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Page 1: HVA News Summer 2010

“Herefordshire Voluntary Action works with people, groups and communities to make a positive difference to quality of life in the county”

Berrows Business Centre, Bath Street, Hereford, HR1 2HE Charity No. 1096451 Company No. 4625595

What do you about Hereford? Hereford City has given the go ahead for the largest urban community-led plan ever undertaken in England. The plan is very ambitious, aiming to reach a majority of Hereford City’s 55,000 residents for their views on their neighbourhood, asking what people love as well as what they don’t like and want to change.

Why produce a community led plan for Hereford City? Hereford City Council is working hard to establish a new separate but complementary role for itself working alongside Herefordshire Council. The City Council needs a strong mandate from the people of Hereford so that City Councillors can speak with authority on the issues that most matter to local people. In these times of economic hardship it is equally important to know what people value in their neighbourhood so that services can be protected, and to know what they want changed so that all resources are well used.

Herefordshire Voluntary Action is proud to announce that alongside Wheeled Sports 4 Hereford, we have been chosen as one of the Mayor of Hereford’s Charities for 2010/11. Councillor Anna Toon, the 629th Mayor of Hereford, was born and educated in Lancashire and moved to Hereford in 1990 to join her husband David who was working here.

After a career in HM forces, and both private and public sectors, she was elected in 2003 to represent the Three Elms ward for Hereford City Council and subsequently re-elected in 2007.

Her key interests are in creating opportunities for young people both in employment and leisure, to develop a vibrant economy in Hereford and empower communities. There will be various fundraising and information events throughout the year, so keep an eye on our website There is also a new interactive website at that covers Council business and includes links to local organisations and community initiatives.



July 2010

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July 2010

What has been happening? Project workers Vicky Barnes and Sue Black have been attending community meetings and events to raise awareness of the plan and invite local residents to form groups, based on the seven city wards. Vicky and Sue are also working with other established projects such as South Wye Regeneration Partnership, Herefordshire Carers Support, and HCVYS, to name but a few.

What issues are being raised? Hereford people value their peace and quiet, easy access to the countryside and the river. Residents have commented on how friendly their neighbourhood is. Recent improvements that have been appreciated are the new play areas, new pedestrian crossings and the resurfacing of some city streets. Common concerns are problems moving around Hereford, crossing the A49, parking, potholes, better bus services and cycle routes, not enough for young people to do, litter, dog-fouling, loss of post offices, not enough community buildings. Specific issues that have been raised are the need for better signage for motorists coming into Hereford so that they can find their way to key buildings such as the Shire Hall. Poor signs which motorists ignore have also been criticised by disabled people trying to access Tesco in the centre of Hereford, as the easiest route puts pedestrians in peril.

Any good ideas? Too many to list all of them here, but a few examples are: many people have asked why Hereford City does not make more of the beautiful River Wye, the former railway bridge crossing, or its hidden historic gems such as its black and white buildings? Could there be a sculpture trail to link different parts of the City? What about replanting trees and having a community compost scheme instead of having to pay for green bags?

If you live in Hereford City and would like to have your say about where you live call Vicky or

Sue on 01432 343 932

Charity Commission warns of bogus telephone calls

The Charity Commission has warned of a scam involving telephone calls from individuals claiming to be from the "debt collection department" of the Commission and demanding payments (sometimes of thousands of pounds) for various services and advertisements. The Commission has been contacted by a number of people who have received calls of this nature and has already reported this matter to the police. For more information see

Free Support for all Small Charities!

Thousands of small charities face daily challenges due to a lack of resources, skills and expertise, despite having an abundance of passion and commitment. The Small Charities Coalition exists to help these small charities access what they need to achieve their aims. The Coalition is like a voluntary sector matchmaking service, linking small charities with other organisations or individuals that have the skills, experience, and in some cases resources, that the small charity lacks. To find out more, visit their, call 0207 391 4812 or email [email protected].

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Computer Corner Create a Facebook Page and let people

know what you do. Creating a Facebook page is easy and helps your supporters keep in touch. Here are some simple marketing guidelines for your organisation to attract new supporters and members and retain existing ones with social media:

• Type Create a Facebook page into Google and follow the simple steps

• Get your organisation’s name registered to avoid losing it

• Make sure you have a Facebook page as this will give your organisation maximum coverage unlike a Facebook group.

