
CCIA November 8, 2021

Comments from Chair

The candidates did a great job in taking

on a very difficult challenge in a purple


America’s Sacrifice

As we observe Veteran’s Day

By Juan Garcia

Community Involvement

It has been quite some time since my

husband Frank and I had the freedom

to drive anywhere but door knocking

By Sandra Macha

Faith group

Leading early morning prayer at the

Llorona Park

by Juan Garcia

Notable news of the week What is happening in our local schools,

community and our Border?

Stay informed

by Eloy Macha

Crime and Local Politics

What I came away with was our elected

and appointed officials don't have a

solid plan to address and resolve crime

By Juan Garcia


Summary of events surrounding our

Las Cruces Public schools board


Questions or input:

Rick Reynaud

[email protected]

Lost in Frenzy

I am totally confused as to what

people want for education of

our children

By Rob Wood

Election Integrity

It has been a tough week after seeing

all our preferred candidates losing

their elections

Questions or input:

Robert Cunningham

[email protected]

CCIA November 8, 2021


Comments from the Chair

Letter From the Chairman

The candidates did a great job in taking on a very difficult challenge in a purple county. As we close this

election chapter on Election Day, 2 November, I see a strong united front that is growing. Citizens are tired of

the status quo and the direction our great nation is headed. I picked this cartoon to reflect the state of our

nation, starting with our community. This is not what we want or accept as the “new norm”. By joining

together, we have an excellent opportunity to effect change. We have to continue using every civil means

possible. We can write, call or peacefully demonstrate. But we must hold elective leaders accountable. We can

share information, invite friends and neighbors to join with us. Article in the LC Sun gives the impression by

our elected officials that crime is something we just have to “get used to it”. Shut up and go sit down, citizen.

We can do so many things, we just need to focus and do them. Next year, we are facing the governor and

mayoral races as well as state and federal representatives. These are the same folks that are controlling, and in

some cases, destroying our lives. So, let’s not forget the journey is just beginning. The difference is we are a

united and a growing front.

Virginia is a good model for us to follow. Their recent success was based on parents taking

charge of their kid’s lives.

CCIA November 8, 2021


America’s Sacrifice – As we observe Veteran’s Day

At the funeral of Marine Staff Sgt. Marc Golczynski, who was killed by enemy fire in Iraq in 2007, 8-year- old

Christian Golczynski stood to receive the flag from the Marine, that moments before was draped over his

father's coffin. As he held back his tears, a camera caught the raw emotion that gave the war in Iraq a face in a

photo that quickly went viral around the world.

CCIA November 8, 2021


Community Involvement

It has been quite some time since my husband Frank and I had the freedom to drive anywhere but door knocking. Our focus for the

past 4 months or so was his campaign. This past Saturday we attended the Country By Country event where multiple community

speakers such as Sarah Smith, Ben Luna, Prof. Clements, Pastor Friskup and Sheriff Hamilton attended. We also had the opportunity

to listen to Jesse Holguin, LEXIT founder. His testimony demonstrated that our faith in God is the only way we can truly change our

lives and impact others.

Dr. Clements highlighted the fraud of 2020, giving emphasis on how little importance many have placed on something so valuable as

our elections. In my point of view, the mistrust of community in our electoral process, the fraudulent appointments of Biden, Kamala,

governors, mayors and legislators, the unconstitutional medical mandates are all symptomatic of what was stolen from us in 2020 and

before. Asking us to move from 2020 is reprehensible. For many patriots, countless hours and months have been invested in

investigating this fraud. From Maricopa to recently, Erin Clements presenting a citizen audit of New Mexico of voter rolls and

election results. But for many, we have detached or dissociate ourselves from the reality that our elections have been stollen not just

once but many times before. As an immigrant one of my best memories was the opportunity to vote for first time in the 2000

elections. I will never forget the long lines, but it was well worth it. I felt part of this Country, I felt pride and was so grateful of the

many sacrifices my parents had to make to bring me and my brothers and sisters here from Mexico. Although we lived in a single

wide trailer home in Chaparral, NM which by the way my father still rents, it did not matter, we were here and my parents expected us

to work hard, anything is possible here my parents said all we need to do is work hard. Do not ask for handouts, work hard!

