Page 1: ~ht fidtttt Jtpllrttr. - The Daily · 4 • ., • ~ht fidtttt -Jtpllrttr. A TrI.weekly Newspaper Published by' the Students

•• ~ \4 • ., •

~ht fidtttt - Jtpllrttr. · A TrI.weekly Newspaper Published by' the Students of the ~tate University of Iowa.


llar songs are generally better liked than i INTER-CL~SS GAMES. down and Birk kicked goal. Boardman classical music. ~ made another touchdown by an end ru~. Death of W. N. Stephenson. I "Forget Me NOl" by the string orches- : S h F h In the second half lheSeniors smashed

The entire University was shocked this . tra was especially good. The encore for \ Op omor~s OJ res men o. down the field and sent Hoffman over noon to hear of the death of Winfred N. I this number Miss Waite'S solo with 1 for a touchdown by a right end buck. tephenson from injuries received in an , orchestral accompaniment,was:wellliked, The first of the series of class football Lambert kicked goal; score, Juniors 16,

inter-class football game. The account of I but by piano her voice did not sound so games was played Thursday afternoon at Seniors 6. Time was called with the ball the sad accident as recleved from eye-wit- well. As an encore to her first solo she Athletic Park between the Sopbomores in possession of the Seniors on their 40 nesses and players is that he was hurt in sang "Tbe Little Dutch Garden, " and as and Freshmen. The game was well yard line. the head early in the Senior- Junior game I encore to the second , "The Danza." played on both sides. The sophomores Line smashes and individual plays were th is morning and his fellows urged h im The encore to the Hungarian Dances showed the better team work but the in- the features of the game. Shaw made to retire from the play. He insisted on I was Smoky Makes wbicb was also en cor- dividual playing of the freshmen was bet- a beautiful end run from his 15 yard line playing and in a scrimnlage near the end ed. The Echoes from the Grand ter. Hotz and Nugent for the Fresh- for a touchdown, with I I Seniors after of the second half was hurt again I Operas was the next number in the pro- men played an excellent offensive game. him but unableto catch him. in tackling Seymour, his opposing end . gram. Taken tbroughout the concert Resser and Story for the sophomores The line up was: He walked from tbe field assisted by the I was very satisfactory and the Lecture made good gains. Call was the only man JUNIORS. SltNIORS students and was driven in a carriage to I Bureau did well in placing this number on either team that played a consistent Seymour.... " . R E .. . ..... Kindal Dr. Murphy's office on Clinton street . on the course. game, that is equally well on offensives Rice ...... . . .. . ... R T ... . .. . .... Yates. His injuries did not seem bad on tl1e field . and defensive. He made good gains Jorgenson ..... .. R G .. ....... Lambert During his ride to tbe doctor's offite he Merchants Who Donate to the througb the line and stopped many of Ross.. . .. . . . ... ... C ....... . ... Knspp" talked to C. V. COlt, 'or, who was hold- the freshman line bucks. Jensen, Beckley . .. L G ...... .... Hunter inghimin the carriage and to others, Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. The sophomores should have won; only Bannister ......... LT ...... ... Hoffman saying that his head hurt badly. Tbe A goodly list of IowH City merchants freshmen determination to defeat them Wyant ..... L E Stephenson, Fatherson injury occurred about II o'clock. When have made an olUr wblch will prove a above all others prevented them from Birk .. ........ .... Q B .. ...... . Mitchell be reached Dr. Murphy's office he rApid- benefit to the Y. M. C. A. . On Monday, scoring. Shaw.... .. . .. . R H BKlinker, Martin ly sank to an inconscious state and died November 27th, they will give ten per Call won the toss and chose to defend Boardman .. .... L H B .. ...... Consigny at 11:53 a. m. Dr. Littig was called to cent of tbeir gros3 cash:sales to tbe Y.M. the south goal. Hess kicked off to Rule Sieg . .. ... .. .... . F B . ... . , ... . Baker assist Dr. Murphy and everytl1ing pos- C.! A. as a benefit lo the building fund. who was downed on the sophomore 5 Touchdowns, Bannister, I, Shaw, I ,

sible was done to relieve him. This purpose is one of merit and tbe yardlille. Story punted out of danger. Boardman, I , Hoffman, I. Dr. Murphy stated that the death was cash is needed. The association urges Nugent was sent around the end for 25 Officials-Westfall and Meggars .

caused by fracture of tl1e bone at the base its friends to make a list of purchases and yards. Fumbling at tbis point was fre-of the skull, followed by very rapid fill their pocketbooks with casb and be I quent. The ball changed hands often. bleeding. sure to buy on the day naDl~d . Here is After some fifteen minutes of play tbe

