  • 8/9/2019 Ige És Melléknév Vonzattár



    Mit is tud ez az oldal, és mire lehet használni?

    Az alább található linre kattintva egy közel 100 oldalas vonzattárat tölthettek le. engeteg gondot okoznyelvvizsgákon, !elvételin "és lássuk be, általában mindenhol#, hogy nem tud$uk, hogy melyik ige után mikor

    milyen szerkezet állhat. A legti%ikusabb, és talán legelrettent&bb a SUGGEST  ige %éldá$a, ami után rengetegszerkezet állhat, %ont az nem viszont, amit mindenki a sz've szerint használna.

    (ogyan használható a vonzattár? )me néhány $avaslat*+ l&ször %ersze töltsd le a dokumentumot.+ (asználhatod szótárként* nézd meg a szavakat, amelyeket nem tudsz.+ llen&rizd magad* A -esztla%ok + ban nemsokára találkozhatsz özé%!okon a /23A-/ !eladatla%okkal,ahol gyakorolhatod a vonzattárban tanultakat.+ 4róbára is teheted magad* kezdhetsz a -esztla%okkal, és ellen&rizgeted a megoldásokat a vonzattárban.+ (a tan'tanád* igyeksz5nk nemsokára html !ormátumban simán letölthet& + elvihet& teszteket is 'rni, 'gy kész/vonzatos/ óravázlataid lesznek.

    4ersze mindez 6sak 'zel't&, ha belenéztek az anyagba, látni !og$átok, hogy elég részletes, 'gy valósz'n7leg mégtöbb hasznos'tási !ormát tudtok ma$d kitalálni a vonzattárnak.

    ég5l egy szerény kérés* é%%en azért mert ala%os munkáról van szó, nek5nk rengeteg energiába ker5ltösszeáll'tani ezt a vonzattárat. (isz5nk az ingyenességben, esz5nkbe sem $ut "nem is igen $uthat#, hogy akárezért a kb. 100 oldalas szótárért $ogd'$at, vagy bármilyen %énzt kér$5nk. 8zeretnénk, ha minél többen vinnétekel, és használnátok !el az itt megtalálható anyagot, annyit viszont kér5nk viszonzásul, hogy a honla%otelm'tsétek meg !orrásként, hadd talál$on ide minél több ember. Azt gondol$uk, ez 'gy elég tisztességes a$ánlat,kér5nk -iteket, hogy ennyit tegyetek meg a sok anyagért 6serébe.

    öszön$5k megértéseteket, $ö$$ön hát a letölthet& anyag*


    ABANDON (elhagy, hátrahagy)

    ~ sb to sth: He abandoned the people to their fate. ( sorsukra hagyta az embereket )~ sth (to sb/sth): They had to abandon their house (to the enemy).

    ~ oneself to sth: She abandoned herself to her emotions. ( Átadta magát az érzelmeinek.)

    (UN)ABLE (tud, képes)

    ~ to do sth: He is better/more able to help you than us. ( többet tudna segíteni)

    ABOUT (azon van)

    ~ to do sth: I was just about to tell him the story, when his wife arrived.

    not be ~ to do sth: Im not about to tell him sorry after all that hes done to me. (nem vagyok


    ABSENT (hiányzik)

    ~ (from sth): She is absent (from s!hool) today.

    ABSORBED (elmélyedt)

    ~ in sb/sth: He seems absorbed in his newspaper.

    ABSTAIN (tartózkodik)

    ~ from sth: "ou have to abstain from al!ohol from now on.

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    ABSURD (nevetséges)

    ~ to do sth: He is absurd to thin# that he is so attra!tive.

    it is ~ to do sth: It is absurd to assume that a woman is less !ompetent than a man.

    it is ~ that: It was absurd that she hadnt $uessed the answer strai$htaway.

    it is ~ that sb shold do sth: It is absurd that they should start to ar$ue over the issue a$ain.

    A!!E"T (elfogad)

    ~ sth: The publisher a!!epted my boo# for publi!ation.

    ~ sth (as sth): I dont a!!ept %ohns story (as the true version).

    ~ that: She !ouldnt a!!ept that her mother was dead. (nem tudott belenyugodni)sb/sth is ~ to do sth: Humans are $enerally a!!epted to be superior to animals. (általánosanelfogadottan)it is ~d that: It is $enerally a!!epted that humans are superior to animals.

    ~ sb as sth: They a!!epted him as the leader of the party.

    ~ sb to sth: He was a!!epted to university. ( felvették )~ sb to do sth: He was a!!epted to study film. ( felvették )~ sb into sth: It was $reat to be a!!epted warmly into su!h a ni!e family. (befogadott )

    A!!E"TABLE (elfogadható)

    ~ (to sb): The solution is not a!!eptable (to everyone).

    A!!ESSIBLE (hozzáférhető)

    ~ (to sb): His letters are a!!essible (to the publi!).

    A!!OUNTABLE (felelős)

    ~ (to sb) (for sth): She is a!!ountable (to herself) (for her deeds).

    A!!USE (vádol)

    ~ sb (of sth): They a!!used him (of the murder).

    A!!USTO#ED (hozzá van szokva)

    ~ to (doin$) sth: I am a!!ustomed to (listenin$ to) his bad jo#es.

    A!%NO&LED'E (elismer)

    ~ sth: I a!#nowled$e the truth of your statement.~ doin$ sth: They a!#nowled$ed havin$ lost the battle. (beismerték, hogy)it is ~d to do sth: It is $enerally a!#nowled$ed that the Tur#s won the battle at &oh'!s. (elismerttény, hogy)~ (to sb) that: They a!#nowled$ed (to us) that they lost the battle. (beismerték, hogy)~ sb/sth as sth: They a!#nowled$ed %im as their leader. (elfogadták vezetj!knek )~ sb/sth to do sth: %im was a!#nowled$ed to be their leader.

    A!UAINTED (ismer)

    ~ ith sb/sth: I am not a!uainted with his friend.

    A!UIT (felment)

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    ~ sb of sth: She was a!uitted of murder !har$es.

    A!T (cselekszik)

    ~ : It was proved that she a!ted in selfdefen!e.

    ~ sb/sth: She has been a!tin$ the perfe!t wife all mornin$. (a tökéletes feleség szere"ét játszotta)~ ad*: She a!ted blind. (#gy tett, mintha vak lenne.)~ li+e sb/sth: He a!ts li#e an idiot. (#gy viselkedik, mint egy idióta.)~ as if/tho$h: She a!ted as if shed never seen me before. ($gy tett, mintha)~ as/li+e sth: *unishment a!ts as a deterrent. (elrettentésként hat )~ on sth: +ru$s a!t ui!#ly on the brain. ( gyorsan hatnak )~ on behalf of/for: He a!ted on behalf of/for the defendant. (a vádlott nevében %selekedett )

    ADA"T (átdolgoz, adaptál)

    ~ sth (for sth): Sha#espeares plays have been adapted (for !hildren).

    ~ (oneself) to sth: He adapted (himself) to the !han$e uite ui!#ly. (alkalmazkodott )

    ~ sth to do sth: e adapted our future plans to meet the !ompanys reuirements. (megváltoztattuk )

    ADD (hozzáad)

    ~ sth (to sth): Shall I add your name (to the parti!ipants list)- (hozzáírjam)~ sth and sth: If you add and , you $et . (összeadod )~ that: She added that they would !ome ba!# soon. (hozzátette)

    ADDI!TED (függő)

    ~ (to sth): 0nfortunately, he is addi!ted (to dru$s).

    ADDRESS (megcímez)

    ~ sth (to sb/sth): I addressed the letter (to my boss).

    ~ sb: I didnt e1pe!t him to address me in Hun$arian. (magyarul szólít meg )~ sth to sb: 2ddress your uestions to your tutor. (kérdéseiddel fordulj a tutorodhoz)~ sb as sth: "ou should address her as 3&iss Tea!her. ($gy kell szólítanotok, hogy)~ (oneself to) sth: The authors address (themselves to) rather different problems. ( foglalkoznak )

    ADE"T (ártas)

    ~ at/in (doin$) sth: He is adept at (repairin$) !omputers.

    ADEUATE (megfelelő)

    ~ for/to sb/sth: Her voi!e is not adeuate for the role of 4armen.

    ~ to do sth: It will be adeuate to meet our needs. (elegend, hogy kielégítse a sz!kségleteinket )

    AD,ERE (!etart)

    ~ to sth: "ou must adhere to this diet if you want to lose wei$ht.

    AD-UST (igazít, megigazít)

    ~ sth: He adjusted her hat.

    ~ sth to sth: 2lways adjust your le!ture to the #nowled$e of your students.~ to sth: I too# a lon$ time to adjust to the lo!al traditions. (hozzászokni)

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    ~ to doin$ sth: I finally adjusted to livin$ in the !ity. (hozzászoktam)~ oneself to doin$ sth: "oull ui!#ly adjust yourself to livin$ in the States. (hozzászoksz)

    AD#IRE (csodál)

    ~ sb/sth (for sth): I admire %ennifer (for the way she tal#s to the press).

    ~ sb for doin$ sth: 5veryone admires her for wor#in$ so hard.

    AD#IT (!eismer)

    ~ (to) doin$ sth: He admits (to) havin$ ne$le!ted his !hildren.

    ~ (to) sth: He admits (to) his mista#es.

    ~ (to sb) (that): He admitted (to his parents) (that) he had failed his e1am. (bevallotta)sb/sth is ~ted to do sth: The offensive is $enerally admitted to be a failure. (elismert tény, hogy)it is ~ted that: It is $enerally admitted that the $overnment a!ted too late.

    ~ sb/sth (to/into sth): "ou will be admitted only five minutes before the performan!e starts. (&saköt "er%%el az eladás megkezdése eltt engednek be.)

    ~ of sth: 6eynes7s e!onomi!s admits of a variety of interpretations. (többféle értelmezést megenged )

    AD.ERTISE (reklámoz, hirdet)

    ~ sth as sth: The soap was advertised as the best one ever.

    ~ for sb/sth: The !ompany is advertisin$ for se!retaries. (titkárnket keres)

    AD.ISABLE (tanácsos)

    it is ~ to do sth: It is advisable to follow the rules.

    it is ~ that: It is advisable that the date set for !ompletion involves a $roup meetin$.

    it is ~ that sb (shold) do sth: It is advisable that everybody (should) follow the rules.

    AD.ISE (tanácsol)

    ~ sb a$ainst (doin$) sth: I advised him a$ainst (marryin$) her.

    ~ sb on/abot sth: He advised the #in$ about/on matters of state. (a király taná%sadója voltállam!gyekben)~ sb to do sth: The do!tor advised me to ta#e a wee# off. (azt javasolta, hogy vegyek ki egy hét

     szabadságot )~ doin$ sth: Id advise ta#in$ a different approa!h.

    ~ that sb (shold) do sth: e advised that they (should) leave early.

    it is ~d that: It is stron$ly advised that you leave the buildin$ at on!e. ( taná%sos)~ (sb) h: 4an you advise (me) what to do- (adnál taná%sot, hogy mit tegyek )~ sb of sth: "ou are #indly reuested to advise us of any !han$es in your personal details. (kérj!k,tudasson)~ sb that: I re$ret to advise you that your appli!ation has not been a!!epted. ( sajnálattal tudatom)

    AIR# (megerősít)

    ~ sth: She affirmed her love for him.

    ~ that: He affirmed that he was tellin$ the truth. (azt állította, hogy)

    AORD (megteheti)

    ~ sth: I !ant afford a new !ar. ( 'em engedhetek meg magamnak egy $j autót.)~ to do sth: I !ant afford to !riti!ise the boss.

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    ALLER'I! (allergiás)

    ~ to sth: He is aller$i! to some plants.

    ALLO& (megenged)~ sb to do sth: I dont allow my dau$hter to stay out after dar#.

    ~ (doin$) sth: He doesnt allow smo#in$ here.

    sth is ~ed: Smo#in$ is not allowed here. (tilos a dohányzás)~ oneself/sb sth to do sth: I allow myself/her 9 minutes to $et to the offi!e. ()* "er%et adokmagamnak+neki)~ sth (for sb/sth): How mu!h time would you allow (for the journey)- ( ennyi id sz!kséges-~ sb sth: She has never stolen anythin$. ; I allow you that. ( zt elismerem.)~ that: e should allow (the possibility) that he is the best. (be kell ismern!nk )~ for sb/sth: It ta#es about two hours allowin$ for traffi! jams. ( számításba véve)~ of sth: It is a fair uestion, and allows of more than one answer.

