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ICS362 – Distributed Systems

Dr. Ken Cosh

Lecture 8

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Replication & Consistency– Data Centric Consistency Models

Continuous Consistency Sequential Consistency Causal Consistency Entry (/Release) Consistency

– Client Centric Consistency Models Eventual Consistency Monotonic Reads Monotonic Writes Read Your Writes Writes Follows Reads

– Replica Management Replica & Content Placement

– Protocols Remote Write Protocols Local Write Protocols Active Replication – Quorum Based Protocols

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This Week

Fault Tolerance– Process Resilience– Reliable Client-Server Communication– Reliable Group Communication– Distributed Commit– Recovery

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Fault Tolerance

One of our primary Distributed Systems goals was Fault Tolerance– i.e. a partial failure may result in some

components not working, but at the same time other components may be totally unaffected

Whereas in non-Distributed Systems a failure may bring down the whole system.

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Dependent Systems

Fault tolerance is closely related to the concept of dependability

– i.e. the degree of trust users have with a system. In distributed systems we consider the following

properties affecting dependability– Availability– Reliability– Safety– Maintainability– (Security)

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Availability / Reliability

Availability– The property that a system is ready to be used when

requested Measured by a probability

Reliability– The property that a system can run continuously without

failure Measured by a time interval

Note: These are different definitions to those discussed in other courses… ;)

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Availability / Reliability

If a system goes down for one millisecond every hour;– It is highly available (>99.9999%)– But highly unreliable

If a system never crashes, but is shut down for 2 weeks each year– It is highly reliable– But not very available (96%)

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Safety / Maintainability

Safety– Situations where a temporary failure in a system leads to

something catastrophic Human life, injury, environmental damage etc.

Maintainability– Refers to how easily a failed system can be repaired– Highly maintainable systems are often highly available

Especially if the failures can be automatically detected and corrected

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A system fails when it doesn’t perform as promised– When one or more service can’t be provided

An error is the system state which leads to the failure

– Perhaps a message sent across the network is damaged

An error is caused by a fault (hence fault tolerance– The fault could be incorrect transmission medium (which is

easily corrected), or poor weather conditions (which is not so easily corrected).

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Faults lead to Errors, Errors lead to Failures– But there are different types of faults.

Transient Faults– Occur once and then disappear.

E.g. bird flies through a microwave beam transmitter– The operation can simply be repeated

Intermittent Faults– Occur, then vanish then reappear

E.g. loose contact on a connector– Typically disappear when the engineer arrives!

Permanent Faults– Occur until the faulty component is replaced

E.g. Burnt out disk, software bug

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Failure Models

Distributed Systems– Collection of Clients & Servers communicating

and providing services Both machine and communication channels could cause


– Complex dependencies between servers A faulty server may be caused by a fault within a

different server

– There are several different types of failures

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Crash Failure

Server prematurely halts, but was working until it stopped.– Perhaps caused by the operating system in which

case there is one solution

Reboot it! Our PCs suffer from crash failures so

frequently that we just ‘accept it’– the reset button is now on the front of the case.

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Omission Failure

Server fails to respond to a request– Receive Omission

When the server didn’t receive the request in the first place.

– Send Omission When the server fails to send the response

– Perhaps a send buffer overflow.

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Timing Failure

When the server’s response is outside of a specified time interval– Remember isochronous data streams?– Providing data too soon can cause as many

problems as being too late…

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Response failure

When the server’s response is just incorrect Value Failure

– When the server simply sends the wrong reply to a request

State Transition Failure– When the server reacts unexpectedly to an

incoming request Perhaps it can’t recognise the message, or perhaps it

has no code for dealing with the message.

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Arbitrary Failures

Perhaps the most serious failures, also known as Byzantine Failures.– Server produces output that it shouldn’t have, but

it can’t be detected as being incorrect.– Worse is when the server works maliciously with

other servers to produce intentionally wrong answers

We’ll return to Byzantine later…

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The key to masking failures is Redundancy– Information Redundancy

Extra bits added to allow recovery from damaged bits (e.g. Hamming codes)

– Time Redundancy If need be after a period of time the action is performed

again (perhaps if a transaction aborts)

– Physical Redundancy Extra equipment / processes to make it possible to

continue with broken components (replication!)

