Page 1: I~ll,----- · Tanning Beds Linked To Skin Cancer-----1 . Based on a meta-analysis, ever-use of tanning devices was positively associated with melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma


Indoor Tanning Beds:

A Serious Threat to NC

Children and Youth

ualg N. B'lolfIchan, MfJ

PO)' P"esldc-nf, NC o..mKUO~OQ1 AUOC'iolkll1

AMhtQnr Proft't$Qf of Pe<liotrh: OermClfClk)gy Un/yen of North Caronna, OKlpeJ Htli

David W. 011110. MD

PtofcJOI of SUIQ4t(y Co.Olrccklr. UNC Ianomc Progrom Co·OI,c(1Or'.lfNC 8rt.<llt Progrmrl UniveJdty of NoI1h COlolillO. Chopo' HIll


Tanning Beds: Dangerous and Unnecessary

I-II -·--------1

There is NO debate in the scientific community:

tanning beds are linked to skin cancer.

The science is clear: there are NO health benefits

from tanning beds that cannot be obtained more

safely and WITHOUT the risk of skin cancer.

There are safe alternatives to tanning beds that

many tanning bed operators are already offering.

NorltJ Carolino Dermatology A.uocla~jon


Page 2: I~ll,----- · Tanning Beds Linked To Skin Cancer-----1 . Based on a meta-analysis, ever-use of tanning devices was positively associated with melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma


Protecting Children ~,.---------------------------I ~ -

The NC Dermatology Association, NC Pediatric

Society, the NC Medical Society, the American

Cancer Society, among others, request that the


Continue to support state legislation banning minors

under 18 from indoor tanning facilities in North


Include a ban on tanning facilities for minors in the Task

Force's 2012 recommendations to the General


NorTh Corolll'lO Dermatology A.:nodation

The Me anoma pidemic 1-'fL--------------------------1

UV radiation in tanning booths can be up to 15

times greater than the sun.

Every visit to a tanning bed increases the odds of

developing melanoma.

One person dies of melanoma in the U.S. every hour.

Melanoma incidence is rising at alarming rates.

NOrTh CaroHna Oermarology .,,\X/atrOll


Page 3: I~ll,----- · Tanning Beds Linked To Skin Cancer-----1 . Based on a meta-analysis, ever-use of tanning devices was positively associated with melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma


The Me anoma Epidemic

Melanoma ranks second among all cancers in years

of productive life lost.

Melanoma is the most common form of cancer for

young adults 25-29 years old and the second most common form of cancer for adolescents and young

adults 15-29 years old.

Melanoma is increasing faster in females 15-29

years old than males in the same age group.

Norf'h Corollne Dermatology AI!odatfon

The Science is Clear: Tanning Beds Linked To Skin Cancer--------1 Based on a meta-analysis, ever-use of tanning devices was positively associated with melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

IARC. International Journal of Cancer, 2006 March 1; 120, I 116-1122.

Even minimal exposure to UV radiation from tanning beds before the age of 35 can increase the risk of developing melanoma by 75 percent.

fARC. International Journal of Cancer, 2006 March 1; 120,1116-1122.

Ever-indoor lanning was associated with a 69 percent increased risk of early onset basal cell carcinoma (BCC). BCe risk was higher in those who begin tanning al earlier ages (less than 16).

Ferruci lM, Cartmel S, Molinaro AM, leHell OJ, Bale AE, Mayne ST.

Indoor tanning and risk of early-onset ba~al cell carcinoma.

J Amer Acad Dermorol Doi: 10.10 16/j.jaad.2011.11.940.

Published online December 8, 2011.

North Caroline Dermatology uocJolron


Page 4: I~ll,----- · Tanning Beds Linked To Skin Cancer-----1 . Based on a meta-analysis, ever-use of tanning devices was positively associated with melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma


The Science is Clear: Tanning Beds Linked To Melanoma

IL ~--------I

A person who has used tanning devices for more than 50 hours, 100 sessions, or 10 or more years is 2.5 to 3 times more likely to develop melanoma than a person who has never tanned indoors.

l~ • vOOfI' iI, i!I '" w..~ MA. AndIk1Ol'l "t. WOTII'W;;W (J_\. Indoor I!C:llWll"Q ond ,. of ~I(:IrOIt(I 0 tmiI.(:IOnb'ol wtvdl ., cr""gN)' , ... oated~

Ccrqr@tHlltI<wPr_ 2010;10.I,:sp-06.

In a controlled study, 76 percent of melanomas in 18-29 year olds were a"ributable to ever-use (even one session) of an indoor tanning device.

CUS! AE, Arm<trong BK, Goumas C, Jenkins MA, Schmid H, Hopper JL, et al.

Sunbed use during adolescence and early adulthood is associated with

increased risk of early·onset melanoma.

Int J Cancer Doi, 10.1 002/ijc.25576. Published online July 28, 2010.

No"" Corollna Dermatology "'uoclatlon

Teen Use of ndoor Tanning Devices I·------------~--------~~----~-----I 1­




14 Year Olds

15 15 Year Olds

16 Year Olds

10 I 17 Year Olds


o Percentage of Age Group Using Indoor Tanning Devices


Page 5: I~ll,----- · Tanning Beds Linked To Skin Cancer-----1 . Based on a meta-analysis, ever-use of tanning devices was positively associated with melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma


Vitamin 0 and Tanning Beds: The Pseudocontrovers


Vitamin D levels can be maintained with Vitamin D

supplements, which are widely available, and cost

less than $20 per year.

Supplements do not cause damage to the skin and

are more reliable in their effect of raising Vitamin

D level in the blood.

There is NO evidence that Vitamin D deficiency

plays any role in causing cancer.

Nor h Corolino OemlQtology Association

Impact on Healthcare Cost


The estimated total direct cost associated with

the treatment of melanoma in 2010 was:

$2.36 bil ion

"The em' of Concef"... Natfonol Ccmcc:, It'tiltM. 01 me NOlionol InUiMes 0' Hea~ 20 II


NQrt~ Corclinc Dermatology .A..uocrQII~'


Page 6: I~ll,----- · Tanning Beds Linked To Skin Cancer-----1 . Based on a meta-analysis, ever-use of tanning devices was positively associated with melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma


Protecting C ildren & Youth in C l~r ~ ~~ 1

North Carolina laws currently protect children's

health by restricting their access to:



Chewing tobacco

Some over the counter medications such as pseudoephedrine

Protecting children from tanning beds will save lives

and millions of dollars in avoidable health care costs

North Corollna Dermatology Ai1OCiollon