Page 1: How to manage more than one social media site for your online business

How to Manage More Than One Social Media Site for Your Online Business

Many, Many, Many More

When you were a kid, you maybe followed your dad to the garage, asking him what each tool in

his tool does. If you were an electric guitar player, you might have spent hours in the guitar

shop, testing out every amplifier and pedal to see what fantastic, psychedelic sounds you could

come up with. If you were at an amusement park, no doubt your kids took you on every ride

they could to get as many thrills as possible—whether you wanted to or not.

In life, there are so many options and mechanisms one has to learn in order to use them

correctly for whatever function at any one time. Be it for pleasure or work, everything has a

reason for being. It’s up to the individual to find out that purpose.

If you haven’t already noticed, the Internet is full of certain programs and web sites supposedly

geared toward business use. In fact, there are so many, that a lot of independent digital

business pros go crazy trying to figure out each one and how to use it correctly. Even in the

case of social media, a lot of business pros come to that difficult crossroads, trying to decide

which ones to use for the best business success possible.

With so many social media web sites, a business pro should know what to look for in each one,

which ones can be the most helpful for business, and which ones are worth using for more

casual purposes. Even with so many, the aforementioned guidelines can make the lives of

today’s professionals that much easier in the arena of social media and marketing.

More or Less Formal

Social media web sites do have a distinction between those that are for more formal, business-

oriented usage and others that are for more casual use within the public sphere. You might

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have noticed this with messages in your e-mail inbox asking you to join a particular network. But

at that point, you should think about which ones you should register for and how to use them

thereafter for the best outcome for your business.

The more business-oriented social media sites are the ones that you use to network between

colleagues and associates, past or present. LinkedIn, one of the most popular professional

social media sites out there, is a prime example. This social media site boasts job postings,

updates about business improvement strategies, and industry-related updates. If you register on

a professional social media site like this, keep matters as formal as possible. Include information

about you and/or your business, what services you offer, and where you can be reached. Here,

keeping information as formal as possible will help you network with business professionals like

yourself, and it’s always good to keep an eye out for your own industry-related small business

social media sites—new ones spring up all the time and are worth joining.

On the other hand, more casual social media sites like Facebook or Twitter are also worth

registering with. Through these sites, you have the ability to have a more fun, informal

interaction with the public online; you can operate things, like a social media blog, or offer more

imaginative promotions to those that join up with your account. Obviously, some discretion must

be used here, and you should stick to business—stay away from the gossip or shop talk that

your friends engage in on the same web site. But don’t be afraid to have fun here. Social media

is meant to be used as a positive networking tool.

Dividing It Up

A good trick for social media and marketing strategies is to have a social media management

plan at hand. If you register your business on more than one social media web site, come up

with a schedule on when to update them and with what specific content for each one. In a way,

having more than one social media web site means you get to spread your professional

knowledge and personal sense of fun over a diverse array of digital forums. Splitting up your

social media strategies, can be both fun and challenging.

small business social media, social media and marketing, social media blog, social media management, social media web sites.