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Physical Redundancy

We have 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 lungs… A boeing 747 has 4 engines, but can fly with

only 3. In football we have a referee and 2 referees

assistants (linesmen) TMR or (Triple Modular Redundancy) works

by having 3 components

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Triple Modular Redundancy

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Triple Modular Redundancy

Suppose A2 fails.– Each voter (V1, V2, V3) gets 2 good inputs

allowing them to pass the correct value to stage B.

Suppose voter V1 fails.– B1 will get an incorrect input, but B2 & B3 can

produce the correct output so V4-V6 can choose the correct response.

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Process Resilience

Similar to TMR, the key to tolerating faulty processes is organising multiple identical processes in a group.

– When a message is sent to the group, all processes receive it, in the hope that one can deal with it.

Process groups are dynamic– A process can join or leave, and a process could be part of

multiple groups at the same time

The group can be considered as a single abstraction– i.e. a message can be sent to the group regardless of which

processes are in the group

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Flat Groups vs Hierarchical Groups

In a Flat Group all processes are equal– Decisions are made collectively

In a Hierarchical Group one process may be the co-ordinator– The co-ordinator decides which worker process is

best to perform some request

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Flat Groups vs Hierarchical Groups

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Flat Groups vs Hierarchical Groups

Flat Groups have no single point of failure– If one crashes, the group continues but just

becomes smaller– But, decision making is complicated, often

involving a vote Hierarchical Groups are the opposite

– If the coordinator breaks, the group breaks– But, the coordinator can make decisions without

interrupting the others

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Group Membership Management

How do we know which processes are part of a group?

– We could have a group server responsible for creating, deleting groups and allowing processes to join and leave a group

This is efficient, but again results in a single point of failure

– Alternatively it could be managed in a distributed style To join or leave a group a process simply lets everyone know

they are there or they are leaving Assuming they leave voluntarily and don’t just crash

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Group Membership Management

A further issue with distributed management is that joining / leaving needs to be synchronous with messages being sent

– i.e. when a process joins it should then receive all subsequent messages and should stop receiving messages when it leaves

Which means joining and leaving are added to the process queue

Also, what happens when too many processes leave and the group can’t function any longer?

– We need to rebuild the group – what if multiple processes attempt to rebuild the group simultaneously?

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How many processes are needed?

A system is k fault tolerant, if k components fail and it continues working.

– If processes fail silently k+1 processes are needed.– If processes exhibit Byzantine failures, 2k+1 are needed

Byzantine failures occur when a process continues to send erroneous or random replies

But how do we determine (with certainty) that k processes might fail, but k+1 won’t?

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What are the processes deciding?

Who should be coordinator? Whether or not to commit a transaction? How do we divide up tasks? How / When should we synchronise? …

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Failure Detection

How can we know when a process has failed?– Ping - “Are you alive?”

But is it the process or the communication channel that has failed?

False Positives

– Gossiping – “I’m alive!”

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Reliable CommunicationClient / Server

As well as processes being ‘unreliable’, the communication between processes is ‘unreliable’.

Building a fault tolerant DS involves managing point to point communication.

– TCP masks omission failures such as lost messages using acknowledgements and retransmissions

– But this doesn’t resolve crash failures when the server may crash during transmission

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RPC Semantics

RPC works well when client and server are functioning. If there is a crash it’s not easy to mask the difference between local and remote calls.

– The client is unable to locate the server– The request message from the client to the server is lost– The server crashes after receiving a request– The reply message from the server to the client is lost– The client crashes after sending a request

Each pose different problems

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Client Cannot Locate Server

Server could be down, or perhaps has upgraded and is now using a different communication format

We could generate an exception (Java, C)– Not every language has exceptions– Exceptions destroy the transparency

If the RPC responds with an exception “Cannot Locate Server”, it is clear that it isn’t a single processor system.

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Lost Request Messages

Easiest to deal with– Start a timer, if the timer expires before an

acknowledgement or a reply, then send the message again.

