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    Gender I l lusions

    Doors Open Smiths Fal ls


    Postcards from Perth

    Junes Events

    p.28 & 29





    The Art of Bill Veale p.3The Art of Bill Veale p.3

  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf

    2/36 June 20132

    PO Box 1391Alonte ON K0A 1A0Phone: (613) 2565081

    Edtor:Kris [email protected]

    Layout and Desgn:Ro [email protected]

    Advertsng andPromotons:Kris Riendeu: (613) [email protected]

    Assstant Edtor:Ron [email protected]

    Calendar Submssons:[email protected]

    theHu is onthly rts, en-tertinent nd ides newserdelivered ree to businesses ndvisitor ttrctions in Alonte,Perth, Crleton Plce, West-ort, Pkenh, Cr, Arnrior,Siths Flls, Burnstown, WhiteLke, Renrew, Blderson, nd Ot-tw. Our ndte is to connectnd roote eole nd eventsin the sll towns nd rurl co-unities o the Ottw Vlley where the rts ourish nd enter-tining chrcters run ok!

    SubmssonsBy eil or on disk.

    Deadline for ads &content: the 22nd of themonth prior to publication

    Subscrptonsost $35 (inludes HS) or one

    yer (12 issues). Send hequewith your ne nd ddress to:theHuPO Box 1391Alonte ON K0A 1A0

    Oinions nd inortion u-lished in theHu in letters,ress releses, or individul ol-uns do not neessrily reetthe oinion o this newser.

    All writing, rtwork, nd hoto-grhs ulished in theHure oyright to the uthor, or totheHu in the se where nouthor is seied. Rerintingny ontent without erission

    violtes oyright nd is rohi-ited (nd desile!).

    Thanks ths month to:Our drling Fly LAWS resuedog who ws s old s theHuitsel or eing the est o-nion ily ould ever hoeto hve. Weve used her hoto onelst tie on ge 26 to rooteWlk Your Pws or LAWS.


    Hummble Thought


    Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training ~ Begins Jan 2014

    Register by Oct 1st and save $300!

    near theCarp Farmers Market 211 Donald B. Munro Drive Carp, ON 613-304-6320

    Become a successful yoga teacher!200hr Hatha Yoga Teacher Trainingwith Megan Campbell & Todd LavictoireSeptember 2013 - April 2014 (10 weekends)

    Visit our website for complete details

    Register by July 1 & save $300!

    10 acres of zen in rural Ottawa, plenty of free parking!

    Dear Edtor,My ne is Iln Reier. I high shool student, nd Iveeen living in Alonte lost y entire lie. I love theHueuse I ssionte out literture, rt nd thetre.

    I hve written ny short stories nd oes in the st,nd I would like to suit one o y vourite oes to the-Hu. I hoe you will onsider it or ulition in yournext edition.

    Sinerely,Ilana Reimer

    A Lttle SongTis is song tht hild sings,

    A song she sings o suer;A song where kites sor on suer reezes,

    In skies o rdint lue.A song with sunny kithens,

    Rserry trts nd ie re ones,A song o rod-ried hts,And the soring wings o lrk.

    Between eh note runs hilds lughter,Mingled with stistory runh o n le,

    Te reds nd golds o suer sunset,

    And lzy ternoonsWhere reree oys nd girls nSwing their legs ro the treetos,

    And dne in the rin.

    Tis is song where utteries sk on ower etls,And suer stors leveA srkling world ehind,

    And ny-oloured rinows sn the sky.Tis is song hild sings,On the lst dy o shool.

    To the Edtor,I would like to oent on the rtiles on ges 6 nd 32 (ro theMy 2013 issue o theHu) wherein you redit Lyle Dilloughnd Stoin o Connors with heling to sve the Mississii Ho-tel in Crleton Ple, nd Rente Seiler with eing the urtor o theorer Vitori Shool Museu, resetively.

    Te Mississii Hotel ws sved y nuer o interested grous

    t the tie. Ive no dout tht Lyle Dillough nd Stoin oConnors y hve written letters ut, s eer o one o theinterested grous, I do not rell ever seeing either o the show uor the ny eetings or this eort. No individul should e singledout.

    Rente Seiler ws never the urtor o the Vitori Shool Mu-seu. We soke out this the other dy when she droed in oroee. Tt useu never hs hd urtor nd still does not. Pro-erly trined nd redited urtors or sll town useus re srre s hens teeth.

    Te oint o this gentle rnt is tht, when we ll were involved insuh tivities k in the 1980s, we hd ilies nd jos, nd ul-turl tivities suh s trying to sve uildings nd strting useuswere diult uhill ttles. In Crleton Ple, i it ws not reltedto hokey then you hose the th through the jungle. ody, whenwe red inorret or ised inortion, it hurts nd the ile rises.Plese, when rediting eole with doing things wy k when,

    soe reserh should e onduted to kee the reord stright.Sinerely,Nic Maennling, Founder, Victoria School Museum (1980) (now theCarleton Place and Beckwith Heritage Museum); Founder, LanarkCounty Museums Network (1991); one o many (along with Renate!)who helped save the Mississippi Hotel.

    Want to see who we got reading theHumm ater standingin line or an hour and paying $80? Wed love to show you,but we werent sure i we could publish the picture in thepaper. However, i you visit theHumm on Facebook youcan see the entire shot in all its shiny glory

    To fnd out who wonthe General Store Publishing House and theHumms

    please turn to page 23

    Bad Poetry Contest

    TOMORROWa mystical land where 99% of all human

    productivity, motivation and achievement

    is stored.

  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf


    www.thehumm.comJune 2013 3

    A R T I S T T R A D I N G C A R D

    T H E H U M M

    106 Wilson St. WestPerth, Ontario613.267.5409




    Mon-Thurs 8am-8pmFriday 8am-9pm

    Sat 8am-6pm & Sun 9am-6pm

    Guess wewont be

    wearing thosebikinis again

    this year!

    ThisKawartha Dairy IceCream cone from

    Foodsmithsis delicious

    And we got tochat with those

    nice lads intheir Produce


    Foodsmiths also carriesdelicious cool summer treatsfor the whole family in ourFreezer Section including:Organic, Gluten Free, DairyFree, Soy Free and Vegan

    At the end o Bill Veles drivewy t190 McLren Drive, only six inutes south oPerth of Rideu Ferry Rod, you encounter sign tht roclis Birchwood Studio nd

    Gllery. Just short drive wy ro ll theconveniences o city, you re in the coun-try, enjoying inil evidence o hun en-crochent on the nturl environent.

    Te wlls o his gllery re relete with eu-tiul wterolour intings elerting the Cn-din senes tht hve insired nd sustined hithroughout his lie. Looking out the windows youn see Jes Creek srkling in the sunlight. Yourelize tht Vele hs sueeded in surroundingnd sustining hisel oth indoors nd outdoorswith the glorious nturl settings rurl Cndinsso oten tke or grnted, nd urn Cndins restrting to orget.

    For soe, retireent loos s role wht do I do next? For Bill Vele it resented thelong-wited oortunity to ursue his endur-ing interest in eoing n rtist. Troughout hislong reer s teher nd ily rovider heoten reinised out the lesure he hd elts youth, leisurely skething the lndse whilestrolling long the Cusewy or hiking in the oun-tryside ner his hoetown o Kingston.

    Bk then he tured the view in hrolnd enil skethes, honing the skills tht wouldeventully led to his reer s teher o i-net king nd rhiteturl drting. Antiit-ing retireent k in 1982, Vele nlly deidedto ut his rtisti yernings to the test. Te teheree the student, ursuing lsses in wterol-

    our nd rylis t the Ottw Shool o Art ndt the Hliurton Shool o Fine Art, the ltter in setting renowned or its zing senery in theinsirtionl Hliurton Highlnds.

    Vele egn exressing his iding love onture in ll the glorious hues nd oods thtthe ikle ediu o wterolour kes ossi-le. It is reisely the unertinty o the ediutht sintes Vele nd surs his retivity toexerient ever urther. Just s nture is ever-hnging, the ixture o wter nd igent islwys dyni nd unreditle. As orerteher hisel, Vele oents tht he loves good teher, nd is quik to redit Brin Atyeot Hliurton with tehing hi how to lywterolour in ontrolled shion, when tht ishis desired eet.

    Bll Veale Celebratngthe Canadan Landscapen Watercolour

    by Sally Hansen



    Veles gol is to ortry the iensity o theCndin lndse nd revel its ny oods, itstextures, its olours, its ors. Soewhere in hisretive roess, eh nvs eoes lle

    testent to his innte reognition nd rei-tion o ntures heling ower.

    One o the questions I enjoy osing to rtists iswhether they reeer their rst rt sle. Bills re-sonse ws tyil he reeers the roxi-te dte, the sujet, the n who ought it, ndwhy. It ws in 1994, it ws inting o rn;the urhser ws th teher where I tughtshool, nd he ought it euse it reinded hio his grndthers rn. It ws lso gret on-dene uilder, s were his ten susequent sles tothe geogrhy teher.

    Teachng the TeacherAter nishing high shool in Kingston, Vele o-leted our-yer rentieshi to quliy s renter. He liked working with his hnds, nd heliked solving roles. He used tht exeriene toteh hine sho, rhiteturl drting, wood-working nd onstrution tehnology or 29 yers,lus n dditionl 13 yers s suly teher tSouth Crleton High Shool in Rihond. LnrkCounty hs een his hoe nd his onstnt rtistiinsirtion, s he oved ro Rihond to Cly-ton to Mnotik, where he uilt his rst studio.When the ily oved to Fllrook, Vele ut his

    inetking nd onstrution knowledge to good use, onvertingthe hylot o rn into his rt gllery.

    Vele uts his rhiteturl drting exertise to use in soe ohis works, osionlly reveling ne enil detils in trnsrentwsh res. He exlins tht he requently works ro his own ho-togrhs, reully oosing his nvses through his viewnder.o quote the ous ioneering Aerin lndse hotogrhernd environentlist, Ansel Ads, You dont tke hotogrh,

    you ke it. Vele rries it nother ste, lying his own rtistisensiilities to reully hosen sujet.

    He surrises e when he sys he dvotes the KISS rinile,dened y Wikiedi s ollows: Te KISS rinile sttes tht ostsystes work est i they re ket sile rther thn de o-lex; thereore siliity should e key gol in design nd unnees-sry olexity should e voided. Perhs his rgti rohto reting rt stes ro ll those yers in the lssroo heling

    young students to ster new skills. It y e rtil exlntionor his roli outut.

    Prgti or not, eh inting ers s sontneous test-ent to the joy he nds in nture, nd olletively they eliit won-derul resonse in e I delightully reinded o ntures ow-ers to l nd hel nd strengthen us. Bill Vele didnt need EdwrdO. Wilsons iohili hyothesis to reognize hun eings instin-tive ond with nture. Feel stressed? As I gzed t his gllery ull olovely lndses I ould literlly eel y ood lighten nd y resreede. I just wnted to sty there.

    Reently Vele deided to exnd his reertoire nd took lessons

    ro rylis rtist Nor Brown o Lordy (etured in our July2010 issue). Te results re zing. Te intensely virnt strthe showed e unsks oletely dierent side o his eotionlteerent. Like Nor, he hs een le to trnslte his wter-olour exertise into owerul new eotionl lnguge. It will einteresting to see where this new journey tkes hi.

    Summer Chll OutOn July 13 nd 14, Bill Vele will e rtiiting in the 3 rd nnu-l Art in the Brn Art Show & Sle t the Lordy Firgrounds,ve iles south o Siths Flls on Highwy 15. Te event eturesover orty Rideu Lkes Artists Assoition eers, nd is DoIt For Dron undrising event, suorting Youth Mentl Heltht the Royl Ottw Foundtion or Mentl Helth. I you iss theshow, ook yoursel ling visit to Bills Birhwood Studio ndGllery y ontting hi t or y hone t2641134. Youll e gld you did.

