  • Cii.

    Bankers Life Insurance Co., OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK


    (1 HI 1869, un > IK :I '- I tli N i(

    wmm I. IV1.MUJI .1 JVI i|fip* HI Jill UllllimJUM Hint*"- *

    Organized ol New York. A \l i ar (_ Mi LJU')CI ni|> my.

    (1.- $100,000.00 in U. s. Gruverrraent U.mds posited with the NOW irk liisinuce

    Depart ihc;t.

    RICHARD MORUAV, President.

    CllAS. II. FAXCHAR. 1st Vice-Pres. Wu. SHKRKR, 2d Viee-Pre*.

    0UA8. s. QAUBBHT, So'.v. .IAMKS 1>I:XMSON. Trees.

    Home Office, 31 Nassau fct., New York City. CIAS. T. LEVINESS. 58 Sojt.h S?.- Balt;m::e. Ird..

    Manner (.,- Md.. North and South Carolina


    ill following IS Hit' MBCUlllUBl .iii ar nil- ii of tin state coastitu tion, adopted by the General An- -.Mil* \ HI L8M, and to It submit ted I.I the voters for mtiflretion uexl august:

    Seition l- That article VI of tlM ;I-I ituliou of North Carolina be

    wd the aaaie is hereby abrogated and in lieu thereof shall lie atibsti- luleil the following article of said lonatitutlou:



    office: First, all persons who shall deny the being of Almighty Cod Second, jill persons win shall have baea oonrietocl or confessed iloir guilt in indictment pending, and whether mntonMd w not, nndei judgiuuit suspended, olany tinaann [or fe o iy. or any other eriiue for whic i he [iiinislinienl may 1H' ii.i- priso-.i lent in the penitentiary, since becoming citizens of the

    i 1'nited S'ales, or corruption anil | malpractice in office, unless such 1 person shall lie restored to the .right! of citizenship iu a manner i prescribed by law.

    Sec. !>. This act shall l>e in force


    Wm A Kaah, torn Bxchauge Uauk, Xe Vork Citj ("has 11 l-'aiicber. Irvlug National Uauk, New Vork Oily BbeuecerS Uaaon, Ba'ik of New Vork, N I'. A Sea Vork City Alvah Trow bridge, North Amerioan Trust Co -New Vork City A I: Hepburn. Chase National Bank, New Vork Cit) William Bberer, N V Clearing lloiise .Vss'n, New Vork Citj Kichanl Morgau, Bankers Life Co, Sew Vork City William 1: Uecd, First Satioual Bank, Sew Vork City Win A Sherman, N V Produce Exchange Hank. New Vork Citj James Deunusou, Irving National Hank. New Vork City Edward .1 Baldwin, National Park Bank, New Vork City Edward T llulsi. Hank of New Vork, N B A, New Vork lily John II Carr, Market and Pulton Satioual Bank, New Vork City t; W McGarrab, Leather Manufacturers' National Hank. N V '.'uy Chas S Caubert, Banker) Life Insurance Co, New Vork City Walter foggeshull, The Bowerj Sat lug* Rink, New Vork City JacobC Parsons, Chemical National Bank, New Vork City Edwaid D Butler, Leather Manufa-turers'National Hank, N V t'ity Geo \t Mayuatd, Mechauica Bauk, Brooklyn, N V It L l'unly. Bunk for Savings, N 1 Citj PC Elder", C Scnuinacker .x t o, lUuki.- . N V City


    Wm 11 Sash Chairman , President Corn Exchange Bank N V Citj r!i - II Faneher, Presldeut Irving Satioual Bauk, N ^ t it) ES Mason, President Hank of New Vork, N Ii A. X V City Alvah Trawbridge, President North American Trust Co, N V Citj A B Hepburn. \ ee !'r. ddel I Chita I N'.i'i uul Hank. N V Citj William Sherer, Manager N V t Ic.iriug House Ass'n. N V City Richard Morgan, President Bankers Lite IustiraueeCo, N V City

    OCR lilVi: COMMllTEE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wm I; Reed Chairman Cashier First Satioual Rank, X Y Citj Edward l> Baldwin, Asst.Cashier Nali lual Park Han!.. N V City Edward I' Ilubt. Asst.t asbier Bauk of New Vork, N H A. N V Citj Richard Morgau, President Baukers Life iusurance Co, N V Citj

    IT WILL PAY the Bankers. The Life cies contain nil the up-t

    from and after its ratification.


    OF AS BLBCTOn. Congressman Levy, of New . York, doesu'l think it fair to make

    .-section 1. r.verv male person; , , , . such discrimination between Fres-

    thl United States, ami ilU.uls aUl, Vice Presidents bv pav

    "ling OIK 150,000 a year and the other onlj 18,000. lie proposes to even up more by having the Vice President's salary raised to 125,000. Better reduce the other

    bora every lual naturalized, twenty-one years ol age. and possessing the qualifica- tions set out in this article, shall he entitled to vote al any election by the people in the Stale, except |i( M, ,, ,,., . y ,, ,g M.,nain as herein otherwise provided. m h._WilmlBgton Star.

    Sec. '. He shall have resided in the Slate of North Carolina for two years, in the counts si\ months,

    A Smile la Each.

    When a wom-.-u ends by not mar ryiir; a man it is always either be- cause lie has got too wise or else hananneahe has got too foolish.

    No man cau bo|M to siu-eod us a pan nliroker unless he takes all in- terest iu his business.

    The most disagreeable person is :-.i|netiuies the one who agrees with everything yon say.

    Corporations may have no souls, but not so with a shoe trust.

    No girl ever jilted a man that he didn't live to be glad of it. '

    Some people insist upon hiding lheir light under a bushel when a thimble would lie quits large enough for the purpose.

    A camphor ball iu the clothes chest is worth three balls over a paw nlnokei' i-stablishiuent.

    A girl may lie the picture of health without being painted.

    He is an odd man who doesn't wish to get even with his enemies.

    The woman who loses her tern- pet never adverlises for its return.

    .Some people who never even had a wart allow liad habits to grow on l hem.

    Sonic people trv to get to the hot- if that Philadelphia woman who toBofmingajutaotbe,ean throw

    and in tli. precinct, ward or other attempted suicide because she was )nii() ele. Ion district in which be oilers gW>n tug bald bad read the papers I seemsfl|mlv ,,,. ,,,,. |n;U] who to vote, four month* next preeeed ^ would not have tr.l to '' lllonev lo b;,rll llevcr ., tiie

    the election | Provided. That away With herself for such an in ,.,.,,, on firc

    Ten channel to one Hie girl who was Queen of the May is laid up wilh a lilooniiig cold.

    It wouldn't he polite to refer to a man as a lobster just because he suffers from hoi's.

    The man who is addicted to see oiidhaud bargains might make a mistake by marrying a widow.

    It doesn't necessarily mean that

    VOI TO IN\ ESTIUATE the new policies Limited Pajueut Life and Kadowm.ut ,H.II- (.,, .,., , ,,, , hewslnaftei

    provided by law, and the General Grood Ttxiiigsi.

    Did you ever look for the "good things" in your life insurance policy! I'nlfss it was in the Blinkers Life Insurance Coinpauj of the City "f New Vork, you prolaibly found side issues labelled "Uraee" "lncoutcstu! :'...'" "T.oaas," aulis es-Urds haven't much conscience at bcfirsl rest,,red to citizenship in I istin in - principal centers. The that, the manner prescribed bi law. |euersar. cut to give the actual [ A woman may forget when her

    See.;;. Every pern tiering to i facts al I the South. Already) birthday comes around. But that vole "ball be at the time a legally some nine letters have been written -doesn't keep the wrinkles from

    1 registered voter as herein preserih from various places, tilled with |coming in her face. interesting facts and attractive matter. I this the News is doing

    Assemblj ofXorth Carolina shall a good work, which should be high- tBat the negro should uot be allow- t general registration laws t0||r appreciated and bring it in high j,.,i to hold office, but if this bad

    the provisions of favor wilh Southerners. I>een a law live years ago Butler I undine others would never have if what North jhMBkeiwd of.Durham Herald.

    This is true and the more shaine


    Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES.


    ID S leading hotel, in a rreat city, a famocj and sired physician was conTera- lo(r. Listening to his wisa and sententious discounw, w.-re a group of well droswd men, evidently lawyers, husineas men and commercial iraTelera

    My firm belief, is " that medical acfence is certain yet to show that all dis- eases without exception are caused by Invisible germs which ara living organ- isms. Here Is the germ of that terrible disease diphtheria. Here lathe bacillns of typhoid feTcr; and here is the atUl more dreadful bacillns of tubercle which causes that most destructive of all diseases, consumption, fhia of that very common and supposed lncurabla disease, catarrh."

    "I wish. Doctor." sa.d the traveling man, "that yon would tall as about catarrh. I have had it for years, and I am thoroughly discouraged.'*

    The Doctor answered. "Catarrh, like diphtheria, consumption, typhoid fever, and a host of other diseases, is the result of a microbe invading the blood and attacking specially tbe mucous membrane. This foul and moat disgusting disease is especially prevalent in the United States and ft la rare to meet one who is not, or has not been troubled more or lass with il. How often la he or ahe obliged to remain at home from pteasant cntertaicmenta. deprive themselves of many Intellectual treats, from fear of the disagreeable odor arising from ca- tarrhal affections. In Its worst phase, the psttsait becomes loathsome both to himself and his friends.

