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How You Can Choose a Supplement that is Right for Your Herd and Your Bottom Line

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Thanks to advances in research in breeding and nutrition, New Zealand livestock

farmers have an overwhelming number of choices for feeding and supplementation

of their animals. The diversity of terrain in New Zealand allows for varied livestock

to thrive in a farmed situation. From cattle and goats for dairy, pigs, sheep, cows,

goats and deer for meat to llama, alpaca, angora and sheep for fibre, there is a herd

for every landscape.

With the abundance of information out there, you are always presented with “new”

and “improved” methods and products. The bottom line, while economy enters the

equation, balances delicately on the health and well-being of the individual herd

and their thriving over time and in all conditions.

You have staggering variables based on requirements for optimum health.

What are your grazing patterns, lactation requirements and

environmental factors?

Are you raising meat, dairy or fibre?

What are the current regulations and recommendations regarding

waste and gases produced by herds?

There are more and more decisions all the time. Your best ally is a proven,

sustainable, programme of fertilisation and supplementation through a company

with decades of a proven track record.

Basic and Not-So-Basic

Many of the nutrients needed in animal supplements have proven to be critical to

healthy deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

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Increasing research points to the importance of this double-helix foundation of life.

It is present in every cell and has to adapt and respond to every environmental and

physical variable an organism experiences. This foundational building-block, when

supported with nutrition, hydration and essential vitamins and minerals, provides

a resilient immune system and a strong constitution for livestock.

New Zealand is a relatively new land with areas of rich, volcanic soils which can

support lush plant life. Other areas are more suited to sheep and goats. For

centuries, farmers could rely on all the nutrients needed to be present in the soil,

available to the plants upon which the animals grazed. Macro and micro nutrients

were bio-available and easily ingested… when conditions were optimum.

Volcanic soils are rich, but an ash layer can cause a deficiency in some nutrients.

Even though there were more available nutrients present, they still had to contend

with low levels of rainfall to the point of drought, excess rainfall which leached

nutrients in runoff, which could change the profitability year to year.

Even now, when farmers are conscientious in application of fertilisers and

irrigation, the best, most efficient method of ensuring ingestion of required

vitamins and minerals is to add them to the supplemental feeds.

The minerals required for healthy stock are defined as Macro nutrients and Micro

nutrients, depending on the amount needed. There have been numerous

supplements developed by large, corporate agribusinesses. They can seem

economical at first glance, but upon closer scrutiny, are you getting complete,

usable, digestible, absorbable forms of the nutrients? Are they present in the

correct percentages? How are the products developed and manufactured? How are

they broken down and returned to the ecosystem?

If you wish to live in a world where natural alternatives to the artificial chemicals

that have taken over most mainstream operations are available, it is right here at

your doorstep.

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There are some excellent options ready and waiting for you, but you first have to

know what the problem is and how to spot the solution. In this special report, you’ll

learn the most important things to watch out for when choosing a supplement for

your livestock, without biting into profit along the way to returning to a naturally

healthy state.

Macro Nutrients

Some of these macro nutrients will sound very familiar as we all need them to

thrive. Bone-building, metabolism-enhancing, muscle toning, vigour-generating

minerals are needed, and needed consistently in quantity. The first one of these is

Calcium which is used in the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth. It also

functions in transmission of nerve impulses and contraction of muscle tissue.

Optimal availability involves calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D working together

to maintain a relatively stable concentration of calcium in the blood. Calcium and

phosphorus are stored in bone and mobilized into the circulatory system when

dietary intake of the two minerals is adequate. Measurement of calcium in the

blood is not a good indicator of dietary intake of this critical mineral as it includes

amounts that have come from the bones as well. As mentioned, Phosphorous is the

second macro nutrient.

Phosphorus works in conjunction with calcium in the formation of bone. In

addition, phosphorus is a component of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the

molecules that make up chromosomes and control genetic inheritance. Phosphorus

is also involved in the chemical reactions of energy metabolism.

Phosphorus-containing compounds are the body's major storage depots of readily

available energy.

Worldwide, phosphorus deficiency is reported to be the most prevalent mineral

insufficiency in grazing livestock.

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A lack of phosphorus results in decreased animal performance, including reduced

weight gains, poor reproductive efficiency, and low milk production. When these

nutrients are out of balance, dangerous health conditions can occur. When

supplementing for nutrients, these two are considered in conjunction with each

other to maintain that balance.