Not fixing our most important right as Americans to safely and securely elect our representatives, no longer are we any different than

a banana republic. Both Democrats and Republicans have failed us, this is no longer in their hands, but in the hands of we the people

and until this is clearly understood by all of us, we will continue to experience tyrannical overreach by fraudulent appointed


The next speaker, was Sarah Smith, I was dismayed by what she shared. In accordance to Article chapter 12 – Miscellaneous Public

Article 10A- Public health emergency response section 12-10a-13. A qualified person authorized by the secretary of health may

vaccinate a minor less than eight years of age without parent’s consent. With Pfizer EUA of Covid-19 Shots for children 5 – 11 will,

is the next step to further strip our parental rights and take our children and forcibly give them this shot? Will we as a community

stand together and fight or will we blindly follow suit as we continue to do by wearing masks even when driving our cars alone?

Overall, the speakers were very clear, it is up to We the people to correct and fight for what was taken from us, our elections.

Pretending and running campaigns with highly qualified conservative candidates in hopes that this time they will win in our current

fraudulent elections is insanity. We learned this the hard way. Fight against election fraud and demand an audit from current elected

officials, take action. Demand voter ID, do away with mail in ballots which makes it easier to commit fraud. The rest will correct


Sandra Mach and Jesse Holguin Eloy Francisco Macha

In County by County Event and Jesse Holguin in

County by County Event

CCIA November 8, 2021


Lost in the Frenzy I am totally confused as to what people want for education of our children. Long before a glimmer of Critical

Race Theory appeared our students were at the bottom of the national barrel. Yes, I am against the CRT agenda

for just one reason, it is a distorted view of history being written by the supposed oppressed to create division.

But what do we want? Are we going to fight this battle with no idea what victory looks like beyond all walking

down the road, arm in arm, patting each other on the backs because we won? Won what?

I hear all this mantra about if we just got back to teaching the basics our kids would be ok. If the definition of

insanity is repeating the same over and over expecting different results and our students ranked 49th in the

nation long before CRT and long before the covid lockout, what are they talking about? Obviously “teaching

the basics”, at least in this state, was a dismal failure beyond just keeping teachers and administrators employed.

All the “basics” content was there so what happened? It is all about the methods we use in public education that

causes this. Old, entrenched ideas for preparing students to compete in a world market that no longer exists is

the problem. It all has to do with mindset. Returning to ways of yore may feel good nostalgically but that is

about as far as that goes. It makes us feel all warm and fuzzy and when our child comes home with an A proud,

but it leaves our students totally unprepared.

If seriously desiring change that is student specific for their futures, we must change the dialogue of what

education is and how it is done. The only way to do this is to change how one thinks about education by reading

on the subject and affecting change through our conversations and personal actions. Teachers are not going to

change this, you are by offering and acting on better ideas to disrupt the status quo of public education. If

interested contact me [email protected]

By Rob Wood

Las Cruces, NM

CCIA November 8, 2021


November 2nd Elections – What happened?

It has been a tough week after seeing all our preferred candidates losing their elections. It is hard to fathom that

after all the hard work, dedicating hour upon hour campaigning, in contrast to the lackluster efforts of their

opponents not one Conservative was elected. The fact that there was less than 12% voter turnout clearly

indicates that we must do a lot more to get the vote out. I can’t believe that the parents, grandparents and

guardians of our school-age children are comfortable with what is being taught in our schools. Crime is running

rampant and the city council is only interested in appeasing the " woke" crowd by not giving our law

enforcement officers the respect they deserve. All those elected will not be interested in exposing or correcting

these issues.

Now, onto "The elephant in the room", voter fraud. There is a movement to contest some of these elections.

According to the NM constitution ranked choice voting is illegal. It is stated that in the event that two or more

candidates have not reached the threshold of victory, a run-off of the top 2 candidates must be implemented.

This would not be cost effective for the county, hence the RVC, which is only in effect for the city council

races. Also, several conservatives have been granted access as watchers to the absentee/ mail-in count.

