Page 1: [IEEE 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications (RFID-TA 2013) - Johor Bahru (2013.09.4-2013.09.5)] 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies

Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technologies and Applications, 4 - 5 September, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Embedded RFID Tracking System for

Hospital Application Using WSN Platform

N.Renuka*, Ng Chin Nan, Widad Ismail Auto-ID Lab, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Engineering Campus, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

*[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) are two important

wireless technologies that have variety of applications

and provide unbounded future potentials. However,

RFID and sensor networks nearly are under growth in

similar way. Integration of RFID and wireless sensor

networks attracts little attention from research

community. In this paper, RFID system, Zigbee Module

and GSM Communication are discussed firstly. Few

existing systems and proposed system were compared in

terms of technology and implementation of RFID and

GSM integration for different types of application.

Proposed system was described in details in terms of development of a user interface system.

Keywords: RFID, GSM, ZigBee, Tracking System


Implementation of RFID technology for patients monitoring will be resulting this technology to be great demand in health care sectors. Hospital is hectic environment where countless number of people and items are moving and interacting with one another every day.

Patients waiting time can be increased due to some simple staff such as in finding staff member and equipment. Inefficient patient flow in Emergency rooms, in-patient beds, out-patient exam rooms, and procedure areas, can give bad impact to the entire facility. There are many different areas that could quickly benefit if only people understood what is happening and could get access to timely information.

HeaIthcare organizations can improve their operating system, by providing an easy way to collect data and by delivering a convenient way to make the information easy to use. In the case of emergency and

dangerous situations alert system to the doctor is needed immediately. Thus, RFID Tracking System doctor to patient communication and indicate the status of the patient in the hospital to doctor through SMS is proposed. This way of communication can be done by integrating RFID Tracking System with the GSM technology. To start implement the system, each patient will be given a tag to be monitored. In the case of emergency, the doctors will get message through handphone and can immediately attend the patient without any failure. This is convenient process to monitor the patient's health conditions from any distance. By using GSM technology, the user is able to do real time communication at indoor environment and as well as for longer coverage.



RFID is a system consist of the two main components namely tag and reader. The tag normally attached into the objects to be identified. The read and write functionality contained by the tag make the data stored on RFID tag to be updated and protected. The reader consists of receiving and transmitting segments. The operation of a simple RFID system begins when the reader transmits carrier signals and receives back scattered signals from the tag via their antennas. The reader simultaneously communicates with the tag, while providing power to operate the integrated circuits in passive tags. The tags respond back to the reader with a unique identification code assigned to it.

The reader then transmits this data to the central node where an up-to-date picture of the inventory is created [1]. By reading tag IDs in the region and then checking with a background database that provides a mapping between IDs and objects, the reader is able

Page 2: [IEEE 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications (RFID-TA 2013) - Johor Bahru (2013.09.4-2013.09.5)] 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies

Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technologies and Applications, 4 - 5 September, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

to monitor the existence of the corresponding objects [2].

Although RFID technology has limitations such as low tolerance to fluid or metal environments, it can expand the ability of a sensor network by providing sensible property to otherwise insensible objects [3]. The integration of RFID with wireless sensor networks WSN can bring the RFID technology to next level. This will allows for new applications, as sensors are able to provide a lot more information, such as measurement of temperature and physiological signals, force of vibration and sound, power-line voltage, chemical concentrations, pollutant levels, etc [3].

On top of that, sensor networks provide boundless potentials for RFID. All the RFID system communications are single hop between readers and tags, and there is no communication between RFID tags. By integrating RFID with sensor networks, can provide RFID the ability to work in multi-hop way that potentially expands the applications of RFID to operate in a wider area [3].


When deciding wireless standard for RFID system monitoring and tracking application, reliable end-to-end communication and low power consumption are two important requirements that need to be taken into the consideration. It would be additional advantages if the standard is support for a large network size and low in cost.

The XBee Module is designed to operate within the ZigBee protocol and support the very long battery life and low overall cost. The modules consume minimal power and provide reliable data delivery between remote devices. [4]. The modules operate within the ISM 2.4 GHz frequency band and are compatible with the following Xbee Adapters: XBee RS-232, RS-232 PH (Power Harvester), RS-485 ,Analog 110, Digital 110, Sensor and USB [4].

RFID and ZigBee are key wireless technologies that serve a wide range of applications as separate solutions, and can provide enhanced performance when integrated within a common system. Thus, ZigBee is selected for this proposed system due to its mesh network capabilities and its flexibility for accessing more communication paths than Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or UWB [4][9].


Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) is the most widely used cell phone technology in the world. GSM is a globally established standard for digital cellular communication. Wireless modem

is being used by GSM wireless network, where the communication signals will be sent and received through radio waves [4]. Wireless modem mentioned here function in similar way like a dial-up modem. The only different is dial-up modem send, receives communication signals through a fixed telephone line and wireless do not use any fixed line [4].

A GSM modem can be used as an external device or a PC Card. The modem has to connected to a computer through serial or USB cable. The modem designed in the way that it can be used with a laptop or computer by inserting it through PC Card slots of the respective laptop or computer. In order to operate it, GSM needs a SIM card from a wireless carrier [4].

AT commands had to be used to control GSM modems. A set of standard AT commands are being supported by both GSM and dial-up modems. GSM modem can be used similar way like a dial-up modem [4].

In addition to the standard AT commands, an extended set of AT commands are being supported by GSM modems. These extended AT commands are defined in the GSM standards and it supports some functions as follow [4]:

)0> Create, read and remove SMS messages )0> Send SMS messages. )0> Ability to see the signal strength. )0> The battery charged level and status of

charging. )0> Read, create and search phone book




Most of the researchers concentrated on integrating the ZigBee with WSN for identification and monitoring without introducing RFID and GSM integration in the network [4-7]. Table 1 shows the comparison of existing system and proposed system in terms of technology and implementation of RFID and GSM integration for different types of application. The "x" mark in the table indicates that the selected technology is not applied in the system. Whereby the "-1" indicates the selected technology is applied in the system. Based on the comparison, it can be concluded that the proposed system has advantages over all other compared systems. It is because, a new RFID system with WSN functionality is proposed by embedding with GSM technology to monitor patient health condition through mobile phone effectively.

Page 3: [IEEE 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications (RFID-TA 2013) - Johor Bahru (2013.09.4-2013.09.5)] 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies

Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technologies and Applications, 4 - 5 September, Johor Bahru, Malaysia



Title Objectives Technology

RFID Involved

To read the bio medical signals

An Adaptive from the Embedded biomedical

WSN and system for sensor modules ZigBee helping and send


patients.[4] information through wireless module to central node.

The application of GSM and To provide on-GPRS technology in line monitoring GPRS and Monitoring

system for WSN

x HYDC earth System for pole system. HYDC System

Earth Pole.[S] RFID Tag

To introduce a Antenna Based RFID based Wireless

Sensing Method approach to WSN ;j for Medical automatically

Transfusion monitor the

Applications.r61 fluid level.

A Sensor To demonstrate

Network Based the efficiency of

On RFID sensor network WSN and

Inventory for for the ZigBee ;j Retail inventory and

Application.[7] localization appl ication.

To provide

RFID tracking

system doctor

Proposed to patient

WSNand communication ;j

System and to indicate


the status of

the patient

throu2h SMS.









This paper is presented about wireless sensor networks (WSN) that can observe the human physiological signals by ZigBee, which is provided with lower power consumption, small volume, high expansion, stylization and two way transmission, etc. This paper developed a set of hospital tracking sensor network system by ZigBee's characteristics, which is embedded sensors, such as the biosensor to observe the body temperature. The biosensor transmits measured signals via ZigBee and then sends to remote wireless monitor for acquiring the observed human physiological signals. The remote wireless monitor is constructed of ZigBee and personal

computer (PC). The measured signals send to the PC, which can be data collection. When the measured signals over the standard value, the personal computer sends Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) short message to the doctor. The doctor can use the PC or mobile to observe the observed human physiological signals in the remote place [4][8].

r ,tb � READER



Figure. 1. Main Components of RFID based Tracking System for Hospital Application.


This section is discussing about how to make the embedment between the RFID and GSM. According to our previous work on temperature monitor using RFID has been implemented successfully [8] and the reading data from patient is send to the Pc. This paper concentrated on reading the data from the PC to ensure that the patient's body temperature is within normal standard value. If the temperature value is exceeded or below than the normal standard values then, the system will send alert message to doctors or nurses mobile via GSM technology.

This part explaining in detailed how the message is read by the GSM and send to the doctor's mobile. To connect the GSM with the MCU (Microcontroller), code testing has to be done. To complete this operation, AT command must be send to GSM module. The "stringA 17=." until "stringA

39= ." as shown in Fig. 2 is the AT command sent to the GSM. If the connectivity is well connected then GSM module will reply "OK". The "OK" message from GSM can be seen in Fig. 2. This part determines the success of the embedment of RFID with the GSM.

