Page 1: How to Give Your Preschooler the Needed Time and Yet Keep Your Cool

How to Give Your Preschooler the Needed Time & Yet Keep Your Cool

Parents love their kids, but then there are times when children can drive them mad. As a

parent it is our responsibility to keep the students engaged and interested in various

activities, so, that they don’t throw tantrums, talk back, etc. Dealing with stubborn children

can be tiresome and exasperating for parent’s as well preschool educators. Nevertheless, if

they can keep a cool head, they can step by step turn the child's approach into something

that is more positive and helpful.

Speak softly: Children become even more

obstinate if you yell at them. Your tone is

everything. It gives out exactly what mood

you’re in. Kids can very easily sense the raise

in voice and will understand what you want out

of them, thus avoid being sarcastic. Your

children adore you, and any form of unkind words can spoil the parent-child relationship.

Al fresco: Preschoolers are trying to get used to their school environment and if they don’t

like something, they probably find it difficult to express it to you. Don’t be mad at them,

when they are cranky, instead a good tip would be taking them outdoors. Exercising and

getting some fresh air is a great stress buster for all ages. Besides, you could even go for a

stroll, walk the dog together, or play a game that interests your child. The basic idea is to

interact with your little one as frequently as possible.

Room to grow: Sometimes, kids want to be left alone. Preschool educators should

understand this and give the kids some space and not offer any unsolicited advice. Giving

them their personal space from the beginning will help them learn, grow, develop and be

more responsible. Therefore, try not to overdo the advice part as your baby won’t like it, and

grow up to be more stubborn.

Page 2: How to Give Your Preschooler the Needed Time and Yet Keep Your Cool

Sit and talk: Unless you don’t know what is going on with your child,

how will you know why he is cranky and moody? Talk to him and

explain the consequences if he is being rude with you. Keep your

cool. At all times, avoid punishing the child forcefully. Besides, if the

child is punished physically, it will remain with him forever. Now, you

don’t want to be in the bad books of your child, do you? Nevertheless,

if you sort out things, he will thank you later for your support and


So, the next time your child is uncooperative and tests your patience, know that it is

perfectly normal. It could simply be his way of unwinding. All the best!