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IAQG 2013 Fall - Montreal 1

IAQG Treasurers Report

Michael Roberts October 11 2013

v. 6.0

11 October 2013

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Finance Committee

• Mike Roberts (Boeing) Treasurer• Philippe Martin Vice Treasurer• Judy Lasley (Rolls Royce) EAQG FC• To be determined EAQG FC• Yoshi Kanno (SJAC) APAQG FC• To be determined APAQG FC• Bob Briggs (GE) AAQG FC• Dale Gordon (Aerojet) AAQG FC11 October 2013

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Statement ofFinancialPosition

31 August 2013

11 October 2013

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ASSETS LIABILITIES & NET ASSETSCurrent Assets: 8/31/2013 8/31/2012 Current Liabilities: 8/31/2013 8/31/2012

Cash $4,903,339 $4,354,481 Accrued Expenses $61,244 $65,334 A/R Due from (to) SAE Meetings Fund $8,150 $6,800 Prepaid Expenses $59,368 $73,959 Deferred Revenue - Meetings $36,300 $8,300 Accounts Recievable $220,851 $320,746 Accounts Recievable-Meetings Fund $0 $6,300 Deferred Revenue - OASIS $2,934,436 $2,659,298

Total Current Assets $5,191,707 $4,762,286 Total Liabilities $3,031,980 $2,732,932

Total Net Assets $2,159,727 $2,029,355

TOTAL ASSETS $5,191,707 $4,762,286 TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS $5,191,707 $4,762,286

Statement of Financial Position

11 October 2013

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2013 Budget

Actual Expensesand Revenues(8/31/2013)

11 October 2013

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2013 Expenses – Initiatives (as of 8/31/2013)

IAQG Initiatives CC #2011




2013Net Expenses31 Aug 2013

Requirements 7732 $16,450 $28,500 $13,182

Product & Supply Chain Improvement (SCMH)

7721 $234,323 $135,830 $166,000 $86,112

People Capability n/a $0 $0 $0 $0

Performance 7727 $12,000 $6,000 $60,000 $12,000

OPMT 7720 $449,990 $619,110 $772,000 $279,043

RGS - Civil Auth. n/a $0 $0 $0 $0

RGS - Defense n/a $0 $0 $0 $0

RGS - Space n/a $0 $0 $0 $0

RGS - Trade 7730 $9,225 $0

RGS - MRO 7723 $5,000 $0

Integration 7728 $7,000 $18,500

Strategy Working Group 7731 $2,453 $4,000 $1,286

Other Combined n/a $22,384 $3,113 $0 $0

Total SWG Initiatives $721,150 $780,503 $1,051,725 $410,123

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2013 Expenses – Operations (as of 8/31/2013)

IAQG Operations CC #2011




2013Net Expenses31 Aug 2013

IAQG / SAE MOU IAQO $304,966 $307,673 $313,834 $208,602

IAQG / SAE MOU Other IAQO $26,267 $24,327 $47,500 $7,477

IAQG / ITC Insurance IAQO $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $20,000

AAQG Sector Support 7724 $29,455 $100,000 $100,000 $4,738

EAQG Sector Support 7726 $50,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000

APAQG Sector Support 7725 $50,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000

Meetings IAQM $54,715 $106,177 $100,000 $80,696

Communications 7722 $71,521 $119,447 $120,000 $9,543

Operations Management 7729 $0 $8,351 $9,000 $6,432

Incorporation - Initial 7733 $11,994 $22,079 $30,000 $6,383

Incorporation - Recurring $0 $0 $30,000 $0

Fees, Reserve, Misc. $97,152 n/a n/a n/a

Total Operations $726,070 $918,054 $980,334 $543,871

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2013 Expenses – Totals (as of 8/31/2013)

IAQG Expenses CC #2011




2013Net Expenses31 Aug 2013

Total Initiatives $721,150 $780,503 $1,051,775 $410,123

Total General Operations $541,900 $511,877 $580,334 $258,437

Total Sector Allocations $129,455 $300,000 $300,000 $204,738

Total Meetings $54,715 $106,177 $100,000 $80,696

Total Operations $726,070 $918,054 $980,334 $543,871

Total Expenses $1,447,220 $1,698,557 $2,032,109 $953,99411 October 2013

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2013 OASIS Certifications

Number of Certification Fees

(invoiced fees)


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 as of 9/30/2013

New Certifications in OASIS

7164 1584 1,822 1,747 1,357 1447 1309

Re-certifications 2546 1,377 2,434 2,641 2,805 3764 2683


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2013 OASIS Revenues

OASIS Revenues

Totalat End 2007

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013Estimate

Invoiced Fees $4,536,800 $1,308,375 $1,823,750 $1,863,875 $1,730,375 $2,137,625 $2,161.000

Invoiced Fees Earned

$3,367,024 $1,264,958 $1,329,747 $1,403,575 $1,498,802 $1,765,170 $1,898,000

Cumulative Deferred Fees

$2,136,386 $1,213,193 $1,707,195 $2,167,495 $2,399,068 $2,771,524 $3,034,000

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Aging Invoice Write-off

• As of February 1, 2013, we had $24,325 worth of unpaid invoices dated 2011 and older.

• As of February 1, 2013, we also had $120,472 in unpaid 2012 invoices.