Stephenson was a member of the class a list of tb,e mercbanti who .,,\11 gIve ten sophs took the ball on downs on their 30 of 1900 collegiate. He was a general per cent of tbeir cash sales to the asso' yard line. Now the sophomores !>egin to favorite in the university, winning many dation on that day: play some real football. Line bucks and friends by his bright,friendly nature. He Coast &, Son, Mrs. H. E . Horne, end runs net substantial gains. Story was a member of last spring's track team Bloom & Mayer, Thos. Metcalf, sboots out of the bunch of players and on which he was an excellent pole-vault- D. F. Sawyer, Strub & Co., makes 25 yards. But on the next play er. His father, J.P.Stephenson was tele- Dene~ke & Yetter, The Wide Awake, there is a foul and the ball goes to tbe graphed in Des Moines by Dean Currier Stewart & Son, Rummelbart Bros . ball goes to the fresh~en on their 45 yard and President Fletcher of the Senior class Heck & Emmons, J. C. Sueppel, line. They skirt the ends for short gains and will probably arrive at 4:00 this after- H. A. Sporltder, Geo. W. Lewis, and force the ball to the .center when noon. Grief at the unfortunate accident C Barrow, DC Abrams, time is called for the first half. ls universal in the city and the entire S L Saunders, William Pohler, Story began the game in the second heartfelt sympathy of the university is J L Wilkinson, J 0 Emmons, half by a short kick off. The ball was extended to Mr. Stephenson's family. Morgan & Humpbrey. carried back and forth within the 40 yard Grelt regret is felt that the accident lines, and only twice was tbere any like-should have o~curred in .a football game, Beta Theta Pi. lihood of either side scoring. The fresh-and the hope IS expressed by everyone I men rushed the ball to the sophs 25 yard that the occurance will not be magnified The Beta Theta Pi fraternity was at line, and then punted to tbeir 8 yard line. or dwelt ~pon any more than if ~t had hom~ to. its frie~d~ at S~ith's Arm~ry I Story soon kicked the ball out to the 40 occurred ID any other sport or pastime. IIast evemng, begIDlDg WIth a reception yard line. After two downs the sopho­

from hal~ past eight ~ill ten o'~lock. , mores got the ball on a foul. For five , From thIS honr on danctDg was enJoyed minutes the sophomore tfllm played ex­

Dr. MacLean in Davenport. , over one of the smoothest !loors of th~ 11 cellent ball and advanced around tbe

season and to the accompantment of ex ends behind good interference. But as President and l\1rs .M~cLean paid their cellent music. The artistic tastes of the sophs got near to their goal, the

first visit to Davenport Thursday, since the members of the fraternity were most freshmen fought the harder and '02 was coming to Iowa City. They were gnests favorable displayed in the neat and held for downs. Nugent was sent around especially of the Contemporary Club and elegant decorations of the hall. The the end for 25 yards jltst before the time of Regent and Mrs. Geo. i'W. Cable. party w~ .a large ~ne and~ne of the was called. Another game will probably From 7 to 8 o'clock in the evening a re- most bnlltant SOCIal functions of the be played next week.

t· h ld t th L'b f year. many guests were present from cep Ion was e a e t rary room 0 The teams lined up as follows: the contemporary club where many Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Des Moines, '02 '03

alumni and friends of the university met and st. Paul. Williamson, ...... R. E . .. ........ Austin the new President and his wife. After Rule ... ......... ·R. T ... McClain, Jone: the .-..ntion Dr. MacLean delivered a Vl'dette Volume Wanted. BannIster ..... , ... R. G .. '" " ...... Bea

'---r Anderson . ....• ,. C . . •.•.. . • Fitzgerald masterful address before the Contempor- The Y. W. C. A. very much want for \ Stork ...... . .... . L. G . . . . .. . Clea:~~ ary Club on "What is Literature?" The their library (donated by Dr. T. S. Par- Clapp .... . ....... L. T. ........ .... e ill Dav-port pa"""' """'pll'm-t the Presi McCullogh .. .... R. E ............. H

~.. r-- ""~.... - vin) to complete the set of VIDETTlt-Rs- Martin, T. E ..... Q. B .......... . Bulgr.r dent highty on the schOlarly, interesting Hess POllTIUtS 1868-99, thirty-one volumes, Story . ... . . .... R. H, . . . .. . . . . . nature of his address. volume XXVIII (1895.96). Resser .......... L. H ..... Nugent, Capi~

W ill pay the subscription price for Call, Capt ....... F . B ............... Ho

The Fadettes. The opera house was fnll when the

curtain rose for the concert Thursday evening. The appearance of a woman's orchestra was unique, and the effect of the evening gowns was pleasing.

The rendition of the varions numbers daerved much more applause than was gi,en. Tbe rag-time numbers were ap­plauded more enthuiastically than any otben which Ibowed that,after all. popn-

e w The offiClals of the game were: this volume. Will not some of the old Referee-Lowry. students assist us in securing it? Umpire-Herbert.

MAllGAIUtT J. SAFU\Y, Timers-Dunkle, Cumer. 'd Linesman-Eaton.

Prest ent Y. W. C. A. Two halves of 20 minutes each were

Vidette Board. Meeting of the VlDsna-RaPORTJtR

Board at Cloee Hall, at 1:00 p. m., Tues­day. Members will please take notice and be preaent.


Junior 16; Seniors 6. In the firat half the Juniors opened by

sending Bannister for a 15 yard Bmub for a touchdown. Following this S~aw made a 95 yard run for another toucb-

Iowa'S Games TOday. The University of Iowa plays two foot­

ball games today, the 'Varsity with Knox College at Galesburg and the Second Eleven with Coe College at Cedar Rapids. A hot contest is expected at Galesburg, as Knox has defeated Grinnell College and was beaten by a small score of 5 to 0

in her late game with Illinois. It is ex­pected that the Second Eleven will run up a larger score on the return game with Coe than at the game here last Saturday.