    " I believe." continued this great phyeiciaa, "that the true way to heal ca- tarrh is to medicate the blond. This can be done only by powerful alteratives which act aa blood purifiers."

    itei-y A. Marett, of Manlstce, ManisteeCo., Mich., writes: Dear Sirs:For ten years I was s sufferer from general debility and chronic

    catarrh. My face wa^ pate as death. I waa weak and abort of breath. Iconic! hardly walk, I was so dizzy and had s ringtug In my head all the time. My banda and feet were always cold. My appetite was very poor. On getting up in the morning, my head swam so 1 was often obliged to lie down again. I had awful pains in the small of my back. 1 had a continual feeling of tiredneaa. My muscular power waa almost entirely gone, and I couldnt go half a doten steps without stopping to rest, and often that much exercise caused roe to have a pain in my aide. 11 seemed as though the blood had left my veins. The doc- tors said my blood had all turned to water. I had given up all hope of ever get- ting well. I tried the best physiciana In tho state, but failed to get any relief. My : .i T..1 got me a bottle of Johnston's Safaaparilla. I took it, and 'hen 1 tiought another. Whoa these had been used, I was somewhat improved In health. I continued its use. and felt I waa growing stronger; my sleep wss re- freshing, and it seemed as if 1 could feel new blood moving through my veine. 1 kept on taking It, and now consider mvself a well and rugged woman. I work all the time, and am happy. I am positive that the Sarsaparilla saved my life. The sick headaches 1 have had since childhood, have disappeared, and my ca- tarrh has ai most entirely left mc. I cannot be too thankful for what Johnston'! Sarsapsrills has done for me. I recommend all women who have eick head- aches to use vour Ssrsapnrilla.

    MICUIOAS I>VJ1 - u.i:

    II. IM - Ille

    . r - ut, \

    Hill -. i'lli. Cotton Seed, Oil liar i'is Turkeys, Bgg, etc. lied ten '.-. Mattresses, Oak Suits, ||:,

    It Isour pride that no e\pemll '.y farriages, Got "arts, Parlor lure i- tpnri d eilhei .1 ri peel .

    JL ^CiiilitZetf ''l!l"' pta'" "'L', t"li"'"' ""u" * llisqn ililied under swlion 2of lb

    in.iti rial or noikmaiishi'

    High Art


    his litilesulettud retail(Irocer and jartb-lji Provided, inch persons

    **l*W/orlshall bavepuid their poll tax as re i|iiired bj law.

    See. Ii. All elections bv the peo- ple -hall be bv ballot, ind all elect loos bj Hie lieneral Assembjl shall be viva COCO.

    Sec :. Ever) voter iu North Carolina, except iu, in this article disqualified, shall be eligible to of- fice, but before entering upon the duties of the olliee he shall lake and subscribe Hie following oath: "I do sola 111 lily swear

    ir affirm) Ibal 1 will support and

    with our name has idem ilied ii-. (iuriueul - all 1 mde In our own work room 111 dcr pel - m al siipert ision.

    Greenvilis Taiioring.Co,, tueeiiv ille, .N. (.'. afaiu street.


    Mints, Tables, l/inngea, Safes, p, i 11 illardandOailci AxSnufl,Reti Me. 1 I'ohncco, Kej West Cheroots, Am irican Beauty 1 ItntreUes, Oaa- eel ' berries, Peaches, Vpples, I'm- Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk, I'loi 1. Sugar. Coltee, Meat, Soup, Lyi M Iglo I' I, Matches, Oil, Colon Herd -Meal and Hulls, liar- ilen needs. Oranges, Apples, NUK ('ati.lies. Dried Apples. I'eaelies, Pi unes, Currents, Rnhilns, (ibiss and Chini Ware, Tin nnd Wooden Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Maea

    , mill. ' nel-e. Ile-I lilltlel, Slaild- |ard Sewiug Machines, and nu-

    inei ' other goods. Quality and '.' illty. Cheap for cash. Come in s. mc.

    Wk .VI iVI bUHLLTii Pho * H.


    mainlaln I he oonalltulton nnd laws of the United Stales, and the eon st it lit ion and laws of North Cam Una not inconsistent therewith, and that I will failhfiilly discharge the dutier of mj ofllot M So help me. Cod.''

    Sec. 8. The following nllTI psiaoua shall be disqualified fo

    propose to allow these negroes to keep 1111 voting so thai they can reap the benefit, but waut them disfranchised so fur as holding of- fice is concerned. In other words, these Pops, want the negro to work for tbem but they want him for ever delmrred from gelling any pie. We could have some respect

    ewsand!1'"' ""' f|'"-' "*> "PP" ed the ilisl'raiichiscineiit ol the lie gro out of gratitude to him for his vote ever since the civil war, but they do not. All they want is the negro's vote and then they aredom with biro. They do not oppose the amen.! -ill because it disfranchises the in . :". Not one of their speak- ers, so 1 u as we huv a heard or read hashai Ibc nerve to do this, but they mnki) the false plea that white men will Is- disfranchised. Xnt one of them has had the nerve to say thai the negro is as good as a white man and should 1H> allowed In vole. 1'liey dare not do it.

    Land mark.

    VYe believe the amendment wtl* be carried by a good majority, but don'i let IIS in- so sanguine alsnit it as lo beget apathy. It is a life and death struggle, politically, vv illi Hie opponents of the amend they will leave 110 sloue unturned iu Ibeii efforts to defeat ii. The question is: iws North Carolina favor permanent white supremacy! Let the answer lie in llie alhiinativc and let it be em pliasi/eii by the biggest possible majorllj. Work and work earn- estly from now uutll the polls arc closed iii August. -Winston Senti- nel.

    The man whonsserls Ibal Ihere is no danger of negro domination wilh tin record of the pssl len years before'1. eyes, iseilber blind urn knave. Ii is written iu the laws of tin- stuli 'at the negro needs to be restrained, Xo other Inlerpreta tion can lie given to the legisla- tion "f the two republican legisla tun - J\ ing property-holders the privi' ," of baviug additional ontitd coin nissioncrs nppoinletl. Sneli a lliie : wns never beard of UnderR leiiiucraticndininlstrntinn. The populists in their slate plat form acknowledge that there is danger of negro rule and offer two remedies, to wit, to make the nc gro's color a disiitialilicatioii for office and 1 Ji to provide a differ ent system of county government


    CU. E VOUR l H Lit AND FEVER, aUUut*

    and Night Sweats with Roberts' Tasteless Chill Tonic at 28c. per rlsutle Pleasant to take. Money pefuuded if il fails. Keatores ap yetite, purifies Ibe IIIIHHI and mtikcs

    oil well. None oilier as good. Manufactured by Huberts Drug Co., Suffolk, Va., and sold and guarauli-eil at the drug stores of ltrvan. WooK-naiid lOruuI.

    for the east.Webster's Weekly. JffJg^'iX,


    Qonoral JfferchandisQ

    Whichard, N. B. The MOQk comiilcH' In every ie

    pilllnirlit HIK. pI'iCVH.OHloW H tlU ownit. HiRhent market price* uul forOOVnlTf $riMlnee.

    Tho One Day Cold Cure. F.rcol"i\nd-.rcthioat me KtrmoU'> ijulninr Kty lakrn c.inttf

    NOTIOB 1J0 CBBDITOBS. ii:i\ -iii: duly ottUBad befon the Sti|cri-

    nr Odiil t'Uik ol PtU counly :\a Kiecutoff of tin- Uel WUIeed Te^airwrt f Nancy W'uilttcf, tlcy cast-), nt.i ice is hcrcliy given to all pereooj .Dowta*. lo edd estate t> umkv iniii.tvlutc iijyrutnt to the uinlcr>lgi;c"). .iml all PtreseawTlac clninu* AgaiDnt Mid en- Ule are hercl>y notitial to DfeMU (IK* name for pajineet oo ot before MM SBla dar of A|nl, I'MH. or this iit-lice will he pUaee our uumense stock before buying elsewhere. Remember us and the following lines of general merchandise.

    Dry Goods and Notions,


    l :, o .- ... .:i..; . :r. -e .I..I.-.I

    \V.v-iir...i'(i\.D.C, May 7. Ii The Porto Rii an law baa already

    had to be remedied by additional Congressional legislation, and the Hawaiian law will have to be. The la. ar failed to provide for a colic, lor of Internal revcnniie. or for an cxlontioii of the 1 . S. Postal laws, and Secretary Gage has In- formed the Cabinet that he does nol consider the authority given him by the law sufficient to justify ihe pay uiei.l of Ibe Hawaiian pub lie debt. The country will not forget thai the Republicans are responsible tor tbi- and othei slip shod legislation, forced through Congrats under the jiaity whip and spur.

    Sen.iioi butler of North Carolina Chairman of tbe populist Satioual Committee, before having Wash- ington to attend Ihe SIOUX Palis Convention, declared thai thcCon- vention would iiomlnaleCol. Bryan for Presldeut iy acclamation, and would adopt the platform of '00, iviih the new declarations to aicel

    Hats and Caps, Silks and Satins, lira Jackets and Capes, Carpels, Matting]


    Ol I n l.i:s : .1 C Drew ry. Pro .1 S VYj nn, Vice Tics. I II S Ji i man. Tieis. , - .1 N II llding, All}. < 3 to o. Allen, Secretary. | c nor more than 12.10.

    Any one who will read a cei'li lied copy of Ibe proposed amend

    We always have inure respect I nient and then nj II will sit man named ehise llie p'K.i w hile men prefers for a girl who marrla

    plain John Smith than one win calls hiinscf T. Moiiiniorency Mont gnmory.

    to lie rather than lell ihe truth. Thai's all them is In IP- Wllkes boro Crnniele.