    ALTERNATE (váltakozik)

    sth ~s ith sth: Her $ood mood alternated with despair.

    ~ beteen sth and sth: &y parents alternated between bein$ stri!t and lenient. (egyszer szigor$ak,máskor engedékenyek voltak )~ sth ith sth:

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    it ~s sb to do sth: It annoyed me to thin# how mu!h he spent on !lothes. (még rágondolni isidegesít )it ~s sb that: It annoyed me that he was late a$ain.

    it ~s sb h: It annoys me when people smo#e in a library.

    ANNO2ED (ideges)~ (ith sb) (at/abot sth): I was annoyed (with myself) (about for$ettin$ my mothers birthday).(mérges voltam)~ to do sth: She was annoyed to dis!over that her i!e!ream disappeared from the frid$e. (idegesenvette tudomásul )~ (that): I was annoyed (that) he had left without sayin$ $oodbye. (haragudtam, hogy)

    ANS&ER (válaszol, megválaszol)

    ~ sth: She !ould answer all my uestions.

    ~ sb sth: 2nswer me this.

    ~ that: She answered that she would do it.~ sb that: He answered me that he !ouldnt help that time.

    ~ for sth: "ou will answer for these do!uments. (te leszel a felels)~ to sb: "ou answer to the sales mana$er. ( 0 kereskedelmi igazgatónak tartozol beszámolni.) 

    AN3IOUS (aggódik)

    ~ abot sth: I am an1ious about the !ontra!t.

    ~ for sb: She is an1ious for her son.

    ~ for sth: She was an1ious for that job. ( 'agyon akarta azt az állást.)~ to do sth: He was an1ious to study in the States. (alig várta, hogy)~ for sb to do sth: I am an1ious for her to a!hieve her aims. ( 'agyon kívánom, hogy elérje a %éljait.)~ that: He was an1ious that she a!!ompanied him to the party. (nagyon szerette volna, ha)~ that sb (shold) do sth: I am an1ious that you (should) stay here until I return. (nagyon

     szeretném, ha

    A"OLO'I1E (elnézést kér)

    ~ (to sb) (for sth): He apolo$i=ed (to the hostess) (for !omin$ early).

    ~ that: He apolo$i=ed that he was late.

    A""ARENT (nyilvánvaló)

    ~ (from sth) (that): It was apparent (from her voi!e) (that) she was afraid.

    ~ (to sb) (that): It be!ame apparent (to everybody) (that) he wasnt ri!h at all.

    A""EAL (felle!ez)

    ~ (to sb/sth) (a$ainst sth): He said he would appeal (to the !ourt) (a$ainst) the verdi!t.

    ~ to sb for sth: The poli!e appeal to the army for help. ( segítséget kér a hadseregtl )sb/sth ~s to sb: His soft voi!e appeals to me. ( tetszik nekem)

    A""EAR (t#nik)

    ~ (to be) sth: He appeared (to be) an optimist.

    ~ ad*: He appeared tired.~ to do sth: He appears to #now the truth. ($gy t/nik, hogy)it ~s as if/as tho$h: It appears as if he is surprised. ($gy t/nik, mintha)

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    it ~s (that): It appeared (that) they a$reed. ($gy t/nt, hogy)it ~s ad* that: It appears unli#ely that they will win. (valószín/tlennek t/nik )

    A""L2 (pályázik)

    ~ to sb/sth (for sth): I finally applied (to five universities) (for s!holarship) last year.

    ~ to do sth: Sam has applied to join the fire bri$ade. ( jelentkezett )~ sth (to sth): The euipment was applied to sur$ery. (alkalmazták )sth ~ to sb/sth: This rule does not apply to you. (nem vonatkozik rád~ oneself to (doin$) sth: e applied ourselves to (findin$) the solution. (mindent elkövett!nk )

    A""RE!IATE (méltányol, értékel)

    ~ sth: I really appre!iate your #indness.

    ~ doin$ sth: I appre!iate bein$ treated li#e a prin!ess.

    ~ sb doin$ sth: e would appre!iate you helpin$ us. (hálásak lennénk )~ that: I appre!iated that he too# me home.

    ~ it if : I would appre!iate it if you would send me a prompt reply.~ it hen: I really appre!iate it when men propose to me.

    ~ h: He doesnt appre!iate how mu!h we spent on him. (nem fogja fel, hogy mennyit költött!nk rá)

    A""RO"RIATE (megfelelő)

    ~ (for/to sth): This dress is not appropriate (for a weddin$).

    A""RO.E (egyetért)

    ~ of sb/sth: She doesnt approve of what I said.

    AR'UE (veszekszik)

    ~ (ith sb) (o4er/abot sth): They are always ar$uin$ (with ea!h other) (about unimportantthin$s).

    ~ for/in fa4or of (doin$) sth: He ar$ued for/in favour of (raisin$) in!ome ta1. (érvelt mellette)~ a$ainst (doin$) sth: He ar$ued a$ainst (raisin$) in!ome ta1. (érvelt ellene)~ that: I would ar$ue that soft dru$s should be made le$al. (vitatkoznék arról )it is ~d that: It !ould be ar$ued that soft dru$s should be made le$al. (lehetne arról vitatkozni)

    ARRAN'E (elintéz, meg!eszél)

    ~ sth (ith sb): I arran$ed a meetin$ (with my lawyer).

    ~ (ith sb) to do sth: I arran$ed (with them) to meet them at ? o!lo!#.~ sth for sb: He arran$ed a dinner for the $uests. (megszervezett egy va%sorát )~ for sb to do sth: They arran$ed for the painter to have an e1hibition. (megszervezték a festnek akiállítást )~ (ith sb) for sth to do sth: I arran$ed (with my boss) for a mini bus to pi!# us up.

    ~ that: I arran$ed that they should tal# to ea!h other at the party.

    ~ for sth: The university arran$es for sport fa!ilities as well. ( lehetséget teremt )

    ARREST (letartóztat)

    ~ sb (for sth): He was arrested (for robbery) yesterday.

    ARRI.E (érkezik, megérkezik)

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    ~ at 5: I arrived at Heathrow yesterday.

    ~ in 5: I have just arrived in @ondon.

    ~ ad*: Aur plane arrived a bit late.

    AS,A#ED (szégyell)

    ~ of sb/sth/oneself (doin$ sth): I was ashamed of him bein$ drun# all the time.

    ~ to be sth: I felt ashamed to be drun#.

    ~ to do sth: I am ashamed to admit that I told her our se!ret.

    ~ (that): I felt ashamed (that) I hadnt helped him more.

    AS% (kér, kérdez)

    ~ sb abot sb/sth: 2s# him about the money he owes you.

    ~ sth: "ou should as# his opinion.

    ~ sb sth: I as#ed her their name. ( egkérdeztem tle a nev!ket.)~ (sb) h: He as#ed (%ill) what the $irls name was.

    ~ sb for sth: hy do you as# me for advi!e- ( iért tlem kérsz taná%sot-)~ sb sth: 4an I as# you a favour- ( 1érhetek egy szívességet-)~ sth of sb: 4an I as# a favour of you-

    ~ sb to do sth: She as#ed me to help her. (arra kért, hogy)~ that sb (shold) do sth: He as#ed that he (should) be sent the details. (arra kért, hogy)~ to do sth: He as#ed to see the mana$er. (beszélni akart )~ sth for sth: He as#ed too mu!h for that rundown house. ( sokat kért érte)

    AS"IRE (vágyik)

    ~ to sth: He aspires to a business !areer.

    ~ to do sth: She aspired to be the ne1t &arilyn &onroe.

    ASSERT (állít)

    ~ sth: He asserted her ideas in front of everyone. (világosan elmondta)~ sth to be ad*: He asserted the !har$es to be in!orre!t.

    ~ that: He asserted that he was not $uilty.

    it is ~ed that: It is !ommonly asserted that youn$ !hildren need !onstant !are. (elfogadott tény, hogy)~ oneself : He wanted to assert himself at all !osts. (érvényes!lni akart )

    ASSI'N (kiel"l)

    ~ (sb) sth: The tea!her assi$ned (me) a very diffi!ult tas#.~ sth (to sb): He assi$ned me to the duties of the administrative assistants.

    ~ sb to/as sth: The !ompany assi$ned %ohn as the new sales mana$er.

    ~ sb/sth to do sth: Berman troops were assi$ned to #eep pea!e in the re$ion.

    ASSIST (segít)

    ~ (sb) (in/ith sth): ell try to assist (you) (with your studies).

    ~ (sb) (in doin$ sth): They tried to assist (me) (in findin$ a job).

    ~ sb to do sth: e are assistin$ students to find a!!ommodation.

    ASSO!IATE (társít)~ sb/sth ith sb/sth: He is asso!iated with !omedies.

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    ~ ith sb: hy do you asso!iate with those posh people- (miért barátkozol )~ oneself ith sth: I would li#e to asso!iate myself with the dire!tor. ( szeretném kifejezniegyetértésem

    ASSU#E (feltételez)

    ~ sb (to be) ad*: I assumed him (to be) Cren!h.~ (that): S!ientists assume (that) $lobal warmin$ is in!reasin$.

    it is ~d that: It is assumed that lun$ !an!er is !aused by smo#in$.

    ~ sth: "ou will assume the !ontrol of the &iammar bran!h. (átveszed a vezetését )

    ASSURE (!iztosít)

    ~ sb of sth: I assured him of our full support.

    ~ sb (that): I !an assure you (that) everythin$ is $oin$ to be all ri$ht.

    ~ oneself of sth: He assured himself of their honesty. (megbizonyosodott )~ oneself that: He assured himself that nothin$ had !han$ed while he was away. (me$bi=onyosodott)

    ~ (sb) sth: 8i!tory would assure (us) a pla!e in the semifinals.

    ASTONIS,ED (megd"!!ent)

    ~ at/b0 sb/sth: &y father was astonished at my de!ision.

    ~ to do sth: &y mother was astonished to see that I was pre$nant. (döbbenten látta)~ (that): He seemed astonished (that) I was pre$nant.

    ATTA!, (csatol)

    ~ sth (to sth): I atta!h my thesis to the appli!ation.

    ~ oneself to sb: She atta!hed to him durin$ the trip. (ráta"adt )

    ~ to sb/sth: Do health ris# atta!hes to this sweetener. (nem veszélyezteti)

    ATTE#"T (megkísérel)

    ~ sth: She attempted an es!ape from the !amp, but she was !au$ht.

    ~ to do sth: She attempted to meet the Eueen in *aris.

    ATTEND (ár vhová)

    ~ sth: 2 lot of people attend !hur!h re$ularly.

    ~ to sb/sth: 2ttend to your wor#, please. ( figyelj a munkádra)

    ATTRA!T (vonz)

    ~ sb (to sb/sth): His intelli$en!e attra!ts me (to him). (az intelligen%iája teszi vonzóvá)~ sb/sth (to sth): The parade attra!ted thousands of youn$ people (to

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    A.OID (elkerül)

    ~ sb/sth: The !rash !ouldnt be avoided. (elker!lhetetlen volt )~ sb/sth doin$ sth: They built a dam to avoid the water floodin$ the !ity.

    ~ doin$ sth: He tried to avoid meetin$ them.

    A&ARE (tudatá!an van)

    ~ of sth: I am aware of how mu!h effort you have put into this job.

    ~ (that): I was aware (that) somethin$ unusual was happenin$.


    BAD (rossz)

    ~ at sth: He is really bad at maths.

    ~ at doin$ sth: She is bad at tellin$ lies. (!gyetlen!l hazudik )

    ~ for sb/sth: Su!h hot weather is bad for everyone. (nem tesz jót senkinek )~ to do sth: &att isnt too bad to wor# is ~ to do sth: It is bad to drin# too mu!h al!ohol. (káros)so ~ that: The situation is so bad that authorities are !onsiderin$ immediate a!tion.

    it is ~ that sb shold do sth: It is bad that so mu!h violen!e should be presented on T8.

    BAN (megtilt, eltilt)

    ~ sth: Smo#in$ is banned in the restaurant. (tilos)~ sb from sth: He is banned from al!ohol.

    ~ sb from doin$ sth: She is banned from drivin$ be!ause of speedin$.

