Page 1: How to Improve Reading Comprehension

How To Improve Reading Comprehension[99/07/07]

Standardized tests -- TOEFL, GMAT, and GRE -- all have sections on Reading Comprehension that

challenge Japanese. The best way to prepare for Reading Comprehension tests is to take a course that

emphasizes patterns and strategies. By knowing the patterns that are repeated in passages that test

Reading Comprehension, by learning how to read rapidly, and by following the strategies and techniques

that Interface covers in its test preparation courses, you are certain to improve your reading ability and your

test results.

Aside from the study of test materials provided in a course on Reading Comprehension, there are some

practical ways to improve your Reading Ability. The most commonly known way is to read good English

language magazines and newspapers. For advanced English language readers, the most outstanding

English language newspaper in the world is the International Herald Tribune, which is compact and

dedicated to the reporting of international news. News magazines such as Newsweek, Business Week and

Time are also excellent sources for reading material.

The more you read, and study vocabulary, the more you will improve your reading ability, necessary not

only to score high on standardized tests but also to prepare yourself for your ultimate goal: to succeed in

doing well in school. You will be shocked to discover that you are expected to read hundreds of pages of

English each week in school! The time to begin preparing for such a work load is not during the summer

before you begin your studies but now!

Here is a great way to improve both your reading ability but to develop several other skills that are important

to do well on standardized tests.We recommend that you do this exercise as often as you can -- daily if


1. Open up your Internet browser and go to one of these two sites:



"" is the net version of CNN news, which many of you may watch on cable TV. If you like,

you can even customize the CNN news page so that it brings you the kind of articles that most

interest you! "" is dedicated to coverage of science and has articles that

cover many topics tested in GMAT reading passages on science. Both these sites are free.

2. Open up one of the sites, choose a feature article, and read it at your fastest reading pace.

3. After reading the article once, download it if you have a printer, so that you have a hard copy of the


4. Immediately close the file and open up your word processing application.

5. Type a brief summary of the article that you read, without looking at the hard copy. Use the writing

approach that Interface teaches in its TWE and AWA writing courses.

6. Now take the hard copy of the article and read the article again more slowly, paying attention to

the main points and the supporting detail.

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7. Compare the summary of the article that you read with your understanding after reading the article

the second time.

8. Study any unknown vocabulary.

This exercise in reading develops many important skills to help you reach your test score targets:

First :

it develops Reading Comprehension Ability.

Second :

it develops your ability to read on the computer, which is harder than reading text in hard copy


Third :

it develops Writing Ability.

Fourth :

it develops Word Processing, or Typing Ability.

Fifth :

it develops facility in using a computer. Knowing how to manipulate the mouse quickly can save

seconds in completely a test, seconds that add up and save precious time.

Sixth :

it develops Concentration Ability.

Try this exercise. You will find it very helpful. And please let us know whether you found it as useful as have

many of our students in the past, students presently enrolled in leading graduate programs.