    The surgeon who has a Iiishloii- able prni lice muni ! cspecleil oo , isionilv I eiil a swell.

    Tiie-reiie.t regrel that dealli | in; - 10 -nine I I'le is lb il lliev eani hear Hie liinerai male

    Ilu re's one wold ill the Krigllsh language that hi always tight when soeilcd wrong.

    [t'sa good thing for a lotof peo- ple that they ''"'i'1 " Ihemeelves us others HOP Ibeni.

    s>i \ ri-t n| Onin. Cl IV Till inn, I.I I'VN Co, Frank J. Clionej makes oalb

    tlutl be is tbe seulor partner of the Hi in of P. Cheney it Co., doing business iu Hie Cltj of Toledo, " null!) and Slide aforesaid, and thill Ultll t a I Hi will pav Ille sum of

    ONE HUM'I.I'.D DOLLARS loi each and ev civ ease nl I 'atarrh I bill i be cured bv the use of Hall's Catairh cure.

    Flt.t.NK J. ClII'M.V. Sworn In before me and sub

    scribed in niv presence, this nib daj of December, A. D. 18811

    ; -ill A. W. Ill RAHDK Notary Public.

    Hall's I atari li < tire is liken In- I ternallv, aud acts directly on the |blood aud niiicoiis surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free

    1'. .1. ClII.M.V .X CO.I PlOpB., Sold by druggist-, Toe. Hall's

    Family Pills mc Hie btal,






    t r.



  • 1*1" WffWf^ r. ""-JPa^-JPas-J1


    What the Tobacco Trust* tall! OUk RALEIGH LETTER- Done for IV n> III.:.

    Palllicl nnd Ocacral Newt mat Gossip From the State

    D. J. WHK'HARD, Ed. & Owner. The DJU\ illeVa.. Bat, .>f Tbure Casltal. _ . |d.iy had a candid editorial, entitled

    Entered at the P.*t Office at\"A ^H-al *">" ** "P* l"ci.l Crr^ n.h , ; K,,!,,,., Greenville, N. C, as Second Chum: I bus: KM KK.II. X. '., May 7. l'.HK). Mail Matter.

    KKIHAI-, MAT, U '.KJ".

    Meckleuburg county is catching

    ou too. I'p there twenty MK men

    ate cauuidatcs for Count} t oininis siouers. Pitt has ueaily that man)

    candidates lor Sheriff.

    Trade follows the flag, perhaps,

    but taxation ccrtainl) dues. The

    American t'handier of Com melee at Manilla has Real la < toograss a pro-

    test against the destructive taxa-

    tion in vogue Ihere. which, the)

    say. is worse than ever enforced

    by Spain.

    The Democratic candidate! on

    Ft is apparent lo all Ihiakiag people of oar city that tnlBMcu has reai-hed iba beightotfila usefulness aaa contribute little more t.i I lie develii]nneiit of Dam ill*.', and thai the farther growth of tbeeftj will lie, bv tobacco, alone.

    ., ,. stages ot the eii I i- tme I bat Iba quantity ! the weed bandied here has not de creased, and prices are aa high M ever, but it Is abw true thai the busiueaa is in I'ewci hands, and docs not afford profitable employ- meat lo the aune nambar of peo- ple as formerly, it follows thai I In- capita] and energy thus left Idle mast teak other channels.''

    When one thinks of Danville it IsinaaMehuionwitb tobacco. The general idea ol the ontaide public is that there is no interest here than the baying, selling and man-

    my law practice (from which I was ulaetiire ol tobaCOO. the further,. . . ... ... . , % lust lieginning l.i realize n mee in

    ,L.S,U|., rhtkal dosed iheii iliiutr.i therefore, of the article ol which,- ,.,... the staii tiKii iiostu nun iiimi. | come when elected to the Benate) .,..,, _ we quote, that "there was never "

    ary together at Washington jes-i ' , would go to wreck, and at the end avnrablea time as the present! ' , , of the four years term I would be for starting; new manufacturing en ,.,.,,,

    I left high and ary on the shoals of terday. They touched both the western and eastern sections of the

    Slate and received great ovations

    everyw here. Xow they divide up

    into] twos and visit other towns

    where they have not been. The

    p.irly never had a better ticket

    than at present.

    Inheritance taxes planned to

    bear moat heavily on large for-

    tunes, are increasing in favor, and if the Supreme Court sustains the

    tax of this character Imposed by

    the war revenue act. it is probable

    that a large part of (he govern-

    ment's income in the future will

    be derived from the enormous for

    tunes of our millionaires, h Is

    undoubtedly proper that hnge es-

    tates should pay to the govern-

    ment in some proportion to the

    values that the government pro

    tecis for them.

    II. 11. Badgers of the Standard Oil Company, is said to have ;

    Bounced to Ihe Danish government

    thai jo Culled Sutm senators stood

    read] lo vote as the Company de- sired, and to haveolfered In lobbj

    through (he purchase of die Dan-

    isu Weal hidees for ten per cent of

    the proceed*. This is Stated in an official report made lo the Danish

    government by iis special agent in the matter, The worst of the

    whole business Is thai Mr. Dodgers'

    alledged statement Is probubl) cor reel.

    terpruca carried the idea ofl . . povertyfor the salary of the Qov- wlplng oft the slate and beginning '

    again -of building a new town, on a new basis- We have heard thai our own neighboring city of Winston is suffering from decad ence of the tobacco interest, and these things remind us thai about Bfteen years ago the late Senator Barbonr, of Virginia, said in al private con venation that our Sibrth>|

    ted and are now ready to receive I the splendid counterfeit of that best beloved of Xorth Caroliniaus. The .".atule, it is now known def- initely, will l>e delivered here in ample lime for the unveiling cere monies to be observed on July 4th as contemplated. I: is believed that oue of the greatest crowds ever gathered in North Carolina on such an occasion will assemble here that date.

    M'MEBOIS im NOTES. J. H. Murphy, of ltuncoiabe,

    has lieen made a member of the Slate election board, to succeed Attorney General Giliuer, resign- ed.

    The Federal "patronage" ^office iioldingi in North Carolina, all of which is controlled by Senator 1'ritchard. is said to amount to a million or more dollars in salaries.

    It is reported lo me on good au- thority that Kev. J. E. White, of Kaleigh, at present Corresponding Secretary of the Hoard of Missions of the North Carolina Kaptist State Convention, and a particularly ablc. affable and handsome gentle- man, has virtually been decided ii|K>n as president of Ihe Baptist Female V ui versify here, to succeed

    |Prof. Hlas-iugauie, resigned. Mr. While is a native North Carolinian and a capilol man for the place.

    The Kepvihlieans will proltably noiiiiiiatc J. B. Joyce of lteidsviile, a>their candidate for Congress in

    ded. "a Senator can save nolhingi . ,,..... ,, . , . , I'ha Fifth Distrust. The I . S. Senate has passed the

    While Ihe Kepublicau Stale Con- vention was in session here last Wednesday, Senator Pritchard sat Inside Ihe writer, near the news- paper reporters' ta' le, and I had op]Hirlunily to talk with him at all

    me. Some news- paper c >i respondent bad started a rumor Ihal ihe Senator *vas to Ike prevailed on" to accept Ihe gu- bernatorial nomination of his par- ly, "in order lo defeat (he amend- meiil."

    There was at DO time any oasis for the rumor, but I mentioned ihe subject lo see what ihe Senator would say. "Oh. I couldn't afford I" accept either Ihe nomination or the office," said be. "Were I ihe Governor, l would be required to remain m Kaleigh all the time;

    ernor of North Carolina is not suf- ficient to admit of saving any of It. But for dial matter," he ad-

    It is teen, if our porarj speaks truly, as of course ii does, that the spirit of prophecy was upon him.

    from his salary, either; but I man Bga l.nlo coiisider.ilih' law practice ah lie Senator, and am not confined to ihe halls of legislation every day in the year. When 1 accept

    , it public office it most have a sal- Carolina and \ uginia towns could not depend upon tobacco as a basis P"* a"fl"a su"'l"M" "' '"*"> of permanent prosperity. It would, * "' ,lol" "' PteO*.' , , . .,,,. u f,-.. "\ on would la) surprised.' coii- be imsaleto say that he foresaw ' then die formation of a gigantic to-1 '""'1 *. *> > bacco trust which would IhrolllelP.'""1!""'^ "'"know of the large

    . ,,, ,,, . . i, , IIIIUIIH'T of lawyers, both Kepubli- coinpeliliou ami pul the loliac.-o business "in fewer hands," bn, can and DemocraUc w ave in

    Danville aHstm-|all,ad ,ll;" ' "huxM **,uc '' S- Judgeship for the western district. Hut 1 shall not do so."