    BAR'AIN (alkudozik)

    ~ (ith sb) (abot/o4er/on sth): &y mother is always bar$ainin$ (with the dealers) (about the pri!es) in the mar#et.

    ~ for/on sth: e didnt bar$ain on meetin$ you here. (nem számítottunk rá, hogy) 

    BASE (alapoz)

    ~ sth on/6on sth: He based his ideas on resear!h.

    ~ sb/sth/oneself in 5: They have based themselves in

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    BEAR (!AN7T BEAR) (nem tud vmit elviselni)

    8an7t/8oldn7t ~ sth: I !ant bear e1treme !old or heat.

    8an7t/8oldn7t ~ to do sth: I !ant bear to lose su!h a wonderful friend.

    8an7t/8oldn7t ~ doin$ sth: I !ant bear losin$ su!h a wonderful friend.

    8an7t/8oldn7t ~ it hen: I !ant bear it when she !ries.

    BEAT (ver, megver)

    ~ sb (at sth): &y father always beats me (at !hess).

    ~ sth and sth to$ether:

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    BLEND ("sszekever)

    ~ sth ith sth:

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    ~ sb/sth: I immediately !alled the poli!e. ( felhívtam a rendrséget )

    !A#"AI'N (kampányt szervez)

    ~ for sb/sth: She is !ampai$nin$ for the !onservation of rain forests.

    ~ a$ainst sb/sth: She is !ampai$nin$ a$ainst animal e1periments.

    ~ to do sth: She is !ampai$nin$ to save the elephants in Sri @an#a.

    !A"ABLE (képes)

    ~ of sth: "ou are !apable of effi!ient wor#.

    ~ of doin$ sth: "ou are !apable of wor#in$ mu!h more effi!iently.

    !ARE (érdekli)

    ~ abot sth: Shes never !ared about her appearan!e.

    ~ that: She doesnt seem to !are that he has been in prison.

    ~ h: I dont !are what he does.

    ~ abot sb: She really !ares about her !hildren. (tördik )~ for sb: He has to !are for his si!# mother. ( gondoskodnia kell )~ for sb/sth: I dont !are for her. (nem kedvelem)~ for sth: ould you !are for a drin#- ( 7aran%solsz egy italt-)~ to do sth: ould you !are to join us- (8olna kedved %satlakozni hozzánk-)

    !AREUL (óvatos)

    ~ of/abot sth:

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    !AUSE (okoz)

    ~ sth: The bad weather !auses problems for the tourist industry.

    ~ sb sth: He !aused his parents mu!h distress.

    ~ sb/sth to do sth: The dry weather !aused the plants to die. (el"usztította)

    !AUTION (figyelmeztet)

    ~ (sb) a$ainst sth: %a!# !autioned (her) a$ainst $ivin$ up her job. (óva intette)~ sb abot sth: She !autioned him about the dan$ers of raftin$.

    ~ sb for sth: He was !autioned (for stealin$) instead of bein$ sent to a detention !entre.( figyelmeztetésben részes!lt )~ (sb) that: He !autioned (her) that leavin$ the !ountry is not the best de!ision.

    !EASE (megsz#nik)

    ~ : &y unemployment benefit !eased a month a$o.

    ~ sth: 4ease fireJ (3!zet sz!ntess4)

    ~ to do sth: "ou never !ease to ma#e me lau$h. ( indig megnevettetsz.)~ doin$ sth: They have !eased wor#in$. (abbahagyták )

    !ERTAIN (!iztos)

    ~ of/abot sth: 4an we be !ertain of/about the truth of what she says-

    ~ of (doin$) sth: If you want to be !ertain of ($ettin$) a window seat, hurry up.

    ~ to do sth: *ri!es are !ertain to rise. ( 0z árak bizonyára emelkednek majd.)it is ~ that: It is !ertain that they will !ome.

    ~ h: I am not !ertain who won.

    !ERTI2 (igazol)~ sb/sth (as) sth: The ban# !ertified my a!!ounts (as) !orre!t.

    ~ sb/sth to be sth: The se!retary !ertified the do!ument to be a true !opy.

    ~ (that): The do!tor wasnt willin$ to !ertify that he had been ill the last wee#.

    !,AN!E (megkockáztat)

    ~ sth: 3Ta#e your rain!oat. 3Do, Ill !han!e it.

    ~ doin$ sth: Ill !han!e drivin$ even if it is i!y.

    ~ to do sth: I !han!ed to meet him. (8életlen!l összefutottam vele.)it (so) ~d (that): It (so) !han!ed (that) she spo#e fluent 5n$lish. (véletlen!l $gy adódott )

    ~ on/6on sb: Ane day she !han!ed upon her $randmas weddin$ dress. (rábukkant )

    !,AN'E (változik, változtat)

    ~ : "ou havent !han$ed a bit sin!e I last saw you.

    ~ sb/sth: His wife !han$ed him !ompletely.

    ~ sb/sth (from sth) into/to sth: The an$el !han$ed the $irl (from a be$$ar) into a prin!ess.(átváltoztatta)~ sb/sth (for sth): e !han$ed our flat (for a smaller one). (el%serélt!k )~ sth to sth: 2fter they $ot married, he !han$ed his name to hers. (átvette a nevét )~ sth: 4an we !han$e newspapers- (%serélhet!nk )~ sth ith sb: 4an I !han$e my newspaper with you- (%serélhetek önnel )~ into/ot of sth: He !han$ed into/out of his best suit. (átöltözött )~ sth (into sth): 4an you !han$e dollars (into pounds)- (váltani)

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    ~ abot/on sth: 2re you !lear about the !onditions- ( tisztában vagy)it is ~ (to sb) (that): It was !lear (to me) (that) he was tryin$ to de!eive us.

    it is ~ h: It is not !lear what his messa$e was.

    ~ h: She is not !lear what shell be responsible for. (nin%s tisztában vele, hogy)~ (of sth): @eave the e1it !lear (of !ars), please. (hagyják !resen)

    !LE.ER (ügyes, okos)

    ~ (at sth): He is !lever (at !ommuni!atin$ with people). (!gyes)~ to do sth: I was really !lever to find my way ba!#. (!gyes voltam) it is ~ (of sb) to do sth: It is not too !lever (of you) to arrest him, is it-

    !LOSE (k"zeli, k"zel)

    ~ (to sb/sth): Aur !otta$e is !lose (to the bea!h).

    ~ to (doin$) sth: e are !lose to (rea!hin$) an a$reement. (majdnem)~ abot sth: He has always been !lose about his !lients deals. (bizalmasan kezelte)

    !OIN!IDE (egy!eesik)

    ~ : The two !onferen!es !oin!ide.

    ~ ith sth/sb: The demonstration !oin!ided with the prime ministers spee!h.

    !OLLABORATE (együttm#k"dik)

    ~ (ith sb) (on sth): e have !ollaborated (with ea!h other) (on several proje!ts) for the past fewyears.

    ~ (ith sb) (in sth/in doin$ sth): She de!ided to !ollaborate (with the journalist) (in writin$ herhusbands bio$raphy).

    ~ to do sth: The do!tors are !ollaboratin$ to find the !ure for !an!er.

    !OLLIDE ("sszeütk"zik)

    ~ : 2 van and a train !ollided yesterday.

    ~ ith sb/sth: She !ollided with a bus.

    ~ (o4er sth): e never !ollide (over important de!isions). (mindig egyetért!nk )~ ith sb (o4er sth): I never !ollide with him (over important de!isions). (mindig egyetért!nk )

    !O#BINE (egyesít)

    ~ sth: They !ombined the advanta$es of the pro!edures.

    ~ sth ith sth: 4ombine the flour with some mil#. (keverd össze)~ sth and sth: 4ombine the flour and mil# (to$ether). (keverd össze)~ to do sth: Hydro$en and o1y$en mole!ules !ombine to form water. (vegy!lnek )

    !O#E ("n)

    ~ for/abot sth: I have !ome for the 4+s.

    ~ to do sth: She is !omin$ to visit us.

    ~ (to sth) (ith sb): 2re you !omin$ (to the !inema) (with us)-

    ~ doin$ sth: hy dont you !ome runnin$ toni$ht-

    !O##AND (parancsol, megparancsol)~ sth: He !ommanded the e1e!ution of the hosta$es.

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    ~ ith sb/sth: This software is not !ompatible with my !omputer.

    !O#"EL (kényszerít)

    ~ sth: His illness !ompelled his resi$nation.

    ~ sb to do sth: The snow !ompelled us to stay at home.

    !O#"ENSATE (kárpótol)

    ~ (sb) for sth: The !ompany will !ompensate (you) for the dama$e.

    !O#"ETE (versenyez)

    ~ (in sth) (a$ainst sth): She is $oin$ to !ompete (in the ra!e) (a$ainst her bi$$est rival).

    ~ (ith/a$ainst sb) (for sth): Several !ompanies are !ompetin$ (with ea!h other) (for the proje!t).

    ~ to do sth: Several !ompanies are !ompetin$ to $et the !ontra!t.

    !O#"ETENT (alkalmas)~ in sth: She is !ompetent in musi!.

    ~ to do sth: She is !ompetent to do the job. (alkalmas)

    !O#"LAIN (panaszkodik)

    ~ (to sb) (abot/of sth): He !omplained (to me) (about the food).

    ~ (to sb) (that): He !omplained (to the waiter) (that) the meat was !old. (reklamált a "in%érnél )~ of sth: He is !omplainin$ of a!ute eara!he.

    !O#"LI#ENT (!ókol)

    ~ sb (on sth): He !omplimented her (on her dress). 

    !O#"L2 (eleget tesz)

    ~ (ith sth): "ou have to !omply with the law, or youll be punished.

    !O#"OSED (áll vmi!ől)

    ~ of sth: The $roup is !omposed of intermediate students.

    !O#"RISED (áll vmi!ől)

    ~ of sth: The 06 is !omprised of 5n$land, Dorthern Ireland, S!otland and ales.

    !ON!EAL (eltitkol)

    ~ sb/sth (from sb/sth): They !on!ealed his illness (from her).

    !ON!EDE (!eismer)

    ~ sth (to sb): She !on!eded the truth (to me).

    ~ sb sth: She !on!eded me the truth.

    ~ (that): He !on!eded that the other !ar would have been a better !hoi!e.

    !ON!EI.E (megért, felfog)~ sb: Her dau$hter was !on!eived durin$ their honeymoon. (megfogant )

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    ~ (that): She has !onfirmed (that) she is arrivin$ on Tuesday.

    it is ~ed that: It has been !onfirmed that the meetin$ is to be held ne1t wee#.

    ~ h: 4an you !onfirm when you last saw him-

    !ONOR# (alkalmazkodik)

    ~ (to sth): She refused to !onform (to the s!hool rules).

    ~ to/ith sth: The new swimmin$ pool does not !onform with fire re$ulations. (nem felel meg )

    !ON'RATULATE (gratulál)

    ~ sb (on sth): I !on$ratulated him (on his vi!tory).

    ~ oneself on sth: "ou !an !on$ratulate yourself on/upon havin$ done a $ood job.

    !ONS!IOUS (tudatá!an van)

    ~ of sth: She is really !ons!ious of her bad manners.

    ~ of doin$ sth: He is !ons!ious of annoyin$ many people.

    ~ that: He is !ons!ious that he annoys many people.

    !ONSENT (óváhagy)

    ~ to sth: She !onsented to her sons de!ision.

    ~ to do sth: He !onsented to help her. (beleegyezett )

    !ONSIDER (megfontol)

    ~ sth: Ive heard that you are !onsiderin$ a new !areer.

    ~ doin$ sth: e !onsider movin$.

    ~ h: e have to !onsider where to $o on holiday.

    ~ sb/sth (as) sth: She !onsiders herself (as) a professional player . (7rofi játékosnak tartja magát.)~ sb/sth (to be) ad*: ho do you !onsider (to be) lu!#y- (kit tartasz)~ that: He !onsiders that the use of synta1 will be ne!essary for any further improvement. ($gy tartja)it is ~ed that: It is !onsidered that it would be easier to raise the PF, independently of &r4orvedale. ($gy tartják )sb/sth is ~ed to do sth: She is !onsidered to be the most talented dan!er in the world. (t tartják )

    !ONSIST (áll vmi!ől)

    ~ in sth: The therapy really !onsists in spoilin$ the patient.

    ~ of sth: The !ommittee !onsists of ten members.