THlt I.INlt Upg.

tOWA. KNOX Watters .... . ... R.E .... . ......... Lathe Eby, Capt ...... R. T .............. Smith Brockway, . ..... R. G, ... .... ......... Pier Baker, . . . . . . . . .. C ....... . .. . Harbaugh Burrier, .. . ...... L.G ......... .. Brayddl Warner, ... . ..... L.T ....... .. ..... . Bell F. A. Williams ... L. E ... . . . ... . Anderson S. C. Williams, .. Q. B ....•• . .. Stevenson Edson, .... . .. L. H.B.... . .. Hopkins Morton, ........ R. H. B .... Capt. Dodge Griffith ........ . .... F. B... . ...... Evans

Subs for Iowa-Hoover, Howell, Strat­ford, Little, Wieland.

SJlCOND ltr.JtVJtN. COIt. Cogswell ...... . ... R E . ..... Capt Knox Goodenough ...... R T ......... Perkins Cooper . ... . ... .. .. R G ....... Armstrong Hughes . •... . .•.. C ............ Brnce Deeters . .. .. . . .. . . L G ....... . . Pearson Hurst ............ LT ......... Grandle Ingham, Capt ... . . L E ...... Vanderpool Ford,CofJee ...... Q B .......... Daniels McCoy .......... LHB ...... P. Daniels Dye . ... .. ....... RH B . .. . ... L. Daniels Macy ... . ......... Q B ............ . Spicer

Subs for Second Team-teehey,Logan, Banchbaugh.

The University of Michigan, In addi­tion to j.heir debate with Pennsylvania, will debate with the Unlveraity bf Chi­cago, at Ann Arbor, .on Jan. 13, tgoo. The question will be: Reaolved, That Municipal Ownership and Operation of Street Railway i, Preferable to Owner­'hip and Operation by Private Corpor­ation.-PenDlylvanlan,


Page 2: ~ht fidtttt Jtpllrttr. - The Daily · 4 • ., • ~ht fidtttt -Jtpllrttr. A TrI.weekly Newspaper Published by' the Students


Tt)e V idette-Fteporter. UlUVERSITY EXTENSION.

, .... " ' ro;" r .. ' 0"1. "t.t. " re Off'ce COUllSJtS GIVEN TBI VltAll AT nUlll,ING·

oe w. *'e,toe " treet . ,err TON AND BOAll RAPID •

TUESDAY, THURSDAY ! SATURDAY Durin" tt)e Colle"lat' Y .... at tl)e

Unlverlltv of Iowa.

IUil,,,.· f. -Cltlv.


Il. A. COOE. P. C. O.AIla. [,I" M. DOYl-IlL


AII"Ci.l, llilIIH,.

J. W. McB .HaY. k .. ~. Le N . Ila" •• y. Ma'.I" 8 .. IUTT. "l.O .... e 1oY. LaDA PI .. ER ....

Mm"ll[ M. DAu.& 1.. B. wIn ••• l{ A. Nee ......... , A 1. Til. Mo. • a I II IIf.II<) ,

f),_.~t"'f.' lIilil' rI , ft. P. » "D aac> ,IA. f),;'~/"'.' , I . A . ' Il 'OTT, II,ili,.1 n.;'~I.'.'. C. V. PA .. I/'.";'Ilt l< 1);;''''_.'. II. D. Moo •• 1H.ltli IN". .. ,.,.,.

I'A.".M7 Dt;.~,_.,.

U. E. TAvI,Oa, /1/0"01". T. B. M •• TI .. , Alii 81111.'11 1II ••• t" .


Per yur - - - - - '1.2l If Dol !MId ~rol? Jaouary J , 190'1 I ,,. ,Uollie Copy .03 Olll~ at Ihf Iowa laIC PI' Oftk~ ~ Wa b·

101100 reel.

The departlJlent of Unh'ersity Exten-ion In tpe Dlv~ity of low. i giving

COUf1let Uli year at Burlington and Ced­ar Rapid. The COUI'5e at Burlington by PJof ra Calvin,lata bride, and Nutling began in October ,n(1 will continue till the December holidays. The outline of the courlt U I follow, :

Part 1. Th Evolution of the World', Phy ieal F Ilures, by muel Calvin, Profeseor of Geology in the niver ity of Iowa.

Lecture I. 0 logy and the 'eologic Record.

Lecture II. Erosion, Tron portntion, De ilion.

Lecture 111. R\'olution of Continents and Conlintrntal Fornl, of Relief.

Lectur IV. Oladert and til Period.

Part H. The ry of tile E rtb', Plort, by Thos. n. Macbride, Prof r of Botany in the nivertlty of Iowa.