Page 4: [IEEE 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications (RFID-TA 2013) - Johor Bahru (2013.09.4-2013.09.5)] 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies

Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technologies and Applications, 4 - 5 September, Johor 8ahru, Malaysia

� X-CTU [COM6]


PC Settings I Range Test Terminal I Modem Configuration I r. Line Status� r;:Assert

L-IilI � �DrR P IRrS P �I .stnngA 17 .stringA 18 .stringA 19 .stringA 20 .stringA 21 .stringA 22 .stringA 23 .stringA 24 .stringA 25 .stringA 26 .stringA 27 .stringA 28 .stringA 29 .stringA 30 .stringA 31 .stringA 32 .stringA 33 .stringA 34 .stringA 35 .stringA 36 .stringA 37 .stringA 38 .stringA 39 . OK

.connect lv Established 0

. get signal s

. buffe r counter;27

.stringA 0 ; q

.strinQA 1 ; ICOMS 196008·N·1 FLOW:NONE IRx: 2305 bytes r---

Figure. 2 Testing Connectivity of the GSM.

Once GSM connection is successful the MCU is ready to have the input from the computer and accumulate all the readings from the patient. Fig. 3 (a) shows that the MCU is ready to get "error" message from the system at anytime.

1111 x-cru (caMS)


PC Se«rogt I R_ T T er"*>aI I 104_ �abOn I t.>e St«UI "'nell

eo.. I AmornbIo I __ OTR RTS B,Mkr ��_ ready xb

ready xb

Figure. 3(a). MCU is ready to have input from the computer.

Once the system detect any non allowable level of body temperature reading it will send an "error" message to the computer. The "error" word here means a message consists of patient's details and body temperature reading. Then the details will be send to doctor's mobile as shown in Fig. 3(b). The mobile number +60124548465 appears in Fig. 3(b) is a respective doctor's mobile number.


r� ely b error h �rror hs M

Mobile phone

Figure. 3(b). The error message is send in SMS form from the MCU to the doctor's mobile .

Once the error message is obtained from the system, doctors will be immediately called to the respective department to take an immediate action or else send a SMS to the nurse on duty mobile phone to take further action on respective patient. Fig. 3(c) shows the "Attend the patient" message which has been sent by doctor to the duty nurse's mobile no: +6017533553. From here the nurse is be informed that this message is sent by the doctor to give an immediate attention to the mentioned patient and the reason of attention also will be known without the need to check directly through manual operation of taking the patient's body temperature on the patient itself

Mobile Phone

D Computer

-"�I A-oe'''' ,--' 1 ............ CoroI� .. �1

L.-. __ :;� RTS Of,,'- �� A,;:::-I � s,e

.r •• dy,.b

.• rror the error tn •••••• h •• •• nt .te'ephone numb.,. _ 01.' .a"end the patient

Figure. 3(c). MCU receive "Attend" SMS from user; MCU interpret SMS to "Attend the patient".


Page 5: [IEEE 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications (RFID-TA 2013) - Johor Bahru (2013.09.4-2013.09.5)] 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies

Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technologies and Applications, 4 - 5 September, Johor Bahru, Malaysia


The ultimate objective of the proposed system is successfully achieved. The detection words from the GSM reply message is successful and stable. It shows that the message which sent or receives from GSM module is readable by Mev. This means that if any additional functions are implemented, the MeV can be control via SMS services. The interface between the Xbee module and GSM module are through a MeV controller to interpret the signals that have received. It can detect any range of words by using the same function. This system is useful for doctors and patient. By having this system, patient can contact doctors directly when they have problems and doctors can check the status of the patient as soon as possible. Besides, the patient can be control via SMS service directly from the command. It is useful especially for those whose want to interface the patient from a distance away and in the case of earlier detection of an emergency case that needs immediate attention. Therefore, doctors or nurses will not need to always go and check the patient status, and can control it via SMS services from a wider distance away.


[1] Lei Zhang and Zhi Wang, "Integration of RFID into Wireless Sensor Networks: Architectures, opportunities and challenging problems," Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing Workshops, Hunan, pp.463-469, 2006.

[2] C. Englund, and H. Wallin, "RFID in Wireless Sensor Network," Technical Report, Department of Signals












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