  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Xnhweik =?:

    Wan ]~l`ikosu Xuxwn`

    Hao}wns ?3 ]~l`ikosu Xws~hw~sn okg D~khweik

    Hao}wns ?8 Box Nqhaokbn okg Wsokx}isw

    Hao}wns ?7

    Guko`ehx id ]~l`ikosu Tnkweloweik

    A]AN 42?= Nqnshexn ]auxeilibu EE

    Gs+ Hanowao`

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    @ojis D~khweikx id ]~l`ikosu Xuxwn`

    Csnowaekb, Snx}esoweik, Tnkweloweik Wan `itn`nkw id oes ekwi okg i~w id wan }~l`ikosu


    Wnhakehollu, csnowaekb okg tnkweloweik sndns wi wan

    `itn`nkw id oes ekwi okg i~w id wan }~l`ikosu xuxwn`,raeln snx}esoweik sndnsx wi wan hnll~los ~xn id iubnk!I3%

    Di~s x}nhedeh }~s}ixnx id csnowaekb

    ?% Wan nhaokbn id I3 3% Wan nhaokbn id hoscik geiegn !HI3%

    8% Wan hikwsil id cliig ohegewu !}A%

    7% Isol hi``~kehoweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Hao}wns ?3

    ]~l`ikosu Xws~hw~sn okg D~khweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Hao}wns Icjnhwetnx

    Cn ocln wi egnkwedu wan geddnsnkw okowi`eholhi`}iknkwx id wan }~l`ikosu xuxwn`+

    ^kgnsxwokg wan `nhaokehx id tnkweloweik+

    Cn ocln wi gndekn wan geddnsnkw xwoweh okgguko`eh l~kb til~`nx+

    ^kgnsxwokg wan geddnsnkhn cnwrnnk `ek~wntnkweloweik okg oltnilos tnkweloweik !okg wanhikhn}wx id gnog x}ohn%+

    ^kgnsxwokg wan }~l`ikosu snx}ikxnx g~sekboh~wn nnshexn+

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Okowi`u id Tnkweloweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Wan L~kbx ]sitegn o losbn x~sdohn osno !>=

    ?== `3%

    Aebalu toxh~losezng wi ollir dis

    box nhaokbn Wan Oltnile

    Wan l~kbx hikwoek 4== `elleik`n`csoki~x xohx hollng oltnile+

    Haosohwnsexwehx id oltnile


    Waek rollng

    Tnsu x`oll cliigbox cossens

    Okowi`u id Tnkweloweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Okowi`u id Tnkweloweik

    Csiifx, Doanu okg Colgrek+ Nnshexn ]auxeilibu+ 3==>+

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    @nhaokehx id Tnkweloweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Ekx}esoweik Geo}asob` hikwsohwx okg dlowwnkx

    Hanxw hotewu nlikbownx okg nklosbnx okg oes n}okgx ek l~kbx

    Ekwso}~l`ikeh }snxx~sn gnhsnoxnx

    Oes ex x~hfng ek wasi~ba kixn okg `i~wa

    N}esoweik G~sekb snxw okg lebaw nnshexn, n}esoweik ex }sngi`ekokwlu

    }oxxetn+ Xwsnwhang l~kb wexx~n snhielx

    Ekx}esowisu `~xhlnx snlo

    Oes `itnx wi ow`ix}ansn

    G~sekb xwsnk~i~x nnshexn Ekwnskol ekwnshixwolx okg ocgi`ekol `~xhlnx oxxexw

    @nhaokehx id Tnkweloweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    @nhaokehx id Tnkweloweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    @nhaokehx id Tnkweloweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Hikg~hwekb Zikn Oes wsokx}isw





    E``~kiblicek xnhsnweik

    Snx}esowisu Zikn Xewn id box nhaokbn

    X~sdohwokw }sig~hweik

    Cliig hliwwekb d~khweik

    Nkgihsekn d~khweik

    @nhaokehx id Tnkweloweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    @nhaokehx id Tnkweloweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    @nhaokehx id Tnkweloweik