Lecture I. Tbe Veg table Cell. Lectu.r II impl . t Plan Idest

Plants. Lecture III. Th F rn World. Lecture IV. Th World of Flowert. l' rt Ill. Evolution of Animal Life of

This is the Tlme~b--.., To Buy Your

'--~~$ fALL SUIT EI gancc. Durabilit and Economy are all combined in the in th lothing We 11. We have everything that is new­e t and be tin

Fall and Winter Clothing. At pric ranging from $7.50 to $20.00

It i a are inve tm nt to buy our Clothing for you can alway g t your money back if you want it·

€.eAST & SeN. The American €.Iothlera

Pantorium Company, $1 Per Month, B ' . I Po ntorium Work in the City. We carry a Full Line

of up-to-date Patt rns in uiting, Overcoats, Fancy Ve ts, Etc. Popular Pro ee Our Line of Pant Patt~rns $4.00 and up

Ovt!r 500 ample of cotch Plaids, Fancy Wor teds and heviot to dect From. Tailor Made Clotht:s at ready

madt: Price . team Cleaning and Dyeing. All work Guaranteed.

T. DeLL KE=LL Y. The peper .. III ~ Inl to old blJrri~r uotll

.. rd rttl Ilopptd aDd arrearl~ peld. COlli ror _Ie aDd ubecTlption. laken at lhe

the ~ orld, by C. . Nutting, P f r Young Me" Pr.p red ror th.

A talde k lore. AddreM aile mOlllDJcaUoDl to

of 7.oolog1 in the nivtl'1lty of Iowa. RAILWAY MAIL ~ POSTAL SERVICE Bxamlnatlons Lectur I Geological Succe ion of


ltnterttl at lh~ low. City poItolD ulttOod cia motler.

PuaUD, CoDteat. The date of the punting cont t for the

torgan cup will be announced early

n xt week. Th contest should certain·

ly occur at an euly date thi r 11 and we

hope that th number of contestAnlt will be luge. Tb ,000 effect of the offering

of the Morgan cup has already been felt

on our football teem in the improved

puntin and in our game this


Animal . Embryology. L cture U. G graphical Distribution

of Auimal . J.ectur III N tural lection. The

rigin of peel Lecture IV. Tbe Color of Animals. The cou1'lle at Cedar Rapid ill com­

prise be lectures giv n by Wm. C. Wil· cox, Prof r of Hi torl in tbe Univ r­ityof Iowa. The subject of tbe leclures : I . The French Revolution. :I. The Era of Napoleon Booapart in

Surope. 3. The Period of Reaction and lag­

nation, J 15- 1 30. 4. Tbe Period of Great Expectations,

183()-l8.$ • 5. The Period of Grest Realiz lion,

Harmony and Professionalism. I I 70

6. Present Day ElU'Opc and the EasL­ern Question.

Wr noticed a statement in the IDJtT1'Jl­

RaPOIlTEIl, taken [rom the • ebra.slt.a­Hesperian, wbich ca)u attention to the fact that a greater barmony thAn ever before u now existing among the col1egea of Iowa. We are ex~iDgly glad that such a state of aft'aira exista, and exi ts to auch an extent th.tthe colleges of neigb­boring tAles caD notice ,tbe fact. It is certainly true that in the majority of cues the colleges of the state are on bet­ter footing than ever before, baa been abOlrD by numerous i.oitances i.o connec­tion with football games thu faU. It is abo noticeable that the college athletics of the JUte as a whole are cleaner thAn in the past years, and that the decided tide haa Itt in again anything which a­'fOra of professionalism. Tbis u a ltate of affairs which .. e are glad to welcome. No comparison betwun the college squabble of three or four years ago and the good feeling which exi t.s at the pre­sent lime, is necelsary to convince us as to which of the two' more desirable. Experience has shown that ~peration .and bonest competition are best for the college world. We believe that both of these conditions now exist, and siDcere1y hope for their continuance.-Scarlet and Black.

If otice J UDiors. TbOlle penons who have 10 fill' failed

to have individual pictures taken for the Annual should attend to the matter im­mediately. Failure to comply with this request will cau.te considerable delay in e1eclro-typeing and coDtequently, in is· auing the book. Pictures caD be taken on a cloudy day as well as wben the SUD


Opera House Monday Night . That It pays to ktoep faith with the pub­

lic, accounts for the tremendous success which has always attended Lewi Mor­rilOn's grand production of "FaUlL" Every season inee this attraction was originated, mething new iD the way of effect, electrical, scenic and otherwise, has been introduced uDtilthe production was presumed to be without the least thing lacking and without room for the inIusion of new ide • in short as near as perfection as possible. Now comea the report that MorrilOn's new "FaUlt" this IC8SOD will be found much changed from lint to last act, with lOme of the most startling electrical and general effects ever attempted in its production. Pro­miles from this attraction have always been kept and thererore opportunity to view Morriaon's new "Faust" is looked forward to with pleasure.

~ ........ ...... ·· ......... · ... ·1 'We . 'Do *1 1 PRINTING, I , For ,! I , Mal)Y • Studentsl ,

, WHY NOT DO YOURS? I 1 We y-f Printed tl)e , I , HAND BOOKI

I, TI)e flthens Job Office, I

• Phone 50. 129 College St. i , .... ,. ...... oO( ..................... ~

OPJ>Ollit~ V. III . C. A. Iowa City, 10 ...