• Frequently use the Status update to let your fans and friends know what is happening within your organisation. Regardless of how small you may think it is, it provides the outside audience with an insight into your organisation and also ensures that your branding is visible in the Facebook stream.

• Add video using YouTube to your Facebook page promoting your organisation and events.

• Remember that each page now has its own web address. Maximise the information and the relevance of that information as your fans may send an address to a specific page and not to your front Facebook page.

• Upload images of your events, logos and any advertising material you have. Ensure the images are placed in albums and that those albums have an image.

• Utilise the new Events option with all of your organisations public events. These will now be added to the live stream of updates of your friends and fans.

• Install and utilise the Discussion application and encourage your online community to interact with your organisation.

• Install the Review application if your organisation has public services. This will allow people to gain independent views of your organisation and its services.

Good luck and don’t forget to check out the ICT Champions website.

Green ICT The Green ICT website is a resource for all those interested in greener ICT.

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July 2010

Focus on HVA Members Services for Independent Living Annual Conference

Personalisation: What does the future hold?

Wednesday 14th July 2010

Gardner Hall, Royal National College for the Blind Venns Lane, Hereford, HR1 1DT AGM: 10.45 a.m. - 11.40 a.m.

Conference 11.40 a.m. - 2.15 p.m. If you would like to attend this event or know somebody who would benefit from attending, please email [email protected] or phone 01432 353397 to book a place.

For more information see their website

Are you in the directory? As part of our drive to promote voluntary and community groups throughout the county, we are producing a number of directories of voluntary and community groups that will be widely and freely available to the general public. Many groups have already been contacted but we are aware that there are some groups we have missed. If you would like to be included for free in one or all of the following directories, please contact Clare O’Grady on 01432 34 3932 or [email protected]

Funding Central is a free smart website for the whole voluntary and community sector, including social enterprise, providing access to thousands of funding and finance opportunities, plus a wealth of tools and resources supporting organisations to develop sustainable income strategies appropriate to their needs.

Use the power of the media to

recruit volunteers

• Find out what motivates people to volunteer

• Discover which media campaigns catch people's attention

• Free guides to help you devise your own media strategy

• Get top tips on working with journalists and reporters

• Find out how to engage volunteers in the new media world

• Prove that your volunteer recruitment campaign worked

New guide on managing gift aid in charity shops

Sayer Vincent has written a guide for Help the Hospices to provide tax and accounting guidance to charities operating charity shops. For those who want to claim gift aid on the sale of donated goods, there is detailed guidance on how to handle the accounting, gift aid claims, VAT and tax issues that arise. Download the guide for free from their website.

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Don’t forget our website for all of our news and


Launch of New Volunteer Management Resource

Volunteering England has launched a Volunteer Management Portal, which sign-posts to information, support, training and development opportunities for people who manage volunteers. It acts as a gateway to the world of volunteer management with links to over a thousand resources across England. If you work with volunteers, or know someone who does, this invaluable new resource will help you locate a wide variety of training providers and consultants, support and development opportunities. Access the portal here:

HVA Welcomes Vschools.

Rebecca Edwards recently started in post as v Schools Adviser. This role forms part of a national initiative designed to support all maintained secondary schools and special schools in England to increase the breadth and diversity of community action and volunteering opportunities available to 14 – 16 year olds. The programme is designed to complement the work of vinvolved. Rebecca is keen to build on and strengthen collaborative working between schools and third sector organisations and sees this too as a great opportunity to reward young people for what they do within the school and wider community with regard to community action. Therefore, she is eager to hear from local organisations who might be interested to explore this further. HVA is also hosting the vschools advisor for Shropshire, Angela Bloor who is based in our Leominster office.

VSchools Adviser Herefordshire and Shropshire

Telephone: 01432343932 Mobile: 07584482127

[email protected]

Would you benefit from full time

youth volunteers aged between

16 – 25 years? Our vinvolved team are increasingly being

contacted by young people who are looking for

full- time volunteering opportunities up to 30

hours per week, for a minimum of 13 weeks.