However, access was denied on November 1st when the counting started, being told to return on the 2nd. In

effect those votes counted on the 1st are "tainted" according to the NM constitution which states there must be

ab open process in counting votes.

By Robert Cunnigham

Las Cruces, NM

CCIA November 8, 2021


NM Social Studies Proposed Changes- An opinion

Attempting to establish socially just teaching is an absurdity in and of itself. In these United States,

Justice is deemed to be without preference or prejudice. Social Justice is some messed up thinking

that justice is possible “with" preference and prejudice.

My suggestions:

All cultures are based on religious practices of a multitude of past beliefs and unless those

beliefs/practices, from a historical perspective, are solidly included no culture can be understood

leaving any study confusing and divisive at best.

I often use the Spain, Catholic Church, Aztec and then the resulting Mexico and the Christo Paganism

adopted as a local example of culture defined through conquest but you can imagine the confusion if

one has to include all the Afghans we now have coming into our educational system. They also must

be included amongst a multitude of other nationalities recently arrived. The age old racial conflicts in

the U.S. that a few loud voices want to perpetuate to give themselves significance is way past


The history predating America being settled of the warring, slaughtering, enslaving and forced

impregnation of our indigenous people in and amongst the variety of tribes themselves is a fine

example of the future cultural confusion of students especially in our state with its variety of Native

American Tribes who did such things. Then consider the East Coast tribes stretching on up into

Canada. They were all nomadic people that carried and forced their cultures and religious practices

on other tribes just as modern man has.

The prime culture that holds any relevance must be explored through the teaching of American

Culture. A good start would be Wilfred McClay’s 2019 American History book, “Land of Hope” as a

format for preparing all educators for any culturally inclusive studies because America is the most

included multi cultural nation in the world.

If anything at all is adopted it must be an accurate historical perspective on all cultures that comprise

the America of today and not just teaching of apparently down trodden cultures that are gasping for air

as more cultures fold into the making of American Culture.


Rob Wood

CCIA November 8, 2021


The NMPED Social Studies

The NMPED Social Studies standards comment period is ongoing, thru Nov 12, 2021. Our partner The NM

Biz Group has launched this effort statewide, this is our first collaboration with them on a "Call to Action". In

a zoom meeting on 04 Nov 21, other Biz group members commented that it was a very well put-together

announcement. A major development is that the NMPED announced that the Public Hearing Nov. 12 would be

all Zoom, and no public comment. Republican legislators, the GOP and many others are pointing this out, and

are petitioning the NMPED. Local Education issues include the still unresolved Board Secretary Teresa

Tenorio's divisive history Pledge, SEL Learning has been briefed and needs addressing, and the Gender

Standards Policy JBD is new and up for discussion.

ACTION ITEM: Comment period on now for LCPS proposed Policy JBD, Gender Inclusive Schools, go

to to read and comment. More info to be blasted out to group, Kelly Bloomfield and Sarah

Smith. We do not know the end of the comment period. Next School Board Meeting Nov. 16, 2021, 6:00 pm.

Election Integrity additional Input:

Election Watchers were appointed and monitored (5) the Absentee Board precinct on Election Day Nov. 02,

2021. Regarding the Election voting, the early voting, absentee voting and election day voting information was

requested by Bill B. and Rick R. Information should be available Nov.10 estimated.

Rick Reynaud

Action Committees Coordinator

CCIA November 8, 2021


Crime and Local Politics

Mayor, Councilors, Elected and Appointed Officials

I read the following article various times this morning

What I came away with was our elected and appointed officials don't have a solid plan to address and resolve crime. They have

excuses, justifications, "explanations" or simply try to deflect the blame for crimes committed. The root cause of a crime is the act of a

criminal. Period. Everything else is a possible contributor not an excuse or justification.

The adopted police budget for FY 2022 is $30.8 million, up from $28.5 million the previous fiscal year. Sounds good but how much

of this accounts for inflation ?

But a recent officer shortage, blamed on a lack of applicants, and a public “perception” of rising crime, as Dominguez has put it, has

shone the local spotlight on public safety throughout the campaign season. I would argue that victims don't believe rising crime is a

"perception".... And who is to blame for the shortage of police officers ? Whats the root cause of the shortage ? And have those

responsible for this shortage been held accountable in the court of public opinion ?