" Plrst Class Plate of Amusement BOWLING ALLey, Fine Shuftle Board in Connection. 21T~ & 213>' IOWA AVENUE.

110 Iowa Ave. < Your Clolhes CIUDed, Pnwd, and all Rips Mended, allo Shota.hined (or ,1.00 per moath.

O,deulaktn ror ullio,. and ov~rcoatl, 6t and .atl.raelion il!8raole~d.

Th~ R01al Tallon Clothio,. M. P. LUMSDEN, Manager .


foster, Thompson and Shuck, They ltrep up-to·dale Rigs for ReaEonable Prices Big Stables oPPs City Hall

TRY ONE Of W OpeN All tUGl\t.

The Little Bon Ton MEAL TICKE TS .$250.

C L. TOl,l.IlT, Prop._+ __ --_:16 South Dubuque St

"OIl GUN OIL Eodoned and ueecl by the War Department AT Wuhingtoo. D, C.

Poati"~ly lb~ ~at oil. for

Guns, Bicycles Dental Engines, Type Writers,

and in ract all deUcate ioatromea la noqulrin, a & DC p de of all.

n prnnla rut and will Dever p m. Por . le by

Lidlty a: Thoma., Broce Mocn~. .... rIOa. ac Wa lcott, Cba .. Banow, LDmedCll a: Ilnmm~lbart, } OII. Sl~ .. k, Adlim UIIJ'Ilb, KOKT ac Co.

Ceray a: Louis.

WM. J. 110TI, IOWA Cln, IOWA.

Oall on BLOOM & MAY EH. For Olothinq and Hats.


Page 3: ~ht fidtttt Jtpllrttr. - The Daily · 4 • ., • ~ht fidtttt -Jtpllrttr. A TrI.weekly Newspaper Published by' the Students



• j •



OW ARRIVALS OF FALL FABRICS. Are . urpl ing \:8 by Ihelr Novelties and Freshne In rich combinations of color • nd beauty of Patll'rn of suitings, trousers • nd herring bone in Cheviots and slriped lulling. Our new line for Top Coats is Elegant and Handsome. Order your new 1.II . ult or top coal, now, and be ready be· lore the rush com mences.


105 South Clinton St· IOWA CITY

Northwestern University Medical School,

Hu been a leader in advanced Medical

Education Cor thirty,tlne years. ~ ~

N, S, DAVIS. Jr., Secretary, 2431 De.born Street. ' CHICAGO, ILL

Patronize the

Sing 'Wo Laundry Students trade a specialty. Prices very reasonable. 117 Iowa Ave.

Try WILSDON'S Superfine ebocolotes and Bon·Bons 01.0 all klOds of 110meMode candles.


Attention Students! G H you are ,"king PlUIUte. and yo~ want • Real Good Time come up to the

p, J, REGAN, Proprietor. ~~ j~ 1l 7r ~ ~ ~ehahaff (0.. 'liS) ~ lVllllll

Regan's Park, and You Will Have It.

Remember the "MINNEHAHA,"

Your Bi~ Brother/' • Knew where to get the lll'st Laundry work done when he wa~ an S. U. 1. boy. I! he didn 't tell you when you left for school, just wrile and ask him or take our word {or it and send to the •

01d Original C. o. D. Laundry,

Kenyon cf Ham m, Props. The White Wago!) a!)d the Blg:Collar, 21I- 213 Iowa Ave. Phone 107.


The director, C. Jay Smith of London, En~land, has a record of sixteen years experience as a special teacher of slDging (including six yeal'll in Chicago. ) The aim of ihis school is to give the finest vocal lessons in the state and instrumental lessons equal to the best.

Take Your Meals at the ~ OPERA HOUSE RESTAURANT,

Board $2.50 Per Week. J. A. LODGE, Proprietor. 105 €.0bbfiGfi STRofiT.

Students Attention! Remember Heck " EIJ11J10l)s,

Have all Kinds of fruits and candies also

Stanle and Fancy . GrocerIes ;)

y ••

For First Class Board go to

GRADY'S Restaurant $2.50 Per Week. 212 S. Dubuque

Smoke the Hanna Filled Cigars

Hawkeye. Bertha Clay and Princess.


If you ... nt First CI ... Work Done call al

~ St. James ... Barber Soop

low. Avenue, Two Doors eaSI of Pes I Office .

L. HIRT, Proprietor .

s. U. I., White Rose, and Royal Perfecto

~Cigars~ Are the Best in the City.

FRED ZIMMERLI, Dubuque St. Iowa City, la.


Gentle driving horses for Ladies. First Class Equipment for funerals. Stylish drivers and rubber tired vehicles at reduced rates. Cor. Caoltol and Washington 5tS. Phone 79

Thos. Metcalf, Dry Goods, Millinery, Furs, Rugs, Ladies and Gents Furnishings, Fine Gloves, Hosiery, College Colors, student trade solicited. III College st

Take a Course iO


J Doors from postorrlce SpeCial Rates to Parties. 12 S. Dubuque sf. Ul)iversity BUSiness College 81)d

school of Si)orti)and and Typewriting.