Magnesium acts as an activator for many metabolic enzymes. The enzymes control

reactions such as the breakdown of glucose for energy and the replication of DNA,

which is necessary for cell division. The most common problem associated with

magnesium deficiency is a condition known as grass tetany. It is most obvious in

the early spring when grass tetany results from the consumption of lush forage,

which has low levels of magnesium.

The lack of magnesium appears to result from the high water content of rapidly

growing plants. Symptoms include frequent urination, erratic behaviour and

convulsions. If left untreated, death can occur within several hours. Magnesium is a

mineral where balance, especially with potassium, is critical. The supplement you

use should accommodate this balance.

Since we are discussing the macro nutrients, this is where the requirement for

sodium and chlorine enters the scene. It is commonly expressed as a salt

requirement - NaCl = Sodium Chloride. Both sodium and chlorine function to

maintain the volume, pH and the availability of minerals dissolved in body fluids.

Everyone is familiar with the need for salt during physical activity and exertion.

Just as we must maintain correct levels of salt, so must animals. They instinctively

know this and seek it out wherever they can find it.

Sodium is involved in muscle and nerve function. Chlorine is essential for

hydrochloric acid production and for carbon dioxide transport. This combination is

a critical element in the delivery of magnesium for optimal function.

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Sodium chloride is frequently offered in the form of a block, or “lick” in the pasture.

This can be problematic as some animals will over indulge and mineral levels can

become out of balance. Cattle deficient in salt often eat dirt, manure, and urine in

an attempt to satisfy their appetite for salt. This condition, known as pica, can be

easily corrected with salt supplementation in correct amounts.

Potassium is ubiquitous in the bodies of mammals because it is required in large

amounts by most organ systems for normal functioning. A deficiency of potassium

results in nonspecific symptoms such as poor appetite, followed by thinness,

reduced performance, and stiffness, especially in the joints of the front legs.

Potassium is leached from pastures, especially in winter conditions and

supplementing potassium in balance with magnesium will keep your herds in

prime condition.

Sulphur is present in protein, certain vitamins (thiamine and biotin), enzymes and

other compounds. This is another mineral which must exist in careful balance.

Excessive sulphur interferes with the metabolism of selenium, copper,

molybdenum and thiamine (Vitamin B1). Sulphur deficiency symptoms include

decreased feed intake, unthrifty appearance, dullness of the hair coat and hair loss.

Feeds that are high in sulphur include water, molasses, beet pulp, cruciferous

plants, and corn-distilling by-products such as corn gluten feed. Prevention of

excess sulphur intake requires that both feed and water be tested for total sulphur

content. Between the volcanos of the North Island and the fault lines of the South,

sulphur and other minerals can be present in higher amounts in the ground water

than in other countries. All factors are taken into consideration when formulating

supplements for this unique environment. A supplier who understands all these

factors is essential as a partner in your operation.

These are the macro nutrients which must be in balance and will be present in

forage and feed to varying degrees depending on environment, climate, depletion

and seasonal changes.

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Micro Nutrients

The micro nutrients include iron, which aids in oxygen delivery to tissues and is

required along with enzymes involved in energy metabolism and maintaining a

correct body temperature. Another micronutrient is zinc which plays a role with

enzymes in testosterone, insulin and adrenal systems. Manganese deficiency will

cause bone and joint weakness in young animals as well as reduced birth rates and

increased occurrence of birth defects and stillborn young in older animals.

Molybdenum is involved in assimilation and utilization of copper.

As with the macro nutrients, phosphorous and calcium, copper and molybdenum

must be in correct balance to avoid overall weakness caused by copper deficiency

from dull hair and coat to low birth rates, poor bone health and even sudden death.

Cobalt is the micronutrient necessary for production of vitamin B12 in the gut of

grazing animals. Selenium is critical in micro quantities to avoid rear-leg weakness

and buckling, immune suppression, retained placentas and white muscle disease.

Boron is needed for joint health.

New Zealand terrain can make herd grazing a challenge. Volcanic ash of the central

North Island may be well-stocked in Selenium, but seriously deficient in cobalt. The

soils on the west coast of the North Island, still volcanic in origin, are more in need

of phosphorous application. Whether you are raising sheep in the south or fat cattle

in the north, the most efficient way to insure proper diet for your herd is a

combination of natural, organic fertilisers and supplements in readily bio-available

form. The concept to keep in mind is “complete.” Nothing exists in seclusion.