Server just needs to detect if it is a message or a retransmission

– But, if too many messages are lost the client will conclude “Cannot Locate Server”

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Server Crashes

Tricky as there are different scenarios

The client can’t tell the difference between b and c, but they need different responses

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Server Crashes

The server has 2 options– At Least Once Semantics– At Most Once Semantics

While we would like– Exactly Once Semantics

There is no way to arrange this

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At least Once Semantics– Wait until the server reboots and try the operation again.– Keep trying until you get a response– The RPC will be carried out at least once, but possibly

more. At most Once Semantics

– Give up immediately!– The RPC may have been carried out, but wont be carried

out more than once. Alternative:

– Give no guarantees, so the RPC may happen anywhere between zero or a large number of times.

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Server Crashes

The client also has options (4)– Never reissue a request– Always reissue a request– Reissue a request if it did not yet receive an

acknowledgement– Reissue a request if it received an

acknowledgement, but no reply

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Server Crashes

With 2 server strategies and 4 client strategies, there are 8 possible combinations– None of them are satisfactory

In short, the possibility of server crashes radically changes the nature of RPC, very different from single processor systems.

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Lost Reply Messages

Also difficult– Did the reply get lost, or is the server just slow?

Resend the request based on a client timer?– Depends whether the request is idempotent

Idempotency– Can the request is performed more than once

without any damage being done?

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Consider a request for the first 1024bytes of data from file “xyz.txt”

Consider a request to transfer 1,000,000B from your account to mine

What happens if the reply is lost 10 times?

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Lost Reply Messages

An alternative is to contain a sequence number within each request

– The retransmission will then have a different sequence number from the original request and the server can distinguish the two.

However, this requires the server to maintain administration for each client

A further option is to send a bit in the message header indicating if it is an original request or a retransmission

– Original requests can be performed, but care should be taken with retransmissions.

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Client Crashes

When the client (parent) crashes after it has sent an RPC then the process becomes an ‘orphan’.

– i.e. there is no parent waiting for the results of the process. Orphans cause problems

– They waste CPU (and other) resources– They can cause confusion if they send their result just after the

client reboots How can we deal with orphans?

– Exterminate them– Reincarnation– Gentle reincarnation– Expiration

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Orphan Extermination

Each time a client sends an RPC message it stores on a hard disk what it is about to do.

When it reboots it checks the log and explicitly kills off any orphans.

Downsides:– It’s expensive writing to disks– It might not work, as the orphans may have themselves

made RPC calls creating grand-orphans– If the network is broken it might not be possible to find the

orphans again– If the orphan has a lock on some resource, that lock may

remain in place forever

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When the client returns it sends a message to all other machines declaring a new epoch– Complete with a new epoch number

All servers can check if they have remote computations and if so kill them– If any are missed when they report back they will

have a different epoch number so are easy to detect

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Gentle Reincarnation

When an epoch request comes in, each machine tries to locate the owner of their remote computations– If the owner can’t be located, the computation is


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Each RPC is given a standard amount of time T to complete the job– If it can’t finish, then it explicitly asks for a new


If a client crashes and waits T before rebooting all orphans are sure to be gone.

The problem is choosing a suitable T.

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Reliable Group CommunicationProcess Groups

Reliable Multicasting enables messages to be delivered to all members of a process group

Unfortunately enabling reliable multicasting is not that easy

– Most transport layers support reliable point-to-point communication channels, but not reliable communication to groups.

– At its simplest we can use multiple point-to-point messages

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Reliable Multicasting

What happens when a process joins during the communication?– Should it get the message?

What happens if the sending process crashes?

To simplify, lets assume that we know who is in the group and nobody is going to join or leave

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Basic Reliable Multicasting

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Basic Reliable Multicasting

Each message has a sequence number and then stores the message until it receives “Acknowledge” from every other process.

If a receiver missed a message it can simple request resubmission– Or if the sender doesn’t get all the

acknowledgements within a certain amount of time, it can resend the message.

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Clearly as the process group grows, there are an increasing number of ‘Acknowledgements’

– Do we need to give this feedback?

We could only give the negative acknowledgements – and this would scale better.