    Dehfx Lor Bitnskx box gedd~xeik

    wasi~ba oltnilos




    ] 0 ]snxx~sn geddnsnkhn !bsogenkw%

    O 0 Hsixx xnhweikol osno

    X 0 Xil~celewu hinddehenkw

    g 0 gedd~xeik gexwokhn

    @R 0 xq~osn siiw id wan `ilnh~los rnebaw id wan box

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    L~kb Til~`nx okg Ho}ohewenx

    Xwoweh L~kb Til~`nx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Guko`eh tnkweloweik gn}nkgx ~}ik

    @oe`ol DTH id l~kbx !xwsifn til~`n id l~kbx%

    Tnlihewu id dlir !csnowaekb sown%

    Tnlihewu id dlir ex ekdl~nkhng cu l~kb hi`}leokhn+

    DNT)DTH Sowei

    DNT?)DTH ekgehownx }~l`ikosu oesdlir ho}ohewu+

    Anolwau }ni}ln otnsobn { 1>. id DTH ek ? xnhikg+

    Icxws~hwetn gexnoxnx snx~lw ek xebkedehokw lirns DNT?)DTH+

    L~kb Til~`nx okg Ho}ohewenx

    Guko`eh L~kb Til~`nx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    L~kb Til~`nx okg Ho}ohewenx

    Guko`eh L~kb Til~`nx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    @oe`~` Til~kwosu Tnkweloweik !@TT%

    @TT ntol~ownx tnkwelowisu ho}ohewu rewa so}eg okg

    gnn} csnowaekb dis ?> xnhikgx+

    @TT 0 ?> xnhikg til~`n 7

    @TT ek anolwau ekgeteg~olx otnsobnx 3>. ;

    tnkweloweik waok ihh~sx g~sekb `o nnshexn+

    L~kb Til~`nx okg Ho}ohewenx

    Guko`eh L~kb Til~`nx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    L~kb D~khweik, Onsiceh Dewknxx okg Nqnshexn ]nsdis`okhn

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    ]~l`ikosu Tnkweloweik

    Knng wi gexwekb~exa cnwrnnk wan o`i~kw id oeswaow `itnx ekwi okg i~w id wan wiwol snx}esowisu

    wsohw tnsx~x wan oes til~`n waow tnkwelownx wan

    oltnile+ Rau9

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    @ek~wn Tnkweloweik !TN% TN 0 DC TW

    @ek~wn tnkweloweik ekhsnoxnx gso`owehollu g~sekb


    Tol~nx ~} wi 3== L `ek-? aotn cnnk sn}iswng+

    Otnsobn }nsxik { ?== L `ek-?

    Gnx}ewn a~bn TN, WTx sosnlu nhnng 4=. TH+

    ]~l`ikosu Tnkweloweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Oltnilos Tnkweloweik !TO% Wan til~`n id oes waow tnkwelownx wan otnile

    Nxxnkweollu, TN `ek~x wan gnog x}ohn

    Okowi`ehol Gnog X}ohn

    Oes waow dellx wan kixn, `i~wa, wsohano, okg kikgedd~xecln

    hikg~hwekb }isweikx id wan snx}esowisu wsohw+

    Osi~kg ?>= wi 3== `L !{8=. id snxwekb wegol til~`n%

    ]~l`ikosu Tnkweloweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Csiifx, Doanu okg Colgrek+ Nnshexn ]auxeilibu+ 3==>+

    ]~l`ikosu Tnkweloweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Oltnilos Tnkweloweik !hikwg% Tnkweloweik ]nsd~xeik Sowei !TO)_%

    Sowei id oltnilos tnkweloweik wi }~l`ikosu cliig dlir

    T)_ g~sekb lebaw nnshexn { =+1

    T)_ g~sekb xwsnk~i~x nnshexn `ou ekhsnoxn ~} wi >+=+

    ]auxeilibehol Gnog X}ohn

    ]isweik id wan oltnilos til~`n rewa o TO

    )_ sowei waow

    o}}siohanx znsi+

    Ihh~sx rank wansn ex newans:

    Ekognq~own tnkweloweik

    Ekognq~own cliig dlir

    ]~l`ikosu Tnkweloweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    ]~l`ikosu Snx}ikxnx G~sekb Nqnshexn

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    ]~l`ikosu Snx}ikxnx G~sekb Nqnshexn

