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Huon Valley Council

Community and Stakeholder

Engagement Framework

March 2018

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Huon Valley Council | Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Framework 2018 Page 2

Table of contents

1. Purpose of the Community Engagement Framework ..........................................................3

2. Community Engagement Techniques ..................................................................................3

2.1 Community engagement spectrum ...........................................................................3

3. Steps to Engagement ..........................................................................................................4

Step 1: Will engagement be triggered for this Project? .......................................................5

Step 2: Understanding the Project .......................................................................................6

Step 3: Understanding the stakeholders ..............................................................................7

Step 4: Implementing the spectrum .....................................................................................8

Step 5: Selecting engagement strategies ............................................................................9

Step 6: Develop a CEP (if required) ................................................................................. 10

Step 7: Implement engagement activities ......................................................................... 10

Step 8: Evaluate engagement activities ............................................................................ 11

Step 9: Closing the loop .................................................................................................... 11

Dispute Resolution .............................................................................................................................. 12

Table index

Table 1 Engagement tools and techniques at different engagement levels………………………..9

Figure index

Figure 1 IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum .....................................................................................3

Figure 2 Steps to engagement process diagram ...............................................................................4

Figure 3 Project planning process considerations .............................................................................5

Figure 4 Stakeholder mapping matrix ................................................................................................7

Figure 5 Levels of engagement and trigger points .............................................................................8

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Huon Valley Council | Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Framework 2018 Page 3

1. Purpose of the Community Engagement Framework This Framework is based on current best practice community engagement methodology and the principles of the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2).

This Framework aims to encourage a commitment and consistency across Council to undertake effective and appropriate engagement both internally and with the community and also to clarify Council’s expectations from engaging with their community.

The purpose of this Framework is to provide direction for Council employees, Councillors and third party consultants when undertaking internal or external engagement on behalf of the Council.

This Framework outlines tasks and stages that should be undertaken during engagement activities and provides a series of suggested approaches that encourage community involvement in the decision making process.

2. Community Engagement Techniques 2.1 Community engagement spectrum

The consultation approach for all Council engagement processes are guided by the

Core Values and Code of Ethics of the International Association of Public

Participation’s (IAP2). The IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation is an international

standard and aims to ensure public participation is given a place in the Project

planning, design and delivery phases (further details of the spectrum are provided in

Figure 1).

Figure 1 IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum

The IAP2 spectrum (IAP2, 2014) should be used to assist in identifying the level of

participation, and the commitment to the community, to be adopted for any Council


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3. Steps to Engagement The process adopted by Huon Valley Council is illustrated in Figure 2.

* CEP = Community Engagement Plan

Figure 2 Steps to engagement process diagram

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If the answer is “NO” to these questions,

then no engagement may be necessary

beyond an “INFORM” stage.

Is community engagement necessary for the Project?

One way of determining whether or not community engagement is necessary is by considering the following Project planning questions to understand if engagement will be required, as outlined in Figure 3:

Project planning process considerations

Figure 3 Project planning considerations

• Will engagement be triggered for this Project?


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• Understanding the Project STEP 2

For any Project you need to know the following:

WHAT • is the project?

• is hoped to be achieved?

WHY • is the project being undertaken?

WHEN • will the project be undertaken?

HOW • long will the project take?

• does the project link to other projects/people across Council?

WHERE • is the project located?

WHO • (or WHAT) will be impacted by the Project?

• may be interested and influential to the Project?

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• Understanding the stakeholders STEP 3

Ongoing identification and analysis of stakeholders is critical to determining the level and timing of

stakeholder consultation and appropriate engagement techniques. Furthermore, it provides insight

into potential issues and conflict that may arise in the course of the engagement.

It is important to remember that stakeholders are not only community members or those external to Council. Council employees and Councillors may also be considered at Project inception to gain additional expertise or help shape the engagement methodology.

Pre-empting and proactively managing stakeholder issues is crucial to the overall success of the Project.

The following categories have been developed to further identify how best to engage with Project stakeholders during the development of the high level principles and guidance documents. These categories are:

Rights-based” (those people have a ‘right to know’ as they are directly affected ie. frequent users of the guidance documents or those directly impacted by the Project outcomes).

“Power-based” (those who are elected representatives and Government authorities that have power to influence the Project outcomes).

“Interest-based” (interest groups with larger agendas).

Figure 4 demonstrates the stakeholder mapping matrix.

Figure 4 Step 3: Stakeholder Mapping Matrix

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Community and Stakeholder

Engagement Framework

• Implementing the IAP2 spectrum STEP 4

The IAP2 spectrum, discussed in section 2.1, has five engagement levels. It is important to understand the level of engagement required for a

Project is dependent on the answers gained in Step 1: Understanding the Project.

The number of negotiables and non-negotiables within a Project determine how much input from stakeholders is required. It is important not to seek feedback from stakeholders if their input cannot influence a Project as this is inefficient and disrespectful and it undermines trust in the processes of Council.

