


رآكادمي آيلتس بيان برتهمراه هوشمند آيلتس


.اولين نوع از نقشه ها و دياگرام ها، آنهايي هستند كه جاي خالي هاي آنها روي شكل ديده مي شوند: براي پاسخ دادن به اين سواالت

ش بيني در زمان داده شده قبل از پخش با وصل كردن شماره سواالت به هم، سعي كنيد مسير احتمالي را پي1..)تمام اطالعات روي شكل خوانده خواهند شد(كنيد

ايتان آشنا اگر سوال كادري دارد كه از آنها بايد انتخاب كنيد، كادر مربوط را نيز بررسي كنيد تا لغات آن بر. 2.باشد

. در زمان پخش، از مسير پيش بيني شده تان استفاده كنيد و به همان ترتيب پيش برويد. 3

اريد، در سعي كنيد آنچه مي شنويد يادداشت كنيد و روي امالء آن و يا پيدا كردن آن از كادر كلمه وقت نگذ. 4. انتها، براي اينكار وقت خواهيد داشت

Label the plan of the rock festival site below.

11. It is also the entrance for those taking part in the craft fair…

12. On the left of the steps is the Fringe Stage13. On the opposite side of the steps is a restaurant, and

adjoining that is the main festival information point. 14. The entrance for the rock bands is on the far side15. …, you can see a third gate for exhibitors opening onto a

side path16. A little way down the path, before you get to the trees,

is the building where the Art Exhibitions is being housed.17. And finally, there is just one more building divided into

lock-up garages.

Label the plan below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

11. We are here at the meeting point, next to the reception desk.

12. Access to the pool is normally through the changing rooms. To get to these, bear left as you follow the corridor, …

13. Next to that, directly opposite the changing rooms, there is access to our sports hall.

14. This is important because you’ll know where to find us in an emergency, and it doubles as a first aid room in those circumstances.

15. There is another corridor to the right as you come in, and that leads you to the café lounge on one side and the viewing area for the swimming pool on the other.

Label the plan below.

13. Then in the corner, next to the reference section, is where we thought it was quietest, and away from the phones and printers and things, so we’ve put the study desks there.

14. As we come back to the main entrance, is the next section, where we used o have the languages. It got very busy and noisy, so when we moved everything round we decided to put the law books here.

15. Then just between reception and the door here is where we decided to put the computers but the computer magazines are in the magazine section…

11.Next to the reception, where you can see those old desks, is where we keep the magazines…

12. That used to be the Science section but now on those shelves you’ll find the Arts section.

Label the diagram below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer

1. To produce its characteristic sound, the musician blows continuously into the small metal cup on the left called the mouthpiece

2. The air then reaches the feature that distinguishes the trumpet from, for instance, a bugle: the three valves that extend from above the top to below the bottom of the instrument.

3. The musician does this by pressing one of the finger buttons at the top4. The air then continues its way round the bend in the lead pipe and along to the end at the widest part of the body, known as

the bell5. The result is a 'gurgling' sound from the trumpet, so to avoid this there is a device on the tuning slide called the water key