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What Is a Human Being?• From an evolutionary psychology perspective, humans

are just like other primates.• While some others have mentioned that humans did

not exactly descend from chimpanzees, humans and other primates have a shared common ancestor, and so it’s true that they share a lot of similarities.

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Evolution of human being

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The essence of man comprises both the spiritual sphere, the sphere of the mind, and his bodily organisation, but it is not confined to this.

Man becomes aware of himself as a part of the social whole.

Not for nothing do we say that a person is alive as

long as he is living for others.

Human beings act in the forms determined by the whole preceding development of history.

The forms of human activity are objectively embodied in all material culture, in the implements of labour, in language, concepts, in systems of social norms.

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A human being is a biosocial being and represents the highest level of development of all living organisms on earth, the subject of labour, of the social forms of life, communication and consciousness.

The Age of the Renaissance is totally inspired by the idea of human autonomy, of man's boundless creative abilities.

Descartes worked on the principle, cogito, ergo sum—"I think therefore I am".

Reason was regarded as the specific feature of man. Soul and body were understood dualistically.

The body being regarded as a machine, similar to that of the animals, while the soul was identified with consciousness.

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Man and nature interact dialectically in such a way that, as society develops, man tends to become less dependent on nature directly, while indirectly his dependence grows. This is understandable.

While he is getting to know more and more about nature, and on this basis transforming it, man's power over nature progressively increases, but in the same process, man comes into more and more extensive and profound contact with nature, bringing into the sphere of his activity growing quantities of matter, energy and information.

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One would like to think that the limited capacities of nature do not signify a fatal limitation of civilisation itself.

The irrational principle, which once permeated human nature, still exists in human behavioural mechanisms, as can be seen, for instance, in the unpredictable consequences of their individual and concerted efforts.

Much in human activity goes beyond the limits of the predictable, even when it is humanely oriented.

We are part of the ecological environment and it is a part of the universe.

It contains myriads of stars and the nearest of them is the Sun.

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The Sun is the master of Earth. We are, in a certain sense, its children.

Not for nothing did the rich imagination on whose wings mankind flies ever further and higher in the orbit of civilisation portray the Sun in ancient legends as the highest deity.

But to return to our theme, the bitter truth is that those human actions which violate the laws of nature, the harmony of the biosphere, threaten to bring disaster and this disaster may turn out to be universal.

How apt then are the words of ancient Oriental wisdom: live closer to nature, my friends, and its eternal laws will protect you!

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The concept "human being" emphasises Man's biosocial, Body-mind origin.

Being Human

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HOW ? ? ?

The concept "personality" is connected mainly with his social and psychological aspects, such as Sense of dignity, Self-appraisal, Value orientations, Beliefs, The principles by which he lives, Moral, Aesthetic, Socio-political and other social positions, Convictions and ideals, and also the character, The special features of his intellect, The style and independence of his thinking, The specific nature of his emotional make-up, Willpower, Cast of mind and feelings, Social status.

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Humor  The ability to laugh—to find life funny and

entertaining—is key. Robbins’ characters focus a lot on this particular trait, believing it to be possibly the most important. I agree. If you’re not laughing, you’ve missed the point of this existence.

These are the qualities that make us being human

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  Sadly, we all have the capacity for great

imagination and creativity but our goofy society tends to educate it out of us fairly early on.

Our human awareness, which also gives us the capacity for abstract thought, is our greatest gift, and yet so few of us ever fully use this trait.


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The Sense of spirituality—a belief and faith in something bigger than our existence—is key.

Such awareness is also a wonderful effect of our conscious mind, separating us from the animals with whom we share the planet, and allowing us to live without fear, should we choose.

We have a hunger and thirst for God in that is not satisfied with simply having or accomplishing.

Why am I here?


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Tell a human being not to do something, and you're guaranteed they’re going to do it just because it’s forbidden.

But our rebelliousness is not something to be trained out of us so that we all fall in line behind each other like good Missing Links.

It's a symptom of self expression and exploration.


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Human beings are able to perceive beauty in the way that one may perceive the perfection of the universe.

We are beauty because we are a part of it, though are also capable of creating and experiencing beauty in millions of different forms.

This idea relates to our individual style and appreciation of beautiful things, so often usurped by the impulse to fit in to cultural norms.


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Fundamental stance freedom to say yes to God/goodness

Some decisions can change who we are in character good or bad.

We have the power to form habits and shape our character to grow and change.

Character & Habits

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Our intelligence concerns mental skillsdeveloped by:

Habits of good health, Disciplined study and Integral research We are smarted through learning but our

intelligence can be polluted by bad information. 


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We are required to take ownership o f our choices, deed, and habits.

Responsibility gives us the capacity to live and act out of a consistent, coherent vision. (Integrity)


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We have the talent to expand, freely and intentionally beyond present boundaries and limits.

We grow by facing crisis, challenges and responding to fresh opportunities in each moment


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We may enjoy solitude, but we need community in order to discover and achieve our fullest selves.

Why?Our deepest joy comes in the context of community.


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One who is innovative in this universe is the Human, who can bring the changes the environment as he wants

Innovation in the sense of development of Society, new idea which can influence the human lives in a better way as well as for sake of universe


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This is the most important property of human being by which one can understands and feels the real suffering of others problems.

By the empathy the man is inspire to do help who is in need


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