    !ONTENT (elégedett)

    ~ ith sth: She had to be !ontent with the silver medal. (meg kellett elégednie)~ that: He was !ontent that &ont$omery had been ta#en in.

    ~ to do sth: I am !ontent to for$ive him. (hajlandó vagyok )~ that sb shold do sth: 2thens was !ontent that Sparta should ta#e the !ommandin!hief.(belee$ye=ett)

    !ONTINUE (folytat, folytatódik)

    ~ : The !ourse !ontinues until 2u$ust.

    ~ sth: The poli!e are !ontinuin$ the investi$ation.~ to do sth: The snow !ontinued to fall all mornin$. (tovább esett )

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    ~ doin$ sth: She wanted to !ontinue a!tin$ after havin$ her dau$hter.

    ~ as sth: I want you to !ontinue as my se!retary. (;zeretném, ha továbbra is a titkárom lenne.)

    !ONTRIBUTE (hozzáárul)

    ~ (sth) (to/toards sth): She wished to !ontribute (L) (to the flood fund).

    ~ to sth: Human error !ontributed to the tra$edy. (közrem/ködött )~ sth (to sth): He !ontributed an arti!le (to the lo!al paper). (írt egy %ikket )

    !ON.ERT (átalakít)

    ~ sth (from sth) (into/to sth): They !onverted the buildin$ (from a shoppin$ !entre) (into an offi!e blo!#).

    ~ (sb) (from sth) (to sth): She has been !onverted (from 4hristianity) (to

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    ~ sb/sth ith sth: Swedish !orruption has been !ountered with 4aribbean fraud. ( szembehelyezték )~ that: I tried to !onvin!e him but he !ountered that we were not aware of the details.

    !RA12 (őrült)

    ~ abot sb/sth: She is !ra=y about hats. ( egr!l a kala"okért.)

    !RITI!AL (kritikus)

    ~ (of sb/sth): Teena$ers are very !riti!al (of their tea!hers).

    ~ to/for sb/sth: *arental supervision is !riti!al for the well bein$ of teena$ers. (elengedhetetlen)

    !RITI!I1E (kritizál)

    ~ sb/sth (for sth): He is always !riti!i=in$ me (for the way I dress). (kritizál )

    !RO&DED (t"m"tt, zs$folt)

    ~ (ith sb/sth): The !ity is !rowded with tourists. (tele van)

    !RUEL (kegyetlen)

    ~ to sb/sth: She is very !ruel (to men).

    ~ to do sth: Dow Ive $ot to be !ruel to be #ind.

    it is ~ (of sb) to do sth: It was !ruel (of him) to #eep his albino fish under bri$ht li$hts.

    !R2 (sír)

    ~ : He was !ryin$ in the dar#.

    ~ abot/o4er sth: It is no use !ryin$ over a boy.

    ~ for sb/sth: +ont !ry for me, 2r$entina.~ for sth: He was !ryin$ for help. (;egítségért kiabált.)

    !URIOUS (kíváncsi)

    ~ abot sth: e were all !urious about when the e1am results would !ome out.

    ~ to do sth: Indiana %ones was !urious to find out where the treasure had been hidden.

    ~ that: It was !urious that not even her husband seemed to #now the truth. ( fur%sa volt )

    !UT (vág)

    ~ (sb) sth: She !ut (me) a pie!e of !a#e.

    ~ sth (for sb): She !ut a pie!e of !a#e (for me).~ sth (from sth): She !ut a sli!e (from the bread).

    ~ sth (in/into sth): She !ut the apple (into four sli!es).

    ~ b0 5: Her wa$es were !ut by ten per !ent. (%sökkentették )~ from 5 to5: "ou have to !ut your paper from words to 9. (le kell rövidítened )


    DAN'EROUS (veszélyes)

    ~ (for sb) to do sth: Its very dan$erous (for you) to be with me.

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    DARE (mer)

    ~ (to) do sth: He didnt dare (to) jump off the brid$e.

    ~ sb to do sth: He dared me to jump off the brid$e.

    DATE (származik)

    ~ from 5 : This tradition dates from the ?Mth !entury.

    DEAL (foglalkozik)

    ~ in sth: They deal in !osmeti!s. (kozmetikumokban utaznak )~ ith sb: She deals with !hildren.

    ~ ith sth: She deals with the !omplaints. (intézi)~ (sth) (to sb): +eal (twelve !ards) (to everybody). (ossz4)

    DEAR (kedves)

    ~ to sb: &y husband is very dear to me.

    DE!EI.E (!ecsap) 

    ~ sb (into doin$ sth): He de!eived the old lady (into lendin$ him a lump sum).

    DE!IDE (d"nt, eld"nt)

    ~ : e havent de!ided yet.

    ~ (sth): e havent de!ided the verdi!t yet.

    ~ beteen sth and sth: Its diffi!ult to de!ide between the two.

    ~ a$ainst sth: e de!ided a$ainst $oin$ home.

    ~ in fa4or of (doin$) sth: e de!ided in favour of $oin$ home.

    ~ on/6on (doin$) sth: He de!ided on !han$in$ his job.

    ~ to do sth: She de!ided not to $o alone.

    ~ (that): He de!ided (that) he would leave his wife.

    it ~ed (that) sb shold do sth: It was de!ided (that) the system should be improved. (az a döntés sz!letett )~ h: They !ouldnt de!ide where to $o on holiday.

    DE!LARE (!eelent)

    ~ sth: They de!lared war on %apan. (hadat !zentek )~ a$ainst/for sb/sth: The Cren!h publi!ly de!lared a$ainst/for the S!ots, and promised them military

    help. (bejelentették, hogy a skótok ellen+mellett vannak )~ that: The $overnment de!lared that more money would be sent on health !are. (hivatalosanbejelentette+közzétette)~ sth ad*: The paintin$ was de!lared ori$inal.

    ~ sth (to be) sth: The s!ulpture has been de!lared (to be) a !opy. (másolatnak nyilvánították )

    DEDI!ATE (szentel)

    ~ oneself/sth to (doin$) sth: &other Teresa dedi!ated her life to (helpin$) poor people.

    ~ sth to sb: The novel is dedi!ated to her dau$hter. (a lányának ajánlotta)~ sth to sb/sth: 2 memorial stone was dedi!ated to the writer.

    DELA2 (elhalaszt)

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    DE"ENDENT (függő)

    ~ on/6on sb/sth (for sth): The or$ani=ation is heavily dependent on them (for its finan!ialsurvival). (rájuk van utalva)

    DE"I!T (leír)

    ~ sb/sth (as sb/sth): The painter depi!ted Gose (as an an$el).

    ~ sb doin$ sth: The artist depi!ted her pi!#in$ flowers.

    DE"RI.E (megfoszt)

    ~ sb/sth (of sth): 5veryone was deprived of his ri$hts by the re$ime.

    DES!RIBE (leír)

    ~ sb/sth (to/for sb): 4ould you des!ribe her (to me)-

    ~ sb/sth as ad*/sth: She des!ribed him as short and blond, and a$ed about .~ sb as doin$ sth: He des!ribed her as loo#in$ shabby.

    ~ doin$ sth: She des!ribed seein$ some small obje!ts landin$ in her $arden.

    ~ h: +es!ribe what he was wearin$.

    DESER.E (megérdemel)

    ~ sth: The film deserved its popularity.

    ~ to do sth: He deserved to win.

    DESIRE (kíván, vágyik)

    ~ sth: 5verybody desires happiness.~ to do sth: &ost people desire to live in the !ity.

    ~ sb to do sth: Sir %. Cran#lin desires me to $ive his !ompliments. (;ir.

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    ~ (that) sb (shold) do sth:

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    DIRE!T (irányít, utasít)

    ~ sth to/toards sth/sb: I have to dire!t my attention to the refu$ees. ( 0 menek!ltekre kell figyelnem.)~ sth at/a$ainst sth/sb: Dever dire!t you an$er at your !hildren. (;ohase töltsd ki a haragod a


    ~ sb (to 5): She dire!ted him to the theatre. (megmutatta az utat )~ sth: 2 poli!e offi!er was dire!tin$ the traffi! at the !rossroads.~ sb to do sth: He was dire!ted to eva!uate the buildin$.

    ~ that sb/sth (shold) do sth: The order dire!ted that there (should) be no !onta!t between thefather and the $irl.

    DISA'REE (nem ért egyet)

    ~ (ith sb) (on/o4er/abot sth): I disa$ree (with her) (on almost everythin$).

    ~ ith (doin$) sth: I disa$ree with ($ivin$) military help. ( llenzem a katonai segítséget.)~ that: It was hard to disa$ree that it was ne!essary.

    DISA""OINTED (csalódott)

    ~ abot/at sth: She was disappointed at her results.

    ~ in/ith sb/sth: Im disappointed in you. (%salódtam benned )~ to do sth: I was disapponted to see that my father was so drun#. (%salódottan láttam, hogy)~ (that): I am disapponted (that) there is no more left.

    DIS!ONTENTED (elégedetlen)

    ~ (ith sth): I was dis!ontented (with the food) in the !amp.

    DIS!OURA'E (elkedvetlenít)~ sth: S!hools try to dis!oura$e dru$ ta#in$ amon$ teena$ers. ( "róbálják megakadályozni)~ sb from doin$ sth: Her parents tried to dis!oura$e her from bein$ a tea!her.

    DIS!O.ER (felfedez)

    ~ sth: 4olumbus dis!overed 2meri!a.

    ~ sb ad*: He was dis!overed dead at his home yesterday. (holtan találtak rá)~ sb doin$ sth: The famous football player was dis!overed playin$ on a lo!al wor#s pit!h.

    sb is ~ed to do sth: She was dis!overed to be a $enius. (rájöttek, hogy egy zseni)~ (that): I dis!overed (that) my father !ouldnt sin$. (rájöttem)it is ~d that: It was dis!overed that he had ta#en all the money. (kider!lt )~ h: e never dis!overed why he left. ( sohasem tudtuk meg, hogy miért )

    DIS!RI#INATE (megkül"n!"ztet)

    ~ a$ainst/in fa4or of sb/sth: They dis!riminate a$ainst/in favour of women.

    ~ (beteen sb/sth and sb/sth): It is diffi!ult to dis!riminate between !ulture and nature.

    ~ sb/sth from sb/sth: I !ouldnt dis!riminate her voi!e from her mothers.

    DIS!USS (megvitat, meg!eszél)

    ~ sth (ith sb): They dis!ussed the plan (with the board).

    ~ doin$ sth: They dis!ussed buyin$ a new !omputer.~ h: They dis!ussed when the deadline would be.

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    DIS'USTED (undorodik)

    ~ at/b0/ith sb/sth/oneself : I was dis$usted with myself for bein$ so rude.

    ~ to do sth: I was dis$usted to hear him burp.

    DISLI%E (nem szeret)

    ~ sb/sth: I dont disli#e him at all.

    ~ it h: She disli#es it when people are a$$ressive.

    ~ doin$ sth: I disli#e hurtin$ my father.

    ~ sb7s doin$ sth: He disli#ed her leavin$ home.

    DIS#ISS (el!ocsát)

    ~ sb/sth (as sth): His idea was dismissed (as unwor#able). (elvetették az ötletét )~ sth from sth: She dismissed him from her thou$hts. (elhesegette a gondolataiból )~ sb (from sth): He was dismissed (from his job) yesterday.

    DIS"ENSE (!iztosít)

    ~ sth (to sb): The $overnment dispenses free edu!ation (to everyone).

    ~ ith sb/sth: +o$s !an dispense with their tail but never their head. (megválhatnak )

    DIS"OSE (megsza!adul vmitől)

    ~ of sb/sth: It is a problem how to dispose of nu!lear waste.

    DIS"OSED (halamos, vmilyen szándék$)

    ~ to/toards sb/sth: He seems well disposed to/towards 2sians. ( jóindulat$)~ to do sth: He was not disposed to $ive an interview. (nem volt hajlandó)

    DISUALI2 (kizár)

    ~ sb: She was disualified for 9 years. (diszkvalifikálták )~ sb from (doin$) sth: His heart problem disualified him from (doin$) military servi!e.( felmentette a katonai szolgálat alól )

    DISSUADE (le!eszél)

    ~ sb: She !ouldnt be dissuaded.

    ~ sb from (doin$) sth: I tried to dissuade her from (wat!hin$) that film.

    DISTIN!T (más, kül"n!"ző)

    ~ from sth: *op musi! is distin!t from !lassi!al musi!.

