Page 1: How’s your thyroid? must be Fat-Free, no oils or fatty foods allowed. 6.If using body lotion, use HCG friendly lotions

Have you ever wondered about your Thyroid? The majority of our patients have symptoms of low thyroid, but say they have had their levels checked and they were “ok”. Frustrated with not feeling well, they plod through life knowing “something” is just not right.

When I consult with patients, one of the first things I do is evaluate thyroid symptoms and labs. When thoroughly investigated, I find levels to be either low

or imbalanced, in other words, sub-optimal. In school, I was trained to only act on labs if they were “out of the normal range”. Since then, I have found labs can be “in range” but in the wrong part of the range. In fact, 95% of Americans are in the “normal range” but very few Americans are in the “optimal” part of the normal range.

When patients complain they have several of these symptoms, I suggest getting the following labs. Most doctors will not automatically order these exact labs unless you specifically ask for them. If indicated,I may also request additional labs to determine auto-immune thyroid problems.

• Free T-3, also called triiodothyronine Free serum (the best measure of ACTIVE thyroid hormone)• Free T-4, also called thyroxine Free serum direct (measures PRECURSOR thyroid hormone)• TSH or Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (measures how much thyroid hormone the brain/pituitary is demanding)

By understanding how the body regulates, produces and activates thyroid hormone, I then try to help patients optimize individual thyroid levels and ultimately, how they feel. Sometimes, over the counter supplements/vitamins may be all that is needed. Iodine, zinc, tyrosine, and selenium are common deficiencies. Other times, we see lifestyle and drug interactions inhibiting thyroid function. More often, however, prescription thyroid hormone or an adjustment to an existing thyroid prescription is required.

The process of choosing the correct thyroid replacement medication is challenging. In school, doctors and pharmacists were taught to think of only one (1) medication when replacing thyroid hormone. As I learned more about the thyroid gland, thyroid hormones, the balance between the different thyroid hormones, and the multiple factors affecting this physiology, I realized there is no “one size

This Issue: How’s Your Thyroid | 21 Day Weight Losss | PCOS and Metabolic Syndrome | HCG Weight Loss

Issue 3 Volume 1 • August 2011 - October 2011

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How’s your thyroid?

Written byJim Hrncir, RPh

1. By law, homeopathic HCG contains NO HCG whatsoever, therefore any weight loss will be due to the restriction of calories, with resultant production of starvation mode, loss of muscle, and inevitable rebound weight gain.

2.Homeopathic HCG does not mean “natural HCG” or HCG that is “good for you”. It means that any HCG is diluted to the point where no drug exists. To quote from “The original substance is diluted repeatedly, and vigorously shaken with each dilution. The homeopathic doctor will choose a proper remedy by following a special rule of nature called the Law of Similars. This law states that “like cures like”. While homeopathy is a well respected form of medicine that is backed by scientific research and proven efficacy, Homeopathic HCG is a scam and is actually being used against the “Law of Similars”

3.Homeopathic HCG, if used properly by a homeopathic doctor, would be used to treat someone who is LOSING TOO MUCH WEIGHT. If you are taking Homeopathic HCG to lose weight, be informed and warned that it could make you gain weight, if it does anything at all, and any weight loss is due solely to calorie restriction.

Prescription HCG facts:1. Daily dose 125-250 units/day given by injection or nasal spray.2. Duration of therapy 21-40 days – or 35lbs loss3.If second round needed, best to wait 6 weeks before initiating.4.Usual weight loss – 0.8-1.0 lb/fat per day5.Diet must be Fat-Free, no oils or fatty foods allowed.6.If using body lotion, use HCG friendly lotions (contain no oils or fats). We compound several advanced formulations for both body and face.7.Must continue 500 calorie/day diet for 2 days beyond final HCG dose.8.Each time you cheat equals 3 day setback in weight loss.9.No massages during diet10.No diet sodas, avoid Equal and Splenda (this one applies to everybody, diet or not – artificial sweeteners cause too much insulin release!!)11. Important to avoid simple carbohydrates for 4-6 weeks after conclusion of HCG dosing, otherwise quick weight gain may ensue. Avoid sugar/deserts, bread, pasta, potatoes, white rice, chips, crackers, corn, and excessive alcohol during this post-diet readjustment period.12. Do not try to continue the 500 calorie/day no fat diet beyond the second day after the final HCG dose.13. Many Doctors suggest a stair-step approach to increasing calories over the first 10 days of the Post HCG program (from 500 calories/ day to 1200-1500 calories/day)14. This post program time frame is crucially important as the body resets its metabolic rates and body weight set point.

