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Introduction Levels of conflict The conflict process Conflict management approach General causes of conflicts Effects of conflict in organization How to create conflict Steps to resolve conflicts How to prevent conflicts conclusion

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Conflict occur when disagreement occur in a social situation..

Conflict is a process that begins when one party perceives that another party negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something the first party cares about.

….Thomas 1992

Conflicts can be constructive or destructive.In other words……………..

Conflict management is the practice of identifying and handling conflict in a sensible, fair and efficient manner

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The traditional view- this approach assumes that all conflict hamper

performance. Conflict occur due to poor communication, lack off

openness and trust between people, and the failure of managers to be open their employees.

The human relation view- This approach assumes that conflict occur naturally in

all groups and organization. It is natural and cannot be avoided, hence it should be

affected. It cannot be removed and it may play a role in group


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The inter-actionist view- This approach encourages because it believes that a

peaceful and cooperative group may become constant and may not respond to the need for change and innovation.

Group leader should maintain sufficient conflict so that the group remains creative and self-critical.

Functional vs. dysfunctional conflict- Functional or constructive conflict supports the goal

of the group and improve its performance. Conflict that hamper group of performance are

dysfunctional or destructive conflicts. Task conflicts are related to the contents and goal of

the work. Low to medium level of task conflict is good because

it improves group performance.

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Conflicts can be at Intrapersonal level (conflict within the individual) Intrapersonal level (individual to individual conflict) Inter-group level Inter-organizational level

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Interpersonal conflicts- These conflicts conflict involve the individual alone- It can be three types- Approach-approach conflict: it occurs when a person

choose to between two positive and equally alternatives. for ex.-to make a choice between promotion in the organization or a new job with another firm.

Avoidance-avoidance conflict: it occurs when a person has to choose between two negative and equally unattractive alternatives. for ex- to make a choice between accepting a job transfer to another town or have the employment terminated.

Approach-avoidance conflict: it occurs when a person to choose between something that has both positive or negative result.

For ex- accepting or not accepting a job with a higher pay but

with increased responsibilities that demand a lot of personal time.

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Interpersonal conflict- It occurs between two or more individuals who are against

one another. Inter-group conflict-

It occurs among members of different teams or groups.

Inter-organizational conflict-It occurs due to competition andrivalry between firm that operatein the same market..

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The process of conflict management consist of the following steps-

Stage1-potential opposition or incompatibility- This stage suppose to the conditions due to which conflicts

may rise. 1-communication: it becomes due to misunderstanding,

noise in communication channel. use of jargons insufficient exchange of information, noise in communication channels are hurdles in communication and may lead to conflict.

2-structure: structure means size, specialization, leadership style, reward system, and the degree of dependence. size and specialization encourage conflicts, Larger the size of the group, larger is the size of the conflict.

3-personal variables: personal variables include individual value system and personality characteristics.

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Stage ll: cognition and personalization

Condition leads to conflict only when the parties are affected by it and aware of it.

Conflict is personalized when it is felt and individuals become emotionally involved.

Emotions play a major role in determining perception.

Negative emotion reduce trust and causes negative interpretation of other party’s behavior.

Positive emotion help to take a boarder view the situation and develop more innovative solutions.

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Stage lll : intentions The main conflict handling intentions are as fallows: Cooperativeness- “it is extent to one which party tries to

satisfy the other party”. Assertiveness- “it is extent to one which one party tries to

satisfy his or her own concern”. Competing- “when one person looks to satisfy his or her

own interests without considering the effect on the other party”.

Collaborating- “when all parties in a conflict try to satisfy the interest of each other. The problem is solved by clarifying the differences rather than accommodating”.

Avoiding- “a person may know that a conflict exist and want to pull out from it”.

Accommodating- “when the party tries to satisfy the other party by making the sacrifice”.

Compromising- “when each party to the conflict right tries to sacrifice something leading to a compromised result. There is no winner or looser.

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Stage lV: Behavior The behavior stage includes

the statements, actions, and reaction of the conflicting parties.

These conflict behaviors are clear attempt to implement each party's intentions.

It is a dynamic process ofinteraction with a continuum.

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Outcome may be functional- improving group performance, or dysfunctional-hampering group performance.

Conflict is constructive when it:-Improve the quality of decision.-encourages creativity and innovation.-develops interest and curiosity.-provides medium through which tensions can be released.-promotes and environment of self-evaluation and change.

Conflict is destructive when:-It causes discontent and leads to destruction of the group.-undesirable results like delay in communication, reduction of group cohesiveness lead to fight between member of the group.-it brings a organization to an end due to too much conflicts.

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There are two type of conflict management approaches.-Direct-Indirect

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Direct conflict management approaches

• Based on the emphasis on cooperativeness and assertiveness

• In the relation between the parties involved in conflict, there are five approaches on direct conflict management.

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1-avoidance: in avoidance every one shows that the conflict does not really exists and hopes that it will be finish.

2-accommodation: it involves the hiding difference between the conflicting parties and the showing areas of agreement.

3-compromise: it occurs when each party give up something for the shake of the other. no party is fully satisfied.

4-competition: it is victory achieved due to force superior,skill,or domination of one party. It is win-lose situation.

5-collaboration:it involves appreciation by all conflicting parties then something is wrong and needs attention.

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Indirect conflict management approaches-Indirect conflict management approaches include-Reduce interdependence-Appeals to common goal-Hierarchical referral-Alterations in the use of mythology and scripts

Reduced interdependence-When work flow conflict exist, manager can adjust the level of interdependency among units or individuals ( Walton and Dutton, 1969)

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Appeals to common goalsIt focus on the mutual Interdependence of the Conflicting parties to achieve The common goal of an organization.

Hierarchical referralHere conflicts are reportedTo senior levels to solve.

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o Poorly defined goalso Divergent personal valueso Lack of cooperation/trusto Competition of scarce resourceso Unclear roles/lack of job description

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Stress Absenteeism Staff turnover De-motivation Non-productivity

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Not being a role model Take credit, no recognition Be judgmental Send written messages Subordinate should come to see me Make yourself inaccessible to your team Individual Vs team approach Telling them? Consulting them? Or deciding with

them? Come tomorrow Introduce change without consultation or discussion

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Assure privacy Empathize than sympathize Listen actively Maintain equity Focus on issue, not on

personality Avoid blame Identify key theme Re-state key theme frequently Encourage feedback Identify alternate solutions Give your positive feedback Agree on an action plan

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• Frequent meeting of your team• Allow your team to express openly• Sharing objectives• Having a clear and detailed job description• Distributing task fairly• Never criticize team members publicly• Always be fair and just with your team• Being a role model

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Conflict is unavoidable

Complexity of organizational relationship Interaction among workers Dependence of workers on one another

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