    DISTIN'UIS, (kül"n!séget tesz)

    ~ (beteen) sb/sth and sb/sth: 4hildren are not able to distin$uish (between) reality and fantasy.

    ~ sb/sth from sb/sth: 4hildren are not able to distin$uish reality from fantasy.

    ~ sb/sth (from sb/sth): The male fish is distin$uished (from the female) by its red !olour. (a színek!lönbözteti meg a hímet )

    ~ oneself as sth: He distin$uished himself as a dan!er. (tán%osként t/nt ki)

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    DISTRA!T (eltérít, elvon)

    ~ sb/sth (from sth): She is always distra!tin$ me (from studyin$).

    DI.IDE (eloszt, feloszt)

    ~ sth (into sth): She divided the !lass (into four $roups).

    ~ sth (beteen/amon$ sb): The robbers divided the money (between themselves).

    ~ sb/sth from sb/sth: The 0rals divide 5urope from 2sia. (választja el )~ sth b0 sth: F divided by L is 9. (osztva)

    DI.OR!E (elválik)

    ~ : She divor!ed last month.

    ~ sb: She divor!ed her husband.

    DO (csinál)

    ~ sth: hat are you doin$ this evenin$-

    ~ as 5: +o as you please. (tégy, ahogy a kedved tartja)~ ad4: He does well at s!hool. ( 

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    ~ to do sth: &ore and more women ele!t to wor# parttime. (azt választják, hogy)

    ELE.ATE (felemel)

    ~ sb/sth (to sth): The #in$ elevated him to 5arl of Stair. (megtette ;tair grófjává)~ sb/sth (into sth): Hes elevated himself into the bi$ lea$ue. ( felk!zdötte magát )

    ELI!IT (kicsal)

    ~ sth (from sb): The stri#ers failed to eli!it a response from the dire!tor.

    ELI'IBLE (ogosult, alkalmas)

    ~ (for sth): "oun$ refu$ees are not eli$ible for state s!holarships.

    ~ to do sth: "ou are not eli$ible to drin# al!ohol under ?F.

    ELI#INATE (eltávolít)

    ~ sb/sth (from sth): Hi$hsu$ar foods should be eliminated from a healthy eatin$ plan.

    E#BAR% (!elefog)

    ~ : They embar#ed at ? o!lo!# the ni$ht before. (hajó$tra indul )~ on/6on sth: He is about to embar# on a politi!al !areer.

    E#BARRASSED (zavart)

    ~ (abot/at sth): He was embarrassed (about the hole in his so!#). ( zavarban volt )~ to do sth: She was embarrassed to ta#e off her !lothes. (kínosnak érezte, hogy)

    E#ER'E (fel!ukkan)

    ~ : Some new do!uments emer$ed yesterday. (na"világra ker!lt )~ from sth: She finally emer$ed from the !ave. (elbukkant )~ as sth: She emer$ed as a serious rival to the Dew!astle runner.

    it ~d that: It emer$ed that the !ompany had $one ban#rupt. (kider!lt )

    E#I'RATE (emigrál)

    ~ (from5) (to5): She emi$rated (from 5n$land) (to Qimbabwe).

    E#"AT,I1E (átérzi vki helyzetét)

    ~ ith sb/sth: Some !olonists emphathi=ed with the poor natives.

    E#",ASI1E (hangs$lyoz)

    ~ sth: He emphasi=ed the importan!e of immediate a!tion.

    ~ that: He emphasi=ed that they would have to !han$e some of their plans.

    it is ~d that: It should be emphasi=ed that this is the !ompanys last !han!e.

    ~ h: He emphasi=ed how little !han!e they had to win the mat!h.

    E#"LO2 (alkalmaz)

    ~ sth: The poli!e employed for!e.~ sb (as sth): He is employed (as a me!hani!).

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    ~ sb to do sth: 2!tors are employed to wor# only si1 hours.

    E#"T2 (üres)

    ~ (of sth): The small room was nearly empty (of furniture).

    EN!LOSE (!ekerít)

    ~ sth (b0/in/ith sth): The $arden is en!losed by a tall !astiron fen!e.

    ENDURE (elvisel)

    ~ sth: He !ouldnt endure loneliness.

    ~ doin$ sth: She !ouldnt endure partin$ from her husband.

    ~ to do sth: She !ouldnt endure to part from her husband.

    EN'A'E (lefoglal)

    ~ sth: He en$a$ed the enemy. (megtámadta)~ sb (as sth): She en$a$ed him as a subeditor. ( segédszerkesztként alkalmazta)~ sb to do sth: He was en$a$ed to read the K o!lo!# news. (arra szerzdtették )~ ith (sb/sth): She is able to en$a$e with old people. (ka"%solatot teremteni)~ in sth: They immediately en$a$ed in !onversation. (beszédbe elegyedtek )~ sb in sth: She mana$ed to en$a$e him in !onversation. (bevonni a társalgásba)

    EN'A'ED (elfoglalt)

    ~ (in/on sth):

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    E3IST (létezik)

    ~ : +inosaurs dont e1ist anymore.

    ~ on sth: Ald people !ant e1ist on their pension in Hun$ary. (nem tudnak megélni)there ~s sth: There must e1ist a better solution.

    E3"E!T (vár)

    ~ sb/sth: They are e1pe!tin$ a !hild.

    ~ to do sth: e e1pe!t to meet them today. (arra számítunk, hogy)~ sb/sth to do sth: e e1pe!t the letter to arrive today.

    ~ that: I e1pe!t that she will be an$ry. (valószín/nek tartom, hogy)~ of sb: +ont e1pe!t impossible thin$s of me. (ne várj el tlem)it is ~ed that: It is e1pe!ted that pri!es will rise. (valószín/, hogy)

    E3"EL (kir$g, kizár)

    ~ sb/sth (from sth): He was e1pelled (from the lo!al s!hool) for smo#in$. (eltaná%solták )

    E3"ENSI.E (drága)

    ~ to do sth: 4ars are e1pensive to produ!e.

    it is ~ to do sth: It is e1pensive to buy food that !hildren do not eat.

    E3"ERI#ENT (kísérletezik)

    ~ on sb/sth: She finds e1perimentin$ on animals outra$eous.

    ~ ith sth: The farmers e1perimented with some alternative methods.

    E3"LAIN (elmagyaráz)

    ~ : I as#ed her what the matter was but she didnt want to e1plain.

    ~ oneself : He tried to e1plain himself (kimagyarázni magát )~ sth (to sb): Ill e1plain everythin$ (to you).

    ~ (to sb) that: He e1plained (to us) that his train had been late.

    ~ (to sb) h: He e1plained why he was late. (megmagyarázta, hogy miért késett )it is ~ed h: It will be e1plained how the ma!hine wor#s.

    E3"LOIT (kihasznál)

    ~ sb/sth: 2 lot of !ompanies e1ploit their employees.

    E3"LORE (felderít)

    ~ sth (for sth): The !hildren e1plored the area (for treasure).

    E3"ORT (e%portál)

    ~ sth (to 5): 2 lot of Hun$arian wine is e1ported to forei$n !ountries.

    E3"OSE (kitesz vmi hatásának)

    ~ sb/sth/oneself to sth: +ont e1pose yourself to stron$ sunli$ht.

    be ~d as ad*/sth: In the report he was e1posed as a traitor. (lele"lezték, mint árulót )

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    E3"RESS (kifeez)

    ~ sth (to sb): She e1pressed her doubts (to me).

    ~ oneself : @ittle !hildren often !ant e1press themselves.

    ~ h: He wanted to e1press how deli$hted he was.

    ~ sb/sth as: e wanted to e1press ourselves as artists.

    E3"RESSI.E (kifeező)

    ~ of sth: This musi! is e1pressive of the *ortu$uese soul.

    E3TRA!T (kivesz)

    ~ sth from sth: They e1tra!ted this passa$e from his first novel.

    A!E (szem!enéz)~ sth: "oull have to fa!e the !onseuen!es.

    ~ doin$ sth: He !ouldnt fa!e meetin$ her.

    be ~d ith sth: He was suddenly fa!ed with a dilemma. (hirtelen szembes!lnie kellett )

    AIL (meg!ukik)

    ~ (in sth): I failed (in the attempt to ta#e her with me). (nem siker!lt )~ sth: He failed the e1am.

    ~ sb: The tea!her failed the best student, whi!h was a surprise. (megbuktatta)~ to do sth: She never fails to telephone me. ( soha nem felejti+mulasztja el )

    sth ~ : The en$ine of the plane failed. (leállt a motor )~ sb: hen he deserted the army he felt that he failed his family. (%salódást okoz)

    AIR (korrekt, tisztességes)

    ~ ith sb: He was very fair with his men, and everyone li#ed him.

    it is ~ (to/on sb) (to do sth): It is not fair (to the students) (to ma#e them write five tests on thesame day).

    it is ~ to do sth: It is not fair to blame him for everythin$.

    it is ~ that: It is not fair that you blame them for everythin$.

    AIT,UL (h#séges)~ (to sb/sth): The do$ has always been faithful (to its master).

    ALL (esik)

    ~ : She fell into the la#e.

    ~ ad*: He fell ill last wee#. (megbetegedett )~ (b0) sth: Inflation fell (by) 9 per !ent. () százalékot esett )

    A#ILIAR (ismerős)

    ~ (to sb): Her voi!e is really familiar (to me).

    ~ ith sth: He is familiar with an!ient history. (;okat tud az ókori történelemrl.)~ ith sb: The boss is really familiar with her se!retary. ( jóban vannak )

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    ~ sb/sth (on/ith) sth: The mon#eys in the =oo are fed (on) bananas.

    ~ sth to sb/sth:

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    IND (talál)

    ~ sth: e found a ni!e pub in 4heltenham Goad.

    ~ sth (for sb): 4ould you find my #eys (for me)-

    ~ (sb) sth: 4ould you find (me) my #eys- (megkeresnéd )~ sb/sth ad*: The #idnapped !hild was found healthy. (egészségesen találták meg )

    ~ sb doin$ sth: I found him sleepin$ in the $arden on the lawn. (aludt, mikor rátaláltam)~ (that): The survey found (that) ?M per !ent are satisfied with their life. (kimutatta)~ sb/sth (to be) ad*: &y parents found 4harles (to be) !harmin$.

    sb/sth is fond to do sth: The !ell is found to fun!tion li#e a heli1. (kimutatták, hogy)it as fond that: It was found that most parties emphasi=e so!ial se!urity.

    ~ it ad*: I found it hard to deal with these !hildren.

    ~ it sth: I find it a strain to have to tal# to people a$ain. (nehezemre esik )

    INIS, (!efeez)

    ~ (sth): Have you finished (the paintin$)-

    ~ doin$ sth: ould you finish tal#in$, please- ( 0bbahagynátok végre a beszélgetést-)~ sth (ith sth): e finished trainin$ (with a rela1in$ e1er!ise).~ sth (b0/ith) doin$ sth: He finished the poem (by) raisin$ his voi!e.

    ~ as sth: He finished as a star.

    IRST (első)

    ~ to do sth: He was first to !ross the 2tlanti!.

    IT (edzett)

    ~ for sth: He is not fit enou$h for a marathon.

    ~ to do sth: He is not fit enou$h to run a marathon.~ for sb/sth: The $oods must be fit for the buyer7s purpose. (me$felelne# #ell lennie)

    ~ to do sth: These $oods are fit to satisfy the !ustomers needs. (megfelel )

    LOOD (eláraszt)

    ~ sb/sth ith sth: The hotel is flooded with !omplaints about the room servi!e.

    ~ in/into/ot of sth: The football fans flooded into the !ity !entre. (bez$dultak )

    LUENT (folyékony)

    ~ (in sth): He is really fluent (in 0rdu). ( folyékonyan beszél )

    OLLO& (k"vet, k"veti)

    ~  : I tried to e1plain but she didnt seem to follow what I was sayin$.

    there ~ed sth: There followed mu!h !onfusion. ( 0ztán nagy zavar keletkezett.)~ sb: Somebody has been followin$ me.

    it ~s that: It follows that the prisons debate is not just about prisons. (ebbl az következik )

    OND (szeret)

    ~ of sb/of (doin$) sth: I am really fond of (wat!hin$) your $oldfish. (;zeretem (nézni azaranyhalad.)