• During the 2013 Audit, the Finance Committee agreed to write-off all invoices dated 2011 and older that were still unpaid on April 30 – the actual write-off totaled $13,375.

• As of 1 October, we have $6,101 worth of unpaid invoices dated 2012.

• We continue to communicate with the CBs to secure payment for the remaining overdue invoices.

• Thanks, Becky DeGutis for all of your hard work on this.

11 October 2013

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2013 IAQG Budget

2013 IAQG Budget Revenues Expenses IAQGAccounts

Net financial balance at 1st January 2013     $1,817,527

OASIS 2013 fees earned estimate $ 1,837,866  

Initiatives (OPMT, SCMH, etc.)   $1,051,725  2013 IAQG Meetings (net expenses)   $100,000  Sector budgets (3 x 100 000 $)   $300,000  2013 SAE & SAE-ITC Fee   $391,334  Operations & Incorporation $189,000  Total 2013 revenues and expenses $ 1,837,866 $2,032,059 $ (194,193)

Net financial balance at end 2013     $ 1,623,334

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2013 IAQG Year End Estimate

2013 IAQG Budget Revenues Expenses IAQGAccounts

Net financial balance at 1st January 2013     $1,817,527

OASIS 2013 fees earned estimate $ 1,898,000  

Initiatives (OPMT, SCMH, etc.)   $ 816,137  2013 IAQG Meetings (net expenses)   $ 163,696  Sector budgets (3 x 100 000 $)   $ 300,000  2013 SAE & SAE-ITC Fee   $ 371,834  Operations & Incorporation $ 79,000  Total 2013 revenues and expenses $ 1,898,000 $ 1,730,667 $ 167,333

Net financial balance at end 2013     $ 1,984,680

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Contractor Time & Travelas of 8/31/2012

Note: These totals do not include charges controlled by AAQG, EAQG and APAQG Sector allocations (such as IAQG and EAQG administrative

labor and travel, APAQG travel, Legal Entity labor and travel, etc.)

Initiative Labor Travel Total

OPMT (7720) General $116,609 $28,724 $145,333

SCMH (7721) $79,733 $10,179 $89,912

OMS (7729) $8,146 $124 $8,270

Requirements (7732) $3,390 $7,954 $11,344

Legal Entity - Lawyer $6,383 $6,383

Totals $214,261 $46,981 $261,242

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2014 Budget Forecast

11 October 2013

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2014 Budget Forecast – Initiatives

11 October 2013

IAQG Initiatives CC # 2011Results




Requirements(includes Integration)

7732 $16,450 $32,000 $34,500

Product & Supply Chain Improvement (SCMH)

7721 $234,323 $135,830 $166,000 $136,000

People Capability n/a $0 $0 $0 $40,000

Performance 7727 $12,000 $6,000 $60,000 $60,000

OPMT 7720 $449,990 $619,110 $772,000 $777,000

RGS - Civil Auth, defense, Space, Trade, & MRO


$14,225 $5,000

Strategy Working Group 7731 $2,453 $4,000 $14,000

Other Combined n/a $22,384 $3,113 $0 $0

Total SWG Initiatives $721,150 $780,503 $1,048,225 $1,066,500

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2014 Budget Forecast – Operations

11 October 2013

IAQG Operations CC # 2011Results




IAQG / SAE MOU IAQO $304,966 $307,673 $313,834 $321,680

IAQG / SAE MOU Other IAQO $26,267 $24,327 $47,500 $28,000

IAQG / ITC Insurance IAQO $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $0

AAQG Sector Support 7724 $29,455 $100,000 $100,000 $0

EAQG Sector Support 7726 $50,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0

APAQG Sector Support 7725 $50,000 $100,000 $100,000 $50,000

IAQG Enterprise Support tbd n/a n/a n/a $316,500

Meetings IAQM $54,715 $106,177 $100,000 $110,000

Communications 7722 $71,521 $119,447 $120,000 $70,000

Executive Committee tbd $0 $0 $0 $10,000

Operations Management(includes Dictionary)

7729 $0 $8,351 $9,000 $19,500

Incorporation - Initial 7733 $11,994 $22,079 $30,000 $0

Incorporation - Recurring tbd $0 $0 $30,000 $93,400

Fees, Reserve, Misc. $97,152 $0 $0 $0

Total Operations $726,070 $918,054 $980,334 $1,019,080

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2014 Budget Forecast

2014 IAQG Budget Revenues Expenses IAQGAccounts

Net financial balance at 1st January 2014     $ 1,984,680

OASIS 2014 fees earned estimate $ 2,055,000  

Initiatives (OPMT, SCMH, etc.)   $1,066,500  

2014 IAQG Meetings (net expenses)   $ 110,000  

IAQG & Sector Allocations   $ 366,500  

2014 SAE & OASIS Expenses   $ 349680  

Operations & Incorporation $ 192,900  

Total 2014 revenues and expenses $ 2,055,000 $2,085,580 $ (-30,580)

Net financial balance at end 2014     $ 1,954,100

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11 October 2013

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Presenter: Michael RobertsSubject: Treasurers ReportDoes the Council accept the proposal to: Accept the IAQG 2013 Fall

Treasurers Report with 2014 Budget, as Presented

A vote in favor means: Budget is approved.

Not voting in favor means: Budget is not approved and changes must be made and re-presented to the General Assembly

Council Decision:

General Assembly Decision Request

11 October 2013