  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf

    4/36 June 20134

    A R T I S T T R A D I N G C A R D

    T H E H U M M

    Need em need em got em

    Clip and save the Artist Trading Card

    All the cool kids do it!

    Studio Theatre Productons


    PPRROOOOFFBy David Auburn

    Directed by Jeremy Dutton

    A Pulitzer Prize-winning tale of

    genius, madness and love.

    "Nothing that counts can be counted..."

    Albert Einstein

    June 6, 7, 8, 14 & 15 at 8:00 pm

    June 9 & 16 at 2:00 pm

    At The Studio Theatre

    63 Gore St. E., Perth

    Contains mature subject matter and coarse language;

    viewer discretion is advised

    See our article in this edition or visit for details

    Guess the mystery movie that TYPS will be

    showing on June 14

    Enjoy ovie under the strs on Fridy, June 14,thnks to ollortion etween YPS YouthCentre nd Mississii Mills Biyle Month. TinkDrive-In with ikes!

    Fsten your lights, don your helet, k yoursnks, nd ike down to Codys Cr Cre lot onMill Street in downtown Alonte. Tere will e

    Bike Prk re on-site where you n leve yourike with trusted volunteers. Tis is BYOC event(ring your own hir!).

    Te ovie will strt t dusk, ut rrive erlyor estivities t 7:30pm. Tere will e e-int-ing, ike deos nd other exiting oerings. Ithe orest lls or rin, join everyone indoorst YPS Youth Centre t 65 Mill Street (throughthe rrige wy, ehind Kenteld Kids). Tere wille resh oorn, drinks nd soe hoe-kedgoodies ville or sle ro the kithen t YPS.

    Tere re guidelines s to how uh inor-tion n e divulged out the tul ovie titlein newsers, so kee your eyes nd ers oenround town nd on soil edi or inortionon this ystery eture. In the entie, n youguess wht this ovie is?

    Here re three lues:ike gngGertieReeses Piees.Everyone is weloe t this event. By dontion

    only! All oney will go to stoking the shelves withood or the Tursdy Night Fily Dinners tYPS. I you would like to hel with this rojet,

    Almontes Very FrstBke-In Move!

    YPS would love to hve you. Plese ontt AiPerrie t or 3252165.

    YPS would like to thnk the ollowing su-ortive rtners: Mississii Mills Biyle Month,Codys Cr Cre, Mississii Mills Musiworks,Versile, Alonte Antique Mrket, nd Te owno Mississii Mills.

    In ddition to this sreening, there re nyentertining events hening in our ounityover the ourse o June, s Mississii Mills BiyleMonth tkes over.

    For ore inortion, nd YPS nd Biy-le Month online t nd, on Feook (YPS Alonte/Mississii Mills Biyle Month) or on witter(@tyslonte/@iyleonth).

    Te Ottawa Valley Music Festival ontinues its20th nniversry seson with seil seletion ousi; Songs o Fith, Hoe, Love nd Insirtionon Sundy, June 23 in Egnville.

    Te Vlley Festivl Chorus will e ondutedy Peter Morris nd joined y seil guests theCntio Girls Choir o Ottw. Cntio is el-erting its 10th nniversry in 2013, so it seeed nturl t to join with the OVMFs 20th seson.

    Both the OVMF nd Cntio shre v ision oringing lssil nd onteorry horl usi

    Songs o Fath, Hope,Love and Inspraton

    to the ounity. Both orgnistions hve out-reh nd sholrshi rogres nd re o-itted to usi edution.

    Te onert tkes le t Gre LuthernChurh in Egnville t 3pm on June 23. ikets re$20 or dults, $10 or students, nd ree or hil-dren under 12.

    ikets re ville t the door or y lling4339457 or eiling .For ore detils, nd the Ottw Vlley Musi Fes-tivl on Feook or see .

    WHO William (Bill) Veale

    WHAT Watercolour Landscape Artist

    WHERE Birchwood Studio and Gallery, 190 McLaren Dr.,Perth; ; 2641134

    WHEN July 13 and 14, 3rd annual Art in the Barn ArtShow & Sale at the Lombardy Fairgrounds, 5miles south of Smiths Falls on Hwy 15

    WHY Its like breathing to me.

  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf


    www.thehumm.comJune 2013 5


    the men

    in your



    the men

    in your


    14 Mill Street, Almonte

    613.461.2000open 7 days a week

    June is lwys n exit-ing onth to e in Perth,with oodles o un thingsto do nd delightul l-es to visit. Tis yer is noexetion.

    Alwys gret re-inder o Fthers Dyis the nnul Art in the

    Garden t Kiwi Grdens,whih this yer is el-erting its 17th nniver-sry. Art in the Grden

    showses rtists nd rtseo-le, ong the extensive, turend eutiul disly eds t KiwiGrdens.

    Its n idel ily outing ndthe eret hne to tke Dd outor stroll through the gorgeousgrdens nd wlkwys, lled withexoti lntings nd hnddeworks o rt. On disly re suhites s grden sultures, o-elisks nd rours, lown glss,outdoor urniture, wind hies,ottery, nd vrious other ieeso unique grden rt.

    Tis reiere grden showtkes le Fthers Dy Week-end June 15 nd 16 ndoleents the dy with tstyood nd everges, live usi,

    June Round-up For Perthnd lenty o enhes on whihto rest nd enjoy the view.

    Art in the Grden runs othdys ro 9am to 5pm. While

    youre there, why not tret Ddto new ddition to the grden?Te retil nursery will e oenor ll to rowse. Adission isonly $5, rking is ree, nd ets

    on lesh re hily weloed.In keeing with our grden

    thee: little lter in the onth nd this is good ti o thtsuer is here the RideauLakes Studio and Garden

    our rks its 15th nniversry.Te tour tkes le Sturdy,June 29, to Mondy, July 1.

    A ree rohure is ville tost re stores, resturnts ndweloe entres, nd its grettour guide lled with the nesnd lotions o every rtist ndstudio. Every yer on this r-

    velous tour, new nd estlishedrtists re redy with wonderulsurrises or you, nd I surethis yer will delight s lwys.

    Te studios will e oen 10amto 5pm, Sturdy nd Sundy,ut s onus this yer they willlso e oen on Mondy, July 1,to elerte Cnd Dy. For ur-ther inortion, ontt Sherryt 9283041 or visit

    Oky, this is yuy. So uhso tht I wish it hs heningtody. Als, well ll hve to wit'til June 27 or the StrawberrySocial nd Perth Citizens BndConert t Stewrt Prk. Hostedy the Rotry Clu, this deliiousevent strts t 7pm t the nd-stnd ehind the Perth ownHll. Fresh erries rered intodeliious shortkes! Mrk thisone on your lendrs, olks. Forore out the suer shed-ule o the Perth Citizens Band,see the inset elow.

    And would it relly e Junein Perth without thousnds okilt-wering, hggis-tossing,sword-wielding thletes runningenthusistilly ll over town?No, o ourse it wouldnt. Stur-dy, June 22 t 6pm, rks the 4thnnul Perth Kilt Run. Now

    world-lss nd oil GuinnessWorld Reord-reking event, theKilt Run hs rised over $35,000in its rst three yers or the MSSoiety nd other gret hrities.

    I not sure o the nuero kilt-wering runners who wille rtiiting this yer (i youdrive y Te Running Got, theywill hve the nuer roinentlydislyed in their ront window),ut i youd like to tke rt inthe ourth edition o this oulrve-ile re, you n nd oreinortion nd register y visit-ing or y lling 2648904.

    Tis is not Guinness WorldReord ttet yer or the PerthKilt Run, so oils sy re dywill e siler thn lst yer. TeHggis oss returns, however will you rek the world reordthrow? Tere is lso new re-ourse design with less runningon the Perth Gol Course, newrossing o the y River Bridge,nd gret new streetse run-ning towrds St. Johns Churh.Also new this yer is the WeeLd nd Lssie run. (Plesehek the log or ore inor-tion on tht.) Te heering st-tion oetition returns s well,nd CBC V will e out or n-tionl overge o the run.

    It doesnt tke le until July,o ourse (July 1921, to e ext),ut the Stewart Park Festivalhs nnouned this yers lineu,

    nd its doozy! Here re just ew o this yers erorers:Fred Penner, Kelli rottier, PririeOysters Russell deCrle, CileDoo-Kingu, Te Good Fily,Te Drdnelles, Rihrd Perso,Jes Hill & Ann Jnelle, LurSith, the 24th Street Wilers, Dees Antn, Greth Person,New Country Reh, AndRheue, An Miur, nd (yy!)Perths own Henry Norwood.

    For lots ore inortionout this truly wonderul es-tivl, lese visit their wesite orhek the out on Feook.

    by John Pigeau


    Te Perth Citizens Bnd, Cnds Oldest Continuing ownBnd, is rering or the 2013 seson o its nnul SummerPops Concert Series. All onerts re held on the ndstndin Stewrt Prk, diretly ehind the own Hll, in historidowntown Perth. Tis trdition hs ontinued on the nd-

    stnd eh suer sine it ws onstruted in 1931 nd llonerts re ree to the uli. Tis yer rks the 25 th su-er seson under ondutor Brin kerry. Eh onertetures vriety o usi rnging ro lssil to Brodwynd ovie thees, s well s jzz, lues, nd other oulrors. In ddition, kerry inludes heritge iees rothe nds histori les nd songs y Cndin oosers orrrngers. Audiene eers re invited to ring long lwnhir or sily enjoy leisurely stroll through the rk duringthe erornes.

    All onerts egin t 7:30pm exet the June 27 onert, whihegins t 7pm nd is held in onjuntion with the Strwerry So-il sonsored y the Perth Rotry Clu. In ddition, the ndwill e eroring t the North Lnrk Regionl Museus An-nul Strwerry Festivl on Sundy June 23. Te Pos Conertsor this yer re on June 13 nd 27, July 11 nd 25, nd August 8nd 22. For ore inortion, visit .

    Lve Musc, Fresh Ar, andthe Beauty o Stewart Park

    This years Perth Kilt Run takes place on June 22

  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf

    6/36 June 20136

    firefliessinging group

    kelly sloanrothwell & moffatt

    impactpercussionthe split

    canada day

    gemmill park 4pm to dusk

    4-9pm family picnic & bbq

    facepainting & kids activities

    refreshment gardens

    free entertainment for all ages

    fireworks at dusk

    Sponsored by:

    Royal Canadian Legion

    Branch 240 Almonte

    performances in the park by...

    sun june 30th

    canada day eve

    around town 5pm to dusk

    5-7pm fundraiser bbq @ rbc

    6pm kids activities @ community centre

    7pm annual parade along main st

    followed by live entertainment @ community centre

    fireworks at dusk

    in pakenham

    canada daymon july 1st

    in almonte

    in mississippi mills







    start canada day in pakenhampancake breakfast @ firehall 7-11am

    then flock to almonte for an evening of entertainment 4pm to dusk

    Tis June is the th nnul Mis-sissii Mills Biyle Month.While ny o us hve enjoyedgret iyle-theed events overthe st our yers, not every-one knows out the less ovi-ous ut ore iortnt suess

    o Biyle Month nely itsontriution o reting orehelthy, tive, iyle-riendlyounity.

