Page 1: How to take care of your dog

Dog’s are great pets,all they want for return is someone taking good care of them and being nice to them.Dogs can even be your buddy,you can bring them out to play, walk or even swim with them and lots of other fun activities that you can do with them.There are also different types of dogs example,poodle,golden retriever,Chihuahua,Labrador, Husky and lots more.

You just bought a new puppy and you are about to play with it,but before you do that let your puppy know it’s new home it is staying and give it some time to get use to it’s new environment.It might be frightened and scared at first, so give your puppy some time to know the new house it is staying so the dog will feel more secure and safe soon.Every 2-3 hours let your dog to go to the toilet. Your dog will need a warm and cozy place to rest or sleep at night like us.The dogs can’t afford cold or wet places to sleep the impact is they will start to get a cold or have a fever.

Always have a fresh bowl of water for your dog,normally dogs drink 2-5 cups of water each day, but it mostly depends what type of dog you have. Give 3-4 meals of dog food to your puppy each day and give treats for your dog when it is good and listening to you.You can give them a small piece of bread or fruit 2 times a month if you want to,but never give them chocolate because it’s poisonous for dogs.If your dogs coughs or feels different from his self, immediately bring it to the vet, Other wise the sickness will get worse and worse. Bring your dog to the vet for a check up every 6 months.Also, bring your dog out to walk if you have time, but it would be better if you bring your dog to walk everyday.

Once your dog is use to it’s new environment/place it is staying, start to train it. There are lots of ways to train your dog,like call when come,teach your dog to sit and lots more. One thing very important is that you need patience. To call your dog to come, you will need a packet of dog treat, a peaceful area,dogs toy and your dogs attention. First of all, you will need to say a simple sound or your dogs name then give your dog a treat every time you say it. After a few times,trick them by throwing a toy and call the sound or name back. The next step is, play hide and seek with your dog, in this game there will need to be two people and your dog.First, hide somewhere simple and your’e dog wouldn’t see where you are then,the other person will just guide your dog.When you are hiding, say the sound/name.Once your dog found you, give your puppy a treat.

How to take care of your dog

Kathy Tse 5D

Page 2: How to take care of your dog

On a Blissful day, get your bag and go to exercise and spend time with your puppy, your puppy will be over the moon and exhilarated too. There are lots of different ways to spend time with your dog, you can spend time with your dog by, waking with it, chase,fetch, swim, bring it out to a dog park,hide and seek and massage it’s tummy.A dogs favourite game in the whole wide world is that they love to play chase.For swimming, bring your dog into the water and get in the water to.If your dog is scared and trying to get out of the water throw it’s favourite toy in the water and there is a chance that your puppy will swim.If not, don’t force your puppy and maybe try it again after a few weeks.Other than that, you can play it’s favourite game in the world chase, in order to do that, call your puppies name and start running with it.If you don’t want your pet to be lost, bring a leash with you. You can also massage your dog anytime you want, Your dog will appreciate it.

Dogs are awesome pets to take care of they are always your buddy They \need a lot of care from the owner in order to make the dog always healthy. To make a dog over the moon and joyful,spend time with it,train it, give it treats and of course play it's favourite game chaise. It will be happy everyday and there is less chance that it will be sad. Remember to not shout at the dog,be patience while training it and keep loving and learning about your pet,and your dog will spend many happy years together with you.