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Visit for a gout attack relieve secret and a cure for gout!

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Why You Can Cure Gout at Home

Page 3: How to reduce uric acid in the blood - 5 best free natural gout remedies

You can cure gout completely with a

healthy lifestyle which involves

proper nutrition, supplementation,

exercising and some herbal


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And thousands of gout sufferers are

learning about simple ways to flush

uric acid (the cause of gout) and

permanently treat gout.

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Stop Taking Pain Killer and Start

Flushing Uric Acid

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Did you know that thousands of

people each year will cause more

harm to their gout joint by taking

pain killers?

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Pain killers only mask the pain.

Though you may think your

symptoms are gone; you are only

damaging the affected joint by

ignoring the pain.

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Natural gout remedies work by

flushing uric acid. As you probably

know, gout is caused when uric

acid is improperly flushed and

forms into uric acid crystals.

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Fortunately, your body is very

miraculous. Your body can

naturally treat this painful

ailment if given the right tools.

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There are about 50+ natural ways to

reverse gout symptoms and

eventually cure it altogether.

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5 Free Gout Remedy Tips

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1. The first tip would be to drink

plenty of water each day. Drinking

water will help flush uric acid out

of your body, thus eliminating the


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You should try to drink at least 16

ounces of water every 2 hours you

are awake. It would also be helpful

to drink water with a pH greater

than 7.

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2. You can also mix baking soda

with your water to help neutralize

the uric acid in your body. This

baking soda remedy will actually

do numerous things to benefit your

gout symptoms.

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Drinking an 8 ounce glass of

water with one-half teaspoon of

baking soda can also help you

excrete uric acid quicker. Try this

remedy every day.

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3. You may also wish to try herbal

therapy. One great herb that is

commonly used for gout pain is


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Alfalfa is an excellent choice to help

neutralize high uric acid levels.

In addition to its high source of

mineral and nutrients, alfalfa has

been shown to help dramatically

reduce uric acid.

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4. You may also wish to try certain

vitamins. For instance, vitamin C

(also called ascorbic acid) lowers

levels of uric acid.

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It is commonly used for

maintenance as well as during an

acute attack. During an attack you

should try 1000 mg per hour.

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5. Lastly, you should also consider a

new diet plan that is free of

purines. Purines are converted in

the body to uric acid. And uric acid

causes gout.

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By eliminating certain foods, you

can be sure to reverse gout in

days. Stay away from red meats,

sea food, beans, lentils, peas, and


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You can download the gout remedy report that can help your and give you a Detailed step-by- step guide to natural gout remedy to cure your gout in 2 hours or less.

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