    Arc you not ot die judicial loin-

    ere are those who d.fendIPemeut, Benatorl l.usls upon the ground that they "0, *| tfct position wouldn't cheapen productions, it is true|8ult " I wouldn't like it. that in many cases they have made j Berides, I shooldn'l .are to rellu the product cheaper to theconsnm V"* threayoars i the U. 8. Sell- er. Bui we have heretofore made ate rwhe Judicial ermine." the point lhat in every such case WHITWr 8TATB liKlTlil.l.AN IMN there is somebody behindool of VKKTIOX EVER USLO. sight, it may liewho is suffering, 11 was a "lily-white" affair, as

    We see in die foregoing extract I nearly aa il could l>e madeonly ihat in the case of the tobacco shout 20 of the 340 delegatea being trusts it is the city ol Danville, for uegroes, or "colored." All the one, that is suffering, the industry balance were "plain" as to cum there not affording the same profit-1 pleilou. and the great majority sble employment as formerly lo the | were office holders. Had Senator same number of people. We are Pritchard fully succeeded in his quite astonished at The Bee's [plans, there would not have been statement that the price of leafuDegro delegate in the convention, tobaoco Is "as high aa ever." ou I As it was, his orders in this rat- information being exact!) reverse I p,.,., ,,n. pretty faithfully carried to this. One cannot quite under jout, of course mis was on land why die trust, having a |v 1( temporary ruse, chielly for the

    When thieves fall out bones! men get their due.'' The recent

    Republican Stale i vein ion adop-

    ted a platform. Thai platform J> engineeicil by one Kichiiioud I'c.ii

    son who IsCODteStillg the seal of

    Congressman Crawford, Democrat

    monopoly over the bright tobacco busiueaa, should maintain prioes

    benefll oftbe western voters, ami die next convention will again be

    the work for the city of Danville, and unless our information is n hoi-

    from the ninth district. The plat-1 ,j .,, ,-.lIllt lt ,,., ,,,. ,,. wort form, lo referring to the State ad- .,]!. He is out ill a

    interview in the Kaleigh l'osl in

    which he shows up Pennon In n

    bad light, and the hitter's contest

    against Crawford Is declared a case

    of "contemplated larceoj,"

    This year's Republican State platform, like Iba) ot 1808, with the exception of attacks upon die amendment end election law, fails to s|s-iik out State issues. 11 is perhaps better I" make no prom- ises than lo make promises and In break Ihein, but vetblall a polil party should define its |uisi- tiou on every public question in which Ihcpeopicarc interested.- Progressive Farmer.

    When the 'ce man dies aud goes to his last reward il is scarcely like- ly that he will get a cool reception.

    able number of people, has seen

    its beat days- The handling of tobacco ami business incident

    therein has been ihe making of

    some towns, but theoetbal expeet nunih progress limn now on must

    turn Into other channels. And the trusts are responsible for this. It has reached out and taken such OOU'roll Of the market and busi- ness as to kill competition ami

    destroy Ihe sources of labor and income for a largcarmyof people.

    All is being manipulated in the in

    lens! of die greet ocdipus, aud until its power is broken no town

    need look for much more prosper-

    Itj orderelo] ml from the tobaa BO industry.

    Subscribe to THE RSVISOIUB,

    troduccd by the Republican man agers. It will not work, as the ruse is so plain an idiot can see through its purposes. All the nominations were made by "aocla mat ion," and then is not a candi dale on the ticket who at heart en lertains the slightest hope of dec fion.


    The one aud only reason there has been no "fusion" between the Pops, and Rape, on the Slate tick el lo date, is liccanse both parlies recognise lhat it would lie hope leas to attempt to defeat the Den slats this year. Knowing defeat is ceilain, they adopt such plans as they think will most contribute lo mislead Ihe 'common people," and enable diem lo more success fully inISI('present the amendment, Ihe attempt to defret which is the chief cud and aim of I mil: of the opposition pnrlicHlhis year. When il comes to legislative and county and congressional candidates, there will Is-"fusion" in many counties and several districts.

    fill: V ANl'E STATI'E.

    The granite and cement liase and pedestal upon which the bran slut lie of Zebul m Haird Vance is lo U> placed this summer In Capi- tol Park here, have been complc-


    FrocMatagsoftheMay Mactlag.

    The Board of county commission- ers met io regular session Monday, May 7th.

    The following orders were issued coon the county treasurer.

    Paupers llfig.TS ; bridges ffU.- 1.1; ClerK Superior Court BU 80 i Insane *t 00 ; Home Aged and In- firm tut " : Jail ggfl SB) Grand Jury 4 00 ; Witueas tickets *1 ls.- TT ; Coal #10 (Hi; County Attor- ney 15000; Conveying Prisouers lo Jail IM 0.1; Berry IBS 00 : Jury Tickets*lS4 S3 ; Insurance ou jail' ll.17.10; Superintendent Health, 02.1 00 ; Record Books BU 40 : | Register of Deeds 01.1 77 ; Com- missioners iV2 00 ; (ireenville stock |a,W IB 68 J Swift Creek and Con- tcntucastock law 03C 14.

    Wm. II. Long was refunded 1*4 cents tax on William Lucas' lot in Greenville township erroneously- charged.

    Wm Nichols was released from payment ot tuxes ou 0119 personal property same charged on tax books for year 1800.

    Mat tie Boyd was released from payment of John Boyd's laxerronc ously charged to her.

    Alfred E. Hardy was released from payment of taxes ou 100 acres of land in Chicod township, taxes having ben paid by W F Hart.

    Two bridges ou the road through the creek near J W Parker's were accepted as county charges.

    Peter Pluniincr and Nathan Han- rahaii were added to the Rough aud Ready Fire Company.

    J It Cherry, treasurer and Dr C o'll Laughiughouse preseutcd their monthly reports which were approved IlUll ordered to be tiled.

    Jas I. Roberson was appointed tax lister iu Carolina township in place of W II Williams, who de dines to accept.

    John Hell's name was stricken from the pauper list.

    The insurance policy 011 the jail for 3 years for 111,000 was accepted.

    T It Manning and Calvin Dail were exempted from payment of poll tax.

    UyuuutTeei's pauper claim was increased to 0'2 BO per month.

    The report of the jury on the public loads in Orceeuvillc and Belvoir townships was accepted and ordered to be recorded.

    Dr C O'll LuughinghouKe was re elected Supei inlelideut of Health to.i the ensuing year.

    Several citizens of Chicod town- ship petitioned that a road be laid off between the Stocks road and the County Home.

    Several were allowed to list their taxes for the year IBM.

    OOK M u-* TmUM. wUb om ilS ' M" ". CU

    R?OK I I nill rra >ad Inn hnw .

    .. ',-it, :i>uKUonioli;'w.dla4 . turtia-h-ns rrkr. juCcmu.

    C TKY BOOK t y . .. - 1 .-ulUT Book. In nlatrssC* - -'-r :-k ol f Bun . L t -. .i. tod. InvMf.:-. Mi.ine UIGOLE BOOKS . SiSNB, WILMS* ATKTICSOX


    raw iSaas



    We see in your paper several estimable geutlcmcn for the office of Sheriff, and now we are of the opiuion the right man has beeu mentioned. He is a fanner aud his past life has proved him thoroughly conipeteut to discharge the duties of Sheriff and his integ- rity no one (tan doubc. He Is a young man and that is wh it we need. No man of bis age has ever been more faithful to his party than he has. We are with the Demo- crat of Pactolus Darning Johu J. Mason for Sheriff. Let us nomi- nate him for he is the strongest man that has been mentioned.


    Attar two year*

    Prmlum haf beta a*14Z

    -IN THE


    lii his remarks before the Slate Kepublicau Convention, Col. James Boyd said the negro simply asks the privilege of caating one vote for the candidate of his choice. If this is true, the Republicans have had very little respect for the wish of the negro, for evcrvliody knows that he has not eujoyed such priv ilege from the Republican bosses. Baiabo'l position has always been similar to a hitched up mulehe has always gone as the while lie publican boss pulled the line, and instead .if the negro having the in divioi'.l privilege of e\ercisiug a prefi-Hme at the ballot, he has ban old d to vote the preference of the l"iss, nnd thns the how has pr.niH-.ill) voted a bund red thou- and i imr e ballot*., while mBer win ncn bad only ore vote, and thi- inie of the great objections to iv ii siiffrage. After voting thjrtj ycaisormore th negro is still a slave to tbo IMWW aud has acquired DO Independence. So tbo words of Col. Boyd aud the acts of his party Jo not tally.Win- ston Hentinel.

    There was a big lisb fry near Kalklaud today, a few people froM Ureenvillc attended.

    Why Not Quit It.

    There is one sin everywhere, aud by everybody is underestlnia- ted iu valuations of character. It is the sin of frettiug. Watch auy ordinary Doming together of people and see how mvny minutes it will be before somebody fretsthat is, makes more or less complaining statements of something or other. It is simply astonishing bow much aBBOyilUoe aud discomfort may be found i-^ the course of every day's living, il o e only keeps a sharp eye put on that side ol things. Kven Holy Writ says we are born to trouble as the sparks rly up- ward. But eveu to the spi.rks flying upward, in the blackest of smoke, there is a blue sky above, aud the less time they waste on the road the sooner they will reach it. Fretting is all time wasted on the lnail.Helen Hunt.

    Election at Kyten.

    Ayden, X. C. May 8thThe election here yesterday pasaed off very quietly until about 4 o'clock wheu it was found that another ticket was being made up by the Fusionists. But the result proved of no good to them. The Demo- cratic ticket was elected by a good majority, aith I. A. Hnriuglou for Mayor. Hariugtou's majority was 1 over O. 0. Nobles, who who was run aud endorsed by the Fusiouist. C. L. Patrick and A. C. Nobles were also defeated by a good majority. Aydeu is again all right.

    ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Ayden, N. C, May 8thYester-

    day was one of the quietest election days Ayden has ever had. The regular Democratic ticket waselect- ed liy a majority of nineteen over the black aud tan and general mix- ture ticket. We have some awful smart Alecks in this town who thiuk they ought to run it, but their plan to rush their ticket just at the close of day sloped over and left them out in the cold. Sad to think of.

    Of Newurk.JN.-J. Your Policy is:

    1. Non-forfeitable, 2. Has Cash .Value, 3. I*>.m Value, 4. Paid-up Insurance, 5. Extended Insurance that

    works automatically, 6. Will lie re-instated within

    three years after lapse if you are iu good health.

