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Welcome back to the lovely Bored Household, last time college ended. Finally. An heiress was chosen: Fantasy. And everyone moved back to Belladonna cove.

Let’s get started.

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“What are you doing, Annie?”


“For what?”

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“For that.”

“The phone?”

“Yep. Marvelous invention, the phone. Able to call lovers from all over the world to party.”

“That’s nice but there’s really only one person I want to call.”

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“Hi, Alex.”

“Hi yourself.”

“Want to break in our new bed?”

“Do you need to ask?”

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“Apparently not.”

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With Alex moved in, it was time to give her a quick makeover. She didn’t like the dreads. Too bad. She looks so much better in them than the floppy hair in the face.

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Outside, Anime was hitting up all of the guys she fell in love with during college (along with a few extras) to see which one was going to be her baby daddy and companion for the rest of her life. It was a tight race with men beating each other up over missed opportunities.

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Then there was the stalking. But ultimately that wasn’t the important part. The important parts happened between the stalkings.

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And that would be the woohoo.

Anime woohooed day…

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…And Night…

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And finally a winner was chosen.

Congratulations Takemizu townie, Knut Alioto. You’ve won the grand prize…

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Impending fatherhood.

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Anime wasn’t the only one who was expecting a little something. Bones was also pregnant, much to her happiness.

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“Everyone, go home! Anime isn’t going to pick any of you. I sure as hell ain’t picking any of you. Get the hell off of my lawn.”

“Boy, she’s a real ball buster.”

“She’s a lesbian and she’s pregnant, what did you expect?”

“I can still hear you. Less talking. More leaving.”

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“So I kicked those loafers off of our lawn. Stupid men. I don’t know what they are good for.”

“I can think of one thing?”


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“A man made the item inside this box and I would love if you wore it for me.”

“Is that what I think it is?”

“Yes, is that what I think it is?”


“Mmmm… Knut is hot when he is photobombing my sister’s engagement.”

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“Oh yes! Of course I will marry you Alex, I’ve had the want locked since we’ve moved in here.”


“Way to totally fubar the pics, Knut.”

“You weren’t bad yourself, Anime. Which reminds me, I have something that I should ask you.”


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“Will you marry me?”

“You know you didn’t have to do this?”

“I do. But since I’m not rolling the fear it’s about as much of a sign as we are going to get.”

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“Oh Knut! I’m not rolling the fear either! It must be fate!”

“So is that a yes?”

“Do I have to say it?”


“Then it is a yes!”

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The next morning, Anime and Knut got married with only Fantasy and I.M. watching. Alex was at work and the rest of the wedding party was ensconced in the hot tub.

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“Dude, that Alex chick is one hot mama.”

“Guys, she’s engaged. To me. And I am pregnant with her child.”

“So she’s off limits. That doesn’t stop her from being hot.”

“Argh. If I could get in there… I am going to go inside and get some food and when I come back out here you had better be gone.”

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“So heartfarting guy left?”

“Yep. Although I think it had more to do with your father’s nakedness than your threats.”

“Just so long as he didn’t pee in the tub we are fine.”

“Does farting count?”


“It wasn’t a wet fart.”

“Mr. Bored! I so didn’t need to know that.”

“Too bad.”

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“Honey, you’re home! I’ve had a really horrible day without you. Let’s get married right now so that we can kick the crazies out!”

“Ooof! Fine. Let me get changed.”

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“You’re mine, Alex O’Mackey. And I’m yours. And I will eviscerate anyone who doesn’t get the big giant floating clue.”

“Sounds good to me. Have I mentioned you’re cute when you’re possessive?”


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All threats aside, Alex and Bones had a roof raising party which I wish actually did something in game.

And it was time for the girls to get on with their lives.

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Anime reached her lifetime want and is now a visionary. We don’t necessarily want to know what her vision is of, though.

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And soon it was time for speeded up pregnancies – they are spares. I can cheat. :-P

“Can I get some attention please?”

“Nope. Can’t you hear me getting my groove on?”


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“Meet someone new?”

“Two someones new.”

“Fricking Romance and Popularity sims.”

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Up first was Brennan O’Mackey... She’s a girl with red hair and Light Blue eyes.