    Te own o Mississii Millshs een n iortnt suortero Biyle Month nd hs tkenseverl stes over the st ve

    yers to ke the town oreiyle-riendly le to livend visit. Tis yer they re tk-ing the orl ste o lyingto e n oil Biyle-FriendlyCounity. Tis rogr, runy Shre the Rod Cyling Coli-tion , rovidesinentives, hnds-on ssistne,nd wrd reognition or o-unities tht tively suort i-yling. I suessul, Mississii

    Fve Years o Promotng Actve LvngMsssspp Mlls Gears Up or Another Acton-Packed Bcycle Month

    Mills will e the rst sll townin Estern Ontrio to reeive thisreognition. Counity vol-unteers nd yling dvotes,ny o who re involved withBiyle Month, re working withthe town on this rojet.

    Beuse o their jurisditionover rods, Lnrk County is lson iortnt lyer in retingiyle-riendly ounities.A onrete exle o LnrkCounty suorting yling is theiroitent to rovide iylelnes in Alonte, long Perth ndBridge Streets ro Highwy 29to the ren, when the rods reredone in the ll o 2013.

    Mississii Mills BiyleMonth hs lwys invited llresidents o Lnrk County tortiite in the nnul SilverChain Challenge, yling en-ourgeent rogr whihonsists o riendly hllengeetween ounities, to seewho n olletively yle the

    ost kiloetres during theonth o June. Tis yer thewhole o Lnrk County will lsooete s te, s residentso Renrew County hve deid-ed to enter the ring or the rsttie, in n inter-ounty hl-

    lenge. Any resident o Lnrk orRenrew County n register t.

    An iortnt oonent oBiyle Month hs lwys eenrooting se yling or hil-dren, through the Bicycle Ro-deo, or exle, whih tehesse iyle hndling, rules o therod, nd roer helet tting.

    Te re shools hve eengret rtners in getting theword out to kids out BiyleMonth. Nisith Puli Shoolin Alonte hs tken this rt-nershi to the next level yworking with Biyle Month, theUer Cnd Distrit ShoolBord, the Puli Helth Unit,nd the own o Mississii

    Mills to strike School ravelplanning group. Tis ilot ro-

    jet will ddress se wlkingnd iking to shool.

    Mississii Mills BiyleMonth will ontinue root-ing tive living this June with

    Celerte Culture Dys in Cn-d ro Seteer 27 to 29!Te Culture Dys ission is torise wreness, essiility, ndrtiition o Cndins in therts nd ulturl lie o their o-unities. Creted in 2009, this

    event is dedited to uilding ntionl network o ulturl on-netions devoted to rovidingCndins with oortunities tortiite in, nd reite, llors o rts nd ulture.

    Te Mississii Mills ownCounil reognizes the signi-nt it our ulturl o-unity hs on oth the uniqueidentity nd eonoi roser-ity o Mississii Mills. Tey reoitted to suorting this vi-tl industry.

    In n eort to show their -reition nd suort, they reoering se ree o hrge, on rst-oe rst-served sis,

    Msssspp Mlls MakesSpace or Culture Days

    during the 2013 Culture Dysweekend (Seteer 28 nd 29).Se is ville t the ollowingtown ilities: the Alonte Oldown Hll, the Alonte Co-unity Centre, the Cedr HillShool House, nd the Stewrt

    Counity Centre.Se is eing de ville

    or grous nd individuls whore interested in showsingtheir rt. You y use the seto host ree worksho, glleryor deonstrtion. Te ownwill ssist you in rooting yourevent. In ddition, grous nregister t toreeive rootion through thentionl oveent.

    In order to reserve your se,lese ontt Bonnie Hwkinst 2561077 eore August 1.Plese let Bonnie know your ex-eted tiere s well s yourse requireents.

    Share Your Talents atPuppets Up! n AugustPuets U! elertes its ninthnniversry this August 10 nd11 in the hert o downtownAlonte. Eh yer they wel-oe thousnds o visitors overthe ourse o the two-dy event.Tey love to see the siles oneoles es s they enjoy the

    uet erornes, rdes,ood, nd street entertinent.Do you enjoy eroring? Hve

    you got tlent to shre with our

    visitors? I you would like the o-ortunity to join the ily reun-ion this suer, lese ttendthe oen uditions on June 13 tthe Alonte United Churh Hllro 79pm.

    A sll honorriu wille oered to those who re

    seleted to eror. Pleseontt Mry Lou Souter t or oreinortion.

    nother ull shedule o iyle-theed tivities. New events in-lude mountain bike skills de-

    velopment clinics nd n ediblegarden tour. See or olete inortion. Rachel Sutton

    This years Birders on Bikes ride takes place on Sunday, June 9.

    Last year, participants spotted no ewer than 57 dierent species!

    For dates and details about all events, visit .

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    mississippi mills












    Weekly EventsJune 2-8 Bike to Work Week

    Tuesdays in June Almonte Bicycle Club Time trial

    Thursdays in June RIMM Rovers Ride

    Bike Polo in Gemmill Park

    Fridays in June Bike to school/work

    Sundays in June Ride to worship

    Special EventsSat, June 1 Kids Bike rodeo

    Bicycle Art Show opening

    Sun, June 2 Scavenger Hunt

    Mon, June 3 Bicycle Month Adopt a road clean upWed, June 5 Rusty Spokes Mature Adult Ride

    A History of the CCM Bicycle with John McKenty

    Fri, June 7 Miss Mills Grand Prix Stage Race Pakenham Circuit Race

    Stargazers Ride

    Sat, June 8 MM Grand Prix Time Trial and Downtown Almonte Criterium

    Mountain biking for kids foundation skills session Gemmill Park

    ABC Tour to Bolingbroke

    Sun, June 9 MM Grand Prix Pakenham, Cedar Hills, White Lake Road Race

    Birders on Bikes

    Mountain biking for adults foundation skills session Gemmill Park

    Wed, June 12 Travelogue; Bicycling Cuba

    Fri, June 14 TYPS Movie ET

    Sat, June 15 Tour de Mississippi Mills (varying lengths from 29 100 k)

    Tour of Mississippi Mills - Mountain bike Burntlands

    Sun, June 16 Tour of Mississippi Mills - Mountain bike

    Neighbourhood Tomato Community Gardens Edible Garden Tour

    with Ed Lawrence

    Mon, June 17 Bicycle Travelogue Bike and Barge in the NetherlandsWed, June 19 The Bike Picnic

    Sat, June 22 Hillside Church family ride

    Mountain biking for kids Intermediate skills session

    Bike Polo Tournament

    Sun, June 23 Conquer the Concrete - BMX and Skateboard

    Mountain biking for adults Intermediate skills session

    ABC Tour to Shawville

    Sat, June 29 Mountain Bike Tour of Mississippi Mills

    Sun, June 30 Pakenham Parade

    Mountain Bike Tour of Mississippi Mills

    ABC Tour to Dalhousie Lake


    Mississippi Mills Bicycle Month Event Lineup

    Teres lwys so uh going onin Mississii Mills during thesuer onths tht I guredoth residents nd visitors ightreite little overview osoe o the jor events. Tis is

    just the re ones though orore in-deth ino youll hveto revisit y olun ro lst

    onth (ville online t thehu.o)or tke look t the k ge o this issue(the Art o Suer Festivls ter it ond te it to the ridge!). Ater tht Ivegot ew new un things to throw yourwy, so red on!

    Summer Round-UpCoing u in June ll onth long,ind you is Mississippi Mills Bi-cycle Month! Fro theed rides ndres to ike olo nd rodeos, there reout zillion (give or tke ew gjil-lion) events in whih to rtke. Visit or u-to-dte detils.

    Word on the street is tht the streetis where youll wnt to be on June 8 totke gnder t the Downtown AlonteCriteriu rces while you check out soewesoe sidewlk sles on Mill Street. Youcn lso wnder down to the irgrounds tocheck out Busfusion thtweekend, i you reer our wheels to two.

    July 57 rings the sto nd lilt oAlmonte Celtfest to town, ulinting in renzy o usi,song nd dne in Geill Prk on July 6

    nd 7. Fro July 1921 the Almonte Fair ulls into town or the155th tie, eturing live entertinent,livestok shows, hoert dislys, Deolition Dery nd o ourse the gretidwy.

    August is no slouch either, with all mypeeps coming for Puppets Up! on the 10th and 11th, the Paken-ham Fair taking place on the 17th, and the 30th an-nual North Lanark Highland Games march-ing in on the 24th. I promise more detailson those events, and on SeptembersFibrefest in an upcomingcolumn!

    And Now or the NewbesTe lovely villge o Pkenh is stillthe only le to e on Canada Day Eve(June 30), euse they get the ju oneveryone else y holding their eler-tions nd reworks disly dy erly!Coe or undriser BBQ ro 57pmt the Royl Bnk, sty or kids tivitiesstrting t 6pm t the Stewrt CounityCentre, enjoy the nnul rde long thein street t 7pm, nd then tke in lo-l live entertinent t the CounityCentre until the reworks strt t dusk!

    Alonte, on the other hnd, is hng-ing u their Canada Day elertions it this yer. Insted o n ll-dy event,the oening ereonies will tke le t

    PSSST Heres theScoop on Summer!

    4pm nd the tivities will ontinue rightthrough to 9pm, when the reworks willegin in Geill Prk. Tis new shed-ule will llow ilies to get wy or thelong weekend nd still e k in tie orll the un! Te line-u etures the Fire-

    ies ( girls hoir tht sings Motown, noless!), Alontes own Kelly Slon, ItPerussion, Rothwell nd Mot, nd TeSlit. Kids n ke rts, oune in theouny stle, nd enjoy e-intingnd lloon nils. Eily Arour is evenworking on ini-Hndde Hrvest,eturing rt vendors in the rk, ro49pm.

    Stores For Stuart McLeanYouve roly herd tht the AlonteOld own Hll will e the roud host othe Vinyl Caf eturing Stuart McLeanon July 12 nd 13. No dout you lsoherd tht tikets sold out in less thn week! So did you iss the ot? Not ne-essrily you now hve hne to winsoe tikets y rtiiting in the Mis-sissii Mills Story Exhnge WritingContest!

    iny MLren ro the own oMississii Mills is working with thete t the Vinyl C Story Exhngend will e suitting your stories on

    your ehl, one lol judges hve redthe. Suissions to this ontest ustollow the Vinyl C story exhngerules they ust e short nd theyust e true nd they should lso eout Mississii Mills.

    Heres soe dvie ro SturtMLen hisel: Now here is soething

    iortnt. You dont hve to e writerto join in. In t, i you hve never writtennything eore in your lie I wnt to herro you ore thn nyone. Just ut yourstory down on er. Use sile shortwords. Tey re the est kind. Tink o its writing e letter. It is y elie tht ienough o us write, nd i we tke ins totell the truth out soething iortntto us, tht together we will rete n ex-trordinry rhive n rhive tht wille snshot o our ountry. A iture owho we re, nd how we eel out things,nd ost iortntly, wht we eel is i-ortnt.

    And i the sheer joy o writing wsntenough, you n lso win soe gret

    rizes y entering this lol ontest! Firstrize is two tikets to Sturt MLenssold out erorne on Fridy, July 12,dinner t C Postino, nd roo tthe Alonte Riverside Inn; seond rizeis two tikets to the show nd dinner tthe Heirloo C; nd third rize istwo tikets to the show. Te dedline isJune 30, nd you n suit your story to, or ilit or dro it o or iny MLren tthe Alonte Old own Hll, 14 BridgeStreet, Alonte, ON K0A 1A0. For oredetils out ll the rules nd regul-tions, lese see nd . Now i

    youll exuse e it sees weve ll gotsoe writing to do!

    by Miss Mills, puppet reporter


  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf

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    CanadianCanadianand Americanand American

    SongsSongsOfOfFaithFaithHope, LoveHope, Loveandand


    the OVMF ChorusWith Special Guests

    Sunday, June 23, 2013 3:00 pm

    Grace Lutheran Church 14 Bonnechere St. W.