    After Second Year 7. No Restrictions, 8. Incontestable. Dividends are payable at the be-

    ginning of Ihe second and of each succee.liug year, provided the pre mi urn for the current year bo paid They may be used

    1. To reduce Premiums, or 2. To Increase the Insurance, or 3. To Make Policy Payable as

    an Endowment during the Lifetime

    of Insured.

    J. L. STJGrGr, Agt, GRERNVIIXE, N. C.

    Mr. T. J. Eaiersiin, of near l.a- Urauge. tells us of a sad accident that occured in his scctiou yester- day. Julia, the 11 yearold daugh- ter of Mr. Jno.T. Hill, of Palling Creek, was iu the field in company with her two Bisters, aged about 12 aud 17, biiruiug some corn stalks when her dress caught lire. She attracted the attention of her sisters by hollowing, and they ran to her aid. They were unable to put the flames out so they car- ried her lo a ditch, which was about thirty feet distant, and by the use of mud and what little

    Wrack on the Coast Line, tioldsboro N. C, May 7The

    Atlantic Coast Line "shootly" train from Norfolk, due here at 8 p. iu., ran into the rear of a freight train at Fremont tonight. The caboose of the freight train and the engine of the passenger train were badly- wrecked. Conductor Williford of the "shootly" had his foot caught between the bumpers and so badly mashed that it is thought that am- putation will benescssaiy.

    The Mouroc Enquirer says: 'Owing to the constantly advanc- ing priccof oil a number of mer- chants here, not long since, clubbed together aud bought a cur load cf Independent oil. The Standard OU Co. immediately, by their sys- tem of rebates, put two negro mer- chants in p retail oil by the gnllon at less price than tner- ehauts haudliug independent oil could buy iu car lots. This looks like any thing but white suprema-



    Cotton Bagging and I'ies always on han i

    Fresh goods kept constantly en hand. Country produce bongt and old. A trial will convince you.

    D. W. HARDEE.

    ry. The surprising part of this water could be gotten out >f tb Forties.

    As Oood as Gold.

    Whilst it la true that all lhat glitters is not gold, it is iindeni ilile that an advertisement th it :,'li>' tn with good points is as go 11 :ii 'old. But there must be more than a mere array of figures and words in a biisiness.iniioiinccinciit. It must be spicy, crisp, appeal to tbe render's fancy, and make him think. Au advertisement so pre pared will bring showers of gold to the advertiser.

    A Mad Dog's Rampage.

    Mr. J. W. Smith, Supcrinten dent of the County Home, tells us that a mad dog went through that section Saturday. The rabid ani- mal bit about half dozeu other dogs siid a number of hogs and geese. He also made au attack on Mrs. Meekin Wenthington and tore her dress, but fortunately did not bile ber. Mr. Wenthington shot aud killed the dog. Several of the bit- ten animnls and geese have siucc lieen killed.

    "Today, if ye will hear His voice, hardcu not yottr hentts.

    W. G. Leggctt came up this morning from Washington.

    Fred Medley, after spending some time here left Ibis morning.

    Miss Martha Dudley weut to Aydeu Friday and returned this morning.

    F. G. Whaley came Saturday from Halifax ami returned this morning.

    Mrs. J. M. Whcdbee, of Hertford, came Saturday aud leliirned this morning.

    II. w. Whedbee returned Satur- day from a trip to Norfolk and Elizabeth City.

    Miss Lluie Dail. of Snow Hill, is visiting her sister Mrs. > i i:

    The nineteenth oeuturj is nearly closed, and Ihere arc )cl -nine MO. pie who will send coniiiinnieali..n- tO Ihe new-;iiipers without "Pnitlnc

    I thpirnnmf*.

    Come To See gs. Ai the old Mitrcellus Moore store, mi Five Points, where we have just opened u new and fresh

    l..ek of

    Heavy and Fancy Groceries Consisting of Meals, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods, Tobacco, Sinn)', cigars, Confec- tions, Fruits, iu f.ui everything to bo found in an up-to-date Grocery. We pay the highest market price-. fr ;ill kinds of

    Country Produce, either in cash or in baiter. When you waul to sell or when you waul tnbiiy come lo see us. To all who livor us with their patronage we promise entire sat- isfaction.

    T. F. CHRISTMAN & CO, M Pl> rmntu

  • ' '-.

    Bankers Life Insurance Co., OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK.


    Organized iti 1869 under ihc l-awa DI Urn >t:it of New York. A Regular (Old Liot')Uompmv.

    $100,1)00.00 in Y. S. Gven .men. Bauds de- posited with the X w oik Ins jr.mce

    Depart ntcnt. **BBBato>

    RICHARD MORGAN, President.

    CIIAS. II. FANt HAH, 1st Vicc-Pres. WM. SIIF.RKR. 3d Vice Pie*.

    C1I AS. s. GAl HURT. 8ee*y- JAMES DKNXISON. Treus.

    Home Office, 31 Nassau St., New York City,

    CMS. T. LEVINESS, 38 South St.. Baltimore, Md


    Thv following is the amendment

    tO article 6 of the Stale coustitu

    ii.m. adopted in ti' General As

    emblj ni 1800, and lo IK- submit

    ted to Hit' \oters for.r.itilicattou

    next August:

    BeeUoa 1- That article VI of the

    institution of Ninth Carolina l>e

    mil the same is hereby abrogated

    mil iu lieu thereof shall lie substi-

    tuted the following article of said

    oustiliilion :




    OF ill Kl.KCTOK.

    Siilion 1. Every male person

    Manager for Ml, Ncrth and Sooth Carolina, bora in the United States, sod every male person who has lieen

    office : First, al I persons who shall deny the being of Almi-lity God Second, nil persons who shall have beeu convicted or confessed their guilt on indieluient pendiug, and whether seuten.-ed or not, uudei iudgmout suspended, ol anv treason ,- ....

    ,, ' , I l'ir bilious headache, d or felony, or any otner crime for| which the pnnishmcnl may lie iui- \ luisoiuieut iu the peniteutiary. ' since I>eeoiuiiig citizcus of thc| I'niled S'atcs. or corruption and inalpiactice in ofliee, uuless such person shall lie restored to the rights of citizenship in a manner prescribed by law.

    See. S>. This acl shall toil force from and after its ratification.

    CWJ? **" a

    Tried Friends Best. Forthirty yearsTutt's Pills have proven a blessing to the invalid. An- truly the sick man's friend.

    A Known Fact y-spepeja

    t.rstomach,malariar ''stipa-

    n and all kindred diseases. UTTS Liver PILL5 AN ABSOLUTE CURE.



    Win A Nash, turn Exchange Bank, Sfew York City ('has II Funchcr, Irving Nalional Bank, Sew York City Ebeitc/erS -Mason. Bank of New York. N I! A New Yolk City Alvah Trowbndge, North American Trust Co New York City A B Hepburn. Chase Nalional Man!.. New York City William Sherer, X Y Clearing House A'n. New York City Kit-hard Morgan, Bankers Life Co, New York City William 1! toed, First National l!anl.. Xew York City Wm A Sherman, X Y Produce Exchange Dank. New York City James DenniBOD, Ining National Bank, Xew Y'orkCitv Edward J Baldwin, National Park Hank. Xew Vork City Edward T Hoist, Hank of New York. \ B A, New York City John II Cart, Market and Pulton National Hank, Xew York City a w .\i Baldwin. Asst.Cashier Xutioual Park Hank. X Y City Edward T llul-i. \.?*t. Cashier Rank of New York, X i: A. X City Richard Morgan. Pre.-.deiit Hankers Life Insurance Co, X Y City

    11' WILL PAY \l in INVESTIGATE the new policies of the Bankers. The Lite, Limited Payment Life uud Endowment .sili- cic- contain all the up-to-date features, many of w hich arc origin.,..

    'Tia.ixag.s. r liif iiiBiimiioe 'uiupaii) of lbe

    Grood Did you ever look for the "good things" in you

    policy! I'nless ii was us (he Bankers Life Insurance I City of New York, you prolmhly fouuil side issues labelled "Grace "lucouicsiabiliij." "Loaus." .... 1 I ic like, made pi il"en! as "good things." Of course w e hut e I bese features, too, for l In- "Boukirs" is nothing if ool progressive; but

    i'id you ever -ee a policy with ifhicb the Company keeps an individual Account;

    Or one in which all earnings arc guaranteed to the policy-bolder .' Or one which guaranteed both reserve and surplus if inrreuderedj Or one which gives all withdrawable surplus at death, in addi-

    tion 'o face of poliej .' Orone, in fact, which treats the policy-holder with absolute

    equity, confiscating no portion ol thv uel premiums, and allowing a policy bolder to control li:- own money ai all nines, as far as i- consist- cut with a conservative system which embraces the best points of banking and insurance .'

    If yon have never seen any of these "good things," investigate the new policies of the Bankers Life hmumnce Company of the Citj of New York.

    Who me ils ulliecrs and directors.' Among them are many of the lust known men in New York linanciaicircles

    rhe Company's record has been unequalled for economical man agemeut. sale investments, equitable dealings with ii- policy-holders ami low cosl of lusiir.iuee Protection.

    For farther informnlion and agencies, address

    CHAS, T. LEVINESS, :ts South Street, Baltimore, Md. ur A. F. HI..M K. tireenville, X. C.

