Download pdf - hvdc mcq

  • 7/25/2019 hvdc mcq


    1. The HVDC converter

    Does not consume reactive power

    Consumes as much reactive power as real power

    Consumes 50% of the real power+

    2. A back to back HVDC link can be advantageous compared to

    AC primarily because

    It is cheaper

    Of stability considerations

    Of controlled power glow+

    3. A 12pulse bridge is pre!erred in HVDC because

    It eliminates certain harmonics+

    It results in better power factor

    Series connection of converters on DC side is better

    ". #ault on a t$o terminal DC link is removed by

    !rea"ers on DC side

    !rea"ers on #C side

    Current control of converters+

    % The capacitance and inductance per unit length o! a 3phaseline& operating at 11' kV are .'1 micro!arad and 2.% mH. The

    surge impedance o! the line is

    50 ohms

    500 ohms+

  • 7/25/2019 hvdc mcq


    $50 ohms

    (. The )rst HVDC link in *ndia is bet$een


    !allia & !hiwadi

    'alcher & (olar

    !iswanath & #gra

    +. A long transmission line is energi,ed at then sending end

    and is kept open circuited at the receiving end. Themagnitudes o! the sending end voltage Vs and o! the receiving

    end voltage Vr satis!y the !ollo$ing relationship

    )s *)r

    )s is greater than )r

    )s is less than )r+

    - hunt compensation !or long /HV lines is primarily resortedto

    Improve voltage prole+

    Improve stability

    educe fault currents

    0 undled conductors are used in /HV lines primarily !or

    educing cost of the line

    educing corona loss and radio interference+

    Increasing stability limit

  • 7/25/2019 hvdc mcq


    1'. /conomic studies have sho$n that D.C. transmission is

    cheaper than a. c transmission !or lengths

    below ,00 "m

    beyond -00 "m+

    beyond .$00 "m

    11. Transmission voltages in the range 23' kV+(% kV are

    kno$n as

    /igh voltage

    1tra /igh )oltage+

    2ltra /igh )oltage

    12. hich one o! the !ollo$ing statements is !alse

    As the transmission voltage increases&

    Corona loss decreases

    Conductor copper loss decreases

    Cost of insulators3 transformers3 switches 4 circuit brea"ers


    13. The !actors to be considered !or planning HVDC



    'echnical performance


    #ll of the above+

    1". The surge impedance o! a doublecircuit po$er

  • 7/25/2019 hvdc mcq


    transmission line is

    0 ohms

    $00 ohms+

    00 ohms

    600 ohms

    1%. The surge impedance o! a telephone line is

    50 ohms

    75 ohms+

    $00 ohms

    00 ohms

    1(. undle conductors are pre!erred in /HV transmission lines


    It is easy to fabricate thin conductors and combine them to ma"e a


    Inductance of the line is reduced3 and the corona loss3 and radio 4 ')

    interference is minimi8ed+

    'ower height is reduced and hence transmission cost is low

    1+. *nductive inter!erence bet$een po$er 4 communication

    lines can be minimi,ed by

    Increasing the spacing of power line conductors

    'ransposing power line conductors

    'ransposing communication line conductors

  • 7/25/2019 hvdc mcq


    ither b or c+

    1-. #ind the odd man out in vie$ o! HVDC transmission

    9ood voltage regulation

    :ow e;ciency+

    :esser corona loss





    2'. A 12 pulse converter is obtained by series connection o!

    t$o bridges $ith

    -0 deg phase displacement between two source voltages

    ,0 deg phase displacement between two source voltages+

    .$0 deg phase displacement between two source voltages

    A0 deg phase displacement between two source voltages

    21. hich o! the !ollo$ing is $rong in the assumption o!analysis o! converter circuit.

    'he DC current is constant

    )alves are made as ideal switches

  • 7/25/2019 hvdc mcq


    'he DC voltage is Buctuated one+

    'he #C voltages are sinusoidal and constant

    22. The e6tinction angle is other$ise called as

    Delay angle

    argin angle+

    Commutation angle

    iring angle

    23. The harmonics contained in the current $ave!orm is givenby




    2". hen the overlap angle is less than (' deg& it is called

    'hree and four valve conduction mode

    'wo and three valve conduction mode+

    'hree valve conduction mode

    2%. hich o! the !ollo$ing is not the !eatures o! converter


    Current order setting can be @uic"ly and reliably changed depending

    on the re@uirement

    >ower reversal can be done easily and @uic"ly

    'he Stability margin is moderate+

  • 7/25/2019 hvdc mcq


    ault current levels are limited to rated values

    2(. eries and parallel operation o! thyristor in HVDC

    T7A89**:8 results in

    or higher voltage and power rating

    or higher voltage and current rating+

    or higher current and power rating

    2+. *n HVDC transmission system& recti)er )ring angle a is kept






    2-. Consider the !ollo$ing statements;

    A !ree $heeling diode across the load circuit o! a t$opulse


    i< *mproves the operating po$er !actor.

    ii< 9akes the distortion !actor =*1 >*

  • 7/25/2019 hvdc mcq


    20. 9ain possibilities o! communication link o! the HVDC


    Short wave radio lin"

    >ilot wires

    'he use of carrier fre@uency on the power conductors

    #ll the above+

    3'. The control o! po$er in a DC link can be achieved through

    Control of voltage of current

    Control of current

    Control of current of voltage+

    Control of voltage

    31. The e6citation angle controller can be controlled by

    >redictive type

    eedbac" type

    !oth i 4 ii+

  • 7/25/2019 hvdc mcq


    !oth I4II+

  • 7/25/2019 hvdc mcq


    )oltage rating

    !oth voltage and current rating

    ower factor obtained in ac side+

    Decrease >ower factor obtained in dc side

    increase >ower factor obtained in dc side

    decrease power factor obtained in ac side

  • 7/25/2019 hvdc mcq


    "'. 9ention the per!ormance criteria !or selection o! harmonic


    /armonic distortion

    'elephone inBuence factor

    ositive conductor+

  • 7/25/2019 hvdc mcq


    "". hat are the e?ects o! trouble caused by harmonics


    )oltage collapse

    Over heating+

    Decrease magnetic loss

    "%. The inde6 THD can be calculated !or



    Current and voltage

    Current or voltage+

    "(. hat are the means to reduce harmonics

    2sing lter and increasing the pulse number+

    Decreasing pulse number

    2sing lter only

  • 7/25/2019 hvdc mcq


    output is

    >arity simulator+

    >hysical simulator

    #nalog computer

    Digital computer

    %'. 5ractical dielectrics used in HVDC cables.


    Impregnated paper and polythene+

    Castor oil

