
Hybrid Idea

FLRCVideos: An Innovative Approach to Online Videos as a Learning Tool

Rob Moore, FLRC ManagerDepartment of Romance Languages

Video Link:

October 23, 2009

Department of Romance Languages and the Foreign Language Resource Center

The Storyboard

Department of Romance Languages and the Foreign Language Resource Center

Department Video Needs

• Instructors recorded themselves with a DVD camcorder


Department of Romance Languages and the Foreign Language Resource Center

Management of Resources

Recurring Costs

Department of Romance Languages and the Foreign Language Resource Center

Creation of FLRCVideos

1. Was there a better way to manage the limited resources?

2. Was there a more efficient way to allow for coordinators and instructors to review classroom recordings?

3. Was there an opportunity to improve language instruction?

Department of Romance Languages and the Foreign Language Resource Center

Technology Used

Oracle Database

• Setup an Oracle database account with ITS

Flip Cameras

• Replaced DVD camcorders with Flip Cameras

Camtasia Studio 6 and SnagIt

• Used to create interactive tutorials

Access Controls

• Used ONYENs to create access controls for viewing videos

Vimeo Plus

• Provide the streaming video storage for videos

Department of Romance Languages and the Foreign Language Resource Center

Instructional Uses

Classroom Observations•Coordinators and Instructors able to view recordings online

Interactive Tutorials•Course websites•Campus/department projects and services

Student Interviews/Presentations•Students able to view their performances•Instructors able to give more consistent feedback

Department of Romance Languages and the Foreign Language Resource Center

Demo of Site Functionality