    REFERENCES l\ i Greeni ille, .1 '

    naturalized, twenty-one years of j age. ami possessing the qnnlifioa- ;

    flions set out in this article, shall be entitled to vote at any eleetiou by the people iu the State, except I as herein otherwise provided.

    toe. -. He shall have resided iu the Slate of Noil h Carolina for two' 1 years, in (lie county six months, and in the precinct, ward or other eleetiou district in which ha oilers to vote, four months next proceed- ing (to election; Provided, That removal from one precinct, ward or other election district 1..another in the same county, shall not ope- rate to deprive any person of the righl in rate in the precinct, ward or other election district from winch he has removed, until four months after such removal. No person who has Urn convicted, or who has confessed his guilt inopen court upon indictment of any crime the punishment of which is. or may hereafter is-, imprisonmenl in the late prison, shall Is- permitted la vote, unless the siid person shall befiml restored to citizenship in the manner prescribed b\ law.

    Sec..!. Every person offering to vote shall 1M-al the lime a legally registered voter as herein prescrib- ed and in the manner hcrciuaflci provided by law. and the General Assembly of North Carolina shall enact general registration laws Ui cany into effect the provisions of I his article.

    A SntlK la Each.

    People who are always late to meals should lie forced to eat from time tables.

    (ieniiis aud happiness seldom go hand iu hand.

    The breath of suspieiou is usu- ally aromatic of cloves.

    At a meetiug of the Democratie

    Kxecutive Committee held in

    tireenville 011 the 14th day of April, UNO, a nun cut ion for the nominal ion of Democratic candi- dates for the Legislature and the various county offices and for the appointment of delegates to the First Congressional District Demo- cratic convention, was called to meet iu the Court House, in tireen- ville, at 12 o'clock M., on Saturday.

    If talk counts for anything, wo- Mll> ml'. 190"- meu should inane gissl pugilists. Towuship primaries, for the pur

    Il'e natural that a girl who 'p

    XESS, Naiiu

    lore. Jl !. \1ld1

    life 111 y.

    mi the...

    ur Company for the

    The Cut The Fit The Suit


    ki - tin- ii:

    makes the suit,


    S. M. So.hultz, I Ill-

    man, -o far as

    M hob-sale and retail Grocer and Furniture Dealer, cash paid tori Hides. Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar rels. Turkeys, Egg. etc. lied

    Ii Is our pride thai no expend!- ,'"" " *!"' l"'">"-- 0** Suits, Ba b\ '.linages, (;,, Carts. Parlor lure 1-spared either 111 respeel 0 < ,:. ... , P. 1 ' , "", "nil, rabies, Lounges, sate.-. 1

    material or workmanship. ,IrrllardandGail&AxSnufl,Red Me,1 Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,

    Tr. -, American Beauty Ciirarettes, Can- Hl0*ri A Vt "v,i ^berries, resohes, Apples. AAi^ii xa.i t 1 (VppleBi .-Vlll|)..,,.lh. Vim,.

    l-'loll I Cotton Seed Meal and Hull-, liar

    Iden Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Xnt, Candies, Uriel Apples. Peaches,

    11'n.ncs, Currents, Raisins, Glass ... ., .. , and china W , Tin and Wooden

    with our name has Identified \V,.., Takes and Craekers, Mae., OS, Garments all made in OUr roni, Cheese, Best Butter, Stand own work room under person- aid Sewing Mac hi lies, and 1111 M snpsrvkuon. |msrons other goods. Quality and

    Tailori g l-'loii-. Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap, Lye, Magic Food, Hatches, Oil.

    Quat niy. to see inc.

    Cheap for cash, Corns

    Greenville Tailoring Co., #$ ^ OiMMFtUe, I40,1 ft,*, m

    M dUIILL'.rZ Main Strict-,

    himself for registration shall In- able 10 read and write any section of the constitution in the English language; and. before he shall be entitled to vote, have paid on or before the liist day of March of the year in which he proposal to vote, his poll tax as prescribed by law. for the previous year. Poll taxes shall be a lien only oil assessed property, ami no process shall issue to enforce I he collect ion of Ibcsaiiie except against aasefstdproperty.

    Sec, ."1 No male person who was. on January 1. 1867, or at any time prior thereto, entitled to vote un- der Ilia laws Of any State iu Ihe I'niled States wherein he then re- sided, and no lineal descendant of .'.1 j inch person, shall be denied the righl lo register and vole at any election in this Stale by person of his failure to possess the educa- tional qualifications prescribed in section I of this article s Provided, be shall have registered in accord aiiec w illi Ihe tcrius of this section prior to December 1. 1008. The General Assembly -hall provide for .1 permanent record ol all persons who register under this section on or before November I, 1008, and all such parsons -hall tie entitled to registei ami vote at all elections by the neople in this Blate, unless disqualified under Bastion 2 of this article: Provided, such person* shall have paid their poll tax as re- quired by law.

    See. li. All elections by the peo

    pie -hill i- hv ballot, and all cleciii us by the General Assembyl shall le viva VO00.

    See ;. Every voter in North Carolina, except as in this article disqualified, shall be eligible to of- Ine. bnl before entering upon the duties of the office he shall take and lubsnibS Hie following oath : "I . do soliimiily swear mr allh in i llinl I will support and maintain the constitution ;ind laws

    A counterfeiting outfit for mak- ing postage stamps Was found iu Los Angeles, Cal., when Charles T. Luther was arrested.

    Porch climbers stole jewels worth 115,000 from the home of M. M. Munster, at Chicago, III.

    The Governor of Utah appeals for aid for the Scholield Mine Suf- ferers, and 139,000 has been raised.

    A Republican convention will lie held at HoiioIulilou Mav 18 to se- lect iielcgates to the Philadelphia < 'oiivcniion.

    A thief snatched $1600 from the hands of William Hibbard aged SO years, at the door of a bank at Buffalo, X. Y.

    When James Meu/es, ofThibod- eaux. La..arrived at Chicago, 111., lo wed Ida Owcus, he found that the bride elect had disappeared.

    A limn pound bale ni burlap fell on Jacob Kerns and Henry Hill, in the hold of the Steamer Mohawk: at Buffalo, instantly,

    X. Y. killing them

    of the United Slales, and the eon slitiition and laws of North (,'aro inaiiot inconsistent Ihcrewith, and

    thai I will faithfully discharge the dntisa of ray office as So help inc. Qod."

    Sir. 8, The following classes of pcrwiiis Khali l>e disqualified for

    Yn Idle . 1 is the devil's worship." L 1 I indoiihtedly a truism that isi . Mills to many places. Get Into a crowd of loaf- ers of the professional kind, ami all manner Of good is condemned and the names of good men and women handled iu such a reuklrB* aud scurrilous way that slanders an created snd allowed to go uu- correcled, regarded perhaps as the truth by someone who has heard but was not familiar with the ob ,jecl 11: le. conversation. These loafers' "joina" neither spare ministers' Hie Gospel. Christian ladies in.1 anyone else. No name Is too good, no yarn too bad. In- difl'er it as to their own morals, they 11.. to tsar down (hone of oth- ers li 1 endeavor to live aright and they gi i 1 de- -iples for their own rank- l.y pni oning the minds o those who would and shonld yield lo a lietter iiillueuce. The young man is made to feel that be is do- ing the righl thing by lounging around some of the ''down-town hang outs" instead of filling a pew at the church or Suiduy-Hchool. There is but one result; it is too easily seen -fltnnly Enterprise.

    2 Pactolns i Swift Creek 11

    All white ineu in the county of Pitt who favor the white people controlling the affairs of State and county, and who intend to vote lo that and, arc cordially invited to attend and participate iu ilic-c meetings.

    ALKX. L. Blow, Chiu'n. Y\\ L. BROWM, See.

    Adu iii-emeol- Which AdMr tilt.

    The adage that "nothing suc- ceeds like sacoass" am be well matched by S new apothegm to the ctl'ectthat "uothing advertises like advertising." The business man who advertises persistently and with sufficient originality to make Ins announcements Interesting to the public eventually becomes so well known that the mere men- tion ol his name will recall to the minds of hearers the kind of business iu which he is engaged ami the location of his establish- ment.Philadelphia Record.


    Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES.


    A siH .u* v..,ii, siali StsaTahaM Umiil Maw. In lenlinc hotel. ln SNat citj, tmouiind a^otl phvuieUn wmtoon.f

    loir, l.intrniiifr to his wiae mud srntentiom diacoui-u-, r k (Troopof weU SniSM men, eiideotljr Uwven. bu.-ioru men and commrrcuU traralen.

    L'l" ""' " *ht medical aciraoe la oertain yet to abow that all dU- waci without exception ara caused b inTfe'.bui gm,.'. which ara Urinir orn- UBSt. Hera 1. the (Sna of that terrible disease diphtlieria. Here is the bacillus or typhoid feier; aud hero la the still more dreadful bacillus of tubercle which causes that most destructive of all diseases, conaainption. fiua of that Tcrj Coninen and supposed Incurable disease, catarrh."

    "IWlBBj Doctor," said the traveling man. "that you would tell as about catarrh. I hare had it for years, and I am thoroughly diK-ourajred.*

    The Doctor an weed. "Catarrh, like diphtheria, consumption, typhoid feT-r. and a host of other diseases, is the result of a microbe inTadioir the blood and attacking specially the mucous membrane. This foul and moat dianstioK disease ia especially preralent in the United States and it is rare to meet one who ia not, or has not been troubled more or leas with it. How often la he or ahe obliged to remain at home from pleasant entertainments, deprive themselves of many intellectual treats, from fear of the disagreeable odor arising from ca- tarrhal affections. !n its worst phase, the patlaml becomes loathsome both to himself and his friends.

    " I believe." continued this great phyaicJaa, "that the true way to heal ca- tarrh is to medicate the blood. This can be done only by power.'ol alteratives which act aa blood purifiers."