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Then we have Booth, a boy with red hair and light blue eyes and I.M.’s Custom Skintone.

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“Ugh… You mean I have to go through this too? Can’t I just phone it in?”

“No. And who is the guy in the purple and why doesn’t he leave?”

“I agree with Alex, who is this guy?”

“I am broken NPC, at your service.”

“Well you can leave whenever.”

“Nope, I like it here.”

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Through the magic of sparedom, soon it was time for Anime to have her turn at spinning and twirling.

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“Yes! Only one baby!”

Welcome to the family, Guld Alioto. Guld is named after Guld Goa Bowman from Macross Plus, aka the anime that got me into anime. It seemed fitting.

But I think we’ve spent enough time at this house, it is time to check up on our Main house and heiress…

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“I hope Corbin likes how I look, like the woman of his dreams.”

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“Corbin? Would you mind coming to stay? There’s something really important that I would like to ask you.”

“Sure, I’ll be there in the morning. Is that fine?”

“I guess. I just miss you.”

“I’ll be there before you know it.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too, Fantasy. Now I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Morning won’t come soon enough.”

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To distract herself from counting the minutes until Corbin got there, Fantasy busied herself caring for the family gardens.

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“I don’t suppose I should tell her that Corbin’s flight got delayed? Nah! Where’s the fun in that? Let her worry.”

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“Where is he? He was supposed to be here by now. And I have to go to work. Oh, I hope I don’t miss him! Or maybe he came by when I was sleeping. Well one thing’s for certain, I am not going to be sleeping tonight!”

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Fantasy went to work and returned with a promotion. After that she was as good as her word and refused to get any sleep, keeping herself entertained by fishing.

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Sadly, she wasn’t very good at it.

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“I can’t sleep, I might miss him.”

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“Fantasy, you’ve got to pull yourself together.”


“I get that you’re a Family sim and that you’ve got all of these urges. But you need to tone it down. You don’t want to scare the poor guy.”


“I know you love him. But this desperation isn’t attractive. A man likes a woman with fire and mystery, not clinging transparency.”

“But Daddy, how would you know any of this? You never got married.”

“And there is a damn good reason for that!”

“I see. Thanks, Daddy.”

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“Fantasy. You look lovely.”

“Thank you, Corbin. I wanted it to be a surprise.”

“It is.”

“Great, there’s something I’d like to show you?”


“Not here though.”


“In the backyard.”

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“Corbin, my love, would you do me the honor of being my husband.”

“Oh my, I wasn’t expecting.”


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“Of course I will marry you, you’ve always been the woman for me.”

“You don’t know how much this means to me.”

“It means the same to me.”

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“Oh Corbin, now that I have you, I am never letting go.”

“Oooof! Breathing…necessary.”


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“So he went for it?”

“Yep! You see the ring! It’s shiny!”

“Great. I was thinking, how about having the wedding right now. I’d like to see that the next generation is getting on well before I pop off.”

“I think that’s a fantastic idea. You call the guests and I’ll get changed.”

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“Mmmmm! My fiance is hot in his wedding finery.”

“My bride-to-be isn’t so bad herself.”

“Thank you. Now shall we?”


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So Corbin Iforgothislastname married Fantasy Bored with pretty much no one watching.

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Not that it bothered the newlyweds in the slightest.

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There was cake.

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And discussions about how the bride didn’t want to bother with the honeymoon.

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She had far more important things on her mind.

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Much, much more important things.

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Much, much, much more important things.

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“Can’t you two get a room? I have not woohooed and your public displays of affection are scarring my virgin mind.”

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“But Daddy, don’t you want a grandchild?”

“Not enough to see it conceived. This is why I went for aliens. Woohoo is just so… Words fail me. I am going to go someplace else now.”

“Have fun, Daddy. Corbin and I have more woohoo to do.”

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“Now, this is much more like it. Just a man and his guitar. What else do I need?”

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Since the interior of his house was no longer safe for his virgin eyes, I.M. had to find other things to do. And in doing so finally managed to max the gaming hobby which is required for the Fearless handicap. It’s about bloody time.