    Adults $20 / Students $10(Free Admission for Kids under 12)


    at [email protected] OR CALL 613-433-9457

    Der onsulting hynotist willyou ke e luk like hik-en? Cn you ke y husnd

    vuu? I get these questions lot, nd I love it! I onsult-ing hynotist, nd I use hynosisto hel y lients ke hngesin their ersonl nd roession-l lives. When I tell eole tht,I get the ost wonderul re-tions. Right ter the hiken nd

    vuu questions though, I oten sked i I n hel with X(X is whtever tht erson wntshel with: like slee, onentr-tion, soking, roessionl o-tivtion, et.). Te nswer, ostoten, is Yes.

    Hynosis is lost s old s

    tie, nd yet there still seesto e little known out it ythe generl uli; thts the dnews. Te good news is tht hy-nosis is nturl, esy, se, ndn e relly un!

    o understnd wht hyno-sis relly is, lets strt with whthynosis is not. Hynosis is notind ontrol. While the Holly-wood ovie kers would likeus to think it is, thnkully thereis no ind ontrol involved.When soeone is in the hynot-i stte, they rein in totl on-trol. Hynosis is not sry. Tehynoti stte is tully stte

    Wll You Make Me CluckLke A Chcken?

    o ind eole go in nd out oll the tie, like when you redriving soewhere, ut you ntreeer the lst ve inutes

    you still stoed t the sto sign,turned t the orret street, eventhough you nt quite reeerdoing it. Tt ws very lightstte o hynosis, nd you werein totl ontrol the whole tie.Net, right? Hynosis is not stge show where you will ede to look ridiulous. Hyno-sis is the tool tht stge hyno-tists use or show, nd the shown e hilrious. But hynosisitsel is stte o ind, nd how

    you hoose to use it is u to you.So then wht is hynosis?

    Hynosis is nturl stte o o-used onentrtion. In the hy-noti stte, the onsious ind isyssed, to llow ess to thesuonsious ind. Te su-onsious ind is like the s-ter outer inside your hed,holding ll eories, exeri-enes, thoughts, retions, et.By oving the onsious indside, we get to ke ltertionsto the ster outer tht willenet our dily lives. One o thegretest things out hynosis istht we n hve soeone like onsulting hynotist guide usinto hynosis, or we n lern

    sel-hynosis, nd use it s otens we wnt to irove our livesdrtilly! Its esy, its un,nd it works.

    Now, to nswer your ques-tions. Will I ke you luk like hiken? Only i you wnt eto. Cn I ke your husnd

    vuu? Well, no, I nt kenyone do soething they dontwnt to do, ut lets just sy thty husnd suddenly thorough-ly enjoys ooking, lening ndolding lundry

    Sel-Hypnoss and Sel-Care workshopDo you wnt to lern the seretso hynosis? Do you wnt to

    lern how to hrness its owerto irove sel-re in your lie?By iroving your sel-re, youn irove lost ll other r-es o your lie. Coe or unnd eowering dy on July 14,ro 10am to 4pm, s I shre theserets o hynosis, the ste-y-ste ethod to ster sel-hy-nosis, nd the est wy to use itto suerhrge sel-re. Kelly McGuire BA(Psych), CH,

    is a Certifed Consulting Hypno-tist working in the Ottawa area.For more inormation pleasevisit

    Te roo is quiet nd eeul syou lie on your k, relxed witheyes losed. Te teerture is hert-elting 37 degrees Celsius.You y think you re lying on eh in Tilnd, ut s thetehers voie lls or you toslowly strt oving, you ree-er tht this is the hert o Crle-ton Ple. Tis yer, the Yog St-

    tion hs undergone renovtionsto inororte, in ddition to theoriginl studio, hot yog roo.I youve seen the Hot Yogsign on Colen Street nd hvewondered out the enets ohot yog, red on!

    Some Lke t Hot!Why Hot Yoga?Te hot teerture rootessweting, which hels to ush tox-ins through the skin. Te het lsoelevtes the hert rte, llowingor ore intense crdiovsculrworkout nd incresed circultion.Your uscles re wr, llowingor se nd deeer relese o ten-sion. Becuse you cnt ignore the

    het o the roo, the teertureids in concentrtion nd relx-tion, cling the nervous syste.

    The Importance o WaterMke sure to drink wter eorend during hot yog lss. k-

    ing in extr uids eore, re-res you or the sweting nddetoxiying you will exerienein lss. Wter is oered t thestudio, ut you re enourged toring wter ottle to lss.

    Reeer: s with ll kinds oyog, exerise, or tri to Ti-lnd, onsult your dotor eorertiiting in lss.

    Yog Sttion is loted t132 Colen Street in CrletonPle. For ore detils, dro in,ll the t 2539642, or visit. Jessie Carson is a teacher at

    Yoga Station

    Pck up theHumm n Almonte at

    jrs family restaurant

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    Looking or gret live usivenue in Arnrior? Look rightdowntown, where the John St.Pu reently oened with the golo eoing Arnriors neigh-ourhood u nd the OttwVlleys reier live usi ven-

    ue! Showsing wide setruo ntionl nd regionl touringrtists, s well s siring ndinsiring lol erorers, theyoer vriety o genres to stisyny usil interests.

    Billing theselves s the lewhere riends eet nd usi l-wys hens, they k tht uwith sizele rised stge nd stte-o-the-rt sound nd lighting syste. Everyrst Wednesdy o the onth you n try

    your hnd t eroring t their OpenMic Night eginning t 8pm. Every thirdTursdy o the onth, you n ththe Blues Jam Night, lso strting t8pm. In ddition to those regulr events,the John St. Pu ooks severl ts ehonth. A quik glne t the line-u orJune inludes the Arms of A Girl Band(lt-ountry/olk on June 1), Brent Dick-ie & Te B-List (lssi nd new rok onJune 8), J. P. Cormier (wrd-winningEst Cost olk, luegrss nd Celti onJune 14), the strs o the V showGuinea

    Pig(with their extree live rek show onJune 15), Barry Buse & Redneck Limou-

    A Muscal Pub nthe 'Pror

    sine (hosting the Blues J on June 20),Spencer Scharf (olk rok, roots ndlues on June 21), nd Slowtown Fire(lssi nd new rok on June 22). Forolete detils inluding ties nd ri-es, give the ll t 6238149 or visittheir Feook ge.

    In ddition to gret live entertinent,the John St. Pu lso weloes eole todro in ter work or in the evenings orgret ood nd rereshents (inludingthe iggest seletion o ne Irish nd Sot-tish whiskey in town), or to enjoy sortsevents on their lrge high denition Vs.

    Te John St. Pu is loted t 129 JohnStreet in Arnrior. Hours o oertion reWednesdys nd Tursdys ro 4pm, ndFridys nd Sturdys ro 4pm to 2am.

    The view rom the stage at Arnpriors new

    John St. Pub

    Live Poets Soiety (LiPS), Lnrk Coun-tys own sl oetry olletive, is hostingits nl oetition or this yer on Stur-dy, June 8, t Crleton Ple own Hll.Te show strts t 7pm nd the door willoen t 6:30pm. ikets re $10.

    Te ve to nlists o this oeti-tion will or the te, whih will trvelto Montrel to oete in the CndinFestivl o Soken Word (CFSW) this ll.Coe out nd wth lol oets nd writ-ers deonstrte their est work, to ern sot on the te!

    Since 2008, LiPS hs held sesonl co-etitions to or te, giving locl oetsnd writers n oortunity to eror orig-

    inl work t the CFSW. Tis ntionl estivl

    Who Wll Compete at

    National Poetry Festival?is hosted by diferent coeting city echyer, nd Montrel will be hosting this ll.Shows re held t lol venues within

    the ounty nd surrounding re through-out the yer. Te oetitive seson usu-lly strts shortly into the new yer, end-ing with the nls in June. One the teis ored, LiPS will host ore shows overthe suer to hel with the ost o send-ing their te to the estivl.

    LiPS is the only rurl olletive o-eting t CFSW. Poets ro CrletonPle, Perth, Siths Flls nd everywherein etween re reresenting our ou-nities nd our ounty on ntionl stgewith soe o Cnds est writers nd

    eroring oets. Coe to this yers -nls nd listen to wht LiPS hs to sy.

    Pictured above are members o the winning 2012 LiPS team, Attend the fnal

    competition on June 8 to fnd out who makes this years team!

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    I hve srthy e-oir tht y ther di-tted into n old s-sette reorder, detilinghis lie. I n her hisiing his rye, tiinghis squeky desk hirnd relling his lie,not y dedes or jos,

    ut y the sort o r heowned: the old Model

    when he survived winter in tr-ered shk in Lloydin-ster, Sskthewn; the Fordhe got third-hnd the yer heeet y o; the Austin withrkes tht gve out t the lestrovotion; the Vngurd thty o ket running s longs we hd it; nd his ride nd

    joy, rnd new 1957 ChevBel-Air, etlli ronze ndre. Tere ws no tivityore ntiited thn sringtire-kiking with y dd. Hednd the r, ring it hoe, ndnnoune this ws rel del heouldnt reuse. Te negotitionswere oten oiled with soethingother thn te, I rell, ut hesure loved his rs.

    I ust hve inherited thtdesire or good wheels. I redthe Driving setion o the er,srolling through the virtul rlots, nd strt oring next

    yers odels in Seteer.Weve hd rnd new 1964Chevy II our wedding r we

    lled it. Blk with red uhol-stery. Yuy! Tt ws ollowedy huge Chev Il, oton wheels tht huled enoughing ger or ily ove. Ten there ws Zehyrsttion wgon. You ould gettwo ikes in the k o thty. It selled intly o th-letes the whole tie we hd it!Our Mzd truk, sorty littleiku, rn long ter it shouldhve died. We were ssed y iton the 417 one dy, nd ouldntelieve it!

    Humm Bts

    by Glenda Jones


    15th Annual

    Rideau LakesStudio and Garden


    Saturday June 29to Monday July 1

    6139283041For information:

    Come and explore the beautifulrural scenery, and discover a bit ofhistory at the UNESCO WorldHeritage Rideau Canal while

    sharing in the artists creativity,skills, and stories.

    Ran Barrels or SaleTe Rideu Vlley Conservtion Foundtion nd Westort inBloo re selling rin rrels to onserve wter nd suort lolhrities. Order online t or ll2736079. Brrels re in severl olours; ost is $55. Pik-u is onSturdy, June 15 ro 10am to noon t St. Edwrds Churh inWestort. Te lst dy to order is June 8.

    Youth Audtons orOthello

    On Sturdy, June 8, ro 9am to 1pm t the Crleton Ple ownHll, the Mississii Mudds Youth Tetre will e holding udi-tions or its Otoer rodution o Willi Shkeseres Othello,direted y Mrk Pier.

    Aroxitely ten roles re ville or tors ged 13 to 18. Anuer o sller roles y e ville or tors ged 11 to 12.For ore inortion, lese visit .

    Hstory & Strawberres n AppletonTe North Lanark Regional Museum is now oen seven dys week, ro 10am to 4pm, eturing dislys on lol ioneeringhistory nd the 1942 Alonte rin Wrek, s well s ny otherrtets o lol history.

    Te Annul Generl Meeting o the North Lanark HistoricalSocietywill e tking le on Wednesdy, June 5, t 7pm t theNorth Lnrk Regionl Museu. A highlight o the eeting wille guest seker John MKenty, who will tlk out the history othe CCM iyle.

