Page 1: Identify and Handle Manic Depression in Children



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Identify and Handle Manic Depression in Children

Manic-depressive illness, also called bipolar disorder is a serious mental health

problem which causes unusual mood changes. Manic depression in children

may make them extremely hyperactive when they are ‘up’ (mania) and

extremely cranky, sad and withdrawn when they are ‘down’ (depression).

What causes Manic Depression in kids?

There is no exact answer to the question; however, several factors like genetics,

abnormality in the structure or function of the brain and anxiety disorders can

cause manic depression to develop in a child.

What are its symptoms?

Children may have manic, depressive or mixed episodes (displaying both

symptoms); the last is more common in teens and kids. Episodes may last a

week or two, and sometimes longer. Children having a manic episode may have

a short temper, feel unnaturally happy and act silly, feel unusually energetic, do

dangerous things and have trouble focusing. When they feel depressive, they

may eat very little, be fatigued, not sleep well, have self-guilt and low self-

esteem; with complaints of aches and pains.

Negative Effects of Manic Depression in Children

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Manic-depressive children are more likely to indulge in substance abuse, go into

long-term depression; have separation anxiety or even develop ADHD. This will

have a negative aspect on their school and home life too.

Treatment options

There is no cure for manic depression in children; it can only be controlled

through medication and therapy. Medication is prescribed in small doses that

may be increased gradually to help children focus and calm down, or as


Psychotherapy is also used to help children alter their behavior and manage their

routines. It helps them have better relationships with peers and family.

A combination of the two is prescribed for best results. As a parent of such a

child you will need tons of patience. Talk to your child and build his/her self-

esteem. You may even teach your child some yoga exercises or meditation

techniques to build his/her concentration and control mood swings.

How does The Trivedi Effect® help with Manic Depression in Children

Manic Depression in Children stems from a deep rooted mental illness and The

Trivedi Effect® is very helpful in building mental wellness and self esteem;

leaving a feeling of positivity, calm and peace in the individual. It is especially

good for children as it does not have any side effects as in case of medication

and the child may not even be physically present for the sessions or might as

well be sleeping to still receive the beneficial Energy Transmissions.

Introduced to the world by Mahendra Trivedi; The Trivedi Effect® is an all-

encompassing phenomenon that has reportedly helped hundreds of people deal

with emotional upheaval in kids and a poor mental state by ensuring holistic health, happiness and contentment.

It is based on the fundamentals of Energy Transmission through the power of one’s mind and has reportedly helped transform many lives, by positively

affecting living and non-living things in a way that each functions at a higher level of existence; serving a greater purpose. The same has now been proven to

be true in over 4000 studies world over.

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With their ability of transmitting universal energy through thoughts Mahendra Trivedi and The Trivedi Masters™, Dahryn Trivedi, Alice Branton, and Gopal

Nayak have helped many strengthen their connection with their Inner Guidance System or the God of their understanding.

Their Energy Transmissions help people harness the vital life force and eventually experience lot of good mental and emotional health. In case of kids it

has been reported to have positively affected their performance in studies, behaviour with friends and family, their tolerance and patience levels, mood

swings and overall health; thus multiplying the effect.

If your child suffers from manic depression, he or she can benefit from The Trivedi

Effect®. Simply contact us at or feel free to enrol your child in one of the Trivedi

Master Wellness™ programs and retreats; for receiving the immensely beneficial, life

changing Energy Transmissions.

You can learn more about the many benefits of The Trivedi Effect® from the

personal experiences of people at –