– However the sender is then forced to keep all sent messages in a buffer indefinitely waiting for retransmission requests

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Scalable Reliable Multicasting

Only negative acknowledgements (NACK) are sent.– What happens if there are a lot of NACKs?

When a process notices a missing message, it multicasts the NACK– But waits a random delay R before the NACK.– Therefore if another process receives a NACK it

can suppress it’s own NACK feedback as it knows the message will be retransmitted shortly.

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Scalable Reliable Multicasting

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Scalable Reliable Multicasting

One downside is that all processes are interrupted by the NACK, even those who successfully received the original message

It could be more efficient to group processes who regularly miss the same messages

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Hierarchical Feedback Control

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Atomic Multicast

Now lets reconsider reliable multicasting in the presence of potential process failure

– The message needs to be delivered to all processes or none at all.

– The messages also need to be delivered in the same order to all processes

Messages can be stored in a middleware layer and delivered to the application when an agreement is made on group membership

– If a process fails, it is no longer a member of the group, if it rejoins it must have it’s state brought up to date before continuing

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Message Receipt vs Message Delivery

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Group View

A group view is the list of processes contained in a group.

– Suppose message m is multicast through the group– Simultaneously a process joins or leaves the group creating

a view change message vc

We have to ensure that m is delivered to all processes before vc

– (Unless vc indicates that the sender of m has failed)

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Atomic Multicasting

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View Changes

Here we create virtual synchrony A view change acts as a barrier across no

multicast can pass It is comparable to using a synchronisation

variable Each view change ushers in a new epoch

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Multicast Message Ordering

We consider 4 different orderings– Unordered Multicasts– FIFO-ordered Multicasts– Causally-ordered Multicasts– Totally-ordered Multicasts

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Reliable Unordered Multicasts

No message ordering constraints

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Reliable FIFO-ordered multicasts

Messages from any one process are delivered in order

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Reliable Causally-ordered Multicast

Regardless of where the messages come from, if one causally precedes another the communication layer will deliver them in order– This can be implemented through vector


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Total-ordered Multicasts

When messages are delivered, they are delivered in the same order to all group members– With FIFO ordering still respected.

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Distributed Commit

The Atomic Multicast problem is an example of the Distributed Commit problem– Whereby a distributed set of processes commit to

performing some operation, or not. One Phase Commit?

– The co-ordinator instructs processes to perform an operation (or not)

– With the obvious problem when a process may not be able to perform the operation

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2 Phase Commit

1) Co-ordinator sends out VOTE_REQUEST 2) Participant responds with VOTE_COMMIT

or VOTE_ABORT 3) Co-ordinator compares responses and


4) Participant either performs operation (or not!)

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2-Phase Commit

At least we can discover if processes are capable of performing the operation, but further issues arise when processes crash (or are blocked waiting for a response).

If a process crashes time outs can be used. If the co-ordinator crashes, processes could

consult with one another to figure out whether to Globally Commit or not.

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3-Phase Commit

The biggest problem arises when the Co-ordinator blocks or crashes with all processes waiting for the GLOBAL_COMMIT or GLOBAL_ABORT message

This is rare, but a 3 Phase Commit is (at least theoretically) applicable to resolve this.

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A further aspect of fault tolerance involves the ability to recover from an error (before it results in a failure).– Backward Recovery

Return from a present erroneous state to a previous error-free state (a check point)

– Forward Recovery Attempt to move forward to a new error-free state.

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Forward & Backward Recovery

Backward– Consider retransmission of messages – here we

return to a previous state before the message was sent.

Forward– In Erasure Correction a missing packet is

constructed from information in other packets – when a message can be constructed from k out of n packets.

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Backward Recovery

Widely implemented technique Involves creating checkpoints that can be

returned to Challenges

– It can be expensive in terms of performance– No guarantee that the error will simply reoccur– It might not be possible

Try rolling back an ATM to before the 10,000B was erroneously issued.

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Checkpointing with Logging

One way of improving the costs of creating regular checkpoints– Log messages (sent and received) in between

checkpoints, and then replay the messages

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Introduction to Fault Tolerance Process Resilience Reliable Client – Server Communication Reliable Group Communication Distributed Commit Recovery