    Te useu is lso lesed to nnoune tht their nnulStrawberry Social will e hosted t the useu on June 23, ro24pm. Coe out nd enjoy n ternoon o sweet trets nd liveusi erored y the Perth Citizens Bnd. Te useu is ex-ited to hve this yers Miss een Lnrk County, Hven L-othe, joining us or the ternoon s well. ikets re $10 nd ne urhsed in dvne.

    For ore inortion see ,ll 2578503, or visit the useu t 647 River Rod, t the or-ner o Aleton Side Rod, in Aleton.

    New Exhbts at Hertage HouseFor over one hundred yers, Siths Flls nd surrounding rehve rodued world renowned rvers nd develoed lst-ing legy through grous suh s the Rideu Crvers Clu. Te

    Crvings o the Rideu exhiition, whih runs to Otoer 24,ys triute to these works o rt nd the nturl heritge o the re-gion. Disover the tlents nd stories o interntionlly elertedrvers inluding Nihol, Kerr, Miller, Brh nd Grton.

    Te ultures o the world eet in Siths Flls t the Hoein Suitse exhiit (until July 1). Disover the ersonl ulturlheritge o newoers who hve hosen Siths Flls s hoe.Exlore their suitses o keeskes ro their hoe ountry.

    Te Heritge House Museu is oen 10:30am to 4:30pm dily,inluding weekends nd holidys, t 11 Old Slys Rod in SithsFlls. For inortion on the new exhiits nd uoing events,lese ontt the t 2836311, ,Like the on Feook, or visit .

    Strawberry Socal or Therapeutc RdngPlese join the Terapeutic Riding Program or their very rstnnul Strwerry Soil on Sundy, June 30, ro 24pm t the

    Her Grden (3840 Old Alonte Rod, 2560228). ikets re$10 er erson nd inlude te/oee, strwerry shortke, si-lent ution, rfe, door rizes nd ess to the Her Grden orthe ternoon.

    ikets re ville t Reds Book Store in Crleton Ple ory lling 2577121x238.

    With the suort o the Her Grden nd Bekwith Berries,the Lnrk County Tereuti Riding Progr is very exited toe hosting their very rst Strwerry Soil undriser. Te RidingProgr is in its 27th yer o oering suort to disled dultsnd hildren in nd round Lnrk County. Te Riding Progrdoes not hve ongoing governent suort, so undrising eventsre ig rt o their ndte. For ore inortion on the ro-gr, see .

    Join the or lovely dy t the Her Grden nd suort thisgret use!

    Requem or My CarWe hnged u to silver Ci-

    ttion ter tht, until the newr ug struk one gin. For hnge, I ws going to uy rwhen we wnted it, not when weneeded it. I ust hve shoedor two onths eore we deid-ed on nerly-new 1996 oyotCoroll, dignied eige, in int

    ondition. Tt stised e un-til I touhed the Srt Cr. Bdove! I wnted/needed one othose ute little things so dlytht I ought tiny Pewter oneto hng with y keys s on-stnt reinder.

    Agin, I hit the r lots, tryingto relite the Srt Cr. Lotso rohures, lots o ori-son, until I ound y dre r:the 2005 oyot Eho! As soons I lid eyes on tht r, shinynd new, I knew I wnted it.Aln doesnt like r shoing,so he hngs round the showroo, looking like he ight uythe sorts r, while I tlk to thesles re. One test drive, nd wedoted our eret r rightthere.

    All 274,000 k on tht rwere ours. It took us to NewYork, to North By, to untolddog lsses, to greenhouses, tohrdwre stores, to ski hills everywhere, nd nry reirin eight yers, exet or one ttire. lk out relile. I wouldhve driven tht r into thenext entury i I ould hve.

    So igine y totl horrorwhen y oor little y ws

    unereoniously rer-ended.My hert hed to see it hoistedonto the tow truk, nd dis-er down the rod, one wheelruled under the rrige. Itdidnt deserve tht!

    We next sw our little rll lone t the ollision en-tre. It ws like wounded ni-l wnting to e tken hoe.Tere ws nothing we ould doto sve it, so we sdly reovedll our trinkets, s, geohetresures, lnkets, nd gs,nd let it there, stried o itsidentity. We didnt look k.

    We got one ore glise oit, nd I relly wish we hdnt: itws on the k end o trukdestined or the junk yrd. Myder little r, ithul to the veryend.

    I nt e without wheels!Within week I ws drggingAln through r lots, eet-

    ing delorly inet slesen,seeing too-exensive rs thtwere extly wht we needed,disrding one hoie ter n-other. Tere ws one delershiwe hdnt seen, nd with no ex-ettions we turned into thelot. Like uy witing t theound, eutiul Mzd 2 wsright t the entrne. I ssed ittwie, thinking it would e overthe udget, ut on the thirdss, I red the rie. ry to tool when your hert is syingTis is the one! We sullyet sles re nie guy, twodogs, lives in the ountry, drives hthk or his dogs too who drove us round the lok oule o ties. Alwys estto let the drive the rst tieto her ny strnge noises ndget eel or the r. He hndede the keys, nd we took it or sin. One gin into the ry onegotitions, nd three dys lt-er, we hd new r. As I slid e-hind the wheel to ring it hoe,I did y est to sweet tlk it . Ivewshed it oule o ties, nd getting soe inor reirsdone so itll e hy.

    Heres the unny it. I ws in

    town yesterdy, nd wved to oule o eole, nd they didntreognize e. My little Ehond I were te. I even ssedAln t n intersetion nd hedidnt reognize our own r!Sine we live on sll rod,ll new vehiles re suset, ndthere were soe strnge looksthe rst tie I e u the hill.

    So we hve new y in thegrge, nd I exited s l-wys with our hoie.

    However, y little Eho willhold seil le in y r in-

    ventory. RIP Eho!

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    www.thehumm.comJune 2013 11

    Who They AreTe Her GrdenGeorge nd Gerry3840 Old Alonte Rod Ottw, Ontrio K0A 1A02560228, , Ino out Herest:

    What They OferLrge seletion o otted ulinry hers or urhse, eutiuldestintion to exlore, deonstrtion her grdens, wetlnd tril,heritge rns, n rtisn outique, n rt gllery, onthly tereddinners (June 19, August 14), lotion rentl or rivte nd uliuntions (inluding weddings), ree workshos out hers (July 6,Set 7), other events (see ove nd listings on their wesite)

    Where They SellOttw Frers Mrket (Brewster Prk) on Sundys.Le Mrh du Vieux Hull (Lvl Street) on Tursdys.

    George & Gerry

    Lemon Verbena Cocktal1 u wter u sugr u torn leon veren leves u white ru

    u hilled lu sodjuie o 2 lies

    Leon veren is gret her to lnt in ot or the tio.Put it in sunny sot next to where youll sit (nd si the ok-til) nd stroke it to relese its intense leony sent.

    Coine wter nd sugr in sll suen. Ru tornleon veren leves to relese oils. Add to sugr wter. Bringixture to oil. Stir nd ook or 30 seonds. Cool olete-ly. Strin ixture. Coine ixture with ru, sod nd lie

    juie. Serve over ie nd grnish with leon veren leves.

    I love this tie o yer. Te ir issturted with intoxiting sellsnd the sounds o irds. Plnts re

    ushing u out o the erth ndthe heling ower nd roiseo resh new green is undnt.I hvefnally sent severl hoursin y erennil grdens rerrng-ing the urniture (k leningu, dividing nd trnslnting)nd sying hello gin to ll o thelnt riends Id orgotten outover the winter. As I work y wythrough the eds I reindedo just how uh lesurethe nuerous hers Ivelnted ring to e theirwting ros greeting es I ove ongst the.Hers truly re soe o yost vourite lnts, ndthey eture roinentlyin oth y vegetle, er-ennil nd otted grdens.Beutiul nd tough o-ten eroring est in len,hot, dry onditions hershve een vlued or hun-dreds o yers or their ulinrynd ediinl roerties. o e,they re sort o the shns othe lnt world unssuingut otent.

    Herl grdens hve eenround or long tie. Evidene

    The Garden oHerbaceous Delghts

    shows tht s erly s 4000b.c.her grdens were uilt nerEgytin teles. In the st

    entury we hve witnessed de-line in suh ses due, in rtI guessing, to siultneousinrese in odern hreu-tils. However, there is lein our idst tht is deditedto rooting the ulture ndultivtion o hers. Te HerGrden loted just est oAlonte oers the uli sntury to visit, le to lern

    out nd urhse hers, nd eutiul le to rent or rivteuntions suh s weddings, re-unions or ororte events.

    Over the st ten yers, own-ers Gerry nd George (r-ently lst nes re not o-

    only used with these two!) hveswned nuer o diversettrtions nd oortunities t

    the lotion. Tere is soethingo interest or everyone t theHer Grden! For ns o lolhistory, the eutiully restoredlog rns, uilt y Irish settlers(the Meehns) in the 1830s, resure to e o interest. Te Mee-hn ily hs even ooked ther or their ily reunionthis suer! For those wnt-ing n enounter with nture,

    wetlnd tril is redy togreet your wlking shoes.For soething it oreonteltive, one nwlk slowly through thelyrinth tht ws on-struted severl yersgo. Aroti hers linethe thwys nd helto slow ring rins, o-using ones ttention oneh ste o the journey.

    ie to lnt soehers? Te Her Grden

    oers wide seletion o ten-der nd hrdy ulinry hers orsle. For those seeking inor-tion out wht to do with thosehers, three workshos outhow to re or nd hrvestthe re oered this yer, ree ohrge. Hungry? One onth,

    tered ily-style dinners inthe renovted rn re treen-dously oulr. Cll to reserve set. o to o your exeriene,n rt gllery nd rtisn ou-tique re housed in two o theirother log uildings, nd eturelol rt nd hndde ites.See their wesite or detils,dtes nd hours o oertion.

    Te grounds eture deon-strtion grdens tht rovide disly o ture, hrdy, eren-nil hers. Tese nd the lovelygzeo overlooking the grdensre oth selling oint nd o-ten the ol oints or wed-

    dings. And weddings re igrt o Gerry nd Georges usi-ness. I suose their own wed-ding (soon ter oving to ther dede go) ust hvede light-ul go o, or theyegn develoing the lotionto el to nd oodtelrge nd sll wedding rties,s well s other soil nd or-orte untions.

    he lrgest nd erhs estknown o the uli eventshosted t the Her Grden isHerest (July 28). Ater 17

    yers , this one-dy herl ex-trvgnz, orgnized y theOttw Vlley Her Asso-

    ition, ontinues to ttrt dedited nd diverse rry o

    vendors nd visitors , inlud-ing herlists, rtisns, hergrowers, oodies nd hes. he

    event osts dy-long ro-gr o entertinent, deon-strtions nd unique shoingenvironent with over 100

    vendors ro ross the region.Gerry (he) nd George (she)

    lnded here ter winding urevious reers in orortehed-hunting nd geritrisyhitry resetively. Teysought nd ound signinthnge o senery in oth theirhoe nd work lives, nd es-tlished hoe se loser toGerrys tivities s kyk en-thusist. With little revious ex-eriene with either grdeningor hers, neither o the would

    hve igined owning nd run-ning her grden. However, sGerry uts it, It ws turnkeyusiness oortunity (i.e. it ws well-estlished usiness), nd

    wht they ould nd did ringto it ws their entrereneurilre, rketing svvy nd strong work ethi. Te lerningurve ws stee t rst nd Ger-ry is the rst to redit the gretst tht styed on through thehnge in ownershi. Tis en-led the knowledge trnser oher growing nd grden in-tenne to unold soothly. Inthe ensuing yers, the oulehs shed the usiness in wystht hve ut their own ston it. Judging ro the sheer di-

    versity o servies the usinessoers its lientele, G & G re do-ing rk jo o it!