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“Heya, kiddo, is that a big giant bunch of aspiration points I see?”

“Yeah, I’m a media magnate. But it’s not what I really want.”

“Could have fooled me. Is it safe to go back into the house now? I’d really like to take a nap.”

“Yeah. Corbin and I won’t bother you. We have other things to do.”

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“Anime, I know you’re married now but stay away from my husband or I’ll have to do something drastic.”

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Since Fantasy is finally pregnant, Corbin gets the unenviable job of fixing all of the electronics. He’s just not all that important anymore. He’s also fairly boring, his lifetime want is to max seven skills. Something that I just did with my founder.

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Meanwhile, since Fantasy has a gold Gardening badge, max skills and I find her terribly boring, she gets sent out to fish. I am semi-doing this for points. And it is something to do to pass the time.

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Meanwhile, I remembered that I have a wishing well and that I can use it for other things. So Corbin gets to make some friends with the downtownies.

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While Fantasy catches another fish to add to our collection. I’m not terribly sure why the bridge leading to the mausoleum is her preferred fishing spot. But since I don’t have to worry about ghosts yet, I don’t care all that much.

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“It was so amazing, Daddy. Proposing to Corbin was the best thing ever and he said ‘yes’ did you know that?”

“Kiddo, I was there.”

“You were?”

“Yep. I think this pregnancy has made you senile.”

“I’m pregnant?”

“Oh boy…”

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“I’m pregnant. Yay! Where’s a bed, I need to lie down.”

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Since I didn’t really feel like waiting around forever to have Corbin get permaplat, he got introduced to the family juicers, Groucho and Harpo. Zeppo is also there but he’s off screen. Not like it matters, no one remembers Zeppo anyway.

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“Mmmm eggplants taste like learning.”

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Should I mention that Corbin rolled Family as his secondary aspiration? He did. Sigh. More I’m home Family sim singing. Shoot me now.

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And apparently drinking Eggplants is the way to go. Corbin was rewarded for his arduous journey with a visit from the gypsy. And if anyone can tell me now to make the roofs show up while not losing the furniture I would love it. The house isn’t really abandoned.

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The heiress is just out back, fishing her way through her pregnancy.

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And the founder is tormenting random townies and reminding everyone that he is an evil warlock.

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“That’s it! I’m swearing off of the juice. I’m starting to see things. I’m going to skill the old fashioned way.”

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“Having fun, darling?”

“This is amazing! Did you know that Ninevah was the capital of Assyria?”


“Oh. Right. I forgot I married a wife who knows everything.”

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“However I now know everything too. It’s amazing just how much you can learn while you are dancing.”

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At that exact same moment…

“Ow! Why did the baby have to come now! Daddy! Corbin!”

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“I heard my little girl screaming. Move robe-boy!”

“She’s my wife!”

“But she’s my baby first.”

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“Would you two stop arguing and get your asses in here!”

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“We’re here, sweetie! What can I do to help?”

“Fix the baby’s head, will you?”

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“I’m here too, kiddo. Your husband wouldn’t move fast enough. What’d I miss?”

“Nothing important. Just your granddaughter’s birth.”

“What’s her name?”

“Neon Genesis Evangelion. Eva for short.”

“Why would you ever saddle a kid with a name like that?”

“Because I love her. Can’t you just be happy for me without all of the criticism?”

“Not really.”


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“Woo!!! I’ve got a granddaughter. And you’d better not be heartfarting her, Corbin, you sick fuck. Or I’ll have your entrails strung up on the shrubs to feed the wolves.”

“What did I do to deserve this? I just wanted to get married and have a nice quiet family. I didn’t ask to be heiress.”

“Can I kill your husband, now?”

“No. I’ve got a big giant fear of that right now.”


“Why don’t you make yourself useful?”

“What do you suggest?”

“Go away.”

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Since Fantasy didn’t need his help taking care of her new baby, yes singular. I.M. got to finally make a wish on the well. If either Anime or Bones had been heiress he would have done this sooner.

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And his welldrop is Chris Bachman. She would have been married in to help raise Bones or Anime’s kid in lieu of a spouse. Gotta love the loopholes.

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“What is she doing here?”

