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Page 1: How to introduce a friend

Voiced & Compiled byNageswar Rao. A Teacher of English


Page 2: How to introduce a friend

To day in our lesson, let us learn how introduce our new friend to others.

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Rohit, I don’t think you’ve met Rashmi!

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Oh! No! by the way , I’m Rohit, a student Sri Prakash. How do you do?

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I am Rashmi newly joined in Sri Prakash. How do you do?

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Please let me know about your hobbies.

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Reading books and playing chess.

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Oh! That’s great. I too have the same hobbies. Since our hobbies match we may become good friends.

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All three of us exchange our books and get more benefit from the sharing of knowledge.

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We too play chess together and hone our skills.

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• We must introduce our

common friends to our new friends.

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• We say, “How do you do?” when we

see someone whom we see for

the first time. The answer for “How

do you do?” is “How do you do?”


Page 13: How to introduce a friend

• When we introduce

ourselves to others we should tell

about our hobbies as our hobbies

highlight about our character.

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