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IFS Food and Our Quality Management System QMS

David Vigo

Why did we choose IFS Food Standard?

We choose IFS Food Standard because we think it is the most complete and qualified by Global Food Safety Initiative GFSI to allow food safety, quality and legality during production and sales operations for frozen foods.

Great worldwide acceptance (Asia, Europe, USA)

IFS Food has developed tutorial guidelines regarding Food Defense Program, closely related to the Food Safety Modernization Act FSMA FDA USA. This is the best base line for our Food Security Program.

Why did we apply the certification process?

It is the best way to demonstrate our commitment with continuous improvement.

It is requested by our main customers in the world, Europe, USA to guarantee the production and sales for our frozen foods.

It help us to demonstrate our Due Dilligence for food safety, quality and legality management in our business.

How did we prepare for certification?

First the most important, decision and full commitment of Senior Management.

Building a positive and proactive environment for all our staff regarding the expected benefits of certification.

Designing internal applications to do easy the management and appropriate compliance of tasks and terms (TICs SICCA - Others)

Adapting our QMS to IFS Food Standard,validation of our Quality Program, HACCP program, manuals, procedures, instructions,etc.

How did we prepare for certification?

Consolidate and apply all regulations, directives, laws, etc. to guarantee the full compliance of legal national and international requisites.

Review our HACCP Program and its basic requisites to adapt it to IFS Food Standard.

Intensive training was applied to one hundred percent of our people in each processing step, subjetcs related to the quality, food safety and legality.

Structure improvements including a new By process organization were applied.

Our certification

First we identified leading companies with technical expertise and knowledge of the food industry.

It was important for us the companies know environment aspects and knowledge about agriculture standards to understand the integral focus of our system, even when it was not part of the direct survey during IFS certification audit.

and were chosen to apply audits alternately every year.

Finally, we chosen the best auditors , based on references and revision of profesional background.

Our award in IFS Ranking

Our facilities were qualified with the best rate in the IFS Worldwide Ranking between about 13900 certified companies (August 2013).

The QMS effectiveness

Our Key Performance Indicator is the rate for received claims from customers and consumers .The current rate is 1.6 claims per milion of Kg exported.It is the main measure for effectiveness of our QMS

Our Worldwide Benchmarking

Our KPI for claims is compared with the greatest companies in the worldwide industry. Japanese companies have rates of 2 claims per million of Kg.Our KPI rate is less than two currently.

Our quality policy and QMS

Our quality policy is more than an usual declaration, this is the phylosophy and the full understanding of the jobs for our workers.

Our objective, be better every day

We are people committed and finding always the best solutions for you
