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Page 1: Imdb and poster analysis

Research into audience - IMDB

In this presentation I will be exploring and analysing two different genre films and analysing their film posters.

Page 2: Imdb and poster analysis

As soon as someone lands on this page they tend to look at the ratings, this creates a first impression weather peoples views on this is positive or not. You can look into the ratings a little more.

By clicking on the 87,000 users you go to a page (shown on right)which gives you the same ratings yet with much finer detail.

Page 3: Imdb and poster analysis

From these despite the weighted average results you can see the ratings in finer detail, as in how many people rated it from 1-10. Also if you scroll down from the ratings you will see many divided sections, these are divided so you can take a closer look at the specific age and sex groups.

Just from seeing this information you can see that most of these votes have come from the male audience, mainly ages of 18-29. Clicking onto the males the most common ratings are 7-10.

Page 4: Imdb and poster analysis

It also seems that the audience is commonly known out of the US. The most common rating in the US audience is 6-10.

Overall from what I’ve seen 7 out of 10 seems to be most common from non US users, males under 18, females under 18 and almost all of the rest.

Page 5: Imdb and poster analysis

From the information I have received here, I can see that the teen male audience is as popular as the teen female audience. You can see that 178 teen male have voted and 1080 teen females have voted. Also the overall rating on the females isn’t too far away from the males so this could mean that more girls have voted 7 or above. Teen girls would relate to the movie due to it being about girls in high school.

Page 6: Imdb and poster analysis

By clicking on the 212,000 users you go to a page which gives you the same ratings yet with much finer detail.

Here you can see the vote averages between different sex and age groups.

Also there’s votes from Non and US users as well as the IMDB staff.

Page 7: Imdb and poster analysis

For Furious 6 a total of 212,286 people have voted. Regardless of the weighted average you can see in much finer detail how many people have voted for a rating between 1-10. From these results I can see that most voters have chosen 7,8 and 10.

Here you can see that 157,543 males have voted, this shows that the target audience is focused mainly on the men. There are over 100,000 more votes on the male side compared to the female side, this tells us that a wider selection of the audience are male. The male audience consists of ages between 18-29, and these user are mainly not US citizens.

Page 8: Imdb and poster analysis

If you click on the Males section you will see a detailed 1-10 rating system, it tells you the exact amount of people that have voted on each number and they give you a percentage to round it all up. I can see that chosen either 7,8 is the popular pick for this one (Males). This information is would be helpful with the target audience for their next film.

From the information shown I can see that Females under 18 have given the highest rating, this shows that the audience ranges greatly in favour for the films success. This film has been rating high for every type of person that has voted.

Page 9: Imdb and poster analysis

Tag line could relate to young teens.

Their facial expressions relate to the film title.

Girly colours obviously tells the audience that this is a girly movie.

3 nicely dressed girls could attract the members of the male audience.

Dressed up in high school clothing which would relate to the young high school audience.

Posh looking staircase could be referring to the characters in the film being rich.

Page 10: Imdb and poster analysis

Tag line indicates that through every Fast and furious movie it has all come to this moment. This will interest the films fan base a lot.

Muscular men are visible to attract the attention of the female audience. Also gives a sense of manliness.

Shows a few women to attract the male viewers, also shows girls in action, meaning that these women are strong and so the female viewers can seek to be like this.

Showing cars to link the film title and whats going to be included in this film.

Showing iconic places in London to attract the British public.

The title looks like the rims on a car symbolising what the film is referring to.

Emphasis on the FF6.