    Betsy A. Marett, of Manistee, Bfanistre Co., Mich., writes: Dear Sirs:For ten years 1 was a sufferer from general debility and chronic

    catarrh. My face was pale as death. I waa weak and abort of breath. I could hardly walk, I was so dizzy and had a ringing in my head all the time. My hands and feet were always old. My appetite waa very poor. On getting* up in the morning-, my head swam so I waa often obliged to lie down again. I had awful pains in Uie small of my back. 1 had a continual feeling of tiredness. My muscular power was almost entirely gone, and I couldn't go half a doten steps without stopping to rest, and often that much *crcise caused me to have a pain in my side. It seemed as though the blood had left my veins. The doc- tors said my blood had all turned to water. I had given np all hope of ever get- ting well. I tried the best physicians in the state, but failed to get any relief. My husband got me a bottle of Johnston's Sarsaparilla 1 took It. and then I Imught another. When these had been used, 1 was somewhat improved in health. I continued iu nse, and felt 1 was growing stronger; my sleep was re- freshing, and it seemed as if I could feel new blood moving through my veins. I kept on taking it, and now consider myself a well and rugged woman. 1 work all the time, nnd am happy. I am positive that the Sarsaparilla saved my life. The sick headaches I have hail since childhood, havo disappeared, aud my ca- tarrh has almost entirely left me. 1 cannot be too thankful for what Johnston's Sarsaparilla has doue forme. I recommend all women who have sick head- aches to nse your Sarsaparilla

    WaVca- OOMTAMT, I3SO-J-



    Having duly qualified before the Superi- r (Joint Clerk or Pin cunly as Kicculor

    fine List Will and Testament of Nancy Wallace, iliveased, notice i* hereby given to all persona indebted to snid estate' to make ininu-iliale iisymcnl to the undersigned, and all iKi.-oiihluiving claims against said es- tate are hereby notified to present the same lor payment on or before the 1'Sth day of April, HOI, or tin* noliec will he plead in ' at of recovery.

    Tin- wih day of April, 1900. JAUKS THOMAS AWKSMS

    Executor of Nancy Wallace,


    Ity virtue of a decree of the Superior Court uf l'itl Cindy at Ilccenil-cr Icr.-n ISM in the case n T. 1. II. P. Bryant vs. Alfred Andrews cl al, the innler.igneil ('iiniiiiis-ioner will sell for cash before the Oner! Hoi -e 6oOf in flissnfills, on Mon- day tin- 4- lav of June 1900 th- following describe! Irad of land, situate in the coun- ty ol Pill, ia UMbel tuwr-eliip, and being the laud i.pou which said Alfred Andrew* BOW reside It ipuning at a pine in Hi* line of .1. I> I'.mill's laud and atthecorner of a piece 01 panel of land belonging lo the imi.'oi W. It Wliitcliiirt, IIHIU-C running with the said .1. I). Bryant's line north slj east If BOMB to a pine cornering to a piece of iand ls'longjng to Qeo, Nelsvn snd Maillia J Nelson, tlienee wiih their line north 6 ilegrccs west 9M poles to the liack line, tlicneewiih the said line to Iho corner of W. It. Whilehiirst heir-, thence with I lieir line I" Ihe beginning, containing 4:1 acres. r*. II. .IAHKS,

    This May Ird, law. Com

    N( )TK E ()ED IS.SOU TIO.V.

    Tlie llrm ut Tucker A: Co.. composed of (i. M. Tucker,J. A. K.Tuekerand W. E. Tucker by mutual consent disKilvcd part- ner&lupon or about the loth day of -l,-nui- ary, 1800. All peooaa iiuU-blol lo the firm w ill jdease make seltlemi-ut at once with cither of the above named. All persons bating claims against Ihc tirni will please present their claim tod M. Tucker at once.

    This April Pili, loon. ii. M TrcKF.u,

    .1. A. K TtcKEii, W. K. TCCKRB.


    By virtue of a decree or the Superior Court of Pill county iun special pen ceiling eulilk-l Marllm Ann Tyson and ntbera against Andrew Vinci and others, pcliiion to sell land for partition. The undersign- r Commissioner will sell for cash Is-forc tin- Court Home door inUrecnvillc 0.1 Bat* unlav. May Itth, 190" the following del- orlbed piece, panel oriraot of land, situ- ate iu Put ciiutvin Beaver Dam toi)hip, adj. iuin.. ih,. la'nds of ltuel Wllloiighby, tii-orgc llemby, aktbert Cebb and others, contaiiiiiig TJ acres, moreor less, it being known ns ihc Ardcu llrniiiu home tract.

    FA (i jASK,Com'i - Tbia April 18 1900.


    3fic. per liottle. Cures Chills and Fever, Malaria, Xight Sweats and 'grippe. Money back if it doesn't. Xo other as good. Get the kind with the Ban Cross on the label. Sold and guaranleeil by Woolen, Bryan anil Ernul, druggists.



    aud uighl Sweats with Robert-* Tasteless jChill Tonic at 30c, per rtottla. Pleasant to take. Money afanded if it fails. Restoroi ap*

    petite, pur 1 ncs the blood uud makes you well. BTODS other as good. Sold and guaranteed at the drug stores of Bryan. Woott-uaud Ernul.



    Whicliard. N. C.

    The Stock complete in every ie partment and prices us low as Ihe owest. llighci-t market prices

    aid for country produce.

    Tho One Day Cold Oura. For cold, sad wire throat lac K- nm

    .LassUve UUISIMF. rjiMlv l.krn si. raady quickly cart.

    HIYEB SERVICE Steamer Myres leave Washing-

    ton daily at 0 A. M. for Green- ville, leave Greenville daily at i I*. M. for Washington.

    Steamer Edgecouibe leaves Greenville Mondays, Wednesday and I-'ridays at 7 A. M. forTar- IHIIO. leave Tartoro for Greenville iue-days, Thurdays aud Saturdays at ii A. M. carries freight only.

    Connecting at Washington with Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore, I'hilals-lphia. Kew York uud Bos- ton, and for all points for the West with railroads at Norfolk.

    Shippers should order freight by the Old Dominions. B. Co. from New York; Clyde Line from Phila- delphia; Bay Line from Baltimore; .Men haul.-' and Miners' Line from Boston.

    ISO. MYERS' BON, Agt. Washington, N. C.

    J. J. CHERRY, Agt., Grccuvillc, N. 0.


    A. F. *S A. M. Greenville Lodge, No. 284, meets first and third Monday evening. R. Wil- liams. W. M. J. M. Reuss, Sec

    I. O. O. F.Covenant Lodge, No. 17. Meets every Tuesday evening. R. L. Humber.N. G. E. E Griffin, Bee.

    K. of P.Tar .River Lodge, Nt, 93, meets every Friday evening R. M. Moye, C. C.j T. M. Hooker, K. of R. amis.

    R. A.Zeb Vance Council, No. 1696, meets every Thursday even- ing. W. B. Wilson, B. M. Rr. Lang, Sec.

    JK. O. U. A. M.Meets every Wednesday night at 7:30, in I. O. O. F hall. J. B. White, Ooun- sailer.

    A. O. A.Egyptian Council, No. 6, meets every first and third Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall. J. Z. Gardner Worthy Chief; D. 8. Smith, Sec.

    1.0. H.Greenvilie Conclave No. S111, meets every second and fourth Monday nights in Odd Fel- owe Hall. W. B. Wilson Archon: D.8. Smith Sec

    PATENTS-N 0VICE Al TO PATENTABILITY Sftiic la " Idvr 1111 vt Am " Uook "How toobtaia rUnt" CKayei nfdswnU. NotVi tl 1 patent In teennd. 1

    lernt^rablr.ctlr I'.nii.l.-nliRl. Adilrusnt, 1 E. . MGOiM, PaUfit Li-rrwr, WM"

    FREE ileataweared. 1

    ml. Addraes, 1 Wjs>ijiiili7acj

    PATENT *ut rlliiu you lavajtBt or itnprorfl I Jsx> nt CAVEATjllAOt.MARI.. COPTRMNTorKMH PROTECTION. Henil nic-Jel, fikwtcli,orps.oto. for frne e&Am!natlon nd advlr*.

    100. ON PHEwTtKi'&ro"^.? ".. O. JaANOKMI 4747- atnt TWfvSrWAtMlrTOTTjrt, D.C. inuiiaisa%%a%%aA%%.**a




    Also a nice Line of Hardware.

    I can uow be found iu the brick store formerly

    occupied by J. W. Brown.



    EPISCOPAL.Sunday-school 0:30 a m. W.B.Brown,superintendent. Lay Sen-ices every 2nd and 4th Sunday moruing.

    BAPTIKT.Services every Sun- day, morning and evening. Pray- er-meeting Wednesday evening. Rev. J. N. Booth, paittor. Sunday- school 9:30 a. m. C. 1). Bountree, superintendent.

    METHODIST.Services every Sun- day, morning and evening. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Rev. N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday school 3 p. m. W F. Harding, su- 1 erintendent

    PEBBBYTERIAN.Services thin. Sunday, morningand evening. Rev. J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday- school 10 a. m. E. B. Ficklen su perintendent.

    CHRIBTI 4.xServices at ths Opera House every 2nd Sunday morning and night. Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor.

    CATHOLICHO regular service*.

    &U tfts

    Jfews Tvtfiee






    State Ticket.

    For Governor: CHARLES B. AYCOCK,

    of Wayne.

    For Lieutenaut Governor: WILFRED D. Tl'RNER,

    of Iredell.

    For Secretary of State: J. BRYANGRIME8,

    of Pitt.

