy,

q 1560. Roads Corporation-Municipal funding, 1235. Stamp~(Motor Vehicles) Bill, 1699. Water Bill, 2074, 2082, 2090, 2104. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 664.

National Companies and Securities Commission, q 797, q 802.

National Council of Women, 804.

National Parks (See "Parks")

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National Party-Activities in Queensland, 223. Fitz­gerald report, 223.

National Safety Council of Australia-State Bank Vic­toria, q 1435,2012, q 2186, q 2280, q 2283, q 2407, q 2409, q 2412, q 2575, q 2578.

National Tennis Centre-Proposed renaming, 865, 870. Losses, 1449,2049. Replacement parkland, 2053.

National Trust of Australia-Government support, 1475.

Natural Resources and Environment Committee­South-western region water management strategy, 2286.

Neighbourhood Houses, 1735.

Noah's Ark Toy Library and Parent Resources, 1992, 1997.

Norris, Mr T. R. (Dandenong) Animals-Central registry, 1791. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 690. Community Services Victoria-Child abuse, q 24. Drugs-Disposal of syringes, 1239. Education-Dandenong High School, 1072. Employment-Public and private sector exchanges,

q 1248. Grievances, 194. Health-Disposal of syringes, 1239. Parliament-Departmental reports, 2286. Petitions-Dandenong High School, 1071. Qantas Airways Ltd-Passenger services, 194. Roads Corporation-Hazardous intersections in

Dandenong, 78. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 690. (See also "Chairman of Committees, The")

o Olympic Games, 1996-Melbourne bid, q 487, q 604.

Ticket purchases, q 975.

Opposition, The-Economic policy, 2018.


Parks-National: Grampians, 92, 712, 979; govern­ment policy, 497; Morwell, 699, 1910; D'imdenong Ranges, 1899, 1900.

Parliament-Broadcasting, televising and photograph­ingofproceedings, 85, 517, 519,1167. Accounta­bility of executive government, 1177. Role of Opposition, 1181. Departmental reports, 2286. Committee system, q 2576.

Pensioners (See "Aged Services")

Perrin, Mr D. J. (Bulleen) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1031. Adoption (Amendment) Bill, 423, 2292. Appropriation (1989-90, No. I) Bill, 752. Business Franchise (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill,

1637, 1661. Ethnic Affairs Commission, 772. Financial Institutions Duty (Amendment) Bill, 1666. Personal Explanations....,.... Tabling of documents, 772. Petitions-Doncaster and Templestowe road

upgrading, 1565. Points of Order-Relevancy ofremarks, 758. Iden­

tification of quoted document, 768. Prices Bill, 448. Public Authorities (Contributions) (Amendment)

Bill,2601. Public Service-Alleged politicisation, 552. Roads Corporation-Road upgrading in Doncaster

and Templestowe, 1565. Stamps (Motor Vehicles) Bill, 1686. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 752. Youth Policy Development Council-Executive

officer, 552.

Personal Explanations-By Mr McNamara, 16, 877. By Mr Perrin, 772.

Perton, Mr V. J. (Doncaster) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1023. Appropriation (1989-90, No. I) Bill, 1367. Community Services Victoria-HACC program,

1710. Conservation-Of native flora and fauna, 93. Deaths-A. E. Ireland, Esq., 317. Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill, 2439, 2472,

2473,2484. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill, 1957. Islamic Abattoirs of Australia Pty Ltd, q 1256. Legal and Constitutional Committee-Report on

freedom of information, 2417. Petitions-Nature conservation, 93. Points of Order-Reading of speeches, 502. A vaila­

bility of quoted documents, 762. Relevancy of remarks, 846, 2463. Absolute majority ruling, 2340.

Prices Bill, 462, 528, 529, 535, 542, 849, 858. Victorian Economic Development Corporation­

Islamic Abattoirs of Australia Pty Ltd, q 1256. Water Bill, 2103. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1367.

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Pescott, Mr Roger (Bennettswood) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1099, 1101. Business of the House-Management, 2726.

. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings Bill, 1881. Gas and Fuel Corporation-Directorships of chair­

man, q 2192. Government, The-Motion of want of confidence

in, 62. Labour, Department of-Chinese restaurants, q 976.

Erection of Jiangsu Arch, Chinatown, q 976. National Safety Council of Australia-Losses,

q 2409. Points of Order-Relevancy of remarks, 23, 798.

Reading of speeches, 490. Rephrasing of question, 2193. SittingsofHouse, 2726.

Public Transport-Bus Services-Tendering system, q 609, q 611. Pri­

vate, q 1564. Corporation-Unauthorised use of Met vehicles,

q 706. Director-General of Transport, q 708. Expense accounts of Met employees, 866. V/Line redundancy payments, 1791.

Fares and Freights-Met ticketing system, q 1556, q 1559.

General-Sales of rolling stock, q 321. V/Line: arrangements for ALP group, 480; staff, 1791.

Qintex Ltd-Channel HSV7 direct~rship, q 2192 .. Roads Corporation-Roads: fundmg, 823; condI­

tion, 1195; toll, 1195; police presence, 1197. Stamps (Motor Vehicles) Bill, 411. State Bank Victoria-Qintex Ltd. q 2192. National

Safety Council of Australia, q 2409. Unions-Unauthorised use of Met vehicles, q 706. Very Fast Train (Route Investigation) Bill, 2735. Victoria Police-Road patrols. 1197. Want-of-confidence Motions-In government, 62. Water Bill, 1282. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1282. WorkCare-Proposed reforms, q 20.

Petitions-Hunters' rights, 28, 1257, 1910. Pensioner rate rebate, 28, 407. Price marking of goods, 28, 94, 711, 1258, 2198. Foreshore land in Flinders, 29. 186. Building height limits in Shire ofFlinders, 29, 186. In-vitro fertilisation, 29. Road and rail intersections in Somerville, 30. Lake Bolac rub­bish tip, 30. Changes of Grampians names, 92, 712, 979. Oncology treatment unit, 93. Nature conservation, 93, 186, 331. Janelle Maree Lavery, 93, 614. Mental hospital purposes reserve, 93, 331. Southern Peninsula Hospital, 187,407,614,888, 1257,2415. Upfield transport services, 187. Glen­rowan service centre, 187. Victoria Police duties, 331. Radiotherapy centre for Geelong Hospital, 332. Wildlife licences and animal shelters, 332, 1808. Springvale South overpass, 408. Sanitary


land-fill operations in Springvale, 408. Morning­ton Bowling Club, 494. Foster Care Association of Victoria, 494. Western ring road, 495. Medical Practitioners Act, 614. Chiropractors certificates, 615, 711, 1175. Prahran regional police station, 615. Four-wheel drive tracks, 615. National Coun­cil of Women, 804. Pedestrian crossings in Rye, 805. WorkCare legislation, 889. Assistant class transfers for teachers, 980, 1808. Topless bar­maids, 980, 2009. Dandenong High School, 1071. Portland and District Hospital, 1072. Caging and trapping of birds, 1342. Pine plantations in Mir­boo, 1342. Very Fast Train, 1342. Personal Emer­gency Service, 1438, 2285. Doncaster and Templestowe road upgrading, 1565. Closure and sale of research institute and land at Werribee, 1565. Boronia police station, 1722. Morwell National Park, 1910. Chlorine bleaching, 1911. Teaching Service award restructuring, 2008. HACC program, 2197, 2285, 2415, 2583. Toxic medical waste incinerator at Laverton, 2197. Mental Health Legal Centre, 2198. Retail trading hours, 2198. Tram conductors, 2284. Ice-skating facilities, 2285. St Andrew's Hospital, 2414, 2582. Visiting child health nurse program, 2415. Sorrento Marine Aquarium, 2416. Crimes (Police Powers of Inves­tigation) Bill, 2583. Petrochemical industry, 2583.

Petroleum Products-Petrol prices, q 322, 1472.

Planning and Environment-Environment-Photodegradable plastic bags, q 90,

869, 871. Effects of pollution on seals in bayside areas, 553. Contamination of site in Ardeer, q 707, 799, q 880, q 883. Proposed toxic waste facility in Ballarat, 1155. Northern suburbs improvement plan, 1328, 1333. Recycling: of waste in Greens­borough, 1425, 1429; of newsprint, 1519, 1522. Erosion at Henty Bay, Portland, 1611, 1614. Sales tax on refrigerant recovery units, 1613, 1615. Pol­lution of waterways, 1707, 1711. Vehicle emis­sions, 1792, 1795. Unbleached paper products, q 1807. Chlorine bleaching, 1911. "Keep Vic Fi~" campaign, q 2002. Litter control, 2037. TOXIC

medical waste incinerator at La verton, 2197. Port­land aluminium smelter emissions, 2272. Petro­chemical industry in Altona, 2583. (See also "Conservation, Forests and Lands")

Planning-Flinders: zoning of foreshore land, 29, 186' building height limits, 29, 186. Permits in Cit; ofKeilor, 231. Sanitary land-fill operations in Springvale, 408. Life Ministry Centre Ltd land, 793, 795. City Link project, 1057, 1062, 1480, 1705, 1713. Shire of Lillydale scheme, 1156, 1158. Mas­sage parlour in Malvern, 1421, 1428. Brighton Beach bathing boxes, 1790, 1795. Melbourne City Council appeal processes, 2270, 2274, q 2282.