    The Herb Garden

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    12/36 June 201312

    When you ask about and

    listen to my experiences, and

    are willing to share your own,

    it makes me feel I am a part of

    the communityPaola KryvenchukFrom Guatemala, has calledSmiths Falls home since 2006.

    For more ways you can welcome newcomers visit:

    Or call 613.283.4124 x 1184

    Plant your seed of welcome; By reaching out to newcomers, you

    can do your part to grow an inclusive community.

    Planting the seeds for a welcoming community




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    Kelly, a certified hypnotist, will help to removethe stigma around hypnotism and

    teach us how to supercharge self-care.Whether you are looking for ways to sleep better,commit to self-improvement, or wanting to learnabout self-hypnosis, this day is for and about you!

    Thresholds, 141 Pine Ridge Drive in Blacks CornersDetails available at

    or call Patti Koeslag at 613-253-3099

    Coe visit Doors Oen Siths Flls on June 9 ndelerte the owns heritge in ll its signintors: histori, rhiteturl, nturl nd ulturl.Tis one-dy nnul event in Siths Flls is rt o rovine-wide elertion nd rovides uniqueoortunities to exlore nd enjoy interesting l-es nd ses ree o hrge.

    Put on your oortle wlking shoes nd hve leisurely guided wlk in the orning with Rideu

    rils or t twilight with the Muniil HeritgeCoittee, when they will ous on Siths Fllsindustril heritge. Join guided tours o the newlyrenovted Siths Flls site o the Perth nd SithsFlls Distrit Hositl or Hrt Lundry Servies inthe Gllieu Centre, the Rilwy Museu o Est-ern Ontrio or the Msoni Lodge. See new ndntique re truks on disly in ront o the ownHll. Sto y nd hve ht nd tour with ownCounillor in the own Hll Counil Chers, or

    visit Jk FM nd eet the rdio te o Wyne ndJohn. At Heritge House Museu, dont iss see-ing the two-storey Vitorin rivy, the world lsswood rvers exhiition, or Hoe in Suitse, disly o the seil eories o new residentswho now ll Siths Flls hoe. Be zed when

    you visit the Prks Cnd Gte Sho, where theyke the gint Rideu Cnl lok doors. Enjoy de-onstrtions y the Serh nd Resue e, inlud-ing horses nd dogs. Suort undrisers suh s theSiths Flls Lirry used ook sle or ounityreues, nd visit the REAL Del Store nd En-

    vironent Centre the dy is lled with hoies!

    Doors Open Smths Falls

    Along the wy, enjoy Culturl Exressions, therovinil Doors Oen thee or 2013. Be enter-tined y erorers t vrious Doors Oen sites.Listen to the orgn nd Crillon t WestinsterPresyterin Churh, nd lssil usi nd jzzt rinity United Churh. Areite live thetrewith seil erorne o the Mills Cou-nity t the Sttion Tetre nd the tlented u-si students ro Siths Flls Distrit CollegiteInstitute. Visit the rtists in Russell Street Villge,inluding the Siths Flls Art Journey grou. Whynot ring hoe n originl work o rt? Areitethe retivity o ioneers exressed in their wood-en tools t the Montgue Agriulturl Museu.Enjoy Oen Stge, live usi j in Lower RehPrk, ro 58pm.

    Siths Flls hs rtiited in Doors Oensine 2002, when the Ontrio Heritge rust e-red the rogr. Tis yer, it will lso rtii-te in Doors Oen Ontrio soio-eonoisurvey. Visitors who rtiite in the survey hve hne to win one o 15 git rds, redeele tOntrios nest hotels, inns nd ss.

    Join in the un in Siths Flls on Sundy, June 9ro 10am to 4pm or Doors Oen! (Plese notetht oen ties y dier t soe sites.) Volun-teers re witing to weloe you, ll over town.

    Dro y Siths Flls own Hll loy or

    nd ull list o Doors Oen sites nd tivities or on-tt Lynne Cliord-Wrd, Co-ordintor, Doors OenSiths Flls 2013, t or 2834124x1150. More inortion n lso eound t .

    Photo by Simon Lunn

    Tour the Station Theatre (above), the Heritage

    House Museum (above right), and many other

    spots during Doors Open on June 9

    Photo by Roger Sands

    Lke theHumm on


  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf


    www.thehumm.comJune 2013 13

    Family Stories, Treasured Memories Exhibition

    The exhibition displays migration experiences from a

    range of time periods and countries of origin, offering aglimpse of the diversity that makes up contemporary

    Toronto. (Source: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario (MHSO))

    Discover the personal cultural heritage of newcomers

    who have chosen Smiths Falls as home. Explore their

    'suitcases' of keepsakes from their home country at

    Heritage House Museum.

    Heritage House Museum and The SmithsFalls Local Immigration Partnership arepleased to bring you two exhibitions in onewhich explores family culture and diversity.



    Exhibition Hours:


    May 1st July 31st

    10:30a.m - 4:30p.m (Open Daily)

    Heritage House Museum,

    11 Old Sly's Rd, Smiths Falls, Ont

    For more information on these

    exhibitions call 613.283.6311







    For more information call:613.283.4124 x 1150, scan the QR-Codeon your smart phone or visit:


    Choose Te Blues Produtions, roduero the suessul Blues On Te RideuSeries, is lesed to nnoune tht theAcoustic Blue Mondays dinner ndshow undriser series is returning to theCove Inn in Westort or third seson

    this suer.Te series etures soe o Cnds

    est ousti lues rtists ny owho re noinees nd/or winners oJuno nd Mle Blues Awrds.All shows run ro 6 to 10pmnd tke le in the ozy, inti-te setting o Te Coves diningroo eret venue in whihto enjoy gret sit nd listen u-si. Dinner nd the show is only$45 er erson, with roeedsgoing to hel suort the nyexellent ulturl events thttke le in Westort duringthe sring, suer nd ll.

    Te 2013 series kiks oon June 17 with Morgan Da-

    vis wonderully tlented singer,songwriter nd guitrist wholys oth originl nd trditionl lues.Originlly ro Detroit, Morgn nowlives in Dee Cove, Nov Soti. Over hislong reer hes won Juno nd nine M-le Blues Awrds s Songwriter, Reord-ing, Produer, Mle Volist nd AoustiArtist o the Yer.

    Next u, the duo Fraser/Daley ly on July 15. AleFrser on uright ss, erussion ndk u vols nd Mike Dley on guitrnd led vols oine old tie lues

    l Blind Leon Jeerson with gret orig-inl songs in the ountry lues style. Teyet in 2007 ter Je Heley onert(Ale lyed ss in Jes nd or yers,nd is lso n wrd-winning rodu-er), strted lying together nd hventstoed sine.

    On August 26, Te Harpoonist and theAxe Murderer coe ll the wy ro Vncouver to

    Acoustc BluesReturn to Westport

    ly Westort. Tis duo with the unusulne is Shwn Hll on vocls nd hr (theHroonist) nd Mtt Rogers on guitr,sto bord, bss, keybords nd bck-u vocls (the Axe Murderer). Tey ke lot o sound or just two guys, nd bring

    resh tke to roots blues with their con-teorry lyrics nd unique rrngeents,yet they rein true to the old blues trdi-tions. Dont iss this Mle Blues Awrd

    noinee or Best New Artists o the Yerin 2012.

    Lst ut denitely not lest, youwont wnt to iss Suzie Vinnick on Seteer 16.Suzie is one o the est-known olklues singer/songwriter/guitrists inCnd, with voie tht hs een de-sried s sun gold nd honey. Overthe st ten yers shes won the MleBlues Awrd or Best Fele Volist re-ord six ties, ws nointed or Juno

    lst yer, nd ws nlist in the Solo/Duo tegory t the 2013 InterntionlBlues Chllenge in Mehis lst Jnury.

    Tese show lwys tend to sell out, soerly ookings re reoended. Ad-

    vne reservtions should e de t1888COVEINN or 2733636. Forore inortion out the eror-ers, the series nd the venue, lese visit nd .

    This summers Acoustic Blue Mondays line-up

    includes The Harpoonist and The A xe Murderer

    (looking less than murderous, above)

    Kij Svininen-Mountin is exhiitingher sring 2013 show: Iloiset Varit=Joy

    of Colour t Firview Mnors rt wllor the onth o June. All re invited tothe shows oening on Sundy, June 16,ro 35pm. Rereshents will eserved!

    Kijs exressive nd eotionllystriking intings re insired y her on-netion to the lnd nd nture throughrunning, skiing, yling nd grdening.Her le ner Clyton in the OttwVlley, her tie in Alerts ririe ndoothills ountry, nd her uringing inFinlnd nd Sweden hve een rooundinuenes.

    Kij exlins: One needs to lookt eleents o nture, nd the nilworld or instne, horses, deer, nd

    Manor Art ShowExhbt by Kaia Savnanen-Mountan

    other nil eings n e syolirllels to hun lives. I use this i-

    gery in wys like exressionist interssuh s Frnz Mr did to illuintend enrih our existene, to hel view-ers to ous on the underlying otentilnd dignity o our lives.

    A rtiing rtist sine the 1990s, Ki-j hs rought visul rt to the R Legershools in Lnrk County nd, or the stthree yers, to Ottws Vent PrertoryShool.

    Kij holds Bhelor o Fine Artsro the University o Lethridge, s wells Bhelor o Edution ro the Uni-

    versity o Ottw. She hs rtiitedin over 100 solo nd grou exhiitions inOttw, Montrel, oronto, Clgry, Ed-onton, the US nd Jn.

  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf

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    Are you ounity-uilder or eero ounity-uilding orgniztion?Perhs youre sll usiness erson, eer o lol hurh or itizensgrou, senior or youth itizen interestedin eing involved in ounity tion.Hel rete n even helthier, inlusive

    ounity y ttending one o the MillsCounity Suorts tion-orientedtown hlls with renowned ounitydeveloer Brue Anderson. Attend theone losest to where you live, i you n,ut i there is nother t ore onveni-ent tie, youll e weloe there.

    Te rst Welcoming CommunitiesWorkshop will e held on Wednesdy,June 26 ro 9am to noon in CarletonPlace, t the Crek CounityCentre (351 Bridge Street). You re wel-oe to stik round terwrds or theMills Counity Suort Annul Gen-erl Meeting t 1pm.

    Te worksho on Tursdy, June 27ro 6 to 9pm t Almontes Old ownHll inludes suer, so you dont hve to

    Help Make Your Town aWelcomng Communty

    worry out running hoe to et eore-hnd.

    Te Smiths Falls Legion weloes youto their worksho on Fridy, June 28, ro9am to noon.

    Te ost o the worksho is $20 ordults, with seniors (65+) nd youth

    (21 nd under) ying $10. Tere retwo wys to register: you n go to nd ollow the links, orsily ll 2561031x61. Plese ke

    your heque yle to Mills CounitySuort, writing Weloing Couni-ties on the eo line.

    Trough Counity Ativtors, BrueAnderson hels roessionls, edu-tors, nd ounity orgniztions lernore out nd ly the ore rtieso gits, weloing, nd hoe withintheir orgniztions nd the ounitiesthey serve. Bsed in Wshington Stte,he hs trvelled to ounities ig ndsll, giving trining, resenting tlks,nd ilitting workshos. Lern ore t.

