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‘I Think Were Alone Now’ Music Video Analysis

One of the other music videos we looked at is ‘I Think Were Alone Now’ by ‘Girls Aloud’. The reason we chose to analyse this song is because the singers are a girl band similar to the type of band we want to create.

Throughout the song the shots are generally on the beat however a lot of the camera shots are also in slow motion. I think this has been done to help the audience notice all the different reactions and emotions the singers are feeling.

Seeing as though this particular song was one of their earlier songs, the editing is very clever for it introduced each singer and helps the audience realise their individual character within the storyline of the video.

Throughout the song they use this editing as a way for the audience to understand the slightly complicated narrative. It also makes the video more interesting for the audience to watch.

The mis en scene in this video links well to there narrative that they are trying portray. They have all the gambling tables to show there location. All there outfits are all in the time period of when the video is set. There hair and make up is also in the style of when the time period is set.

Girls aloud genre is pop. We know this

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because the song has all the conventions of a pop song. The beat is very distinctive but it doesn’t overpower the lyrics that are being sung. Also the dance routine in the middle of the video is a very clear convention of a pop music video.

The very feminine outfit and girly hair also has all the correct conventions of a girl band pop song. The close ups of their faces shows off their girly features which is also typical of a pop song video.

This particular Girls Aloud music video, has a strong narrative through out. The narrative is about the five young females attempting to get a key from a male figure, and getting into the vault where money is placed. The plot of the story is for them to rob a vault of money, and by this they flirt, act mischievous and sexy to get their way. The camera is consistently moving through out the music video, I believe this is done to make the video more interesting to watch, as the camera scans the bodies of the five females singing and dancing. From the very beginning of the music video, the audience are able to connote that the narrative is going to be about some kind of gambling, as it shows in the picture below.

The narrative of the Girls Aloud music video ‘I Think We’re Alone Now’ is that of a linear narrative, as it flows in chronological order, from the five females managing to get the key to the vault of money, until the end where they actually are standing in the vault with all the money, and have succeeded in their task.

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