1I9 South Clinton 51. Iowa City,l ••

anly Six Hours Prom Chicago.

GUNTHER'S FAMOUS CANDY luoaltlatly received (rnh by Exprew and 18 IOld at Chicago prieta at the Creacent Pharmacy

W. W. "orrison, l'ropr., 117 College street.


VENrIST. Office Hours, 9'12 a. m., '·s p. m.

~Ih Clinton SL Newberry Bul ldin If

Patent Leathers We carry the finest line of


in town. I Prices: Walk'

Telephone 6,0.

w. H. GRAFF,

~JmIlIJUI(lBB. We Keep Everything Found in First Class Drug Stores,

Call and see our elegant line of; fall suitings, Slavata.

Call on Bloom & Mayer for Hats, Caps Neckwear and Underwear.

1 .................. ··7···1

FACT AND RUMOR. ....aal~ .............. 1

Iowa City 1'IIulical College 23~ Waah- The Zetagathians will give a sociable ington Street. next week.

Autumn styles in Hats, both soft and Philomatheans elected to membership

and Solicit Your Patronage. stiff, Coast & Son. . Rosenbladt, '03·

CIty Allents forCHASE CIGARS Take your watch and jewelry to head- R. C. Mead was elected Sophomore quarters. John Hands, 9 Dubuque 8t. debater last evening in the place of J. W.

and Baldauf's Candles.


ACADEMY' Do You woo to enter the Univenity?

Do you wi.h to Teach?

Do you wiah a good PractiCil Education?


W. A. WILLIS. Principal.

Patronize the"Little Gem" barber shop. Morse, resigned.

Everything new and up-tO-date. S, Clin. Miss Bessie Parker was called to her We make Mititary Uniforms to meas- home in Peoria, 1lI, by the sudden sick-

ure, get our prices. Coast & Son. ness of her father. Usera of the Weed.

Will find the greatestamount of Tobaccos Y. M. C. A. meeting Sunday afternoon Pipes, Cigars. etc.. at Wieneke's St. at 4:00 o'clock. General Secretary will James Arcade Cigar Store. 1eB;d. All are invited.

The largest and best stock of overcoats and suits in Iowa at Bloom & Mayer.

Fall styles in Neckwear, Coast & Son. Blotters free to students, John Hands,

fl Dubuque street. When your Watch needs repairing go tel

PIice, Keith &; Co.

R. S. Hayard, L. '01, is entertaining his brother, captain of the Davenport High school football team.

MI'lI. Geor,ge.W. BaU entertained a few University frie!1ds at tea last evening at her home on North Clinton.

Overs $3. ,0. :. Dr. L. 6. LAWYER. Florsheims i DENTIST.

Try one of Burke's meal tickets. 21

Meals for $3.00.

If you want the very best $10. suit or overcoat in America call 011 Bloom & Mayer.

Mae Church, ex-'oI,is in town chaper­ing the Davenport High School girls who came down for the game this after-noon . . , .

$,.00. .

Florsheims Patent Leather at $, is not equalled by

Rooms Over Shrader's Drug Store.


Ice Cream Parlor

. See those Elegant Enameled 9. U. I. Flag Pins and Buttons only 50 cta. at Price, Keith & Co., The Jewelers.

Mrs.Cochran has changed her boarding house into a boarding club on the co­operative plan. Board at actual cost to the members. She has rooms for a few more members at 125 N Capitol street.

sUl\day: November 19th, the Y. W. C. A., will ·have services in memory of Mrs. A. M. Parvin. Mrs. J. W. Rich will de­II ver a memorial address.

any make on the Lene onlen fnr Pancy Ice Creama and Home Made Cake.. ,19 COLLEGE ST.

For Rent.

George Cram Cook of Davenport visit· ed Iowa City this week. Mr. Cook's new book, In Hampton Roads, il now on sale at the book·stands and is meeting with many appreciative re.den In this city.

-The-• M and H Shoe House-

A nicely furnished room with .team

LOCA.LS. heat, enquire at the Coover Restaurant on In Ruula it has been decided to punish

Bloom & Mayer are sole agents in IO\l:\ the Avenue. unruly students by impresaing them into

City for everything that is the beat in Iror Violin, Mandolin, Guitar Lellonl the army for from to three years' service their line, Steen Block Co Clothing, Man- .. e W. BerryhUl, 313 North Caplto1ltreat. according to the nature of the offense.-hattan ahirts and Knox Haa. Palo Alto.

BLOOM & MAYEH, Merchant Tailors and Furnishers.

.. ... \

Page 4: ~ht fidtttt Jtpllrttr. - The Daily · 4 • ., • ~ht fidtttt -Jtpllrttr. A TrI.weekly Newspaper Published by' the Students

McCabe. C. '02 WU initailed into Sigma Nu Satnrday night.

The Tlu Delta enjoy an informal party at their hall tonight.

J. R. Howard entertained friend. in honor of n. H . Shephard FridlY even· ing.

W. B. h acc:otDpanled tbe eecond team to Cedar Rapida and will act u r fer .

The Iowa City-Davenport football grune acl1eduled for lhil Ifternoon b been de­clared oft by mutual consent.