Macro and micro nutrients, animal waste, fertiliser, feed and supplement

production, transportation, packaging and delivery are all part of the big picture.

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Feed supplements are an entire market unto themselves. A search of the internet

will provide endless studies, data, graphs, recommendations and information, and

that’s just for New Zealand. Your eyes can glaze over after five minutes. Many

brands have found ways to formulate isolated blends for specific nutrients, causing

a “need” for farmers to purchase more and more of their products. There is broad

agreement on the nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed for living organisms,

whether flora or fauna.

When considering the available information, keep some questions in mind:

What is the source of the nutrients?

What is the vehicle for delivery?

Which will metabolize best, optimising absorption?

There are as many forms and carriers for supplements as there are nutrients. Salt

blocks, glutens, grains, legumes, and the list continues. Keep in mind that at their

best, most efficient functioning, physical systems work when all the elements

operate together. The advantage of a formulation derived from the ocean is that

many of the elements are already dissolved and available. They can be

administered easily to dairy and beef cattle, deer, sheep, goats, even working dogs.

When everything is in balance, your animals will have immune systems which will

take them through stressful periods including drought, cold, breeding, and more.

Once a proven programme is in place, you will see a vigour you can bank on.

Growth and muscle tone, milk production, ample coats, all benefit from a complete


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Avoid Artificial Fillers

Many feed supplements contain vehicles for delivery which can include fillers.

Fillers are just that.

Be aware that the composition of fillers is not required to be

listed on packaging.

The only bottom lines that fillers boost are those of the companies who make them.

When you look at your bottom line, why would you factor in fillers? Some fillers can

actually bind with nutrients, keeping them from metabolizing efficiently.

In current times with climactic change, much has been studied about the

production of waste and waste gases from herds and farms in general. By providing

the animals with the highest quality feed supplement, there is less waste and

management of wastes which have less impact on pastures, environment and profit


The Bottom Line

As you can see, synthetic, bulky supplements may seem like an easy, quick fix, but

in the long run, an organic basedprogrammeof animal nutrition is the way to

healthy, resilient, renewable grazing herd. Delivery and storage and sustainable

packaging are easily handled with materials with no chemical contamination.

Megimmune by Plasma Biotec Solutions comprises a complete range for all your


Cu Red – extra copper – Cu is the chemical symbol for copper and Cu

Red is specially formulated for livestock farmers whose livestock is

suffering from copper deficiencies.

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If your livestock coats are lacking in lustre and your stock isn’t thriving

as well as you know they should be, this might be ideal for you.

Newborn – perfect for dairy and beef calves, lambs and very popular

also for in-lamb ewes and

Pro Pig – makes a big difference to fat pigs, breeding sows, growing


Multistock is just that - all your stock. It includes dosage information

for all stock at all stages and is formulated to be effective at a larger

dose for any animal under stress of calving, inducing, transporting, or

other trauma.

Your healthiest herd is composed of individuals with a strong constitution and

immune system which will withstand the ups and downs of unpredictable

variations in the New Zealand year. With peace of mind once the programme is in

place, you can focus on breeding, milking, raising, shearing and marketing your

outstanding product, known around the world for quality and consistency.

Plasma Biotec Solutions provides that foundation for a complete diet for your

animals, and will also be here to answer all your questions and concerns over the

years. An organic based, naturally derived programme is the healthiest and most

economical to bring your best stock to market. They say “you are what you eat” and,

as farmers and breeders are acutely aware, this is true of our livestock too.

Give your herd the best blend possible and watch them flourish when youjoin

thousands of New Zealand farmers already using Plasma Biotec Solutions Plant

Plasma fertilisers and Megimmune Multistock.

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Do get in touch – we’re waiting to share our experience with you with no-obligation

farm visits and trial samples. Give us a call on 0800 PLASMA (0800 752 762) for

your no-obligation free farm advice visit

With kind regards


Kath Burdett

Managing Director

Plasma Biotec Solutions

PS Give us a call on 0800 PLASMA (0800 752 762) for your no-obligation free farm advice visit Contact Us:

Call Kath Burdett: 09 634 0142 Call Bruce Pearce: 027 499 7232 Call Neil Harre: 021 190 1963

Free Phone on 0800 PLASMA (0800 752 762) or Local Number (09) 634 0142

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Plasma Biotec Solutions, 316 Neilson St, Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand