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Hao}wns ?8

    Box Nhaokbn okg Wsokx}isw

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Hao}wns Icjnhwetnx

    Egnkwedu wan }osweol }snxx~snx id iubnk okghoscik geiegn ek wan l~kbx, cliig, wexx~nx

    ^kgnsxwokg gnwns`ekokwx id wan gedd~xeik id

    boxnx ek o dl~eg is oes x}ohn ^kgnsxwokg air iubnk ex wsokx}iswng ek wan


    ^kgnsxwokg air iubnk ex snlnoxng wi wanwexx~nx

    ^kgnsxwokg wan wsokx}isw id hoscik geiegn

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Hikhnkwsoweikx okg ]osweol ]snxx~snx id Snx}esng Boxnx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Hikhnkwsoweikx okg ]osweol ]snxx~snx id Snx}esng Boxnx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    @itn`nkw id Box ek Oes okg Dl~egx

    Anksux Lor

    Boxnx gedd~xn dsi` aeba wi lir }snxx~sn

    @itn`nkw id box ex olxi nddnhwng cu wan xil~celewu id

    wan box

    Hoscik Geiegn: >2+=8 `L }ns gL id dl~eg

    Iubnk: 3+34 `L }ns gL id dl~eg

    Raow ex wan xebkedehokhn id waex geddnsnkhn9

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Box Nqhaokbn ek wan L~kbx okg Wexx~nx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Box Nqhaokbn ek wan L~kbx okg Wexx~nx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Box Nqhaokbn ek wan L~kbx okg Wexx~nx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Ek wan L~kbx: ]I3 ek oltnile { ?== `` Ab

    ]I3 ek }~l`ikosu ho}ellosenx { 7= `` Ab

    Snx~lw: I3

    `itnx ekwi }~l`ikosu ho}ellosenx

    ]HI3 ek }~l`ikosu ho}ellosenx { 74 `` Ab

    Otnsobn oswnseol cliig boxnx nq~ol

    ]I3 ?== `` Ab

    ]HI3 7= `` Ab

    Ek wan Wexx~nx:

    ]snxx~sn bsogenkwx ho~xn gedd~xeik id I3 ekwi okgHI3 i~w id wexx~nx+

    Box Nqhaokbn ek wan L~kbx okg Wexx~nx

    W d I e a Cl g

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Wsokx}isw id I3 ek wan Cliig

    Iubnk ex hosseng cu wan cliig wri roux: ?% ]auxehollu gexxiltng

    =+8 `L }ns gL id cliig

    Gexxiltng I3

    gnwns`eknx ]I3

    id cliig

    3% Hi`cekng rewa an`iblicek

    ?+87 `L }ns bso` id an`iblicek

    Oswnseol I3 hikwnkw 0 I3 }auxehollu gexxiltng & I3 ek Ac

    HoI3 0 =+8 `L I3 gL-? cliig & !?+87 `L I3 b

    -? Ac% !?> b Ac gL-? cliig%

    HoI3 0 3=+7 `L I3 gL-? cliig is 3=+7 til .

    d a l

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Wsokx}isw id I3 ek wan Cliig

    Ed rn aog ki an`iblicek, rn ri~lg knng o

    hosgeoh i~w}~w id ol`ixw ?=== lewnsx)`ek~wn

    !tnsx~x o kis`ol `oe`~` id o}}sie`ownlu

    8= lewnsx)`ek~wn% wi gnletns nki~ba }auxehollu

    gexxiltng iubnk wi x~}}isw aeba sownx id


    d e a l g

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Wsokx}isw id I3 ek wan Cliig

    d e a l g

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Wsokx}isw id I3 ek wan Cliig

    W d I e a Cl g

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Wsokx}isw id I3 ek wan Cliig

    W d I e a Cl g

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Wsokx}isw id I3 ek wan Cliig

    W d I e a Cl g

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    ]I3 ek wan l~kbx: Ac { 51. xow~sowng ~kgns kis`ol hikgeweikx