Figure 5 Levels of engagement and Trigger Points

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• Selecting engagement strategies STEP 5

The community engagement process will fall into one or more of the categories in Step 3 dependent on the Project and stakeholders. Community engagement is an evolving process and depending on the Project you may need to move between different types of engagement.

Once a community and stakeholder engagement process has been determined, the levels of engagement required should be reviewed. As part of this process the potential engagement tools and techniques should be reviewed and appropriate options selected.

Engagement tools and techniques examples for each level of engagement should also include those earlier levels of engagement.

Examples of engagement tools and techniques that may be used for each level of engagement are set out in Table 1 below.

Table 1 Engagement tools and techniques at different engagement levels

Inform Consult Involve Collaborate Empower

Council webpage update X X X X X

Media Release X X X X X

Internal Council brief X X X X X

Newsletters X X X X X

Intranet update X X X X X

Letter X X X X X

Fact sheet / brochure X X X X X

Advertisements X X X X X

Static display X X X X X

Social media X X X X X

Community email / including Council telephone number X X X X X

Online platforms (Social Pinpoint) X X X X

Public exhibition / Staffed display X X X X

Public comment / submissions X X X X

Public meeting / forum X X X X

Invite feedback through networks and email lists X X X X

Surveys / questionnaires X X X X

Phone calls X X X X

Interview X X X X

Suggestion boxes X X X X

Briefings X X X X

Face to face meetings X X X X

Council Advisory committees X X X X

Neighbourhood meeting X X X

Community Conference X X X

Workshops X X X

Focus groups X X X

Site visits / tours X X X

Deliberative polling X X X

Expert Advisory Committee X X

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• Develop a Community Engagement Plan (CEP), if required


A Project specific Community Engagement Plan (CEP) should be developed if a Project is considered at a ‘consult’ or higher level of engagement.

A CEP is developed and used by the Project team to manage communication and engagement activities. Underpinning the key objectives is an aim to provide best practice engagement.

A CEP is developed for all Projects that require a ‘consult’ or higher level of engagement.

It is advised that internal stakeholders and key Council staff who may have knowledge of the Project are involved in the development of the CEP to ensure accurate Project information and key messages are used to consult with Project stakeholders.

A small component of all engagement programs is clarity around how the process will be managed. This is depicted in Figure 5.

The CEP and identified engagement tools and techniques must be undertaken as identified within. If there is any variation to the engagement from the CEP then this should be communicated to the stakeholders at the earliest opportunity.

• Implement engagement activities STEP 7

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• Evaluate engagement activities STEP 8

• Closing the loop STEP 9

Following the completion of the engagement period, all data received through feedback or additional research needs to be collated and analysed for consideration in the Project scope. An engagement outcomes report (referred to as a Consultation Report) should be developed that outlines the following:

Project background and scope

Engagement approach and activities undertaken

Summary of issues raised during the engagement period

Key findings and comments on the issues raised

Recommendations and Next Steps

It is important that the Council decision making process and the manner in which it considered issues raised during engagement is reported to or made available to the community.

Following Council consideration of the Consultation Report steps should be taken to ‘close the loop’ on the engagement period which should include:

Making the finalised Consultation Report and Council Report and Decision publicly available on the Council’s website

Responding to those who made submissions during the engagement period advising them of where they can access the Council assessment and decision

Depending on the nature of the decision issuing a media release to local news agencies

Consider any other media or social media opportunities.

Upon closing the loop a post engagement evaluation should be carried out internally to ensure lessons learnt are documented and considered for future engagement.

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Dispute resolution

In addition to this, Council has a clear dispute resolution process which outlines a clear path of information and will assist in responding to enquiries and ensuring resolution is found.

This process involves:

If a dispute is raised during Engagement the matter will be reviewed against the CEP.

o If engagement is being undertaken consistent with the CEP no further

action is required and the person may make a submission raising their

particular issue or concern.

o If engagement being undertaken in a manner inconsistent with the CEP

then corrective action will be undertaken and the stakeholders advised.

If a dispute or issue is raised following Engagement having occurred:

The matter will be reviewed against the Consultation Report completed under Step 8 for that Project.

o If the matter has been otherwise addressed in the Consultation Report or is

considered to have no or minor impact upon the Project no further action

will be taken.

o If the matter has not been otherwise address in the Consultation Report

and is considered to be new information that was not raised at the time or

has since resulted from a changed circumstances which has a major

impact upon the Project then the Project will be reviewed.

o A major impact includes a matter which impacts upon the viability of the

Project such as the ability to obtain necessary approvals, creation of an

environmental or safety risk or hazard or a risk to public health and safety.

Inconvenience will not be considered to be a Major Impact unless it can be

demonstrated that it will cause inconvenience to a large majority of the

community or impact upon the economic returns from a particular industry.

A negotiated outcome may be that Council and the individual involved in the dispute may agree to disagree.
