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sous un nouveau titre, pou:c documenter plus efficacement la devise „toujours et partout". En plus, 1a revue sera dorenavant publiee en trois langues ·et, par consequen<t, red·igee par un comite editorial ·de composition internationale. Il est a esperer qu'il sera possible d'o:b-ser-ver des intervalles reguliers pour la publication des cahiers. Le numero 21/ 22, etant exclusivement reserve au reportage du Ille Congres Autrichien de Mathematiciens., paraitra plus tard et encore sous la forme ancienne.

Par la transformation du „Nachrichten", la Societe Mathematique d'Autriche espere a•voir progresse dans l·e sens ·de la ·devise mentionnee ci-dessus. Les mathematiciens ·d' Autriche font appel a four coMegues dans tout le monde ae collabC>rer avec eux, en tendant 1a mam a chaque am1, ·dans le but de realiser la devise:

„Toujours et partout"! R. lnzinger


With tbe unanimous acceptance of the voting memher nations Sw e den, as of 1 September, 19'52 hecame a regular memher .of the International Mathe· matical Union, adhering in Group 1 of the Union. The adhering organization for Sweden's memhers'hip in the IMU is the Royal Swedish Academy (Mathe-matical Section), Stockholm, Sweden. The memhers of the Swedish National Committee for Mathematics are: Arne iB e u r 1 in g (Chairman), Fritz C a r 1 so n, Otto lf r o s t m a n, Lars G a r d i n g, Tryggve N a g ·e 11, Ake P 1 e i j e 1 (Secre· tary), Marcel Ries ·z, and Anders Wim an.

In a meeting of Octoher lst, 19521 of the General Assembly of lCSU the International Mathematical Union was accepted as a General Union Memher, with three votes, of the International Council of Scientific Unions.

E. Bompiani, Secretary of the IMU.

LIST OF MEMBERS Sept. 1, 1952

(T·he memher·ship of the National Committees for Mathematics od' some countries is not completely determined).

Ab brevations in the list: NAO = National Ad'hedng Organization NCM = National Committee for Mathematics

ARGENTlNIA (IGroup 1) NAO: Union Argentina; Casilla ·de Correo 3538, Buenos Aires NCM: A. G. Dominguez (President), R. Carranza (Prosecretary).

AUSTRAUA (Grornp l) NAO: Australian National Research Council; c/o Prof. J. S. Rogeris, University

of .Melhourne, Carlton N. 3, Victoria. NCM: K. E. Bullen, T. H. Che.rry (Convener ·and Secretary), J. ·C. Jäger, E. ]. G.

Pitman, T. G. Room.


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AUSTRIA (Group 1) NAO: Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft; Technische Hochschule, Karls- ·

platz 13, Wien IV. NGM: R. lnzinger, W. Wunderlich, ]. Rad01n, P. Funk, N. Hofreiter.

BELGIUM (Group lll) NAÖ: Academie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de la Bel-

gique; P·alais des Acai!emies, Bruxelles. NCM: L. Godeaux, F'. Bureau, F. Simonart , Ch. ]. de la Vallee Poussm, T .

Lepage, T. de Donder, C. de ]ans, F. van den Dungen, C. Lurquin. CANADA (Group II)

NAO: Canadian Mathernaiical Congress; Societe Mathernatique du Canada; c}o Prof. A. Pouliot-Laval, University, Quebec.

NCM: A. Pouliot (Pl'.'esident) , W. H. Gage (Vice•President) , G. de Robinson (Vice-President) , A. Gauthier (French speaking .Secretary), R. E. O'Connor (IEnglish speaking Secretary), W. L. G. Williams (, ]. D. Adshead, S. Beatty, G. Bertrnnd, H. S. M. Coxeter, R. L. ]effery, R. E. K. Rourke.

CUBA (Group 1) NAO: Sociedad . Cubana de Cienc.ias Fisicas y Matematicas; Edificio Poey Uni-

versid-ad .de la Hahana. NCM: M. 0. Gonzales, R . Fiterre, L. Gutien-ez.

DENMARK (·Group .U) NAO: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabemes Selskab; Dantes plads 35, K~ben­

havn V. NCM: A. F. Andersen, Fr. Fabrioius-B.ierre, W. _Fenchel, D. H. Fog, A. Hald,

B. Jessen, ]. Nielsen (Secretary), N. E. Nf)rlund (Chairman), R. Peter-sen, W. Simonsen, ]. F. Steffensen.

FINLAND (Group I) NAO: Sournalainen Tiedeakatemia ( Academia Scientiarum Fennica); Snellmanin-

katu 9-11, He1'sinki. NCM: P. ] . Myrberg (Chairman), R. Nevanlinna, E. ]. Nyström.