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Plowman, Mr S. J. (Evelyn) Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 1383. Deaths-Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1545. Economy, The-Interest rates, 207. Forests-Use of native hardwood, 1240. Government Employee Housing Authority

(Amendment) Bill, 2524. Grievances, 206. Housing-Interest rates, 207. Lillydale, Shire of-Planning scheme amendment,

1156. Members-Warning of honourable member for

Brighton, 405. Planning-Shire of Lillydale scheme, 1156. Points of Order-Questions without notice: Minis­

ter should not debate answer, 23, 1620; rule of anticipation, 179, 180; relevancy of answer, 1431. Stranger in the House, 328. Relevancy of remarks, 1249. Right of reply to motions, 1732. Ruling to allow further speakers, 1733. Extension of time, 2527.

Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2387. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1383.

Pope, Mr N. A. (Monbulk) (Minister for Labour, and Minister responsible for youth affairs)

Apprentices-State Additional Apprenticeship Scheme, q 606.

BLF (De-recognition) Act-Repeal, q 1715. Bread Industry (Repeal) Bill, 1705, 1788. Building and Construction Industry-Long service

leave scheme, q 2284. Construction Industry Long Service Leave (Amend-

ment) Bill, 712, 825. Labour, Department of­Employment-Exploitation of youth, q 323. General-Earth-moving equipment regulations,

q 319. Chinese restaurants, q 885, q 977. Erection of Jiangsu Arch, Chinatown, q 977, q 978.

Marsden and McGain Pty Ltd-Occupational health and safety practices, 1615, 1901.

Occupational Health and Safety (Penalties) Bill, 497, 827.

Sichuan Corporation Pty Ltd, q 885, q 976, q 978. State Additional Apprenticeship Scheme, q 606. WorkCare-Marsden and McGain Pty Ltd, 1615,

1901. Youth-Exploitation of workers, q 323.

Port Phillip Bay Professional Fishermen's Associa­tion, 1327, 1333.

Portland Smelter Joint Venture Project-Smelter emissions, 2272. Unit trust reports, 2677. (See also "Aluminium Smelters of Victoria Pty Ltd")

Ports-Geelong-Chairman of authority, q 604, q 703. Melbourne-Financial position of authority, q 1716.

Portsea Surf Lifesaving Club-Access road, 1614.

Preschools-Whittlesea, 865,870. Taylors Lakes, 970, 971. Goorambat, 1994, 1997. (See also "Com­munity Services Victoria")

Prices-Government family budget pledge, q 19, q 1340, q 1798. Marking of goods, 28, 94, 711, 1258,2198. Petrol, q 322, 1472. Credit cards, q 402. Royal Melbourne Show entry fees, q 803. Olym­pic Games ticket purchases, q 975. Scalping, q 975. (See also "Consumer Affairs")

Primary Industries-Fishing-Resource management: yabby, 81, 83;

abalone, 2047. Fruit and Vegetables-Sunraysia Growers Advisory

Group, 1424, 1427. Canned fruit exports, q 1433. Importation of citrus products, 2273, 2275.

General-Emu farming, 789, 795. Grain-Freight rates, q 325, 1422, 1427, q 1437,

q 1560. Handling and storage, q 1437. Elevators board, 1446.

Meat-Live sheep trade, q 798. Bobby calves, 1236, 1243. Strikes at abattoirs, 2400.

Timber-Pine plantations, q 92, q 880, 1342. Use of native hardwood, 1240. Code of Forest Practices for Timber Production, q 1903. Imports, q 1903. (See also "Conservation, Forests and Lands")

Public Bodies Review Committee-Report on Vic­torian Dairy Industry Authority, 616, q 1561.

Public Service-Alleged politicisation, 483, 485, 552, 557, 1426, 1429.

Public Transport-Bus Services-Mount Hotham, 77. School, 250, 253,

q 487, 1479; Bringalbert-Benayeo, 1898. Latrobe Valley transit system, 250,253. Tendering system, q 609, q 611. On Mornington Peninsula, 1155.

Corporation-Unauthorised use of Met vehicles, q 706. Director-General of Transport, q 708. Expense accounts of Met employees, 866. V/Line redundancy payments, 967, 972, 1791. Contracts with private bus operators, q 1564.

Fares and Freights-Met ticketing system, q 184, q 1556, q 1559. Grain: rates, q 325, 1422, 1427, q 1437, q 1560; handling arrangements, q 1437. On Mallee lines, 395. Government policy, q 1560.

General-Very Fast Train project, 79, q 181, 1342. Losses, 214, q 1799. Services, 214. Industrial disputes, 249, 253. Sales of rolling stock, q 321. V/Line: arrangements for ALP group, 480; staff, 1791. Vandalism, q 491. Railway stations: Numurkah, 791; security, q 1255; unmanned, 2164; Malmsbury, 2166. Delays on West Gate Bridge, 1710. Ballarat workshops, 2400, 2406.

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Public Transport-continued

Rail Services-Geelong-Melbourne, 174, 176. Upfield, 187. Vinelander, 390, 395. Mallee freight, 391, 395. Sea Lake, Kulwin and Warrnambool, 391,395. In Rodney electorate, 554. Glen Waver­ley, 556. Patronage, q 1070. Suburban, 1467. Rail­way patrols, 1467. Hurstbridge, 1995, 1996. Melbourne-Sydney, q 2191.

Tram Services-Upfield, 187. Conductors, 2284.

Publications-Monitoring Melbourne, q 1619.


Qantas Airways Ltd-Passenger services, 194.

Qintex Ltd-Borrowings and Channel HSV7 director­ship, q 1797, q 1799, q 1802, q 1805, q 1903, q 1905, q 1907, q 2001, q 2004, 2012, 2022,q 2192, q 2194, q 2217, q 2579. (See also "State Bank Vic­toria" and "Tricontinental Corporation Ltd")


Racing-Effects of Budget in rural areas, 1193.

Ray, Mrs M. E. (Box Hill) Birds-Caging and trapping, 1342. Community Services Victoria-Intellectually dis­

abled offenders, q 1068. Role and function of Office of Intellectual Disability Services, 1458. Deinsti­tutionalisation, 1459.

Grievances, 1458. Housing-Community Equity Rental Cooperative

program, 867. Intellectually Disabled Persons' Services (Amend­

ment) Bill, 154. International Literacy Day, q 801. Mental Health Services-Personal Emergency Serv­

ice, 2285. Petitions-National Council of Women, 804. Cag­

ing and trapping of birds, 1342. Personal Emer­gency Service, 2285.

Roads Corporation-Hazardous intersection in Box Hill, 173.

Reynolds, Mr T. C. (Gisborne) Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 1307. Consumer Affairs-Computer price scanning, 28. Law Courts-Closure of courthouses, 1793. Malmsbury Historical Group-Railway station

preservation, 2166. Martial Arts Control (Amendment) Bill, 385. Petitions-Price marking of goods, 28. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2367.

Reynolds, Mr T. C.-continued

Riddells Creek Water Board, 1329. Sewerage-Riddells Creek scheme, 1329. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1307.

Richardson, Mr J. I. (Forest Hill) Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 1390. Budget-Allocation for school cleaning, q 324. Deaths-Sir John Bloomfield, 14. N. A. W. Billing,

Esq., 2184. Education-School cleaning, q 324. Standardised

testing, q 882. Enrolments, q 885. Victorian certi­ficate of education, q 1622, 2695. Salary increases for teachers, q 1 71 7.

Election Donations Disclosure and Public Funding Bill, 2288.

Government Employee Housing Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2501.

Grievances, 1188. Ministerial Statements-Victorian certificate of

education, 2695. Ministry, The-Visit to New Zealand by Deputy

Premier, 1188. Points of Order-Incorporation of material in Han­

sard, 89. Relevancy of remarks, 846. Sexist remarks, 882. Unparliamentary expressions, 882. Ringing of bells, 1893.

Prices Bill, 475, 530, 532, 541. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2385. State Bank Victoria-Remuneration of directors,

q 1341. Vocational Education and Training Bill, 1574. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1390.

RiddelIs Creek Water Board, 1329.

Road Transport-Freight: government policy, q 1560.

Roads Corporation-Corporation-Duties of officers, q 1169. General-Roads: toll, 1185, 1195,q 1436,1442,1455;

police presence, 1197. Sponsorship of ·05 cam­paign, 1423, 1427. Vehicle emissions, 1792, 1795. Driving performance monitor, 1992, 1996.

Roads and Highways-Hazardous intersections: in Dandenong, 78; in Box Hill, 173; in North Mel­bourne, 1518. Service centres on Hume Freeway, 171,176,187,698,701. Barwon River bridge, 233. Yarra-Little Malop Street intersection, Geelong, 248, 253. Western ring road, 495. South Eastern Arterial, 695, 701, 2268. Funding, 806, 815, 1194, 1235, 1471,2042,2047. Condition, 1195. In Don­caster and Templestowe, 1565. Delays on West Gate Bridge, 1709. Speed limits, q 1804.

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(28) INDEX

Roads Corporation-continued

Signals and Crossings-In Somerville, 30. In Gee­long, 253. In Springvale, 408. In Rye, 790, 805. In Gladstone Park, 1060, 1061. At Booran Road, Caul field, 1521.

Roper, Mr T. W. (Brunswick) (Minister for Planning and Environment, Minister for Consumer Affairs, and Minister responsible for Aboriginal affairs)

Access Beauty Salon, 1428. Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1096. Adoption (Amendment) Bill, 2744. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 333, 1350. Audit (Amendment) Bill, 2109. Bayside Project (Amendment) Bill, 2108, 2665, 2666,

2667. Brighton, City of-Bathing boxes, 1795. Building and Construction Industry-Activities of

builder in Mill Park, 1062, 1242. Building Control Act-Referee procedure reports,

1808. Business Franchise (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill,

2662,2680. Business of the House-Order, 496,524,2661. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend­

ment) Bill (No. 2),1912,2056,2728,2730. Chiropodists (Amendment) Bill, 2268, 2398. Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend­

ment) Bill, 2734. Conservation, Forests and Lands, Department of­

Use offacilities by community group, 701. Politi­cal activities of staff member, 701.

Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity-Report, 2416.

Consumer Affairs-Credit cards: pricing, q 402; State Bank policy, 2167; American Express, 2275. George Theos: activities in Mill Park, 1062, 1242; suspension, 2167. Glenburn Homes Pty Ltd, 1062, 1242, 2167. Sale of pharmaceutical goods, q 1172. Debt collection agencies, q 2412.

Criminal Justice (Boards) Bill, 2106. Cultural and Recreational Lands (Amendment) Bill,

2107. Dandenong Valley Authority (Amendment) Bill,

2584. Dixon-Jenkins, John-Bail conditions, 1061. Education-Physiotherapy, 1061. TAFE child-care

facilities, 1158. Environment Protection Authority-Vehicle emis­

sions, 1795. Environment Protection (General Amendment) Bill,

1350, 1485,2551,2552, 2553, 2554, 2555,2556, 2557, 2558, 2559, 2560, 2561, 2562, 2563, 2564, 2679.

Roper, Mr T. W.-continued

Ethnic Affairs-Sunshine Maltese community, 1521 Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill, 2742. Footscray, City of-City Link project, 1062, 1713. Forests (Laminex Industries Agreement) Bill, 1704,

2287. Forests (Victree Forests Agreement) Bill, 1704, 2287. Glenburn Homes Pty Ltd, 1062,1242,2167. Government Employee Housing Authority

(Amendment) Bill, 2518, 2520. Health Acts (Further Amendment) Bill, 1624, 1775,

2287. Health (Amendment) Bill, 2268, 2398. Health Computing Services-Victoria Ltd-Report,

2416. Health (General Amendment) (Amendment) Bill,

2371,2585. Health Services Commissioner-Report, 2416. Historic Buildings (Amendment) Bill, 497, 549, 1412,

2727. Hospitals-Chiltern Bush Nursing, 1333. House Contracts Guarantee (Further Amendment)

Bill, 1350, 1489, 1491. Housing Industry Association-George Theos, 1062,

1242,2167. Joint Printing Committee-Appointment, 617. Par­

liamentary papers, 2745. Joint Sittings of Parliament-Victorian Curriculum

and Assessment Board, 1063. Deakin University, 2207,2572.

Land Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 409, 517. Law Courts-Bail conditions for John Dixon-Jen­

kins, 1061. Lillydale, Shire of-Planning scheme amendment,

1158. Liquor Industry-Trading hours, q 1339. Medical Services-Sale of pharmaceutical goods,

q 1172. Medical Treatment (Enduring Power of Attorney)

Bill, 805, 861. Melbourne, City of-Planning appeal processes,

2274, q 2282. Members-Warning of honourable member for

Brighton, 405. National Tennis Centre-Proposed renaming, 870. Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill, 788. Parliamentary Committees (Amendment) Bill, 2419,

2675,2734. Planning and Environment­Environment-Photodegradable plastic bags, q 91,

871. Contamination of site in Ardeer, q 707, q 883. Northern suburbs improvement plan, 1333. Recy­cling: of waste in Greensborough, 1429; of news­print, 1522. Erosion at Henty Bay, Portland, 1614. Sales tax on refrigerant recovery units, 1615. Vehicle emissions, 1795.

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Roper, Mr T. W.-continued

Planning-Life Ministry Centre Ltd land, 795. City Link project, 1062, 1713. Shire of Lillydale scheme, 1158. Massage parlour in Malvern, 1428. Brighton Beach bathing boxes, 1795. Melbourne City Coun­cil appeal processes, 2274, q 2282.

Planning and Environment (Amendment) Bill, 1350, 1514,2315,2317,2678.

Points of Order-Call by Chair, 71. Questions with­out notice not to be debated, 179. Stranger in the House, 329. Hearsay, 483. Quoted documents: availability, 1401; identification, 1422. Relevancy of remarks, 2728.

Portland Smelter Joint Venture Project-Reports, 2677.

Portsea Surf Lifesaving Club, 1614. Prices Bill, 841. Public Service-Alleged politicisation, 557, 1429. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2370, 2371, 2372. Rooming Houses Bill, 1259. Social Development Committee-Membership,

1990. Standing Orders Committee-Membership, 1177. Subdivision (Further Amendment) Bill, 2743. Taxation-On refrigerant recovery units, 1615. Trading Hours-Liquor industry, q 1339. Universities-La Trobe, 1061. Deakin, 2207, 2572. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board, 1063. Water and Sewerage Authorities (Restructuring)

(Postponement of Expiry) Bill, 2584. Water Bill, 2106. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 333, 1350.

Ross-Edwards, Mr Peter (Shepparton) Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of-

Canned fruit exports, q 1433. Consumer Affairs-Computer price scanning, 2198. Crimes (Blood Samples) Bill, 2643. Deaths-Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1542. N.A. W.

Billing, Esq., 2183. Environment-Litter control, 2036. Footscray Football Club, q 1251. Frost. Dame Phyllis-Keep Australia Beautiful

Council, 2036. Fruit Industry-Exports, q 1433. Grievances, 20 I, 2036. Historic Buildings (Amendment) Bill, 1406. Hospitals-Goulbum Valley Base, 201. Waiting lists,

201. Keep Australia Beautiful Council-Tidy Towns

project, 2036. Law Courts-Closure of courthouses, q 489. Legal Aid Commission (Amendment) Bill, 163, 167,


Ross-Edwards, Mr Peter-continued

Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust Bill, 2322, 2335, 2337,2338.

Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill, 333, 349, 351. Penalty Interest Rates (Amendment) Bill, 237. Petitions-Price marking of goods, 2198. Points of Order-Reflections on honourable mem­

bers, 223, 224. Relevancy of remarks, 606. Defi­ance of Chair, 1905.

Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2372. Stamps (Motor Vehicles) Bill, 1691. Victorian Football League-Footscray Football Club,

q 1251. Victorian Trades Hall Council-Allegations con­

cerning secretary, q 800. Water Bill, 2076.

Rowe, Mr B. J. (Essendon) (Minister for Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

Agricultural Industry Development Bill, 1349, 1503, 1505,2674.

Agriculture Acts (General Amendment) Bill, 981, 1146, 1930, 1932, 1933.

Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of-Emu farming, 795. Live sheep trade, q 798. Rural land review, q 880. Biotechnological research, q 978. Bobby calves, 1243. Sunraysia Growers Advisory Group, 1427. Exotic disease veterinary officer, q 1721. Central Animal Registry, 1794. Firearms for RSPCA officers, q 1806. Funding, q 1909. Administrative staff, q 2191.

Animals-Central registry, 1794. Corrections, Office of-Statements of director-gen-

eral,1244. Drugs-Disposal of syringes, 1244. Farm Produce Wholesale Bill, 1349, 1505. Lands-Rural review, q 880. Margarine (Repeal) Bill, 105, 234. Murray Valley Citrus Marketing Bill, 373, 375, 376,

377. Primary Industries-Fruit and Vegetables-Sunraysia Growers Advisory

Group, 1427. Canned fruit exports, q 1433. General-Emu farming, 795. Meat-Live sheep trade, q 798. Bobby calves, 1243. Timber- Pine plantations, q 880. Public Bodies Review Committee-Report on Vic-

torian Dairy Industry Authority, q 1561. RSPCA-Firearms, q 1806. Sunraysia Growers Advisory Group, 1427. Victorian Dairy Industry Authority-Report, q 1561.

Royal Melbourne Show-Entry fees, q 803.

RSPCA-Communication facilities, q 490. Firearms, q 1806,2017.

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Rural Finance Corporation-Victorian Economic Development Corporation, q 397, q 399, q 402, q 403, q 487, q 1247, q 1255, q 1256,2015.

Rural Water Commission-Advisory Committee on Water Allocation Anomalies, q 181, 191. Alloca­tions to Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District, 192. (See also "Water")


Sandon, Mr M. J. (Carrum) Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, q 608. Building and Construction Industry-Long service

leave scheme, q 2284. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend­

ment) Bill, 116. LandCare, q 87. Points of Order-Relevancy of remarks, 122, 1318.

Seals-Effects of pollution in bayside areas, 553. At Sorrento Marine Aquarium, 2416.

Seitz, Mr George (Keilor) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1020. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 675. Banks-Services, 1463. Education-Taylors Lakes Primary School, 970.

Victorian certificate of education, q 1801. Environment-Photodegradable plastic bags, 869. Ethnic Affairs-Sunshine Maltese community, 1521. Grievances, 1463. Preschools-In Taylors Lakes, 970. Public Transport-Vandalism, q 491. Roads Corporation-Traffic in Gladstone Park, 1060. Sunshine, City of-Comments of mayor, 1521. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 675.

Sercombe, Mr R. C. G. (Niddrie) Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 661. Government, The-Family budget pledge, q 1798. Victoria Police-Crime statistics, q 26. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 661.

Setches, Mrs K. P. (Ringwood) (Minister for Conser­vation, Forests and Lands)

Conservation, Forests and Lands-Conservation-Yabby resource management plan,

83. Eltham copper butterfly, 395. Department-RSPCA communication facilities,

q 490. Bendigo: use of facilities by community group, 1157. Staff, 1157, 1900.

Setches, Mrs K. p.-continued

Forests-Pine plantations, q 92. Use of native hard­wood, 1240. Tree Victoria program, q 1719. Code of Forest Practices for Timber Production, q 1 ~3. Training of workers, q 2282.

General-Hunters advisory council, q 2407. Lands-Reserves in Campbellfield, 175. Yarraloch,

Gruyere, 556. Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend­

ment) Bill, 2228, 2231, 2232, 2233, 2234, 2239, 2240, 2242, 2243, 2246, 2248, 2249, 2250, 2251, 2254,2256,2259,2260,2262,2264.

