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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


Each  module  builds  upon  the  knowledge,  skills,  and  techniques  learned  in  the  prior  modules,  so  by  the  end  of  the  course,  you  will  have  a  complete  understanding  of  this  course  content.  


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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


Review  these  learning  objec-ves  carefully.      

The  learning  content  contained  within  this  module  is  based  on  these  learning  objec-ves.  


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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

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These  are  the  main  topics  that  will  be  covered  in  this  module.  

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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


See  the  appendix  for  more  informa-on  on  the  360˚  Project  Management  Competency  Assessment  plus  a  summary  of  the  US  government’s  model  for  leadership  competencies.  Within  that  model,  they  define  “interpersonal  skills”  as  the  ability  to  “consider  and  respond  appropriately  to  the  needs,  feelings,  and  capabili-es  of  different  people  in  different  situa-ons;  is  tac\ul,  compassionate,  and  sensi-ve,  and  treats  others  with  respect.”    This  defini-on  is  a  large  part  of  what  we  have  in  mind  when  we  refer  to  “stakeholder  rela-onship  skills,”  the  purpose  of  this  course.    In  our  terminology,  we  consider  stakeholder  management  as  either  a  “leadership  skill”  (as  in  our  PM  Competencies  Module)  and/or  an  “interpersonal  skills”,  as  in  the  PMBOK®  Guide  (see  subsequent  slide  for  project-­‐related  skills  from  the  most  current  version  of  this  standard).    These  types  of  skills  are  oeen  categorized  under  the  broader  spectrum  of  what  is  some-mes  termed  in  the  industry  as  “soe  skills”.    We  are  moving  away  from  the  reference  to  these  skills  as  being  “soe”  in  any  manner  of  the  word.    This  course  is  one  of  a  growing  number  of  courses  in  IIL’s  Interpersonal  Skills  curriculum  (see  subsequent  slide  for  IIL’s  Interpersonal  Skills    

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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


Project  management  exper-se  and  knowledge  overlaps  with  other  business  management  disciplines  as  depicted  in  the  diagram  above.  

Interpersonal  skills  affect  all  aspects  of  stakeholder  interac-on  and  project  success.    This  claim  has  been  recognized  in  the  latest  update  to  the  Project  Management  Ins-tute’s  (PMI’s),  PMBOK®  Guide  –  Fieh  Edi-on  by  the  addi-on  of  Interpersonal  Skills  in:  

•  Sec-on  9  –  Project  Human  Resource  Management  

•  Sec-on  13  –  Project  Stakeholder  Management  

•  Appendix  X3  –  Interpersonal  Skills    

Therefore,  IIL  has  used  the  needs  and  interests  of  its  clients,  plus  the  exper-se  of  its  instructors  and  consultants  to  establish  a  set  of  boundaries  and  an  associated  curriculum  to  cover  the  intersec-on  of  Interpersonal  Skills  with  the  needs  of  Project  Managers  and  other  major  Project  Stakeholders.    (See  next  slide).  

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©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


IIL  recognizes  the  importance  of  all  of  the  following  Interpersonal  Skills  (IPS)  areas:  

•  Communica$on  –  showcased  in  the  intermediate-­‐level  course,  with  introductory  material  in  both  founda-on  courses,  some  addi-onal  depth  of  treatment  represented  in  both  advanced  courses,  plus  opportuni-es  for  applying  the  theory  in  both  simula-ons.    (Note  that  the  Effec-ve  Presenta-ons  course  is  a  rigorous  treatment  of  this  cri-cal  skill,  but  posi-oned  at  the  Founda-on  level,  since  there  would  be  no  prerequisites  and  its  lessons  are  enablers  for  the  mastery  of  all  Intermediate  and  Advanced  skills.)  

•  Conflict  Resolu$on  –  showcased  in  the  intermediate-­‐level  course,  with  introductory  material  in  the  Intro  to  IPS  course,  some  addi-onal  depth  of  treatment  represented  in  both  advanced  courses,  plus  opportuni-es  for  applying  the  theory  in  both  simula-ons.  

•  Nego$a$on  –  showcased  in  the  intermediate-­‐level  course,  plus  some  synergy  with  Conflict  Resolu-on,  and  opportuni-es  for  applying  the  theory  in  both  simula-ons.  

•  Stakeholder  Rela$onships  –  showcased  in  this  course,  with  introductory  material  in  the  Intro  to  IPS  course,  some  addi-onal  depth  of  treatment  represented  in  both  advanced  courses,  plus  opportuni-es  for  applying  the  theory  in  both  simula-ons.  

•  Enabling  Change  –  showcased  in  the  intermediate-­‐level  course,  with  introductory  material  in  the  Intro  to  IPS  course,  some  addi-onal  depth  of  treatment  represented  in  both  advanced  courses.  



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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


In  the  classroom,  record  your  results  on  a  flip  chart.      

Use  the  whiteboard  feature  in  the  Centra  environment.  

Be  prepared  to  share  your  results  with  the  class.  

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©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


A  project  stakeholder  may  also  exert  influence  over  the  project  and  its  deliverables.  


While  in  some  ways  “stakeholder  management”  may  have  been  an  adequate  choice  for  labeling  the  skills  targeted  in  this  course,  we  deliberately  chose  stakeholder  rela-onships  skills,  because  of  the  significant  impacts  of  the  inevitable  emo-onal  side  of  the  connec-ons  among  project  stakeholders.    Those  impacts  are  what  make  this  segment  of  Interpersonal  Skills  incredibly  complex  and  subsequently,  difficult  to  master.  