Big systemic changes, she said, can be hindered by the need to gather council consensus and by the restrained powers of the council

over city administration.

So while the elected officials are gathering consensus and debating, people are dying, kids are being molested...Criminals don't take a

pause. How many more victims are acceptable ?

Poverty, mental health, perception of rising crime, infrastructure needs in high crime areas, (all possible contributors "buckets")

impression that crime is up.... Nowhere was evil and accountability of the criminals or the victims mentioned. Just "explanations" on

why crime is up....I understand you dont have a "magic wand" to fix the problem but do you really think blaming anything other than

the criminal is going to help ?

Is there any comfort and consolation to the victims of crime that : While the issue of crime has permeated this year’s race, the number

of reported robberies, rapes, burglaries, arsons and thefts reached historic or near historic lows in the last few years, according to the

data from the FBI and LCPD.

The article comes across as if the citizens should be happy that "its not that bad". That we should have some consolation on this. "So

citizens, stop complaining about the crime in your city" .

“The data doesn’t suggest, maybe what a lot of people are feeling,” City Manager Ifo Pili said. “Unfortunately, there have been some

high profile cases that really amplify some of the issues that we have.” So is crime in the city just an illusion ??? What are victims

supposed to be feeling ? Or people that live in fear ?

Being a victim of crime is NOT an issue. Its being a victim. Period.

So lets see which "bucket" explains the crimes committed by Ezeilel Dias who was gunned down on Lohman and Walnut, or Carlos

Ovalle, who was jailed on felony charges of criminal sexual penetration of a young boy since the age of six or Jeremy Sandoval who

was charged with two counts of first degree sexual penetration of an 8 year old (his step daughter), or Manuel Olivas arrested for

criminal sexual penetration of a minor or the four teens that were charged in the shooting death of a 16-year-old or Kevin Matthew

Amaral who was reportedly high on drugs and booze and decided to fire at LCPD, or Castillo Hernandez who fired eight shots at

another man who was traveling on Amador, or how about Joel Arciniega- Saenz who played soccer with James Garcia's head after

decapitating him or Omar Felix Cueva who executed NMSP Dorian Jarrott, etc..... what contributed to each of the crimes mentioned

and dozens of others.....What was their excuse ? Maybe pure evil.

Thank you

Juan D Garcia

CCIA November 8, 2021



Pastor Pettit (Upcycle Ministry) leading early morning prayer at the Llorona

Park. Excellent opportunity to connect with the lord and fellow citizens on a

brisk lovely morning.

CCIA November 8, 2021

News of the week NMSU’s STEM Outreach Center receives $26.5 million


The STEM Outreach Center at New Mexico State University

has been awarded a five-year $26.5 million grant to continue

and expand support for after-school programs in school

districts in Doña Ana, Grant and Hidalgo counties and beyond.



Latest New Mexico K-12 curriculum controversy, only on


New Mexico officials have been inundated with critical letters

on proposed K-12 social studies standards over the inclusion

of racial identity and social justice themes. If approved, the

standards would require students starting in kindergarten to

"identify some of their group identities" and "take group or

individual action to help address local, regional, and/or global

problems." By high school, students would examine "factors

which resulted in unequal power relations among identity

groups." Critics, including some Hispanics, say the standards

promote victimhood, while supporters have praised the

standards as "more just and anti-racist."




City council to hear update on policing, El Paseo/Solano


The city said the Las Cruces Police Department will update

the council on data and numbers through the third quarter of

2021 at the session on Monday, Nov. 8. "Included in the

presentation will be crime statistics and strategies, an update

of LCPD personnel and recruiting, and community

engagement initiatives," the city said in a news release. The

update comes following record highs in homicides and

aggravated assaults in the city, plus a recent shortage of

officers blamed on a lack of applicants. Data has showed that

reported robberies, rapes, burglaries, arsons and thefts have

reached near-historic lows in Las Cruces in recent years.