Jobn R. Howell. L. '99 Ind Otto Hub· erl, C. '03 were initiated Into th my ter­i of PhI Delta Theta la t night

Tbe firlt rgln Recital for thi will be giv n at the Trinity Church on

fonday evening. Nov mber 20th. Dr. 1. . Gllchri I, whOle playing It the pipe orgln lak rank Imong the t in the country, will be I ted by 1 t r Olin EmmonJ Ind olher member of the chOir. f leT Emm n '111' t volc b attract·

ed much flvomble Ittention from critics through his Ingin in tb Trinity burch cboir. There will be no cb rgc· for Id­ml 1 n but a coli lion wiU be taken for the benefit of the cboir fund .

Prof r L G. Weld and tudent. in-tertlted III I trouomy .... Itcbed for the m t rI fr m the roof of the I nee buiding Monday, Tu Ily and ~Wedn dlY eveninb". Cloud bid Ule It on tbe firlt two evenlnp Ind on Wednesd y e\·ening tll moon bone too brigbtly for the 0 ers to be Ibl to notice the hower of meteors. Only eevcn of

tb Intere tlng slarl were n . Wben the earth wu Ing through this lield I t year Professor Weld and hil • t­anta 1111' 987 meteorl.

fise Jane Addana of HI,II Hoult, Cbi­tI e, who will be remembered II giving two lectur in Iowa City I t winter bll been giving counea of leeturtl this fiJI in Dubuqlle and Davenport. Jane Ad­dam. leeturea lut winter were eagerly liiteDed to by large ludiencea. It would not be I bad idea to lCCure Mi Addam. to give a course of lectures in )011'1 City.

tudenta of politica, economics, and 10-

tiology in the Uni\-ersity would be espec­ially interested in bearing from an antb­ority of nationa! reputation OD thClt ub­jects.



Ten Night. in a Bar Room... People Who Were There.

The Filipino Orchestra. Dreyfu . Lutgert.


Pilipino Orcbeatra ... . _ . .• ... Lt. HobMm Mark Haruaa ..•.•...•. ProfelllOr Ve:blen

Profe.or Kinney Holbrook McNeal White.

Ira T . Hawk, Presideat Y. M. C. A. Adeliaa Patti.

Pilipino Orcbeatra. Dooley.


Declamation ............. M. L . Kephart Oration ........ ... ...... .. . A. W. Lauer

Debate-Reaolved, That an Education­al Telt Sbould be Reqaired for Voting.

AJlirmatiye. Negative. R. C. Mead. W. L. Coyne. H. C. Saanders. G. E. Love1l. Oration .................... P. J. Declamatioa ........ _ ......... B. I. Ede

"FinDigan'8 400." Murray & M.aclt in their comedy IDC­

cea, "Pinnipa'J -tOO," which cane to the Opera HODIe Wednesday nigbt, is compoRd of three acts. MeII1'S. Marray A. lIlack make no claim to a plot wbat­ner, but agree to IDIIllIe theatre-going public. They have with them lJOttIe of the highest Ialaried people on the stage today. The comJl8DY is compoeed of thirty people, one-balf comedy I1ara and the other half vaudeville arn.ta, wbo in· troduce their specialtiet at odd timet dar­ing the actibn of the comedy.

THE ~DETTE-K~¥OKTER. ,, ___ c _

Athletic Goods

LEe WAI.LACE DEAN, M. .• 1\1. D., I'racllcr' Llmlu:llto Ihc III a A of the

E) e, Ear, Ole and ThOll. OIYiH b r·Oally ' 0-12 a. m 3-6 p. m. Tut'lda" 10-11 a. m .• J-6 Po m. unday 9""' Iher houn by ap;lO!ntmenl. Ollke 012 ulh Clinton 1.

Telepbone III.

'iJr. l¥alter L. J] icrl' i1lg, Otlice Paltel"aOn 81ad<, 9U ulb Dubuque L

1I0u .... l10 sand 7108 p. m. uoday 9 to .0:JO a. m.

Ruldence . W. Cor. 01 Iowa AYe and Co¥unor lrut, Telephone. olYice and ruldence No. 68


01 eue. of the ear, n~, thoat, and che t. Office over JOI. Barborka'. jewelry.tore.

Houra 9.10 a. m .• nd 3-S p. m. Telephone-office. 137; re Idence 137.

DR.JAME Office Houra 10 I. m. to 12 m. , 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. Night cal1saDswered Trom

office. Telephone No. 100.

109~ S Clinton at. Iowa City, Iowa.

J. B. CARDER. M. D" Office CraeCDt Block.

Office Hours. 9.30 to 3130 and 7 to 6 p. en.

Phooc at Office and Relldeocc.

Member Royal \.:011 ... or sura.out, Eni. Office ov., ~I"t National Hank . '. E. cor Unn and W hlnlton. 11ou .. : 9:)010 II I m; I to 4 and 7 to I p. m.

·.nd,Y' 9:3 to ' 0:)<> • • m-Office and re ,denee. lelephone 80.

Dr. M. B. Moon, 1899

Orrlce Flr.t Door Welt of Cresceot

Pharmacy. In Crescent Blocl(.

