Page 1: Immaculate Conception Church · 29/03/2020  · David Sanchez, Lupie Sanchez, Armando Salazar, B Solis, Luis Solis, Dora Tagle, Gloria Treviño, Joe Treviño, Sara Treviño Those

Immaculate Conception Church Roman Catholic Diocese of Corpus Christi

Rev. Andrew Hejdak Pastor

David D. Solis Jr.

Administrative Asst.

John Womack & Co. Bookkeeper


Monday - Friday 10:00am - 12:00pm

1:00pm - 4:30pm


Director of Religious Ed.

David D. Solis Jr. Asst. Director of Religious Ed.

Belen P. Moreno

Asst. Director of Religious Ed.

Religious Ed. Office Hours Wednesdays 4:30 - 8:45pm



CHAPLET Daily 3:00 pm Chapel

ST. JUDE NOVENA Tuesdays 6:00 pm

Prayer Garden

BIBLE STUDY Thursdays 7:00PM

R.E. building


Fridays 6:00 pm Chapel

MASS INTENTIONS For Intentions to appear in the Bulletin they must be

submitted by 4:00pm Monday.

Donation of $5 per intention is suggested.


Interested in registering with us? Ask the ushers for a registration form, welcome to the parish. If you would like to become involved with one of the ministries or organizations here, you can find contact numbers inside this bulletin

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Thus says the Lord God: I will open your graves, have you rise from them, and settle you on your land. Then you shall know I am the Lord, O my people! (Ezekiel 37:12-14). Psalm — With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemp-tion (Psalm 130). Second Reading — If Christ is in you, the spirit is alive even if the body is dead because of sin (Romans 8:8-11). Gospel — Lazarus, dead for four days, came out of his tomb when Jesus called his name (John 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]).

PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT Mike Lopez 438.9054 FINANCE COMMITTEE Javier Solis 229.4653 SACRISTANS Jesse Gomez 229.0102 Juan Rodriguez 229.5515 Raymond Flores 215.3542 CHOIR COORDINATOR Naida Rios 774.3778 COMMUNION MINISTERS Jesus Garza 704-2269 ALTAR SERVERS David D. Solis 643.4505 LECTORS Rene Sanchez 633.1470 USHERS Johnny Joe Flores 633.2182 ALTAR SOCIETY Nena Garcia 774.2604 BEREAVEMENT COMMITTEE Nena Garcia 774.2604 DIVINE MERCY APOSTLES Sonya Torres 730.6165 HOUSE OF FAITH FOOD PANTRY Diana Moreno/ Adriana Bernardo 765.7696

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY Nydia Tamez 688.0333 PRAYER & PRAISE Jeronimo Garcia 704.2136 SACRED HEART Amelia Flores 443.9811 ST. BERNADETTE ANGELS Belen P. Moreno 558.4320 ST. JUDE NOVENA Jerry & Ofelia Rivera 876.7147

107 Church Street PO Box 108 Gregory, TX 78359

Parish Office: 361-643-4505 Fax: 361-643-1509 Pastoral Emergency: 361-543-0503



Tuesday (en Español) 5:30PM Wednesday - Thursday 8:30AM Friday –During Lent Stations of the Cross 6:30PM Mass 7:00PM First Friday of the Month Eucharistic Adoration 5:30PM Mass 6:30PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL

Open Daily: 7:30 am –7:00pm For Chapel door code: contact parish office

Page 2: Immaculate Conception Church · 29/03/2020  · David Sanchez, Lupie Sanchez, Armando Salazar, B Solis, Luis Solis, Dora Tagle, Gloria Treviño, Joe Treviño, Sara Treviño Those

SATURDAY April 4, 2020 5:30 PM: Lector: Rene Eucharistic: Juan, Amelia, Rudy SUNDAY April 5, 2020 8:00 AM: Lector: Esteban Eucharistic: Ysidro, Janie, ______ 10:00 AM: Lector: Brenda Eucharistic: Terr i F., Jesse L, Chom Yo 12:00 PM: Lector: Glor ia Eucharistic: Alma, Lucy, Josie

Fifth Sunday of Lent March 29, 2020 QuintoDomingo de Cuaresma

† Belief ~ Trust ~ Faith † Prayer is the most powerful against trials, the most effective

medicine against sickness and the most valuable gift to someone we care for.

Please pray for the sick of the parish, especially:

Weekly Stewardship


Baptisms: By Appointment only Contact Parish office for more information

Reconciliation Confessions are heard

on Saturdays from 4-5pm and on request

Marriage By appointment only: Contact parish office

6 months prior to proposed date.

Quincerañeras Must be enrolled and actively participating

in Religious Education Classes

Anointing of the Sick

Anytime: contact the parish office

Communion to the Sick / Homebound Pastoral Visit: 1st Friday

of the Month / Contact the parish office

Thank you for your continued stewardship toward the

parish. May God continue to bless you and your family.