    Ekhsnoxng ]I3ginxkw ekhsnoxn xow~soweik+

    ]I3 ek wan wexx~nx: Ow snxw

    ]I3 0 7= `` Ab

    Tnki~x cliig hossenx { 2=. id wan I3

    hikwnkw id oswnseol


    Tnki~x cliig hossenx ?> `L I3 }ns gL cliig+

    Wexx~nx aotn nwsohwng > `L I3 }ns gL cliig+

    Wsokx}isw id I3 ek wan Cliig

    W w d I e wa Cl g

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Oswnseitnki~x Iubnk Geddnsnkhn Wan o-tI3 geddnsnkhn xairx wan o`i~kw id I3

    nwsohwng cu wexx~nx+

    G~sekb nnshexn o-tI3 geddnsnkhn ekhsnoxnx ~} wi 8we`nx wan snxwekb tol~n+

    Wsokx}isw id I3 ek wan Cliig

    W w d I e wa Cl g

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Wan Cias Nddnhw

    O xaedw ek wan



    girkrosg okgwi wan sebaw+

    N}loek waex ek

    wan hikwnw id


    Wsokx}isw id I3 ek wan Cliig

    W w d I e wa Cl g

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    @uiblicek, wan @~xhlnx Iqubnk Xwisn @uiblicek ex ok esik-hikwoekekb blic~los }siwnek ek

    xfnlnwol okg hosgeoh `~xhln+

    Xwisnx I3 ekwso`~xh~loslu @uiblicek hikwoekx iklu ? esik owi`+

    I3 ex snlnoxng ow lir ]I3+

    Wsokx}isw id I3 ek wan Cliig

    W w d I e wa Cl g

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Waekfekb _~nxweik: Ginx onsiceh)nkg~sokhn-wu}n nnshexn wsoekekb

    ekhsnoxn wan ocelewu wi wsokx}isw iubnk9

    Ed ki, rau9

    Ed unx, rau9

    Wsokx}isw id I3 ek wan Cliig

    W w d I e wa Cl g

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Wsokx}isw id I3 ek wan Cliig

    H c Ge eg W w

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Hoscik Geiqegn Wsokx}isw

    Hoscik geiegn ex wsokx}iswng wasnn roux: ?% ]auxehollu gexxiltng ek xil~weik

    3% Hi`cekng rewa an`iblicek !hosco`eki

    hi`}i~kgx% 8% Ox }lox`o cehoscikown

    Hoscik Gei egn Wsokx}isw

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Hoscik Geiqegn Wsokx}isw

    Hoscik Geiqegn Wsokx}isw

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    ]auxehollu gexxiltng ek xil~weik { >. HI3 ex wsokx}iswng ox gexxiltng HI3+

    Wan gexxiltng HI3 nxwoclexanx wan ]HI3 id wan cliig+

    Hosco`eki hi`}i~kgx { 3=. ex wsokx}iswng ox hosco`eki hi`}i~kgx

    HI3 snohwx gesnhwlu rewa o`eki ohegx osbekekn okg

    luxekn ek Ac wi dis` hosco`eki hi`}i~kgx+ Aolgokn Nddnhw: Ac ekwnsohweik rewa I3 sng~hnx ewx

    ocelewu wi hi`cekn rewa HI3+

    Waex oegx ek snlnoxekb HI3 ek wan l~kbx+

    Hoscik Geiqegn Wsokx}isw

    Hoscik Geiqegn Wsokx}isw

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Ox }lox`o cehoscikown { 2> wi 1=. id hoscik geiegn ex wsokx}iswng ox


    Hoscik Geiqegn Wsokx}isw

    -88333 AHIAHIAIAHI

    Hoscik Geiqegn Wsokx}isw

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Hoscik Geiqegn Wsokx}isw

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Hao}wns ?7

    Guko`ehx id ]~l`ikosu Tnkweloweik

    Hao}wns Icjnhwetnx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Hao}wns Icjnhwetnx

    ^kgnsxwokg wan hikwsil id tnkweloweik ciwa owsnxw okg g~sekb nnshexn

    ^kgnsxwokg wan lekf cnwrnnk tnkweloweik okgwan ekwnkxewu is hikxnq~nkhnx id nnshexn

    ^kgnsxwokg wan lekf cnwrnnk lohweh oheg}sig~hweik okg tnkweloweik g~sekb nnshexn

    Cn ocln wi gexh~xx wan hikhn}w id tnkweloweik ox

    o le`ew !is kiw o le`ew% wi onsiceh nnshexn}nsdis`okhn

    ^kgnsxwokg wan lekf cnwrnnk tnkweloweik okgoheg-coxn colokhn

    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

    Hi`}ln `nhaokex`x ogj~xw sown okg gn}wa idcsnowaekb ek snx}ikxn wi `nwocileh knngx+