Eltham Copper Butterfly, 395. Environment-U nbleached paper products, q 1 ID7. Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill, 980, 1145,

1986. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill, 1604, 1934, 1935, 1936,

1937, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1944, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, 195~ 1955, 1956, 1958, 1959, 1960,267l

Forests (Laminex Industries Agreement) Bill, 1704, 1781,2616.

Forests (Victree Forests Agreement) Bill, 1734, 2207, 2616.

Kew and Heidelberg Lands (Trust) Bill, 2287. Land (Further Miscellaneous Matters) Bill, 1 i04,

1784. Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust Bill, 1344, 1509,

2333,2335,2336,2339. Ministry, The-Deputations, 1333. National Parks-Dandenong Ranges, 1900. Points of Order-Reading of speeches, 497, 499.

Relevancy of remarks, 514. Offensive remarks, 2615.

Port Phillip Bay Professional Fishermen's Associa­tion, 1333.

RSPCA-Communication facilities, q 490. Sporting Shooters Association of Australia-Hunt­

ers advisory council, q 2407. Timber Industry-Pine plantations, q 92. Code of

Forest Practices for Timber Production, q 1903. Imports, q 1903.

Water Bill, 1260. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1260. Wildlife (Amendment) Bill, 1260, 1492. Yackandandah Land Bill, 2287.

Sewerage-Riddells Creek scheme, 1329.

Sheehan, Mr A. J. (Northcote) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1042. Appropriation (1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 1267. Economy, The-Publication Monitoring Mel­

bourne, q 1619. Environment-Contamination of site in Ardeer,

q 880.

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Sheehan, Mr A. J.-continued

Fishing Industry-Abalone licences, 2047. Grievances, 2047. Sport and Recreation-Hockey and rowing venues,

q 2007. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1267.

Sheehan, Mr F. P. (Ballarat South) Aluminium Smelters of Victoria Pty Ltd, q 974. Appropriation (1989-90, No. I) Bill, 1302. Employment-Regional, q 2188. Environment-Proposed toxic waste facility in

Ballarat, 1155. Industry-Regional, q 2188. Prices Bill, 846. Public Transport-Grain freight rates, q 1560.

Ballarat railway workshops, 2400. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2393. Water Bill, 1860. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1860. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1302. Rulings and Statements as Acting Speaker­Debate-Relevancy of remarks, 1043. Interjections,

1044, 1054, 1405. Rule of sub judice, 2432.

Shell, Mr H. K. (Geelong) Adoption (Amendment) Bill, 431. AMECON Ltd-Frigate contract, q 2580. Appropriation (1989-90, No. l) Bill, 777. Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend­

ment) Bill, 119. Cemeteries-Limited tenure, 393. Community Services Victoria-Program of Aids for

Disabled People, 1474. Child-care facilities, q 1904. Frigate Project, q 2580. Government Departments and Instrumentalities­

Stock market losses, q 1555. Grievances, 233, 1474. Intellectually Disabled Persons' Services (Amend­

ment) Bill, 157. Medical Services-Radiotherapy unit for Geelong,

234. Points of Order-Offensive remarks, 151. Harass­

ment of speaker, 500. Public Transport-Geelong-Melbourne rail line, 174. Roads Corporation-Barwon River bridge, 233.

Yarra-Little Malop Street intersection, Geelong, 248. Delays on West Gate Bridge, 1709.

Victoria Police-Replacement of Geelong head­quarters, 233.

Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90, No. 2) Bill, 777.

Shell, Mr H. K.-continued

Rulings and Statements as Acting Speaker­Debate-Relevancy of remarks, 817, 2600. Interjec­

tions, 817. Hansard-Incorporation of material, 212.

Sichuan Corporation Pty Ltd, q 885, q 976, q 978.

Simmonds, Mr J. L. (Reservoir) Health-Reservoir Community Health Centre, 870. Labour, Department of-Marsden and McGain Pty

Ltd, 1896.

Small Businesses-Goodwill tax, 1193.

Smith, Mr E. R. (Glen Waverley) Adoption (Amendment) Bill, 2297. 2302. Appropriation (1989-90, No. I) Bill, 679. Corrections, Office of-Fire at Jika Jika, Pentridge

Prison, 208. Allegations of prison officers. 208. Statements of director-general, 551, 1238. Need for prison inquiry, 1238.

Crimes (Blood Samples) Bill, 2649. Debt Collection Bill. 1728. Education-Social and emotional problems of stud-

ents, 966. Highvale Primary School, 966, 1331. Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill, 2462. Grievances, 208, 1467. Health-Paramedical and community health centres

in Chadstone and Glen Waverley, 174. Petitions-Boronia police station. 1722. Points of Order-Relevancy of remarks, 612, 1729. Private Agents (Amendment) Bill, 1728. Public Transport-Suburban rail services, 1467.

Railway patrols, 1467. State Bank Victoria-Activities of Nunnari broth­

ers, 1993. Victoria Police-Boronia police station, 1722.

Activities ofNunnari brothers. 1993. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 679.

Smith, Mr I. W. (Polwarth) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1044. Appropriation (1989-90, No. I) Bill, 832. Deaths-Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1547. Education-Physiotherapy, 1055. Environment-Chlorine bleaching, 1911. Forests (Laminex Industries Agreement) Bill, 2606,

2613. Forests (Victree Forests Agreement) Bill, 2606, 2613. Members-Warning of honourable member for

Brighton, 405.

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(32) INDEX

Smith, Mr I. W.-continued

Petitions-Chlorine bleaching, 1911. Water Bill, 1863,2078. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1863. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 832.

Soccer Pools Australia Pty Ltd-Activities of Harry Beitzel, q 2577.

Social Development Committee-Membership, 1990. Animal welfare, 2055.

Social Justice-Strategy, 197. Government policy on child protection and intellectual disability ser­vices, q 400.

South-West Region Support Group for the Handi­capped, 1992.

Speaker, The (Hon. Ken Coghill) Accident Compensation (General Amendment)

Bill-Absolute majority, 1104. Auditor-General-Report for year ended 30 June

1989,889. BLF Custodian-Reports, 30, 616. Business of the House-Order, 524, 550. Classifica­

tion of substantive motions, 1789. Management, 2727.

Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amend­ment) Bill-Absolute majority not present, 1893.

Christmas Felicitations, 2750. Conservation, Forests and Lands Acts (Amend­

ment) Bill-Absolute majority, 2734. Deaths-R. H. Trethewey, Esq., 4. R. F. Buckley,

Esq., 8. Sir John Bloomfield, 15. A. E. Ireland, Esq., 318. Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1553. N. A. W. Billing, Esq., 2185.

Debate-Interjections, 16,38,47,58,470, 763, 1021, 1025, 1028, 1062, 1095, 1178, 2465, 2696, 2706. Use of correct titles, 37, 74, 890, 1442. Members to address Chair, 37, 821, 1098. Call by Chair, 71, 233, 962. Matters raised on motions for adjourn­ment of sitting: must not seek legal opinion, 82; content. 484; reading of speeches, 793; limited to one, 1056, 1705; may not question decision of court, 1056, 1060; must relate to government administration, 1153; must relate to Ministerial responsibility, 1521, 1705; offensive remarks, 1997, 1998. Relevancy of remarks, 195, 508, 514, 758, 1098, 1215, 1218, 1351, 1692, 1695, 1729, 1730, 1731, 2682, 2685, 2728. Reading of speeches, 498, 499, 501, 502, 1393. Imputations against honour­able members, 499, 762, 2577. Quoted docu­ments: availability, 757, 759, 760, 761, 762; identification, 757, 759, 767, 768, 769, 1422. Ref­erence to procedures in another place, 767. Unpar­liamentary remarks, 1024, 2330. Absolute

Speaker, The (Hon. Ken Coghill)-continued

majority, 1104, 1894, 2340, 2734. Order of call, 1185, 1732. Rule of sub judice, 1462. Right of reply to motions, 1730, 1732, 1733. Offensive remarks, 1780. Absolute majority not present, 1894. Reference to debates in current session, 2056. Extension of time, 2527. Copies of Ministerial statements, 2687. Sittings of House, 2727. On Car­avan Parks and Movable Dwellings (Amendment) Bill (No. 2): second reading of Council's amend­ments, 2730.

Distinguished Visitors-President of the Legislative Council of Western Australia, 85. Mayor, council­lors and officers of the City of Altona, 446. Lord Mayor of Melbourne, 524. Mayor, Town Clerk and councillors of City ofPrahran, 603.

Divisions-Activities of members during, 1344, 1346. Questions to be put separately, 1345.

Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill-Instructions to Committee, 2467.

Hansard-Incorporation of material, 90, 622, 646. Joint Sittings of Parliament-Victorian Curriculum

and Assessment Board, 710, 1022, 1063, 1073. Deakin University, 2206, 2493, 2519.

Legal and Constitutional Committee-Absolute majority, 2340.

Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust Bill-Absolute majority, 2340.

Members-Warning of honourable member for Brighton, 403, 404, 406, 407.

Parliament-Broadcasting, televising and photo­graphingofproceedings, 85, 517, 519,1167.

Personal Explanations-Not to be debated, 17,877. Procedure, 1238.