NMSU faculty, student senates want university president

and provost removed

New Mexico State University faculty and students are fed up

with the school's administration and have asked the Board of

Regents to direct the chancellor to remove President John

Floros and Provost Carol Parker. Both the NMSU faculty and

student senates on Thursday passed votes of no confidence in

the school's president and provost. In similar resolutions, the

senate bodies claim the university is spending too much

money on administration and that the administration isn't

listening to their concerns.





COVID-19 and flu shot vaccination clinics for children

scheduled in Las Cruces

Children ages 5 to 11 can get their COVID-19 vaccination in

Las Cruces starting Friday. The New Mexico Department of

Health announced no-cost COVID-19 and flu vaccination

clinics will take place Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at

the Las Cruces Public Health Office.




City discusses ‘clean air’ regulation changes

The city of Roswell wants to update its regulations pertaining

to secondhand smoke to include cannabis, e-cigarettes and

vaping devices and possibly to move the regulations from the

nuisance section of the city code to the human rights section.

The suggested updates also would increase the potential fines

that people could face for violating the city law.



CCIA November 8, 2021


State receives 30,000 vaccine doses for children

Last week New Mexico received 30,000 doses of vaccines for

children ages five to 11 years old, according to health experts

at the New Mexico Department of Health COVID-19 update

held on Wednesday. Deputy Secretary of Health Laura

Parajon said: “I don’t think there will be any delay in the

doses; you can get a scheduled appointment now….. This is a

great moment for us,” Parajon said. The Centers for Disease

Control estimates that for every 10 children who are

vaccinated, a single case of COVID-19 in children can be





UNM disenrolling 256 students for shirking vaccine


ALBUQUERQUE — The University of New Mexico is

disenrolling 256 students from classes for not complying with

university’s requirement for vaccination against COVID-19.

“Students facing disenrollment have been receiving daily

messages for over a month and, prior to that, biweekly

messages,” Blair said. Under the requirement, students must

show proof of vaccination or acquire an exemption for

medical or religious reasons or only take remote-study classes

off campus. Exempted students on campus are required to

submit weekly COVID-19 tests to the UNM vaccine

verification site. For the fall semester only, students who have

not been vaccinated or exempted are permitted to remain at

UNM if they submit weekly COVID-19 tests results.





MLG warns after Virginia election: ‘Scary’ GOP trying to

‘kick me out of office’

On Saturday, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov.

Michelle Lujan Grisham sent out yet another panicky email,

this time warning of what she claims to be “scary” Republican

“extremists” working to vote her out in 2022. Her pretext for

the hysterical email came after Republicans defeated

Democrat Terry McAuliffe in Virginia’s November 2

gubernatorial election and elected mainstream Republican

Glenn Youngkin, who focused on education in the race that

swept him to victory. She wrote, “The GOP just had a major

victory in Virginia. An extremist Republican just flipped

Virginia red, and the GOP now feels they have the power to

pull our left-leaning state farther to the right than ever before.”



Soros-funded group wants to replace NM’s Citizen

Legislature with salaried career politicians

Despite New Mexico being a small state and not requiring a

full-time legislature, a far-left dark money group, Common

Cause New Mexico, funded by none other than billionaire

George Soros, wants to disassemble the state’s Citizen

Legislature and replace it with a full-time, salaried body that

will meet all year round. Legislators from the Democrat Party

and the extreme “moderate” wing of the Republican Party

have repeatedly whined about not getting paid, despite them

getting daily per diem and a hefty pension once they complete

a decade of service to the state. These cries come despite

knowing full-well that the Legislature was a body designed for

THE PEOPLE and at the time of running for office knowing it

was a part-time, unpaid gig.



Dems ram through near-total firearm ban at the

Roundhouse during closed-door meeting

On Monday, the Legislative Council, made up of majority

Democrat members of the New Mexico House and the Senate,

voted for a near-total ban of guns at the Roundhouse.

According to the Legislative Council’s Raúl Burciaga, the new

policy will take effect on December 6, the opening of the

special session to approve redistricting maps.

During the meeting, Republicans’ questions went unanswered

about the policy while Democrats attempted to ram it through

without debate. That led Republicans to ask

each other questions about the proposed policy

and attempt to add amendments to it.


