
The Nairobi Academy @nairobiacademy

I joined Nairobi Academy six years ago in preparatory. I am now a candidate who is

soon to undergo my IGCSE examinations. I am looking forward to achieving excellent

grades which will enable me study A-level and later join university.

I have seen the evolution of the school through the six years that I’ve been here and met

people from all walks of life, made friends and interacted with diverse cultures. I have

learnt many things about myself, through my friends and teachers, for example ; my true

potential in athletics was revealed to me in year seven during a P.E lesson where my

coach urged me to join athletics training. I later made the school record for the junior

girls in the 400m race with a time of 1.13. I joined the best relay team the school will ever

see. Due to this, I was able to make it onto the Kasarani team where I represented the school although I met such a

strong competition and I wasn’t able to attain a medal neither did the relay team. We were sadly beaten by a few

seconds. This year, I have high hopes and I’m looking forward to returning to school with a Gold medal or medals for

both individual and relay races. Rebecca Aluku 11B

We are happy to see our students continue to apply themselves to their academic and co-curricular work. To

make every student achieve their full potential, we are driving a school wide effort based learning model where eve-

rybody; teachers, parents and most importantly, the students are all comprehensively involved in what goes on in

school. I urge you to require that your child sets time aside for both school assignments and independent study. In

an effort based learning model, students don't rely on the teacher alone but draw up a study plan, gathers useful past

examination papers, and consults teachers with targeted and specific areas of challenge, among many other ap-

proaches. As a school, we shall provide academic rigour in all our lessons and offer Wednesday Booster Lessons in

Math, Science and English to those students whose performance is below the expected target.

Lastly, I would like to thank all those who attended the academic review meeting for the A-Level and BTEC classes.

Kindly remember that students whose parents are involved ij what goes on in school have better educational out-

comes. If you were unable to come for one reason or other, our doors are open and we welcome in future meetings

or when you require such a meeting. Enjoy this week’s bulletin. John Karanja

My name is Pietro Aloisio,

My time at Nairobi Academy started last year in Year 7, I was new in the school but thanks to

all my class mates I immediately felt welcomed, I very easily made friends with all my class

members and other members of the school community, I have been the captain of the

cricket team and played for the U15 hockey team. I have great prospects in the sport and

working towards excellence in my academics.

We have intensified our training in preparation for interschool Athletics to be held on 25th November 2016 and The

KAIISO Under 13 Boys and Girls Football tournament that will be held on 26th November 2016. We expect to post a

good performance in the events. Fixtures for next week will be as follows:

Thank you all for your support







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Kesho Amahoro is a true story, based on the personal experiences of the Playwright (Lizzie

Jago) and brought to life by the magical songs of the Composer and Musical Director (Anna

Rusbatch). The story is set in the Rwandese refugee camps of Northern Tanzania in 1994 and it

follows the young refugee Esperance, and her siblings, as they struggle to survive. They meet

with the resilient Kasulu kids, Rwandan refugee children, with no parents, who have formed

themselves into a tight knit gang. Together they face incredible setbacks and deep heart-

ache, but through it all they still manage to look positively to the future. This play is dedicated to

refugees all over the world, who, despite their horrific experiences and dire conditions, are still

the strongest, most uplifting people that I have ever met. May we all, with them, believe in

Peace, tomorrow. (Lizzie Jago, 2010). Buy your ticket in good time to avoid the last minute rush!

President’s award scheme has really been a great experience in my schooling life at Nairobi academy. From my

bronze award, back in year 8 to my gold award yesterday. Yesterday, the award ceremony at state house was

one to remember, it was the day that I met the president, had a short conversation with the president and lastly

was one of the few who signed a birthday card for his Excellency in which I wrote (Wagwan! Mr. President, you are

the best president Kenya has ever had, may you have many more!). It was certainly a

once in a lifetime opportunity an amazing one indeed. Receiving such a prestigious

award from his Excellency president Uhuru Kenyatta is certainly one of my bucket list! I

will now take my next stride in becoming an assessor and maybe even winning the

lifetime membership award from his Excellency next year. Anand Singh Bamrah

On Friday, 28th of October Year 13s held an intercultural event to raise enough money to support their community

service endeavours. The event was organised not only to raise money but also for classes to be able to interact and

learn something new about the different cultures around the world. Each class picked a country randomly and had

to dress either in the countries’ flag colours or the countries traditional attire, they had to cook foods from that

country, make a power point presentation and perform a dance or a skit. During this event, classes presented on

their countries with their power points, dances and/or skits. There was a break where parents, teachers and students

got a chance to go to the pavilion and enjoy the variety of

food that were being offered. After the break people recon-

vened in the hall to being the 2nd half of the event when senior

classes presented. We were able to raise approximately

130,000 /= with the target being 150,000/=. The class is still hop-

ing to achieve this after all students have finished making their

payments. The Year 13 class would like to thank the teachers

and students for their effort in making this day possible.

Cassie Warukira