
Identifying & Preventing Deer Damage Around Your

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Deer Damage Season

Deer run low on food supplies during the colder months.

As food scarcity increases, deer look towards our homes and gardens for easier meals.

At this time of season, deer will opt to eat plant species normally not preferred.

In New England, December – March is when deer are most active.

The High Cost of Deer Activity

Cornell University reports an estimated $2 BILLION in deer damage nationwide each year.The average deer eats 5-15 lbs. of vegetation/day, 3,000 lbs./year.

Humans eat on average 1,500 lbs. Increased risk of tick-borne illnesses such as Lyme disease and Babesiosis.Protect your landscaping investment by preventing deer damage.

More Deer, More Ticks

Deer are among the most efficient reproductive hosts for blacklegged ticks (aka deer ticks). Deer ticks can carry bacteria that cause diseases such as Lyme Disease, Babesiosis, and Anaplasmosis.Deer ticks are most active from early Spring through late Fall in New England.“Rule of thumb: no deer, likely no deer ticks. See deer, watch out, ticks may be present!” -TERC


Look For The Signs

Just because you don’t see deer, doesn’t mean they aren’t there!Deer leave jagged bite marks on leaves and foliage and a clear, consistent graze line.Deer droppings are very distinguishable and look like small, black pellets.The hoof print of deer look like upside-down hearts with a line through the center.

Use Safe, Natural Solutions to Deter Deer From Your

HomeProtect your yard without compromising the

health of your family or the environment.

Plant Deer Repelling Plants

Popular Choices include: Bee Balm, Brunnera, Catmint, Golden Marguerite, Japanese Painted FernDeer preferences vary greatly but they generally do not like strong odors, fuzzy or prickly leaves, or bitter tastes. Plant more susceptible species near the home or inside a protective ring of less-preferred species. This method can be ineffective when other food sources are low.

Use Fencing to Protect Your Yard

Fencing can be constructed yourself or by hiring a contractor.Height, or width, is probably the most important factor.Barriers come in different styles. What you need depends on the number of deer nearby, the size of your garden, and the amount of money you’re willing to spend. This can be a high-cost method, but ensures that deer do not have easy access to your plants.

Use Natural Repellents

Homemade or purchased repellents disrupt deer’s taste and smell without harming the animal.Effective ingredients include pepper, eggs, garlic, vinegar, human hair, and strong smelling soaps.Given the amount of effort required to use repellents according to instructions, hiring a service company to apply the treatments better guarantees results.

Other Natural Solutions

Plant thick hedges around your garden to keep deer from seeing what’s inside.Create levels (terraces or sunken beds) on your property to confuse deer and make it less navigable. Use a motion sensor light to scare deer when they approach.Let your dog play in the yard frequently to scare off deer.

The Pure Solution

Pure Deer is an integrated, organic service that repels deer from your property without harming plants.

Products do not harm deer, but keep them from browsing around your home.

Year-round service provides year-round protection.

Can be combined with an organic tick program to lower the risk of tick-borne illness.