These full-time volunteers can provide

consistency within an organisation; while it is

likely they will acclimatise more quickly,

becoming an integral part of your team.

In return, these volunteers would be given an

opportunity to develop new skills, becoming

more competitive in the job market.

If you are interested in developing this idea, we

have staff who would be able to come out and

look if full time volunteering would be beneficial

for your organisation.

Anyone young person interested in

volunteering, or an organisation wanting to

encourage youth involvement should contact

the vinvolved team based at the Volunteer

Centre, Bath Street, Hereford. Tel. 0800


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July 2010

Have you tried the new online resource

Built by the Institute of Fundraising and funded by a partnership of the Vodafone UK Foundation and the Office of the Third Sector, offers a wealth of information to volunteer fundraisers, and the aims of the site are to:

• Offer ideas and answers to inspire your fundraising efforts;

• Create a place where you can share your expertise and learn from other volunteers;

• Make volunteer fundraising an even more positive experience by helping you to achieve even

greater success;

• Provide detailed guides on running an array of fundraising activities, including law and best


All of these in a volunteer—friendly way has already received support from BBC Children in Need, Barclays, Marie Curie Cancer Care and Volunteering England, who are among an array of launch partners who have already decided to use the site to support their volunteer fundraisers.

The Fundraising Standards Board has welcomed as an ideal way to guide volunteer fundraisers through the range of legislation that applies to many fundraising activities.

The Big Lunch comes to a town near you

The Big Lunch with the support of the Big Lottery Fund, is encouraging communities to come together through growing food and flowers, creating street music, art and theatre, dressing the street and, of course, cooking and eating together. It's a fantastic opportunity to bring your community together and could be used to launch a new project, celebrate achievements or raise awareness of good work that has been happening in your area. The Big Lunch is an Eden Project initiative with support from the Big Lottery Fund. The aim is to get 3 million people together on Sunday 18 July across the UK enjoying lunch, getting to know each other and bringing communities together. The Big Lunch took place for the first time last year - there were over 8,000 lunches in every kind of community all across the UK. Over 700,000 people took to the streets in the biggest set of street parties since the Golden Jubilee, and over 80 per cent said they felt closer to their neighbours as a result. To find out about how you can get involved, visit their website, have a chat with the team on 0845 850 8181 or email [email protected] for more information.

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Lloyds TSB Foundation Following on from our successful funding event in Leominster, Peter Cunnsion, West Midlands Grant Manager of the Foundation, has offered his services to those registered charities that are thinking of applying to them for funding. Peter is willing to talk through your project with you before you make the application, to ensure that it has the best chance of success. “ Believe me, I want to give away as much money as possible.” he said. To find out more about the Foundation visit their website at and to contact Peter directly telephone 07500 787746

Wednesday 14th July 12:30— 2:00pm

Wigmore Village Hall

Speakers to include: Dave Barclay Herefordshire Community Foundation

Emma Phillips Marches Access Point

Free Buffet Lunch and Information Stands

This event is free but places need to be booked in advance.

To book a place contact Vicky Hamilton at Herefordshire Voluntary

Action on 07827 775700 or by email

[email protected]

Delivery Partners:

This project is part funded by the European Union (EAFRD) and Defra through the VITAL Herefordshire LEADER Programme:

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July 2010

Vetting and Barring Scheme Changes

In its recent document ‘The Coalition: Our programme for government’, the Government set out its aim to ‘review the criminal records and vetting and barring regime and scale it back to common sense levels’.

In order to deliver this promise and carry out the remodelling, the Vetting and Barring Scheme will be halted. The first phase of registration was due to commence on 26 July 2010.

Although the Scheme is halted whilst the Government undertakes its review, new safeguarding regulations introduced in October 2009 continue to apply. These include:

A person who is barred from working with children or vulnerable adults will be breaking the law if they work or volunteer, or try to work or volunteer with those groups.

An organisation which knowingly employs someone who is barred to work with those groups will also be breaking the law.

If your organisation works with children or vulnerable adults and you dismiss a member of staff or a volunteer because they have harmed a child or vulnerable adult, or you would have done so if they had not left, you must tell the Independent Safeguarding Authority.