Pete Acosta, Alfredo Alcoser,

Hermelinda Alcoser, Valerie Aleman, Benito Anaya,

Victoria Arredondo, Jessica Avila, Rosa Barrera,

Estevan Cantu Jr., Jaiden Cisneros,

Gabriel Claudio Sr., Dominic DeLeon,

Tina Elizondo, Adela Escobedo, Adan Flores Sr., Aurora Flores, Eudelia Flores,

Esiquio D Franco. Juana S. Garcia,

Xavier A. Gallegos,

Esmeralda Hernandez, Manuel Hinojosa Sr.,

Jerry Lopez Sr., Raul Lucio,

Teresa Lucio, Jaime Jimenez,

Adolfo Menchaca Jr., Joanna Mcada,

Alejandro Mora, Angelina Mora, Angie Ochoa,

Candelaria Ortiz, Carmen Ortiz,

Anita Peña, Luis Peña Jr.,

Johnny Pereida, Estela Perez Eva Perez,

Raul Quintanilla, Lenore Quintanilla,

Mary Quintero, Ester Rangel,

Albert Benito Reyes, Linda Riojas Anna Rivera, Elva Rivera,

Robert Rivera, Adrian Rodriguez, Anna Rodriguez

Sergio Rodriguez, David Sanchez, Lupie Sanchez,

Armando Salazar, B Solis,

Luis Solis, Dora Tagle,

Gloria Treviño, Joe Treviño, Sara Treviño

Those who have Mass intentions during these few weekends where Public Mass

has not been offered (weekend and week-day) please get with the office when Mass-es resume to reschedule your Mass inten-


HOLY WEEK AND EASTER UPDATES Currently All Masses have been suspended until Friday, April 3rd (as of Mon. Mar. 23rd) As updates are made available we will be posting them on our website; as of right now the hope is that Masses will resume going into Holy Week and Easter (but things can always change) our Parish Penance Service (scheduled for Thursday, April 2nd) has been canceled as has just about ALL in the Diocese. Religious Education Classes for all youth (Kinder - 12th Grades) has been currently delayed until the Wednesday, After Easter (this can change should GPISD push back their date for returning to class). Youth that are scheduled to receive any sacraments this year (1st Communion & Confirmation) ; parents have been contacted and currently a date for both sacraments is being looking at.

Page 3: Immaculate Conception Church · 29/03/2020  · David Sanchez, Lupie Sanchez, Armando Salazar, B Solis, Luis Solis, Dora Tagle, Gloria Treviño, Joe Treviño, Sara Treviño Those

GIVE GLORY TO GOD On the Fifth Sunday of Lent, just before we begin to enter Holy Week, we are summoned to Bethany. If we had been friends of Mary, Lazarus, and Martha, and found out that Lazarus was gravely ill, we probably would have dropped everything to be with them. This was what was so surprising about the behavior of Jesus. Although he was their close friend, he chose to stay away, that God’s glory would be manifested. This is a persistent theme in John’s Gospel. Right to the very end, Jesus’ works were meant to give glory to the Father. As our Lenten journey reaches a crescendo, let us be mindful that, as people who have “put on Christ” in baptism, we are also called, by our attitudes and actions, to give glory to God.

DA GLORIA A DIOS En el Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma, justo antes de en-trar en la Semana Santa, somos llamados a Betania. Si hu-biéramos sido amigos de María, Lázaro y Marta, y nos hu-biéramos enterado que Lázaro estaba gravemente enfermo, probablemente lo habríamos dejado todo para estar con ellos. Eso es lo más sorprendente del comportamiento de Jesús. Pese a que era su amigo cercano, eligió mantenerse alejado, para que la gloria de Dios se manifestara. Este es un tema persistente en el Evangelio de Juan. Hasta el mismo final, las obras de Jesús son para dar gloria al Padre. A me-dida que nuestra jornada de Cuaresma llega a su apogeo, recordemos que, como personas que “se han revestido de Cristo” en el Bautismo, también somos llamados a dar glo-ria a Dios en nuestras actitudes y acciones.


READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:1-11 Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56; Jn 8:31-42 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56 Sunday: Mt 21:1-11 (procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Mt 26:14 — 27:66 [27:11-54]

The Special Intention of Pope Francis for March Catholics in China

We pray that the Church in China may persevere in its faithfulness to the

Gospel and grow in unity.

HOLY WEEK & EASTER SCHEDULE Sat. Apr. 4th & Sun. Apr. 5th - Palm Sunday Weekend Regular Mass Schedule Tues. Apr. 7th - Chrism Mass @ Corpus Christi Cathedral 6:30PM - Note No 5:30PM Daily Mass at Parish Wed. Apr. 8th - Daily Mass –8:30AM Thur. Apr. 9th— NO 8:30AM Daily Mass Mass of the Lord’s Supper –7:00PM Eucharistic Adoration - 8PM - 12AM Fri. Apr. 10th - Good Friday Divine Mercy Chaplet (Novena day 1) - 3PM Stations of the Cross - 3:30PM Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross & Distribution of Holy Communion - 7:00PM Eucharistic Adoration til 11PM Sat. Apr. 11th - Holy Saturday Divine Mercy Chaplet (Novena day 2) -3pm Blessing of the Food - 3:30PM Confessions - 4PM - 5PM Easter Vigil Mass - 8PM (NO 5:30PM Mass) Sun. Apr. 12th - Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Regular Sunday Schedule 8AM (Spanish); 11AM Divine Mercy Chaplet (Novena day 3) - 3pm

BULLETIN EARLY SUBMISSION DEADLINE The bulletins for Palm Sunday (April 4/5) & Easter Sunday

(April 11/12) are being submitted to the printer early. The Palm Sunday edition was submitted Friday, March 27 & the Easter

Sunday edition is being submitted Friday, April 3rd. Any Mass intentions or other announcements need to be submitted by these

days in order to appear in the bulletin.

WITH GOD With God, go over the sea.

Without God, don’t even go over the threshold. —Russian proverb