Let’s  consider  next  the  task  of  iden-fying  stakeholders  in  a  project  situa-on.  

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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


Stakeholders’  par-cipa-on  in  projects  covers  a  wide  range  of  possibili-es,  including  “varying  levels  of  responsibility  and  authority,”  which  can  vary  over  -me  in  the  project  and  across  types  of  involvement.  

-­‐  PMBOK®  Guide  –  Fieh  Edi-on,  p.  31  


Stakeholder  iden-fica-on  is  a  con-nuous  process  throughout  the  en-re  project  life  cycle.  Iden-fying  stakeholders,  understanding  their  rela-ve  degree  of  influence  on  a  project,  and  balancing  their  demands,  needs,  and  expecta-ons  are  cri-cal  to  the  success  of  the  project.  Failure  to  do  so  can  lead  to  delays,  cost  increases,  unexpected  issues,  and  other  nega-ve  consequences  including  project  cancella-on.  An  example  is  late  recogni-on  that  the  legal  department  is  a  significant  stakeholder,  which  results  in  delays  and  increased  expenses  due  to  legal  requirements  that  are  required  to  be  met  before  the  project  can  be  completed  or  the  product  scope  is  delivered.”  

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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


Other  stakeholders  can  be  found  across  many  different  categories  including:  

•   Project  managers  

•   Project  team  

•   Por\olio  managers  

•   Program  managers  

•   Project  management  office  

•  Opera-ons  management  

•  Contractors  •  Owners  and  investors  

•  Team  members  families  •  Government  agencies  and  media  

outlets  •  Individual  ci-zens  

•  Temporary  or  permanent  lobbying  organiza-ons  

•  Standards  and/or  regulatory  bodies  

•  Society  at  large    



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©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


Follow  the  instructor’s  direc-ons  and  use  the  recommended  materials  to  complete  the  tasks.    

Consider  sharing  your  results  as  the  instructor  asks  for  volunteers  during  the  debrief.    


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©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


These  symptoms  are  signals  that  the  team  has  not  emerged  from  the  storming  stage.    These  ini-al  symptoms  can  lead  to  more  serious  symptoms  that  affect  your  project  rela-onships  and  your  project  performance.  

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©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

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©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


Sec-on  13  of  the  PMBOK®  Guide  –  Fieh  Edi-on  provides  addi-onal  clarifica-on  and  suggests  the  following  models  for  stakeholder  analysis:  

•   “Power  /  interest…  

•   Power  /  influence…  

•   Influence  /  impact…  

•   Salience…power  /  urgency  /  legi-macy…”  

PMBOK®  Guide  –  Fieh  Edi-on,  p.  396  


However,  these  discrete  models,  in  many  cases,  fall  short  of  providing  the  depth  and  interac-ve  analysis  needed  on  today’s  projects.    For  the  purpose  of  the  balance  of  this  course,  we  will  strive  to  fill  in  the  gaps  between  the  tradi-onal  approaches  and  what  addi-onal  techniques  we  perceive  as  necessary  to  cope  with  today’s  more  complex  reality.  But  first,  let’s  discover  what  opportuni-es  you  may  have  already  encountered  in  going  beyond  the  tradi-onal  approaches.  

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©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

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©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


In  the  next  module,  we  will  define  these  stakeholder  categories  (outer  ring)  and  their  rela-onships  to  the  PLC  phases  (inner  ring)  and  a  set  of  rela-onship-­‐based  skill  families  (central  core).    But  since  it  will  take  the  whole  module  to  get  there,  we  wanted  to  provide  a  brief  preview  of  it  here  –  just  so  that  you  know  where  we  are  headed.  

One  of  the  best  ways  to  think  of  this  model  is  from  the  core  out.  Let’s  keep  the  four  families  of  rela-onship  skills  “anchored”  while  we  look  out  through  the  PLC  layer,  which  can  be  “spun”  to  align  with  the  current  PLC  phase.  In  turn,  the  outer  circle  can  also  be  “spun”  so  that  each  family  of  skills  in  some  way  supports  every  combina-on  of  Stakeholder  category/PLC  phase.    However,  if  we  tried  to  cover  all  that  territory,  we  would  need  a  two-­‐week  workshop.  So,  in  our  model,  we  have  posi-oned  each  family  of  rela-onship  skills  opposite  the  major  categories  for  which  that  family  provides  the  most  effec-ve  solu-ons.    

In  some  cases,  there  is  also  a  primary  PLC  phase,  e.g.,  we  see  the  Advocacy  family  of  skills  having  the  most  impact  with  Governing  Bodies,  especially  in  the  early  stages  or  Concept  phase.  That  does  not  mean  that  the  skills  that  we  describe  as  being  in  the  Advocacy  family  will  not  be  needed  for  other  combina-ons  of  stakeholder  category/PLC  phase,  but  that  the  par-cular  combina-on  we  have  iden-fied  will  be  used  to  demonstrate  the  skill,  in  what  we  think  is  the  most  effec-ve  scenario  for  prac-ce  and  successful  knowledge  transfer.  


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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


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Par$cipant’s  Notes:  

©2016  Interna-onal  Ins-tute  for  Learning,  Inc.  IIL-­‐SRS  

Stakeholder  Rela-onship  Skills  for  Project  Managers   Module  1:  Founda-on  Concepts  


Do  you  have  any  ques-ons  related  to  any  of  the  topics  covered  in  this  module?  


What  key  concepts  and  ideas  were  the  most  valuable  for  you?    Which  do  you  think  you  can  implement  within  your  organiza-on?      
