Page 1: Ihe Impactor Intrdouction (The Intro Pactor)

Mark GlattExplains

Page 2: Ihe Impactor Intrdouction (The Intro Pactor)

Hi. My name is MaRk Glatt. Thank you for taking a look at a rough draft of my comic book, “The Impactor!” This introduction here is obviously not part of the plot of The Impactor and if you’d rather go ahead and read the comic book: 1. Thanks for reading. 2. I understand. I’m not even writing this introduction until January the 7th, 2014, over a year since I last worked on the comic book (August of 2012) and over two years since I first started it back in December of 2011. Taking a look at this intro might make the story easier to understand.

Page 3: Ihe Impactor Intrdouction (The Intro Pactor)

I am a 24 year old white vegetarian would-be-boxer/wrestler-turned-comedian/musician who just moved to Austin in Novemeber with my band. I like playing music, telling jokes and working out. Not looking for commitment just yet. Currently, I do temp work but they pay me enough to get by, living in a trailer park. Being blue collar makes me proud. Low class is better than no class. I'm a non smoker who drinks a little once or twice a week and I don't get drunk. A little buzz at the most. In addition to practicing my music and comedy and maintaining my body (which is in decent shape for a square unathletic Jew like myself) I play a lot of 3DS. I am shy at first. I don't get emotional unless I'm really comfortable around the person I'm talking to or when someone starts talking about something I'm familiar with which usually causes me to share everything I know about the topic. Even then I'm not even that emotional. Don't let my robot personality throw you off.

Page 4: Ihe Impactor Intrdouction (The Intro Pactor)

And you just read it. I promise that the comic book you are about to read (if that last page didn’t completely turn you off) is a lot less painful to read. It took a lot less stupidity to upload as well. Moving on.

I had the idea for The Impactor during the summer of 2010, right before my senior year of college. I wrote the finalfight scene that November right before literally crashing and burning as a stand up comedian. During my hiatus from stand up comedy the following January/February of 2011, I started writing a book called “Particle Men” (named after the song by They Might Be Giants). The book was completed that July. The plot involved the following stories: “The Impactor”, “Russell Vega” (taking place in 2011-12) and “Particle Men” (taking place in 2020).

Page 5: Ihe Impactor Intrdouction (The Intro Pactor)

Finally, a topic I can write about without embarrassing myself. Well, I guess I’m still embarrassing my creative process and my writing. Eventually I decided that of the three plots, The Impactor was the most complete and the most thought-out storyline. Also it personally interested me the most. The fact that of the three plots that made up “Particle Men” I went with the most serious plot shows how much of a comedian I was at the time.

OK, looking to your right you will see that the Impactor himself not only has a lame super hero name, he’s also poorly animated. Who wants to guess what that animation is called? Give up? It’s Power Point. News flash. I don’t draw. All of the characters come from squares, circles, lines and triangles.

Page 6: Ihe Impactor Intrdouction (The Intro Pactor)

Yes, yes I know. 1. I had only been doing comedy for 14 months by the time that picture was taken. I was young and stupid. 2. As I just said earlier. I DON’T KNOW HOW TO DRAW! There will be parts in the story where it’s just a picture of two people about to fight with the title saying “Fight Scene”. I figured I’d let the professionals worry about the details and sound effects (Bang, Wham, Whim, Boom) because they sure didn’t work on the script.

I myself am just a temp worker (all night Janitor, piano teacher and waiter at the time I made the comic book) with no assistance from any professional comic book writers or illustrators. That would have cost extra money, which is money that I don’t have. Money spent on my computer was actually the only cash I put towards the comic book. In fact as soon as I finished writing that last sentence, I went outside to go to the bathroom because the water isn’t running. It’s the night after the coldest day in Chicago and there’s literally ice inside of the house.

Page 7: Ihe Impactor Intrdouction (The Intro Pactor)

The PlotDwight Scott (named Dweighton Scottsman in the earlier issues

before I shortened his name to something more simple) was an outcast who grew up hanging onto his worst memories while shutting out most of his positive memories. He doesn’t realize this until well into the comic book. While he didn’t have a glamorous life, it could have been a lot worse. He knows this right from the beginning and is aware that his neighborhood could have a lot more crime, his family could be a lot more poor and the bullies at his school could be a lot more violent. However still …

He grows up using his experience with bullies as a reason to be rude, bitter and grumpy. By the time he is about to complete high school he realizes this and decides to become a super hero for three simple reasons.

1. To vent his rage.

2. To redeem himself for his rudeness.

3. To protect other people from being bullied as bad as he was.

Page 8: Ihe Impactor Intrdouction (The Intro Pactor)

Does anyone ever read a story you wrote and suspect the main character of being a fantasy version of you? I was afraid of this so I made a live action character named Russell Vega who is portrayed by yours truly. As Russell Vega, I make some appearances from issues 24 to 29, give or take a few issues. Russell Vega is one of the main characters in “Particle Men”. He is a burn out rock and roll musician who has no choice but to join the school’s wrestling team during his senior year in college. I myself worked out with the team during my senior year but I never competed.

Page 9: Ihe Impactor Intrdouction (The Intro Pactor)

Last thing before you read the comic book. I am aware that there are two characters who might get me in trouble: Iro L7 (pink) and Super Ball (green). You’ll eventually notice that they might slightly resemble Kick Ass and Hit Girl from the movies “Kick Ass” and “Kick Ass 2”. They were meant as a nod of respect towards the characters at the time I was writing them. In the rough draft, there are some similarities that I plan on editing out before posting the rest of the comic book. I saw the first movie and read all the comic books.

NO SPOILERS but if you read “Kick Ass”, you’ll notice that Kick Ass inspires many citizens of New York to become super heroes as well. In the movie “Super”, Rainn Wilson plays the first ever real life super hero “Crimson Volt” with Ellen Page (Boltie) at his side. So at this point, real life super heroes have become a trend. So the Impactor IS NOT the first ever real life super hero. He is one of many in the scene. IF THERE ARE ANY STOLEN IDEAS IN THE BOOK, PLEASE DON’T HESITATE TO CALL ME OUT ON IT. I’LL TAKE A LOOK. REMEMBER THIS IS A ROUGH DRAFT THAT IS GOING TO BE REDONE.

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Remember, I am a musician and a stand up comedian whose degree in SOA landed him a nice job as a temp worker. Comic book writing isn’t my specialty. It’s a rough draft and it’s my first attempt. So please think about while you’re slamming me in the comments. I get enough of that already.

That being said, please enjoy the show!!