    Kn~sol hesh~ewx snlou ekdis`oweik+

    Snhn}wisx ek tosei~x wexx~nx `ikewis }A, ]HI3,]I3, okg wn`}nsow~sn+

    Aebans csoek hnkwnsx !`ng~llo%


    Han`isnhn}wisx !oisweh, hosiweg, }nse}ansol%

    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Kn~sol Hikwsil

    Wan Hnkwsol Hikwsillns !Csoek% Tnkwsol, lownsol `ng~llo !csoek%

    Bnknsownx ok ixhellowisu, snx}esowisu-lefn sauwa`

    Xe wu}nx id kn~sikx !wasnn ekx}esoweik, wasnn n}esoweik%

    Xebkol ex }oxxng teo wan x}ekol hisg wi `iwis knstnx hikwsillekb wan snx}esowisu

    `~xh~low~sn Xebkol ex o~b`nkwng cu xnkxisu dnngcohf


    Kn~sikx ohwetown geo}asob` okg nwnskol ekwnshixwolx


    ]oxxetn: Snhiel id geo}asob` okg nwnskol ekwnshixwolx

    Ohwetn: Ohwetoweik id ekwnskol ekwnshixwolx

    Ekwnbsoweik id Xebkolx

    Oddnsnkw xebkolx snlouekb nhaokehol okg han`ehol ekdis`oweik

    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    A~`isol Dohwisx Ow snxw, han`ehol xwown id cliig nnswx wan bsnownxw

    hikwsil id }~l`ikosu tnkweloweik

    ]oI3, ]oHI3, }A, wn`}nsow~sn

    ]lox`o ]I3 okg ]nse}ansol Han`isnhn}wisx

    Haokbnx ek ]I3 osn }se`oselu xnkxng cu }nse}ansol

    han`isnhn}wisx !KIW snx}esowisu hnkwns ek csoek% Hosiweg okg oisweh cigenx

    Rau osn wan lihoweik id wanxn e`}iswokw9

    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    A~`isol Dohwisx !hikwg% ]lox`o ]HI3 okg A

    & Hikhnkwsoweik !}A%

    Ow snxw, HI3 }snxx~sn ek oswnseol }lox`o }sitegnx wan `ixw

    e`}iswokw snx}esowisu xwe`~l~x

    Ed ui~ ekhsnoxn ekx}esng HI3 dsi` =+=8. wi =+33., snx}esoweik

    knoslu gi~clnx

    @ilnh~los HI3, ek ewxnld, ginx kiw snollu xwe`~lown

    tnkweloweik, c~w sowans wan haokbnx waow HI3 ho~xnx ek

    cliig ohegewu !}A%+ Rau9

    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

    -88333 AHIAHIAIAHI

    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

    Au}nstnkweloweik okg Csnowa Ailgekb N}nse`nkw (?

    Ow wan nkg id o kis`ol n}esoweik, ailg ui~s csnowa okg

    snhisg wan we`n rank wan ~sbn wi csnowan ho~xnx


    N}nse`nkw (3

    Au}nstnkwelown dis ?> xnhikgx, okg wank ailg ui~s csnowa

    ow wan nkg id ok n}esoweik+ Snhisg wan we`n rank wan

    ~sbn wi csnowan ho~xnx ekx}esoweik

    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Tnkwelowisu Hikwsil

    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

    Han`ehol Hikwsil Geln``o: Haokbnx ek ]I3 is ]HI3 hokkiw nkwesnlu

    ohhi~kw dis haokbnx ek tnkweloweik icxnstng g~sekb


    ]~l`ikosu tnkweloweik g~sekb lebaw okg `ignsown

    ekwnkxewu nnshexn ex hlixnlu hi~}lng wi `nwocilex` !e+n+ ok

    ekhsnoxn ek iubnk hikx~`}weik !TI3% okg hoscik geiegn

    }sig~hweik !THI3%%+

    G~sekb xwsnk~i~x nnshexn, ekhsnoxn ek ]HI3 okg gnhsnoxn

    ek }A }sitegn o xwe`~l~x wi tnkweloweik

    C~w, wan au}nstnkweloweik rell gnhsnoxn ]HI3 okg wa~x sng~hn

    wan tnkwelowisu xwe`~l~x !c~w waex ictei~xlu ginxkw ao}}nk%

    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Kikhan`ehol Hikwsil Wan so}eg ekhsnoxn ek tnkweloweik waow ex icxnstng ow