    For Treasurer: BENJAMIN R. LACY,

    of Wake.

    For Auditor: B. F. DIXON, of Cleveland.

    For Attorney General: ROBERT D. GILMER,

    of Hay wood.

    Superintendent Public struct ion:

    THOMAS F.TOON, of Robeson.

    For Commissioner Agriculture: SAMUEL L. PATTERSON,

    of Caldwell.

    For Commissioner Labor ami Printing:

    HENRY B. VARNER, of Davidson.

    For Corporation Commissioners: SAMUEL L. ROGERS,

    of Macon, FRANK McNEILL,

    of New Hanover.

    Foi PrtsidentialElectors-at-Large: DAN HUGH McLEAN,

    of Cumberland. LEE S. OVERMAN,

    ot Rowan.

    For In-

    Thc Country Printers Report.

    The Latrolx-, Pennsylvania, Advance accomplishes a very neat presentation of city competi- tion with conutry job printing of- fices. It calls attention to the fart that the city offices have been can- vassing Latrobe for job work, and uttering prices that the local offices cannot meet; and says that it is easy to say to the loeal printer that his prices are higher thau city of- fices demand. The Advance goes on to remark:

    'The turnit lire man iu Ihc city- advertises goods away down, and we go to 1 he local dealer, and ask him about it.

    "And he truly says: 'Inferior articles.'

    'The city dentist says he will make teeth at half the price charg- ed here.

    "The local dentist truly says: ^Inferior work and material.'

    "The city tailor says he will make a suit for a whole lot less thau the local man.

    "The loeal tailor truly says: 'Not well made.'

    "The city grocer, dry goods man and others quote prices the local meu don't touch; but the local tru- ly remarks: 'Not the same goods.'

    "The doctor advertises to cure yon for a small price, but the local physii ian simply aud truthfully says:

    " 'Quack.' "With a daily paper before us

    just uow, we see all these things advertised, so we know that print ing is not the ouly commodity of- fered away down. Oh, no; not by a lot.

    The moral is: 'The local print- er is not the "ouly pebble on the beach" who doesn't compete with the cut-throat fakir.'

    "Mr. Business Man, you don't compete successfully either; why do yon expect your neighbor in the printcry to do sot"

    Relationship ot Subscriber nnd J Advertiser.

    Thegeuiiinc bona liilesulcrilicr, the person who pays for his or her subscriptiou does not fully appre- ciate their full value to the paper as an asset of the paper.

    This is iudistinction to the per- son who may read the paper, but docs not pay for it.

    Newspaper borrowers, or those who have the habit of jusl pick- ing up someone else's paper, and reading it, as their tribe increases iua community, addsjust so much weight to Ihc newspaper publish- er's inability to get out a credita- ble paper, for aj the receipts de- crease or increase, so will the av- erage newspaper in a ciiiniuuiiity reflect iu its columus the condition of the publisher's cash drawer.

    It is not a sign of special intelli- gence to be able lo criticise a news- paper for its lack of BSWS, quality of its paper, or its up todateuess.

    But it does require a high grade of intelligence on the part of the newspaper publisher to gel up a fairly respectable, up-to-date paper iu a community where the borrow- crs of the paper exceed those who pay legularly for the paper.

    Readers of newspapers, very many of them, will severely criti- cise the newspaper publisher for not giving them two columns of reading matter to each column of advertisements.

    And yet this very critic never thinks, much less realizes, that this very advertising, which seem so space filling, is what gives the reader Hie paper, and whatever ex- cellence of matter it may contain. New Bern Journal.

    Near" Suffrage.

    Possible and Impossible Itemed ie.



    >Ve are siill iu ihe forefront of thelrace.after your patronage We offer vou the liest selected line ofl Kit


    General Merchandise to tM found is any store ill Pitt County. Well bougfal choice selections, the creations of the tost manufacturers of America and Europe. Seasonable all the year round. Spring, Summer and Winter. We are at work for yours and our mutual ad- vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what you want and to sell you if wee:in. We offer you the very best service, polite attention, aud Ihc most liberal terms i sistcnt with 8 well established business buill up strictly on it- own merits.

    When you come to market you will not do yourself justice if you do not see our immense slock before buying elsewhere. Remember us and ihc following lines of general merchandise,

    Dry Goods and Notions, Halsuml Caps, Silks and Satins, DreasTriinuiings Ladies' Jackets and < 'apes, Carpets. Mattings and < >il Clolhs. iTN

    Shoes. Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes.^Saddlery Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters.


    Story of Past.


    At a meeting of the Democratic

    Kxecutive Committee held in

    Greenville on the 14th day of April, 1900, a convention for the nomination of Democratic candi- dates for the Legislature and the various county offices and for the appoint ment of delegates to the First Congressional District Demo- cratic convention, was .called to meet in the Court House, in Green- ville, at 12 o'clock M., on Saturday, May li'tb. 1900.

    Township primaries, for the pur- pose of appointing delegates to Said county convention, were called to meet at the usual places in each township on Saturday, May 12th, 1900, at 8 o'clock P. M. The said primaries will also elect an Execu- tive Committee for each precinct, composed of five members, and al- so nominate candidates for Justices of the Peace aud Constable. The number of delegates and alternates each township will be entitled to is as follows i

    Beaver Dam Belvoir 5 Bethel Carolina 8 Cbicod 20 Contentuea 21 Falkland 8 Farmville 7 Greenville 19 Pactolns * Swift Creek 11

    All white men in the county of Pitt who favor the white people controlling the affairs of State and county, aud who intend to vote to that end, are cordially invited to attend and participate in these meetings.

    ALKX. L. BLOW, Ohm'n. W. L. BBOWN, Sec.

    The following is the history of a railroad pass which, if true, is very good of its kind. When R. N- Rice, who was afterwards Pres- ident of the Michigau Central Railroad, was the general manager of the New York central, he re- ceived by mail an expired pass, across the back of which the bolder hod written in red ink: Bless my stars', no more on Ihe cars

    As a deudbeat I'll ride ou i he rail.

    Unless Mr. Rice should take my advice And send me a pass by the mail. Without a moments hesitation

    Mr. Rice turned the pass over and traced iu red ink ou its face the following: The conductor will pass this Imu-

    dle of gas Front July till the middle ol

    Lent, Liko auothsr deadhead, witliotil ,|Pd hereafter lor negp

    paying a red, 1*1 him ride to his hearts con- tent. The pass was never taken up,

    and is today kept iu the family the holder.


    North Caroliua is moving to cure a great e\ilthe rule of the negro iu political ami governmental af- fairs. In Virginia the white folks arc in action uow aud in two or three mouths will adopt a consti- tution for tne state that will deal with negro suffrage in a repressive way. Louisiana lately held an election since the new con stitutiou was adopted. In the last election the uegroes registered some 126,000. This year they registered but 7,000. In the last election Ihe whites registered not far from 120,000. This year 117,000. The new suffrage qualification set aside the hitherto negro rule thai was such a curse aud ruin to the stale, as Senator McEuery so forcefully exhibited In the senate BOOM mouths ago. In North Carolina probably 80,000 negroes will con tinue to vote and under enlarged educational facilities will yearly increase. With au amendment the white nan's government will vote more money for the education ; of the negroes. Wifh the Amend j input defeated, there will IN very l.ille of the people's money expos-

    ed Ofatiou. With the negro Rlill on top while men will not bleed thenisches to educate their enemies Wilming- ton Star.

    Groceries. Flour, Meal, Sugar. Coffee, Molasses,iJLanl, Send ,

    Hardware, Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.

    Furniture. Headquarters for Furniture and everything in thai line.

    We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.

    Your Friends,


    If Trusts culd have been de- molished by Hie promulgation ! antagonistic parly pla"Ol I'l- UtS

    country would lia'i been long ago rid of linn. But Ihe maker- of Trusts and platforms are really members of ihe -ami- Joiul stock company. The} pla} iato each .. \. '- hands. R] propel 1} using it- power lo i igulate interstate commerce or by withdrawing the statutory indue) mcul to i ;"]" Untie combination embodied in I'.I v..i: tarnfdIIiie. ilongreaamigfal give immediate relief. Bnl the Interstate Commerce law baa beeu stubbornly maintained iu such an Inoperative shape B* to ndueeibel formation i railwa} trust! as a means ol defence agaiusl ul- timate desl rod ion of the value of the properties involved-, and no -t..-]i ha- been taken to reduce the tai ill'rate- that have no other pur- pose iliau to invite Hie spoliation ol I hi consumer. Congress ill

    111 the Whit'' Hoiue aiidiln- Capil '1 al Washington is the place where the Trusts are mi -i formidably entrenched.

    li i- uow proj used, ns farther meaus of staving off any effective legislation again Trusts, to sel i u foot a project ot Huameud the Fed- eral Constitution as to forbid and abolish Uieiu. '1 bis isthe mosl im- pudeutl} transparent of all the de- \ ices-0 Sir put forward to etherize and stupefy the people of the Cul- led States in onli i' lhal ttoii pocl eis may be picked duriug a further term of years, rhere is no possi- bility for amendment of the Feder- al Cniulitution to deal with Trusts and Ihereisno intention of amend, ment, aud there is no necessity ol amendment. Congress and ihi States have all the needed power for correction or abolition. Ihc Trusts are ouly mischievous in so for as they enjoy special privileges

    ( icrred upon them either by Federal or State power. Take away these protective advantages ami they arc defenseless.Pbila delphia Record.

    "f OTTON ^Culture"

    is the name

    o t a valu-

    able illustrat-

    ed pamphlet

    which should

    be in the hands

    planter who

    raises Cotton. The