We recommend the Las Colinas Pharmacy 21 Day Purification program as a perfect post HCG diet eating plan. Ask one of ourstaff for more information.

The HCG diet has been around since the 1950’s, but in the last 2 years, more patients have used the program to lose weight than in the previous 60 years combined. Let’s review some of the facts and myths associated with this revolutionary weight loss program. The most common comment is regarding the low calorie / no fat aspect of the program. I’ve heard many people comment that anyone would lose weight

on a 500 calorie diet. This is not true. Our bodies are incredibly efficient machines. During times of severe caloric restriction, the body will go into “starvation mode”, metabolism slows and fat stores are maintained at the expense of burning up muscle tissue (the heart is one of the largest muscles in the body). Proper doses and dosage forms of prescription HCG stimulate lipolysis (the breakdown of fat), creating up to 2000 calories per day of energy, therefore preventing the body from entering “starvation mode.” Therefore, the body is actually operating on 2000 calories + 500 calories (total 2,500 calories) per day. The most effective dosage forms of HCG are the injections and the nasal spray. Oral drops and topical creams have absorption issues and should be used as alast resort.

Why you should NEVER useHomeopathic HCG

Homeopathic HCG is sold via the internet and elsewhere at a lower cost and claims to be a safer alternative to prescription HCG. Being experts in hormonal applications, we feel anyone selling Homeopathic HCG must be either radically mis-informed or completely devoid of ethics. Negative aspects of Homeopathic HCG include:

Written byDennis Burke, R.Ph.

• Decreased memory & concentration

• Puffy eyes and swollen or hooded eyelids

• Headaches

• Depression

• Muscle weakness

• Low blood pressure

• Fluid retention

• Diff iculty swallowing Hoarseness

• Weight gain

• Fatigue or sluggishness

• Low basal body temperature Cold hands and feet

• Intolerance to cold

• Dry skin

• Scalp hair loss

• Hair loss-outside of eyebrows

• Weak or ridged nails

Symptoms ofLOW THYROID include:

The Real Skinny on HCG Diet

Page 2: How’s your thyroid? must be Fat-Free, no oils or fatty foods allowed. 6.If using body lotion, use HCG friendly lotions

Metabol ic SyndromeThe number-one health problem in the United States is Metabolic Syndrome, also known as Syndrome X, Insulin

Resistance, and Pre-Diabetes. The resulting medical problems include an increased risk of developing adult-onset diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Individuals with the highest risk of having Metabolic Syndrome include those who are overweight, born with a genetic predisposition, have an endocrine or hormone disorder such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), are at an advanced age, have a sedentary lifestyle, or have a lot of long-term stress in their life.

These signs alone are not enough to conclude that you have Metabolic Syndrome. Blood tests should be done at your doctor’s office to make a final determination. If you suspect you may be developing or already have Metabolic Syndrome, we at Las Colinas Pharmacy can invaluable in helping you to minimize or reverse this dangerous medical condition. Call us today!

Written byThomas BarberIntern University of Texas

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fits all” medication for patients who need thyroid help. Through compounding, we now have thousands of formulations available that can be customized for specific patient requirements.

If you feel you may have thyroid issues, consult with one of our pharmacists and we can help steer you to more optimal health!

Weight LossWhy is it so hard to lose weight? We as pharmacists are hearing this question increasingly more often. The reason it is so hard to lose weight is that there are a multitude of factors that affect our weight and there is no simple answer to how one can effectively lose weight. Why? Well, the answer is often different foreach person.

Now that we know what can cause weight gain, let ’s d iscuss what we can do to reverse the pattern.

• Reduce stress! Sometimes we cannot control our situation but we can control how we respond to it.

• Food allergy testing available through Las Colinas Pharmacy

• Neurotransmitter testing available through Las Colinas Pharmacy

• Exercise: improves insulin sensitivity, aids in increasing metabolic rate, helps fat loss while maintaining lean muscle

• Detox program- Las Colinas Pharmacy 21 Day Detoxification and Weight Loss Program

• Education about the latest in food choices and eating style that encourages weight loss- talk to Debbie the nutritionist at Las Colinas Pharmacy

• Hormone testing – Las Colinas Pharmacy provides in-depth consultation for hormone balance

• Genetic testing: this is a pricey option but does give you tons of good information such as what kind of exercise is most beneficial for you, what kind of diet you would benefit most from, what nutritional deficiencies your genotype tends to have, and what foods you are prone to be sensitive to. Available through Las Colinas Pharmacy

• Supplements:

a. CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)- naturally occurring fatty acid; improves insulin sensitivity

b. L-carnitine- an amino acid; aids in converting stored body fat into energy

c. Alpha-lipoic acid- an antioxidant; improves insulin sensitivity

d. Thyroid support supplement- often contain selenium and other ingredients to help the body make more thyroid hormone and to aid the conversion of thyroid hormone into its active for more efficiently

Keep in mind that weight loss is not based solely on the number of calories you eat! Feel free to ask one of our Pharmacists for further information!