    An originl usil thetre rodutiontht tkes n innovtive nd un-lledlook t the st, resent nd ossile u-tures o the Bonnehere River wtershed

    is oing to your ounity this su-er! Te lol thetre rodution, enti-tled Bonnechere River Future enseis Bonnehere River Wtershed Projet(BRWP) nd Stone Fene Tetre rtner-shi, with nnil ssistne rovided ythe Ontrio rilliu Foundtion.

    Bonnechere River Future ense is st-ed oedy tht rises soe seri-ous questions out the river, the eolewho live ner it, nd how est to rotetthe ll.

    Its gret to hve Stone Fene Tetrehel us get eole thinking out the wter-shed nd its uture, sys BRWP hir KthyLindsy. Were going everywhere we n inthe re, to rise wreness, nd we hoehundreds o lol residents will see it.

    Stone Fene Tetres roduer IshTeilheier is lesed with the ollor-tion. Were hy the BRWP sked us totke this on, he sid. I think everyone inthe County is going to nd this show othentertining nd extreely interesting,euse its tlking out their lives.

    Te ly ws written y Ish Teilheiernd Johnn Zoers, with originl usiy erry MLeish nd John Hsl, ndis direted y Chntl Elie-Sernoskie. Itetures vetern Stone Fene Tetre ly-ers Josh MCoy, Mureen MCoy, AerDgenis, Chntl Elie-Sernoskie, erryMLeish nd John Hsl. Te lys ro-

    duer is Ann Bulger.en erornes tke le thissring nd suer ll re y dontion

    Future Tensen Your CommuntyBonnechere Comes to Le as a Muscal

    t the door exet or Hortons. Te showreiered in Wilno in Aril, ollowed yGolden Lke in My. On June 1, it oesto the Egles Nest in Eganville, t 3pm s

    rt o Celerte Our River Dy.Other erornes re sheduled or

    vrious lotions ross the wtershedre. For those in the Arnrior-Bresidere there will e erorne on St-urdy, June 29, during the Ottw RiverDrive t Pine By Prk, in Braeside. OnSundy, July 14, two erornes resheduled 11am nd 1pm s rto the Art in the Prk event t HrisPrk in Renfrew. You n lso th it inRenrew on Tursdy, August 1, 3pm tthe Quil Creek Retireent Centre. NetCoee Sho in Burnstown will host re-erorne BBQ on Sturdy, Au-gust 10, t 5:30pm, ollowed y eror-ne t 7:30pm.

    Te tenth nd nl erorne willtke le on Fridy, August 23, s din-ner thetre show t Horton CounityCentre in Horton ownshi, where ther oens t 5:30pm, ollowed y dinnert 6pm. Cost or the nl dinner eror-ne is $25 er erson. ikets will ede ville t other erornes ndro the Horton ownshi Oe ndSott Hrdwre in Renrew.

    Pik dte to oe out nd see soegret thetre, nd hve hne t win-ning one o dozens o dventure exedi-tions, ttrtions nd resturnt git er-tite door rizes, roviding yet notherwy to exlore the Bonnehere River W-

    tershed! Visit or erorne shedule, loted on theevents ge.

  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf


    www.thehumm.comJune 2013 15

    No one usil erorne n oersoething or everyone, ut the wildlydiverse uoing seson o Perth Per-oring Arts Coittee (PPAC) showsight just t tht dending ill. It e-gins with the lssil virtuosity o i-

    nists Bx & Chung, tkes o on jzzydetour with Jesse Peters, reens hedlonginto the surd with Lorne Elliott, nd -nlly rrives sely in the eight oetenthnds o Qurtngo. And i thts notenough vriety, PPAC is even throwing in seil dditionl erorne y theowerhouse Lehy ily!

    A usil love story, inists AlessioBax nd Lucille Chung rst et t the1997 Htsu Coetition. In 2003,the Ottw Cher Musi Festivl hdthe rillint ide to hve the eror s ino duo t the Ntionl Arts Centre ortheir Pino Extrvgnz, where their er-orne ws hiled s luid nd deelyoving usil exeriene (AerinReord Guide). Sine then, the two-inond ino-our-hnd ort hs eoen iortnt ddition to oth o their soloreers, nd the duo hs erored togeth-er on ny o the worlds ost restigiousltors. Tey ring their ssiontelying to the restigious Perth PDCI stgeon Fridy, Otoer 18.

    With his soul red t eh nd everyerorne, Jesse Peters usil siner-ity drws in nyone willing to let go ndoe long or the ride. extures tht hon-our gret inuenes like Frnk Sintr ndony Bennett re used into the odernsound tht Jesse retes every tie he sitsin ront o ino nd irohone. Blessedwith nturl ility to onvey oth ril-lint usility nd true eotion with his

    voie, Jesse hs lso eoe one o Cn-ds ost reognizle jzz inists. Teointion o these two tlents retes reie or exiteent, exlortion, ndintertion tht hs let udienes rossNorth Aeri stnding in the isles nd

    yelling or ore. Youll yell or Jesse s wellwhen he oes to town on Noveer 15!

    From the Sublmeto the Rdculous!

    Cndin orn Lorne Elliott hs er-ored ro Newoundlnd to New YorkCity, ro Los Angeles to Austrli ndoints in etween. Lorne strted eror-ing in 1974 s olk usiin wittht sounds kind o oring. Lets her

    ro Lorne hisel: I ws orn so rk I n hrdly reeer nd grew unorlly, I think. I strted going on stget tie when hir like ine ws shion-le, nd I hung guitr round y nekto olete the look. Soewhere roundtht tie eole strted lughing t e,nd I sw no reson why I shouldnt jointhe. Ive de living o the rodutso y igintion or thirty yers, so i

    youre wondering i thts ossile I here to tell you it is. Give it whirl. You

    just ight nd n udiene. And youjust ight wnt to e in the udiene onMrh 31, 2014, to her ore ro thishringly unny n.

    Corised o our highly o-lished usiins, ound y their shredssion or the tngo nd driven y n un-esing desire to ke lose onnetionwith their udiene, Quartango oers erorne lled with sutle nunesnd lend o olours tht reets oththe lssis nd odern usi. Tey hveerored ll over Cnd s well s onthe interntionl stge, nd re renownedor their erornes with ny i-ortnt North Aerin syhony or-hestrs. Qurtngos vst reertoire ishrterized y rened usil rrnge-ents ull o energy, the jority o whihre the retions o inist Rihrd Hunt.While these rrngeents exlore Astor

    Pizzolls tngo nuevo, they lso inludehints o the lssis, jzz nd Celti usitht re s sutle s they re unexeted.Exet the unexeted t their Perth on-ert on Aril 11, 2014!

    So theres the regulr seson in nut-shell (well, lrge nut, like ye wl-nut, euse ll those shows rolywouldnt t in isthio). But when yougo to order your seson tikets, dontorget to gr ew or the seil ddi-tionl erorne! Teyll ke greterly Christs resent (Deeer 15),nd who wouldnt wnt to hng out withLeahyt holidy tie? Tese eight usi-l rothers nd sisters hve een ly-ing together their entire lives nd hve

    so r relesed our lied CDs Le-ahy,Lakefeld,In All Tings, ndLive. Alltht udienes need to do to understndthe style tht hs oe to e known sLehy, is look t their wrds Junos orBest New Grou, Best Country Grou,nd Best Instruentl Alu; the ostlyed olk/roots song in Cnd in 2004;nd the SOCAN wrd or Folk/Jzz In-struentlist the ollowing yer. Pure nduthenti Lehy ontinues to e one oCnds ost sought ter exorts.

    All PPAC shows strt t 8pm in the M-son Tetre t Perth & Distrit CollegiteInstitute. Both seson nd single tikets renow ville ro ikets Plese visit, ll 4856434, or droin t Jos Clothes, 39 Foster Street in Perth.

    Pianists Bax & Chung kick o the 2103-14

    PPAC season on October 18. Series and

    single tickets are now available!

  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf

    16/36 June 201316

    Summer 2013 Youth WorkshopsGlee 3

    Lord of the Rings: The Two TowersThe Whos Tommy

    Disneys The Lile Mermaid

    For informaon and to register, visit:

    www.perthacademy.caemail us at:

    [email protected] call:


    Because everyone deserves a lile me in the spotlight!

    Max. 6 students per class (min. 4),cost $175 includes materials and

    sewing machines will be provided

    To register [email protected]

    or call Ingrid at6132565577

    Classes at85 Malcolm St., Almonte

    Session 1: July 8,9&10Session 2: July 15, 16&17

    Session 3: August 12, 13 &14

    Fashion & CostumeCamp 2013

    For teens 12 and up, boys and girls alike!

    Botanca 2013Fro June 2 to 30, you hve the oortunityto exlore the lnt world through the eyeso rtists. Coining the siene o otnywith n rtisti estheti, the Ottw So-iety o Botnil Artists resents its rstnnul exhiition t the Bergot Art Gl-lery, eutiully restored 1820s heritgern on the grounds o the Her Grden, lovely venue with disly grdens o hers,

    nursery nd n rtisn outique. Enjoythis eutiul exhiition o lnt lie intedy lol rtists s you exlore the ny de-lights o this rurl setting.

    Te Her Grden is oen uesdy to Sundyro 10am to 5pm, nd is loted t 3840 Old Al-onte Rod. Tere will e n oening reetionon Sundy, June 2 ro 14pm. For ore inor-tion, lese visit or .

    Smths Falls Art JourneysOn June 8 nd 9, the Art Journey Studio ourgrou (orising sixteen rtists nd rtisnsro Siths Flls) hs teed u with the OntrioHeritge rust, Doors Oen Siths Flls nd Rus-

    sell Street Villge orgnizers to resent n instntWeekend Galleryo ne rt nd rt t 18 RussellStreet Est.

    Whether you re rtking in the Doors Oenevent (June 9) nd trvelling ro one inredilesite to the next, or just wnt to est your eyes ndenjoy the wonderul disly o rvings, rtistiurniture, intings, ixed edi rtwork ndwood turnings, lese sto y!

    Te very next weekend, you re invited k toexeriene the Art Journey Studio our in Siths

    Art Journeys Around the Valley



    by Miss Cellaneous

    Flls. Tis ree tour runs on June 15 nd 16, ro10am to 4pm, nd etures sixteen rtists t ninestudios. For ore inortion, visit .

    Seil thnks to the Vlley Hertlnd Cou-nity Futures Develoent Corortion, usinessowner R. Hert, nd the Siths Flls nd DistritArts nd Culture Counil or their hel with ret-ing Art Journey An Instnt Weekend Gllery.

    Tis is gret tie or oth residents nd visi-tors to exeriene the gret rts nd ulturl o-

    ortunities ville in Siths Flls.

    o Brush & Clay o Brush & Cly, n ex-hiition nd sle o reentworks y eri rtistrie quette nd interAnn Gruhy, hs eoe nnnul sring event o u-lous oliity, with er-is nd intings dislyedin thoughtul, oon set-tings. Ann nd rie othwork with texture nd ol-our in their resetive e-di; this is the reson theyteed u nine yers goto disly their work. Bothrtists hve evolved urtherover the yers, long siilrths distning the-selves ro untionl orgurtive work.

    Ann works in wterolour, inks nd ryli,lwys ehsizing light nd toshere in herintings, whih rnge ro sei to olete -strtions. She enjoys exloring new tehniquesin her rt. Soe wterolours re done on nvs,llowing the woven sure to show through thetrnsrent igents. In her rylis, the intsre oten lied onto sure rered withlster, to hieve texture. An eleted eer othe Soiety o Cndin Artists, Ann works nd

    tehes in her Krs studio.Mrie shes her ly ojets y hnd, work-ing in lose ollortion with the ly. By olding,inhing, strething, ressing nd sli deortingthe ly, she retes nturlly textured ojets.Her work, inly untionl, now inludes orestrted ors. She oten hs the rivilege owood-ring her ly ojets; the intensity o there, es nd sh give irth to unreditleunique erthy sures, whih hroniously o-lete her work.