    OOLIS, (!uta, nevetséges)

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    ~ from/of sth: "our dis# is free from viruses. (vírusmentes)~ (for sth): 2re you free (for a drin#) toni$ht- (ráérsz egy italra)~ to do sth: 2ppli!ants are free to !hoose their !ourses. ( szabadon választhatnak )

    RIENDL2 (!arátságos)

    ~ (to/toard(s) sb): 2ll the lo!als were so friendly (to me).

    ~ ith sb: I am not friendly with my nei$hbours. (nem vagyok jóban)~ to do sth: She7s uite friendly to tal# to a!tually.

    RI',TEN (megieszt)

    ~ sb: He didnt want to fri$hten you.

    ~ sb into/ot of (doin$) sth: He was fri$htened out of the robbery/stealin$ the money.(elijes=tettO#)

    it ~s sb to do sth: It fri$htens me to ima$ine you there alone. (még elké"zelni is ijeszt )

    RI',TENED (iedt)

    ~ of (doin$) sth: I am fri$htened of (tou!hin$) spiders. ( félek )~ to do sth: I am too fri$htened to tal# to him. ( félek beszélni vele)~ (that): She was fri$htened (that) little &i#e would fall off the bi#e. ( félt, hogy)~ for: 2ll mothers are fri$htened for their !hildren. ( féltik a gyermekeiket )

    RUSTRATED (frusztrált)

    ~ (b0 sth): I was frustrated by a slow start.

    ~ (at/ith (doin$ sth): I felt really frustrated (with havin$ to wait).

    ULL (tele)

    ~ (of sth): &y ba$ is full (of boo#s).

    UN!TION (m#k"dik)

    ~ (as sth): &y old elementary s!hool now fun!tions (as a nursery s!hool).

    UNN2 (furcsa)

    it is ~ to do sth: Its funny to loo# ba!# on it now.

    it is ~ that: Its funny that after all these years I still haven7t for$otten his name.

    it is ~ (that) sb shold do sth: Its funny (that) you should mention that.~ h: Its funny how the mind wor#s at a time li#e this.

    URIOUS (mérges)

    ~ (ith sb): He was absolutely furious (with me), I didnt #now why.

    ~ at/abot sth/sb: She was furious at havin$ missed the plane.

    ~ that: e were furious that you left without leavin$ a messa$e.

    URNIS, (!e!$toroz)

    ~ sth ith sth: She furnished the house with antiue furniture.

    ~ sb/sth ith sth: He is furnished with all the relevant fa!ts. (birtokában van)

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    'LARE (!ámul)

    ~ (at sb/sth): She wasnt !ryin$, she just $lared (at me) an$rily.

    'O (megy)

    ~ (to sth) (ith sb): 2re you $oin$ (to the party) (with him)-

    ~ for sth: @ets $o for a drin#.

    ~ ad*: He went bald at the a$e of twenty. (megko"aszodott )~ to do sth: He has $one to visit his Brandma. (elment meglátogatni)~ doin$ sth: She re$ularly $oes runnin$. ( jár futni)~ that: The story $oes that she has been to visit him at least twi!e. ( a történet szerint )~ on sth: In Third orld !ountries money $oes on debt and arms. (a "énzt adósságok törlesztésére és

     fegyverekre költik )~ (to sb) for sth: The house went (to the state) for very little money. (kevés "énzért kelt el )

    'OOD (ó)

    ~ at sth/doin$ sth: She is $ood (at maths).~ ith sth/sb: She is $ood with old people. ( jól bánik az ids emberekkel )~ to sb: He was very $ood to my mother when I was away.

    ~ for sth/sb: Too mu!h e1er!ise is not $ood for the body.

    ~ to do sth: He is $ood to wor# with.

    it is ~ doin$/to do sth: Its so $ood wor#in$/to wor# with you a$ain.

    it is ~ of sb to do sth: It was really $ood of you to help us. (kedves volt tled )it is ~ (for sb) to do sth: It is $ood (for you) to e1perien!e failure as well. ( jót tesz)it is ~ that: It7s $ood that you !ame to me.

    'RAB (megfog, megragad)~ sth (from sb/sth): The !hild $rabbed a pie!e of apple pie (from the tray).

    ~ at/for sth: The thief $rabbed for the ladys ba$. (a hölgy táskája után ka"ott )

    'RADUATE (végez, elvégez)

    ~ (in sth): She $raduated in e!onomi!s in ?KFR. (közgazdaságtanból di"lomát szerzett )~ (from 5): He $raduated (from Stanford 0niversity) last year.

    ~ (from sth) to sth: She $raduated (from bein$) a model to playin$ in a soap opera. (ellé"ett )

    'RANT (!iztosít)

    ~ (sb) sth: They $ranted everybody se!urity.~ sth (to sb): They $ranted se!urity to everybody.

    ~ that: They $ranted that everybody would be se!ure.

    'RATEUL (hálás)

    ~ (to sb) (for sth): I was $rateful (to her) (for her help).

    ~ to do sth: 2fter the ra!e I didnt feel li#e $oin$ out at all> I was $rateful to be alive. (ör!ltem, hogyélek )~ that: Im $rateful that I dont have to $o throu$h the whole pro!edure a$ain. (ör!lök, hogy)~ if : e would be $rateful if you !ould reply to us as soon as possible.

    'REAT (remek)

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    it is ~ to do sth: It is $reat to have heroines and heroes to admire.

    it is ~ doin$ sth: It is $reat livin$ in a wide open world.

    it is ~ (for sb) that: It is $reat (for the yard) that the horse has won the ra!e.

    'RIE.E (fádalmat okoz)

    ~ (for/o4er sb/sth): He is still $rievin$ (for his wife). ( siratja a feleségét )~ sth: He is $rievin$ the death of his wife.

    it ~s sb to do sth: It $rieved him to say $oodbye. ( fájt, hogy b$%s$znia kellett )it ~s sb that: It $rieved them that they !ouldnt help her. ( fájdalommal töltötte el ket )

    'RIN (mosolyog)

    ~ (at sb): She is always $rinnin$ (at me).

    ~ sth: He $rinned hello.

    'RO& (nő)

    ~ : This tree has $rown a lot sin!e I was last here.

    ~ sth: He $rows spi!es in his $arden. (termeszt )~ ad*: He $rew ri!h durin$ the re!ession years. (meggazdagodott )~ into/ot of sb/sth: She $rew into the habit of wor#in$ at ni$ht. (rászokott )~ to do sth: e $rew to li#e her after a while. (megkedvelt!k )

    'RU#BLE (morog)

    ~ (at/to sb) (abot/at sb/sth): He is always $rumblin$ (to me) (about his boss).

    ~ that: He $rumbled that he was hun$ry.

    'UARANTEE (garantál)

    ~ (sb) sth: Aur travel a$en!y $uarantees (you) a de!ent hotel.

    ~ sth (for sb): Aur travel a$en!y $uarantees a de!ent hotel (for you).

    ~ to do sth: The !ompany $uaranteed to refund the money.

    ~ (sb) that: e !an $uarantee (you) that the system is safe.

    ~ h: They !ouldnt $uarantee what the out!ome would be.

    'UESS (kitalál)

    ~ sth: I !ant $uess the answer.

    ~ (at sth): I !an only $uess (at her opinion), I havent tal#ed to her yet. (%sak találgatni tudok )

    ~ (that): Id $uess (that) she is married. (azt gondolnám, hogy házas)~ h: 4an you $uess who Ive met-

    ~ so/not: 32re they married- 3I $uess so/not. (nem hinném+$gy hinném)

    'UILT2 (!#n"s)

    ~ (of sth): He was found $uilty (of the murder).

    ~ (abot sth): He felt $uilty (about havin$ hurt his mother). (b/ntudata volt )


    ,AND (átad)

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    ~ sth to sb: She handed the paper to me.

    ~ sb sth: She handed me the paper.

    ,A""EN (t"rténik)

    ~ to do sth: I happen to #now her. (történetesen ismerem)it ~ that: It happened that she lost her job suddenly. ($gy alakult, hogy)sth ~ (to sb/sth): hat happened (to your new shoes)-

    it (so) ~ that: It (so) happened that we were both fired on the same day. ($gy esett, hogy)as it ~s: I met her just the other day, as it happens. (ahogy ez már %sak lenni szokott )see sth ~in$ to sb: I !ant see that happenin$ to me. ( 'em tudom elké"zelni, hogy ez velem iselfordulhatna.)

    ,A""2 (!oldog)

    ~ for sb: I am really happy for them.

    ~ (ith/abot sb/sth): She was really happy (with her results). (elégedett volt )

    ~ to do sth: I am happy to announ!e the winner. (örömmel jelentem be)~ (that): I am happy (that) you are with us a$ain.

    ,ARD (nehéz)

    sth is ~ (for sb) to do: 2 $ood job is hard to find.

    it is ~ (for sb) to do sth: It is hard (for old people) to find a $ood job.

    it is ~ doin$/to do sth: Its hard wor#in$/to wor# in shifts.

    ~ on sb/sth: Typin$ all day !an be hard on the hands. (megerlteti a kezet )

    ,AR#UL (ártalmas)

    sth is ~ (to sb/sth): Smo#in$ is definitely harmful (to your health).

    ,ATE (gy#l"l, utál)

    ~ abot sb/sth: hat I hate about him is his e$oism.

    ~ sb (for sth): I hated her (for bein$ so rude).

    ~ (doin$) sth: He has always hated (readin$) boo#s.

    ~ sb doin$ sth: I hate him !omplainin$ all the time.

    ~ to do sth: I would hate to tell him the truth. (nem szeretném elmondani neki)~ sb to do sth: Id hate him to thin# that I dont !are. (nem szeretném, ha azt gondolná)~ it somehere: She hated it in the !apital and moved to the !ountryside.

    ~ it if/hen: I hate it when people lau$h at ea!h other.

    ,A1ARDOUS (veszélyes)

    ~ (to sth): These !hemi!als are potentially ha=ardous (to health).

    ~ (for sb): These !hemi!als are ha=ardous (for us).

    ,EAR (hall)

    ~ (sb/sth): I !ouldnt hear (her voi!e) in the dis!o.

    ~ sb/sth do sth: I heard him brea# a $lass. (hallottam, hogy eltörte a "oharat )~ sb/sth doin$ sth: I heard him sin$in$ in the bathroom. (hallottam, hogy énekel )

    ~ sb/sth is ~d to do sth: He was heard to brea# the $lass. (hallották, hogy eltörte a "oharat )~ sb/sth is ~n doin$ sth: He was heard sin$in$ in the bathroom. (hallották, hogy énekelt )

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    ~ ith sb: I !ouldnt identify with anyone in the novel. (nem tudtam azonosulni egyik szere"lvel sem)~ h: They are tryin$ to identify what went wron$. ( "róbálják megálla"ítani)

    I'NORANT (tudatlan)

    ~ (of/abot sth): He is !ompletely i$norant (of what $oes on in the world). ( fogalma sin%s róla)

    ILL (!eteg)

    ~ (ith sth): 2 lot of people are ill (with flu) at the moment.

    ILLUSTRATE (illusztrál)

    ~ that: The data illustrated that the development was !onsiderable.

    ~ h: The film illustrated how diffi!ult it was to dive. (a film bemutatta)

    I#A'INE (képzel, elképzel)~ sth ad*: @ittle !hildren ima$ine animals free and happy.

    ~ doin$ sth: She !ant ima$ine livin$ in a bi$ !ity.

    ~ sb doin$ sth: I !ant ima$ine him shoutin$.

    ~ that: She ima$ined that she was ri!h.

    ~ h: e !ant ima$ine what the solution !ould be.

    ~ so/not: 3Is he sufferin$- 3I ima$ine so/not.

    I##UNE (immunis)

    ~ to sth: She is immune to mumps.

    ~ (from sth): Dot even the *ope is immune (from !riti!ism). (védett a kritikával szemben)

    I#"L2 (utal, sugall)

    ~ sth (abot sth): His poems imply mu!h about the ways in whi!h he wanted to be seen. (so#atelmond arrl, ho$y)

    ~ that: His su$$estion implies that money is the #ey fa!tor. (azt sugallja) 

    I#"ORT (importál)

    ~ sth (from 5): e import !ars (from %apan).

    I#"ORTANT (fontos)~ to do sth: It is important to e1plain why the information is reuired.

    sth is ~ to sb: It was suddenly very important to me that he should live.