Written byLexi Gill Pharm D

PCOSPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex female disorder which is very misunderstood. The name comes from the fact that most women with this condition produce cysts along the outer edge of each ovary. The syndrome can be devastating during the reproductive years and women need to be informed as to the cause, symptoms, and risk factors associated with the condition.

The symptoms include insulin resistance, scalp hair loss, increased hair on the

face, arms, and legs, increased acne and skin ruddiness, increased musculature, weight gain- especially around the middle, decreased fertility, increased miscarriages, irregular periods and edema. Since PCOS patients have multiple follicles (egg sacks) developing without eggs (which give the ovary the “cystic” look), many of the symptoms are due to corresponding hormonal imbalances.

Diagnosis is usually made by a detailed history, physical exam, laboratory markers as well as sonogram. In the early stages, we look for insulin/glucose imbalance which leads to insulin resistance. Traditional medical treatments are multifaceted. Oral contraceptives are used for improving menstrual symptoms and improving menstrual regulation. Another hormone commonly prescribed to alleviate menstrual symptoms is synthetic progestin. The use of birth control pills and synthetic progstins have been shown to increase risk for breast cancer, stroke, blood clots and stroke.

At Las Colinas Pharmacy, we can compound Progesterone which is biologically identical to human hormone to help with menstrual regularity. Bio-Identical Progesterone has been shown to decrease risks of breast cancer, and blood vessel disease. Spironolactone is sometimes used for decreasing the symptoms of acne, facial hair overgrowth, and scalp hair loss. Compounded creams can also be used to inhibit unwanted facial hair. Metformin can be prescribed to combat insulin resistance associated with PCOS.

Non-traditional or natural medicine remedies are just as important to PCOS management as traditional medical management. Nutritional counseling, nutritional supplements, endocrine support, regular exercise and body detoxification are the pillars for natural medicine management. Some remedies include Cinnamon, Lipoic Acid, Chromium, and Gymnema which decrease glucose and insulin resistance. Fenugreek slows carbohydrate absorption which stabilizes blood sugar. Saw palmetto helps decrease unwanted facial hair by interfering with androgen accumulation.

At Las Colinas Pharmacy we offer our exclusive 21 Day Detoxification, Purification, and Weight Loss Program. This program is perfect for women with PCOS because it decreases body weight, detoxifies the body including harmful hormone metabolites, and teaches the nutritional eating style to overcome insulin resistance.

Signs/Symptoms of metabolicsyndrome include:

• Keeping or gaining fat around the middle/stomach area

• Having an apple or pear-like body shape

• Difficulty losing weight

• Sleep apnea

• High blood pressure

• High cholesterol and/or triglycerides

• Darkening of the skin around the armpits

• Depression

• Fatigue

• Heart palpitations

• Hormonal disorders- both Male and Female

Some of the factors that can contr ibute to weight gain include:

Stress• Many people eat more food when they are stressed

• When one is stressed, the body is in a constant state of “emergency” and therefore thinks that it needs to store each bite of food in case it does not get fed for a week

Food allergies• people often crave foods they are allergic to

• top four foods that cause allergies are wheat, dairy, soy and eggs

Neurotransmitter imbalance• Depression, stress, anxiety, insomnia can all be signs of an imbalance in neurotransmitters and can all affect weight

Lack of exercise• Exercise builds muscles which are the basis of metabolism

• Exercise stimulates the body’s basal metabolic rate

Toxin build up• Body must be able to detoxify itself in order to lose weight

Mis-information about Healthy Eating

Hormones (including thyroid)• Insulin resistance- increase in insulin increase fat accumulation

• Thyroid hormones- modulate carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism and body temperature

• Female hormones- imbalances in female hormones can affect weight

• Male hormones- decline in testosterone can affect weight

Written byDave Bonfessuto,RPh, DC, RN, MSN, FNP-C

So if you have been diagnosed with PCOS or have symptoms of PCOS, consult with your primary health care provider for an examination. We also strongly urge you to schedule a consultation at Las Colinas Pharmacy so we can help you control or reverse this threatening health condition.