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Page 1: Idioms doc with examples

IDIOMS ASAP...................................................................................................................................................................2

Blow a fuse.........................................................................................................................................................2

Bored to tears.....................................................................................................................................................2

Break out in a cold sweat...................................................................................................................................3

Can't believe my eyes.........................................................................................................................................3

Cost an arm and a leg.........................................................................................................................................3

Cut it out!...........................................................................................................................................................4

Drives me crazy..................................................................................................................................................4

Eat a horse..........................................................................................................................................................4

Frog in my throat................................................................................................................................................5

Green thumb......................................................................................................................................................5

Hang in there......................................................................................................................................................5


Holy cow.............................................................................................................................................................6

In the red............................................................................................................................................................6

Music to my ears................................................................................................................................................6

Pass with flying colours......................................................................................................................................6

Run down...........................................................................................................................................................7

See eye to eye....................................................................................................................................................7


Page 2: Idioms doc with examples

ASAP Some more examples:(A) Mr. Smith,I want the new sales report finished ASAP! (B) Yes sir.

- That cut looks very serious!   You should go see a doctor ASAP!- My class starts soon.   I need to do my homework ASAP.

Similar meaning:immediately; promptly; right away; straight away; urgently; without delay

Opposite meaning:eventually; later

Blow a fuseSome more examples:(A) What happened when you told Mr. Perkins the bad news?(B) He blew a fuse.

- If I go home really late, my Dad will blow a fuse.- Calm down!   You don't have to blow a fuse!   We can fix the problem.

Similar meaning:to become: enraged; furious; outraged; very angry

Opposite meaning:to be: calm; relaxed

Bored to tearsSome more examples:(A) What's wrong? You don't look very happy.(B) My computer and my cell phone are both broken, so I don't have anything to do.   I'm bored to tears.

His new professor bores him to tears! I hate long flights!   They bore me to tears. They always find something to do when they're bored to tears

Similar meaning to 'boring':dull, tiring

Opposite meaning to 'bored':energized, enthusiastic, excited, interested


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Break out in a cold sweat(A) How did you feel on your wedding day? (B)  I broke out in a cold sweat!

Some people get really nervous before an exam and break out in a cold sweat.

I was going to ask my boss for a raise, but I just couldn't do it.   I broke out in a cold sweat and ran away!

Similar meaning:to become: apprehensive; nervous; scared; timid; uneasy; worried

Opposite meaning:to be: brave; calm; confident; courageous; fearless; unafraid

Can't believe my eyes (A) What do you think about the new sports car I bought?(B)  It's amazing!   I can't believe my eyes!

- I can't believe my eyes! This hotel room is terrible!- I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the UFO land in my back yard!

Similar meaning:amazing; wonderful; shocking; stunning; surprising; unexpected

Opposite meaning:boring; expected; nothing special; ordinary

Cost an arm and a leg(A) I like your new home.   Was it expensive? (B) Yes ... it cost an arm and a leg!

- Airplane tickets nowadays cost an arm and a leg!- A meal at that restaurant will cost you an arm and a leg.

Similar meaning:costly; expensive; pricey; overpriced

Opposite meaning:affordable; cheap; economical; low-priced


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Cut it out! (A) Stop teasing me!   Cut it out! (B) Sorry.

Why do you always arrive 5 minutes late?   

Cut it out!

You shouldn't do that!   Cut it out, or I'll tell Mom!

Similar meaning:finish (doing something); put a stop to (doing something); stop (doing something)

Opposite meaning:begin (doing something); continue (doing something); start (doing something)

Drives me crazy (A) Your little brother is very noisy! (B)  I know!   He drives me crazy sometimes!

Let's go inside.   These flies are starting to drive me crazy!

All of these exams are driving me crazy!   I need a holiday!

Similar meaning:annoying; discouraging; distressing; irritating; troubling; unpleasant; upsetting

Opposite meaning:calming; comforting; encouraging; pleasant; relaxing

Eat a horseSome more examples:(A) Are you hungry? (B) Are you kidding?   I'm so hungry I could eat  

a horse!

- I didn't have time to eat breakfast.   Now, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!- The food on the menu looks great!   And I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!

Similar meaning:hungry; famished; starving

Opposite meaning:full; stuffed


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Frog in my throat(A) Are you okay? (B)  I'm alright ... I just have a frog in my throat.

Excuse me.   I have a frog in my throat. It sounds like you have a frog in your throat.   I'll get you a cup of water!

Similar meaning:a slight cough; a temporary hoarseness; a tickle in my throat; unable to speak clearly

Opposite meaning:a clear voice; speak clearly

Green thumb (A) Do you know how to take care of plants? (B) Of course I do!   I've got a green thumb!

My sister can grow anything!   She's got a green thumb. I couldn't get any of my flowers to grow well.   But my friend John could.   I guess he just has 

a green thumb.

Similar meaning:skilled at gardening

Opposite meaning:brown thumb

Hang in there(A) My boss just fired me! (B) Hang in there!   I know you can find 

another job.

If you want to be the best, you have to hang in there and not give up! I give up!   I can't hang in there any longer.

Similar meaning:fight; hold out; stand up to; withstand

Opposite meaning:admit defeat; give up; submit

Happy-go-lucky (A) What kind of person is he? (B) He's a very happy-go-lucky person.

I like Thomas because he's very happy-go-lucky. Kids are often like that. You should stop being so happy-go-lucky and start thinking more about your future!

Similar meaning:carefree, casual, easygoing, laid-back, lighthearted, nonchalant, untroubled, unworried

Opposite meaning:discontented, dissatisfied, distressed, stressed, troubled, worried, upset


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Holy cow (A)  Luke Skywalker ... I'm your father! (B) Holy cow!

Holy cow!   Look at that giant spider! Holy cow!   It's snowing ... in August!

Similar meaning:I can't believe it!; Oh, wow!; That's amazing!; That's incredible!; That's shocking!; That's unbelievable!

Opposite meaning:believable; ordinary; plausible

In the red(A) How's your company doing? (B) Terrible!   It's in the red!

Don't invest your money in that company ... it's in the red. Last year my business was in the red, but now it's in the black.

Similar meaning:in debt; owe money

Opposite meaning:in the black; profitable

Music to my ears(A) Would you like more apple pie? (B) Okay!   That's music to my ears!

My teacher told me that I passed the exam.   That was music to my ears! Mom says that I can stay up late to watch the movie.   That's music to my ears!

Similar meaning:good news; wonderful news

Opposite meaning:bad news; terrible news

Pass with flying colours(A) How did you do on the test? (B) Great!   I passed with flying colors!

I failed my last exam, but this time I passed with flying colors! I hope you pass with flying colors on your final exam!

Similar meaning:to: be successful; be outstanding; do great; get high grades

Opposite meaning:to: do poorly; do terribly; fail; flop


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Run down(A) You look like you need a holiday. (B) Yes ... I am starting to feel a little run 

down, lately.

Make sure you get enough rest and healthy food.   Don't let yourself get run down. Last month I was tired and run down, but now I feel a lot better.

Similar meaning:exhausted; tired; weak; weary; worn out

Opposite meaning:active; energized; strong

See eye to eye (A) Are you and Sarah still arguing about what color to paint the living room?(B) No, now we see eye to eye.

My friend and I see eye to eye on many issues.

Unfortunately, we don't see eye to eye on many things.

Similar meaning:agree; be of the same mind; concur

Opposite meaning:disagree; oppose