    wan xwosw id nnshexn okg wan so}eg gnhsnoxn waow ex

    icxnstng ow wan hnxxoweik id nnshexn ihh~sx cndisn

    oku x~cxwokweol han`ehol haokbnx hi~lg wofn }lohn+

    Kn~sibnkeh Dohwisx

    Hiswehil ekdl~nkhn Okwehe}owisu snx}ikxn !Hnkwsol Hi``okg%

    ]nse}ansol ekdl~nkhn

    Lihol `nhaokisnhn}wis okg han`isnhn}wis oddnsnkw dnngcohf

    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Ekwnbsowng Snb~loweik

    G~sekb nnshexn ]aoxn E !cnbekkekb id nnshexn%: Kn~sibnkeh xwe`~le dsi` hiswn

    ekhsnoxn snx}esoweik+

    ]aoxn EE: Odwns oci~w 3= xnhikgx, TN sexnx n}iknkweollu wisnoha xwnogu xwown+

    Hnkwsol hi``okg

    ]nse}ansol han`isnhn}wisx

    ]aoxn EEE: Dekn w~kekb id xwnogu-xwown tnkweloweik wasi~ba}nse}ansol xnkxisu dnngcohf `nhaokex`x

    G~sekb snhitnsu

    Ok ocs~}w gnhlekn ek tnkweloweik sndlnhwx sn`itol id hnkwsol

    hi``okg okg ek}~w dsi` snhn}wisx ek ohwetn `~xhln

    Xlirns snhitnsu }aoxn dsi` bsog~ol `nwocileh, han`ehol, okg

    wans`ol ogj~xw`nkwx

    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    X~``osu: Wan ]se`osu Xwe`~l~x dis Nnshexn Au}ns}kno

    Hoscik geiegn dlir wi wan l~kbx

    Xwsikb hissnloweik cnwrnnk TO okg THI3 g~sekb nnshexn

    Dnngcohf dsi` risfekb lihi`iwis `~xhlnx

    Hnkwsol hi``okg

    Okwehe}owisu `nhaokex`x waow ihh~sx cndisn wansn hi~lg cn oku

    x~cxwokweol oddnsnkw, xnkxisu dnngcohf

    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik G~sekb Nqnshexn

    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik - X~``osu

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Snb~loweik id Tnkweloweik X~``osu

    Tnkweloweik okg Nknsbu Gn`okgx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Tnkweloweik okg Nknsbu Gn`okgx

    Nnshexn }lohnx wan `ixw }sidi~kg }auxeilibehxwsnxx ik wan snx}esowisu xuxwn`+

    Biol: Ekhsnoxn oltnilos tnkweloweik ek isgns wi

    `oekwoek wan }si}ns box hikhnkwsoweikx wi dohelewown

    so}eg box nhaokbn

    Tnkweloweik ek Xwnogu-Sown Nnshexn

    G~sekb lebaw wi `ignsown nnshexn

    Tnkweloweik ekhsnoxnx leknoslu rewa I3 hikx~`}weik okg

    HI3 }sig~hweik

    @ixw webawlu lekfng wi THI3

    Tnkweloweik okg Nknsbu Gn`okgx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Tnkweloweik ek Kik-Xwnogu-Sown Nnshexn TN sexnx xaos}lu okg wan tnkwelowisu nq~etolnkw sexnx

    ox aeba ox 8> 7= L id oes }ns lewns id iubnk+

    Tnkwelowisu Wasnxailg !TW%

    Wan }iekw ow raeha }~l`ikosu tnkweloweik ekhsnoxnx

    gex}si}isweikownlu rewa iubnk hikx~`}weik g~sekb o

    bsogng nnshexn wnxw

    Tnkweloweik okg Nknsbu Gn`okgx

    A& & AHI8- A3HI8 A3I & HI3

    Lohweh Oheg Lohwown-&


    Tnkweloweik okg Nknsbu Gn`okgx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Tnkweloweik okg Nknsbu Gn`okgx