    ~ (for sb) to do sth:. It is important for us to understand what is $oin$ on.

    it is ~ (to sb) that: Its important (to me) that she tal#s now.

    it is ~ that sb (shold) do sth: It is important that tea!hers (should) help students in the learnin$ pro!ess.

    I#"OSE (kivet)

    ~ sth (on/6on sth/sb): The $overnment has de!ided to impose a hi$her ta1 (on toba!!o).

    I#"RESS (hatással van)

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    ~ sb (ith sth/sb): He was really impressed (by her beauty). (leny/gözte a szé"sége)~ sth on/6on sb: He impressed the importan!e of the !ampai$n upon the party members.(han$sUlyo=ta a p'rtta$o#na#)

    it ~es sb that: It impressed me that she !alled me ba!# immediately. (meggyz volt számomra,hogy)

    I#"RO.E (felődik)

    ~ : Her output has improved a lot sin!e last year.

    ~ sth: They wanted to improve their 5n$lish. ( fejleszteni)~ on/6on sth: He has improved on last years results. ( javított a m$lt évi eredményein)

    INDEBTED (lek"telezett)

    ~ (to sb) (for sth): She is indebted (to her tea!her) (for his help). (le van kötelezve a tanárának )

    INDIERENT (k"z"m!"s)

    ~ (to sb/sth): She is !ompletely indifferent (to others opinion).

    INDIS"ENSABLE (elengedhetetlen)

    ~ (to sb/sth): 0nderstandin$ is indispensable (to a $ood marria$e).

    ~ for (doin$) sth: 2 $ood !omputer is indispensable for (writin$) a boo#.

    INE!T (fertőz)

    ~ sb/sth (ith sth): He infe!ted his sister (with the disease).

    INE!TED (fertőz"tt)~ ith sth: She is infe!ted with 2I+S. (2I+S fert=Ntt)

    ~ b0 sth: She was infe!ted by her brothers enthusiasm. (átragadt rá a testvére lelkesedése)

    INER (kik"vetkeztet)

    ~ sth (from sth): I always try to infer the meanin$ of the words (from the !onte1t).

    ~ that: He inferred that the !hairman #new what was $oin$ on.

    INERIOR (alsó!!rend#)

    ~ (to sb/sth): Some people !onsider romanti! fi!tion inferior (to histori!al fi!tion).

    INLI!T (mér vkire vmit)

    ~ sth (on/6on sth): The Bree#s infli!ted a defeat (on the *ersians). (legyzték )~ sb on sb: Sorry for infli!tin$ my mother on you a$ain. (bo%s, hogy rád tukmálom)

    INOR# (k"z"l)

    ~ sb of/abot sth: He informed me of the results.

    ~ on/a$ainst sb: The !riminal informed on the rest of the band. (bekö"te a banda többi tagját )~ sb (that): He informed the poli!e (that) some money was missin$.

    ~ sb h: He informed the poli!e where the !riminal was hidin$.

    INRIN'E (megszeg, megsért)

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    ~ sth: I don7t feel that I infrin$ed any rules.

    ~ (on/6on) sth: I wont answer uestions that infrin$e (upon) my !ivil ri$hts.

    IN,ERIT ("r"k"l)

    ~ (sth) (from sb): I will inherit (a lot of money) (from my un!le) in a short time.

    INSIST (ragaszkodik)

    ~ on (doin$) sth: He insisted on (ta#in$) the bi$$er !a#e.

    ~ on sb/sb7s doin$ sth: I insist on you/your ta#in$ the bi$$er !a#e.

    ~ that sb (shold) do sth: He insisted that he (should) !on!entrate on improvin$ his spea#in$ s#ill.

    INS"IRE ("szt"n"z, inspirál)

    ~ sb (to sth): His enthusiasm inspired the team (to vi!tory). ( gyzelemre t!zelte a %sa"atot )~ sb to do sth: The trainers tries to inspire !hildren to ta#e up athleti!s.

    ~ sb (ith sth): His !omments inspired me with !onfiden!e. (bizalommal töltött el engem)~  sth (in sb): The buildin$ inspired &i!helan$elo (in his desi$ns for St. *eter7s). (megihlette) 

    INSURE (!iztosít)

    ~ oneself/sth (a$ainst/for sth): He insured himself (a$ainst si!#ness) before $oin$ to the 0S.(bebiztosította magát )

    INTEND (szándékozik)

    ~ doin$/to do sth: e dont intend spendin$/to spend any more money on this.

    ~ sb/sth to do sth: I intend her to have somethin$ to do with the arts.

    ~ (that): e intend (that) the money should be divided eually. (az a %élunk, hogy egyenlen legyenelosztva a "énz)it is ~ed that: It was intended that the ne$otiations would finish by the end of the wee#. (az volt a%él )~ sb/sth for sth: She intends her !hild for a medi!al !areer. (orvosi "ályára szánja)

    INTEREST (érdekel)

    ~ sb: This essay will interest a lot of people.

    ~ in (doin$) sth: They tried to interest me in buyin$ the property. ( "róbáltak érdekeltté tenni)

    INTERESTED (érdeklődő)

    ~ (in sb): I am really interested (in her). (nagyon érdekel )~ in (doin$) sth: He is really interested in (studyin$) astrolo$y. (érdekli az asztrológia)~ to do sth: She was really interested to hear about his travels. (érdekldéssel hallgatta)

    INTERERE (!eleavatkozik)

    ~ (in sth): +ont interfere (in his private matters).

    ~ ith sth/sb: +ont interfere with him while hes wor#in$. ( 'e zavard, miközben dolgozik4)~ beteen: I would never interfere between a husband and a wife. (;oha sem állnék férj és feleségközé.)

    INTERRO'ATE (kihallgat)

    ~ sb (abot sth): The poli!e interro$ated the nei$hbours (about the robbery).

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    INTER.ENE (k"z!elép)

    ~ (in sth): The 0nited Dations finally intervened (in the war).

    INTER.IE& (inter$t készít)~ sb abot sth: The politi!ian was interviewed about the ele!tions.

    ~ sb for sth: @oo#s dont matter when we interview someone for a job. (amikor felvételi beszélgetést folytatunk valakivel )

    INTRODU!E (!emutat)

    ~ sb (to sb): She introdu!ed me (to a Cren!h boy).

    ~ oneself (to sb): She introdu!ed herself (to everybody). (bemutatkozott )~ sb to sth: The first few !hapters introdu!e the readers to the theory. (bevezeti az olvasót )~ sth (to sb): &y $randfather introdu!ed the pleasures of sailin$ to us. (bevezetett minket avitorlázás gyönyöreibe)~ sth (to/into sth): 4orn was introdu!ed (to 5urope) in the &iddle 2$es. (a kukori%át a közé"korbanhozták be uró"ába)

    IN.EST (!efektet)

    ~ sth (in/on sth): He invested all his money (in shares).

    ~ sth to do sth: 2ll profits will be invested to benefit the youth of the area.

    ~ sth in (doin$) sth: I have invested so mu!h time in (writin$) this paper.

    IN.ESTI'ATE (nyomoz)

    ~ (sth): The poli!e have been investi$atin$ (the murder) for wee#s.

    ~ sb (for sth): She is bein$ investi$ated (for dru$ traffi!#in$).

    ~ h: The poli!e are investi$atin$ where the !rime mi$ht have happened.

    IN.ISIBLE (láthatatlan)

    ~ (to sb/sth): 4ells are invisible (to the eye).

    IN.ITE (meghív)

    ~ sb (to sth): She invited me (to the party) as well.

    ~ sb to do sth: I invited him to !ome with us to 2las#a. (hívtam, hogy jöjjön vel!nk )~ sb to/for sth: 2ppli!ations are invited for resear!h assistants. ( jelentkezéseket várunk )~ sth (from sb): 2ppli!ations are invited (from anyone interested). (várjuk a jelentkezését )

    IN.OL.E (maga után von)

    ~ sth: The te!hniue involves the use of tiles.

    ~ (sb/sb7s) doin$ sth: The a!tors !ontra!t with the !ompany involves (him/his) usin$ their produ!t.(a szerzdés része az, hogy)~ sb in (doin$) sth: The !hairman should involve the board in (ma#in$) de!isions. (be kellenevonnia az igazgatótaná%sot a döntéshozatalba

    IN.OL.ED (részes vmi!en)

    ~ in sth: +ont $et involved in their proje!t. (ne keveredj bele)

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    ~ (in/ith sth/sb): I was so involved (in the movie) I didnt hear the phone rin$. (annyirabelemélyedtem a filmbe)

    IRONI!(AL) (irónikus)

    it is ~ that: It is ironi! that a 4atholi! !hur!h was renovated by &uslims.

    IRRES"ONSIBLE (felelőtlen)

    it is ~ (of sb) to do sth: It was irresponsible (of the !oun!il) not to ta#e further a!tion.

    IRRITATED (ideges)

    ~ (at/b0/ith sth): I am really irritated (by his behaviour). (irritál a viselkedése)


    -OIN (csatlakozik)

    ~ sth: He joined the army when he was only ?F. (belé"ett a hadseregbe)~ sb/sth to do sth: %oin us to help raise funds.

    ~ sth to sth: The top se!tion was joined to the side. (összekötötték )~ in (doin$) sth: ill you join us in (or$ani=in$) the party- ( 2eszállsz a buli szervezésébe-)

    -O%E (viccel)

    ~ (abot sth): He was jo#in$ (about the rumours of his marria$e).

    ~ that: He used to jo#e that he would disappear one day. (azt mondogatta vi%%esen)

    -UD'E (ítél, megítél)

    ~ sb/sth b0/on sth: It is unwise to jud$e him on his performan!e at the end of the season.

    ~ sb/sth (to be) ad*: The indire!t benefits are jud$ed (to be) very benefi!ial to

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    %EEN (szeret, szívesen)

    ~ on sb/sth/doin$ sth: &ost men are #een on (playin$) football. ( szeret fo%izni)~ to do sth: He was #een to learn some ui!# and easy te!hniues. ( szívesen tanult )~ (for sb) to do sth: He was #een for me to tell my parents what had happened. ( szerette volna, haelmondom)~ that: The poli!eman was uite #een that I stayed the ni$ht in Santa Ce. (nagyon szerette volna)~ that sb (shold) do sth: The poli!eman was uite #een that I (should) stay the ni$ht in Santa Ce.(nagyon szerette volna, hogy)

    %EE" (tart, !etart)

    ~ sth: 5verybody has to #eep his ti!#et.

    ~ sth for sth: 4an you #eep the seat for me for a few minutes- ( foglalod a helyet )~ sth ad*: She used a fine shampoo to #eep her hair smooth. ( selymes maradjon a haja)~ sb/sth done: 6eep me informed of the news, please. ( folyamatosan tájékoztass)

    ~ sb/sth as sth: I try to #eep thin$s as simple as possible. ( Agyekszem mindent annyira egyszer/en%sinálni, amennyire %sak lehet.)~ doin$ sth: I #eep for$ettin$ the name of that a!tor. (állandóan elfelejtem)~ sb doin$ sth: +ont #eep them waitin$J (ne várakoztasd meg ket )~ (sb) from doin$ sth: e tried to #eep (them) from s!reamin$. ( "róbáltuk vigasztalni ket )~ sb/sth (from sb/sth): She #ept her se!ret (from her friends). (eltitkolta)~ sth to oneself : She #ept her se!ret to herself. (megtartotta magának )~ to sth: I #eep to my path. ( 

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    ~ sb sth: He left her his estate.

    ~ sb/sth for sb/sth: She left

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    it is ~ doin$ sth: It was lovely meetin$ you.

    (UN)LU!%2 (szerencsés)

    ~ (ith sb/sth): e were lu!#y (with the weather).

    ~ to do sth: "ou are lu!#y to be alive. (;zeren%se, hogy élsz.)~ (in) doin$ sth: "ou are lu!#y (in) havin$ su!h a wonderful friend.

    ~ that: e were lu!#y that the rain stopped.

    it is ~ (for sb) that: Its lu!#y (for us) that we $ot here early.



    #AD (mérges)

    ~ at/ith sb: She is really mad at/with me for !omin$ late.

    ~ abot sth: She $ot mad about the washin$ ma!hine. (ideges lett a mosógé" miatt )~ abot/on sb/sth: She has always been mad about tennis. (megr!l érte)~ ith sth: She was mad with love. (r!lten szerelmes)~ to do sth: "ou are mad to ris# your life for nothin$. (r!lt vagy, ha ko%káztatod az életed )

    #A%E (csinál, készít)

    ~ sth: I made a !up of tea.