Questions without Notice-Not to seek opinion, 17, 322, 978, 1065, 2004, 2191. Interjections, 21, 22, 27,86,180,183,184,321,322,328,329,397,398, 401, 402, 403, 489, 490, 607, 707, 801, 802, 878, 879, 883, 887, 974, 977, 1068, 1069, 1168, 1170, 1171,1175,1254,1255,1256,1336,1431,1433, 1435,1554, 1556, 1560, 1563, 1617, 1620, 1716, 1719, 1720, 1798, 1799, 1800, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1908, 1909,2001,2003,2005,2007,2008,2188, 2190, 2195, 2196, 2278, 2281, 2407, 2408, 2414, 2576, 2579. Un parliamentary expressions, 882. Answers: relevancy, 24, 180,606,610, 612, 613, 706,798,1168,1248,1249,1250,1256,1431,1432, 1436,1558,1621,1718, 1800, 1802, 1803, 1908, 2002,2003,2410,2575, 2576; reading, 491, 801; scope, 804. Rule of anticipation, 179, 180, 803, 2412. Not to be debated, 321, 399, 400, 402, 493, 1248, 1254, 1565, 1620, 2579. Rule of sub judice, 324, 886, 887. Stranger in the House, 328, 330. Tabling of document, 607. Members to address Chair, 879, 2003, 2410. Sexist remarks, 882. Standing Order No. 107,882. Motion that Minis­ter be not further heard, 888. Offensive remarks,

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Speaker, The (Hon. Ken Coghill)-continued

976, 1254,2278.Scope,979, 1800,2413. Members to respect forms of House, 1066. Must relate to government administration, 1069,2193. Not to be hypothetical, 1071, 1618. Availability of quoted documents, 1173. Only one to be asked, 1247. Must relate to Minister's portfolio, 1250, 1251, 2192. To be rephrased, 1717, 2193. Should be directed to appropriate Minister, 1806. Imputa­tions against honourable members, 2282. Not to refer to current debates, 2407. Not to contain quo­tations, 2411. Not to question accuracy of reports, 2576. Audible conversations, 2577.

Universities-Deakin, 2206, 2493, 2519. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board, 710,

1022,1063, 1073. Water Bill, 2163. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 2163.

Sport and Recreation-Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, q 608, q 1169. Four-wheel drive tracks, 615. Proposed stadium in Traralgon East, 968. Pro­posed Victorian institute of sport, q 1071. State Equestrian Centre, 1151. Football clubs: Colling­wood, 1192; Footscray, 1193, q 1251, 1480; Kan­garoo Flat, 1423, 1427. International Horse Trials, q 1558. Hockey and rowing venues, q 2007. Ice­skating facilities, 2285. Federation of Australian Kung-Fu and Wu-Shu Organisations Ltd, 2399.

Sportina Shooters Association of Australia-Com­ments of president, q 2407.

Spyker, Mr P. C. (Mentone) (Minister for Community Services, and Minister for Prices)

Adoption (Amendment) Bill, 436, 2299, 2303, 2304. Community Services Victoria-Children-Abuse, q 24. Protection services, q 40 1,

1997. Visiting child health nurse program, q 883, 1996,2274.

Department-Bus purchase, 486. Budget, q 1172. General-HACC program, 1713. Alpha Dynamic,

2404. Intellectual Disability Services-Transport, q 400,

1714. Budget initiatives, q 401. Facilities for offenders, q 1068. Home board scheme, q 1172. Community Living Support Service, q 1173.

Consumer Affairs-Alpha Dynamic, 2404. Handicapped Persons-Noah's Ark Toy Library and

Parent Resources, 1997. Housing-Essential services, 254. Intellectually Disabled Persons' Services (Amend-

ment) Bill, 158. Noah's Ark Toy Library and Parent Resources, 1997. Olympic Games, 1996-Ticket purchases, q 976. Points of Order-Relevancy of remarks, 846.

Spyker, Mr P. C.-continued

Preschools-In Whittlesea, 870. In Goorarnbat, 1997. Prices-Royal Melbourne Show entry fees, q 803.

Olympic Games ticket purchases, q 976. Scalping, q 976.

Prices Bill, 469,529,530,531,533,534. Royal Melbourne Show-Entry fees, q 803. Urban Land Authority-Essential services, 254. Youth-Accommodation in City of Sandringham,


Standing Orders Committee-Membership, 1177.

State Additional Apprenticeship Scheme, q 606, q 612.

State Bank Victoria-Profit levels, q 25. Tricontinen-tal Corporation Ltd, q 488, q 491, q 492, q 1338, q 1797, q 1799, q 1802, q 1805, q 1907, q 1910, q 2001, q 2004, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2022, q 2194, q 2581. Victorian Investment Corporation, q 973, 1518. Turner group, q 1247, q 1255. Interest rates, q 1335. Housing loan approvals, q 1335. Losses, q 1335, q 1431, q 1435, 1440, 1450, q 1910, q 2005, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2022. Remuneration of direc­tors, q 1341. National Safety Council of Australia, q 1435, 2012, q 2186, q 2280, q 2283, q 2407, q 2409, q 2412, q 2575, q 2578, q 2579. Liabili­ties, q 1555, q 2190. Exposures, q 1797, q 1799, q 1802, q 1805. Qintex Ltd: borrowings and Chan­nel HSV7 directorship, q 1797, q 1799, q 1802, q 1805, q 1903, q 1905, q 1907, q 2001, q 2004, 2012,2022, q 2187, q 2192, q 2194, q 2277, q 2578. Bond-associated companies, q 1797, q 1799, q 1801. Activities of Nunnari brothers, 1993. 333 Collins Street Ltd, q 200 1, q 2004, 2012. Respon­sibility of Treasurer, q 2005. Credit card policy, 2166. Directorships, q 2187. Statements by Mr George Frew, q 2581. (See also "Tricontinental Corporation Ltd")

State Electricity Commission-Public authority divi­dend, q 183. Government pricing policy, q 1907.

State Equestrian Centre-Werribee Park, 1151.

State Finance-Debt: servicing costs, q 88, q 975, q 979; levels, q 1623, q 1803, 2020. Management, q 182. Proposed sale of World Trade Centre, q 326. Gov­ernment's economic policy, 1441, 1451, 1454, 1466. Stock market losses, q 1555,2019. Losses, q 1557. Responsibilities of Treasurer, q 1618. Investment in Victoria, q 1800.

State Insurance Office-Third party insurance: unfunded liabilities, 2019, 2023.

State Superannuation Board-Group certificates, 1332.

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(34) INDEX

Steggall, Mr B. E. H. (Swan Hill) Adoption (Amendment) Bill, 426. Appropriation ( 1989-90, No. 1) Bill, 1317. Education-Country school bus charges, q 487. Grievances, 191. Public Transport Corporation-V/Line staff

retrenchments, 967. Rural Water Commission-Advisory Committee on

Water Allocation Anomalies, q 181, 191. Alloca­tions to Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District, 192.

Water-Advisory Committee on Water Allocation Anomalies, q 181, 191. Allocations to Goul­burn-Murray Irrigation District, 192. Swan Hill Water Board, 1330.

Water Bill. 1759,2062,2064,2080,2086,2094,2101, 2133,2139,2145,2161.

Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1759. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1317.

Stockdale, l\Ir A. R. (Brighton) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

992. Appropriation (1989-90, No. I) Bill, 618, 1350. Auditor-General-Reports, q 974. Brighton, City of-Bathing boxes, 1790. Budget for 1989-90-Financial management, q 182. Business Franchise (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill,

1632, 1660, 2680. Financial Institutions Duty (Amendment) Bill, 1662. Firesafe Pty Ltd, q 488, q 491, q 492. Gas and Fuel Corporation-Directorships of chair­

man, q 1907, q 2280. Government Employee Housing Authority

(Amendment) Bill, 2525. Grievances, 1177, 1449,2022. Housing-First home buyers scheme, q 323, q 709. Insurance-Third-party: unfunded liabilities, 2023;

valuations by Mr W. Szuch, 2023. Islamic Abattoirs of Australia Pty Ltd, q 402, q 403. Law Cou~s-Adverse possession case in Brighton,

2401. Management and Budget, Department of-Report

of Managing Director of Accident Compensation Comm:ssion, 1177.

Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust Bill, 2338. Members-Warning of honourable member for

Brightc-n, 404, 406. National Safety Council of Australia-State Bank

Victoria, q 1435, q 2280, q 2283, q 2575. National Tennis Centre-Losses, 1449. Parliamelt-Accountability of executive govern-

ment, :177. ParIiameltary Committees (Amendment) Bill, 2676. Planning-Brighton beach bathing boxes, 1790. Points of Order-Call by Chair, 71, 961. Questions

without notice: not to be debated, 803; relevancy

Stockdale, Mr A. R.-continued

of answer, 1256, 1435, 1908. Rule of sub judice, 886. Interjections, 1405. Imputations against honourable members, 2281. Copies of Ministerial statement, 2687.

Public Authorities (Contributions) (Amendment) Bill,2588.

Qintex Ltd-Borrowings and Channel HSV7 direc­torship, q 1799, q 1805, q 1907,2022, q 2194.

Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2396. Rural Finance Corporation-Victorian Economic

Development Corporation, q 402, q 403, q 1255. Stamps (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, 1509,

2618. Stamps (Motor Vehicles) Bill, 1679. State Bank Victoria-Profit levels, q 25. Triconti­

nental Corporation Ltd, q 488, q 491, q 492, q 1338, q 1799, q 1805, 2022, q 2194. Turner group, q 1255. Losses, q 1435, 1450,2022. National Safety Council of Australia, q 1435, q 2280, q 2283, q 2575. Exposures, q 1799, q 1805. Bond-associ­ated companies, q 1799, q 1801. Qintex Ltd, q 1799,q 1805,q 1907, 2022,q 2194.

State Finance-Debt servicing costs, q 88. Manage­ment, q 182. Proposed sale of World Trade Centre, q 326.