Pl)one, 53- 3.


l arkl'1 and LInn 81s, Union Block Office hour 9 to 12 •. m. and 1 104 p. m.

Ttlephone o. 55, (1 Rhlg~)

Dr. P. J. NEWBERRY, BYE. EAR. NOSE. AND THROAT. Spc~tt Accurltdy Adjusted.

OIYiH No.8 North Clinlon 1.. 10 ..... City. la. OIYiH Hou .... 910 12 a. m , 210 S p. m.

Telephone 46-

-....... · .... -1

Cedar Rapids College of Music (New C\'dar Rapid. Savio,. Ban" BuUdlol.)


U ..... ~ I.dllile. 10 all braocbe. p«lal.<t.,enlare.ln Ch.mberCoocerta Includlor Pb, lcal Culture, 8loculioo. * Cboru~ Wedel" Leclurc.. Striog end Laupage.. QuarteUe ItId ympbo01 Orebe Ira. Larre _pi 01 In.tructora lrom Ibe be t Metbod 01 In tructlon endorlled b1 Lead-Kllropun and American ecl100l Inr Artis",

Scholarship. Orrered 10 Each Oepartmeot. Wrlle lor New PrOlp«11U to WM. J . RA(,( .. Director. --

I Cedar Rapids College of Music Concert Bureau.

w ... J. HALL, Pre.idcal. RALPH M. LtlMIf. Geo, M&'1'. Talenl 01 all d~pllon. lurabbed lor entertalnmenla end otber ocal 10Dl.

Proprieton 01 thrte well "nown Coocert Companle .. Kaufen olaome of the 6JJ t Ta.lent 10 tbe We I.

L:rllst ortalVlI. tc""", datH, etc., addre .. TKK~ONCKR~ B RItAU, C~~~: la J

ludeol8 01 Ihe Uolver.llv And otber achooll may eoler tot one or more frours per d.y aad Ia"e Peom.d.hlp Book·keeplng Sborthlnd 01 any of the braoche ..... (' al realOlUlble rale.. Clll or write lor calaloeue.

Stud.ou· May Enter at Any.Tlme.

J. H. Williams, Propr.


College of Law Law Department of Lake Forelt Uniyeralty,


Delre. 01 Bachelor or LAWS confe,..ed on .b ... whcl completo lthe thre. y .. ,. coune Inistac.ory to the Faculty. College ,radual.' who havo a uflicie., amount or eredll In leKalllud l .. may be admined to adVAnced 'lan~'nl. AmnKemenlS mode ror uppl. menlina preliminary education. Summer CtIUrIC d~TlnK month. or)une and July. For furth.r iororno· ataon addr the Secretary.

£1.111 EI< 1-:. BARRErI'. L.L. B .. 'so', .00 WuhinitOn II, ChirICO.


Inducements to Students. 18 1-2 Clinton St. 2nd Floor.




~ capital City Commercial Colltte


Capital Cily Scbool or Shorthand. DES MOINES, IOWA.

Tbe luding boslne8ll training IICltOOl8 01 Ibe welL Itndoraccl by Ihe and bUliaea men ot Iowa. Tbe belt teachera employed fa all bnnche .. Good board at $2.00 per .. edt. Otber Up~nlt'8 reAl 'Dable. Seud lor Cllalogue 10 MIUIAN It McCAULBY, Du Moine., 10 ....

Peter A. Dey. Pres. Geo. W. Ball ViCf' Pra. LoYeU Swfaber, CI.b, Jobo La8be": As' l Cull.

First National Bank CAPITAL "00,000.00 SURPLUS, S30,ooO.OC

DIRRCTOMS. Peter A. Dey, Gen. W. 111111, Mra. E F. Parsoal '

A. N. Currier, J. T. Turner. C. S. Welch, H. Brad ..... y.


Bicycles, r-lAreeat Stock •• :-Lowa~·Price: .• -C. CbeapHt and k.1 Place fn TOWD. Repairlo, I~ _ __ J Neatly Done. 118l' W .. hinglon SI.

c:: ~~.~~~orralt::J Sporting Goods, Kent College .of Law 6.80.""qae Street. PARSONS ~ SroVFFfR, MARSHALL D. EWELL, L.L. D .• I(. D. Dea.a.

Now We are Ready to Make You a _ ~

fALL O~ WINTE~ SUIT, For we have all tl)e Fll)e Fall al)d WIl)ter Styles In.

Albert Hu~a Merchant 1 ailor. ~ , 119~ Dubuque Steret.

Come and Try Cor. Barlln". ud Gllben SU.

m. 1). malone, PRACTICAL

(£utter anb I a:ailor.

51 udents Trade Solicited. 113 Wuhlnpn Street.

Tbree "un COlIne leading 10 degree 01 LI •• B. Improved metbod. 01 uuiling lbenry

and practice. The School of Practice is the I..uding Feature.

ltveOJnlf aeMioo. 01 len boura a .... relt lor cadi cla.. 8tudeala ~n be aell,.upporting wbllr atudyi0l. Por Cllalogue, add~ ..

W . F. MOMEYER, L.L. 8" SEC'Y. 6.8 .ub land Block, 59 cia rlt aI., - Cblcaro. Ill.