“I wanted to see what woohoo was like.”

“Not in my house, mister.”

“Hey! I can tell when I am not wanted. I am going home.”

“Fantasy we’re going to have to have a little talk about your attitude one of these days.”

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“Oh dear. I’ve gained too much baby weight. I hope Corbin doesn’t mind that I’ve lost my girlish figure. But working in a kitchen all day, I’ve got to taste what I am cooking.”

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And Fantasy goes permaplat off of her LTW to be a Celebrity Chef.

“I now want to be a hall of famer.”

Maybe later. Now you have a party to attend and trash to pick up that was knocked over courtesy of Chris Bachman.

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“Yay! My little girl is growing up! Aren’t you jealous sisters?”

“Not really, Fantasy. We can have cheats and more kids if we want, you’re limited to Eva here.”

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Eva is an adorable little girl who has her daddy’s nose.

She’s a Virgo with stats of 8/3/7/3/6. We have nice points. Be impressed. She has more by herself than the last two generations put together.

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“What do you mean that I can’t flirt with you?”

“I’m a married man now with a daughter who is right here.”

“But that didn’t stop you before.”

“It stops me now.” “But…”

“Just go home.”

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Potential drama averted, it was now time to start the toddler training. Fantasy, naturally, was one of the primary trainers. But she still had work.

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So I.M. retired in order to spend more time with his family.

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Even Bones lent a hand. I swear this girl never leaves.

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“What are you doing?”

“I’m working on my second lifetime want.”

“Not that. Why are you punching me in the gut?”

“You’re not using it.”

“You are never sleeping in my bed again.”

“I’m sorry.”


“I’m really sorry.”

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“It’s not easy being green…”

“Not easy gree…”

“Close enough.”

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“It isn’t easy, Eva. You’re going to have the weight of the whole family on your shoulders and I won’t be around to see it. You’ve got to trust in yourself. Don’t let your mother run your life for you. And whatever you do, don’t forget to weed the garden. Now, if you’ll excuse me I’ve got a fire to set.”

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“Mmmm toasty goodness. I love being evil.”

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Fantasy immersed herself in domesticity.

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While Corbin worked on getting his second Lifetime want.

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And Once he’d found the joy of love, I.M. decided he wanted to try it again.

“This could be awkward.”

“I won’t tell if you won’t.”

“Who am I gonna tell? You want to go on a date with a lonely old man.”

“Of course I do.”

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“Oh I.M!”


“You’re dying!”

“I am?”

“And we didn’t get to woohoo in a hot tub.”

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“Hey, Thanatos do you think you could wait five, no make that ten minutes. I’d like to not die a virgin.”

“Death waits for no man.”

“Way to ruin a date.”

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“I apologize but I have a schedule to keep. If it’s any consolation, I haven’t gotten any either.”

“And this is supposed to make me feel better? Do you suck as a therapist.”

“My job is to take souls, not comfort them.”

“Well then get to taking.”

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“I.M. Bored. Your time has come. The afterlife awaits.”

“This was the worst date I’ve ever had!”

“How do I think I feel. You’re not the one dying here.”

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Farewell, I.M. You were a fun founder and you did a great job raising 3 alien triplets as a single parent. I wish your nose had carried on, but your awesomeness will live on.

Yes, we have our mausoleum set up for future generations.

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But first we have to focus on the current one.

Eva took her grandfather’s death surprisingly well.

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“This isn’t for me? Is it? I’m not ready to get old!”

No, Fantasy, it isn’t. And stop breaking the 4th wall. I am trying not to do that in this story.


It’s for your daughter and stop trying to upstage her.

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Corbin was a good daddy and brought her to the cake.

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“Yay! I’m big now. Now I can do the one thing I really want to!”

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“Gramma! Come down and say hi! I miss Grampa.”

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“But I just wanted to pet you, Mr. Wolf.”


“I promise to be nice.”


“Fine! If you’re gonna be this way. I’m gonna have to do something about it!”

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And I think that is enough. I like to leave people with a “Meh” feeling. Besides I’ve clocked in a little over 100 slides.

Now I get to play this again. Since I am still kind of blocked on my OWBC.

Until next time. Happy simming!