Taxation-State taxes and charges, q 88, q 185. Tricontinental Corporation Ltd, q 488, q 491, q 492,

q 1338, q 1799, q 1805,2022, q 2194. Turner Group, q 1255. Victorian Economic Development Corporation­

Islamic Abattoirs of Australia Pty Ltd, q 402, q 403. Victorian Investment Corporation-Firesafe Pty Ltd,

q 488, q 491, q 492. WorkCare-Report of Managing Director of Acci­

dent Compensation Commission, 1177. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 618,1350. World Trade Centre-Proposed sale, q 326.

Subordinate Legislation-Public Service (Amend­ment) Regulations, 495. Withdrawal of notices of motion, 524, 864. Report, 1566.

Sunraysia Growers Advisory Group, 1424, 1427.

Superannuation-State Superannuation Board, 1332. Public sector, q 1797.

Supermarkets (See "Consumer Affairs")

Swan Hill Water Board, 1330.


Tanner, Mr E. M. P. (Caul field) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1001. Appropriation (1989-90, No. I) Bill, 1230, 1352.

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Tanner, Mr E. M. P.-continued

Education-Caulfield Secondary College, 1520. Library Services-For students, 869. Natural Resources and Environment Committee­

Report on south-western region water manage­ment strategy, 2286.

Petitions-Pensioner rate rebate, 407. Points of Order-Defiance of Chair, 1337. Offensive

remarks, 1998. Ministers present in Chamber, 2536.

Roads Corporation-Intersection in Caulfield, 1520. Water-South-western region management strategy,

2286. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1230, 1352.

Targeted Apprenticeship Access Program, q 607.

Taxation-General-State taxes and charges, q 88, q 185. In

New South Wales, 1190. Goodwill, 1193. Public Authority Dividend-For State Electricity

Commission, q 183. Sales Tax-On refrigerant recovery units, 1613,


Theos, George-Activities in Mill Park, 1056, 1062, 1241, 1242; suspension of HIA registration, 2165, 2167.

Thomson, Mr K. J. (Pascoe Vale) Appropriation (1989-90, No. I) Bill, 1221. Conservation-Of native flora and fauna, 331. Conservation, Forests and Lands, Department of-

Communication facilities for RSPCA, q 490. Consumer Affairs-Lazaway Pools Pty Ltd, 2037. Corrections, Office of-Statements of director-gen­

eral, q 1172. Education-Career restructure, 2009. Environment-Northern suburbs improvement

plan, 1328. "Keep Vic Fit" campaign, q 2002. Estate Agents Board-Fencing dispute, 697. Grievances, 2037. Lazaway Pools Pty Ltd, 2037. Petitions-Nature conservation, 331. Teaching

Service award restructuring, 2009. RSPCA-Communication facilities, q 490. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1221.

333 Collins Street Ltd-Directorship, q 2001, q 2004, 2012.

Tourism-Funding for regional, q 25. Mount Hotham ski resort buses, 77. Administration of Victorian Tourism Commission Act, 868. Victorian Tour­ism Cooperative Advertising Scheme, 2269,2275. Alpine Resorts Commission, q 2278.

Trading Hours-In Shire of Cobram, 481. In liquor industry, q 1339. Retail, 2198.

Trethewey, Tbe Late R. H., Esq., 1.

Trezise, Mr N. B. (Geelong North) (Minister for Sport and Recreation, and Minister responsible for the Olympic Games)

Australian Football League-Footscray Football Club, q 1251.

Racing (TAB Surplus) BilI, 2377, 2382, 2389, 2391. Sport and Recreation-Hockey and rowing venues,

q 2008.

Tricontinental Corporation Ltd-Losses, q 488, q 491, q 492, q 1338, q 1339, q 1797, q 1799, q 1907, q 1910, 2011, 2015, 2022, q 2194. Firesafe Pty Ltd, q 488, q 491, q 492. Exposures, q 1797, q 1802, q 1803, q 1805. 333 Collins Street Ltd, q 2001, q 2004, 2012. Statements by Mr George Frew, q 2581. (See also "Qintex Ltd" and "State Bank Victoria")

Turner Group, q 1247, q 1255.

2 Ring Rentals-Activities of Glenormiston Agricul­tural College students, 2027.

u Unemp)oyment-(See "Labour, Department of')

Unions-Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union­

Stoppages, 2400. Builders Labourers Federation-Registration,

q 1715. General-WorkCare stoppages, q 86. Transport, 249,

253. Unauthorised use of Met vehicles, q 706. Pilots dispute, q 1069, q 1070.

U niversities-Deakin-Council membership, 2206, 2268, 2493,

2519,2572. La Trobe-Amalgamation with Lincoln Institute of

Health Sciences, 553, 1055, 1061. Physiotherapy training, 553, 1055, 1061.

Urban Land Authority-Provision of essential ser­vices, 252, 254.


Vaugban, Dr G. M. (Clayton) Economy, The-Investment in Victoria, q 1800. Environment-Photodegradable plastic bags, q 90. Points of Order-Harassment of speaker, 500. Rulings and Statements as Acting Chairman of


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Vaughan, Dr G. M.-continued

Debate-Relevancy of remarks, 544, 546. Member out of his place, 545. Offensive remarks, 546. Member to address Chair, 548.

Rulings and Statements as Acting Speaker­Debate-Imputations against honourable members,

2030. Interjections, 2626.

Victoria Police-Crime-Statistics, q 26. Law and order, 227, 1073,

1085. Admissibility of evidence in child sexual assault cases, 971. Homicides, q 1337. Activities ofNunnari brothers, 1993. Allegations concerning Harry Beitzel, q 2577.

General-Agreement with government, 171, 176. Powers, q 1169. Road patrols, 1197. Resources, q 2410.

Staff-Duties, 331. Numbers, q 705. Salaries of commissioners, q 1906.

Stations-Replacement of Geelong headquarters, 233. Prahran regional, 615. Inglewood, 789, 794. Country, 1471. Boronia, 1722.

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board-Staff transfers, q 493. Membership, 710, 787,1022,1063, 1073.

Victorian Dairy Industry Authority-Report of Public Bodies Review Committee, 616, q 1561.

Victorian Economic Development Corporation-Islamic Abattoirs of Australia Pty Ltd, q 397, q 399, q 402, q 403, q 1256. Fantasy Egg Farm Pty Ltd, q 487. Turner group, q 1247, q 1255. Losses, 2015.

Victorian Equity Trust-Losses, 2015.

Victorian Football League (See "Australian Football League")

Victorian Government Major Projects Unit-Report, 2199.

Victorian Institute of Sport-Proposed, q 1071.

Victorian Investment Corporation-Private sector investment, q 22. Firesafe Pty Ltd, q 488, q 491, q 492. State Bank Victoria, q 973, 1518. AMRAD Corporation Ltd, 1518. Losses, 2015.

Victorian Tourism Commission Act-Administration, 868.

Victorian Tourism Cooperative Advertising Scheme, 2269,2275.

Victorian Trades Hall Council-Secretary: allegations concerning, q 603, q 605, q 703, q 705, q 800~ comments on WorkCare, q 1065.


Wade, Mrs J. L. M. (Kew) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1115. Appropriation (1989-90, No. J) Bill, J 276. Consumer Affairs, Ministry of-Staff, 2032. Alleged

politicisation, 2032. Corporate Affairs Victoria-Federal companies and

securities legislation, J 708. Government Employee Housing Authority

(Amendment) Bill, 2513. Grievances, 2032. House Contracts Guarantee (Further Amendment)

Bill, 1491. Intellectually Disabled Persons' Services (Amend-

ment) Bill, J 55. Legal Aid Commission (Amendment) Bill, 163. Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill, 335, 35 J. Penalty Interest Rates (Amendment) Bill, 236. Petitions-Mental hospital purposes reserve, 331. Points of Order-Stranger in the House, 330. Offen-

sive remarks, 976. Prices Bill, 439, 472, 529, 531, 535, 843, 847, 852,

854,857. Public Service-Alleged politicisation, 482, 1426,

2032. Stamps (Motor Vehicles) Bill, 170 I. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1276.

Wallace International Ltd-Directors, 1466.

Wallace, Mr T. W. (Gippsland South) Appropriation (1989-90, No. J) Bill, 1363. Education-Sale Primary School, 1058. Career

structure for rural teachers, 1709. Fire Authorities (Contributions) Bill, 2455. Martial Arts Control (Amendment) Bill, 384. Petitions-Pine plantations in Mirboo, 1342. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 2350, 2382. Sport and Recreation-Proposed Victorian institute

of sport, q 1071. Timber Industry-Pine plantations: government

policy, q 92; in Mirboo, 1342. Water Bill, 1866. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1866. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1363.

Walsh, Mr R. W. (Albert Park) (Minister for Property and Services, and Minister for Water Resources)

Dandenong Valley Authority (Amendment) Bill, 1704.

Election Donations Disclosure and Public Funding Bill,2287.

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Walsh, Mr R. W.-continued

Electoral-Voting in British elections, 1522. Environment-Pollution of waterways, 1711. Government Employee Housing Authority

(Amendment) Bill, 1482, 1894,2526. Martial Arts Control (Amendment) Bill, 105, 169,

387. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works­

Reservation fees, 253. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill, 981,1147. Sport and Recreation-Proposed stadium in Traral­

gon East, 972. Water-Advisory Committee on Water Allocation

Anomalies, q 181. Pollution, 1711. Water and Sewerage Authorities (Restructuring)

(Postponement of Expiry) Bill, 1704. Water Bill, 1260, 1869,2061,2078,2079,2080,2081,

2082, 2083, 2084, 2085, 2087, 2091, 2092, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2097, 2099, 2100, 2101, 2104, 2105, 2117, 2118, 2120, 2121, 2124, 2125, 2127, 2131,2133,2137,2138,2139,2144,2149,2151, 2152,2155,2161,2570.

Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 981, 1149, 1260,1869,2163,2572.

Water Resources. Department of-Estimates, 1332.

Want-of-conftdence Motions-In government, 36.

Water-Advisory Committee on Water Allocation Anomalies, q 181, 191. Allocations to Goulburn­Murray Irrigation District, 192. Boards: Riddells Creek, 1329; Swan Hill, 1330, 1332. Pollution, 1707, 1711. South-western region management strategy, 2286.

Weideman, Mr G. G. (Frankston South) Appropriation {I 989-90, No. I) Bill, 1395. Business Franchise (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill,

1640,2684. Chiropodists (Amendment) Bill, 2740. Community Services Victoria-Mental Health Legal

Centre, 2198. Consumer Affairs-State Bank policy, 2166. Deaths-Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1548. N. A. W.

Billing, Esq., 2185. Frankston, City of-Storm damage relief, 251. Health-Malaria treatment, 81. Central Health

Interpreter Service, 969. Health (General Amendment) (Amendment) Bill,

2739. Hospitals-Prince Henry's, q 800. Mont Park Psy­

chiatric, 1897. Medical Practitioners Act, 614. Mental Health Services-Security at Mont Park

Psychiatric Hospital, 1897. Legal centre, 2198.

Weideman, Mr G. G.-continued

Petitions-Medical Practitioners Act, 614. Mental Health Legal Centre, 2198.

Prices Bill, 477, 525, 532, 539. State Bank Victoria-Credit card policy, 2166. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1395.

Wells, Dr R. J. H. (Dromana) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1100. Aged Services-Hospitals, 220. Appropriation (1989-90, No. I) Bill, 1352. Australian Physiotherapy Association, 553. Community Services Victoria-Visiting child health

nurse program, 1996, 2415. Conservation-Sorrento foreshore kiosk, 1517. Crimes (Blood Samples) Bill, 2654, 2661. Deaths-Hon. R. C. Dunstan, DSO, 1550. Debt Collection Bill, 1729. Education-Physiotherapy training, 553. TAFE

facilities on Mornington Peninsula, 2404. Environment Protection (General Amendment) Bill,

2546. Financial Institutions Duty (Amendment) Bill, 1672. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill, 1597. Grievances, 219. Hospitals-Southern Peninsula, 187,219,407,614,

888, 1257, 2415. Waiting lists, 219. Petitions-Foreshore land in Ainders, 29, 186.

Building height limits in Shire of Ainders, 29, 186. Southern Peninsula Hospital, 187,407,614,888, 1257,2415. Pedestrian crossing at Rye, 805. Vis­iting child health nurse program, 2415.

Planning-Building height limits in Ainders, 29, 186. Zoning of foreshore land in Ainders, 29, 186.

Portsea Surf Lifesaving Club, 1614. Private Agents (Amendment) Bill. 1729. Public Transport-Bus services on Mornington

Peninsula, 1155. Roads Corporation-Pedestrian crossings in Rye,

790,805. Universities-La Trobe: amalgamation with Lin­

coln Institute of Health Sciences, 553. Physioth­erapy training, 553.

Water Bill, 1845. Water (Consequential Amendments) Bill, 1845. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1989-90,

No. 2) Bill, 1352.

Wilson, Mrs J. T. C. (Dandenong North) Accident Compensation (General Amendment) Bill,

1029. Employment-Targets, q 2279. Medical Services-Geriatricians, 1058. Youth-Exploitation, q 323.

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Women-National Council of, 804. Budget for, q 1434. Neighbourhood houses, 173S.

WorkCare-Financial position, q 17, q 18. Proposed reforms, q 20, q 21, 889, q 106S, q 1067. Unfunded liabilities, q 23, 2437, 2438. Industrial disputes, q 86. Assets, q 89. Claims agents, q 90, q 91. Investigators, 189. Fraud, 189. Levies, q 397. Chi­ropractors certificates, 61S, 711, 117S. Comments ofMr Halfpenny, q 106S, q 1067. Report of Man­aging Director of Accident Compensation Com­mission, q 1167, 1177. Marsden and McGain Pty Ltd, 1610, 161S, 1901. Losses, 201S. Operation of scheme, 2419.

World Trade Centre-Proposed sale, q 326.


Youth-Budget allocation for homeless, q 179. Exploi­tation, q 323. Under-age drinking, 484. Public housing, 1448, 1449. Accommodation in City of Sandringham, 1900.

Youth Policy Development Council-Executive officer, 552.


Zoological Board of Victoria-Chairman, 1467.

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List in numerical order of questions on notice answered during period covered by this Index.

Abbreviations used/or Ministerial Portfolios

Acting Minister for Sport and Recreation Acting S & R Agriculture and Rural Affairs Ag & Rur Affs Attorney-General A-G Community Services Comm Servs Conservation, Forests and Lands C, F & L Consumer Affairs Cons Affs Education Ed Ethnic Affairs Eth Affs Labour Lab Planning and Environment Plan & Env Police and Emergency Services P & ES Premier Prem Prices Prices Property and Services Prop & Servs Sport and Recreation S & R Tourism Tour Transport Trans Treasurer Treas Water Resources WR

Qn. No.

31 45 59

84 93



Youth Guarantee Program Sports Centre in Newport Ministry of Transport

Consultants Police Stations Accident Compensation Tri­

bunal Vehicles Appointment of Solicitor to

Accident Compensation Tribunal

96 Accident Compensation Tri-bunal Widows Trust

97 Accident Compensation Tri-bunal Vehicles

102 Special Disputes Board 110 WorkCare and Redundancy

Package III Accident Compensation Tri­

bunal Expenses 118 Health Programs in Reservoir

Electorate 120 Department of Labour and

WorkCare Claims 124 Surplus Government Land 127 Asbestos Powder Hazards 128 Moreland Hall Drug and Alco-

hol Treatment Centre

Asked by

Mr Dickinson Mr Dickinson MrBrown

MrCooper MrGude




Mr Dickinson MrGude




Mr Lieberman MrGude MrSimmonds

Answered by

Mr Pope (Lab) Mr Pope (Acting S & R) Mr Kennan (Trans)

Mr Crabb (P & ES) Mr Jolly (Treas)

Mr Jolly (Treas)

Mr Jolly (Treas)

Mr Jolly (Treas)

Mr Pope (Lab) Mr Pope (Lab)

Mr Jolly (Treas)

Mr Roper (Plan & Env)

Mr Pope (Lab)

Mr Walsh (Prop & Servs) Mr Pope (Lab) Mr Roper (Plan & Env)

Date Answered Page

14.11.89 2751 8.8.89 255

2.11.89 2168

14.9.89 1159 8.8.89 255

8.8.89 256

8.8.89 257

8.8.89 257

14.11.89 2751 10.10.89 1524

8.8.89 257

17.8.89 598

14.11.89 2751

8.8.89 258 14.11.89 2752

9.8.89 309

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(40) INDEX

Qn. Date No. Subject-matter Asked by Answered by Answered Page

131 Building and Construction MrGude Mr Pope (Lab) 14.11.89 2752 Industry Division Training Foundation

137 Community Health Centres MrSimmonds Mr Roper (Plan & Env) 8.8.89 258 141 WorkCare and Superannua- Mr Austin Mr Crabb (P & ES) 14.9.89 1159

tion Payments in Ministry of Police and Emergency Services

142 WorkCare and Superannua- Mr Austin Mr Crabb (Tour) 10.10.89 1524 tion Payments in Victorian Tourism Commission

145 WorkCare and Superannua- Mr Austin Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 259 tion Payments in Ministry of Education

148 WorkCare and Superannua- Mr Austin Mr Pope (Lab) 10.10.89 1524 tion Payments in Depart-ment of Labour

151 WorkCare and Superannua- Mr Austin Mrs Setches (C, F & L) 8.8.89 259 tion Payments in Depart-ment of Conservation, Forests and Lands

157 WorkCare and Superannua- Mr Austin Mr Roper (Plan & Env) 21.9.89 1245 tion Payments in Health Department Victoria

160 WorkCare and Superannua- Mr Austin Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 259 lion Payments in Post-Sec-ondary Education Sector

161 Firearms Amnesty MrCooper Mr Crabb (P & ES) 14.9.89 1160 162 Rail Fatalities MrCooper Mr Kennan (Trans) 10.10.89 1525 163 Water Seepage-Hurstbridge Mr Lieberman Mr Walsh (WR) . 14.9.89 1160

Basin 172 Multilingual Information Mr Richardson Mr Crabb (P & ES) 14.9.89 1161

Services 173 Multilingual Information Mr Richardson Mr Roper (Plan & Env) 2.11.89 2169

Services 174 Computer Programs in Schools Mr Richardson Ms Kirner (Ed) 15.8.89 559 175 Staff and Student Numbers in Mr Richardson Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 259

Victorian Schools 176 Emergency Teachers Mr Richardson Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 261 178 Reviews and Deregistration of Mr Richardson Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 261

Private Schools 180 Special Needs Children Mr Richardson Ms Kirner (Ed) 15.8.89 590 181 Gifted Technical Students Mr Richardson Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 263 185 Workcare Leave in Victoria Mr Dickinson Mr Crabb (P & ES) 2.11.89 2173

Police 186 WorkCare Leave in State Mr Dickinson Mr Crabb (P & ES) 2.11.89 2174

Emergency Service 187 Workcare Leave in Depart- Mr Dickinson Mrs Setches (C, F & L) 8.8.89 265

ment of Conservation, For-ests and Lands

191 Crime in Barwon Police Mr Dickinson Mr Crabb (P & ES) 14.9.89 1161 District

194 Greyhound and Horseracing MrGude Mr Trezise (S & R) 8.8.89 265 195 Availability of Trainees hips Mr Dickinson Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 266 196 Availability of Trainees hips Mr Dickinson Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 267

