
How to make a Fairy Tale Book report Power Point

How to make a Fairy Tale Book report Power PointOak Grove Fine Arts Academy Fourth GradeStep OneFind a Fairy Tale BookRead your bookComplete the Fairy Tale Book Report Form your received from Mrs. Shackelford

Step two, Your book Report will have 7-8 slidesSlide 1 Book Title, Author , Illustrator, and the country of origin if you can find it.Slide 2 Good and Evil ( Bad) Characters.Slide 3 Describe the setting.Slide 4 Fairy tale elements. List things that happen in 3s or 7s.Slide 5 Problem or conflict.Slide 6 How was the problem solved and how did the fairytale end.Slide 7- What was the magic element in the story?Slide 8 How do you rate your book:

Step 3and 4Design your Power Point.Clean up the mess and check your grammar.4Step 6Present your Power Point,An example The 3 little pigs out smart the big bad wolf