    Exlore their works o Brush & Cly on June 8 nd 9, ro10am to 5pm, t 1584 Soeu Court in Krs. For ore inortionon these rtists, you n visit their wesites: nd.

    Rdeau Lakes Studo and Garden Tour2013 rks the teenth nniversry o the Rideau Lakes Studioand Garden our. Te our tkes le in the hert o the RideuLkes on the seni Rideu Cnl, Ntionl Histori Site nd On-trios only UNESCO World Heritge Site. Prtiiting rtists live

    long the wterwy nd in the djent re, nd tke insirtionro the nturl euty nd ulturl herit-ge ound in their surroundings.

    Te rtists re looking orwrd to thiseorle nniversry nd re reringsoe exiting new exhiits or your en-

    joyent. Te showse o tlent eturesdeortive inting, hndwoven nd quilt-ed ites, ottery, deortive stone work,woodworking, nd exiting intings in w-terolour, oil nd ryli. Mny o this yersrtiints hve een with the tour sineits inetion nd hve seen it grow ro sll grou o riends exhiiting their tl-ents to one o the ost oulr tours o theseson, with new rtists joining every yernd ny surrise guests involved.

    As usul, the studios will e oen 10amto 5pm, Sturdy nd Sundy, June 29nd 30, ut s soething new this yerthey will lso e oen on Mondy, July 1,to elerte Cnd Dy. A ree ro-hure will guide you; it is ville t

    ost re stores, resturnts nd weloe entres, or sily visit.

    Call to ArtstsTe West Crleton Arts Soiety is hosting its 2nd nnul ARstrv-gnz, non-juried rt show nd sle to e held t the Cr Fir-grounds (3790 Cr Rod) on Sturdy, August 17. Its dy or rt-ists nd rtseole to showse their tlents nd wres.

    Orgnizers re looking or ne rtseole s well s ne rt-ists to rtiite in this un event. Fro wterolourists, inventive

    strt inters, setulr hotogrhers nd woodworkers, tori rtists, otters, jewellery kers, nd ore they wnt YOU!Enthusistilly rooted, dvertised nd not identlly oin-

    iding with the zing Cr Frers Mrket, the dy will e lledwith non-sto visitors. Tere will e live usi, hildrens tivities,rt deonstrtions, Plein Air Pinting event, nd uh, uhore. You dont wnt to iss your oortunity to rtiite in this

    yers ARstrvgnz! Reserve your se now.For ore inortion, ontt Lis Allison, t 8322156 or

    , or visit whereyoull nd ore detils nd n lition or.

    o Brush and Clay Ann Gruchy and marie

    paquette explore the theme o Kimonos

    Nasturtium, by Cecilia Martin

  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf


    www.thehumm.comJune 2013 17







    Hostess, Cottage, Visit gifts

    89 Mill St. Almonte






    July 6 & 72013


    9 am to 4 pm


    11 am to 4 pm

    Forfar Community


    County Road 42 &

    Youngs Hill Rd.

    Forfar, ON (South of

    Smiths Falls)

    Porcelain Watercolours

    Pastels Glass Batik

    Jewellery Unique Gifts

    Demonstrations Door prizes

    Elizabeth SwarbrickF A M I L Y F O C U S E D L A W

    Need AnswersTo Your Questions?Just Ask.

    83 Little Bridge St.



    Family Separation/DivorceMediation


    Heritge Mi Dys t MurhysPoint Provinil Prk is st -rohing or nother suer otivity. Te Friends o Murhys

    Point re one gin reruitingvolunteers to hel with vrietyo tsks during the ny events.Tere re nuerous oortuni-ties ville nd they would ehy to disuss with you the

    vrious wys you n hel. Allvolunteers reeive HeritgeMi Dys volunteer t-shirt, reerk entry or the dy tht youre volunteering, nd hne tolern ore out the wonderulrk nd shre your enthusiswith rk visitors.

    For those with retive ent,there re oortunities this yer

    Volunteerng s theBest Way to Have Fun!Help Out at Hertage Mca Days

    to get into hrter y tkingon ostued role in the OenHouse Silver Queen Mine oursor Sirit Wlks. Costuing nd

    trining will e rovided, nddont worry, ost o the roleshve no lines to lern. You willostly e interting with visi-tors nd nswering questions(nd you will hve ll the inor-tion you need hed o tie).

    Tere re ny other volun-teer oortunities: you n greeteole s they rrive t events,sell tikets, hel with set u ndter down or events, hel withthe heritge ges or heritgedislys, ssist t ood events(BBQs, hot dog rosts, keden lunhes, iners rek-

    sts, nke runhes, ndore). Not everyone hs to ookt the ood events eole relso needed to tke orders, stok

    sulies, kee the ood re tidynd generlly e n extr ir ohnds. And o ourse, you get toenjoy ll the ulous entertin-ent o the estivl during your

    volunteer tie! Filies , neigh-ours, or eers o lusre weloe to volunteer s grou. Students n ern o-unity servie hours or shool.

    his yer, the Friends reholding volunteer trining dyon Sturdy, June 15. Ativitieswill inlude tour o the SilverQueen Mine nd BBQ lunh.his is n exellent oortunityto eet soe o the rk stnd other volunteers nd lernout your volunteer duties.

    A ull shedule de-srition n e ound t underthe Events t. I you think youn hel out t one or oreevents this suer, orgnizerswould relly reite heringro you t your erliest on-

    veniene. his will hel theolete their lnning ndensure tht estivl visitors hven wesoe exeriene!

    You n ontt the Friendsy eil t or y hone t2675340. hey look orwrdto hering ro you!

    Help Turn aPano nto aCamel!My ne is Kren Phillis nd I n 18-yer-old inist, ur-rently studying t the grde 10level o the Royl Conservtoryo Musi. On June 15, I will eeroring onert o inousi t the Alonte United

    Churh, strting t 7pm. Ad-ission is $10; ree or hildren12 nd under. ikets re vil-le t the door ro 6:30pm ory lling 2593469. Trough

    this onert, I hoe to send el to needy ring ily inRjsthn, Indi, through Gosel or Asi.

    My reertoire or the onert overs usil history o justover 260 yers, ro Broque through to odern dy. It will in-lude iees y well-known oosers suh s Bh, Beethoven,Mozrt, Hydn, Brhs nd Mendelssohn, ong others.By ttending y onert, you will hel e suort the needyeole o Asi. Hoe to see you there! Karen Phillips

  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf

    18/36 June 201318










    The24th StreetW


    3 Daysof Musicin Downtown Heritage PerthAfter Hours, Workshops, Children's Activities

    Line-up subject to change

    Sorry no dogs or smoking allowed in the park.

    Stewart Park Festival July 19-21www.stewartparkfest ival .com



    Admission by Donation















  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf


    www.thehumm.comJune 2013 19

  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf

    20/36 June 201320

    Te 27th nnul Perth Antiques Show will e held on July 6 nd 7.Delers ro s r wy s Quee nd Western Ontrio willoer rod rnge o qulity ntiques inluding ne exles ort, hin, glss, silver, textiles, jewellery, rss, tools, urniture,olk rt nd deortive essories s well s oulr retro ndnostlgi olletiles.

    Delers re set u in the ir-onditioned hll nd outside un-der tents long the ituresque tree-lined y Cnl. Te historind eutiul town o Perth, in the Rideu Lkes distrit o Est-ern Ontrio, is gret lotion or n ntiques show. ourists nenjoy the event idst histori rhiteture, resturnts, shosnd tory outlets.

    Te show will e held Sturdy, July 6 nd Sundy, July 7 ro10am to 4pm t the Royl Cndin Legion Hll, 26 BekwithStreet Est. Adission is $7.

    Perth Antiques Show

    Pln to oe out on Sundy,June 16, to visit the ltest wil-derness quisition o the Mis-sissii Mdwsk Lnd rustConservny (MMLC). Teeutiul High Lonesoe Nture

    Reserve, with its network o trilstht wind y reeks nd everonds, through ley gldes, e-neth tll white ines, nd rosswild edows relete with ut-teries, is rvelous exle owht n hen when ou-nity eers suort their lollnd trust. Tis eeul osis otrnquility is weloe getwyro the stress o dily routines.Wht deosit we ke in theeory nks o our hildrenwhen they exeriene suh ntu-rl euty!

    Young nd old like re invit-ed to join nturlist tril guidesto exlore this enhnting ro-erty in the Pkenh Hills. kethis oortunity to exeriene diversity o wildlie hittsnd lern out the eology o Provinilly Signint Wet-lnd Colex. A vriety o trillength otions will e ville,ro Rits Ro to theore relxed Ss Hill Sunter, Curious Childrens Ciruit nd Pond Prowl through the ever-green orderlnds.

    Te 200-re High LonesoeNture Reserve ws donted to

    A Sensory Experenceat Hgh Lonesome

    the Conservny y the ilyo the lte Brry Sier, whosehertelt wish ws to see hiseutiul roerty onservedin this ristine stte orever. Alnd trust is the eret vehileto enle this tye o rotetion.Te MMLC is rivte, non-rot hritle orgniztiontht works to reserve lnd withsignint eologil vlue. Itsthent re inludes the en-tire Mississii River wtershed,north to the Mdwsk River.Sine its inetion in 2003, theConservny hs tken under itsrotetion 1550 res o lnd, in-luding the setulr Blueer-ry Mountin, one o the SevenWonders o Lnrk County.

    Registrtion or this event ist 9:30am on June 16, with theguided Nature Outings egin-ning t 10am shr. Plese on-sider king $10 dontion tohel MMLC over txes, in-surne nd other relted ostsssoited with this gnienttresure. Rereshents will eserved ollowing the wlks.

    o nd the roerty roCounty Rod 29 in PkenhVillge, drive west on W Rodor 2.9 k. urn let on Brr SideRod or 1.6 k, tke the rst lett Crine Rod nd drive 4 kto 867 Crine Rod. A withdiretions n e ound on theMMLC wesite t .For ore detils, ll 2782939.

  • 7/28/2019 Humm June 2013 web.pdf


    www.thehumm.comJune 2013 21





    Paintings that reveal unfamiliar

    artifacts & re-imagine the nearly

    forgotten stories of a mill town


    Thurs, 6 June 2013, 7 9 PM


    4 June 3 August 2013


    No.1 Rosamond Woolen Mill

    a.k.a. Mississippi Valley Textile

    Museum, Almonte


    Tues Sat, 10 AM 4 PM

    phone: 613-256-3754

    1860s dress code: Ladies in hoopskirtswill be barred entry. Any gent sporting

    combinations keep hat close at hand.

    July 12 to Seteer 1 is the 4th sesono roessionl suer thetre in Perth,ourtesy o the Clssi Tetre Festivl(CF). Fetured is vriety o returningtlent, long with new es who hvegred stges ross the ountry, in ddi-tion to doing onsiderle l, television

    nd rdio work.Diretor Lurel Sith, who will hel

    the oedi rodutions o Neil SionsTe Star-Spangled Girl nd Leslie Ste-

    vens Te Marriage-Go-Round, is lesedwith the str ower she hs sseledthis suer to work longside Ottwset nd lighting designer Dvid Mgldry,Mississii Mills ostue designer Re-nte Seiler, nd lol rodution ngerNoln Polewell.

    Te Star-Spangled Girl (July 12August 4) ould hve een drwn rotodys hedlines out the red stte/luestte divide tht urrently nites uho U.S. olitil ulture. Sion