    Tnkweloweik okg Nknsbu Gn`okgx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Ikxnw id Cliig Lohwown Ohh~`~loweik !ICLO% Lohwown wasnxailg

    Gnxhsecnx aebanxw I3 hikx~`}weik id nnshexn ekwnkxewu

    rewa lnxx waok o ?-`@ }ns lewns ekhsnoxn ek cliig lohwown

    ocitn snxwekb lntnl

    ICLO xebkedenx rank cliig lohwown xairx o xuxwn`eh

    ekhsnoxn nq~ol wi 7+= `@+

    Tnkweloweik okg Nknsbu Gn`okgx

    Tnkweloweik okg Nknsbu Gn`okgx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Tnkweloweik okg Nknsbu Gn`okgx

    Tnkweloweik okg Nknsbu Gn`okgx

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    n w ow i o g n bu n o gx

    Nknsbu Hixwx id Csnowaekb

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    bu d b

    Ow snxw okg g~sekb lebaw nnshexn, wan I3 hixw id

    csnowaekb ex x`oll+ G~sekb `oe`ol nnshexn, wan snx}esowisu `~xhlnx

    snq~esn o xebkedehokw }isweik id wiwol cliig dlir !~} wi


    Ginx Tnkweloweik Le`ew Onsiceh ]irns okg Nkg~sokhn9

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Anolwau ekgeteg~olx itns csnowan ow aebanslntnlx id I3 hikx~`}weik+

    Ow `o nnshexn, wansn ~x~ollu ex o csnowaekb

    snxnstn+ Tnkweloweik ek anolwau ekgeteg~olx ex kiw wan

    le`ewekb dohwis ek nnshexn+

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Oheg-Coxn Snb~loweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)



    Oheg-Coxn Snb~loweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    C~ddnsekb Snohweikx wi `eke`ezn haokbnx ek }A !A&


    Ohegx gexxiheown ek xil~weik okg snlnoxn A&+

    Coxnx ohhn}w A& wi dis` IA eikx+

    C~ddnsx `eke`ezn haokbnx ek }A+

    Olfolixex ekhsnoxnx }A+

    Ohegixex gnhsnoxnx }A+

    Wasnn `nhaokex`x anl} snb~lown ekwnskol }A+

    Han`ehol c~ddnsx

    ]~l`ikosu tnkweloweik

    Snkol d~khweik


    Oheg-Coxn Snb~loweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Han`ehol C~ddnsx Han`ehol c~ddnsx hikxexw id o rnof oheg okg wan xolw id

    waow oheg+

    Cehoscikown c~ddnsx 0 rnof oheg, hoscikeh oheg, xolw id

    wan oheg, okg xige~` cehoscikown

    Cehoscikown C~ddnsx

    Snx~lw id ohegixex

    A3I & HI3 A3HI8 A& & AHI8

    Snx~lw id olfolixex

    A3I & HI3 A3HI8 A& & AHI8


    Oheg-Coxn Snb~loweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)


    Cehoscikown C~ddnsx !hikwg%

    Ohegixex rell xwe`~lown tnkweloweik ek isgns wi nle`ekown nqhnxxhoscik geiegn

    Olfolixex rell ekaecew tnkweloweik ek isgns wi snwoek hoscik geiegnokg ekhsnoxn !is kis`olezn }A%

    ]aix}aown C~ddnsx

    ]aix}aiseh oheg okg xige~` }aix}aown Ohw xe`eloslu wi cehoscikown c~ddnsx c~w ek wan fegknu w~c~lnx

    ]siwnek C~ddns An`iblicek: A& & Ac- AAc

    Tnkwelowisu C~ddns A& gesnhwlu xwe`~lownx tnkweloweik

    Air rell waex ekhsnoxn }A9

    Snkol C~ddns @isn likb-wns` gndnkxn+ Fegknu xnhsnweik id A&


    Oheg-Coxn Snb~loweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)



    Snx}esowisu Ohegixex)Olfolixex

    A3I & HI

    3 A


    8 A& & AHI


    Oheg-Coxn Snb~loweik

  • 7/30/2019 HPHE 6710: Section 01 - Pulmonary System (Chapters 12, 13, 14)



    @nwocileh Ohegixex)Olfolixex