In October 2009, the right to ask for an enhanced CRB disclosure was extended to all those who employ or involve volunteers in types of activity called ‘Regulated Activity’. This right remains, and you should continue to carry out appropriate pre-recruitment checks, including CRB checks where appropriate or required by law.

The Independent Safeguarding Authority will continue to carry out its work as an independent decision making body as well as continuing to maintain the barred lists. They will also continue to accept referrals, full guidance on which is available on

For further information, please contact the VBS contact centre on 0300 123 1111.





A number of Volunteer Centres across the West Midlands are campaigning on behalf of volunteers who use their vehicles either in their role as community transport drivers or for getting to and from their place of volunteering. They are finding that it is becoming increasingly difficult to recruit and retain volunteers as individuals are claiming that the current HMRC approved mileage allowance set at 40 pence per mile is insufficient. The allowance has not been reviewed since 2002, in spite of the ever-increasing costs of fuel and vehicle running costs: all of this against a background of economic uncertainty. There is also a 10,000 miles per year ceiling on the 40p allowance with any additional mileage only reimburseable at 25p per mile.

As transport plays a significant role in our rural county, Herefordshire Volunteer Centre would like to find out from volunteer-involving organisations whether you are experiencing similar issues:

• Do you reimburse volunteers’ travel and, if so, what mileage rate do you offer?

• Are you losing or failing to recruit volunteers because individuals say that the mileage allowance is insufficient?

• Do you have any volunteers who exceed 10,000 miles per year?

There are many organisations (maybe yours is one) whose client-base relies heavily upon the services of volunteers who need to be mobile, and any barrier to their commitment or access could have harmful consequences for service users and to the community as a whole. I hope that you will give some consideration to this matter and, if your responses demonstrate that travel expenses are an issue for you Herefordshire Volunteer Centre will be lobbying those in power to urgently review all those issues mentioned above and add your voice and those of your volunteers to the West Midlands campaign.

If you would like to know more, please contact Angela Legg on 01432 343932 or email [email protected].

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If you would like to include an article in the next issue of HVA

News, our deadline is 26th August 2010.

Please contact Clare O’Grady on

01432 343 932 or [email protected]



Young people who have good

ideas for projects and activities

are being encouraged to apply

for a small grant of up to £900

from Herefordshire YouthBank. Money is available

until March 2011 for youth-led projects which

address a clear need, are of benefit to the local

community and show value for money.

All decisions are made by a panel of young people

aged 16-25. Further information and support with

the application is available and the YouthBank panel

will be happy to speak to anyone who has an idea

or question.

For more information or to apply for a grant

contact: James Rogers –vinvolved Youth Volunteer


Tel: (01432) 343932

[email protected]

Mob: 07500448257

Having Faith



Kairos REACH, a new Big Lottery and LEADER funded project has several delivery partners and in this issue we bring you details of one of these, Kairos. Kairos is there to support and guide any community group, with a faith-base, that needs help either to turn an idea into a workable project, or to develop a small project into a much bigger one in their neighbourhood! Support from Kairos can be given in a variety of ways and even if Kairos can’t help directly, Shelagh Callaghan, the Projects Officer, will know where the right help can be found. Shelagh says “Kairos can help in all sorts of ways, from writing business plans and constitutions, finding possible funding and writing bids, through to advice on project management, communications and PR. We can also find the right people to support you on recruiting and retaining volunteers and issues around community buildings, environmental concerns and working with the Charity Commission.” It doesn’t matter how small, or how big, the project may seem – if you have links to a faith group and need a helping hand, give Kairos a call on 07578 721329, or email : [email protected]

Volunteering is worth £60 million in Herefordshire

Herefordshire Volunteer Centre has just produced an updated report on the value of volunteering to Herefordshire.

Commissioned by Herefordshire Infrastructure Consortium, the report has drawn on statistics supplied by the Research Team Herefordshire Council to place a realistic value on the economic contribution that volunteers make to the county.

Current statistics show that 53,000 adults have volunteered at least once in the last 12 months in Herefordshire, giving 5.87 million hours of their time. This is equivalent to 3054 full time workers which if paid at median hourly rates would equate to a wage bill of £60m.

To read the full report, visit our website or telephone 01432 343 932 for a hard copy.