

HR Experts Share How Analytics are Shaping a #SmarterWorkforce

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“Use data analytics to make everyone in HR be more strategic instead of tactical.”

- Joel Peterson @joelyoh

“Are you adopting analytics inside your company as you should? Using analytics to hire the right people is a culture question.”

- Meghan M. Biro @MeghanMBiro

“When you find the right structure, you need to help people find the value of analytics.”

- Mike Woodward “Dr. Woody” @DrWoody

“Adoption of new ways of looking at analytics will be a powerful force of growth and indicators of performance.”

- China Gorman @ChinaGorman

“What data today that we hold precious will we not care about in the future?”

- Duke Daehling @DukeDaehling

“As we’re trying to move into analytics, we need to find a balance and keep the human in human resources.”

- Mike Haberman @MikeHaberman

“Strong leadership and integrating analytics is key to work in tandem to validate our human gut instinct.”

- Brian Moran @BrianMoran