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Qn. Date No. Subject-matter Asked by Answered by Answered Page

197 Oberon Primary School Mr Dickinson Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 268 198 Ministerial Responsibility MrGude Mr Cain (Prem) 15.8.89 590 203 Pollution in Barwon Coastal Mr Dickinson Mrs Setches (C, F & L) 10.10.89 1529

Region 208 Water Sports Centre Mr Dickinson Mr Trezise (S & R) 14.11.89 2753 212 Crime in Broadmeadows and MrGavin Mr Crabb (P & ES) 14.9.89 1162

Coburg 215 Melbourne and Metropolitan MrSimmonds Mr Walsh (WR) 8.8.89 268

Board of Works 217 Totalizator Agency Board MrSimmonds Mr Trezise (S & R) 8.8.89 268

Agencies in Reservoir 220 Gifted Students Mr Richardson Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 269 221 Werribee Pilot-Scale Food MrAustin Mr Rowe (Ag & Rur Aft's) 8.8.89 271

Plant 222 Special Needs Teachers MrSimmonds Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 271 223 Special Needs Teachers MrSimmonds Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 271 224 Special Needs Teachers MrSimmonds Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 301 226 Single Parent Families MrSimmonds Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 301 227 Hospitals in Swan Hill MrSteggall Mr Roper (Plan & Env) 15.8.89 591

Electorate 228 Pyramid Hill Health Needs Mr Steggall Mr Roper (Plan & Env) 8.8.89 302 229 Community Health Review in Mr Steggall Mr Roper (Plan & Env) 8.8.89 302

Swan Hill Electorate 232 "Quality Assurance in Hospi- MrMathews Mr Roper (Plan & Env) 8.8.89 302

tals" Report 235 Valuer-General's Valua- Mr Lieberman Mrs Setches (C, F & L) 17.8.89 600

tions-Department of Con-servation, Forests and Lands

237 Valuer-General's Valua- Mr Lieberman Mr Roper (Plan & Env) 15.8.89 592 tions-Health Department Victoria

238 Vat uer-General's Valua- Mr Lieberman Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 303 tions-Ministry of Education

239 Valuer-General's Valua- Mr Lieberman Mr Crabb (P & ES) 14.9.89 1163 tions-Ministry for Police and Emergency Services

240 Valuer-General's Valua- Mr Lieberman Ms Kirner (Ed) 15.8.89 592 tions-Tertiary Institutions

241 Valuer-General's Valua- Mr Lieberman Mr Roper (Plan & Env) 8.8.89 303 tions-Planning and Environment

242 Valuer-General's Valua- Mr Lieberman Mr Crabb (Tour) 15.8.89 593 tions-Alpine Resorts Commission

244 Val uer-General 's Valua- Mr Lieberman Mr McCutcheon (A-G) 17.8.89 601 tions-Attorney-General's Department

245 Valuer-General's Valua- Mr Lieberman Mr Jolly (Treas) 14.9.89 1163 tions-Energy Authorities

246 Valuer-General's Valua- Mr Lieberman Mr McCutcheon (A-G) 21.9.89 1245 lions-Ministry of Housing and Construction

247 Valuer-General's Valua- Mr Lieberman Mr Pope (Lab) 8.8.89 304 tions-Department of Labour

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(42) INDEX

Qn. Date No. Subject-matter Asked by Answered by Answered Page

248 Valuer-General's Valua- Mr Lieberman Mr Jolly (Treas) 10.10.89 1529 tions-Rural Finance Corporation

249 Valuer-General's Valua- Mr Lieberman Mr Jolly (Treas) 8.8.89 304 tions-Stamp Duties Office

251 Valuer-General's Valua- Mr Lieberman Mr Walsh (Prop & Servs) 15.8.89 593 tions-Department of Prop-erty and Services

252 Department of Labour MrGude Mr Crabb (P & ES) 14.9.89 1164 Inspector

255 Means Testing of Public Mr Honeywood Mr McCutcheon (A-G) 21.9.89 1246 Housing Tenants

257 Student Transport in Doncas- Mr Perrin Ms Kimer (Ed) 8.8.89 305 ter and Templestowe

258 Neighbouring High School Mr Perrin Ms Kimer (Ed) 8.8.89 305 Enrolments-Doncaster and Templestowe

259 Crime Rates in Doncaster and Mr Perrin Mr Crabb (P & ES) 14.11.89 2753 Templestowe

260 Student Enrolments in Don- Mr Perrin Ms Kimer (Ed) 8.8.89 305 caster and Templestowe

261 Public Housing in Doncaster Mr Perrin Mr McCutcheon (A-G) 12.10.89 1532 and Templestowe

262 Public Housing Waiting List Mr Perrin Mr McCutcheon (A-G) 12.10.89 1535 264 Department of the Premier and Mr Bildstien Mr Cain (Prem) 8.8.89 306

Cabinet Staff-Mildura 265 Department of Agriculture and Mr Bildstien Mr Rowe (Ag & Rur Affs) 5.9.89 872

Rural Affairs Staff-Mildura 266 Ministry for Police and Emer- Mr Bildstien Mr Crabb (P & ES) 14.9.89 1164

gency Services Staff-Mildura

267 Victorian Tourism Commis- Mr Bildstien Mr Crabb (Tour) 9.8.89 310 sion Staff-Mildura

268 Department of Management Mr Bildstien Mr Jolly (Treas) 9.8.89 310 and Budget Staff-Mildura

270 Ministry of Education Staff- Mr Bildstien Ms Kimer (Ed) 2.11.89 2174 Mildura

271 Attorney-General's Staff- Mr Bildstien Mr McCutcheon (A-G) 17.8.89 601 Mildura

273 Ministry for Planning and Mr Bildstien Mr Roper (Plan & Env) 8.8.89 306 Environment Staff-Mildura

274 Ministry of Consumer Affairs Mr Bildstien Mr Roper (Cons Affs) 14.9.89 1165 Staff-Mildura

276 Community Services Staff- Mr Bildstien Mr Spyker (Comm Servs) 10.10.89 1529 Mildura

277 Department of Sport and Rec- Mr Bildstien Mr Pope (Acting S & R) 15.8.89 593 reation Staff-Mildura

278 Department of Property and Mr Bildstien Mr Walsh (Prop & Servs) 15.8.89 596 Services Staff-Mildura

280 DepartmentofIndustry, Tech- Mr Bildstien Mr Jolly (Treas) 8.8.89 307 nology and Resources Staff-Mildura

281 Health Department Victoria Mr Bildstien Mr Roper (Plan & Env) 2.11.89 2175 Staff-Mildura

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Qn. Date No. Subject-matter Asked by Answered by Answered Page

282 Post-Secondary Education Mr Bildstien Ms Kirner (Ed) 14.9.89 1165 Staff-Mildura

284 Ministry of Housing and Con- Mr Bildstien Mr McCutcheon (A-G) 12.10.89 1535 struction Staff-Mildura

288 Geelong-Spencer Street Trains Mr Dickinson Mr Kennan (Trans) 5.9.89 873 289 Funding of Boating Projects Mr Dickinson Mr Pope (Acting S & R) 15.8.89 594 290 Underground Powerlines for Mr Dickinson Mr Jolly (Treas) 5.9.89 874

Coastal Resorts 292 Assistance for Victims of MrSimmonds Mr Cain (Prem) 9.8.89 310

Domestic Violence 293 Victorian Certificate of Mr 1. W. Smith Ms Kirner (Ed) 9.8.89 311

Education 294 School Retention Rates Mr I. W. Smith Ms Kirner (Ed) 9.8.89 313 295 Numeracy and Literacy Studies Mr 1. W. Smith Ms Kirner (Ed) 8.8.89 307 296 Emergency Teachers Mr 1. W. Smith Ms Kirner (Ed) 15.8.89 589 297 Industrial Relations Commis- Mr Perrin Mr Walsh (Prop & Servs) 5.9.89 875

si on Awards 298 Community Research Action Mr Lieberrnan Ms Kirner (Ed) 10.10.89 1530

Centre 299 Public Buildings Mr Dickinson Mr Walsh (Prop & Servs) 10.10.89 1530 300 Public Buildings Mr Dickinson Mr Walsh (Prop & Servs) 10.10.89 1531 301 Public Buildings Mr Dickinson Mr Walsh (Prop & Servs) 10.10.89 1531 302 Public Buildings Mr Dickinson Mr Walsh (Prop & Servs) 10.10.89 1531 303 Public Buildings Mr Dickinson Mr Walsh (Prop & Servs) 10.10.89 1531 312 Industrial Toxic Emissions Mr Dickinson Mr Roper (Plan & Env) 2.11.89 2176 316 Questions on Notice Mr Richardson Ms Kirner (Ed) 14.9.89 1166 317 Stolen Cattle Mr Austin Mr Rowe (Ag & Rur Affs) 14.9.89 1166 342 School Facilities for the Intel- Mr Richardson Ms Kirner (Ed) 24.10.89 1796

lectually Disabled 344 Provision ofGovemment Cars Mr Dickinson Mr Cain (Prem) 12.10.89 1536 348 Radiology Services-Central Mr Hamilton Mr Roper (Plan & Env) 17.11.89 2755

Gippsland and Morwell Hospital

349 Amounts Owed under Depart- Mr Richardson Ms Kirner (Ed) 24.10.89 1796 ment of Education Bonds

351 funding for Women in Mrs Wade Mr McCutcheon (A-G) 14.11.89 2754 Attorney-General's Department

366 funding for Women in Mrs Wade Mr Walsh (Prop & Servs) 17.11.89 2756 Department of Property and Services
