
‘Hub How to…’ ‘How to market you business locally, online’

A Presentation for the Farnham Hub by Garry Davis of Grow Online Marketing

16th January 2015

Garry DavisManaging Director

Grow Online

‘What I hope you will takeaway from my talk today’

1. Understand the different options available to market your business locally online

2. Tip and tricks to help you implement these for yourself

3. Things to consider as alternative marketing channels

Local Search

Pigeon Update - December 2014

“provide more useful, relevant and accurate local search results”

So What?

How to make your website local

1) Add your location in Page title

2) Consistent : Name, Address, Phone (NAP)

3) Add your business details website to recognised citation sources

4) Areas covered (works for now)

Google My Business (Google Maps)

How to get Reviews

Ask - in person

Send an email to loyal customers

Retail – add the information to your receipts

(Ethical) bribes – ask for feedback in exchange for a discount

Local PPC

Facebook Places

Your offer to the audience – what do you want them to do next? Your contact details – should they wishYou’ll speak to them all in the networking session and see them again at the Hub soon

That’s it! Check list: Please email the presentation to [email protected] the night beforeObviously delete all my notes from the presentation before you send it over!! The pics, layout, graphics are just suggestions, feel free to use your own and delete anything you don’t like Please bring relevant leads if you want to use your own PC / Mac (currently we only have the 15 pin mini scart connector lead. Macs don’t have these ports, neither do slimline PCs)If you don’t have these you can always use our PC – let us know and we can have it all set up for you before you arriveLet us know what coffee / tea you drink and if you would like a croissant and we’ll have it waiting! Length can be anything from 30 mins to an hour, as many or as few slides as you like.Enjoy! And Thank You The Farnham Hub Team x