    ~ sb sth: I made her !offee.

    ~ sb sth: e made him president. (elnököt %sináltunk belle)~ sth sth: I made paintin$ the house my proje!t for the summer. (a ház kifestését t/ztem ki %élul )~ sth for sb: I made !offee for her.

    ~ sth of sth: The table is made of wood. ( fából kész!lt )

    ~ sth from sth: Blass is made from sand. (homokból van)~ sth ot of sth: They made money out of the su!!ess. ( sok "énzt kerestek )~ sth into sth: They made the boo# into a film. (megfilmesítették )~ sth ith sth: This dish was made with a spe!ial spi!e.

    ~ sth of sb/sth: +ont ma#e an a!tress of her.

    ~ sb/sth ad*: e try to ma#e him happy. (boldoggá akarjuk tenni)~ sb do sth: e made him $ive up his plan. (rávett!k, hogy)be made to do sth: He was made to $ive up his plan. (rávették, hogy)~ (it) ad* that: They made (it) !lear that they wanted to leave. (világossá tették )~ it sth to do sth: I made it my duty to !lean up. (kötelességemnek tartottam)

    #ANA'E (vezet, irányít)

    ~ : +ont worry, youll mana$e. ( siker!lni fog )~ sth: He mana$es the shop.

    ~ to do sth: I mana$ed to !limb the tree. ( siker!lt megmászni a fát )~ on sth: I just !ant mana$e on P M per wee#. (nem tudok kijönni)~ ith/ithot sth: e !annot mana$e with the !hildren/without a !omputer. (nem bír a

     gyerekekkel+nem tud meglenni számítógé" nélk!l )

    #ARR2 (házasodik)

    ~ : She married last year.

    ~ sb: She married her e1husband a$ain. ( feleség!l ment )~ sb (to sb): He married his dau$hter to a ri!h businessman. ( 5ozzáadta a lányát egy !zletemberhez.)

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    ~ ad*: Her mother married youn$.$et married (to sb): She $ot married (to her !ousin) last year. ( feleség!l ment ) 

    #ATTER (számít)

    it ~ : She was late, but it didnt matter.

    ~ (to sb): Her do$ matters more to her than her !at. ( fontosabb neki)it ~ (to sb) that: +oesnt it matter (to you) that we are lost- (mit számít az neked )it ~ (to sb) h: It doesnt matter (to me) how old you are.

    #EAN (elent)

    ~ sth (to sb): &oney means nothin$ (to me).

    ~ sth as sth: I meant my remar# as a !ompliment. (bóknak szántam a megjegyzésem)~ sth for sb: The dress was meant for his fian!Oe. (a menyasszonyának szánta)sb is ~t for sth: %ane and %a!# are not meant for ea!h other. (nem egymásnak lettek teremtve)sb ~ to be sth: %udys father meant her to be a !hess player. ( sakkozónak szánta)

    ~ doin$: Travellin$ by air means $ettin$ up early.~ sth/sb doin$ sth: 2!!eptin$ the job will mean you wor#in$ hard.

    ~ to do sth: I didnt mean to hurt you. (nem akartalak megbántani)~ sb/sth to do sth: The !hildren were meant to stay with you. ($gy volt, hogy)~ that: It doesnt mean that we !ant $o on holiday.

    ~ h: I always mean what I say. (komolyan gondolom)

    #EET (találkozik)

    ~ : Theyve never met before.

    ~ sb/sth: I met her at the =oo.

    ~ ith sth: His spee!h was met with an$er. (haraggal fogadták a beszédét )

    #ENTION (említ, megemlít) 

    ~ sb/sth (to sb): He mentioned my name (to her).

    ~ sth as: His name has been mentioned as the future *ope. ( szóba jött a neve)~ (to sb) that: She mentioned (to me) that he was leavin$.

    ~ (to sb) h: +id he mention (to you) why he was leavin$-

    #IND (!án, zavar)

    ~ : He $ot up late, but he didnt mind. (de nem bánta)

    ~ sth: I dont mind the noise at all. (nem zavar a zaj)~ doin$: +o you mind wor#in$ in the $arden- (bánod, ha a kertben kell dolgoznod )~ sb/sb7s doin$ sth: I hope you dont mind me/my openin$ the window. (remélem, nem zavarja)~ (it) that: e didnt mind (it) that we had to wait. (nem bántuk, hogy)~ if : +o you mind if I smo#e-

    ~ h: &y parents never minded how late I arrived.

    #ISS (hiányzik)

    ~ (sth): He tried to s!ore a $oal, but he missed (it). (mellé ltt )~ doin$ sth: I miss runnin$ in the mornin$.

    #ISTA%E ("sszetéveszt, eltéveszt)

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    ~ sb/sth (as sb/sth): He mistoo# my jo#e as an insult. ( sértésnek vette a vi%%em)~ sb/sth for sb/sth: I thin# you are mista#in$ me for someone. (valakivel összekeversz) 

    #ISTA%EN (téved)

    ~ abot sb/sth: "ou are !ompletely mista#en about them. (nagyon tévedsz vel!k ka"%solatban)~ as to sth: They were mista#en as to her feelin$s. (tévedésben éltek )

    #O.E (mozog, mozdít)

    ~ : He didn7t move.

    ~ sth: He moved his head.

    ~ from 5/to5:e moved from the !ity to the !ountry. (elköltözt!nk )~ sb (from5 to5): Hes bein$ moved (to the *aris offi!e). (áthelyezik )~ into/ot of sth: He moved into his new flat. (beköltözött )~ sb (to sth): The performan!e moved me (to tears). (meghatott )~ sb to do sth: His spee!h moved me to believe in his theory. (arra késztetett, hogy)


    NA#E (nevez, elnevez)

    ~ sb/sth sth: e named the !at Ti$er.

    ~ sb/sth after/for sb: She is named after/for her $randmother. (a nagymamája után nevezték el )~ sb: The !riminal has not been named yet. (még nem nevezték meg )~ sb (as) sth: Bore has been named (as) the nominee for the +emo!rats. ( jelölték )~ sb (to sth): He was named (to the board) in &r. %oness pla!e. (kinevezték )

    (UN)NATURAL (természetes)

    ~ (for sb/sth) to do sth: It is natural (for everybody) to be sad sometimes.

    ~ (that): It is natural (that) we are hun$ry after wal#in$ so mu!h.

    ~ (that) sb shold do sth: It is natural (that) !hildren should help their parents.

    (UN)NE!ESSAR2 (szükséges)

    ~ (for sb/sth) to do sth: It is ne!essary (for newborn babies) to eat every three hours.

    ~ that: It is ne!essary that she is there.

    ~ that sb (shold) do sth: It is ne!essary that the #in$ (should) be han$ed.

    NEED (szüksége van)

    ~ sth: I need money.

    ~ sth ad*: I need my stea# welldone. ( jól áts!tve kérem)~ doin$/to be done: The room needs !leanin$/to be !leaned. (ráférne a szobára egy kis takarítás)~ to do sth: She needs to be more !areful. (óvatosabbnak kellene lennie)~ sb to do sth: I need you to do me a favour. (meg kell tenned egy szívességet nekem)~ sth done: I need these letters typed by four. ( Begé"elve kérném ezeket a leveleket.)

    NE'LE!T (elhanyagol)

    ~ sth: He ne$le!ted his studies.

    ~ to do sth: She ne$le!ted to mention that she was married. (elfelejtette megemlíteni)

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    NE'OTIATE (tárgyal)

    ~ (for/abot sth): e ne$otiated (for hi$her pay) last wee#.

    ~ sth: e ne$otiated the release of the hosta$es. (megegyezt!nk )~ ith sb (for/abot sth): The president ne$otiated with the opposition leaders (about ta1es).

    ~ to do sth: The investors ne$otiated to buy the plot.

    NER.OUS (ideges)

    ~ abot/of sth: I was nervous about my new job.

    ~ doin$ sth: Some people feel nervous $oin$ throu$h !ustoms. (idegesek a vámvizsgálatnál )

    NE& ($)

    ~ to sb: This #ind of musi! is !ompletely new to me.

    ~ to sth: I am new to the system.

    NI!E (kellemes)

    ~ to sb: He was really ni!e to her. (kedves)~ to do sth: She is ni!e to #now.

    it is ~ doin$ sth: It was ni!e meetin$ you. (Cr!lök, hogy találkoztunk.)it is ~ of sb (to do sth): It was ni!e of you to a!!ompany me. (kedves volt tled )it is ~ to do sth: Its ni!e to meet you a$ain.

    ~ that: It is ni!e that you !an join us.

    ~ abot sth: The !ompany was ni!e about my !omplaint. ( jól reagált a "anaszra)

    NO#INATE (el"l)

    ~ sb (as) sth: He was nominated (as) best a!tor.

    ~ sb (for sth): She has been nominated for the 2!ademy 2ward.~ sb (to sth): He was nominated (to the board). (#ineve=tO#)

    ~ sth (as sth): 9 &ay was nominated as the day of the final e1ams. (május )6át jelölték ki)~ sb to do sth: He was nominated to !arry the Alympi! tor!h. (kijelölték )

    NOTE (megfigyel)

    ~ sth: Dote the beautiful

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    ~ b0 doin$ sth: He opened the !eremony by than#in$ the sponsors. (azzal nyitotta meg az !nne"élyt )~ ith (sb doin$) sth: The boo# opens with (the writer $ivin$) a borin$ des!ription. (kezddik )

    O"ERATE (m#k"dik)

    ~ : This ma!hine wont operate without an e1pert.

    ~ sth: The !ompany operates a lateni$ht servi!e. (m/ködtet )~ on sb (for sth): She was operated on for appendi!itis. (megm/tötték )~ (on sb/sth): The sur$eon operated (on her/on her stoma!h) last ni$ht. (mego"erálta)

    O"T (választ, d"nt)

    ~ for/a$ainst sth: e opted for/a$ainst a !areer in e!onomi!s.

    ~ to do sth: The other parties opted to wait and see.

    ORDER (rendel)

    ~ (sb sth): Have you ordered (yourself anythin$) yet-

    ~ (sth) (for sb): I ordered (a stea#) (for him).

    ~ sth: The ministry ordered an inuiry. (kivizsgálást rendelt el )~ sb to do sth: The do!tor ordered her to stay at home. (az orvos azt rendelte, hogy)~ that sb (shold) do sth: The dire!tor ordered that everyone (should) arrive on time.

    OR'ANI1E (szervez, elrendez)

    ~ sth: Its hard to or$ani=e a !onferen!e.

    ~ oneself/sb: She is unable to or$ani=e herself. (ké"telen összeszedett lenni)~ sb (into sth): They or$ani=ed themselves (into an asso!iation). (tömör!ltek )~ sth/sb to do sth: e or$ani=ed a ta1i to pi!# them up at the airport.

    O&E (tartozik)

    ~ (sb) sth (for sth): I owe (him) M (for the ti!#ets).

    ~ sth (to sb) (for sth): I owe M (to him) (for the ti!#ets).

    ~ sb sth: "ou owe me a favour. (tartozol egy szívességgel )~ sth to sb: She owes her su!!ess to me. (nekem köszönheti a sikerét )


    "AIN (fá)~ sb: He was deeply pained by her behaviour. (mélyen megbántódott )it ~ sb to do sth: It pained her to thin# about her !hildhood. ( fájt még %sak rágondolni is)it ~ sb that: It pained her that he had left her.

    "ARTI!I"ATE (résztvesz)

    ~ in sth: She parti!ipated in the !ompetition.

    "ASS (halad, elhalad)

    ~ : 4ars !ouldnt pass be!ause of the roadwor#s.

    ~ (sth): She finally mana$ed to pass (the e1am). ( siker!lt át70;;zírozni magát a vizsgán)~ sb: She passed me in the street yesterday.

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    ~ (sb) sth: 4ould you pass (me) the pepper, please- (ideadnád )~ sth (to sb): 4ould you pass the pepper (to me), please-

    ~ ad*: The smallest hint of la=iness !annot pass unnoti!ed. (nem m$lhat el észrevétlen!l )~ time doin$ sth: e passed the evenin$ playin$ darts. (azzal töltött!k az estét )~ (on sth): He passed (on the uestion). ( "asszolt )

    ~ for/as sb/sth: She !ould easily pass for/as a prin!ess. (elmenne h