FRANCiE: (Group .IV) NAO: Academie des Sciences de Paris; 23„ Quai Conti, Paris VIe. Centre Na-

tional de la Recherche Scientifique; 13, Quai Anatole France, Paris Vlle. Societe Mathematique de France; 11, Rue .Piene Curie, Paris Ve.

NCM: E. Borel (President), H. Cartan, P. Montel, G. Valiron.

·GERMANY (Group IV) NAO: Deutsche Mathemati.ker-Vereinigung; Mathemaüsches Institut, Universität

Tübingen. NCM: L. Collatz, E. Kamke, K. Knopp, H. L. Schmid.

GREAT BRITAIN (Group V) NAO: The Royal Society; Burnlington House, London W. 1. NCM: T. A. A. Broadbent, Mi,;s M. L. Cartwright, E. T. Copson, T. G. Cowling,

H. Davenport, W. V. D. Hodge, E. H. Neville, M. N. A . Newrnan, A. C. Offord, R. A. Rankin, R. P. Gillespie.

GREEOE (•Group ·l) NAO: Academie d' Athenes; Athens .. NCM: Ph. Vassiliou (.Secretary), N. Sakellar.i.ou, C. Papaioannou, M. Bricas,

N. Kritikos, B. Eginitis.


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IT AL Y (·Group IV) NAO: Unione Matematica ltaliana; Istituto Matematico dell' Universita di

Bologna. . NCM: E. Bompiani, 0. Chisini, G. Colormetti, M. Picone, G. Srmsone, B. Segre,

F. Severi, A. Terracini, E. Togliatti, A. Tonolo, M. Villa. JA.PAN (•Group IV)

NAO: Science Council of Japan; Ueno Park, Tokyo. NCM: S. lymzaga (Chairman) , Z. Suetsuna, K. Kunugi, K . Shoda, M: Fukuhara.

NETHERLAND (Group II) NAJO: Wiskundig Genootschap voor Nederland; Herengrncht 475, Amsterdam C. NCM: 0. Bottema, H. Brmnekamp, ]. G. vaJt der Corput, D. van Dantzig, ].






Droste, ] . Haantjes, H. D. Kloosterman (Sec1'etary), ]. F. Koksma, P. ] . van Rooijen, ]. A . Schouten, H. Freudenthal, ] . C. H. Gerretsen.

NORWAY (Group I) Det N0irske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo; Drarnmensveje 7'8, Oslo. V. Brnn, ]. E. Fjeldstad, I. ]ohansson, Th. Sk.olem, R. T . Lyche, H. Solberg.

PAKISTAN (Group II) Physico·Mathenwtical Society of Pakistan; c/ o Prof. M. R. Siddiqi, Uni-versity .of Peshawar, P eshawar. M. R. Siddiqi (Director of Researd1), A. L. Shaikh, A. Salam (Covern- . rnent), S. M. A. Haque, M. Zianddi!i (Chairman) , Q. M. Husain (Chairman).

RERU (·Group Il Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales de Lima; Apartado 19-79, Lima. G. Garcia, ] . N. Portocarrero, A. Echegaray, C. de Losoda y Puga, ]. To"la Pasquel, }. Levy.

SPAIN (rGroup II) NAO: Superior de lnvestigaciones Cienti/icas; Instituto ,Jorge Juan",

Calle de Serrano 123, Madrid. Sociedad Matematica Espanola; Duque de MedinaceHi 4, Marlrid.

NCM: SWiED'EN (Group Il

NAO: Royal Swedish Academy (Mathematical Section); c/o Prof. A. Pleijel, Tekniska Hö,gskolan, Stockholm.

N"CM: A. Beurling (Chairman), F. Carlscm, 0. Frostman, L. Garding, T. Nagell , A. Pleijel (Secretary), A. Riesz, A. Wiman.

SWITZERLAND (Group II) NAO: Schweizerische Natnr/orschende Gesellschaft; c/ o Prof. A . von Muralt,

Bültlplatz 5, Bern. NCM: F. Fiala fPresident), ]. ] . Burckhardt, G. de Rham, W. Saxer, E. Siiefel.

UNI'DED STATiES OF AMERICA (Group V) NAO: National Academy oJ Sciences; National Research Council; 2101 Consti·

tution Avenue, Washington 2-5, D. C. l'\CM: M. Stone {Chairman), M. Morse, ]. R. K!:line, E. Rille, R. E. Langev-, ]. von

Neumann, S. MacDane, ]. B. Ro.<ser, S. S. Wilks . YUGOSLA VIA ( Group II)

NAO: Conseil des Academies de la Republique Federative Populaire de Yougo· slavie; 51, Proletarskih Brigada, Beograd.

NCM: A. Bilimovitch, D. Kurepa, ]. Plemelj, l. Vidav, D. Blanu5a, R. Ka5anin (Recteur), }. Karamata, Z. MarkoviC, T. PeioviC, A. Vakselj.

