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Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGN Unit 73: Sound For Computer Games

Game Title World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Cinematic Trailer -

Provide detailed descriptions from chosen examples that establish… Clearly state what production technique(s) you think have been used to create specific soundtrack elements


The setting within the cinematic trailer is presented to us in a very dark way, we can hear things like hammers smashing against the surface and an evil voice contemplating the actions. Then we hear the creature fly upwards or downwards (we can hear the air whizzing past). Finally, the setting is shown at the end when the creature says: At last, the whole of Azeroth shall burn under the shadow of my wings. Therefore this shows us that we are in a place called Azeroth and the creature is called Deathwing. We therefore get to know the setting by listening to his speech.

The more basic sounds were probably recorded using some simple assets like a hammer smashing against a pot etc. Then other sounds could have been outsourced from a company that makes professional sound assets.


The Mood is mostly set by the music and the dialogue of the DeathWing throughout the clip. The mood gives us the feeling of helplessness and despair and the music helps that kind of mood to be created. A catastrophic mood.

A special team had to mix the music.

Game genre

The game genre can be considered fantasy/medieval since we know we are dealing with a massive dragon of death and it is set in Azeroth, all of that because of the narrative.

The game genre is led by the script


The narrative is mainly done by the dragon, Deathwing. The text is very simplistic albeit tries to give the mood of apocalypse happening before our eyes.

The script is written very simplistically yet in a good manner.